HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/2014 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 1, 2014 Minutes of the May 1, 2014, Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Chair Lee Strom; Committee Secretary Patrick Sullivan; Committee Members Kanika Gupta, Noel Hammitt, Cindy Hart, Boyd Montgomery, and Brenton Schulz; Parks and Recreation Director Barry Bernstein; Parks Superintendent Tom Adamini; Valleywood Golf Course Manager Jim Zinck; Department Assistant Dorene Perkins Monn; Dakota County Planning Associates John Mertens and Chris Hartso; Dekhockey Representatives Joe Bloom and Brent Marpel; Lynn Hanson of the public. ABSENT: None ITEM 1. Committee Chair Strom called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2. Approval of Agenda Director Bernstein requested the addition of Item 5.G.—Park Tour Date MOTION: by Montgomery, seconded by Sullivan to approve the agenda with the addition of Item 5.G. —Park Tour Date. VOTE: Yes-7, No-0 Audience— 10 Minutes Total Time Limit—For Items Not on the Agenda Chair Strom invited anyone present wishing to bring an item not on the agenda up for discussion to please step forward. No one stepped forward. ITEM 4. Approval of the March 6, 2014, Minutes. MOTION: by Montgomery, seconded by Sullivan to approve the March 6, 2014, meeting minutes as presented. VOTE: Yes—7, No—0 ITEM 5.A. Agenda Items—North Creek Regional Greenway Director Bernstein presented update on the 14 mile North Creek Regional Greenway running MN Zoo to Farmington. This is a Dakota County project. Major portion is planned to traverse through Apple Valley. As plans develop, staff will have project engineers from Dakota County - 1of3 - CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 1, 2014 come before the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to present future plans. Dakota County has applied for Federal Grant funding for an underpass on the proposed 157th Street between Quarry Point Park and Fischer gravel pit. ITEM 5.B. Agenda Items—Dekhockey Proposal Director Bernstein introduced Brant Marpel and Joe Bluhm from Minnesota DekHockey. (Described as a 3 x 3 version of hockey played in tennis shoes on a 100 ft. x 150 ft. sport court surface rink.) Mr. Marpel and Mr. Bluhm are seeking a partnership with the City of Apple Valley to bring DekHockey to the area as the first in Minnesota. They proposed the City provide the space and electrical power, DekHockey will build the rink, build the league, run the league, and provide a mobile pro shop. This item presented as an informational item. Staff will review and provide additional information at a future Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. ITEM 5.C. Agenda Items—Arena Manager Hiring Process Update Director Bernstein presented. Arena Manager Gary Pietig retired April 30th. First round replacement interviews have been conducted, second round interviews scheduled May 9th. ITEM 5.D. Agenda Items—Golf Manager's Update Golf Course Manager Jim Zinck presented an update on the start of the season. Staff reports growth over last year in both the season pass and patron card sales. League participation continues to grow. Off season was busy reorganizing staff, installing a new point-of-sale system, and developing menus. Have developed a number of recurring clients and repeat events. Menus are consumer feedback driven. Pricing margins are at industry standards. Staff presents promotional pricing and specials geared toward golf leagues and when they're playing. Restaurant hours are consistent May through September. ITEM 5.E. Agenda Items—Park Superintendent's Update Park Superintendent Tom Adamini reviewed the list of projects included in the agenda packet. Cobblestone Lake pier has been removed and new installation anticipated for mid-June, restrooms facilities are ready for the season, Kelley Park will be operational when warmer weather arrives, four National certified playground inspectors on staff who conduct three full playground inspections per year, equipment has been converted from winter use to summer use, etc. Superintendent Adamini complimented the current Parks crew on skill levels, capability and compatibility. ITEM 5.F. Agenda Items—Recreation Superintendent's Update - 2of3 - CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 1, 2014 Recreation Superintendent Scott Breuer presented a synopsis of recreation activities. About 21,000 copies of the summer brochure are mailed to residents. Adult softball started last week, approx. 97 teams in the leagues, reflects an increase of 11 from last year. Approx. 60 spring league indoor volleyball teams play at the Apple Valley Community Center. Winter session hosted 135 womens and co-rec adult volleyball leagues. Earth Day picnic scheduled May 10th for the City's Adopt-A-Park volunteers. Aquatic Center preveiw weekend is scheduled the first weekend in June. Free events include the puppet theater shows, playground program, Music in Kelley Park, and Freedom Days. ITEM 5.G. Agenda Items—Park Tour Date MOTION: by Schulz, seconded by Sullivan, changing the Thursday, July 31, 2014 meeting date to Wednesday, July 30, 2014. VOTE: Yes—7, No—0 ITEM 6. Adjourn There being no further business, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting was adjourned. MOTION: by Sullivan, seconded by Hammill, to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m. VOTE: Yes-7, No-0 Respectfully Submitted, Donate Peer t4 Vow: Dorene Perkins Monn, Dept. Assistant Approved by the Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee September 4, 2014. - 3of3 -