HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/04/2014 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 4,2014 Minutes of the September 4, 2014, Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Chair Lee Strom; Committee Secretary Patrick Sullivan; Committee Members, Noel Hammill, Cindy Hart, and Brenton Schulz; Parks and Recreation Director Barry Bernstein; Recreation Superintendent Scott Breuer; Department Assistant Dorene Perkins Monn. ABSENT: Kanika Gupta and Boyd Montgomery ITEM 1. Committee Chair Strom called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2. Approval of Agenda Director Bernstein requested the addition of Agenda Item—County Road 42 Dakota County Project. MOTION: by Sullivan, seconded by Hammill to approve the agenda with the addition of Item 5.H. Agenda Item—County Road 42 Dakota County Project meeting notices. VOTE: Yes—5, No—0 Audience— 10 Minutes Total Time Limit—For Items Not on the Agenda No one present ITEM 4. Approval of the May 2014 Minutes. MOTION: by Sullivan, seconded by Hammill to approve the May 1, 2014, meeting minutes as presented. VOTE: Yes—5, No—0 ITEM 5.A. Agenda Items—Great River Greening Event Director Bernstein presented information on the Great River Greening Event happening in Alimagnet Park on Saturday, September 27, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Great River Greening will be utilizing approximately 150 volunteers to remove invasive plant species from the park and replacing them with wildflowers. The City of Apple Valley has received a$60,000 Great River Greening grant to be used toward this three-year re-establishment project. - 1of3 - CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 4, 2014 ITEM 5.B. Agenda Items —Embry Place Development Director Bernstein presented Dakota County's GIS map of Embry Place Development, located south of Lebanon Hills Cemetery for Committee information. Staff recommended accepting park dedication cash in lieu of land in this development. Discussion regarded how park dedication cash is used, park distance standards—park located within 1/2 mile of each home and how that's changing, size of a neighborhood park, and other larger parks in the area. MOTION: by Sullivan, seconded by Schulz, recommending City Council accept cash in lieu of park dedication land within the Embry Place Development. DISCUSSION: The question was asked whether park dedication cash be ear-marked to a specific park. Response was, historically, park dedication cash has gone to a collective park dedication fund to be used on City parks in general. VOTE: Yes—5, No —0 ITEM 5.C. Agenda Items —North Creek Greenway This item was presented as in informational update. The North Creek Greenway will eventually run between Minnesota Zoological Gardens and Farmington. Director Bernstein presented illustrated concepts of the northern section being used by Dakota County seeking requests for proposal. Included in the agenda packet were depictions of the Minnesota Zoo Trail & CSAH 38 pedestrian bridge. Staff believes the trail will be an asset to the City. ITEM 5.D. Agenda Items — North Moeller Park— 136'" Street Trail Director Bernstein presented Dakota County's GIS map of the North Moeller Park— 136th Street trail area for Committee information. Director Bernstein met with a resident in the area regarding weed/grass control around the two large rocks located along the north/south pathway. The hillside erosion in the area will be addressed by eliminating the hillside mowing, planting natural grasses, and allowing the area to return to a more natural state. ITEM 5.E. Agenda Items— Belmont Park Pond Director Bernstein presented Dakota County's GIS map of Belmont Park Pond area for Committee information. Parks Maintenance crews have removed some of the overgrowth around the pond and opened the area visually from Belmont Road to the tennis court and playground across the pond. - 2of3 - CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 4,2014 ITEM 5.F. Agenda Items—Legion Field—verbal update Director Bernstein updated the Committee on progress of the Johnny Cake Ridge Road Legion Field pressbox relocation project. Building move is set for late September or early October. In addition to Norlyn Smith's $50,000 donation toward the project, the American Legion has donated $10,000, as well as an additional $3,000 for a sign for the project. ITEM 5.G. Agenda Items—Cobblestone South Park—verbal update Staff continues to work with Traditions Development in completing this park. Play equipment features have been selected and staff is awaiting the outcome of a potential 50% match grant from the play equipment manufacturer. The basketball court has been installed. The park is a developer led project. It's anticipated by this time next year the park will be completed. ITEM 5.H. Agenda Item—County Road 42 Dakota County Project meeting notices. Two upcoming community meetings: • Monday, September 22, 2014, a community meeting will be held to discuss County Road 42 interchange/potential removal of stop lights along County Road 42 at Elm Drive and at Hayes Road. The meeting will be held at SouthCross Community Church in Burnsville beginning at 5:30 p.m. • Monday, September 29, 2014, a meeting is scheduled to discuss the installation of a trail along the north side of County Road 42 from Burnsville into Apple Valley. The meeting will be held at Redwood Community Center beginning at 5:30 p.m. ITEM 6. Adjourn There being no further business, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting was adjourned. MOTION: by Hart, seconded by Hammill, to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m. VOTE: Yes— 5, No—0 Respectfully Submitted, Vonette Pet&¢ Dorene Perkins Monn, Dept. Assistant Approved by the Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee November 6, 2014. - 3of3 -