HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/2014 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 2,2014 Minutes of the January 2, 2014, Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Chair Lee Strom; Committee Secretary Patrick Sullivan; Committee Members Kanika Gupta, Noel Hammill, and Brenton Schulz; Parks and Recreation Director Barry Bernstein; Parks Superintendent Tom Adamini; Depai talent Assistant Dorene Perkins Monn; six members of the public. ABSENT: Cindy Hart ITEM 1. Committee Chair Strom called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2. Approval of Agenda MOTION: by Schulz, seconded by Hammill to approve the agenda as presented. VOTE: Yes— 5, No—0 Audience— 10 Minutes Total Time Limit—For Items Not on the Agenda Chair Strom invited anyone present wishing to bring an item not on the agenda up for discussion to please step forward. No one stepped forward. ITEM 4. Approval of the November 14, 2013, Minutes. MOTION: by Sullivan, seconded by Hammill, to approve the November 14, 2013, meeting minutes as presented. VOTE: Yes—5, No—0 ITEM 5.A. Agenda Items—Introduction of Kanika Gupta as Youth Representative Chair Strom made the introduction and issued a welcome to Ms. Gupta. ITEM 5.B. Agenda Items—Legion Field Bleacher Renovation Update Director Bernstein presented history and an update of the project. The City has received a $50,000 donation from a resident's estate and will pursue improvements to the Legion Field baseball field bleachers in late summer/early fall. Commander Nelson of the Apple Valley - 1of3 - CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 2, 2014 American Legion has provided a letter offering an additional $10,000 toward the project. Staff will convene a bleacher design committee to provide information for Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee's review. ITEM 5.C. Agenda Items—Cobblestone Lake Basketball Court Director Bernstein reminded the Committee of the information presented at the November Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting regarding the Cobblestone Lake South Park design. The original park plan with a parking lot vs. the updated park plan without the parking lot, but with a half-court basketball court, was presented. Staff received a letter from Traditions Development stating that if the location of the basketball court is to change within the park, it causes issues for Pulte Homes and Traditions Development as people bought homes with it in its current location. Staff recommended keeping the half-court basketball court in its present location as approved within the park plan. MOTION: by Sullivan, seconded by Schulz, to keep the half-court basketball court in its present location as approved within the park plan. VOTE: Yes — 5, No — 0 ITEM 5.D. Agenda Items — Cobblestone Lake Pier Parks Superintendent presented the history of mitigation work that has been done since the City received a Stantek engineering report regarding the pier structure. The City has up to $45,000 allocated to install a floating dock/pier. Staff recommended holding a neighborhood meeting to discuss options relating to the pier. The Committee and Staff agreed to host a neighborhood meeting Thursday, January 30, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss options relating to the pier. Location to be detenuined. ITEM 5.E. Agenda Items — 2013 Year-End Report Director Bernstein presented a draft copy of the Parks and Recreation Department's 2013 year- end report and requested the Committee review and provide feedback. Discussion included inclusion or not of financials, temperature readings, etc. details. The report is to be presented at an upcoming City Council meeting. ITEM 5.F. Agenda Items—2014 Goals - 2of3 - CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 2, 2014 Director Bernstein reviewed the Parks and Recreation Department's 2014 proposed goals. The Committee was invited to provide comments. Annually, a work session is held with City Council, Administration, and Dept. Staff to review the goals. ITEM 6. Adjourn There being no further business, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting was adjourned. MOTION: by Sullivan, seconded by Hammill, to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 p.m. VOTE: Yes—5, No—0 Respectfully Submitted, Vone to Peitieeta 7 Dorene Perkins Monn, Dept. Assistant Approved by the Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee March 6, 2014. - 3of3 -