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03/09/2023 Meeting
:.L ••••• Meeting Location: Municipal Center Apple 7100 147th Street West Valley Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 March 9, 2023 CITY COUNCIL INFORMAL MEETING TENTATIVE DISCUSSION ITEMS 5:30 PM 1. Council Discussion Items (10 min.) 2. Discuss Pavement Management Program Policy and Future Improvement Projects (45 min.) 3. Discuss 2023-2027 Capital Improvements Program (20 min.) 4. Adjourn CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TENTATIVE AGENDA 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order and Pledge 2. Approve Agenda 3. Audience - 10 Minutes Total Time Limit - For Items NOT on this Agenda 4. Approve Consent Agenda Items Consent Agenda Items are considered routine and will be enacted with a single motion, without discussion, unless a councilmember or citizen requests to have any item separately considered. It will then be moved to the regular agenda for consideration. A. Approve Minutes of February 23, 2023, Regular Meeting B. Approve State Gambling Exempt Permit for BV United Soccer Club at Johnny Cake Activity Center, 14255 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, on June 24, 2023 C. Receive Parks and Recreation Department 2022 Annual Report D. Receive Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee 2022 Annual Report E. Approve City Council Committee Assignments for 2023 F. Approve Election to Not Waive Monetary Limits on Municipal Tort Liability G. Approve Procedures for Administering Apple Valley Fire Station#2 & Improvements to #1 & #3 Project Change Orders H. Adopt Resolution Approving Application to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for Local Trail Connection Grant I. Approve Reduction of Financial Guarantee J. Adopt Resolution Restricting Parking on Diamond Path(CSAH 33) for Project 2022-128, Dakota County Roundabout at Diamond Path& 140th Street W. K. Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County and City of Rosemount for Project 2022-128, Roundabout at Diamond Path& 140th Street W. L. Adopt Resolution Setting Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on April 13, 2023, to Vacate Scenic Easements Abutting 13969 Duluth Court (Lot 1, Block 1, Hazelwood Estates) M. Adopt Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for Project 2023- 105, 2023 Street Improvements, and Authorizing Advertisement for Receipt of Bids, on April 11, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. N. Adopt Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for Project 2023- 107, 157th Street W. and Hayes Road Street Improvements, and Authorizing Advertisement for Receipt of Bids, on April 11, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. O. Adopt Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for Project 2021- 150, North Creek Greenway Trail Improvements (Orchard Place Gathering Area), and Authorizing Advertisement for Receipt of Bids, on April 11, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. P. Approve Agreement with Pro-Tec Design, Inc., for FS2 - Remodel Camera and Reader - Phase 1 Q. Approve Agreement with Pro-Tec Design, Inc., for FS2 - Card Readers and Cameras R. Approve Agreement with Hallberg Engineering, Inc., for Commissioning Agent for Apple Valley Fire Station#2 & Improvements to #1 & #3 S. Approve Change Order No. 1 to Agreement with Terracon Consultants, Inc., for Special Inspections and Testing Services T. Approve Personnel Report U. Approve Claims and Bills V. Adopt Resolution Approving Application to 2nd District U.S. House of Representative Angie Craig for Federal Community Project Fund FY2024 Appropriation 5. Regular Agenda Items A. Adopt Resolution Appointing Member to Fill Vacancy on the Cemetery Advisory Committee with Term Expiring March 1, 2024 6. Staff and Council Communications 7. Approve Calendar of Upcoming Events 8. Adjourn Regular meetings are broadcast, live, on Charter Communications Cable Channel 180 and on the City's website at www.cityofapplevalley.org • ••• ITEM: 2. ..... .... Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Informal Agenda Item Description: Discuss Pavement Management Program Policy and Future Improvement Projects (45 min.) Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Brandon Anderson, City Engineer Engineering Division ACTION REQUESTED: No formal action is requested at this time. The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the City Council with background information on this subject for future Capital Improvement Program(CIP) planning. SUMMARY: Since 2012, the City has developed and maintained a Pavement Management Program to guide the maintenance and reconstruction of the City street system. This program includes annual field work to monitor the condition rating of city streets. This field data is used, along with a pavement management software program, to forecast the future condition of the street system based on the amount of annual street maintenance and reconstruction. This process allows the City to determine if the overall condition of the street system is expected to change over the next 10 years. The results show the overall condition of street pavement in Apple Valley and provide guidance for developing the Capital Improvement Program(CIP). A variety of methods are used to preserve street pavement and maximize the service life of existing streets. The City uses preservation practices such as overlays, micro surfacing, seal coating, and crack sealing for asphalt pavements. While preservation practices help to significantly extend the service life of pavement, eventually there is a diminishing return on investment. All streets will eventually need to be reconstructed as part of an ongoing maintenance program. A decline is expected as a greater portion of existing streets in Apple Valley are reaching an age that warrants reconstruction. Staff is also evaluating water main, sanitary sewer and storm sewer conditions as the age and condition of the underground utilities are also declining and warranting reconstruction. The City's Pavement Management Plan uses a scale of 0 to 100 to assign an overall condition index (OCI) for each street within the community. In 2020 the method used for rating the condition of roadways was changed which impacted the overall OCI numbers as compared to 2012-2019. The updated method for evaluating the roads is using GPS- referenced digital imaging surveys, compared to only field staff evaluations in the past. It will take a couple of seasons to have a consistent comparison to the methods used. This adjustment factor in the OCI will be reviewed and adjusted as we continue to rate 1/3 of the streets annually. The OCI in 2012 was 73 at the beginning of the program. Taking into account the road maintenance/reconstruction work we have completed, the change in the rating methodology and the aging of our street infrastructure, we are currently at an OCI of 68. Given the age of our community, ratings in the range of 68-73 are reasonable and recommended, and staff is updating the 2023-2027 CIP to best maintain this goal. In addition, we recommend that we continue with full street and utility reconstruction in aging neighborhoods, along with additional pavement preservation, such as mill and overlay and/or micro-surfacing, to help meet this goal. BACKGROUND: On November 30, 2017, City staff informally presented to City Council the Pavement Management and Pipe Condition Maps for CIP Planning as part of the 2018 Budget Discussion. On April 14, 2022, City staff informally presented to City Council the Pavement Management and Pipe Condition Maps for CIP Planning as part of the 2018 Budget Discussion. BUDGET IMPACT: To be determined. ATTACHMENTS: Map Map Presentation Co N 0 N Co N / CD1---\-a___)\ ••• :} Apple q il I- Valley Th A . / , Li I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT �a;2 n PROGRAM i,_ _ • __ c. a _� crc 2023 - 2027 i � � \_____17 :::::::: :::::::T u o `� ,, - `/ 2023 Street Improvement Area Oiri/111 ! �� -Street&Utility(Combined) 0.66 Miles ID_L3 cim _ \j ��\ -Street Mill &Overlay 1.40 Miles De D� — — a �� ��� C2.06 Miles s( 0 cri j �J 2024 Street Improvement Area 4Il cc -Street&Utility(Combined) 1.64 Miles g -Street Mill &Overlay 0.53 Miles Kj1\7___ E:31ou ,� ' z] 2.17 Miles I ) c:--i) t , z:2 --N_, 2025 Street Improvement Area • 7171a—ri,-- I 1 -Street&Utility(Combined) 1.45 Miles 0 � -Street Mill &Overlay 2.38 Miles 3.83 Miles _-7 ��� 2026 Street Improvement Area JL � wacii � -Street&Utility(Combined) 0.84 Miles L 11 -Street Mill &Overlay 1.94 Miles a] DQ �� L__.:v.,1c 2.78 Miles 13 -- \J 2027 Street Improvement Area �j LL.:1 �� -Street&Utility(Combined) 1.66 Miles ,.._:./ � „low IA .�� - -Street Mill &Overlay 1.16 Miles ��� ❑G� �( lE:j � � 2.82 Miles c : a ( \\� I laq ❑ ❑D N II JJ H 11[3 l i is ��,�N.�, L N L `� �� -� - Q L ( IMPROVEMENT TYPE R: V::: :) I!IP Vc7rcv r i i i ip7 5 al -\ 30 ��, �I e TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION F) ==-2)1=2. ,. ....rior.,.7„. 5 V—id: ICE) a) rUll MI.4)--\=\\ I= . 0 0). :6 1 (1.__.—, 0 ui . 3 /°' r'trM` o, �ar� ritEl �\ b& Feet � p41\rigr'ilD=4-t3Er �( J���C0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 .2 L-a UI 1LJ�i LJLJ ���111 Project areas are preliminary and subject 6 to change based on available funding. m .Jrn3e, CO Lake 0 N m cn ••• -i Apple _ Valley , ( / lik A, . 44, ' - ow flq‘A "I , ;! CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT .... . ' : 7i1 i is Ft __i 1 la ^ -V PROGRAM ji,, Ito >,._,,,,, ____ IIIP__000, ,,'lc/ ^ jhhh' ' _ I OVERALL CONDITION INDEX (OCI) . illib iipt , �1 2022 OCI RATING )Wal- . o- - - 1.j j \ Range E&EEndi tion i 2020) ____j : i i j / ` 100-90 ic , 5 oil 1 ----7 7\ A 1, A 1 �� L -•i I. n 80 70 GOOD Alimagne. . , �� 1 �Lake '` ille I �: 70 50 FAIR 11 I I 50-40 POOR hic Liii j 1 1- P T c r--i c j �1 40-0 FAILING �S c / 11 ill i _1 7 - 7 G , - J `c is . _®_� ° , p Tirfr• �� 2022,___<__- ANNUAL STREET NETWORK OCI _ ____ c '1 8 - --/ / i I. 1 mr—si �' U 2022 68 i. --3„---> ` I iii, lib j I I ,'1 �r���/ 4 , 2021 67 :( I _! 2020 71 o ^ Irrillitall • 1 2019 74 lik -_. 1 IliPmji_ I& %IN ,________ 2018 72 O II ' ro 2022 lilt In 2020 the method used for rating the condition of the roadway was changed z iar ^ � _� which impacted the overall OCI numbers as compared to 2012-2019. c 1 Elk I\ 41 rtil rill 1 ' #10 I M I i . I j (- a Urjel IIP _ \i< : !...00w'"'Sk i ----1 L-, ___i__. 0 II IT FT1* 1 li 1 r I ° ,60" - i U a 0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 O Feet L N a 3/9/2023 Pavement Management Program Policy and Future Capital Improvement Projects Apple„ March 09, 2023 Valley What is a Pavement Management System? • A Planning tool that is used to model the pavement deterioration from traffic and environmental aging. • Calculates ratings of Pavement called the Overall Condition Index (OCI) now and in the future on a Scale of 0 to 100. Staff Rates the condition of the roadways via field measurements and enters data into Cartegraph Software. (method was updated in 2020 to use digital imaging surveys in lieu of staff data collection which impacted overall ratings) GPS digital imaging surveys will update via field measurements up to 1/3 of the City Streets each year. • Implementation of the Pavement Management System Staff forecasts the upcoming years for pavement management schedule and method for maintenance based on results and past roadway history. Apple Va 1 3/9/2023 Pavement Management Anticipated Schedule • Preservation — Micro Surface (Chip Seal) Streets at 7 - 10 Year Interval • Protects the asphalt surface from oxidation and moisture and extends pavement life • Rehabilitation - Overlay Streets at 15 - 25 years Old OCI 50-70 Mill up portion of existing navPmPnt surface and overlay with new top layer of p vement. r_nd Rehabilitation -Overlay Streets at 25 - 50 years Old OCI 50-70 s Reconstruction— Recon Streets 35 - 50 Years and Older OCI <50 Remove and replace entire pavement section (pavement, aggregate bas and sand subbase) and in some cases the curb and gutter, sidewalk ziid Apple bouIe and Pavement Management Anticipated Schedule Elmshettt NOTE 1 • tt Treahnent Impmremenl doplitat ton - 2nd toparemenl conditlon • of application lessened which means treatment of extension to psrenrens treatment' life is also shatter Qom— ___ _I 4____ I- OCI 70 -100 z Fromm ---Extend-- 0 ,,c .-". r ppair— o - _ - Z O OCI 50 -70 1- z a 2 Poor— w Q p • OCI 0 -50 \15--0,....„...,..0 Very Poor— PAVEMENT LIFE(Years) Apple Va• 2 3/9/2023 Cumulative Miles of Streets Reaching 45-years of Service Life 120.0 - 100.0 N 80.0 N 60.0 _ ' 11111 U11111 as 20.0 1- _ 0 I I.0 n n r ' 1 Year Apple Vake Pavement Management Age Analysis do /'� �ci ilk ..- (/ 'A l I; ,��� TR5EET INVENTORY AGE 9NSLY$15 2 11 Ufa iEEIInre t L Ar o, 33.19 L.,' I��l 1as9 /� 2016-Present 6.0 •� v ��1 16i66 ' - f=Mx `� mip 120 miles of ���111��,� , Streets are I �� f��" �1 — older than 30 years }�. PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM STREET INVENTORY AGE ANALYSIS •� Apple Valley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Apple i Valley 3 3/9/2023 2011 Overall Condition Index (OCI) Ratings QY _ �Fcri _ A�valley Ltip Ii �4►�1t_ ' - [4ay( .F 1�1 C —" /+'a! - 2011 STREET RATINGS , ` .1..` ,)J :uI0N ON 1 — _ _ I f .n POGO VERY GOOD `r i P's ' :',r. 4 . , III - . WO s� 7r ;= �. MDR FAIR c Thr : ,_- M VERY POOR r 1+ ! POOP j lr — MAP FARM c Apple • 2012—2022 Street & Utility Improvements (PAST CIP) 7+ THE "PAST" t& v.,-,t 1 iai,,,-,--, YEAR OF IMPROVEMENT 2012-2022 street Improvements --,�, Irolpp xw, fri E ....0,0 ,_ , , , 1 TYPE OF�^HPReOVEMENT - ' -Mill&Ove.ry } 1NNE. 1 x.• PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AVERAGED 3.4 MILES OF ApPla Valley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY IMPROVEMENT/YEAR Apple ii Van ey 4 3/9/2023 2.022 Overall Condition Index (OCI) Ratings MUOCIRATING,N.,100o E.c<n<L )1ZY I cL J / / 11 8I.70 Good o0 /� r — ]0 s0 Fair . Poor 2021 A' ) ti6u 0 Failing r, - I I (--- I ^I( , Ii1J xI �— ANNUAL STREET NETWORK OCI IJ Network Inspection N 11.6 r—,, _ J I 2022 20:2 se r 202 6] 1 l; 2020 71 2010 ]a i ` �'' ( 2018 72 —2020 1b*. —I_ `7 Current OCI=68 ^ F� �� ` (switched method for --; - -Ul rating in 2020) q}]! PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OVERALL CONDITION INDEX(OCI) APPle Valley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Current Goal is an OCI of 73 Appe Other Conditions Evaluated for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) • Age and Condition of Underground Utilities(Sanitary Sewer and Water main) High Water Main Break Frequency ■ Cast Iron Pipe(CIP)has typically encountered more breaks than Ductile Iron Pipe(DIP)per linear foot. Excess Sanitary Sewer Maintenance(typically occurring in areas where Vitrified Clay Pipe(VCP)was installed.) Storm Sewer availability-condition • Street Maintenance History and OCI Rating Year Constructed,1st&2nd Overlay,Micro Surface,Reconstruct,etc... • Traffic Levels(Collector Roadways vs Residential Streets) • Constructability and Neighborhood Phasing • Safety and Operations Crash History,Traffic Level Changes and Safety • Budget Manage Project Timing Aligning Projects with Resources State Aid Funds for MSA Routes 5 3/9/2023 Sanitary Sewer VCP Pipe Locations along with Water Main Break Data i; Recon .. ti �_ • y� SANITARY SEWER MATERIAL r_.. —VCR(VII ifled OW PIRO T�uI • ,{ 1 PVCIPohm*CflbddA 01.11111. Priority Street& Utility Reconstruction Areas: 41 ,`FtF 1. Clay Pipe (VCP) Sanitary Sewer Areas ;:�� constructed — in 1960—1980 2. Currently there are 50 miles of VCP (200 miles of sanitary total in City) 3. High frequency water main break areas f(F:t PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 4. OCI Ratings<70 (Fair to Failing) Apple ,alley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 5. Streets aged at 40+years Pavement Mana:ement Rehabilitation Streets with 2nd Overlay=77 miles Typically require Full 1 /=Y A Street Reconstruction (Typically No Utility) 409 yr,-,r. VMILL AND OVERLAY FIRST OVERUY —SECOND OVERLAY 111, . 1: of LtL3 ... . , . r.....,,,_ r & Utilit •+ K�' -"1.4., e' Streets with 1st P H:.econu• L 0 `�-i. �r Overlay=36 miles ����� �� ,pal +J Typically require Full �_� _` Ir�I: A Depth Pavement Mill ra ��`� �p� � 5',' � r `�— " and Overlay to l ? e PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE AppleValley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Apple Val ey 6 3/9/2023 "New" Streets that have NOT had maintenance to date Z.- i Preservation (micro surfacing or mill and overlay) planned in the 7-10 year from ° construction timeline NoM,IR.E&�CE,oPa p f Itihl 2024 1'••ter"� I -IH _L ` (2, ) / Do 2226 ® ., PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE APl;ivalley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Apple Future "Apple Streets" Street & Utility Improvements . H i. II, o te .,, r.y NI� Ro TYPE k- it tiE 2023Srnol Area �� till 'N,..WA teeo I s,.s a nrnne. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT l _5treet&Utility ReeonstrueTCn StreetMl&Overlay 1 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2022-2027 IMPROVEMENT AREAS Valley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Apple ii Vali ey 7 3/9/2023 "Apple Streets" 2023—2032 Street& Utility Improvements 2023 Complete Feasibility Study $200,000 2024 Whitney Pond/Drive $2,655,000 2025(1) CR 42 Frontage Roads—Redwood to $4,575,000 147th Street(N&S) 2026(2) 4,981 $6,051,915 2027(3) 4,458 $5,416,470 2028(4) 5,156 $6,264,540 2029(5) 4,415 $5,364,225 2030(6) 4,382 $5,324,130 2031(7) 3,469 $4,214,835 2026-2032 Electric OH to UG $4,000,000 33,861 LF(6.4 miles) $44,066,115 AppVall Funding Chart for Street & Utility Reconstruction Street&Utility Reconstruction Funding&Cost Breakdown for a$6,051,915 Project (Apple Neighborhood Phase) $60,519,1% Street Light $968,30 (Electric Franchise) Sanita $3,036,477,51% Road Improvement Fund(Levy) $968,306,1 Storm Fund •Sanitary Sewer •Watermain •Storm Sewer Road Improvement •Street Light Apple Valley 8 3/9/2023 Total Cost per Linear Foot Street & Utility Reconstruction Street&Utility Improvements Cost/LF $1,200.00 S1,077.24 $1,094.00 $1,000.00 $974.82 $867.81 $800.00 — $602.12 618.99 $600.00 SS70 Rd $641.50 $400.00 I/I III $200.00 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 AppValley 2023—2027 Street & Utility Improvements (Current 5 year CIP) J -,t tl YEAR OF IMPROVEMENT ! ?mernm.Iarndv Improvements nnatl "'gym 1 /\j Mx3.E0E3 Street Improvements uoe o..s.vtl tae3 Mil:. r): ' i'W R.I. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ' -,, I/ 1 �a«ont�prnon E —Mill&overlay 1 M. PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AVERAGE 2.9 MILES OF Apple. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY IMPROVEMENT/YEAR Apple Valley 9 3/9/2023 2028—2032 Street & Utility Improvements (Future CIP Areas) THE 10-YEAR "LOOK AHEAD" YEAR OF IMPROVEMENT ,eLrI /�2032-10325veel ImOrovements \^'F-L k�. P.ex xiUxAly leVrmxael ally xnes ents 202.0275.e Improve u.e3xl.. 1 � -SewIM B�olwlerCmiurml 202020325veet Improvements \(( sv®I xieM lw.xv l zlxTMlln TYPE Re<OnIMPROVEMENT -Mi118 Overlay Jr* Pfjp I Y PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AVERAGE 5.5 MILES OF APPIveIley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY IMPROVEMENT/YEAR App e Va _, Municipal State Aid (MSA)Roadways within Apple Valley idjiAPPLE VALLEY ROADWAYS ROADAY MUNIICIPAL SVTATEiID STREET j COUNTY STATFAID STREET I1P!IPJi ti MN TRUNR HIGHWAY 77 ■�rll�rr` The City of Apple 111111M1111111 Valley has 36 miles ��r��■ of MSA roadways PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MSAS ROADWAYS AppleVelley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Apple Vaiiey 10 3/9/2023 Municipal State Aid Roadways—Overall Condition Index (OCI) —2024 I 2022 OCI RATING 2027 Ranee Condition Pavement ¢n[tPo ti 80-70 Good PO-50 Far LEI i 15 /\,SO.dO Poor I MSAS NETWORK OCI 2022 69 I Oa, L 0 _�M 0_- 0 ., •ft PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MSAS OVERALL CONDITION INDEX(OCI) Appllall Apple CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Current MSA OCI = 69 State Aid Roadway Street Improvements 2023-2027 5-year CIP 2023 157TH Street M&O $650,000 (Cedar Avenue to Galaxie) 2023 Hayes Road Reconstruction $1,700,000 (CR 42 to 140th Street) 4 2024 127th Street Mill and Overlay $950,000 (Cedar to Galaxie) 2025 153rd Street(Central Village-Galaxie) $475,000 2025 Johnny Cake Ridge Road (140th to 147th) $2,000,000 2026 No Local Roadways $0 2027 Ellice Trail Full Reconstruction* $3,000,000 Total Local Roads 2023-2027 CIP $8,775,000 Apple Valley 22 11 3/9/2023 Municipal State Aid Roadway Funding Projections 2023-2027 BEGINNING YEAR AMOUNT $1,300,442 $4,233 $305,993 <$1,627,592> <$2,039,082> ANNUAL ALLOTMENT $1,935,510 $1,935,510 $1,935,510 $1,935,510 $1,935,510 157.Street M&O __--- Cedar Avenue to Galaxie Hayes Road Reconstruction <$1,700,000> (CR 42 to 140v Street) 12Th Street M&O(Cedar to Galaxie) <$950,000> 153r'Street(Central Village—Galaxie) <$475,000> Ring Route Improvements <$400,000> <$400,000> <$400,000> <$400,000> CSAH 33(140°&Conne Roundabout) CSAH 42 Trail(Redwood V CSAH 11(140'h to CSAF Dakota County Cost Share Projects CSAH 33(140th to CSAF for 2023-2027 CIP = $4,106,564 Johnny Cake Ridge Road(140 CSAH 42(Redwood to 1 CSAH 42(Flagstaff to CSAH 31) <$27,000> Ellice Trail Full Reconstruction <$3,000,000> END OF YEAR AMOUNT $4,233 $305,993 <$1,627,592> <$2,039,082> <$3,503,572> AppVelle Future (10 year) CIP 2023—2032 Municipal State Aid Roadways Forecasted NEEDS Street Reconstruction <$15,095,018> Street Mill&Overlays(Full Depth Pavement) <$14,483,228> Micro Surfacing <$3,000,000> Dakota County Cost Share <$6,500,000> 10-year Estimated Construction Needs <$39,078,408> Annual Distribution—Construction ($2,000,000) $20,000,000 Annual Distribution—Maintenance($600,000) $6,000,000 State Aid 10-year Distribution $26,000,000 Apple Total 10-year State Aid <$13,078,408> Valley 12 3/9/2023 Areas with Existing Overhead Electric Lines I Electric Franchise Fees (DEA) currently being used for OH to UG electric bury in neighborhoods for 2023 - 2032 e 3 a o v 0 DAKOTA ELECTRIC OVERHEAD POWER AREAS CITY OVERVIEW Apple vellw CITY OF APPLE VALLEY App e City Assessment Survey City Use 429 Assessme Use 429 Assessments Use 429 Assessments Sanitary/ for Street Projects? iiiii, Water/Storm Burnsville Yes Yes;40%max Yes;40%max No Yes;30%Residentia&70% Yes;30%Residential&70% Eagan Yes Commercial Commercial No Hastings Yes Yes No No Inver Grove Heights Yes Yes;35% Yes;80% No Lakeville Yes Yes;40% No No Mendota Heights Yes Yes;40% Yes;50% No Northfield No,use franchise fees No No No Prior Lake Yes Yes;40% Yes;Flat rate of$1600/REU No Rosemount Yes Yes;35% No No Savage Yes Yes Yes No South St.Paul Yes Yes;20% Yes;20% No West St.Paul Yes Yes;25% Yes;35% No Appl 13 3/9/2023 City Assessment Survey essments for .Projects? .1 Bloomington Yes Yes;25% No—use Franchise Fees No Eden Prairie Yes Yes;40% No—use Franchise Fees Yes Maple Grove Yes Yes;50% No No Plymouth Yes Yes;35% Yes;80% No Blaine Yes Yes;40% ■No No Minnetonka No No No No No-use Franchise St Louis Park Fees No No No Edina* Yes No No No *Until 2022 Edina assessed 100%of Street Reconstruction—In July 2021 the City Council changed the policy to slowly transition from assessments to levy funding over 16 years. Apple Val 2023—2027 Capital Improvement Program MILEAGE ST YEAR IMPROVEMENTTYPE 210 Wee \t .1411e. teel MONS Weft 122Mles STYPE OF IMPROVEMENT =r.nie. l 'TStreet I I 8 Unliry Re<onstrurtion -fleet MII850v my % PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2022-2027 IMPROVEMENT AREAS Apple valley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Apple Vaiiey 14 3/9/2023 2023—2027 Capital Improvement Program with Micro Surfacing • •'r• ... MILEAGE BY YEAR I'IMPROVEMENT TYPE l/I pia Street PAM8 Panay a.sa MN. �5......._.. 2.soMm 2.45.01 improvement Area t .::• ^l pnn NI a vetmy MN. T": , iiii7 . .. ,-.. i a teer maH..aoanay en..03 MIM.seur —��..._ so-aM Mn�a oann MN. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT } &Utility -Street NeconstrucHon Street • = reee Mill&sOverlaY . ....Street Microsurface s'. A 4 i Y PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2022-2027 IMPROVEMENT AREAS Apple ya CITY OF APPLE VALLEY App e Vali l Discussion Apple 30 15 • ITEM: 3. ..... Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Informal Agenda Item Description: Discuss 2023-2027 Capital Improvements Program (20 min.) Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Ron Hedberg, Finance Director Finance Department ACTION REQUESTED: N/A SUMMARY: At the March 9, 2023, City Council informal workshop meeting, Public Works and Engineering staff will present updates on the Pavement and Infrastructure Replacement Program. This portion of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is one of the larger components and it is this updated information on this program that will be incorporated into the final 2023-27 CIP document. Finance will present the financial impacts of the Pavement and Infrastructure Replacement Program along with financial impacts of the other components. BACKGROUND: The City of Apple Valley's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a five-year financial plan for building and maintaining significant municipally owned assets throughout the community. As our community ages, it is important that we systematically plan for and address infrastructure and facility needs. The CIP provides a forecast of funds available for capital projects and identifies major planned capital improvement projects and the estimated costs over the five-year period. The timing of planned improvements are often adjusted to match available funding. There are a number of capital planning elements that come together each year into the CIP. These elements include: the Pavement & Infrastructure Replacement Program, the Facilities Capital Improvement Plan (fire station, police facility and the CMF improvements), the Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Program, the municipal and fire facility building funds, park facilities fund, utility funds as well as individual capital improvements that are incorporated into various funds. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Presentation 3/9/2023 Mir ••• •••• •• • •• •••• •• • Apple .1 Valley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM 2022-2026 3-9-23 1 CIP Discussion Overview of projected property tax impacts Focus on constrained areas Storm water utility Pavement & Infrastructure Replacement (Road Fund) MSA needs exceeding State allocations 2 1 3/9/2023 Areas that come together into CIP : • Pavement & Infrastructure Replacement Fund • Utility Funds • Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund (VERF) • Facility CIP Bonds • Municipal Building Fund • Park Facilities Fund 3 _ 2023-27 CIP Totals $196 million 2023 -27 CIP Totals $196 million Building& (in 1OOO's) Facility Capital Improvements Technology $66,203 / $3,803 0 ° 2% Fleet Vehicles& Equipment $22,538 11% Parks, Street&Utility Playgrounds, Infrastructure Paths, Open Preservation Space $77,408 617,045 39% 9% Ponds, Natural __Resources, and Environment $8,975 5% 4 2 3/9/2023 2023-27 CIP Totals $196 million - Sources Total Sources 2023-27 General Fund $ 30,973,700 VERF Charges to Operating Funds 8,991,590 Future Capital Projects Fund 8,618,000 Bond Issue-CIP 51,000,000 Bond Issue- Park Referendum 21,040,500 TIF Funds 2,900,000 Utility Funds 41,711,400 MSA 17,032,635 Grants/Other Govt's 4,037,800 Other Funds 9,666,760 $ 195,972,385 5 2023-27 CIP — w/o Bond Related Items=$124M Total Sources 2023-27 Bond Related Remainder General Fund $ 30,973,700 $ - $ 30,973,700 VERF Charges to Operating Funds 8,991,590 - 8,991,590 Future Capital Projects Fund 8,618,000 - 8,618,000 Bond Issue-CIP 51,000,000 51,000,000 - Bond Issue- Park Referendum 21,040,500 21,040,500 - TI F Funds 2,900,000 - 2,900,000 Utility Funds 41,711,400 - 41,711,400 MSA 17,032,635 - 17,032,635 Grants/Other Govt's 4,037,800 - 4,037,800 Other Funds 9,666,760 - 9,666,760 $ 195,972,385 $ 72,040,500 $ 123,931,885 6 3 3/9/2023 MIIMEM11111111111111Www.„ - 2023-27 CIP w/o Bond Related = $124 million 2023 -27 CIP w/o Bond Related Totals $124 million (in 1000's) Ponds, Natural Resources, and Environment 8,975 7% Parks, / Playgrounds, Fleet Vehicles& Paths,Open Street&Utility Space Equipment Infrastructure 3,075 22,538 Preservation 3% 18% 77,408 62% Capital Technology_____ 3,803 3% Building& Faci i Improvements 8,132 7% , 7 Property Valuations 8 4 3/9/2023 Property Valuations Property Valuation Increases Have Moderated for `24 9 --- -- _ Total Market Value Increases $380,778,492 $Change in Market Value New Construction Value $72.5M New Construction $308M Appreciation $- $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 Residential &Cabin C / I &Utility — Agricultural Apartments •New Construction-Pay'24(in Millions) a Appreciation'23 to'24(in Millions) 10 5 3/9/2023 ,Ove a Preliminary Tax Capacity - Increases 5.7% Change in Tax Capacity by type (Overall 5.7% increase in'24) 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 0.37„ u Residential&Cabin 3.57°/a 2M■■■■■■ C/I&Utility 9.08% 0.0 Min Agricultural 3.29% 4.9: ���� Apartments 4.92Y 1 Pay'24 New Construction value J Pay'24 MV Appreciation 11 I�— Property Tax Levy Impacts 12 6 3/9/2023 Levy / Tax Impacts • Assumptions: • Base levy (gen. fund) increases 4.5% • 1/2% growth in tax base ( equates "$50m in C/I) • No appreciation in property class values • 2024 Median Valued Home increased at overall avg. , held steady thereafter • Fiscal Disparities unknown • TIF 16 (Uponor) decertifies for pay 2026 (adds — $71,000 in Tax Cap.) TIF 17 (Karamella) decertifies for pay 2027 (adds "$ 88,000) New apartments added in pay 2024 and 2025 (partial values) 13 Levy / Tax Impacts (cont'd) Tax Impacts CIP Facility Bonds- Debt service Constraints in MSA construction amounts, (Receive — $2 million/yr) • Much goes to city share of county roads (avg $650,000/yr) • CIP Programs $17 million of MSA over 5 years Storm water rate impacts Infrastructure replacement and ongoing stormwater system needs Rates: current increase assumption @ 10%, $2.87/ qtr, $0.96/ mo. 14 7 3/9/2023 EstimatedTax Impacts 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Tax Capacity* 0.5%' 65,761,993 77,132,939 80,396,000 80,797,980 81,201,970 81,607,980 New Apartments in process 170,000 Decertified TIF Districts 71,000 88,000' Estimated Year end Tax Cap. '65,761,993 '77,132,939 80,396,000 80,967,980 81,272,970 81,695,980 Tax Capacity-BASE LEVY* 4.5% 18,662,866 19,721,155 20,858,607 21,797,244 22,778,120 23,803,136 Levy Equip Certs(now retired) - - - - - Levy-Road Fund Support 3,801,000 3,971,000 4,360,000 4,670,000 5,000,000 5,200,000 Levy-CIP Bonds-Existing('21/'22) 395,091 894,410 957,732 961,039 960,934 957,469 Levy-CIP BONDS - - 650,000 1,300,000 1,950,000 2,550,000 General Fund-Capital outlay 607,265 733,200 586,400 1,039,000 582,000 1,001,100 VERF Charges-General Fund 1,438,580 1,485,140 1,538,360 1,624,140 1,699,180 1,770,770 Levy Support of Muni-Bldg Funds 204,000 381,000 545,000 700,000 900,000 1,100,000 Tax Capacity Levy* 25,108,802 27,185,905 29,496,099 32,091,423 33,870,234 36,382,474 Tax Capacity Tax rate 38.181% 35.246% 36.689% 39.635% 41.675% 44.534% 15 %MV Estimated Tax Impacts (oeralavg.)r 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Estimated Median Valued Home 0.0% 302,200 352,800 365,500 365,500 365,500 365,500 Homestead MV Exclusion (10,042) (5,488) (4,345) (4,345) (4,345) (4,345) Taxable MV 292,158 347,312 361,155 361,155 361,155 361,155 Tax Capacity of MV Home 0% 2924 3473 3610 3610 3610 3610 Taxes on MV Home/Tax Cap $ 1,116 $ 1,224 $ 1,324 $ 1,431 $ 1,504 $ 1,608 MV Taxes-Park Bonds 48 50 53 54 55 54 $ 1,164 $ 1,274 $ 1,377 $ 1,485 $ 1,559 $ 1,662 incr in tax$on MV home $ 73 $ 110 $ 103 $ 108 $ 74 $ 104 incr tax on MV home 6.68% 9.42% 8.08% 7.83% 4.97% 6.64% Total Levy Increase 4.4% 7.4% 8.5% 16 8 3/9/2023 Utility Fund Impacts 17 Utility Rate Increases Utility Rates Water 5% $3.32 / qtrr $1 .07 /mo Sewer 5% $4.14 / qtr $1 .38 / mo Storm 10% $2.87 / qtr $0.96 /mo Street Lights 5% $.0.33 /qtr $0.11 / mo Total 5.7% $10.66 / qtr $3.55 / mo 18 9 3/9/2023 Water & Sanitary Sewer Fund Water& Sewer Cash Balance Recovers Following Debt Retirement 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Water&Sewer Cash Balance 19 Stormwater Utility Rates • Revenues assume 10% rate increase each year ($ 2.87 /qtr, $0.96 /mo) • Each 10% increase generates $300,000 • Current projection has additional $6,000,000 in cash needs by 2027 Will be negative in 2025 - Options: • Further delay projects • Increase rates beyond 10%/yr • Issue revenue bonds, $8 million needed over next 5 years ($14m over 10 years) 20 10 3/9/2023 torm Water Utility Projects > $300,000 Utility & Facility Improvements Storm Water(Expenses&Cap.Outlay 2023 8,000,000 Exceeding Revenues} Eagle Point (included in '22 bond) $1,150,000 7.000,000 6,000,000 AV 3rd Walnut Ln, Edwood Ln, $ 450,000 5 ,000,000 Vermillion Watershed projects $ 300,000 4,000,000 2024 3,000,000 Whitney Pond expansion (Keller) $ 750,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 Whitney Dr, Gardenview-Redwood $ 400,000 - Farquar Lift/Dominica Way 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Culvert & Dredging $ 600,000 Storm watercapital Outlay Greenleaf 4th Phase 1 $ 550,000 Storm Expenditures(w/o Depr) Vermillion Watershed projects $ 300,000 —Storm Revenues 21 torm" Wate > $300r Utility �Projects ,000 Utility & Facility Improvements 2025 Storm Water Cash Bal Street Sweeper $ 300,000 Cedar/153rd Pond Expansion $ 600,000 4,000,000 City Hall Storm Pond (funded in '22) $ 400,000 2,000,000 Farquar Storm Lift Rehab (ph 2) $2,100,000 - ---- — • � • • � 142nd St (Cedar to Galaxie) $ 550,000 (2,000,000) CR 42 Frontage Roads/Utilities $ 300,000 (4,000,000) Vermillion Watershed projects $ 300,000 (6,000,000) (8,000,000) (10,000,000) NN N N N N N 00 N N M M INNNNNININNNN0000000000 22 11 3/9/2023 tom_ _ torm Water Utility Projects > $300,000 Utility & Facility Improvements Storm Water Cash Bal 2026 Apple Valley Add'n Phase 1 $ 980,000 4,000,000 Holyoke Pond $ 400,000 2,000,000 Priority Pond repair projects $ 300,000 2027 (2,000,000) Ellice Trail $ 500,000 (4,000,000) Apple Valley Add'n Phase 2 $ 867,000 (6,000,000) Fischer Pond Dredging $ 600,000 (0,000,000) (io,000,000) Priority Pond repair projects $ 300,000NN M N Nn N N N N O .en 0000000000 N N N N N N N N N N 23 Pavement & Infrastructure Fund 24 12 3/9/2023 -nf ra s 2023-2027 =$65,926,000 Transfer from FCPF, Other Non-Local, 4,650,000 800,500 Tax Levy, MSA, 17,032,635 23,351,000 i TIF, 2,900,000 _--- 11 Other Local, Water/Sewer Fund, 1,322,000itorm Water Fund, 12,960,900 5,622,300 25 PPIIIIIIIIII.M.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImu— Pavement & Infrastructure Fund -Sources Financial Analysis: Road Improvement Fund(2025) 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Source of Funds Tax Levy-Transfer from General Fund 3,971,000 4,360,000 4,670,000 5,000,000 5,350,000 MSA Maintenance 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 MSA Construction 2,391,000 1,505,000 3,639,235 3,097,400 3,400,000 TIF 1 and TIF 7 2,900,000 - - - Grants or Other Governments share 268,000 292,500 80,000 80,000 80,000 Transfer from(to)FCPF 600,000 1,350,000 1,000,000 600,000 1,100,000 Transfer from(to)other funds 72,000 - - - 100,000 10,802,000 8,107,500 9,989,235 9,377,400 10,630,000 Costs Assigned Directly to Enterprise Funds: Water Utility 822,500 1,350,000 2,275,000 1,080,300 1,567,000 Sewer Utility 578,800 1,490,000 1,550,000 980,300 1,267,000 Storm Water Utility 450,000 1,150,000 1,175,000 1,230,300 1,617,000 Street Light 15,000 215,000 255,000 245,000 415,000 Other Funds 5,000 - - - - Subtotal Enterprise Funds 1,871,300 4,205,000 5,255,000 3,535,900 4,866,000 Total Source of Funds $ 12,673,300 $ 12,312,500 $15,244,235 $12,913,300 $15,496,000 ( I I $81,458,335 26 13 3/9/2023 imumimmilimilinimillw_., . ._, ____ .- _.,„. ._ Pavement & Infrastructure Fund Financial Analysis: Road Improvement Fund(2025) Total 2028- 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2032 Source of Funds Tax Levy-Transfer from General Fund 3,971,000 4,360,000 4,670,000 5,000,000 5,350,000 32,925,000 MSA Maintenance 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 3,000,000 MSA Construction 2,391,000 1,505,000 3,639,235 3,097,400 3,400,000 8,750,000 TIF 1 and TIF 7 2,900,000 - - - - Grants or Other Governments share 268,000 292,500 80,000 80,000 80,000 400,000 Transfer from(to)FCPF 600,000 1,350,000 1,000,000 600,000 1,100,000 Transfer from(to)other funds 72,000 - - - 100,000 - 10,802,000 8,107,500 9,989,235 9,377,400 10,630,000 45,075,000 Costs Assigned Directly to Enterprise Funds: Water Utility 822,500 1,350,000 2,275,000 1,080,300 1,567,000 6,334,860 Sewer Utility 578,800 1,490,000 1,550,000 980,300 1,267,000 5,834,860 Storm Water Utility 450,000 1,150,000 1,175,000 1,230,300 1,617,000 6,820,070 Street Light 15,000 215,000 255,000 245,000 415,000 1,660,000 Other Funds 5,000 - - - - - Subtotal Enterprise Funds 1,871,300 4,205,000 5,255,000 3,535,900 4,866,000 20,649,790 Total Source of Funds $ 12,673,300 $ 12,312,500 $15,244,235 $12,913,300 $15,496,000 $65,724,790 27 Pavement & Infrastructure Fund Total 2028- 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2032 Annual Pavement/Infrastructure Program 7,615,000 8,500,000 8,405,000 5,070,000 6,262,900 11,073,000 500,000 City Share of County Projects - 691,000 55,000 5,271,235 2,670,400 - 2,500,000 Future Annual Pavement Mgmt Projects - - - - - - 67,042,180 Annual Overlay/Microsurface/Cracksealing 2,585,000 1,870,300 2,450,000 2,935,000 2,270,000 2,540,000 3,000,000 Recurring Ring Route/Cedar Ave 161,000 50,000 962,500 750,000 800,000 805,000 4,000,000 Recurring Trail Maintenance/Improvements 544,000 380,000 380,000 485,000 407,000 480,000 1,900,000 Traffic Signals 203,000 - - 363,000 - - 400,000 11,108,000 11,491,300 12,252,500 14,874,235 12,410,300 14,898,000 79,342,180 Annual Surplus(deficit) # $ 1,711,000 $ 1,182,000 $ 60,000 $ 370,000 $ 503,000 $ 598,000 $ (13,617,390) t 2023-'27 $77,034,335 ' #-Assumes Continuation of FCPF Support of$600,000 28 14 3/9/2023 Looking Forward 2023 projects in progress 2024/25 planning will begin • Monitor other Inflationary Impacts • Manage street/utility infrastructure projects impact to all funds • Monitor utility rates Electric Franchise expires in 2024, need for renewal • Future Facilities Capital Improvement Program Bonds Overpass(es) 140th &147th @ Cedar '25/'26 (state funding ? — delays ?) Additional Projects to be added for referendum 29 Discussion & Feedback Feedback on: Funding of muni bldg. fund(s) increasing to address deferred maint. FUTURE FINANCING NEEDS: Pavement & Infrastructure replacement funding needs Drawdown of FCPF $600,000 / year Storm Utility funding needs 10% Rate increase ($2.87 / qtr, $0.96 /mo) • Electric Franchise extension support of Pavement Mgmt Program 30 15 • ITEM: 4.A. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Minutes of February 23, 2023, Regular Meeting Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk City Clerk's Office ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 23, 2023. SUMMARY: The minutes from the last regular City Council meeting are attached for your review and approval. BACKGROUND: State statute requires the creation and preservation of meeting minutes which document the official actions and proceedings of public governing bodies. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Minutes CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota February 23, 2023 Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, held February 23, 2023, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., at Apple Valley Municipal Center. PRESENT: Mayor Hooppaw; Councilmembers Bergman, Goodwin, Grendahl, and Melander. ABSENT: None. City staff members present were: City Administrator Lawell, City Clerk Gackstetter, City Attorney Dougherty, City Engineer Anderson, Community Development Director Benetti, Planner Bodmer, Parks and Recreation Director Carlson, Deputy Police Chief Dahlstrom, Police Chief Francis, Assistant City Administrator Grawe, Human Resources Manager Haas, Finance Director Hedberg, Fire Chief Russell, and Public Works Director Saam. Mayor Hooppaw called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Everyone took part in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: of Melander, seconded by Grendahl, approving the agenda for tonight's meeting, as amended. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. AUDIENCE Mayor Hooppaw asked if anyone was present to address the Council, at this time, on any item not on this meeting's agenda. No one requested to speak. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Hooppaw asked if the Council or anyone in the audience wished to pull any item from the consent agenda. There were no requests. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, approving all items on the consent agenda with no exceptions. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, approving the minutes of the regular meeting of February 9, 2023, as written. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, adopting Resolution No. 2023-29 accepting, with thanks, the donation of cash and prizes from various businesses toward sponsorship of the Mid-Winter Fest celebration. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota February 23, 2023 Page 2 MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, approving issuance of a lawful gambling permit to conduct excluded bingo, by the State Gambling Control Board at Bogart's Entertainment Center, 14917 Garrett Avenue, on March 19, 2023, and waiving any waiting period for State approval. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, adopting Resolution No. 2023-30 approving issuance of a Gambling Premises Permit to Apple Valley Hockey Association for premises at QRA Enterprises, LLC, d/b/a X-Golf Apple Valley, 7541 148th Street W.; and waiving any waiting period for Minnesota Gambling Control Board approval. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, adopting Resolution No. 2023-31 setting a public hearing, at 7:00 p.m., on March 23, 2023, on the application for On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License and Special License for Sunday Liquor Sales by A.V. Bodega 42, Inc., d/b/a Homshuk Mexican Kitchen and Bar, 6999 152nd Street W. Ayes - 5 -Nays - O. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, approving release of Natural Resources Management Permit financial guarantees for Orchard Place 2nd Addition, Lot 4, as listed in the Natural Resources Technician's memo. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, adopting Resolution No. 2023-32 of support for the Corridors of Commerce Program funding of the Trunk Highway 77 Northbound Lane Addition (General Purpose Ultra Light) Project. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, adopting Resolution No. 2023-33 approving the final plat and Development Agreement,with associated documents for Orchard Place 4th Addition, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. Ayes - 5 -Nays - O. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, approving the agreement for Special Inspections and Testing Services with Terracon Consultants, Inc., in the amount of $69,435.00, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, approving Change Order No. 1 to the agreement with McNamara Contracting, Inc., in the amount of an additional $123,924.12; and accepting Project 2022-105, 2022 Street Improvements, as complete and authorizing final payment in the amount of$163,704.82. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, approving Change Order No. 1 to the agreement with McNamara Contracting, Inc., in the amount of an additional $92,816.08; and accepting Project 2022-106, Pennock Avenue/140th Street CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota February 23, 2023 Page 3 W./145th Street W. Street Improvements, as complete and authorizing final payment in the amount of$174,986.99. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, approving Change Order No. 1 to the agreement with McNamara Contracting, Inc., in the amount of an additional $156,823.98; and accepting Project 2022-107, Greenleaf 6th and 7th Addition (Phase 1) Street Improvements, as complete and authorizing final payment in the amount of$281,357.21. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, adopting Resolution No. 2023-34 amending the 2023 Pay and Benefit Plan. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, approving the personnel actions as listed in the Personnel Report dated February 23, 2023. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Bergman, to pay the claims and bills, check registers dated February 1, 2023, in the amount of$933,559.84, and February 8, 2023, in the amount of$1,646,845.23. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. END OF CONSENT AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF POLICE OFFICER STRAND Police Chief Francis introduced newly hired Police Officer Jack Strand to the Council. The City Clerk administered the oath of office. An individual selected by Officer Strand pinned his badge. The Council congratulated Officer Strand and welcomed him to his new position. APPLE VALLEY LINCOLN ADDITION - VACATION AND FINAL PLAT Ms. Bodmer reviewed the request by Apple Ford Lincoln Apple Valley and Gulbrandson Real Estate for vacation of drainage and utility easements for the new Apple Valley Lincoln dealership at 7125 151 st Street W. Replacement easements will be dedicated on the new plat. She stated late this afternoon, the City received notification from Dakota County that it would like the owners to dedicate additional right-of-way for County Road 42. Mayor Hooppaw asked in what position does this put the applicant, does it cause a delay, and does the City need to encourage Dakota County to move quickly on this item. He then asked what the City could do to support the applicant to move this forward. Mr. Chris Gulbrandson, of Gulbrandson Real Estate, said they would love to move forward and asked about the legality of the County's request. Discussion followed. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota February 23, 2023 Page 4 Mr. Dougherty said that if there is an issue with timing, the County's authority for plat approval is independent of the City's. The City could act tonight, and Dakota County can have an independent review. If necessary, it can come back to the City. Discussion continued. Mayor Hooppaw called the public hearing to order at 7:13 p.m., to consider vacating easements on Lot 1, Block 1, Southport Fourth Addition. The Mayor asked for questions or comments from the Council and the public. There were none and the hearing was declared closed at 7:14 p.m. Ms. Bodmer noted receipt of the affidavit of publication of the hearing notice and stated no objections from private utility companies have been received. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Melander, adopting Resolution No. 2022-35 completing vacation of drainage and utility easements on Lot 1, Block 1, Southport Fourth Addition, and authorizing the City Clerk to record the necessary documents. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Melander, adopting Resolution No. 2022-36 approving the final plat of Apple Valley Lincoln Addition, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. REAPPOINT COMMISSIONERS & COMMITTEE MEMBERS Ms. Gackstetter reviewed her memo regarding the reappointment of Commissioners and Committee Members with terms expiring March 1, 2022. She noted all members have indicated their interest in serving an additional term. MOTION: of Grendahl, seconded by Goodwin, adopting Resolution No. 2023-37 reappointing Nancy Anderson, David Brueshoff, and Alan Kohls to the Cemetery Advisory Committee for a term expiring March 1, 2026; No. 2023-38 reappointing Lisa Hiebert and Matthew Hinrichs to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for a term expiring March 1, 2026; No. 2023-39 reappointing Keith Diekman, Jodi Kurtz, and David Schindler to the Planning Commission for a term expiring March 1, 2026; No. 2023-40 reappointing Jamison Kortas and Laura Ziegler to the Telecommunications Advisory Committee for a term expiring March 1, 2026; No. 2023-41 reappointing Greg Dahlstrom and Arthur Zimmerman to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for a term expiring March 1, 2026; and No. 2023-42 reappointing Pamela Sohlberg and John Vegter to the Urban Affairs Advisory Committee for a term expiring March 1, 2026. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Carlson invited the public to learn more about the Park Bond referendum and provide input on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. at the Municipal Center and at 10:30 a.m. virtually. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota February 23, 2023 Page 5 Mr. Lawell commented on the significant snowstorm event and the excellent job staff have done clearing the roads of 19-20 inches of snow. He added that Public Works Director Saam will be on WCCO TV at 10:00 p.m. this evening commenting about snow removal in Apple Valley. CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS MOTION: of Grendahl, seconded by Bergman, approving the calendar of upcoming events as included in the Deputy City Clerk's memo, and noting that each event listed is hereby deemed a Special Meeting of the City Council. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Grendahl, to adjourn. Ayes - 5 -Nays - 0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:21 o'clock p.m. Respectfully Submitted, /s/Pamela J. Gackstetter Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk Approved by the Apple Valley City Council on Clint Hooppaw, Mayor • ITEM: 4.B. ..... :�. Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve State Gambling Exempt Permit for BV United Soccer Club at Johnny Cake Activity Center, 14255 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, on June 24, 2023 Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk City Clerk's Office ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuance of a lawful gambling exempt permit, by the State Gambling Control Board, to BV United Soccer Club, for use on June 24, 2023, at the Johnny Cake Activity Center, 14255 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, and waiving any waiting period for State approval. SUMMARY: BV United Soccer Club submitted an application for a gambling event to be held at the Johnny Cake Activity Center, 14255 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, on June 24, 2023. The application is on file should you wish to review it. BACKGROUND: Exempt permits to conduct lawful gambling activities, on five or fewer days in a calendar year, for qualified nonprofit organizations, are issued by the State Gambling Control Board. Issuance is subject to approval or denial by the city in which the gambling activity is to be conducted. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A • ITEM: 4.C. ..... :�. Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Receive Parks and Recreation Department 2022 Annual Report Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Eric Carlson, Director Parks and Recreation Department ACTION REQUESTED: Receive the 2022 Annual Report of the Parks and Recreation Department. SUMMARY: Attached please find the Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Department's 2022 year-end annual report. The report includes accomplishments, statistics, highlights, and photos of the Parks and Recreation activities from January 1 through December 31, 2022. BACKGROUND: The pandemic greatly affected the Parks and Recreation Department in both 2020 and 2021. In 2022, however, the department was able to provide programs at pre-pandemic levels. Staff has compiled many of the highlights into the year-end report for Council review. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Report ••• •••• ••••• •••• ••• Parks & Recreation Apple II Department Valley • ! GOPHER —, -' '''' ' • _......: state events .1 ._., ,, e. -7,-.-- . • _.... •r 'if"..- - -- / 4, • 4 42,.: ---,:• ., \ ti ill j,...4t- , i - il•.. y;.• .'- :::.7. ..;t.'. . • Jo • • • . . ._ . 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Parks & Recreation 2022 Year- End Report Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report DEMOGRAPHICS APPLE VALLEY Met Council—2022 Population 56,374 Households 21,536 Employment 14,893 Household Size 2.58 Median Household Income im $91,900 Average Wage $48,820 Race&Ethnicity(rounded) White 71% I Asian I 6% Hispanic 7% Black 10% Other 6% AVERAGE APPLE BURNSVILLE EAGAN LAKEVILLE ROSEMOUNT BENCHMARK DATA VALLEY City Population Estimate 57,078 56,374 64,317 68,885 69,490 25,650 Square Miles 33 18 27 33 38 35 Number of City Parks 58 51 76 60 66 30 Miles of Concrete 59 145 40 37 98 62 Sidewalk Miles of Bituminous 84 74 7 125 42 Trails Number of City Park 1,064 701 1,106 1,396 1,211 542 Acres (not incl golf course) Number of City Park 1,069 891 1,396 1,211 542 Acres(incl golf course) Park Acres per 1,000 19.01 12.43 17.20 20.27 17.43 21.13 population (not incl golf course) Park Acres per 1,000 19.09 15.81 17.52 20.27 17.43 21.13 population (incl golf course) Residents per Square 1,875 3,316 2,573 2,221 1,930 777 Mile Parks per 1,000 1.04 0.9 1.18 0.87 0.95 1.17 Population PAGE 2 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE INFORMATION FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS PARKS& FULL TIME/PART SEASONAL TOTAL RECREATION DEPT. TIME BENEFITTED NON-BENEFITTED Parks&Recreation Administration 7.90 - 7.90 Park Maintenance 17.00 4.73 21.73 Recreation Programs m=1 MI0Mir1.58 1.58 Apple Valley Community Center 1.00 2.96 2.96 Apple Valley Senior Centeill 3.14 0.49 3.63 Aquatics 0 14.98 14.98 Valleywood Golf Course 11114.00 11.78 15.78 Arenas 2.00 3.27 5.27 Total FTEs 35.04 39.79 74.83 Number of People 37.00 400+/- YEARS OF SERVICE 11 TTTTTTTTTTT 5 TTTTT 1 1 6 TTTTTT 5 �TTTT 2 T� 26-3 6 TTTTTT P & R Years of Service 760 740 720 700 680 660 640 620 600 580 560 2018 2019 2020 2021 21177 21/73 2024 PAGE 3 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR . ' Welcome to the City of Apple Valley's Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Annual Report The City of Apple Valley's Parks& Recreation Department strives to promote passive and active parks, trails, and recreation programs that enrich the lives of all residents. Our staff takes great pride in offering quality programs and maintaining safe and enjoyable parks and recreational facilities. I continue to be very proud of all our staff who are creative, hardworking individuals who really try to offer exceptional services to our residents. After a few years of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic,we were able to offer many of our programs and activities in 2022. Here are just a few highlights: • Apple Valley Senior Center had a membership of 857 seniors and 20,400 visits. • Apple Valley Sports Arena and Hayes Park Arena were able to provide indoor skating and hockey opportunities to the community, selling 3,100 hours of ice time. • In February,the community enjoyed Mid-Winter Fest with music,food/beverage, and fireworks. • October brought 2,000 kids and their families to Trunk-or-Treat. • Our Aquatics facilities were opened, and we saw another great weather year with a total of 72,000 swimmers between the Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center and Redwood. • The Apple Valley Arts Foundation provided Music in Kelley Park on Friday evenings in June,July, and August. • Valleywood Golf Course continued to provide an excellent outlet for those that enjoy golf by hosting 34,500 rounds of golf and 29 large events. • The Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) engaged the community to find out what residents want the future of our parks and recreation system to be. Based on their work,the City is exploring a potential Parks Bond Referendum for November of 2023 to ensure that we continue to have safe and well-maintained park and recreation facilities, equipment, programs, outdoor park space, and amenities. In today's hectic world, it's easy to forget that taking time to enjoy each day is so important to our health and well-being.The Apple Valley Parks & Recreation team is committed to ensuring that every resident has an opportunity to experience outstanding recreational activities and park facilities that enhance their quality of life by helping them stay healthy and fit, build relationships with family and friends, and develop a sense of community pride. It is our privilege to serve the citizens of Apple Valley. Sincerely, 6 Apple Parks& Recreation Director Valley City of Apple Valley PAGE 4 Parks& Recreation Department �J( q } l 2022 Year-End Report ,� "4a"�'�-tl�7YJY'�`!� t" �¢',MY 4>y y ,k7 '4 s .Si `-:4. 1v',-' H r'Y ,;,, - Y ev ,:= % ' 'A''*',1:14':,4'tt,,,,*Y,$), ;j'il 4h,,,,,::fr.. •- ..,,-.!, , * '' N 4"‘..;':,..**°' 4'.‘ ' ''''t . ,...ik'4„„, . --, 0, ?,._-_,,,,,,:e-,,,a ''''.- l''f'd:'' , 7,4 ,1)4',,-' 'A,'At., •,;'-' -- '''' _ .0,,,,..1„; i,:,,,:i, .-,.k) F:'I:,,r.t......:;,..,v(.;7, eu.: .is; .ioti ;,i,,-4,„:,,,,,, 4,,p, ..r. ..u.. , --,_ .., ,,, ., ,,..3.,z,.,...„.,,.. ,...., .-,x,..„, T-V-7:.. -,c ,„i / > +Ilj y�y r.'. S 1 i , N' lYI ! r' / _., _„,„,_ ___. _ ,_, „, , , J ,__ I' 7 1 : i , , —-.,1:,, 9 4 1 ill , ��� 2 d.1.-. ....,:=11:- -- Ili 1 --.... F ' A ' "Ill , ! 'llg I!"--AMW-_--4 --- i II ---—- 4 , - . r - .,__. .._ __- - , , :, _ ______ _ . _ _ _ , Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee(PRAC) is an appointed committee of volunteer citizens. The purpose of the PRAC is to advise and make recommendations to City Council concerning parks, recreation, open space, and trail issues. In addition, the PRAC provides input to City staff, acting as an advisory board on community interests concerning recreation and parks. The PRAC consists of seven (7) members. Members are appointed by the City Council for three (3) year terms. The Chairperson and Secretary are elected annually by the committee members at an "organizational meeting" typically held in March. ... ..S*5 ... Apple Valley PAGE 5 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report 2022 COMMITTEE MEMBERS TERM BEGAN TERM ENDS Dave Freed 2020 2024 Noel Hammill 2013 2025 Lisa Hiebert(Secretary) 2019 2023 Matthew Hinrichs 2017 2023 Craig Long 2022 2025 Mark Schori 2019 2025 Brenton Schulz (Chair) 2010 2024 MEMBERS' ROLE The PRAC's work covers a broad range of issues that must be acted upon in a timely manner. Occasionally, the formation of a "task force" or"study group" becomes necessary to look into or work further on more complex issues. Participation in these groups is voluntary. PARK DEDICATION The City has enacted an ordinance under Minnesota law that grants a community the authority to receive land or cash, in lieu of land,for purposes of parks from residential and commercial/industrial developers. This dedication is set depending on the size of the proposed development and whether it is a residential or commercial/industrial development. If the amount of land is not sufficient to support a park, a cash dedication is accepted. The amount of the cash dedication is based on the type of residential or commercial/industrial unit. The Committee annually reviews dedication funds. The cash collected goes into a fund for purchase and/or development of parks throughout the City. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GUIDE Required by the Metropolitan Council, the City maintains a "Comprehensive Guide Plan" for the City. Neighborhood service areas are defined to help determine park needs for each portion of the City. A complete copy of the Plan is available on the City's website at www.applevalleymn.gov. 2022 MEETINGS Meetings were held January 6, February 8, March 3, April 7, July 21 (park tour), August 4, September 2, and November 3. Regular meetings were held in the Municipal Center's Council Chambers and video broadcast on Charter Communication Cable Channel 180 starting at 7:00 p.m. Recordings of Regular meetings were also made available on YouTube. Informal meetings were held at 6:00 p.m. in a Municipal Center conference room prior to each Regular meeting. Items of Discussion Included: • Park Bond Referendum • Facilities master plans • Eastview Soccer AED donation • Park sign master plan • EV charging stations • Repurposing of Hayes pickleball courts • Bus tour of the park system • Hockey rink off-leash dog parks • Department staff changes • Valleywood improvements • Park master plans • Division updates PAGE 6 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION The City is fortunate to have a number of citizens who step forward and volunteer to help in the community. One prime example can be found on our various advisory committees and commissions where we currently have over 40 active citizens dedicating their time and their talents to the betterment of our community. National Volunteer Recognition Week was observed April 17-23, 2022, and the City extended thanks to all our volunteers. In addition to our City committee/commission volunteer members, the Parks& Recreation department was extremely fortunate to have 872 individuals volunteer over 3,000 hours in our parks system in 2022. We are grateful for their dedication to keeping our parks clean and beautiful. JULY BUS TOUR OF THE PARK SYSTEM Through many discussions throughout the year about a potential parks bond referendum, PRAC members and staff determined that master plans would be created for four main City parks: Alimagnet, Farquar, Kelley, and Redwood.To gauge improvement needs and generate design ideas, PRAC members and staff participated in a July 21, 2022, guided tour of each of the four parks. POTENTIAL PARKS BOND REFERENDUM Without a doubt,the most significant project the PRAC worked on in 2022 was engaging residents in what the community wants the parks and recreational facilities to look like in the future.The PRAC held several open houses, design charettes, and an online social pinpoint site, which were all designed to gather feedback from the community. PRAC members and City staff developed multiple concept plans for our recreational facilities and four parks (Alimagnet, Farquar, Kelley, and Redwood) based on resident feedback, and then, after gathering even more feedback, they developed final concept plans for each potential project. rJ •••♦ ••••• Building a Bright, Apple Sustainable Future A Valley 4 Apple Valley Parks & Recreation: Experiences that Last a Lifetime ir • `. lMAG�NF DISCOVE-R GOMMUN/T� PAGE 7 Parks&Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report pvggrom I tr PP9YYr r f�a� ■ Yob_ _-1s_ ,_ 1 � '' a`^"CRa�'^'F`_.'y•Y - j t. �7e_— �,.. L. +I..1�'yMl,. dl. MX �� ..n. - R rier -f ' .'R. • - j J l • Palk: • Special Events Apple Valley Parks & Recreation hosts special events throughout the year to bring the community together in celebration. The two primary events held every year are Mid-Winter Fest in February and Freedom Days in July. This year's events also included the annual South of the River Recreators (S.O.R.R.) Who Done It Hike in September, and the 2nd annual Trunk or Treat, which was held in the parking lot of the Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center in October. ... .... ..... S.. Apple Valley PAGE 8 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report MID-WINTER FEST (Saturday, Feb. 4) In 2022, Mid-Winter Fest moved from Hayes Park to Johnny Cake Ridge Park West, and the event was fully outdoors. Despite the frigid weather and the brisk wind, ...IV all events took place as scheduled. Attendees played ' bean bags and disc golf, flew kites, skated, and rode in garden carts pulled by the Police Department's UTV.An 2 estimated 300 Mites skaters participated in the annual •u Mid-Winter Fest Hockey Jamboree, which was run by i.. ; --•- - -:'' I r our community hockey associations. The Johnny Cake - ' _-y Activity Center was open for participants to warm up 3 and purchase hot chocolate and hot cider from the I , Rotary Club of Apple Valley. Propane heaters, fire pits, ,and a warming bus provided by MN Valley Transit Authority were also available to give guests a break • " from the cold.At 5 p.m.,the Riverside Hitmen put on an - — 7- 1 outstanding outdoor concert, and the evenin •g,ssf 5 - �,t concluded with a brilliant fireworks show.Thank you to •__ , �- our sponsors—the Apple Valley Arts Foundation, Apple '' Valley Hockey Association, Eastview Hockey 7'- w �l - Association, the Rotary Club of Apple Valley, and Apple wv Valley Eye Care—for their generous contributions. We - had a great event and look forward to growing the • - _ f celebration next year! FREEDOM DAYS (Friday, July 1—Monday, July 4) The annual July Fourth celebration, Freedom Days, has s> been coordinated by a committee of volunteers for many ¢" years. The Parks & Recreation Department hosted the 'i - I ? „mow- annual two and five mile Fun Runs, which were held the '0"/r�, , -•� I morning of Monday, July 4. A total of 211 people 1'1' 4 , f. 'w =m -PoL, participated in the races, ranging from age 7 to 81. Despite — the morning's rain slowing the runners' times, many said they appreciated the cooler overcast conditions for an event that usually takes place in very hot weather. WHO DONE IT HIKE (Saturday, Sept. 10) r .-�•1 - ^' Pk 3 This annual family event is held at Ritter Family Park � ,, ., . a a .:"�' ," ;, F in Lakeville, and it is hosted by the South of the River ; ,pd '- :� t Recreators (S.O.R.R.), a collaborative networking i.1 b 'rrEr ,. " „ , group that consists of Parks & Recreation staff from _ -Ore,` . Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Farmington, Lakeville, •;a • v� , u - - Rosemount, 4,x ' ' '` l':,,i. - i'-,T_ ' . L..; and Savage. An estimated 180 people _ '-. 9®r , MFNMf a r.N May A�rf FRGV-_ (and 20 dogs) searched for five clues along two miles � _- Sa;q= ,' =➢NATH, MoLFN : �_ ➢EAR of trail in this Clue-style mystery hike. Once all clues ., �. ��- � 446,. were found, participants guessed which of the six - Y '"" ' possible suspects was guilty. Families who guessed 4 ?!' '._ correctly were entered into prize drawings. 7; .,, •- 1, ' p 4 PAGE 9 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report TRUNK OR TREAT (Saturday, Oct. 29) The Apple Valley Police and Parks & Recreation Departments teamed up again to host the second Trunk or Treat Halloween event.The event took place in the Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center parking lot from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For the second year in a row, the weather was perfect and attendance was high; approximately 2,000 kids participated, and they were all dressed in their Halloween costumes! A total of 30 Trunk or Treat contributors—including several City departments, Dakota County, local businesses, and community organization—provided candy, snacks, games, puppet shows, music, and arts & crafts activities. ` • t I 4 " ,, ., ' te i ..,4 _ ,, . . .. , jicf, ,1 . iik, , . ` . R ems.j he' , 4,6. .,, ,, i :',4______... ... . 1110 II J ... �� v-___Iallow argil • T. i AllIPr-adill Trunk or Treat—Saturday, October 29 I, �_ fi a ,l- t -- r n..- - — - :. ^^ . .11 M1 ii. 111 1 1 1 itM:,..'-'i-tif Sk.-i r . ..1";r -. ," 4, :' o' * 4r- *4 t:::%"-.'' '4.•• ^--. , r•••• '' 1-' l'-'-'' ' itiv ~ ‘1, y \ 1 g3t I1 I M ���a i sp ;AO � ^. I \�' ,._ " ,p ;.."; a r , ; .. s - :i> L -fi ' �� ', ' ' •V .. r 01. it -�• ,-- - a 1 1 t , I y !¢t 4r I. 0 .�T ' 1. ..z:. 7 4 - _ .b 6� i ,l .. *4... ifc .& Y i0401 t . I el --Isl. filh,l;L '',,.-- --- , ). it,,,i, ,-; , li, . . R PAGE 10 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report �.,f—....m.AIMS. F 7` r` aa 7 F t A r a t�l r I eE` .am ',- _y iI s ii 4 it ;5 1, 6 -•- - 4 4.LOi� _ . .. 1 1g▪II � `�H J ry N 4 -'Fs+ H` y. 4 _..1 r ‘A� r J se, if • Park Maintenance In 2022,the Park Maintenance Division maintained more than 680 acres of parkland on a daily basis. These efforts ensured our facilities, athletic fields, trails, and playgrounds remained clean, safe, and playable. A few of the projects completed in 2022 included: • Installation of new deck boards on both walking bridges at Cedar Isles • Installation of shaded in-ground tables at the Johnny Cake Ridge Park West pickleball courts • Ballfield renovations at Legion Field and Hayes Field #7 • Coordination of volunteer and Boy Scout projects • GIS mapping of all signs in the park system • Inventory of Emerald Ash Borer infected trees • Creation of two off-leash dog parks in the hockey rinks at Huntington and Delaney parks • Installation of new dock at Farquar Lake ••• •••• ••••• Apple II Vall ey PAGE 11 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Parks Adopted 27 28 30 35 44 Park Shelter Reservations 94 130 67 100 162 Field Reservations $80,345 $68,063 $61,600 $129,887 $104,131 Miles of Plowable Paths 80 80 80 80 80 Playground Structures 53 53 I 53 53 53 Parking lots 32 32 32 32 32 F' ' P lfi S b 3 'iN ._ 3v 41 t 4 rk 4 1 f ti 0,', ...N,.:, -'-.. -,,l-''-.--I4'1 l.1lvi11-i;i7i11i'0*, 4 � a sk, ;4 E"t'o+, aiv,i . i i ' '�4,' .5, ' ..,-„,..i Aff,k, . ' ''' '' ' 'I .4- - ,.'...f."7.N V I, ig tl,,,,1 i , - . , ifil \.,:pt;... i :-� �' s,�.7, = f Nora. i I -----1 ' r -- mac" _ .,' ,��' , Due to increased requests,two off-leash dog parks were created at Huntington and Delaney Parks using the existing hockey rinks. Gates like the one shown above were installed to ensure unleashed dogs remain safely in the boarded area while other patrons and their dogs enter and exit the park. � - II Lim,. ' - - 41, - _,fib '!1 1.f Y_ SUM I ELD PARK , q d ° � - .f) sy- 3 � ., t.. �. -;.. 1-n� gel - , ,. '-b .. °• --- .: ...., w..+t'£,"a '+ New sign planter at Summerfield Park completed by an Eagle Scout PAGE 12 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report a � �� �s � � ,. «fir . ° ! y ''';�sti ti M.. r A! �'t;.: �' i. 4 1'1' ' A, w t�ij td ' 49' 3€` �Y: �� e t&',yet ¢ a w'a „ `, � � .i P f1a 'F m, r, �, �St, --- CI - �` '��, i #4,ia.4, - _ _ is, is41414,44.4i1/4: /A0100" New bridge deck boards at Cedar Isles , au�i. a=ii � ►�.� _ 111111 ter' iiiii 4 -A . . — IlialMik-A.11111rest__ New picnic tables with attached permanent shade structures were installed at the new pickleball courts at Johnny Cake Ridge Park West. PAGE 13 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report .„7,1" ' .-„,,;-0-4,,. , Ss,...f,....,,-. .. .. .aoiopw.,41pklllptillIllplr ,ltw9 E> t : �.,t 4. 4, AeIY mil • : "- t r tea. Y • � 1frllld I 1 ii;m„.0d Aa� ' — — " b. "`. fit A new dock was installed at Farquar Lake in conjunction with the State of MN. �.->r if".- riderilmaiiipik • • r I r„ xm � u � v S YA! 0. 4Yt a ..Y %tztc^i"< `a` d M:'� 'i lit - s. - a Invasive species removal around Cobblestone Lake done with the help of the Wings Financial Volunteer Group. PAGE 14 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report I ,fir' t I,;E .d iill . 1 ,,t,_,,i1, - kt :r \, \ . ,. ,IDS- „ _. Arenas This year was successful for both arenas.The Sports Arena had a great ice season, and in the dry floor season, it hosted the Apple Valley High School's boys'and girls'tennis teams,two craft sales, and a week-long consignment sale. At Hayes Arena, 2022 was the first year of year-round ice. In previous years, ice was taken out in mid-March and turf was in place through May. Our first year with year-round ice was successful, and we look forward to increasing ice use even more in the years to come. Hayes Arena also saw many updates in 2022.The radiant heating and rubber flooring in the public areas was replaced, and the exterior landscaping was updated. ... .... ..... S.. Apple Valley PAGE 15 Parks&Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report SPORTS ARENA 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Hours of Ice Time Rented 1,057 1,113 908 954 1,178 Hours of Ice Time per JPA 428 458 347 456 565 Learn-to-Skate Participants 337 342 240 380 470 Dry Floor Hours Rented 125 130 70 110 105 Dry Floor Time Used per JPA 235 1. ' 215 115 220 233 i . ` -,II ' i���III`II`4lI:I�II IdeIII tl rIl Illl1Idll I; Iil I 1 ,,- Ai II':III - IIII' ',ai - - _ - = � - _ 1 ,,' I III ` 4 x�x .tt— l {y I' I m fI i ,1Ttl�llu �1t E1 I1 I ,,, — ,— — �- s 'II i I, ,I i I i�a I 111, r- L �— Updated landscaping at Hayes Arena HAYES ARENA 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Hours of Ice Time Rented 1,520 1,630 1,180 1,478 1,914 Dry Floor Hours Rented 320 305 - 165 - il E A a l:y I . MR ' II., 4in�T. ,,,.._ ., ,,, 4 •_ y., , i.. 1 J . . _ _ , . , ....._ ., . ,.. ._ .. ; . . L '6, Rubber flooring replacement at Hayes Arena PAGE 16 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report tt s �4 - err '-: A:f 9�S" a! x ip 'Sd-tin A •,>.. -k - ' ' ors • 4 4 Valleywood In 2022, Valleywood continued to benefit from the recent golf boom,and we have had great success in rebuilding the event and rental business. While overall rounds of golf were down (which we can attribute to the modification of the Youth on Course restrictions), revenue for the year was at an all-time high. Virtually all leagues have filled back up—there were very few spaces available in all our public leagues. ... ••••• ... Apple Valley PAGE 17 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN To address some of the financial and operational issues Valleywood has experienced in the past,the Valleywood Golf Course Task Force created the 2022-2031 Strategic Business Plan, which the City Council adopted in July 2021. In 2022,Valleywood adhered to the priorities outlined in the Strategic Business Plan, and the following effects were noticed: • Operating the food and beverage service using a "deli" model worked well, and the in-house staff excelled in their second year with more efficient processes and a slightly expanded menu • We have had great success using various caterers for outside events, and the event hosts really appreciate the ability to bring in a caterer of their own choosing for their event • The growth of our event business is currently outpacing our stated goals from the Business Plan • Revenue per round increased by more than $4 per round The Strategic Business Plan also included some large improvement projects, and good progress was made in 2022.About 90%of the tree removal needed for the upcoming 2023 irrigation replacement project was completed in the winter of 2021-2022, and new monument signs were installed by the front gate and on the south side of the course facing Pilot Knob Road. --si�,.-- 1`� '''7 ` IJII i',i, ! _ - i40 1„ ._. _�It l,r:I - . -, -,_ _. .____ ,.... .._;_.. 00• . , . _. - - 4- - ,,, , A VALLEYWOOD GOLF COURSE 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Patron Card Holders 67 63 21 41 86 Senior Patron Card Holders 293 324 184 284 274 Members—Women's 18-Hole League 85 90 92 93 93 Members—Women's 9-Hole League 128 132 116 136 143 Members- Men's League 130 130 72 104 136 Members-Senior League 107 109 96 110 105 Number of Rounds Played 27,616 28,841 32,910 38,959 34,465 — Large Driving Range Buckets Sold 4,310 4,495 6,874 7,003 8,705 Medium Driving Range Buckets Sold 1,681 1,994 1,846 2,825 2,680 18-Hole Cart Rentals 9,714 8,555 11,877 14,391 13,514 9-Hole Cart Rentals 4,887 5,978 5,907 7,681 8,766 PAGE 18 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report EVENTS In 2022,Valleywood hosted a variety of events, including: • 14 golf tournaments for various organizations and companies • Ladies' nights • Live music concerts on the patio • Wine tastings • Food and wine pairing events • Craft sales • Celebrations of life • Weddings • Retirement parties • Fashion shows • Engagement parties • Birthday parties • Banquets ,\ - � � ` �� ' tl _ �- �. �• � �� .4,.� awln. tF , Pr T ' _. i y - PAGE 19 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report I 1141 air 4 i 5 Apple Valley Senior & Event Center The Apple Valley Senior & Event Center is a 21,000 square foot facility that provides space for senior recreation during week days and meeting or banquet space available for rent in the evenings and on weekends. In the 2021-2022 fiscal year, there were 757 members of the Apple Valley Seniors Organization. Presently, there are 860 members in the 2022-2023 fiscal year, which is up 103 members from the past year. Senior programming focuses on education, recreation, arts & crafts, exercise, entertainment, games, and day trips. Some of the new programs, activities, and presentations that were offered in 2022 included ceramics classes, Tai Chi, water exercise, Xa Beat classes, Medicare presentations, drumming classes, and history presentations. ..... ."•." Apple Valley PAGE 20 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report APPLE VALLEY SENIORS ORGANIZATION The Apple Valley Senior& Event Center is home to the Apple Valley Seniors organization. The Seniors organization is led by a volunteer executive committee, which consists of a president, vice president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, secretary, and member-at-large. Other Senior volunteer committees include Education and Service, Finance, Historians, Membership, and Lettuce Do Lunch. Adults aged 55 and above are eligible to become a member of the Apple Valley Seniors organization. The benefits of membership include: • Receipt of the monthly newsletter • Discounts on some activities • A new member orientation and tour of the Apple Valley Senior& Event Center • Eligibility to participate in bingo, movies, and the donated bread program • Free coffee, tea, and cappuccino MINNESOTA CI NUMBER OF MEMBERS STATE NUMBER OF Apple Valley 529 MEMBERS Burnsville 108 Florida 1 Missouri 1 Lakeville 72 New York 1 Rosemount 41 Apple Valley Seniors contributed 1,487 =111Eagan 35 volunteer hours to the Apple Valley Senior Farmington 21 Center in 2022 as compared to 1,212 hours in Bloomington 8 2021. Prior Lake 8 SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITY Savage 7 PARTICIPANTS BY MONTH Prescott, WI 4 January 1,499 Richfield 3 February 1,639 Woodbury 3 March 1,938 Crystal 2 April 2,087 Edina 2 May 1,980 Inver Grove Heights 2 June 1,891 Lake Elmo 2 july 11 1,792 MILL Paul 2 August 1,346 • Brainerd 1 September 1,425 Eden Prairie 1 October 1,863 Forest Lake 1 November 1,591 Hastings 1 December 1,354 Mendota Heights 1 2022 Total 20,435 Milaca 1 Shakopee 1 Currently 519 Gazettes are mailed and 198 Gazettes are emailed each month South St. Paul 1 PAGE 21 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report REGULARLY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES AT THE SENIOR CENTER Bicycle Groups Day Trips Knitting&Crocheting Billiards(Men's&Ladies) Discover Science Group Line Dancing Bingo Dominoes MIMI= Morning Stretch Exercise Book Clubs Driver Improvement Courses Quilting Bees Chess -111 Drumming ' Painters Card Games Feed My Starving Children Re-Created Cards Catered Lunch Gather Around the Music Jam Stitchers Coffee Gentle Yoga Table Tennis Color&Chat Coloring Group Hardanger Wii Bowling RENTAL GROUPS The Apple Valley Senior & Event Center is the ideal location for celebrations, events, banquets, and meetings. Groups as small as five and as large as 216 will find the facility a welcoming place to host their event. In 2022, there were 195 rentals for a total of 738.75 rented hours. These numbers include both internal room reservations and rentals by external groups. 2022 RENTAL NO. OF RENTALS RENTAL HOURS 1 Section of Yellowstone Room 95 310 hours reserved 2 Sections of Yellowstone Room 13 75 hours reserved Full Yellowstone Room (3 Sections) 17 156 hours reserved Glacier Room 25 72 hours reserved Yosemite Room 45 126 hours reserved Total 195 739 hours reserved FACILITY PROJECTS & UPGRADES The Apple Valley Senior& Event Center went through several upgrades in 2022, which included: • Upgraded the HVAC communications system • Hired Humeratech to perform scheduled preventative maintenance in the fall and spring seasons • Upgraded audio visual equipment in the Yosemite Room and made the touch screen panel handicap accessible • Replaced fire panel and removed all ceiling smoke detectors • Added a laptop computer and set up a self-check-in station for the seniors at the front desk PAGE 22 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report li r- • 2 z aiw I , F. 1' �,' i. 9.-.t :Aii,Ns. )0.64wcisir.r.. 441 4 . , . '__,T-- .__ '-`--' i.-.74!lit741..-8,11-01.44 .� ,tom ti„ 1 h ' :.; �`��; ,�CP _ �� % • Vail i.............< '' - • ' -'.. '':,:- .'.;.- ' ' .,,', ',.,- ,i,:,?, ..,..;'4)" ' ' . -- J * ro', .. istr,, . ...,:jitomeetimosomilet, 4 y i..?--*=1'1-:,1*.$.4W'''4_41)*416 4:11 a:Wa4(',,,:i7-.*,z„... ,_,_,_.,„,,,--,-,--/------T. n _ i". / ' 'fir 1 '4-r-j �_ �;� .j _ tip" -17* IIIIP it-- f Aquatics Program The Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center opened in June 1999.The lazy river was added in 2009, and the Barry Bernstein Sprayground was dedicated in 2021. The maximum capacity of the facility is 1,600 and is available for exclusive-use rentals outside the regular operating hours. Opened in 1965, the Redwood Outdoor Pool has been a staple in Apple Valley for 58 years, and it has been providing swimming lessons to community members since it was built. The pool has a maximum capacity of 300 and is available for daily open swim sessions as well as exclusive-use rentals. ... .... ..... .5.• Apple II Vall ey PAGE 23 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report APPLE VALLEY FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER The 2022 season at the Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center was pleasant and eventful, with no significant injuries to patrons or staff. Facilities opened for the season on June 9 and closed on August 28, spanning 81 days. The daily entry fee was $12, and discount entries were available to both residents and non- residents who purchased ten-entry admission cards. In the 2021 season, operating hours at the Family Aquatic Center were reduced by 12 hours per week to accommodate extreme staffing shortages, and because the staffing shortage persisted, the shortened hours remained in effect in 2022. FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Open Swim Attendance 63,332 49,155 - 53,950 64,719 Water Walkers/Lap Swim 5,505 5,091 - 8,770 7,323 Group Reservations 160 151 - 34 Days Open 66 68 - 79 70 Days Closed 13 13 - 3 11 Average Daily Attendance 960 723 - 683 925 j qq f . '.J�J ` yam r P.' _ ya any . 1111M . '� r� -mil y-- tb:—ft-. IIff :- REDWOOD OUTDOOR POOL In 2022,the Redwood Outdoor Pool's season spanned 80 days and was open from June 9 through August 27. The daily open swim hours were 12:30-4:30 p.m., general admission was $5, and discount entries were available to both residents and non-residents who purchased ten-entry admission cards. REDWOOD OUTDOOR POOL 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Open Swim Attendance 4,756 3,366 - 5,021 7,242 Swim Lesson Participants 310 238 - 240 582 Private Pool Reservations 40 49 - 77 74 Days Open 54 65 - 67 72 Days Closed 8 5 - 12 7 Average Daily Attendance 88 52 - 75 101 PAGE 24 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report r � y. S If 41k, OIL t_ 1. 1 • Adult Athletics The City offers adult leagues in the following sports: volleyball, bean bags, softball, basketball, and kickball. In 2022, we continued to see growth in our adult athletics leagues since they were affected by the pandemic in 2020. When fields are not in use by our programs, they are rented out to private groups and clubs. Field rentals were heavy again in 2022, bringing in $104,131. ::: Apple Valley PAGE 25 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES Adult Volleyball Registrations 2022 was a banner year for the adult volleyball program with 337 total volleyball 400 teams participating in leagues and the 350 337 tournament, up 62%from 2021.Apple 300 304 286 Valley offers adult volleyball leagues year- round as well as a tournament during Mid- 250 208 Winter Fest. Indoor leagues at the Apple 200 168 Valley Community Center include women's 150 officiated, women's self-officiated, men's 100 self-officiated, and co-rec self-officiated play. Summer outdoor sand volleyball so leagues are also offered at Johnny Cake 0 Ridge Athletic Complex. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Adult Bean Bags Registrations BEAN BAG TOSS LEAGUES Bean bags leagues continue to be the 160 149 department's fastest growing adult 140 league. Indoor bean bag toss leagues are 120 offered in the fall and winter seasons at 100 the Apple Valley Community Center and 70 leagues moved outdoors to Johnny Cake 80 63 60 Ridge Park East and also expanded to include Valleywood Golf Course during the 40 32 summer season. The league grew by leaps 20 IIand bounds with 149 teams participating, o up 119%from 2021. 2019 2020 2021 2022 SOFTBALL LEAGUES Apple Valley has the second largest adult Adult Softball Registrations softball program in the south metro with 115 team participating in the summer and 160 148 140 fall seasons. Softball team registrations are 140 129 115 continuing to decline state-wide, and we 120 saw that in our league as well with an 11% 100 77 decline from 2021. 80 60 While team numbers and associated league 40 registration revenue has dropped, much of that revenue has been replaced by renting 20 fields to private groups and baseball clubs 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 who are happy to have available fields. PAGE 26 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report y '-- II r dit SCHOOLBUS T A, ..., ,, 4 r..�+i� 'NYC „y'y;c,ar a '"i ui. 7 49 ¢ Sri {, t Car, —.4. "` ^ :. M Recreation Program Recreation Programs consist of preschool, youth, and family activities such as Little Orchard classes, Bowl with Santa, Freedom Days Fun Run, Playground Program, and Puppet Wagon performances. Contracted programs like Music Together, Skyhawks Sports Camps, and Science Explorers also fall under this category. ... .... Apple II Vall ey PAGE 27 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report OUTDOOR SKATING RINKS Skating rinks in the City parks are available for skating from dawn to dusk daily, weather permitting. At staffed warming houses, skaters are counted regularly throughout the day (see table below for skater count). Warming houses are staffed weeknights after school, weekends, and school holidays. The Community Center warming house is available during regular operating hours seven days a week. Due to extreme staffing shortages in 2022, we were unfortunately not able to open the warming houses at Hagemeister and Valley Middle Parks. WARMING HOUSESiiii 2022 Johnny Cake Activity Center 581 1,298 - 626 3,020 Galaxie Park 1,028 1,056 - 695 1,042 Huntington Park i 254 94 - 116 208 Apple Valley Community Ctr 649 391 - 347 - Apple Valley East 499 414 - 304 1,161 Hagemeister Park 202 103 - 102 No staff Valley Middle Park 207 64 - 60 No staff PRESCHOOL, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUPPETS In 2022, we started offering a larger variety of preschool classes because people are looking for more daytime preschool classes post-COVID. We continued to have great success with our Little Orchard Preschool, and we look forward to seeing that program grow. Please note that the numbers in the table below represent the number of participants, not the number of classes. PRESCHOOL& FAMILY 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 School-Year Preschool 352 271 93 179 266 Programs I • ■ Summer Preschool Programs 211 205 6 104 190 Family Classes 86 78 - 69 Due to recent popularity, we added even more day camp opportunities for youth in 2022 in addition to our standard playground program. We successfully ran eight weeks of school-aged camp programs this summer. Unfortunately due to lack of staffing,we were unable to run the puppet wagon program in 2022. We hope that we can find quality staff to bring the puppet wagon back in 2023. RECREATION PROGRAMS ilk ilik Playground Participants 554 133 329 241 5 parks/6 wks 3 parks/4 wks 3 parks/7 wks 2 parks/6 wks Freedom Days Fun Run 381 - 216 Participants Puppet Wagon Attendance 3,403 1,853 3,502 Preschool Classes Offered 235 176 144 *54 Full-Day Camp Participants 154-3 camps 28-2 camps 79-3 camps 85—3 camps Half-Day Camp Participants - - 52 -2 camps 107—5 camps *Because our Little Orchard Preschool program is three days per week, our number of additional preschool classes offered decreased. PAGE 28 Parks& Recreation Department 2022 Year-End Report SP 1 � ; k v 1 ':2 �,fi t ti, .. -`. -",`,„: , tit _, i t 'r. li" '413-..4..,AN,.. 3 j A. • of Thank you to City Council and the citizens of Apple Valley for continued support of the Parks &Recreation Department in our efforts to provide opportunities for outstanding recreational quality-of-life experiences. ••• •••• ••••• ••••• Apple Valley PAGE 29 • ITEM: 4.D. ..... Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Receive Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee 2022 Annual Report Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Eric Carlson, Director of Parks & Recreation Parks and Recreation Department ACTION REQUESTED: Receive the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee 2022 Annual Report. SUMMARY: The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee's 2022 year-end annual report is presented for Council review. The report covers the organization, members and their roles on the advisory committee, and items discussed at their meetings during 2022. BACKGROUND: The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) is an appointed committee of the City Council of volunteer citizens. The purpose of the PRAC is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council concerning parks, recreation, open space, and trail issues. In addition, the PRAC provides input to City staff, acting as an advisory board on community interests concerning recreation and parks. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee's 2022 year-end annual report is presented for Council review. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Report Parks& Recreation Advisory mmee 20.22 Year-EndCo Repittort }' � 1 __i. �. { � k v t ` r„ „1 y .. z 'r {"fir _(,�' " p _ ��tu h d4.4 S Sid• •s r et' •d' .; :I I �d x ', >+.A' Y� Q � f l • � ., xt Epp k �! d ti t'''' �Uy [fit. vt � y��,. � � � � rh ti � i' s 1 ,ay �� fir � � ��i tar ^ 4iti, +-h ., 9 '� , - - F ' 9G 3l I t ''I�ai r+d bpi 'T '."fF, f' y..rr J ,y 4kS. , • 4a4- te6e uy.„l 1 .4. 1 ii r�ml � t.r�� - 1� ', �e-c ` �� Y! ,Al'} `fro � d r S3 d0':c-� ` _��' N aS FV' , y1 3 'P ..fir ' r 6 vI ca �• 'v ! _. r £r� s � �� pN,, c el� '° o t� � v. W,'!S Y;l e a,•9 ` g '�no. t,,,',n y y � g t 'a1 d .i 4, , y ; � I f q h��nt r -- A r} �} R � f � iQ ""7 M1� • • � A E.'_____ Fl ubi4 q b • Y rr. �y _ a} . ;i . w. .! ft,'' " r �J q k Eg _ _ I� 'V � F Y i 0 TA k - z -.4,N • V' 9 - . - -- -----r •::,„,,E-l. F.0M- .1.-' g I \ l / , i. ,1 # d . ^ — F_ i -- . •_.. -r :','::.•••.'!'"'L „.... '—','ilil . :,;• ,•"-''. .-- 41 Mi / r,pp 'f'"vx'i:�r'k.�Sp I t!� ;� �II ..f.'_ .IL::::„. -• * �4 ....,,.‘,.......i.t....,,,1_,,,ii,.......,,..7444.1/4....a. r_: - 'l------. .k,, / ,...er :741— ' : .lip iii:ii liiii@yn • Its � :7,,r.t4,,,,,,.:,,_,,,,...i.,.,...:,..: •••• M '` . ••• Apple ��Valley •• , „,.. , . �� � . . . ,• .,., \. ,. .. •., Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee 2022 Year-End Report Parks& Recreation Advisory Committee 2022 Year-End Report �,-. ly. :.^`. r . 1 t . i w. e -Y 4 y, + ':; '^° " ,-, p 4: ;k 'fit,,.., H ",+� ' '"4r ., !,� "+'i da y ,' 3 : ' +r c k!i A R ;. c.�c. .1f➢'"'r '' ,�$gypp -• -Y' I f tit,\ . • , r .t,, • +jE g� ... ,,,E_ - ` '~ — 0` i1"71 0 /4 1 �P� ,aw �l �j 1' '-1 ilii� ' pispe4 ir rati Ili . f i i' __ 1 - eji MEIMMEM Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) is an appointed committee of volunteer citizens. The purpose of the PRAC is to advise and make recommendations to City Council concerning parks, recreation, open space, and trail issues. In addition, the PRAC provides input to City staff, acting as an advisory board on community interests concerning recreation and parks. The PRAC consists of seven (7) members. Members are appointed by the City Council for three (3) year terms. The Chairperson and Secretary are elected annually by the committee members at an "organizational meeting" typically held in March. ... .... ..... ::S Apple ii Vall ey PAGE 2 Parks& Recreation Advisory Committee 2022 Year-End Report 2022 COMMITTEE MEMBERS TERM BEGAN TERM ENDS Dave Freed 2020 2024 Noel Hammill 2013 2025 Lisa Hiebert(Secretary) 2019 2023 Matthew Hinrichs 2017 2023 Craig Long 2022 2025 Mark Schori 2019 2025 Brenton Schulz(Chair) 2010 2024 MEMBERS' ROLE The PRAC's work covers a broad range of issues that must be acted upon in a timely manner. Occasionally,the formation of a"task force" or"study group" becomes necessary to look into or work further on more complex issues. Participation in these groups is voluntary. PARK DEDICATION The City has enacted an ordinance under Minnesota law that grants a community the authority to receive land or cash, in lieu of land, for purposes of parks from residential and commercial/industrial developers. This dedication is set depending on the size of the proposed development and whether it is a residential or commercial/industrial development. If the amount of land is not sufficient to support a park, a cash dedication is accepted. The amount of the cash dedication is based on the type of residential or commercial/industrial unit. The Committee annually reviews dedication funds. The cash collected goes into a fund for purchase and/or development of parks throughout the City. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GUIDE Required by the Metropolitan Council,the City maintains a"Comprehensive Guide Plan"for the City. Neighborhood service areas are defined to help determine park needs for each portion of the City. A complete copy of the Plan is available on the City's website at www.applevalleymn.gov. 2022 MEETINGS Meetings were held January 6, February 8, March 3, April 7, July 21 (park tour), August 4, September 2, and November 3. Regular meetings were held in the Municipal Center's Council Chambers and video broadcast on Charter Communication Cable Channel 180 starting at 7:00 p.m. Recordings of Regular meetings were also made available on YouTube. Informal meetings were held at 6:00 p.m. in a Municipal Center conference room prior to each Regular meeting. Items of Discussion Included: • Park Bond Referendum • Facilities master plans • Eastview Soccer AED donation • Park sign master plan • EV charging stations • Repurposing of Hayes pickleball courts • Bus tour of the park system • Hockey rink off-leash dog parks • Department staff changes • Valleywood improvements • Park master plans • Division updates • PAGE 3 Parks& Recreation Advisory Committee 2022 Year-End Report VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION The City is fortunate to have a number of citizens who step forward and volunteer to help in the community. One prime example can be found on our various advisory committees and commissions where we currently have over 40 active citizens dedicating their time and their talents to the betterment of our community. National Volunteer Recognition Week was observed April 17-23, 2022, and the City extended thanks to all our volunteers. In addition to our City committee/commission volunteer members, the Parks& Recreation department was extremely fortunate to have 872 individuals volunteer over 3,000 hours in our parks system in 2022. We are grateful for their dedication to keeping our parks clean and beautiful. JULY BUS TOUR OF THE PARK SYSTEM Through many discussions throughout the year about a potential parks bond referendum,PRAC members and staff determined that master plans would be created for four main City parks: Alimagnet, Farquar, Kelley, and Redwood. To gauge improvement needs and generate design ideas, PRAC members and staff participated in a July 21, 2022, guided tour of each of the four parks. POTENTIAL PARKS BOND REFERENDUM Without a doubt,the most significant project the PRAC worked on in 2022 was engaging residents in what the community wants the parks and recreational facilities to look like in the future.The PRAC held several open houses, design charettes, and an online social pinpoint site, which were all designed to gather feedback from the community. PRAC members and City staff developed multiple concept plans for our recreational facilities and four parks (Alimagnet, Farquar, Kelley, and Redwood) based on resident feedback, and then, after gathering even more feedback, they developed final concept plans for each potential project. rJ •••♦ ••••• Building a Bright, Apple Sustainable Future A Valley t Apple Valley Parks & Recreation: Experiences that Last a Lifetime ir • `. lMAG�NE D/scoVeR coNIMUN/7 PAGE 4 • ITEM: 4.E. ..... :�. Apple COUNCI L MEETI NG DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve City Council Committee Assignments for 2023 Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Tom Lawell, City Administrator Administration Department ACTION REQUESTED: Council should consider a motion to approve the attached 2023 committee appointments and assignments summary. SUMMARY: Towards the beginning of each year, the City Council typically reviews and updates their list of committee appointments and assignments for the year. Council was recently provided a draft committee appointment and assignment summary for review. Based on input received, the summary has been updated and is now ready for adoption. BACKGROUND: In addition to the regular duties associated with being a member of the City Council, members are often called upon to represent the City on a number of additional boards and committees. Once a year we summarize the various commitments and assignments and have that list adopted by the City Council. While many of the roles either come with being a member of the City Council or are voluntary, some organizations to which the City belongs require formal City Council appointment of representatives to those organizations. These include the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, the Dakota Communications Center, the Dakota Broadband Board, the Municipal Legislative Commission and the Metropolitan Airports Commission Noise Oversight Committee. Approval of the attached list will serve as official appointment of representatives to these organizations. It is important that the City of Apple Valley be represented on various boards and committees that impact the financial health, public safety and quality of life in our community. We are fortunate that the Mayor and City Councilmembers are willing to devote countless hours serving on these committees to benefit our City. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit Apple Valley City Council Summary of Committee Membership for 2023 Member Appointments Based Board Appointments Voluntary Other Community on Elected Official Approved by the City State/Metro Public Committees/Organizations Status Council Policy Committees Clint Hooppaw, Economic Municipal Legislative Metro Cities Board of Apple Valley Chamber of Mayor Development Authority Commission Board Directors Commerce Member Commissioner Minnesota Valley Suburban Transit Rotary Club of Apple Valley Apple Valley Fire Relief Transit Authority Authority Association Board Board Dakota County Dakota Mayors/ Communications Administrators Center Board of Directors—Alternate Regional Council of Representative Mayors/ Urban Land Institute John Bergman Economic ALF Ambulance Board Metropolitan Airports Apple Valley Chamber of Development Commission Noise Commerce Member Authority-Treasurer Dakota Oversight Committee- Communications At-Large Center Board of Representative for Directors— Primary Apple Valley Representative Member Appointments Based Board Appointments Voluntary Other Community on Elected Official Approved by the City State/Metro Public Committees/ Organizations Status Council Policy Committees Acting Mayor (Mayor League of Minnesota Apple Valley Chamber of Torn Goodwin Pro Tern) Cities Improving Local Commerce Member Economies Policy Economic Committee Fort Snelling National Development Authority Cemetery Honor Guard Commissioner Metro Cities Transportation & Apple Valley Legion Post General Government 1776 Honor Guard Policy Committee Rotary Club of Apple Valley Ruth Grendahl Economic Dakota Broadband National League of Apple Valley Chamber of Development Authority Board- Alternate Cities Energy, Commerce Member Commissioner Representative Environment and Natural Resources Committee Tom Melander Economic Dakota Broadband Apple Valley Chamber of Development Board- Primary Commerce Member Authority- President Representative • ITEM: 4.F. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Election to Not Waive Monetary Limits on Municipal Tort Liability Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Ron Hedberg, Finance Director Finance Department ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve the election to not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minn. Stat. 466.04. SUMMARY: Each year during the property and liability insurance renewal the City Council is required to make the election on not waiving, or waiving, the monetary limits on municipal tort liability. In past years, the election was made to not waive the monetary tort limit with each renewal. BACKGROUND: Cities obtaining liability coverage from the LMCIT must make the election each year on the monetary tort limit. In past years, the election was made to not waive the monetary tort limit at the time of approving the renewal received from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT). Often times this was completed after the beginning of the renewal term on March 1st each year. The LMCIT now requires the form to be submitted prior to the beginning of the policy period. Attached is the LMCIT liability coverage waiver form which describes the statutory claimant limits and the effect. Once approved, the completed form will be submitted to the LMCIT. BUDGET IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact by not waiving the monetary tort limit, but by not waiving the tort limit it may mitigate the financial losses in the case of large claims subject to the tort limits when compared with waiving the monetary limits. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 0 LMCLEAGUE MINNESOTA CITIES LIABILITY COVERAGE — WAIVER FORM Members who obtain liability coverage through the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) must complete and return this form to LMCIT before the member's effective date of coverage. Return completed form to your underwriter or email to pstech@lmc.org. The decision to waive or not waive the statutory tort limits must be made annually by the member's governing body, in consultation with its attorney if necessary. Members who obtain liability coverage from LMCIT must decide whether to waive the statutory tort liability limits to the extent of the coverage purchased. The decision has the following effects: • If the member does not waive the statutory tort limits, an individual claimant could recover no more than$500,000 on any claim to which the statutory tort limits apply. The total all claimants could recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would be limited to $1,500,000. These statutory tort limits would apply regardless of whether the member purchases the optional LMCIT excess liability coverage. • If the member waives the statutory tort limits and does not purchase excess liability coverage, a single claimant could recover up to $2,000,000 for a single occurrence (under the waive option,the tort cap liability limits are only waived to the extent of the member's liability coverage limits, and the LMCIT per occurrence limit is $2,000,000). The total all claimants could recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to $2,000,000,regardless of the number of claimants. • If the member waives the statutory tort limits and purchases excess liability coverage, a single claimant could potentially recover an amount up to the limit of the coverage purchased. The total all claimants could recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to the amount of coverage purchased, regardless of the number of claimants. Claims to which the statutory municipal tort limits do not apply are not affected by this decision. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 145 University Avenue West PH: (651) 281-1200 FX: (651) 281-1298 INSURANCE TRUST St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 TF: (800)925-1122 www.lmc.org LMCIT Member Name: Check one: []The member DOES NOT WAIVE the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minn. Stat. § 466.04. [ ]The member WAIVES the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minn. Stat. § 466.04, to the extent of the limits of the liability coverage obtained from LMCIT. Date of member's governing body meeting: Signature: Position: 2 • ITEM: 4.G. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Procedures for Administering Apple Valley Fire Station #2 & Improvements to #1  Project Change Orders Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Charles Grawe,Assistant City Administrator Administration/ Information Technologies ACTION REQUESTED: Approve procedures for administering Apple Valley Fire Station#2 & Improvements to #1 & #3 project change orders. SUMMARY: The City recently approved a construction project for the fire stations. Projects of this nature tend to be fast-moving. They also present the opportunity for unidentified existing conditions to create barriers to carrying out original specified work. In order to allow work to progress when such issues arise, the Council has often utilized a change order procedure to allow staff to provide approval to time sensitive changes. BACKGROUND: The attached procedures provide conditions under which staff can authorize a necessary change in order to keep the project moving, while requiring the change be brought to the Council for ratification as soon as feasible. Staff recommends the City Council approve the proposed policy procedures, including setting a maximum change order amount of$35,000 for the earthwork contract because it has the biggest potential for unknown cost issues and poses the biggest threat to the construction schedule for all the other trades. Staff also recommends setting a maximum amount of $20,000 for the other contracts for conditional staff approval and designating Assistant City Administrator Charles Grawe to coordinate the change orders to the construction contract. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Memo Memo ••• CITY OF •••• APPLE VALLEY MEMO ••••• •••• Administration Department ••• TO: Mayor and City Council of Apple Valley Tom Lawell, City Administrator FROM: Charles Grawe, Assistant City Administrator DATE: March 2, 2023 SUBJECT: Procedures for Administering Apple Valley Fire Station #2 & Improvements to#1 & #3 Attached is a memo from City Attorney Michael Dougherty regarding the administration of change orders to the Apple Valley Fire Station #2 & Improvements to#1  construction contracts. The procedure would only apply if 1) a delay in making a decision would result in the delay of construction and an increased cost to the project and 2) the situation requiring a decision is not a matter involving a large amount of money. The proposed procedure provides a means for a designated City staff member to make an initial determination as to the whether a change order is necessary. Upon that determination, the staff member would provide the contractor with conditional approval and the work could begin. The staff member would, in writing, inform the City Administrator and the City Council of the circumstances surrounding the conditional approval and the cost benefit involved with the decision. At the first available opportunity, the City Council would act to either ratify or reject the decision made by staff. This process was used on numerous past City construction projects. The process worked well in preventing costly construction delays while also keeping the City Council informed and in control of any cost changes. Assistant City Administrator Charles Grawe is assisting in managing the Apple Valley Fire Station #2 & Improvements to #1 & #3 project. He will be meeting at least bi-weekly with the architect and contractor to discuss issues as they arise. Mr. Grawe will also be informing City Administrator Tom Lawell of these issues on a daily basis. Staff recommends the City Council approve the proposed policy procedures. Staff recommends the City Council set a maximum change order amount of$35,000 for the earthwork contracts only (largest potential for big costs and biggest impact on construction schedule) and an amount of $20,000 for all other contracts for conditional staff approval. Staff recommends the City Council designate Assistant City Administrator Charles Grawe to coordinate the change orders to the construction contract. Attachment Dougherty14985 Glazier Avenue,Suite n 525 Apple Valley,nu 55124 (952)953-8820 Direct(962) M o l o n d a 432-3136 Office(952)432-3780 Fax mdougherty@dmshb.com Email Solfest, Hills & Bauer P.A. MEMORANDUM To: Charles Grawe, Assistant City Administrator From: Mike Dougherty, City Attorney Date: March 2, 2023 Re: Procedure for Change Orders You inquired whether the City can once again adopt a policy for administering change orders to the construction contracts for Apple Valley Fire Stations #2 & Improvements to #1 & #3. With the understanding that only the City Council can bind the City to a contract, you may wish to adopt the following process to handle exigent circumstances as they arise. The types of such situations involve: (1) a decision which if not made immediately would cause delays in the construction and result in an increase cost to the project; or (2) situations which require a decision to be made in matters involving not a large amount of money. The cap amount involved under the circumstances should be set by the City Council. The cap should bear a relation to the full bid cost of the remodel. For the situations noted above, the Council should designate one member of the City staff to coordinate the change orders to the construction contract. Should there occur a situation in which the provisions of this policy arise, the designated person should determine whether a change order is necessary, and if so provide conditional approval as required under the circumstances. Immediately or as soon as practical following the granting of conditional approval, the designated person should, in writing, inform the City Administrator and City Council of the circumstances surrounding the conditional approval and the cost and benefit involved in the decision. At the first available opportunity following the conditional approval, the City Council should act to either ratify or reject the decision made by the designated person. Ratification by the Council is not to be in lieu of any formal action required to approve a change order as required under the contract documents. The designated person should assist the processing of all required change orders in a timely fashion. The contractor should agree to this procedure. If you have any questions with regard to the above or have any suggestions for modifications, please be in contact with me. MGD/kmw • ITEM: 4.H. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Adopt Resolution Approving Application to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for Local Trail Connection Grant Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Eric Carlson, Director Parks and Recreation Department ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt the resolution approving application to the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for a Local Trail Connection Grant, requesting $250,000 to help fund the Orchard Place Gathering Area adjacent to the North Creek Regional Greenway. SUMMARY: Staff is seeking authorization to submit an application to the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for a Local Trail Connections Grant to help fund the Orchard Place Gathering Area, which is a plaza that will be adjacent to a segment of the North Creek Regional Greenway in the Orchard Place development. BACKGROUND: Dakota County has hired a grant writer from Hosington Koegler Group Inc. (HKGI) to write the grant application on our behalf, and the City's Engineering and Parks & Recreation departments are collaborating with HKGI. The application deadline is March 30, 2023, and grant award notices will be sent out in Summer 2023. If we receive the grant, the project must be completed by June 30, 2025. BUDGET IMPACT: The grant request will be for $250,000, and the City will have a 25% match, which amounts to $62,500 and will be funded within the project budget, which includes a contribution from Dakota County and the developer. The current estimate for the Orchard Place Gathering Project is $275,000. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Background Material CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR A LOCAL TRAIL CONNECTION GRANT WHEREAS, the City Council of Apple Valley supports the grant application made to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the Local Trail Connection Program. The application is to construct permanent trail user improvements at the Orchard Place Gathering Area on the North Creek Regional Greenway; and WHEREAS, the City of Apple Valley recognizes that it has secured the required non- state case matching funds for this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, if the City of Apple Valley is awarded a grant by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources,the City of Apple Valley agrees to accept the grant award and may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project. The City of Apple Valley will comply with all applicable laws, environmental requirements, and regulations as stated in the grant agreement; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the applicant has read the Conflict of Interest Policy contained in the Local Trail Connection Grant Manual and certifies it will report any actual, potential,perceived, or organizational conflicts of interest upon discovery to the State related to the application or grant award. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Apple Valley names the fiscal agent for the City of Apple Valley for this project as: Ron Hedberg Finance Director City of Apple Valley 7100 147th St W Apple Valley, MN 55124 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of Apple Valley hereby assures the trail improvements constructed with this Local Trail Connection grant will be maintained for a period of no less than 20 years. ADOPTED this 9th day of March, 2023. Clint Hooppaw,Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk — s— y m h Z;ar.• t 155TH ST W ~_—- — - /-EX.PED RAMP G0". II/I10U(1 1 II I I I I U Iy I II I 1 II 1 d FUTURE RETAIL II DEVELOPMENT III , 1 ' r 1 ORCHARD PLACE �, I r I GATHERING AREA �- rtr * I CONCEPT I 1 t ` I OVERALL AREA: I I 1 1 I APPROX. 0.5 ACRES CC I �. - - - - - � 0 / \ ` I y l .. 1 II I I I-- 1I I I- 1 1 I d 1 1 1 1 I -_ 1 I %. / i I NORTH CREEK I I I GREENWAY TRAIL I I *//02C0 , , "- --/--we ------ 1 (/ =may:�L� 157THSTW III 1 --- --- 1 --- --- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I .I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I, 1 1 1 1 1 ,r 1 1 �� _ \' 0 ? QUARRY POINT PARK 0 WO 200 _ 1 H Feet ••• ••••' ORCHARD PLACE GATHERING AREA CONCEPT DR fi Apple CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MN OVERALL VI E � SEPTEMBER 2022 SEH / KEY FEATURES * f' - / // + 1 GREENWAY TRAIL BIKE AMENITY NODE STORMWATER W ,.. \ (WITH DAKOTA COUNTY STANDARDS): BASIN / _ Q BENCHES ,�' ,/ , " ,:50 I R� 1 BIKE LOOPS & BIKE FIX-IT STATION ' ��. '� P41��1 FUTURE MAP SIGNAGE \ . RETAIL WATER FOUNTAIN & BOTTLE FILLER DEVELOPMENT WASTE/ RECYCLING RECEPTACLES �, ' I GREENWAY COLORED CONCRETE 15 ; I O SMALL PICNIC SHELTER ficiiir; --3 r �_ / I I i i 9,6 �� I I i � I ii° 4grIN)11,...., 0 - i �� 7,,,,,, tit, LIMESTONE BOULDER SEATING IN �' # ;=- ' p''�;, �'� � i ' I ei SLOPED LAWN •1 ''/ �•` t o i oi 8' WIDE BITUMINOUS TRAIL : oh g39s/ � ��; v ,'�. i + i CONNECTION 0 �o -, O Its i i 49• is ,\ \if 0 '0, bi ., ,, e ; 40k.• -- ''' ....-.' , t :, •�;%��` i i i / 1' ! 0CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE SEATWALL , ,--- , I ii ill" � � � � �t� r 11 � ,'� 0 STAIR &WALKWAY CONNECTION SIIIHI® Is, 940 ® `� `: 'I 1 1 �� I © PICNIC TABLES (5) &ADA PICNIC IN TRAIL 1-•-\ � ', TABLES (3) THROUGHOUT BRIDGE �� ,, . t.: I �� I + P40,0 � �� I I PLAZA CENTER RAISED PLANTING BED O & PUBLIC ART FEATURE -' ' r Iii. ''''l 0 0" \ • '= �'� _ 1 O 1 + i - , 1 BENCH SEATING ALONG TRAIL "1 I I ' O rNB O �, CONNECTION .� miitwmnil, 1111111� A.t& ' I r rtl / II 1� , `_ TRAIL CONNECTION ACCESS FROM �� ',r �; 11 RETAIL DEVELOPMENT (TBD) t �. ��8,,,, „ ,,,7_ ,c,i 0;. .//\)\1-9/ O `_ ', . ... . ® TREE PLANTINGS THROUGHOUT FOR STORMWATER , ., , , ,.. \ 93g ,/ SHADE BASINC . \ 937 O 1 . �:,\ ' • N 1\ \ G 1 ' g36 O ✓✓�iP �� I ® LOW MAINTENANCE & HARDY PLANT \ ', MASSINGS \ \ I I NORTH CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL �� coli \f" 14 LOW MAINTENANCE TURF AREAS O \ 1 . 1 O15 NATIVE PLANT SEEDING ON SLOPED AREAS THROUGHOUT 1 imix-• \ \ lk- \ 7- \ "� 16 FUTURE TRAIL CONNECTION TO NORTH , , , z , , , , ,,, o H 10 to Feet 1I 1 ] WAYFINDING SIGNAGE 1 O • ORCHARD PLACE GATHERING AREA CONCEPT DRAFT �� Apple CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MN PLAN SEPTEMBER 2022 SEH • ow 0 ,/ L. PHASING KEY • � HASE 1: ♦.��.■ �� *�* I ■• � � ■ �GREENWAY TRAIL BIKE --. 001.4.,5q -1,--0° / / s ' ■ ■ AMENITY NODE w.' * - 1 \ * LIMESTONE BOULDER y u'N . >.� �-- '� \ \ " SEATING IN SLOPED LAWN ,0.,( $4 „,,:., ���% ' r ��_:r..r';" 7� - i I 4 ; � *TRAIL CONNECTION TO i� 0, BENCH SEATING r -7 + �0• , j 44 I *TREE PLANTINGS MAXIMIZED •� �4 \�, ',WW '"tr��� -- i �o' 4 i THROUGHOUT SPACE �1 �:� ��w\ �� ,�;�;'' `�%/ :4: A II *PICNIC TABLES (INCLUDING • g39 �`4 i iy ;,� � ` � ADA PICNIC TABLES) 1 ■ ��°? ��', '" -� � 11::" .4-':>111)0: ��� 2 ■ ■ PHASE 2: ■ ■ ■ *GATHERING PLAZA WITH �. �air ■ �' �,r`■ 1 �" ���' � ' ," i � � � ■ ■ ■ SEATWALL, PERGOLAS & STAIR �>' l �t `h ,�0 1 ■ . . . CONNECTION �.`o% . ■ ■ *CENTER RAISED PLANTER & � � �•_ � .�� � '�` �� ■ PUBLIC ART i� 940 i ■ *ADDITIONAL TREE PLANTINGS ,,t° -)'` `"' / \ ;� S. i A� ■ `\ ■ & PLANTING BEDS �, ♦ ,�,, �'. � I *SITE FURNISHINGS II *SMALL PICNIC SHELTERS & 40, So �,A_ ,,40 1 I ADDITIONAL PICNICKING - .1� �l ` Ewa I ,, II - - II FUTURE PHASE BY RETAIL A - :; ; `�� I ■ ■ DEVELOPMENT: lir N �-� a .y *COMPLETED TRAIL A Wr ,0 CONNECTION TO RETAIL � � i� �■ IF �,� % Y DEVELOPMENT \ � ,, • '.l ■ 1� . *TREES, PLANTINGS & SLOPE 938 \ • ■ i RESTORATION (NATIVE 93j �`� / SEEDING) 9a ' I \ ' A INTERIM TS ,� \ ) 1 \ *TUTRF WITHPHASE PICNIC1OP TABLES : lie5.:: O t -- lir ' I I *TEMPORARY NATIVE SEEDING a, , f' FUTURE WATER SERVICE LINE IN 1 \ O PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR PROPOSED WATER FOUNTAIN \ I 0 H 10 210 Feet I O FUTURE TRAIL CONNECTION TO -Iif0 ' ' NORTH ORCHARD PLACE GATHERING AREA CONCEPT DRAFT � Apple CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MN PHASING SEPTEMBER 2022 SEH • ITEM: 4.1. ..... :�. Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Reduction of Financial Guarantee Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Breanna Vincent, Department Assistant Community Development Department ACTION REQUESTED: Approve reduction of financial guarantee. SUMMARY: The City holds numerous financial guarantees to ensure the installation of certain improvements in new developments, as well as to assure protection of natural resources. Staff review of the status of these developments indicates that the following action is in order: 1. Orchard Place Mixed Use Campus LOC No. 1176 (2021-119) Original Deposit on 10/17/2022 for $3,527,400.00 Current balance $3,527,400.00 Reduce now to $3,359,428.75 BACKGROUND: N/A BUDGET IMPACT: N/A • ITEM: 4.J. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Adopt Resolution Restricting Parking on Diamond Path (CSAH 33)for Project 2022-128, Dakota County Roundabout at Diamond Path & 140th Street W. Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Matt Saam, Public Works Director Public Works Department ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt resolution restricting parking on Diamond Path (CSAH 33) from 700-feet south of 145th St. to 150th St. (CSAH 42) within Apple Valley for Project 2022-128, Dakota County Roundabout at Diamond Path& 140th Street. SUMMARY: Attached for City Council consideration is a resolution restricting parking on Diamond Path from 700-feet south of 145th Street to 150th Street (CSAH 42) related to the County's Roundabout project at Diamond Path/140th St. The requested parking restrictions are a requirement of State Aid Funding since both the City and County are planning to utilize State Aid Funds for the project. The project will include an overlay of Diamond Path from 140th St. south to CSAH 42. As such, parking restrictions are needed for the entire overlay area. The City has an existing Council approved parking restriction along Diamond Path from a point 700-feet south of 145th St., north to 140th. As such, the current request is for the remaining section of Diamond Path from the point 700-feet south of 145th St., south to CSAH 42. BACKGROUND: On February 14, 1991, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1991-33 prohibiting parking on CSAH 33 from 700-feet south of 145th Street to approximately 1000-feet north of 140th Street. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Map Resolution ;WQ ij 41°.' �— 145TH ST W > 4 , lti .90100", , , .,, .... I • le,4 . J �rg�. ,y �� '� O I ,� rM '' .� +z r * t 1 e ,- r y _T , -ON'' 41),,,:s. , _,„: ,), _ ,, . , .,a� JER CT UPPER 145TH ST�W�.54', h �, + �. ,t a f r z I _ �C1 " �ier� .. ,; • A '� � CO " - ' 4j. * r "pit., , ,.• A .. 147TH ST'W ,+ Ci•°,.. , r_" O. ,�.,! �` rr y z G7114 le- r ir, / ANL // e l gi +1u P„r,.l.fr,1 1, 4,,,.r5 w 146 RH*ST W e, ( 1 - 1 `, . , . } A tl i i t i"..: ir ft . + ¢ C 4 l - o W it i r ,._ Of t 0 • •),..... fi i o.` T om - ' 'l "�' ,k Yf , ° ,A„ lcst ► q / well �'' • f Cr O .� - r +.rf. a ti.., Z I�UPPER 148TH ST W y �*' , , y ' Y I -.. ii 1/:^ 'da''. I., aPP i+jT' 1 w °! ,!1r 1t I.P 1/ Jr- �F ,!f , ek ' 149TH�T I. 1 ' r;� 4 R .r 099 JO`�41; 6 ! • f{r r` r' 0 6� T ► r „, .0, # . .t'` , SPAN, Proposed No Parking Area h -� •k a - -- -7 F?f111�jl -- vI , =r-=t` 0 250 500 'y- DOVE TRL Feet ••••• • Apple DIAMOND PATH PROPOSED NO PARKING AREA OVERVIEW Valley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION RESTRICTING PARKING ON DIAMOND PATH(CSAH 33) FROM 700' SOUTH OF 145T1 STREET TO 150T1 STREET (CSAH 42) - SAP 019-633-993 WHEREAS, the County of Dakota has planned for the improvement of Diamond Path (CSAH 33) from 140t1i St. south to 150T1 St. (CSAH 42), State Aid Project No. 019-633-993; and WHEREAS,the City Council has previously restricted parking along Diamond Path from 140t" St. south to a point 700-feet south of 145th St.; WHEREAS,the County and City will use State Aid funds for the improvement of Diamond Path; and WHEREAS, Municipal State Aid requires the City to adopt a resolution restricting parking in locations where adequate width for parking is not provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota,that the City hereby prohibits the parking of vehicles on both sides of Diamond Path(CSAH 33)within the City of Apple Valley from 700-feet south of 145th St. to 150th St. (CSAH 42). ADOPTED this 9th day of March 2023. Clint Hooppaw,Mayor ATTEST: Pamela Gackstetter, City Clerk • ITEM: 4.K. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County and City of Rosemount for Project 2022- 128, Roundabout at Diamond Path & 140th Street W. Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Matt Saam, Public Works Director Public Works Department ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County and the City of Rosemount for Project 2022-128, Roundabout at Diamond Path& 140th Street W. SUMMARY: The attached Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with Dakota County and the City of Rosemount provides for a cost share between both cities and the County for feasibility study, design and construction costs associated with the proposed project. Rosemount is included in the JPA due to Diamond Path being located on the municipal boundary between Apple Valley and Rosemount. This project is planned for construction in 2023. A layout exhibit of the proposed project is attached. The project includes the following: • construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Diamond Path(CSAH 33) and 140th St. • overlay of Diamond Path (CSAH 33) from 140th St. south to CSAH 42; along with pedestrian crossing improvements at 145th St. and a turn lane addition at 147th St. • restriping of 140th St. from a 4-lane section to a 3-lane section from Diamond Path west to 141st St.; along with enhanced pedestrian crossing improvements at Drommond Trail and Erickson Park The JPA has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. BACKGROUND: On November 10, 2022 the City Council approved a support resolution for the draft 2023- 2027 CIP for Dakota County which included the Diamond Path/140th St. Roundabout Project in 2023. BUDGET IMPACT: The JPA provides for a cost split per the County's Cost Share Policy between Dakota County and both the City of Rosemount and Apple Valley to share costs for the project. The current cost estimate to the City of Apple Valley is estimated to be $691,000. Staff expects to use a combination of Municipal State Aid (MSA) and Street Light Utility funds for the City's portion. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit Agreement ••• ,,,--45.;",....... •••• ■•••• fA BOLTON t?iiié& M vrtatto�r T I OSEMOUIT MINNESOTA youhe EN N K CSAH 33/140TH STREET ROUNDABOUT FEASIBILITY STUDY Valley 4 H Q 0- DAK OTA 33 ❑ COUNTY Z 0 0 2 Q 0 1 1 I I S° 1 / f 1 SCALE IN FEET j 1 I 1 f 1 / PiN } M ' I 1 1 o ; 1 m ' I ❑ fT r f Vila 1 I 1 ' ❑ 1 m 1 LJ Q 11.111 1 1 .ti I • + m f 1 in.11‘1 lu, m � - � 1m �� m 411011 all - N. T `m • 1 ..."00,,,,,,:\ ,...,, 1 ., 101 o11111. 1 `\�\\\ 1 .. V E . i 117 :1 / \ "11:"- _ - 1 d rri 1 \ \ \ / l w' W ❑ I ,4'4' % , R r - �_- / E' , 111, a a -I r DULUTH cT --__ � 1 mili r fi P rr, . i I • if i� m Il ' 1 _ i 111 . ajorim... I ,Tioli ..-->_...---<-----: .. i 1 IIP 1 r riL/ / i -.011114 1 ott ,l ---->.......0" 1 1 I 1111 m 1i C.) 7 / ." / / / it ----;......„.....•-- VP / / I/ I , 1 1 I .. + I } r,0'. ---- . "...4.N\I I I I I I I 1 1 i i 1 L J L J L---- - -�, -/ _ f r i.. \\/ - 1 , 1 40TH ST W ® ■ __ \\\\ \ 1 \ • 1 �r � ''.------..-----:---:- __W-- If L �.3 # rr i ` � rr� irl30 t. 30 31) TI 3C} T .. .. ] , 1f3 30 — —.. — 1 + — — _ 7 i- ' -' ��� 1 = 3 r 1 \ii _ 1111111% 4 . , — A-* + IT midi____-----1 .._ -- ___— a ___ t 11 1111 ...... ! sivii$4 f— _ _ \ • 111 1 1 a., _ . .. ) r - - _ i 4...8 .,,,...._ r ---\. S . � 4,-40,;:7: m __4... .t.'tililk''- , fir . .4 ;---� cc i r--_ ___.___ �_ •-ter` - - t ottgl 7\ ..00"....... � IN\ 11:14 I'' ..... i . 41 Vill \ •••".''''..'.--'••.'....*'.......' 4. --. :-k tel. . .. 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SANITARY SEWER 33 o n COUNTY 2 Y GAS --- -- EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY Q SINGLE-LANE ROUNDABOUT: CONCEPT 2b 0 FIBER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY ' ' CSAH 33 (DIAMOND PATH) at 140th STREET/CONNEMARA TRAIL 111 C Cl •0 COUNTY ROAD 33t? 1tation ROSEMOUNT 111 411 411 "' ' BOLTON RoundaboutFeasibility LYOUthI e A PPVeaIIeY \ &SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS „46... "10 Du N DABouT vii,67 . JALIzATIoN _If ,)ii. _....x.., I . - }t 1'--, y -("4::. •44 Ls. - • .11k,;•_.4..tiAioc..... _ - . 1.• ...N. • _ air ✓ l 9 { . e A 1.14 itar :j 'y i w 0.• . ilillia. ." a I r 9 r'• ' I.,'''' lo ter w*.11_ t".....v-ot:. . tom '" • } .r 7 i 4.. * 'Jot ilIVIIIIIIIIII-*- le" midi- 'fir . -- - *-- .• f-`► '.00.1.1 + t s y . 0r:1 0iiii el!. < 10le- ilf wow AO. •;Ilk . - •4-54t ... ik ." * - 4‘4-..i.sr; I..- 1` .•" . ♦ .fir - �' .j...6�� ..4. h ►. e.. .F'� ! • Fri s" • t t- _ flail" a ` • _. - _ __ ' ill: ' --In' -IgWt . i_4 f.:-.6'- _ - at fa-- ihr. .,.._ ___, --_ ,s-.-',4. v . . a 1 .1$4.4e11111. 1 .. '94. 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C0032443 Apple Valley C0032444 Rosemount JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR PRELIMINARY & FINAL DESIGN ENGINEERING, RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION, HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION, AND MAINTENANCE BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF DAKOTA, THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR COUNTY PROJECT NO. 33-15 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PROJECT NO. 2022-108 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJECT NO. 2020-07 SYNOPSIS: Dakota County and the Cities of Apple Valley and Rosemount agree to complete preliminary and final engineering, and right-of-way acquisition, for construction of a roundabout at County Road 33 (CR 33 or Diamond Path) and 140th Street/Connemara Trail, pavement preservation on CSAH 33 from CSAH 42 (150th Street) to 140th Street/Connemara Trail, and conversion to a 3-lane roadway along both CSAH 33 from CSAH 42 (150th Street) to 140th Street/Connemara Trail and 140th Street from CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob Road) to CSAH 33 (Diamond Path) County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Dakota, referred to in this Agreement as the "County", and the Cities of Apple Valley and Rosemount, referred to in this Agreement as the "Cities", and witnesses the following: WHEREAS, under Minnesota Statutes Sections 162.17, subd. 1 and 471.59, subd. 1, two or more governmental units may enter into an Agreement to cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties, and one of the participating governmental units may exercise one of its powers on behalf of the other governmental units; and WHEREAS, it is considered mutually desirable to complete the preliminary and final engineering design, right of way acquisition, and construction of traffic control improvements (roundabout) at the intersection of CSAH 33 (Diamond Path) and 140th Street/Connemara Trail. A roundabout is proposed at this location to replace an all-way-stop-controlled intersection; and WHEREAS, other design and construction elements included in this agreement in addition to the roundabout, include: (1) the restriping of 140th Street from CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob Road) to CSAH 33 (Diamond Path) in Apple Valley; (2) pavement replacement and restriping of CSAH 33 (Diamond Path) from 140th Street/Connemara Trail to CSAH 42 (150th Street); and (3) pedestrian crossing improvements (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, to provide a safe and efficient transportation system, the County and the Cities are coordinating County Project No. 33-15; City Project Nos. 2022-108 (Apple Valley), and 2020-07 (Rosemount); and WHEREAS, the County and Cities have included portions of the Project in their respective Capital Improvement Programs and will participate in the costs of engineering design, right of way acquisition, construction, and maintenance; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed the County and Cities will share responsibilities and participate in the Project as described in the following sections: 1. Administration. The County is the lead agency for the feasibility study, preliminary and final design, right of way acquisition, and construction administration and inspection of the Project. Subject to the requirements below, the County and Cities shall each retain final decision-making authority within their respective jurisdictions. Page 2 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 2. Feasibility Study and Cost Shares. "Feasibility Study" shall be defined as the initial study to confirm the need for the proposed roundabout, to establish the proposed design elements functionally and conceptually (including coordination with MnDOT State Aid), and to inform community stakeholders of the decision-making process, recommendations, and next steps. The County shall be responsible for 55% of the cost of the Feasibility Study and each City shall be responsible for 22.5% of the cost of the Feasibility Study. 3. Preliminary and Final Design Engineering. "Preliminary and final design engineering" shall be defined as engineering work completed through final approved plans and specifications, which includes, but is not limited to: • Surveying and mapping; • Engineering studies and reports; • Public involvement process; • Agency involvement; • Environmental reports; • Consultant engineering; • Traffic evaluation of various alternatives; • Preliminary layouts (including Level 1 Layout as required by MnDOT); • Final plan development including 30%, 60%, 90% and final plans; • Conceptual, preliminary, and final design engineering of project storm water design features; and • County and City staff time for the aforementioned items The Preliminary and final design engineering costs shall be as paid as described section 5. 4. Construction Items. Construction cost includes all highway and roadway construction items; County and City furnished materials, mitigation required by state and federal permits including accessibility requirements; storm sewer and other drainage facilities eligible for County/City State Aid funding based on contributing flows; replacement or restoration of fences, landscaping and driveways affected by construction; replacement or adjustment of sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer systems, if required due to Page 3 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 construction; relocating or adjusting privately owned utilities when not performed at the expense of the utility; water pollution best management practices, based on contributing flows from the County right of way, meeting National Urban Runoff Protection (NURP) standards; installation of roundabout and design elements integral to the safe design and operation of the roundabouts; mitigation required for access modifications, if needed; roundabout intersection lighting; and all other construction aspects outlined in the Project. Construction costs shall be paid as described in Section 5. 5. Cost Share: The County and Cities shall apportion the Preliminary and final design engineering and construction costs for the Project (Project Cost) as follows: • CSAH 33 and 140th Street/Connemara Trail Roundabout and associated street lighting i. The County shall be responsible for 55% of all the Project Cost ii. The City of Apple Valley shall be responsible for 22.5% of the Project Cost iii. The City of Rosemount shall be responsible for 22.5% of the Project Cost • CSAH 33 from CSAH 42 to 140' Street/Connemara Trail i. The County shall be responsible for 100% of the Project Cost related to pavement preservation work and pedestrian crossing enhancements including street lighting. The County shall be responsible for 85% of the Project Cost related to installation of right turn lanes along this segment of CSAH 33. ii. The City of Apple Valley shall be responsible for 15% of the Project Cost related to installation of right turn lanes along this segment of CSAH 33 within the City limits. iii. The City of Rosemount shall be responsible for 15% of the Project Cost related to installation of right turn lanes along this segment of CSAH 33 within the City limits. iv. The City of Apple Valley shall be responsible for 100% of the Project Cost related to street lighting upgrades along CSAH 33 within in the City of Apple Valley. Page 4 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 • 140th Street from CSAH 31 to CSAH 33 i. The City of Apple Valley shall be responsible for 100% of all Project Costs along 140th Street. The portion of 140th Street that is included within the roundabout shall be split according to Section 5, CSAH 33/ 140th Street/Connemara Trail Roundabout and associated street lighting. 6. Aesthetic Elements. Aesthetic elements for the Project consist of decorative pavements, trail lighting, undergrounding of private utilities, landscaping and plantings. The County will participate up to 50 percent (50%) of the cost of aesthetic elements up to a maximum amount of three percent (3%) of the County's share (prior to application of Federal funding) of highway construction costs. Highway construction costs exclude costs for items such as right of way, storm sewer and ponding. Each City shall be responsible for 25 percent (25%) of the costs of all aesthetic elements at the roundabout at CSAH 33 and 140th Street/ Connemara Trail and 50 percent (50%) of the costs of all aesthetic elements for elements not related to the roundabout at CSAH 33 and 140th Street/Connemara Trail. Each City is responsible for a100 percent (100%) of their respective costs that exceed the County's maximum participation for aesthetic elements. The responsibility for maintenance of all aesthetic elements shall be in accordance with County policies included in the current adopted Dakota County Transportation Plan. 7. Right-of-Way Acquisition. The County will undertake all actions necessary to acquire all permanent and temporary road right-of-way, all right of way for trails, wetland damage mitigation and banking, drainage and ponds, and water pollution control best management practices necessary for the Project. The Cities shall convey to the County, at no cost, effective on the title and possession date of the Project, all necessary public easements and rights of way necessary for project purposes, on all adjacent City- controlled or dedicated real property for Project purposes including the right to grade within drainage and utility easements as necessary. Upon completion of the Project, the ownership of the drainage, utility, and ponding easements and permanent right of way for City streets shall be owned by the respective City in which the easements are located. Any right of way costs for new sanitary sewer, water mains, and appurtenances, and aesthetic elements outside of the right of way needed for the highway improvements shall be the responsibility of the respective City in which the improvement is located.. The County shall pay 55% of the cost for acquiring right of way for the proposed Page 5 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 roundabout at CSAH 33 and 140`h Street/Connemara Trail and each City shall pay 22.5% of the cost. 8. Plans and Specifications. The County shall prepare the plans and technical specifications for the Project. The Cities shall approve the plans and specifications prior to the County advertising for bids. The County Board will award the contract for construction of the Project to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with state law. 9. City Utilities. The Cities shall pay all costs, including design, for new sanitary sewer, water mains and appurtenances not necessary for the Project but constructed with the project. Further, the respective City shall be responsible for the maintenance of all such facilities after the completion of the Project. 10. Project Cost Updates. The County will provide updated cost estimates to the Cities showing the County's and Cities' shares of Project costs annually at the time of Capital Improvement Program development. Updated cost estimates will also be provided by the County to the Cities at the following times: • prior to contract award, • upon completion of the 30% plans • Prior to advertising a construction contract, • After bid opening (prior to contract award), • During construction if total contract changes exceed $100,000, • Once per year following the construction season until Project is complete. 11. Payment. The County will administer the contract and act as the paying agent for all payments to the consulting engineers. Payments will be made as the Project work progresses and when certified by the County Engineer. The County, in turn, will bill the Cities for their share of the Project costs. Upon presentation of an itemized claim the City shall reimburse the County for its share of the costs incurred under this Agreement within 35 days from the presentation of the claim. If any portion of an itemized claim is questioned by a City, the remainder of the claim shall be promptly paid, and accompanied by a written explanation of the amounts in question. Payment of any Page 6 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 outstanding amount will be made following good faith negotiation and documentation of actual costs incurred in carrying out the work. 12. Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements. Any change orders or supplemental agreements that affect the Project cost participation must be approved by all parties prior to execution of work. 13. Amendments. Any amendments to this Agreement will be effective only after approval by each governing body and execution of a written amendment document by duly authorized officials of each body. 14. Effective Dates. This Agreement will be effective upon execution by duly authorized officials of each governing body and shall continue in effect until all work to be carried out in accordance with this Agreement has been completed. Absent an amendment, however, in no event will this Agreement continue in effect after December 31, 2024. 15. Final Completion: Final completion of the construction Project must be approved by both the County and the Cities. 16. Storm Sewer Construction and Maintenance: Upon final acceptance of the Project, maintenance of storm sewer systems shall be provided in accordance with the current County and City Maintenance Agreements for Storm Sewer Systems. The County will participate in replacement or repair of storm sewer constructed by this Project in accordance with County policies included in the current adopted Transportation Plan. 17. Rules and Regulations. The County shall abide by Minnesota Department of Transportation and standard specifications, rules, and contract administration procedures. 18. Indemnification. The County agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Cities against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage, or expense arising under the provisions of this Agreement and caused by or resulting from negligent acts or omissions of the County and/or those of County employees or agents. Apple Valley agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County and Rosemount against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage, or expense arising under the provisions of this Agreement caused by or resulting from negligent acts or omissions of Apple Valley and/or those of Page 7 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 Apple valley's employees or agents. Rosemount agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County and Apple Valley against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage, or expense arising under the provisions of this Agreement caused by or resulting from negligent acts or omissions of Rosemount, its employees or agents. All parties to this Agreement recognize that liability for any tort claims arising under this Agreement are subject to the provisions of the Minnesota Municipal Tort Claims Law; Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. In the event any tort claim or action is filed against any party, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to allow a claimant to obtain separate judgments or separate liability caps from the individual parties. For purposes of determining total liability for damages, the Cities and County are considered a single governmental unit pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, subd. 1 a. The County shall include the Cities as additional insureds in the contract documents. 19. Employees of Parties. Any and all persons engaged in the work to be performed by the County shall not be considered employees of the Cities for any purpose, including Worker's Compensation, or any and all claims that may or might arise out of said employment context on behalf of said employees while so engaged. Any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligation or responsibility of the Cities. The opposite situation shall also apply: the County shall not be responsible under the Worker's Compensation Act for any employees of the Cities and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said Cities employees while so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligation or responsibility of the County. 20. Audits. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec 16 C. 05, Subd. 5, any books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the County and each City relevant to the Agreement are subject to examination by the County or the Cities and either the Legislative Auditor or the State Auditor as appropriate. The County and each City agree to maintain these records for a period of six years from the date of performance of all services covered under this Agreement. Dakota County will be financially responsible for the cost of the audit. Page 8 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 21. Integration and Continuing Effect. The entire and integrated agreement of the Parties contained in this Agreement shall supersede all prior negotiations, representations or agreements between the Cities and the County regarding the Project; whether written or oral. All agreements for future maintenance or cost responsibilities shall survive and continue in full force and effect after completion of the improvements provided for in this Agreement. 22. Authorized Representatives. The authorized representatives for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement are: COUNTY OF DAKOTA CITY OF APPLE VALLEY CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Erin Laberee, Dakota County Matt Saam, Public Works Director Brian Erickson, City Engineer Engineer(or successor) (or successor) (or successor) 14955 Galaxie Ave. City of Apple Valley City of Rosemount Apple Valley, MN 55124 7100 147th Street W 2875 145th Street West Office: (952) 891-7102 Apple Valley, MN 55124 Rosemount, MN 55068 erin.labereeco.dakota.mn.us Office: (952) 953-2412 Office: (651) 322-2025 msaam@ci.apple-valley.mn.us brian.erickson©ci.rosemount.mn.us Notification required to be provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be provided to the above named persons and addresses, unless otherwise stated in this Agreement or in a modification of this Agreement. [SIGNATURE PAGES TO FOLLOW] Page 9 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officials. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By Public Works Director, Matt Saam Mayor, Clint Hooppaw APPROVED AS TO FORM: (SEAL) By City Attorney City Clerk, Pamela Gackstetter Date Page 10 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By Public Works Directors, Brian Erickson Mayor, Jeffery D. Weisensel APPROVED AS TO FORM: (SEAL) By City Attorney City Clerk, Erin Fasbender Date Page 11 County Project 33-15 Apple Valley and Rosemount December 2022 DAKOTA COUNTY RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By: County Engineer, Erin Laberee Physical Development Director, Georg Fischer Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant County Attorney Date COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION No. 20-447 Date: September 22, 2020 Page 12 • ITEM: 4.L. ..... :�. Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Adopt Resolution Setting Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on April 13, 2023, to Vacate Scenic Easements Abutting 13969 Duluth Court (Lot 1, Block 1, Hazelwood Estates) Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Kathy Bodmer,Al CP, Planner Community Development Department Applicant: Project Number: City of Apple Valley PC23-08-G Applicant Date: 60 Days: 120 Days: ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt resolution setting public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on April 13, 2023, to vacate scenic easements abutting 13969 Duluth Court (Lot 1, Block 1, Hazelwood Estates). SUMMARY: The petitioner for this request is the City of Apple Valley on behalf of Dakota County for a road improvement project. Dakota County plans to reconfigure the intersection of Diamond Path (County Road 33) and 140th St. W into a roundabout this summer. As part of this project, the County is acquiring permanent public right-of-way from the Apple Valley property owners at the northwest corner of this intersection. The northwest corner property, 13969 Duluth Ct., has an existing scenic/conservation easement running in favor of the City along the south property line and the east property line. The attached easement exhibit drawing shows that part of the scenic easement area falls within the section of right-of-way that the County is acquiring. Dakota County requests that the City vacate the portion of scenic easement within the right- of-way parcel they are acquiring for the Diamond Path and 140th St. W. round-about project. BACKGROUND: Scenic easements are often required in conjunction with residential development to ensure berming and landscaping between the housing and major roadways are not removed. The landscape features help to mitigate traffic noise and other nuisance characteristics from high traffic roadways. The scenic easement for Hazelwood Estates was dedicated to the City on December 4, 2004 as part of the residential subdivision and development agreement. Dakota County plans to reconfigure the Diamond Path (County Road 33) and 140th Street intersection into a single lane roundabout intersection which requires the County to acquire additional right-of-way. The County acquired the needed right-of-way and now seeks to clear the scenic easement to allow for the road improvement project. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Map Map Resolution Easement Exhibit O CUTN f•-� -� *t,0 Df' VA 111 �EMBRY,WAY ®or �Y 2 ©� d" t �i—/Mai ®...00D�� �9®�, HWi ♦4t bØ .PIPU137E l_ 104 J Z % EVERGREEN t_ , ELK�T cj��W�s® /� VNikiVc‘"irmil� ¢ O ' 44,1rj ."7-03a ` 1 �f `441511111112011t0eESSEX TRL_ \_ '''/���� ��OOl����.�! FFI to T�1®�®1���w \-c ©e e�.0NRD ®1i$ o ; 11777 � w `��.Aa. ti - . OTH OT - '�I /goamat� t ` MMON// `I ; a, s 140TH ST W - ‘ 111 Fallifil mrE f. --III r. t ., •_. - UPPER 141ST STEW - ,N4yI1Oiji 1 g7ST t e _0 6,111t. 1iepr 0 i1.41a1111011111 JIM 2 r , 1:1=1:1 ... plirmilst.......lig 1114 ;irk A iAik,,,,0•"10 4,7 AVIS ftt*111111W 41,16# it 142N o s Ng Wilk att. 4111111M ' - 142ND PATH W a titre DIAMOND PATH CT ` . MIM. A Amilou®ii Lillian®�vdikat _ Paq �;� aLt © � 1.01111,11TA:mr.o..,116'1. ‘•, :111 ti DDLCME 1:' ' i , • Illrn Ellll� ¢I, ��- �rIll11117,..40 ��_ RR.\q (,p , �illllw yilll Qom',,',, ,�''I'j0� .,..�� P �`�►� ,® -� , ,L.uili�0 11i��%I J o ,��J�!'4 ' 1� r®. �'�! r �,����``11V TS1_ `F / ,,I ♦ , 4�•'SY �!� N��� ti st1 . o=143RD S1,W:—� �i�® _ ,.1 � •,,, ,,((it\I ram,qy.l.- y=EM BRY,CT��� t ���®„p����®,� 0 P � � O� w '�► Irk_• v m0 ���• �, �_" i c: r_1 feel i®�� • .ii1i®©1®'/_V,,,,G� © �.1 i -" `�-�_ 144TH ST,W��_- + ��O S ' ralki ti ALD PATH �®�L`a ��\. (, 1 145TH ST,W TIST • �J �aV�Ii3ii9JN v�w- �1 L millilir.. r. �.••1"1 O +r 1 ti1QO0iiiMgM�CED 421>mall Oe„ J41,'{- .ter. ll, fill► �p•® m r 0 .. r s. .v,I��� ig',P1�„_' S ti Nfi\ ' fi.,2-4,-1 b*in1i .y 1 446, • VACATION DULUTH CT �'� SCENIC EASEMENT .yamN-1..wityl ' LiwpArgi.`"mak N 41Iti am- IMe lragaLJA3ri LOCATION MAP ^� ' R ° 'I en�� .���' - I III . • .\-1 iii; - CC 0 CL < f i I .a. I it I — i ---1— -.. - II A. .. .... Tr14. I I I \ ' '".2).'• *' I I I : - e "; N --._ - • .•• 116•1101, h - - I - '111 -r ReiNire. 1 I I 1' tel c) ( •• 4104i.. 1- , ,,, 4 1 A ' 1 < ) $0...,‘, `• , N",..„............, ----..-,'''''''''''''..e.....'-' . 4:1_ 1 • - 0 i ,........- .....,:) 13969 P im ! - .. . '. • • ' , PARCEL TO BE git 4 _ . . ACQUIRED - . k I 4... .. / I . _ Li MI- a••• — —a- 1 140TH ST W — --,---__ . • . Alt,aria s 11‘... • VACATION DULUTH CT , tiirtin SCENIC EASEMENT 4 4-f1o*r r, w LLAI'PMP=.jd"71"roA, w0111-eA " ^7 vraimigt WiliezAt/kotillitL .olfromi_ *iimrvireligg, more N lelVal J416414111 4/\ W E ft,III NO% !NA.11811-.7.• El Ill:NIAMil S '11-smi r-zr, a waif it, Dite904 4:1 1714::ribera:::117:1 I.%'-1 111 III III 11 II 1:17:41.;71 mile t -N-111141•1 kee oa..1 SITE AREA MAP CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF PUBLIC GROUNDS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, that the City Clerk be, and hereby is, directed to schedule the public hearing specified in the notice attached hereto as Exhibit A and is further directed to cause said notice to be published for two weeks in the Dakota County Tribune. The City Clerk is further directed to post copies of Exhibit A, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 412.851, at least two weeks prior to the scheduled date of said hearing. ADOPTED this 9th day of March,2023. Clint Hooppaw,Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROCEEDINGS FOR VACATION OF PUBLIC GROUNDS IN THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, will meet at the Municipal Center, 7100 West 147th Street, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Thursday, April 13, 2023, to consider the matter of vacation of the following described public grounds in the City of Apple Valley, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.851: Hereby vacate part of the Easement Area described in the Scenic Easement, dated December 8, 2004, and recorded on December 23, 2004, as document number 2278830 lying over, under and across a portion of Lot 4, Block 1, HAZELWOOD ESTATES, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, and described as follows; Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 1, of said HAZELWOOD ESTATES; thence North 72 degrees 01 degrees 52 minutes East a distance of 70.13 feet; thence North 63 degrees 13 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 48.14 feet to the west right of way line of Diamond Path as depicted in Dakota County Right of Way Map No. 494; thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 43.60 feet along said right of way of line of Diamond Path; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 109.77 feet along the north right of way line of 140th Street West as depicted in Dakota County Right of Way Map No. 494 to the point of beginning and there terminating. Area=2134 SF Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposal will be heard at this meeting. DATED this day of , 20_. Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk EXHIBIT A PROJECT 33-15 PARCEL 2 RIGHT OF WAY EXHIBIT APPLE VALLEY, MN D I•'ILL:Tf i �C_r 1 1 / / / �`.._�,APPLE VALLEY J / -' A SCENIC EASEMENT �L I PER DOC. NO. -, • II 2278830r—` EASEMENT c . - I I EXISTING SCENIC EASEMENT: 7541 SF I r ,`r `+4" , i 1_ 0 PARCEL 2 COUNTY ACQUISITION; 2134 SF cY ,✓ I 1_'..' 1 =r I=1 REMAINING SCENIC EASEMENT: 5407 SF I ,1 YA 1 L 1_ f I _ f I L J f i - - - -1RCEL 2 L—J ,y, 1 ly, -T- A 1_ I II 1 I I I--IF!I I-- I-- I 1151 ` ifs, I I I .. I 11 L_ L_ 1 y r I I ,� 1., , LEGEND Ss PARCEL LINE NEW RIGHT OF WAY LINE — — EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY LINE ROAD CENTERLINE AND SECTION LINE — — — — — EXISTING EASEMENT NOT TO SCALE 2278830 I oa Z 6 d a o V W F ZO W w 2 ❑ o V Oisi U o 2 ct M = Val C ¢ ¢ co Cal D f- ¢ L0 ZLL I- C Q cr ZaLO O CU 2 0 = Q w Z CI W J W 7 P ? C`'D N H CCI QW N 1. ILI ❑ .. OQ -J u • w O N v ci Z W O ill 0 O 00 1 ❑ 3 CCC a' JOY U WeaE N N d fn Q I- a —i o 11. W Q W w ' = w 0 O U3 p � 0 � ' SCENIC EASEMENT Gp M THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT is made this 6 day of in /, 2004, between HAZELWOOD DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as "Landowner") and the City of Apple Valley, a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota(hereinafter referred to as the "City"). W ITNESSETH: v That the Landowner, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successors and assigns, a permanent conservation Qeasement for the purpose of preserving and protecting the natural character of the following described premises, to-wit: 4 An easement for scenic purposes lying over, under and across the south 30.00 feet of ii Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block I, HAZELWOOD ESTATES, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota; Itogether with: An easement for scenic purposes lying over, under and across the east 25.00 feet of Lot t 4, Block 1, said HAZELWOOD ESTATES; cc) e together with: An easement for scenic purposes lying over, under and across the east 25.00 feet of the south 60.00 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, said HAZELWOOD ESTATES. (the "Easement Area"). See also Exhibit "A"attached hereto and :ncorporated herein. DATE RECEIVED iC�DAKOTA TREASURER-AUDITOR The Landowner, for itself and its assigns, covenants and agrees that it shall not perform nor give permission to any third party to perform any of the following activities within the Easement Area, without the prior written consent of the City: A. Constructing, installing, storing or maintaining anything made by man, including but not limited to, buildings, structures, fences, walkways, clothes line poles and playground equipment; B. Parking of vehicles; C. Planting of gardens; D. Storage of firewood; E. Clear-cutting or removal of native vegetation or trees; or F. Altering the grades or the removal of landscaping, except as necessary in the routine course of maintenance. The Landowner covenants and agrees that the general topography of the Easement Area shall be continued in its present condition and no excavation or change in the topography shall be allowed, save and except as may be required by any federal, state or local government agency, or as authorized by the City, in writing, as the City shall, in its sole discretion decide is appropriate. The cutting or harvesting of any live tree or other live vegetative cover shall not be permitted within the Easement Area except as may be required by any federal, state or local government agency or as authorized by the City, in writing, as the City shall, in its sole discretion, decide is appropriate. The easement granted herein does not entitle the City to use or occupy the surface of the Easement Area. Landowner reserves the right to occupy and use the Easement Area for all purposes not inconsistent or interfering with the restrictions set Forth herein. This easement shall run with the land and shall be binding onto Landowner, its successors and assigns. The Landowner does covenant with the City that it is the fee owner of the Easement Area and has good right and title to grant and convey the easement herein to the City. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this easement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. HAZELWOOD DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company 2/C By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) s The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4054 day of vf, 2004, by Mnzk �p� g the >ti% O,/ of HAZELWOOD DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on be alf of the company. �/} �/{�/ JOYCE M MEYERS � rad NOTARY PUBLIC MINNEiSOTA Ngide wv,, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN.31,2005 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA, P.A. 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (952) 432-3136 MGD (66-22815) �y o I us I — - I Y1 C, .. .... .. V nrn X p' r5.A 9 0 _vr.xai.h:�iG�.✓ �I:✓ rr✓✓iTiv�r t .,x o t ° F %i C. n gg 6 9 g' `� F. SOOV8'59"W ra" 656.46 . a E g- o A g Q3 , r , o li z g8' ?8 2 - EnNy t, \ � �aS I `Y\ GuxASE a unrn Q \ C•-, N rpp JIO RExT I rg : iA EJ _'C> Ed -4!iI _-- _ 7 • fn fTl I I N%Agrm I I I I R g a a 2i �i i ' Q !\ L_l:fAsxxExi TY J A. rrti. —g cA I a. S Sn s <g N o o`J >ScJ —r 1 1 55 S '6 p Id; r'>r r. '� E • rs R ? I x,r A �� i' `` j ca 4 O Fa BCC _ o� �a g �:. o �� K I / g N e$ a s v -1„- -1 S rT iI > ' p fi . . F �r J t=e4.00 L r 3k s 00nod 2 6 0 oa 5na • an t- M�' 0 „ de a o e C.S.A.H. NO. 33 (DIAMOND PATH) 0 egorn Cr. ?em a NOOVe'S0'E 658.61 1;.0' - m^ N LI D o --vflt J I n „vrii.T. ntsnv f:i(i}1T of r:r nAi• rrin:J ":v. LJ fE7 Q ' s14 :v Q r Sit ♦N. n —8 r u ' C.S.n.H. NO. 33 (DIAMOND PATH) O i i',.ir 69 Y § �,00 A e k � � 1t+vv . HILLS ..EC.vr.✓ nnwrin . Z NB fl p cl � 71 5 r] I -.- I n O a z ] . r rg ti o a I '' \ � ? > � > 0 0 0 x m N 1es- na. J a. a. ri ® BOLTON trantation Appian '' 9ROSEMOUNT & M E N K CSAH 33/140TH STREET ROUNDABOUT FEASIBILITY STUDY °`I" there Valey MINNESOTA _ JPIEF ' X a _. : •: .. 33 a 0 .. 0 2 a 0 I DULUTH CT J t I ;; / )I: , -Ifti' l .,„, ,41 L J . ..., , , 7( Q ,,, , .. // 14 Ail' Aik. 140TH ST W : _ . • \^ ..�-''"' *I N . , \ A, ( , . ___, ,, ‘ 4 --\ ii,,, ..., ...2 --.--- ) ,,, .,. . ., Avies.._ ..-- .- \ 4 , la ' NI .,---A- ' ''414 . L., -:::::---:- ---------II: ..A O 141ST S�� _.�, 7 /$' ," �.S _ _ m 'F H Opt.-Nl NpT O0-IF, 0 a O g Z C) D -37 — �-rn --- ----------- .a-'�� _ .. I a-.`' . .. _l • } e i. LAYOUT LEGEND p 142NDSTW - BITUMINOUS - o STORM SEWER I I CONCRETE —'—T— COMMUNICATIONS ---�II =I- - \\ g TRAIL —°—°- ELECTRIC Q a - GRASS WATER SANITARYo +•'`' SEWER —o•-y--o-T RETAINING WALL 33 O - GAS — BXISTNGRIGHT-of-WAY Q SINGLE-LANE ROUNDABOUT:CONCEPT2b FIBER -- PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY . CSAH 33(DIAMOND PATH)at 140th STREET/CONNEMARA TRAIL 0 COUNTY ROAD 33 4ROSEMOUNT Apple.,• Q BoLTON transr ortation & MEN K Roundabout Feasibility Study , we t you th SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS Vae Y `v y ROUNDABOUT VISUALIZATION r r in V ® �g.' m - I aE _ I 1 1 Aiii4-1,3411&._ 11 mintiri '1•r � li IV www.dakotacounty.us (search "County Road 33") • ITEM: 4.M. ..... :�. Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Adopt Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for Project 2023-105, 2023 Street Improvements, and Authorizing Advertisement for Receipt of Bids, on April 11, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Brandon Anderson, City Engineer Engineering Division ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt resolution approving plans and specifications for Project 2023-105, 2023 Street Improvements, and authorizing advertisement for receipt of bids, on April 11, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. SUMMARY: The City of Apple Valley 2023 Capital Improvement Program identifies potential street reconstruction and maintenance work. The scope of the project consists of the following: • Galaxie Avenue Trail Resurfacing (McAndrews Rd. to 135th St. W.) • Cobblestone Lake Parkway Pedestrian and ADA Compliant Improvements • Annual Ring Route Concrete Repairs • Gate Valve Replace/Repair • Water Main Break Street Patching • Scott Highlands Middle School Pedestrian Crossing Improvements • Pavement Preservation (Mill and Overlay) - 132nd St. Court - Fordham Court - 135th St. Court • Flair Court Street Pavement Reconstruction During the design process for Project 2023-104, 142nd Street W. Street and Utility Improvements, it was determined that the scope of the project needed significant additional utility repair beyond the original scope and budget. Due to the large scope change, this project will be moved from a 2023 construction to a future date determined in the Capital Improvement Plan review process. It is also recommended by staff that the road improvement funds designated for street reconstruction of 142nd be utilized for other mill and overlay and pavement reconstruction projects for 2023 construction. The roadways being added to the 2023 street improvements are all streets that were constructed in the mid 1980's and have only received one or no mill and overlay to date and can be completed without utility work. A map of the proposed project area is attached (Figure 1). This project is tentatively scheduled for construction in 2023. BACKGROUND: On October 13, 2022, City Council adopted Resolution 2022-142, directing the preparation of plans and specifications for Project 2023-105, 2023 Street Improvements. BUDGET IMPACT: Project costs and funding included in the preliminary 2023 operating budget are summarized as follows: Estimated Project Costs: Budgeted Estimated Costs: Costs: Construction Cost (original 2023-105 scope) $ 430,000 $ 410,000 Construction Cost for Additional Street Reconstruction 575,931 Construction Contingency (10%) 40,000 86,942 Engineering, Contract Admin, Inspection, 80,000 150,000 Testing, Survey Total Estimated Cost S 550,000 $1,222,873 Estimated Project Funding Water Utility 130,000 $ 130,000 Road Improvement Fund 420,000 420,000 Road Improvement Fund (From Project 1,185,000 672,873 2023-104) Total Estimated Funding $ 1,735,000 $1,222,873 ATTACHMENTS: Area Map Resolution Advertisement for Bid A I ..r _ ❑ z I 0 1500 3000 ,V n r�ei (M,J HORZ. _ _ . �� .4WI /►♦ n.�`► 1►Ow/r V SCALE FEET ♦`:a �vim!� 1 '_�I4�►"" •♦_ lli - ,5-,._, & _______ t...., :I/ 1 ��� O� / �p 1~I (Q �Pnp����•mr �4:y� h♦�.I 11 I��: i.0 " ism _ _ -p i�`o•`all0,...1i .9d11111�1i r.t f s •dun illy C� ♦ ► •pn,9 ♦ O Z ■ll!.� ■♦III— 1 all, �� : an..A�■ -F,d h p • .I:► • .:�■��1@P�1r,Illa ►� ..■■r1101Vr.I �1 l ;.443.1me :.a.■.. _ ►h.o--k•.. � �. . wu 132ND ST CT ,,.II w_Ia�.m IT -_►i��FORDHAM CT '"'���: I��° = ibt •i.on ■ =ww �9Q ►laia—�;�•�\nnr 1pa- %."nnm■���-� .\�� Ip. ����♦:� �=������ ■:. 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Rd 46) 1 2023 Street Improvements Figure 1 •••• .... ... • City of Apple Valley Apple 2023 Capital Improvement Program Areas Valley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2023- RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DIRECTING RECEIPT OF SEALED BIDS FOR PROJECT 2023-105, 2023 STREET IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the Apple Valley City Council has reviewed plans and specifications for Project 2023-105, 2023 Street Improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the interests of the City would be best served by receiving sealed bids based on said plans and specifications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Such plans and specifications for Project 2023-105, 2023 Street Improvements, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to receive sealed bids for Project 2023-105, 2023 Street Improvements at the time and place specified in the form of notice attached hereto as Exhibit A. 3. The City Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause an advertisement for said bids to be posted on the City's website and on the online Quest Construction Data Network and published in the Cities official newspaper, at least ten (10) days prior to the opening of said bids. ADOPTED this 9th day of March, 2023 Clint Hooppaw, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk SECTION 00 11 13 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids will be received electronically online only by the City of Apple Valley, Minnesota, through Quest CDN, until 10:00 A.M., CST,Tuesday,April 11, 2023, at which time they will be reviewed for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and all else necessary for the following: City Project 2023-105, 2023 Street and Utility Improvements_ 2 EA Clear and Grub Tree 1650 LF Remove Curb and Gutter 2550 SF Remove Concrete Walk, Driveway, and Valley Gutter 9000 SY Remove Bituminous Street, Driveway, and Trail Pavement 1 EA Storm Sewer Structure 16 LF RCP Storm Sewer 200 CY Common Excavation 1700 TN CI 5 Aggregate Base 2250 TN Bituminous Mixture 1650 LF Concrete Curb and Gutter 2550 SF Concrete Walk and Driveway 500 SF Concrete Walk, Special (Color) 750 SY Sod With related items Digital copies of the Contract Documents can be obtained at www.questcdn.com. The Quest CDN project number is 8407451. Bidders can download the Contract documents for $40 by searching for the project on Quest CDN website's Project Search page. Instructions for online bidding are attached. Please contact QuestCDN.com, prior to bidding, at (952) 233-1632 for assistance with free membership registration, downloading, and submitting bids. For electronic bids, electronic bid bonds will also be accepted through Surety 2000 using contract #8407451. The bid bonds must be payable to the City of Apple Valley in the amount of five percent (5%) of the amount of bid, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail to promptly enter into a written contract and furnish the required bond. Direct inquiries to Project Engineer, Tim Biberdorf, Tim.Biberdorf@applevalleymn.gov No bidder questions will be addressed after 10:00 am on Friday,April 7, 2023. Bid Security in the amount of 5 percent of the amount of the Bid must submitted through Surety 2000 and accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to retain the deposits of the 3 lowest Bidders for a period not to exceed 60 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. No Bids may be withdrawn for a period of 30 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. The successful bidder must be a "responsible contractor."The term"responsible contractor"means a contractor as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 16C.285, subdivision 3. Any prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that does not meet the minimum criteria or fails to comply with the verification requirements is not a responsible contractor and is not eligible to be awarded a construction contract for the project or to perform work on the project. A prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that makes a false statement under oath verifying compliance with the CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2023-105 00 11 13 minimum criteria will be ineligible to be awarded a construction contract on the project, and the submission of a false statement may result in termination of a contract awarded to a prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that submits the false statement. A prime contractor shall include in its verification of compliance a list of all of its first-tier subcontractors that it intends to retain for work on the project. Before execution of a construction contract, a prime contractor shall submit a supplemental verification under oath confirming that all subcontractors and motor carriers that the prime contractor intends to use to perform project work have verified to the prime contractor, through a signed statement under oath by an owner or officer, that they meet the minimum criteria for a responsible contractor. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Owner. Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk City of Apple Valley, Minnesota CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2023-101 00 11 13 • ITEM: 4.N. ..... :�. Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Adopt Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for Project 2023-107, 157th Street W. and Hayes Road Street Improvements, and Authorizing Advertisement for Receipt of Bids, on April 11, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Brandon Anderson, City Engineer Engineering Division ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt resolution approving plans and specifications for Project 2023-107, 157th St. W. and Hayes Road Street Improvements and authorizing advertisement for receipt of bids on April 11, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. SUMMARY: The City of Apple Valley 2023 Capital Improvement Program identifies a full depth Mill and Overlay and storm sewer improvements at the following locations: • Hayes Road between 150th St W. and 140th St W. • 157th St. W. between Cedar Avenue and Galaxie Avenue A map of the proposed project area is attached (Figure 1). This project is tentatively scheduled for construction in 2023. BACKGROUND: On September 8, 2022 City Council Adopted Resolution 2022-122 directing preparation of plans and specifications for Project 2023-107, 157th St. W. and Hayes Road Street Improvements. BUDGET IMPACT: Municipal State Aid funds are fully available for this project. Project costs and funding included in the preliminary 2023 operating budget are summarized as follows: Estimated Project Costs: Estimated Costs: Construction Cost $ 1,865,293 Construction Contingency (10%) 186,529 Engineering, Contract Admin, Inspection, Testing, Survey 373,058 Total Estimated Cost $ 2,424,880 Estimated Project Funding Municipal State Aid (MSA) Funding $ 2,399,880 Water Utility Fund 25,000 Total Estimated Funding $ 2,424,880 ATTACHMENTS: Map Resolution Advertisement for Bid 4*I...P VA 1 I liMN Of) 1 IfiP�;' Q M 11 4iI*!: -- 2S:ii� . 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I. % MUTT I ��1 gown'lnm ng�p.�un rllllll � d r�r�r��� I•i _ III .II �IIL \��n nnmlgl�.♦...I��dlllll �� � c■IIIq % AF tsi 1 �.. a „n _ 1404 I q .►.r ii 11( �.;n ...•C~� '11 ` �a�"inl . - 1 YIN l 3_' I I _ 08 iti Au Si♦.:It iii: imip lWin% ®® .' LI.■,i . ig b240f, _�_.. q�{, �e :1 �.�' = nn6 .mia.: . !�0 in: r� d... 11 f,_r it O 10;4 :alr. o ■111►02a.B. r l r :�ii1':E1 :a B:mi un nn,. • d linnnnl n I' 11160th Street(Co. Rd 46) 0 1500 3000 SCALE FEET ••• 157th Street and Hayes Road Street Improvements •••• •••• ••• . 2023-107 Figure 1 Apple II City of Apple Valley Valley CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2023- RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DIRECTING RECEIPT OF SEALED BIDS FOR PROJECT 2023-107, 157TH STREET W. AND HAYES ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the Apple Valley City Council has reviewed plans and specifications for Project 2023-107, 157th Street W. and Hayes Road Street Improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the interests of the City would be best served by receiving sealed bids based on said plans and specifications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Such plans and specifications for Project 2023-107, 157th Street W. and Hayes Road Street Improvements, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to receive sealed bids for Project 2023-107, 157th Street W. and Hayes Road Street Improvements, at the time and place specified in the form of notice attached hereto as Exhibit A. 3. The City Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause an advertisement for said bids to be posted on the City's website and on the online Quest Construction Data Network and published in the City's official newspaper, at least ten (10) days prior to the opening of said bids. ADOPTED this 9th day of March 9, 2023 Clint Hooppaw, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk SECTION 00 11 13 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids will be received electronically online only by the City of Apple Valley, Minnesota, through Quest CDN, until 12:00 P.M., CST,Tuesday April 11, at which time they will be reviewed for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and all else necessary for the following: City Project 2023-107 157th St W/ Hayes Rd Street Improvements 3,206 LF Remove Curb and Gutter 14,854 SF Remove Concrete Walk 746 CY Excavation - Common 3,064 TN Aggregate Base Class 5 33,556 SY Mill Bituminous Pavement (5.0") 14 EA Casting Assembly 20.6 LF Construct Drainage Structure Design 2'X 3' 105 LF Storm Sewer 35 EA Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 10,439 TN Bituminous Mixture 15,694 SF Concrete Walk 1,116 SF Bituminous Walk 3,010 LF Concrete Curb and Gutter 1 EA Revise Signal System A 0.46 AC Rapid Stabilization Method 2 23,343 SF Site Restoration With related items Digital copies of the Contract Documents can be obtained at www.questcdn.com. The Quest CDN project number is 8407447. Bidders can download the Contract documents for $40 by searching for the project on Quest CDN website's Project Search page. Instructions for online bidding are attached. Please contact QuestCDN.com, prior to bidding, at (952) 233-1632 for assistance with free membership registration, downloading, and submitting bids. For electronic bids, electronic bid bonds will also be accepted through Surety 2000 using contract #8407447. The bid bonds must be payable to the City of Apple Valley in the amount of five percent (5%) of the amount of bid, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail to promptly enter into a written contract and furnish the required bond. Any, and all questions bidders may have in connection with this solicitation are to be directed by email only to: Nate.Becker@applevalleymn.gov No bidder questions will be addressed after 12:00 pm on Friday,April 7, 2023. Bid Security in the amount of 5 percent of the amount of the Bid must submitted through Surety 2000 and accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to retain the deposits of the 3 lowest Bidders for a period not to exceed 60 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. No Bids may be withdrawn for a period of 30 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. The successful bidder must be a "responsible contractor."The term"responsible contractor"means a contractor as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 16C.285, subdivision 3. Any prime contractor, CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2023-107 00 11 13 subcontractor, or motor carrier that does not meet the minimum criteria or fails to comply with the verification requirements is not a responsible contractor and is not eligible to be awarded a construction contract for the project or to perform work on the project. A prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that makes a false statement under oath verifying compliance with the minimum criteria will be ineligible to be awarded a construction contract on the project, and the submission of a false statement may result in termination of a contract awarded to a prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that submits the false statement. A prime contractor shall include in its verification of compliance a list of all of its first-tier subcontractors that it intends to retain for work on the project. Before execution of a construction contract, a prime contractor shall submit a supplemental verification under oath confirming that all subcontractors and motor carriers that the prime contractor intends to use to perform project work have verified to the prime contractor, through a signed statement under oath by an owner or officer, that they meet the minimum criteria for a responsible contractor. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Owner. This project is subject to Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Prevailing Wage and Truck Rental Rates. Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk City of Apple Valley, Minnesota • ••• ITEM: 4.0. ..... .... Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Adopt Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for Project 2021-150, North Creek Greenway Trail Improvements (Orchard Place Gathering Area), and Authorizing Advertisement for Receipt of Bids, on April 11, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Brandon Anderson, City Engineer Engineering Division ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt resolution approving plans and specifications for Project 2021-150, North Creek Greenway Trail Improvements (Orchard Place Gathering Area), and authorizing advertisement for receipt of bids April 11, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. SUMMARY: The City of Apple Valley and Dakota County have been working for many years on the incremental development of the North Creek Greenway that, when complete, will be 14 miles long and will traverse through Eagan, Apple Valley, Lakeville, Farmington, and Empire. Within Apple Valley, there are 5 segments of the planned North Creek Greenway that have gaps to be filled to allow for a continuous trail from Lakeville (at County Road 46 and East Lake Elementary School) to Orchard Place near 155th Street. The plans for 2023-2024 construction are to complete those gaps through Cobblestone Lake - Quany Point Park and into the Orchard Place development area. Future connections from 155th to County Road 42 won't occur until the mining area is ready for development. Dakota County is also working on plans to connect trail from County Road 42 to 140th and Johnny Cake Ridge Road for 2025-2026 construction. The base bid for the project consists of 5 separate trail segments, ADA improvements, bike and pedestrian amenities, wayfinding signage, a pedestrian bridge within WVR-P54 (Orchard Place Storm water basin), and enhanced landscaping that all meet Dakota County Greenway standards. Construction of all the trail segments and amenities will be funded by Dakota County. There is some maintenance of existing trails around Cobblestone Lake Parkway to be funded by Parks included in the base bid. A bid alternative item is being included for the portion of the City owned Orchard Place Gathering Space. Apple Valley Parks and Recreation staff is concurrently working on a grant application with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the Local Trail Connection Program. Dakota County Board approvals are required prior to award of contract. The locations of the proposed improvements are identified on the attached maps with the gathering area concept (Figure:1). BACKGROUND: On September 22, 2022, City Council adopted Resolution 2022-132, directing the preparation of plans and specifications for Project 2021-150, North Creek Greenway Trail Improvements. On December 21, 2021 the City Council Approved the Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County for Multiple North Creek Greenway Trail design and construction projects. BUDGET IMPACT: Construction costs are to be funded by Dakota County as part of the approved Joint Power Agreement. Estimated Project Costs: Estimated Costs Construction Cost $1,763,430 Bid Alternate 1 — Orchard Place Gathering Area $288,970 Construction Contingency 200,000 Engineering, Contract Admin, Inspection, Testing, 366,110 Survey Total Estimated Cost $ 2,618,510 Estimated Project Funding Dakota County $1,963,430 Park Dedication- County JPA 366,110 Park Dedication- Grant (Bid Alternate) 288,970 Total Estimated Funding $ 2,618,510 ATTACHMENTS: Map Map Resolution Advertisement for Bid ft' t. • '' �� North Creek Greenway .. ir t..... ,..r.V4-0,- r..., �}} {� {} Collaborative ' iry ._ I �! Yf ' ��' ... �� rt* { • _ I! - r1. M. Apple Valley South '„ *: ' - ¢ { CSAH _ r .- ; s • �" t� Existing Local/Future Regional '-- Future CSAH 42 .Y +ti `'' �' e ,�, Regional Trail Gap - Planned # '_ Underpass . .. _ _ � � Q r ra - ' ''�' • ..1 .....- g U� Existing Separated Crossing r • • • .j . • Wd.' •' .., .Q `;• L • Planned Separated Crossing , ,.....,_,...q r . -•• • Q T' i i + ''I I i t _3 :�• +r ` 'F F .0 _:-4 .. . ..' 1l ' # I 1 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 " k �' • O 1 `� I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I T :.-- - • NCO ;'tix_ 't•:''•,. Future 157/155th , f - ,s f I ` a ;4 Miles Cl) , . ;. Underpass ..4. ‘,, . r7 , y l f. '; ..5' '' ' -x. !1 ;t G: CO " r r - Future JCCR .' APPLE VALLE#Y,; .' ,. , . ii,. '� 1 = r#14 . , ,...4.4 .' ` i. � i- L� ,- ... • • Underpass .-.�_ ._ `',` x ,.` `' • 4. :10 • • • • • • ' k • , •`er P ..{- . 1.) Orchard Place �. - I l #.,}ifi�l�.�rt., p' • "......'.4 ` '' `' y, y',., .trij • . . '�r �''* Trail & Plaza .T '-,.'.i.. " , ' `� Y10 •4.1, ..9 •. • 411e 1 t 10 Ljt :1 "4 • 6. ...• • ,. i r, . • ' ' • .;!'•L.•II?w!r.,. ......-4„.•--- ... -.. 1,.g •Idiya, , .. ,,,.. ,,f .110 ►- '. +, }° r 1 / 4.) Cobblestone ' 2--'.% . " r. '. I * 'I IA. *- y Lake - Reconstruction •-•� I , _,, .ir _ �.:. 4. 'S:I,-I,1— .. - 1 .; I / '. jibi4'�rY�r it r. 'r I+I" z lc' i • ._ .•• . ..r,...‘..,%.:,,,.. 11.,_ _ _., . _ . . ....„,, ,.. „F. _ . , : •.f. :. •4. 47.. . •: 4'..-7 --:'''n% ' - ..., ' '.0.9"- ••• •• 1' t :y : •} ylt: #,f - *j 1 . 1• r Ip 1 t' �4Wi. L'1 : -;td.. ' . II1.11.111. 141111. ' : ' :-&-.... I •:, .... 4.71, ; WO. , 4' • 1 "'....J. !. . '-_-,,. "M.*. : ..'.[31 • . •Iir . . .i' i;"410' ' e ,7 I �; . , .a :'. I I � r •. • 5.) Cobblestone s !.. '" . 4 CSAH ,`, "• . - ...it?: Ir•. . r ' • . �: • . �. ,,.�`• i.: ? 't• ;`;_'.-..' Lake - East e,* .. • - -----==---- ---- ----_----' 2.) Quarry Park --- ,�--=---_----- ; _'„ _. . ----`='------- "�` -- - .I. ," � - "+ 5 - + Trail Gap " '. - y 3.) Cobblestone �- -_ . - 1111 �. c*... ' . - -, x -' '� M1 .e ,v -'-"' ►, -'; +`t= G CI.' - Lake West fi 14 J. : I .` 4.. 6YM Y . , `rt ,. ; _ LAKEVI _r. -�' . 41' 114-11"7 ti `7' ti t' v. 4 1 f r Ll 7 a • .) i 3 - L .1 .r.'r't - 4T 4 i l•.� , r. 1` 1.. - • s '� "I . , , 14 . J y Yy'f�f'rrJ" 1 — s— y m h Z;ar.• t 155TH ST W ~_—- — - /-EX.PED RAMP G0". II/I10U(1 1 II I I I I U Iy I II I 1 II 1 d FUTURE RETAIL II DEVELOPMENT III , 1 ' r 1 ORCHARD PLACE �, I r I GATHERING AREA �- rtr * I CONCEPT I 1 t ` I OVERALL AREA: I I 1 1 I APPROX. 0.5 ACRES CC I �. - - - - - � 0 / \ ` I y l .. 1 II I I I-- 1I I I- 1 1 I d 1 1 1 1 I -_ 1 I %. / i I NORTH CREEK I I I GREENWAY TRAIL I I *//02C0 , , "- --/--we ------ 1 (/ =may:�L� 157THSTW III 1 --- --- 1 --- --- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I .I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I, 1 1 1 1 1 ,r 1 1 �� _ \' 0 ? QUARRY POINT PARK 0 WO 200 _ 1 H Feet ••• ••••' ORCHARD PLACE GATHERING AREA CONCEPT DR fi Apple CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MN OVERALL VI E � SEPTEMBER 2022 SEH / KEY FEATURES * f' - / // + 1 GREENWAY TRAIL BIKE AMENITY NODE STORMWATER W ,.. \ (WITH DAKOTA COUNTY STANDARDS): BASIN / _ Q BENCHES ,�' ,/ , " ,:50 I R� 1 BIKE LOOPS & BIKE FIX-IT STATION ' ��. '� P41��1 FUTURE MAP SIGNAGE \ . RETAIL WATER FOUNTAIN & BOTTLE FILLER DEVELOPMENT WASTE/ RECYCLING RECEPTACLES �, ' I GREENWAY COLORED CONCRETE 15 ; I O SMALL PICNIC SHELTER ficiiir; --3 r �_ / I I i i 9,6 �� I I i � I ii° 4grIN)11,...., 0 - i �� 7,,,,,, tit, LIMESTONE BOULDER SEATING IN �' # ;=- ' p''�;, �'� � i ' I ei SLOPED LAWN •1 ''/ �•` t o i oi 8' WIDE BITUMINOUS TRAIL : oh g39s/ � ��; v ,'�. i + i CONNECTION 0 �o -, O Its i i 49• is ,\ \if 0 '0, bi ., ,, e ; 40k.• -- ''' ....-.' , t :, •�;%��` i i i / 1' ! 0CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE SEATWALL , ,--- , I ii ill" � � � � �t� r 11 � ,'� 0 STAIR &WALKWAY CONNECTION SIIIHI® Is, 940 ® `� `: 'I 1 1 �� I © PICNIC TABLES (5) &ADA PICNIC IN TRAIL 1-•-\ � ', TABLES (3) THROUGHOUT BRIDGE �� ,, . t.: I �� I + P40,0 � �� I I PLAZA CENTER RAISED PLANTING BED O & PUBLIC ART FEATURE -' ' r Iii. ''''l 0 0" \ • '= �'� _ 1 O 1 + i - , 1 BENCH SEATING ALONG TRAIL "1 I I ' O rNB O �, CONNECTION .� miitwmnil, 1111111� A.t& ' I r rtl / II 1� , `_ TRAIL CONNECTION ACCESS FROM �� ',r �; 11 RETAIL DEVELOPMENT (TBD) t �. ��8,,,, „ ,,,7_ ,c,i 0;. .//\)\1-9/ O `_ ', . ... . ® TREE PLANTINGS THROUGHOUT FOR STORMWATER , ., , , ,.. \ 93g ,/ SHADE BASINC . \ 937 O 1 . �:,\ ' • N 1\ \ G 1 ' g36 O ✓✓�iP �� I ® LOW MAINTENANCE & HARDY PLANT \ ', MASSINGS \ \ I I NORTH CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL �� coli \f" 14 LOW MAINTENANCE TURF AREAS O \ 1 . 1 O15 NATIVE PLANT SEEDING ON SLOPED AREAS THROUGHOUT 1 imix-• \ \ lk- \ 7- \ "� 16 FUTURE TRAIL CONNECTION TO NORTH , , , z , , , , ,,, o H 10 to Feet 1I 1 ] WAYFINDING SIGNAGE 1 O • ORCHARD PLACE GATHERING AREA CONCEPT DRAFT �� Apple CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MN PLAN SEPTEMBER 2022 SEH • ow 0 ,/ L. PHASING KEY • � HASE 1: ♦.��.■ �� *�* I ■• � � ■ �GREENWAY TRAIL BIKE --. 001.4.,5q -1,--0° / / s ' ■ ■ AMENITY NODE w.' * - 1 \ * LIMESTONE BOULDER y u'N . >.� �-- '� \ \ " SEATING IN SLOPED LAWN ,0.,( $4 „,,:., ���% ' r ��_:r..r';" 7� - i I 4 ; � *TRAIL CONNECTION TO i� 0, BENCH SEATING r -7 + �0• , j 44 I *TREE PLANTINGS MAXIMIZED •� �4 \�, ',WW '"tr��� -- i �o' 4 i THROUGHOUT SPACE �1 �:� ��w\ �� ,�;�;'' `�%/ :4: A II *PICNIC TABLES (INCLUDING • g39 �`4 i iy ;,� � ` � ADA PICNIC TABLES) 1 ■ ��°? ��', '" -� � 11::" .4-':>111)0: ��� 2 ■ ■ PHASE 2: ■ ■ ■ *GATHERING PLAZA WITH �. �air ■ �' �,r`■ 1 �" ���' � ' ," i � � � ■ ■ ■ SEATWALL, PERGOLAS & STAIR �>' l �t `h ,�0 1 ■ . . . CONNECTION �.`o% . ■ ■ *CENTER RAISED PLANTER & � � �•_ � .�� � '�` �� ■ PUBLIC ART i� 940 i ■ *ADDITIONAL TREE PLANTINGS ,,t° -)'` `"' / \ ;� S. i A� ■ `\ ■ & PLANTING BEDS �, ♦ ,�,, �'. � I *SITE FURNISHINGS II *SMALL PICNIC SHELTERS & 40, So �,A_ ,,40 1 I ADDITIONAL PICNICKING - .1� �l ` Ewa I ,, II - - II FUTURE PHASE BY RETAIL A - :; ; `�� I ■ ■ DEVELOPMENT: lir N �-� a .y *COMPLETED TRAIL A Wr ,0 CONNECTION TO RETAIL � � i� �■ IF �,� % Y DEVELOPMENT \ � ,, • '.l ■ 1� . *TREES, PLANTINGS & SLOPE 938 \ • ■ i RESTORATION (NATIVE 93j �`� / SEEDING) 9a ' I \ ' A INTERIM TS ,� \ ) 1 \ *TUTRF WITHPHASE PICNIC1OP TABLES : lie5.:: O t -- lir ' I I *TEMPORARY NATIVE SEEDING a, , f' FUTURE WATER SERVICE LINE IN 1 \ O PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR PROPOSED WATER FOUNTAIN \ I 0 H 10 210 Feet I O FUTURE TRAIL CONNECTION TO -Iif0 ' ' NORTH ORCHARD PLACE GATHERING AREA CONCEPT DRAFT � Apple CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MN PHASING SEPTEMBER 2022 SEH CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2023- RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DIRECTING RECEIPT OF SEALED BIDS FOR PROJECT 2021-150, NORTH CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS (ORCHARD PLACE GATHERING AREA) WHEREAS, the Apple Valley City Council has reviewed plans and specifications for Project 2021-150,North Creek Greenway Trail Improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the interests of the City would be best served by receiving sealed bids based on said plans and specifications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Such plans and specifications for Project 2021-150,North Creek Greenway Trail Improvements, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to receive sealed bids for Project 2021-150, North Creek Greenway Trail Improvements at the time and place specified in the form of notice attached hereto as Exhibit A. 3. The City Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause an advertisement for said bids to be posted on the City's website and on the online Quest Construction Data Network and published in the Cities official newspaper, at least ten (10) days prior to the opening of said bids. ADOPTED this 9th day of March, 2023 Clint Hooppaw, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk SECTION 00 11 13 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids will be received electronically online only by the City of Apple Valley, Minnesota, through Quest CDN, until 2:00 P.M., CST, Tuesday,April 11, 2023 at which time they will be reviewed for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and all else necessary for the following: City Project 2021-150 NORTH CREEK GREENWAY GAPS—TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS 4,000 SY MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 1,500 CY COMMON EXCAVATION 1,200 CY AGGREGATE BASE CL 5 1,850 TON BITUMINOUS PAVING (TRAIL) 1 LUMP SUM PREFABRICATED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE 650 SY 8"CONCRETE PAVEMENT 6,700 SF CONCRETE WALK 280 LF BOULDER RETAINING WALL 2,100 CY TOPSOIL 80 EACH DECIDUOUS TREES 40 EACH ORNAMENTAL TREES 740 EACH PERENNIALS 250 EACH DECIDUOUS SHRUBS With related items Digital copies of the Contract Documents can be obtained at www.questcdn.com. The Quest CDN project number is 8402053. Bidders can download the Contract documents for $40 by searching for the project on Quest CDN website's Project Search page. Instructions for online bidding are attached. Please contact QuestCDN.com, prior to bidding, at (952) 233-1632 for assistance with free membership registration, downloading, and submitting bids. For electronic bids, electronic bid bonds will also be accepted through Surety 2000 using contract #8402053. The bid bonds must be payable to the City of Apple Valley in the amount of five percent (5%) of the amount of bid, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail to promptly enter into a written contract and furnish the required bond. Any, and all questions bidders may have in connection with this solicitation are to be directed by email only to: Jodie.scheidt@applevallevmn.gov No bidder questions will be addressed after 12:00 pm on Friday,April 7, 2023. Bid Security in the amount of 5 percent of the amount of the Bid must submitted through Surety 2000 and accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to retain the deposits of the 3 lowest Bidders for a period not to exceed 60 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. No Bids may be withdrawn for a period of 30 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. The successful bidder must be a "responsible contractor."The term"responsible contractor"means a contractor as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 16C.285, subdivision 3. Any prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that does not meet the minimum criteria or fails to comply with the verification requirements is not a responsible contractor and is not eligible to be awarded a construction contract for the project or to perform work on the project. A prime contractor, CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2021-150 00 11 13 subcontractor, or motor carrier that makes a false statement under oath verifying compliance with the minimum criteria will be ineligible to be awarded a construction contract on the project, and the submission of a false statement may result in termination of a contract awarded to a prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that submits the false statement. A prime contractor shall include in its verification of compliance a list of all of its first-tier subcontractors that it intends to retain for work on the project. Before execution of a construction contract, a prime contractor shall submit a supplemental verification under oath confirming that all subcontractors and motor carriers that the prime contractor intends to use to perform project work have verified to the prime contractor, through a signed statement under oath by an owner or officer, that they meet the minimum criteria for a responsible contractor. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Owner. Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk City of Apple Valley, Minnesota • ITEM: 4.P. ..... Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Agreement with Pro-Tec Design, Inc., for FS2 - Remodel Camera and Reader- Phase 1 Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Charles Grawe,Assistant City Administrator Administration/ Information Technologies ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the agreement with Pro-Tec Design, Inc., for FS2 - Remodel Camera and Reader - Phase 1 in the amount of$7,810.00. SUMMARY: The City is in the process of making health/ safety and operational improvements to all three fire stations. Part of the project includes the partial demolition and eventual total demolition of Fire Station 2. This project pertains to the changes to the cameras and readers for the first phase of demolition. BACKGROUND: This agreement is for alterations to the security camera and security access systems. Cameras need to be added and relocated. Access devices need to be relocated, as does the control panel for the access devices. This project is being done under the State Contract S-813(5). Staff recommends approval of a standard form agreement with Pro-Tec Design, Inc., for FS2 - Remodel Camera and Reader - Phase 1 in the amount of$7,810.00. BUDGET IMPACT: The $7,810.00 would come from the Fire Station 2 project budget. • ITEM: 4.Q. ..... Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Agreement with Pro-Tec Design, Inc., for FS2 - Card Readers and Cameras Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Charles Grawe,Assistant City Administrator Administration/ Information Technologies ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the agreement with Pro-Tec Design, Inc., for FS2 - Card Readers and Cameras in the amount of$101,420.00. SUMMARY: The City is in the process of making health/ safety and operational improvements to all three fire stations. Part of the project includes the replacement of Fire Station 2. This project pertains to the reuse of some existing equipment and purchase of new equipment for the larger new building. BACKGROUND: This agreement is for the security camera and security access systems for the new building. Cameras need to be added and relocated. Access devices need to be added along with control panels for the access devices. This project is being done under the State Contract S-813(5). Staff recommends approval of a standard form agreement with Pro-Tec Design, Inc., for FS2 - Card Readers and Cameras in the amount of$101,420.00. BUDGET IMPACT: The $101,420.00 would come from the Fire Station 2 project budget. • ITEM: 4.R. ..... :�. Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Agreement with Hallberg Engineering, Inc., for Commissioning Agent for Apple Valley Fire Station#2 & Improvements to #1 & #3 Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Charles Grawe,Assistant City Administrator Administration/ Information Technologies ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the agreement with Hallberg Engineering, Inc., for Commissioning Agent for Apple Valley Fire Station#2 & Improvements to #1 & #3 in the amount of$39,900.00. SUMMARY: The City is in the process of making health/ safety and operational improvements to all three fire stations. While the Station 2 project is most significant with a total rebuild, there are many important health/ safety improvements being done at all three stations. The City has historically used commissioning services at the completion of such projects to ensure that mechanical systems are operating as intended to provide maximum efficiency. BACKGROUND: This agreement is for professional commissioning services. Terra Construction assisted the City in gathering proposals for services. The following proposals were received: Hallberg Engineering $39,900.00 KFI Engineers $46,900.00 Efficiency Commissioning $49,935.00 Staff recommends approval of a standard form agreement with Hallberg Engineering, Inc., for Commissioning Agent for Apple Valley Fire Station #2 & Improvements to #1 & #3 in the amount of$39,900.00. BUDGET IMPACT: The $39,900.00 would come from the Fire Station 2 project budget. • ITEM: 4.S. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Change Order No. 1 to Agreement with Terracon Consultants, Inc., for Special Inspections and Testing Services Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Charles Grawe,Assistant City Administrator Administration/ Information Technologies ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Change Order No. 9 to the agreement with Terracon Consultants, Inc., for Special Inspections and Testing Services, in the additional amount of $8,358.00, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. SUMMARY: Attached is a proposal for one change order to the project contract. The change order covers one issue summarized below. Change Order 1 is in the amount of $8,358.00. The contract sum prior to the approval of the change order is $69,435.00. With the approval of the change order, the contract sum would be $77,793.00. BACKGROUND: CO 1: Add asbestos testing to scope of work. The special inspections and testing scope previously approved pertained to the construction of the new fire station. In this case, the City will need to demolish the existing fire station to make room for the new building. Stations 1 and 3 will also have some smaller remodeling that will involve aspects of demolition. Because the existing stations were constructed in the 1970's, there were still some building products used that contained asbestos. In order to proceed with the demolition, the City will need to test the suspect materials for asbestos and have any found asbestos materials mitigated. BUDGET IMPACT: CO 1: Total Amount $8,358.00 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order Document(s) 955 Wells Street, Suite 100 lirerracon St. Paul, MN 55106 P (651) 894-6622 Terracon.com March 2, 2023 City of Apple Valley 7100 147th Street W Apple Valley, MN 55124 Attn: Chief Chuck Russell E: chuck.russell@applevalleyfire.org Re: Change Order #1 for the project, Special Inspections and Testing Services Request for Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Apple Valley Fire Station #2 and Improvements to #1 & #3 Apple Valley, Minnesota Terracon Change Order No. PMP231012-CO1 Dear Mr. Russell: Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) appreciates the opportunity to submit this Change Order to the City of Apple Valley (Client) to conduct an Asbestos, and Regulated Materials Inspection (Inspection) for all accessible locations within Fire Station #2 and limited to areas impacted during the proposed renovations in Fire Station #1 and #3 at the above referenced sites. The following sections provide an outline of the project, and Terracon's scope of services, including schedule and compensation. A. PROJECT INFORMATION The project includes the phased demolition of Fire Station #2 addressed as 13995 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, MN, and renovations at Fire Station #1 and #3, respectfully addressed as 15000 Hayes Road and 14195 Essex Avenue, Apple Valley, MN. Terracon understands that Fire Station #2 and #3, were constructed in 1979 with renovations in 2003 and Fire Station #1 was constructed in 1975 with renovation in 1990. The purpose of the Inspection is to identify the presence, quantity and location of asbestos containing materials (ACM), sample coatings for lead-based paint (LBP) on pre-1978 coated surfaces, sample polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) in caulking within pre-1979 areas which may be subsequently rendered bulk product waste by asbestos abatement and/or renovation activities, and inventory mercury-containing materials and equipment and other regulated hazardous and/or universal waste materials in the buildings that would need to be remediated prior to proposed disturbance activities. The Inspection will be conducted to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and the Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA), communication of hazards requirements with respect to asbestos as noted in the construction standards regarding renovation and/or demolition activities, barring sampling and access limitations. Explore with us Proposal for Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Terracon Fire Stations 1-3 I Apple Valley, Minnesotaiod March 2, 2023 I Project No. PMP231012 This proposal anticipates access (7 am — 5 pm), allowing Terracon to have access to the buildings on the sites during the inspection services. If additional mobilizations are required to complete the services, additional fees will be invoiced on a time and materials basis with your approval. B. SCOPE OF SERVICES Terracon will provide trained, experienced, and licensed personnel to conduct the following services: Asbestos Assessment and Sampling: Conduct a limited non-destructive assessment for suspect ACM within accessible areas with Station #2 and areas of renovation in Fire Station #1 and #3. Terracon will not be able to observe all areas/surfaces beneath construction finishes/below grade and/or inaccessible areas requiring access beyond ladders and/or hand tools during these assessments. Sample collection will result in some isolated damage to building materials; however, attempts will be made to limit such damage to the extent necessary for sample collection. Terracon will not be responsible for repair or touch-up of sample locations. The assessment will not include such activities as knocking holes in walls or dismantling of equipment or removal of protective coverings. Reasonable efforts to access suspect materials within known areas of restricted access will be made provided these areas are not determined to be permit-required confined spaces, or to pose a health or safety risk to Terracon personnel. Sampling will not include suspect materials that cannot be safely reached with available ladders. Roofing materials may be sampled during the supplemental assessment for Fire Station #2. Client agrees to defend and hold Terracon harmless from subsequent liability and damages that may result from sampling roofing materials. Terracon will apply temporary patching to roof sample locations. However, it is recommended that a professional roofing contractor be obtained to repair areas damaged by Client-requested roof sampling. Asbestos samples will be submitted to an approved laboratory for a 5-day analytical turnaround time. Our proposal is based upon an expectation of collecting and analyzing up to 81 samples including up to three layers per sample. The number of samples will ultimately be determined based upon the number of homogenous materials identified during the Survey. If more than 81 samples are collected, each additional sample and/or layer beyond three per sample will be invoiced a fee of $15 per sample/layer, pending your approval. LBP Assessment and Sampling: LBP testing will be conducted non-destructively using a SciAps X-550 series multi-element spectrum analyzer, Serial No. 910-500137. The SciAps X-550 is a field portable x-ray florescence (XRF) spectrum analyzer capable of identifying lead concentrations in coatings and paint, which are expressed in units of milligrams per square centimeter (mg/cm2). Terracon will conduct XRF readings on surface coatings in the buildings to assess for the presence of LBP on all surfaces potentially impacted by renovation activities and/or subject to beneficial reuse considerations. Explore with us Proposal for Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection ierracon Fire Stations 1-3 I Apple Valley, Minnesota March 2, 2023 I Project No. PMP231012 PCB Assessment and Sampling: Terracon will evaluate and sample caulking, sealant, or coatings for polychlorinated biphenyl's (PCBs) in response to current guidance provided by the EPA and MPCA when these materials are rendered remediation or bulk product waste. Samples collected for characterizing the presence of PCB will utilize composite sampling techniques. Terracon will collect up to three separate composite sample of caulk/sealants/coatings within pre-1979 areas. The collected samples will be submitted to an approved laboratory for analysis with a request for a standard turnaround time of five days. Regulated Materials Visual Assessment: A visual assessment for building materials that may be classified as hazardous waste and/or universal/special waste collectively referred to as"Regulated Materials"will be conducted. Minnesota Rules 7035.0805 Subpart 5, regarding renovation and demolition projects, identifies items and materials which will require special handling and removal prior to renovation/demolition activities. Terracon will inventory these items, although will not be inventorying solid waste items (furniture, paper, mattresses) that may require disposal at a mixed municipal landfill versus demolition landfill. Reporting: Terracon will prepare an Inspection Report describing the sampling methodology and the results and limitations of the Inspection. The Inspection Report will describe the number, type and location of building material samples collected, analytical results, estimated quantity and the condition of materials identified as ACM and LBP. The Inspection Report will have an inventory of regulated materials which will require management prior to renovation or demolition activities for environmental items noted in the scope of work. Additionally, an opinion of environmental costs with respect to the discoveries identified within the Inspection Report will be prepared. Unless otherwise instructed, an electronic report and costing spreadsheet will be submitted. Schedule: Terracon is prepared to commence work on the Inspection within five-days following receipt of a signed Supplemental Agreement. Terracon has assumed one mobilization for Station #1 and #3 and two mobilizations for Station #2 to accomplish this work. The analytical turnaround time is five working days for asbestos, PCB analysis (expedited turnaround is available at additional costs and pending laboratory capacity. Preliminary results will be available within 24 hours of Terracon's receipt of laboratory analytical report. The inspection report will be available electronically up to five days following receiving the laboratory analytical reports. Key Understandings The Client will provide the following items: ▪ The right of entry to conduct the services. ■ Restrictions or special requirements regarding the site must be made known to Terracon prior to commencing the services. Explore with us • Proposal for Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Terracon Fire Stations 1-3 I Apple Valley, Minnesota March 2, 2023 I Project No. PMP231012 ■ Unless access is granted, a representative to accompany Terracon personnel and assist in accessing the buildings. The representative will need to be available for the duration of the assessment services. C. COMPENSATION Terracon will complete the Scope of Services for a lump sum cost of: Task Cost Station 1 (1 mobilization, labor, sampling', and reporting) $1,546 Station 2 (2 mobilizations, labor, sampling', and reporting) $5,266 Station 3 (1 mobilization, labor, sampling', and reporting) $1,546 Total Cost $8,358 ' Terracon has anticipated approximately 81 samples for this work. The estimated number of samples takes into consideration current EPA sampling requirements for the collection of multiple samples from each homogenous area of suspect ACM present; Terracon will invoice any additional samples collected and analyzed at $25/sample. Terracon will only conduct the tasks necessary to complete the scope of services and will immediately notify you in the event our scope of services should change. This proposal is limited to conducting the defined services for your exclusive use and reliance outlined in the Agreement for Services for this engagement. The proposal and anticipated fees are subject to modification should the services be redefined should, additional services or alternative reports be requested. Standard of Care Terracon's services will be conducted in a manner consistent with generally accepted practices of the profession undertaken in similar studies in the same geographical area during the same time. Terracon makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the findings, conclusions, or recommendations. Please note that Terracon does not warrant the services of laboratories, regulatory agencies, or other third parties supplying information used in the preparation of the report. The services will be conducted in accordance with the scope of services agreed with you, our Client. Findings, conclusions, and recommendations resulting from these services are based upon information derived from the on-site activities and other services performed under this scope of work; such information is subject to change over time. The data, interpretations, findings, and our recommendations are based solely upon data obtained at the time and within the scope of these services. D. AUTHORIZATION If this Change Order#1 meets with your approval, the services may be initiated by returning a signed copy of the attached Supplemental Agreement to our office. The signed Supplemental Agreement can be faxed to our office at 763.489.3101 or emailed to mike.willey@terracon.com.The Project Agreement Explore with us 4 Proposal for Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection rerracon Fire Stations 1-3 I Apple Valley, Minnesota March 2, 2023 I Project No. PMP231012 dated 02/23/2023, Supplemental Agreement, and this Change Order, including the Scope of Services and limitations it contains, shall constitute the exclusive terms, conditions, and services to be provided for this project. Thank you for calling and giving us the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please call us at 763.489.3100 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. 9- Mike Willey Jon Litchy Department Manager Staff Scientist Authorized Project Reviewer Attachments Supplemental Agreement Explore with us jierracori Reference Number:PMP231012 SUPPLEMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES CHANGE TO SCOPE OF SERVICES AND FEES This SUPPLEMENT to AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES to the original Agreement for Services(original Agreement dated 02/23/2023,Agreement reference number PMP231012)is between City of Apple Valley MN("Client")and Terracon Consultants, Inc.("Consultant")for additional or changed Services to be provided by Consultant for Client on the Project,as described in the Agreement for Services.This Supplement is incorporated into and part of the Agreement for Services. 1. Scope of Services. The scope of the additional or changed Services are described in the Scope of Services section of the Consultant's Supplemental Proposal, unless Services are otherwise described below or in Exhibit B to this Supplement(which section or exhibit are incorporated into the Supplement). See attached Change Order#1 under Agreement for Special Inspections and Testing Services,dated 23' day of February,2023. 2. Compensation. Client shall pay compensation for the additional or changed Services performed at the fees stated in the Supplemental Proposal unless fees are otherwise stated below or in Exhibit C to this Supplement(which section or exhibit are incorporated into the Supplement). See attached Change Order#1 under Agreement for Special Inspections and Testing Services,dated 23rd day of February,2023 All terms and conditions of the Agreement for Services shall continue in full force and effect. This Supplement is accepted and Consultant is authorized to proceed. Consultant: Terracon Consultants,Inc. Client: City of Apple Valley MN By: Date: 3/2/2023 By: Date: Name/Title: Michael J Willey/Department Manager I Name/Title: Address: 13400 15th Ave N Address: 7100 147th St W Plymouth,MN 55441-4532 Apple Valley,MN 55124-7519 Phone: (763)489-3100 Fax: Phone: Fax: Email: mike.willey@terracon.com Email: Client City of Apple Valley MN By: Date: Name/Title: Address: 7100 147th St W Apple Valley,MN 55124-7519 Phone: Fax: Email: Page 1 of 1 Rev.8-12 • ITEM: 4.T. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Personnel Report Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Melissa Haas, Human Resources Manager Human Resources Division ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the personnel report. SUMMARY: The employment actions attached to this memo are recommended for City Council approval. BACKGROUND: The City Council's approval of the Personnel Report includes the ratification of the City Administrator's actions in carrying out the terms and conditions of the employment of the City personnel. BUDGET IMPACT: Budgeted positions. ATTACHMENTS: Personnel Report PERSONNEL REPORT City of Apple Valley March 9,2023 Human Resources EMPLOYMENT ACTIONS The following employment actions are recommended for City Council approval: First Last Base Pay Pay Pay Date Name Name Action Position Status Dept. Rate Type Scale (on or about) Full-Time, Jacob Bosley Transfer Accounting Supervisor Regular 135 $ 113,307.76 Annual 190E 3/11/2023 Casual, John Celt Hire Golf Shop Attendant Variable Hour 2205 $ 13.25 Hourly C-01 4/17/2023 Casual, Michelle Cherney Hire Sales Clerk Variable Hour 5060 $ 15.50 Hourly L-1 2/25/2023 Casual, Brad Eller Rehire Facility Supervisor Variable Hour 1920 $ 23.45 Hourly C-08 3/18/2023 Division/Department Full-Time, Katherine Gronevelt Hire Specialist Regular 1500 $ 31.00 Hourly 130 3/13/2023 Acting Full-Time, James Hendrickson Assignment Technical Specialist Regular 5305 $ 36.30 Hourly UMT 1/28/2023 Casual, David Linner Hire Ice Resurfacer Driver Variable Hour 5205 $ 17.70 Hourly C-06 2/20/2023 Casual, Roger Mardikian Rehire Seasonal Maintenance I Variable Hour 2205 $ 17.45 Hourly SM1 4/17/2023 Acting Full-Time, Tim McWilliams Assignment Working Foreman Regular 5305 $ 39.15 Hourly UMW 1/28/2023 Casual, Gabrielle Montoya Hire Food and Beverage Server Variable Hour 2205 $ 13.25 Hourly C-01 5/15/2023 Part-Time, Daniel Olson Hire Facility Coordinator Regular 1920 $ 24.00 Hourly PT130 3/13/2023 Casual, Benjy Vandeberg Rehire Golf Shop Attendant Variable Hour 2205 $ 13.60 Hourly C-01 6/12/2023 The Council's approval of the Personnel Report includes the ratification of the City Administrator's actions in carrying out the terms and conditions of the employment of the City personnel. Page 1 of 1 • ITEM: 4.U. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Approve Claims and Bills Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Ron Hedberg, Finance Director Finance Department ACTION REQUESTED: Approve claims and bills. SUMMARY: Attached for City Council review and approval are check registers for recent claims and bills. BACKGROUND: N/A BUDGET IMPACT: Check registers dated February 15, 2023, and February 24, 2023, in the amounts of $1,070,459.46, and $625,288.10, respectively. ATTACHMENTS: Claims and Bills Claims and Bills R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 1 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28284 2/17/2023 100101 ACE HARDWARE 3.89- DISCOUNT 435998 101305967881 1060.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN-I 38.98 PAINT FOR OFFICE 435998 101305967881 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MNl 1,49- DISCOUNT 435517 101310967481 1330.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS FIRE OPERATIONS 14,99 BATTERIES 435517 101310967481 1330,6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS FIRE OPERATIONS 3.79- DISCOUNT 436004 101310968051 1340.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 37.96 DOOR STOP/MISC 436004 101310968051 1340.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 1.59- DISCOUNT 436005 101310968061 1340.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC .79- DISCOUNT 436005 101310968061 1350.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 7.99 TRUFUEL AND MOP HEAD 436005 101310968061 1350.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 15,99 MOPHEAD 436005 101310968061 1340,6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 11,79- DISCOUNT 436003 101340967611 5210.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 117.98 IA1 SHOVELS 436003 101340967611 5210.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 3.60- DISCOUNT 435544 101360967701 1700.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS PARK&RECREATION MANAGEMEN 36.00 AVCC EQUIPMENT&TOOLS 435544 101360967701 1700.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT PARK&RECREATION MANAGEMEN 6.63- DISCOUNT 435696 101400967331 5325.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 66.39 FILTER CELL COVERS 435696 101400967331 5325.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/F 1.49- DISCOUNT 435697 101400967741 5330.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS WTR MAIN/HYDRANT/CURB STOP N 14.99 CURB BOX MAINTENANCE 435697 101400967741 5330.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES WTR MAIN/HYDRANT/CURB STOP IV 316.21 28285 2/17/2023 148565 ADVANCED IMAGING SOLUTIONS(C 181.63 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435575 INV297269 1500.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT PW MANAGEMENT 181.63 28286 2/17/2023 114540 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC 263.06 SCBA 435959 6431 1350.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 263.06 28287 2/17/2023 100389 ALPHAGRAPHICS 32.09 NAME PLATE-KAYLA HECHSEL 435978 122567 1710.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK MAINTENANCE MANAGEMEN' 32.09 28288 2/17/2023 150791 BALD MAN BREWING 372.00 BEER#2 00052212 435820 6880 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 372.00 28289 2/17/2023 155342 BARREL THEORY BEER CO 660.00 BEER#3 00052690 435821 2287 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 660.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 2 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28290 2/17/2023 151877 BLACK STACK BREWING,INC. Continued... 369.00 BEER#3 00052297 435823 21014 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 531.00 BEER#3 00052297 435824 21117 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 396.00 BEER#3 00052297 435825 21207 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 524.00 BEER#1 00052297 435822 21309 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1,820.00 28291 2/17/2023 157178 BLUE CLOUD DISTRIBUTION OF MINNESOTA 1,272.00 BEER#1 00052855 435826 100960542 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1,185.00 BEER#2 00052855 435827 100960544 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 2,457.00 28292 2/17/2023 121014 BUCKEYE CLEANING CENTER 264.60 CLEANING SUPPLIES 435547 90474023 1730.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 264.60 28293 2/17/2023 143314 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE 420.60 BEER#2 00051160 435860 669609 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1,300.25 BEER#3 00051160 435862 670157 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 22.49- CMBEER#3 00051160 435866 670176 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 350.25 BEER#1 00051160 435856 671247 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 3,412.30 BEER#3 00051160 435863 671257 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 36.33- CMBEER#3 00051160 435867 671284 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 239.25 BEER#2 00051160 435861 672225 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 819.00 BEER#1 00051160 435857 672240 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 737.00 BEER#3 00051160 435864 672322 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 548.18 CMBEER#1 00051160 435859 673273 5015,6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 467.00 BEER#3 00051160 435865 673291 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 10.00- CMBEER#1 00051160 435858 673321 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 8,225.01 28294 2/17/2023 150664 CLUB PROPHET SYSTEMS 225.00 CLUB PROPHET POS FOOD&BEV FEB 435570 INV1247164 2270.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 546.00 CLUB PROPHET POS GOLF FEB 435570 INV1247164 2210.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GOLF PRO SHOP 771.00 28295 2/17/2023 100102 COLLEGE CITY BEVERAGE 215.30 GOLF BEER 435521 872075 2270.6419 GOLF-BEER GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 126.35 GOLF BEER 435522 872101 2270.6419 GOLF-BEER GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 341.65 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 3 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 - 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28296 2/17/2023 119052 CUSTOM HOSE TECH INC Continued... 76,50 PLOW HOSE REPAIR 435952 114431 1765.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 76.50 28297 2/17/2023 100129 DAKOTA AWARDS&ENGRAVING 148.50 PAR TAGS 435962 25038 1330.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FIRE OPERATIONS 75.00- AWARDS 435963 25297CM 1210.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 73.50 28298 2/17/2023 100685 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANC 5,798.33 ENGINE 4985 REPAIRS 435578 125781 1350.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 392.67 El,E2,E3 48'WINDOW FELT. 435534 126464 1350,6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 436.84 LADDER 3#4982 MAINTENANCE 435569 126493 1350.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 6,627.84 28299 2/17/2023 144557 EXECUTIVE OUTDOOR SERVICES LLC 1,030.00 SNOW REMOVAL MUNI LOT NOV 435951 2013 2097.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CENTRAL VILLAGE PARKING LOT 1,045.00 EDUBLDG-SNOW REMOVAL NOV 435950 2014 2092.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EDUCATION BUILDING FUND 3,850.00 EDUBLDG-SNOW REMOVAL DEC 435949 2059 2092.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EDUCATION BUILDING FUND 2,800.00 SNOW REMOVAL MUNI LOT DEC 435948 2060 2097.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CENTRAL VILLAGE PARKING LOT 2,615.00 SNOW REMOVAL MUNI LOT JAN 435955 2091 2097.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CENTRAL VILLAGE PARKING LOT 3,045.00 EDUBLDG-SNOW REMOVAL JAN 435956 2092 2092.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EDUCATION BUILDING FUND 14,385.00 28300 2/17/2023 100157 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS CO 66.31 FILTERS HOLDER&JD TRACTORS 435975 18352132 1765.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 84.00 GARAGE DOOR LUBE 435600 18355219 1540.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 150.31 28301 2/17/2023 100209 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL 43.85 GSOC LOCATING 435996 3010185 5375.6399 OTHER CHARGES SEWER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIF 43.90 GSOC LOCATING 435996 3010185 5335.6399 OTHER CHARGES WATER FINAL/SERVICE ON OFF/LO( 87.75 28302 2/17/2023 100217 GRAINGER,INC. 109.92 SPACE HEATER FOR NATHAN,IT 435531 9597213025 1030.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 36.80 SAFETY CHAIN CLIPS 435548 9597779496 1730.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 74,36 JCAC WINDOW LOCKS 435958 9599707115 1730.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 221.08 28303 2/17/2023 103314 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 4 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28303 2/17/2023 103314 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS Continued... 730.48 OFFICE CHAIR:M.HAAS 435954 CIN113772 1020.6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP HUMAN RESOURCES 91.14 AVSA PAPER,TAPE/DISPENSER 435553 IN4081973 5205.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES ARENA 1 MANAGEMENT 47.78 COLORED PAPER AND KLEENEX 435582 IN4089211 5065.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 21.30 RULED PADS,PENS 435599 IN4091909 1200.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 890.70 28304 2/17/2023 129571 KRIS ENGINEERING INC 573.48 PLOW CURB RUNNERS(8) 435593 37766 1665.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET SNOW&ICE MATERIALS 573.48 28305 2/17/2023 100279 LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES 607,50 SERGEANT(#243)UNION DUES 434782 20123838313 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 2,430.00 POLICE(#71)UNION DUES 434782 20123838313 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 3,037.50 28306 2/17/2023 100021 M AMUNDSON LLP 27.52 TAX#3 00044390 435889 355557 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 2,056.21 NTAX#3 00044390 435890 355557 5085.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 41.28 TAX#1 00044390 435885 356294 5015,6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1,957.05 NOTAX#1 00044390 435886 356294 5015,6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 114.27 TAX#2 00044390 435887 356360 5055.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1,008,26 NTAX#2 00044390 435888 356360 5055.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 5,204.59 28307 2/17/2023 100299 MASTER ELECTRIC CO 342.53 RPR EXT RECETICLE MC 435990 SD44090 1060,6266 REPAIRS-BUILDING MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 700.00 TROUBLE SHOOT HIGH ZONE VFD#4 435595 SD44092 5325.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 548.00 TIMING RELAY REPLACED WELL#10 435981 SD44093 5320.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 180,00 TROUBLE SHOOTING WELL#13 435574 SD44094 5320,6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 180.00 TROUBLE SHOOTING WELL#18 435573 SD44095 5320.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 1,950.53 28308 2/17/2023 152514 MEGA BEER LLC 258.00 BEER#3 00052423 435891 21193 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 258.00 28309 2/17/2023 137687 NUSS TRUCK&EQUIPMENT 137.12 BRAKE CHAMBER#301 435597 7200469P 1630.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 137.12 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 5 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28310 2/17/2023 148951 PERFORMANCE PLUS LLC Continued... 149.00 ANNUAL PHYSICAL-RING 435960 123290 1300.6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES FIRE MANAGEMENT 149.00 28311 2/17/2023 154497 PETERSON,KRAIG 49.12 JAN MILEAGE-PETERSON 435953 20230131 5005.6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE LIQUOR GENERAL OPERATIONS 49.12 28312 2/17/2023 100385 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL INC 53.56 PEST CONTROL 435527 7877254 2215,6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING 53.56 28313 2/17/2023 156797 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 396.00 BEER#3 00052810 435895 31505 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 396.00 28314 2/17/2023 100395 R&R SPECIALTIES OF WISCONSIN INC 44.40 AVSA OLY BLADE SHARPENING 435537 780251N 5215.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT ARENA 1 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 24.40 HAYES OLY BLADE SHARPENING 435539 780261N 5270.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT ARENA 2 EQUIPMENT MAINT-HAYE; 68.80 28315 2/17/2023 144815 RIHM KENWORTH 119.94 TURBO GASKETS#312 435977 2135121A 1630.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 4,293.54 DIESEL OXIDATION MODULE#312 435590 2135733A 1630.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 125.39 EXHAUST CLAMPS#312 435551 2136181A 1630.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 42.12 BAND CLAMP#312 435549 2136184A 1630.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 134.57 BRAKE CHAMBER#314 435550 2136190A 1630.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 4,715.56 28316 2/17/2023 152480 RMB ENVIRONMENTAL LAB 27.23 WATER QUALITY LAB SAMPLE 435580 B006623 5505.6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 27.23 28317 2/17/2023 156724 STARRY EYED BREWING CO 104.00 BEER#1 00052802 435907 1420 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 104.00 28318 2/17/2023 100457 STREICHERS INC 268.98 NEW HIRE UNIFORMS 435968 11612648 1210.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 73.96 NEW OFFICER UNIFORMS 435965 11613168 1210.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 186.98 NEW OFFICER UNIFORMS 435967 11614351 1210.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 6 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28318 2/17/2023 100457 STREICHERS INC Continued... 49.99 NEW OFFICER UNIFORMS 435966 11614389 1210.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 579.91 28319 2/17/2023 100471 TOLL GAS&WELDING SUPPLY 455.96 WELDING SUPPLIES 435586 10497696 2240.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT GOLF EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 455.96 28320 2/17/2023 137686 TOWMASTER LLC 63.38 PLOW WING PINS 435557 456718 1630.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 63.38 28321 2/17/2023 120784 ULINE 15.84- POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435972 158834181 1215.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DETECTIVE UNIT 15.84 POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435972 158834181 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 238.18 INVESTIGATIONS SUPPLIES 435972 158834181 1215.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DETECTIVE UNIT 238.18 28322 2/17/2023 100496 VAN PAPER CO 168.13 BAGS#2 00008795 435908 26687 5065.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 1.68- DISCT#2 00008795 435909 26687 5065.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS LIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 32.62- CMBAGS#2 00008795 435910 26688 5065.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 133.83 28323 2/17/2023 137698 VANGUARD CLEANING SYSTEMS OF MN 1,972.00 CLEANING SERVICE CMF DEC'22 435529 86226 1540,6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVCMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 330.50 CLEANING SERVICE CMF 435558 87073 1540.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVCMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 975.00- CLEANING SERVICE CMF 435518 87357 1540.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVCMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 1,327.50 28324 2/17/2023 100498 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER 99.00 GAS MONITOR PARTS 435561 3258655 5390,6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS SWR EQUIPNEHICLE MISC MNTC/R 99.00 28325 2/17/2023 101003 WINZER CORPORATION 41.80 BOLTS FOR TRUCK 435995 782095 1630.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 41.80 315309 2/15/2023 153409 56 BREWING LLC 106.00 BEER#2 00052517 435805 5621485 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 106.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 7 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315309 2/15/2023 153409 56 BREWING LLC Continued... 315310 2/15/2023 155895 911 GEEKS 450,00 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE 435536 434 5005.6239 PRINTING LIQUOR GENERAL OPERATIONS 450.00 315311 2/15/2023 153995 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1.78- GOLF SALES TAX ADJUST 435585 1 CC3FPL3P3WK 2240.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT GOLF EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1.78 GOLF SALES TAX ADJUST 435585 1CC3FPL3P3WK 2200.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT VALLEYWOOD GOLF 765.90 WELDER 435585 1CC3FPL3P3WK 2240.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT GOLF EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 159.98 SAND VOLLEYBALLS 435563 1DM9HCXDCPTC 1860.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC VOLLEYBALL 168.28 BATTERIES FOR BACKUPS 435974 1LXHHHDT7MJQ 2012.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS CABLE TV JOINT POWERS 305.99 PD MICROWAVE 435992 1MCRF3JV6JGC 1250.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE FACILITY 34,10 BINDERS 435567 1PNDJW67CYNT 1860.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC VOLLEYBALL 198.75 INVESTIGATIVE SUPPLIES 435973 1TGX671 M39QT 1215.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DETECTIVE UNIT 1,633.00 315312 2/15/2023 154253 APPLE FORD LINCOLN 396.36 POL VEHICLE LEASE-FEB 435999 20230213 1215.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE POLICE DETECTIVE UNIT 962.35 MIRROR,COVER,&LAMP#247 435579 598939 1765.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 514.28 SQUAD BRAKE PADS&ROTORS 435589 603561 1210.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 1.872.99 315313 2/15/2023 125174 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 591.00- CMBEER#1 00047806 435810 355171 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 351.00- CMBEER#2 00047806 435815 355172 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 40.00 TAX#1 00047806 435806 3582152 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 597.48 BEER#1 00047806 435807 3583321 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 40.00 TAX#1 00047806 435808 3583322 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 243.20 BEER#2 00047806 435813 3583323 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 295.30 BEER#3 00047806 435817 3583324 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 40.00 TAX#3 00047806 435818 3583325 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1,410.20 BEER#1 00047806 435809 3584502 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 947.20 BEER#2 00047806 435814 3584503 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1,264.30 BEER#3 00047806 435819 3584504 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 50.00- CMBEER#1 00047806 435811 3585725 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 974.00 BEER#1 00047806 435812 3585725 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 392.10 BEER#2 00047806 435816 3586023 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 5,251.78 315314 2/15/2023 100031 ASSOCIATION OF MN CITIES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 8 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 - 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315314 2/15/2023 100031 ASSOCIATION OF MN CITIES Continued... 13,238.00 METRO CITIES MEMBERSHIP DUES 435535 1319A 1015.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 13,238.00 315315 2/15/2023 100820 AT&T MOBILITY 1,188.35 POL WIRELESS DATA 436002 287318957082X02 1205.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS POLICE RECORDS UNIT 032023 1,188.35 315316 2/15/2023 158298 ATHMAN,FAITH 4,268.00 CSO TUITION ASSISTANCE ALTMAN 435538 20230202 1200.6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHERPOLICE MANAGEMENT 4,268.00 315317 2/15/2023 149274 B&H PHOTO-VIDEO 91.28 BATTERIES&BNC CONNECTORS 435545 210407492 2012.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CABLE TV JOINT POWERS 91.28 315318 2/15/2023 157857 BETTER BEV CO LLC 46.00 BEER#1 00052889 435911 73 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 46.00 315319 2/15/2023 100296 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MIN-BEER 13,452,95 BEER#3 00000105 435852 347503290 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 138,50 BEER#3 00000105 435851 347504876 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 10,598,40 BEER#1 00000105 435828 347507059 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 4,483.00 BEER#2 00000105 435841 347507840 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 8,872.30 BEER#2 00000105 435842 347576947 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 124.00 TAX#2 00000105 435849 347580065 5055.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 9,006.00 BEER#3 00000105 435853 347598156 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 20.00 TAX#1 00000105 435835 347599538 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 19,961.37 BEER#1 00000105 435836 347599840 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 49.60 BEER#1 00000105 435837 347624582 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 11,213.85 BEER#3 00000105 435855 347701145 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 541.80 BEER#3 00000105 435854 347701146 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 10,566.50 BEER#1 00000105 435840 347701152 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 200.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435839 347701153 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 7,111.95 BEER#2 00000105 435848 347702470 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 102.50 TAX#2 00000105 435847 347703154 5055.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 99.20- CMBEER#1 00000105 435830 362144115 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 13.60- CMBEER#1 00000105 435831 362144302 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 25.60- CMBEER#1 00000105 435832 362144304 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 9 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315319 2/15/2023 100296 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MIN-BEER Continued... 13.60- CMBEER#1 00000105 435833 362144306 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 46.15- CMBEER#1 00000105 435829 362148869 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 23,08- CMBEER#1 00000105 435834 362148870 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 18.40- CMBEER#1 00000105 435838 362167354 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 26.40- CMBEER#2 00000105 435850 362170373 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 8.00- CMBEER#2 00000105 435773 409727311 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 72,00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435781 409737947 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 74.40- CMBEER#3 00000105 435782 409737948 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 12.40- CMBEER#3 00000105 435783 409737949 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 49.60- CMBEER#3 00000105 435784 409737950 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435785 409737951 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 216,00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435786 409758376 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 13.10- CMBEER#3 00000105 435787 409794779 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 26.20- CMBEER#1 00000105 435745 409798476 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 20.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435746 409798479 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 10.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435747 409798480 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 18,20- CMBEER#1 00000105 435748 409798483 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 16.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435749 409814643 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 4.22- CMBEER#3 00000105 435788 409887632 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 24.00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435789 410008896 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 12.30- CMBEER#1 00000105 435751 410008901 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 48,00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435752 410053227 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 54.60- CMBEER#1 00000105 435753 410053229 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 17.00- CMBEER#2 00000105 435774 410086291 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 8.00- CMBEER#2 00000105 435775 410086292 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 24.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435750 41008900 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 36.40- CMBEER#3 00000105 435790 410101924 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 91.00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435791 410101927 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 36.40- CMBEER#1 00000105 435754 410116862 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 20.00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435792 410122357 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435793 410122358 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 25.60- CMBEER#3 00000105 435794 410122359 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 6.73- CMBEER#3 00000105 435795 410122360 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 22.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435755 410133189 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 14.40- CMBEER#1 00000105 435756 410133190 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 96.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435757 410133192 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 13.60- CMBEER#1 00000105 435758 410133193 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 48.00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435796 410159423 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 11.60- CMBEER#3 00000105 435797 410159424 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 10 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315319 2/15/2023 100296 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MIN-BEER Continued... 11,17- CMBEER#3 00000105 435798 410159425 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 13.10- CMBEER#3 00000105 435799 410159426 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 10.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435759 410159436 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 7,13- CMBEER#1 00000105 435760 410159437 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 606.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435761 410243094 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 19.20- CMBEER#1 00000105 435762 410243095 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 288.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435763 410243096 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435800 410253288 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 7.68- CMBEER#1 00000105 435764 410257626 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435765 410257630 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 46.40- CMBEER#1 00000105 435766 410260815 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 20.40- CMBEER#3 00000105 435801 410306861 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 116,00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435802 410306862 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 23,20- CMBEER#3 00000105 435803 410356164 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 28,50- CMBEER#3 00000105 435804 410356165 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 30.80- CMBEER#1 00000105 435767 410359937 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 7,68- CMBEER#1 00000105 435768 410359938 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12.36- CMBEER#1 00000105 435769 410361160 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435770 410361161 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 63.60- CMBEER#1 00000105 435771 410387581 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12,72- CMBEER#2 00000105 435778 410388658 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 2.70- CMBEER#2 00000105 435779 410388659 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 6.72- CMBEER#2 00000105 435780 410388660 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 13.08- CMBEER#1 00000105 435772 410388661 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 6.00- CMBEER#2 00000105 435776 410406215 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 4.20- CMBEER#2 00000105 435777 410406216 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 16.40- CMBEER#3 00000105 435737 410500642 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 24.80- CMBEER#3 00000105 435738 410500643 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 8.46- CMBEER#3 00000105 435739 410507745 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435740 410508567 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 148.80- CMBEER#3 00000105 435741 410508568 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 72.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435720 410508570 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12.84- CMBEER#1 00000105 435721 410508571 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 13.68- CMBEER#1 00000105 435722 410508572 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435723 410508573 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 41.60- CMBEER#2 00000105 435732 410513959 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 12.84- CMBEER#2 00000105 435731 410513960 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 49.60- CMBEER#1 00000105 435724 410513961 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 23.04- CMBEER#1 00000105 435725 410513962 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 11 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 - 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315319 2/15/2023 100296 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MIN-BEER Continued... 12.36- CMBEER#1 00000105 435726 410513963 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 10.39- CMBEER#1 00000105 435727 410513964 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 96.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435728 410517598 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 24.00- CMBEER#1 00000105 435729 410517599 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 27.20- CMBEER#3 00000105 435742 410533024 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 12.84- CMBEER#3 00000105 435743 410533025 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 72.00- CMBEER#3 00000105 435744 410534673 5085,6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 124.00- CMBEER#2 00000105 435730 410548277 5055,6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 54.40- CMBEER#2 00000105 435735 410581387 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 54.40- CMBEER#2 00000105 435843 410581387 5055,6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 6.78- CMBEER#2 00000105 435733 410581389 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 6.78- CMBEER#2 00000105 435844 410581389 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES • 49.60- CMBEER#2 00000105 435734 410581390 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 49.60- CMBEER#2 00000105 435845 410581390 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 252.00- CMBEER#2 00000105 435736 410581391 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 252.00- CMBEER#2 00000105 435846 410581391 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 91,657.89 315320 2/15/2023 100878 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8.42 CMF CABLE TV-JAN 435988 835230604010892 1540.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 8JAN23 94,95 JAN CABLE 435469 835230604052429 2215.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS GOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING 8JAN23 103.37 315321 2/15/2023 100282 CINTAS CORPORATION 37.20 CMF MATS 435991 4145296501 1540.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVCMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC .47- IA2 SALES TAX ADJUST 435541 4145296560 5265.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVARENA 2 BLDG MAINTENANCE-HAY .47 IA2 SALES TAX ADJUST 435541 4145296560 5200.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT ARENA FUND BALANCE SHEET 7.04 HAYES ENTRANCE MATS 435541 4145296560 5265.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVARENA 2 BLDG MAINTENANCE-HAY .88- IA1 SALES TAX ADJUST 435540 4145297299 5210.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE .88 IA1 SALES TAX ADJUST 435540 4145297299 5200.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT ARENA FUND BALANCE SHEET 13,21 AVSA ENTRANCE MATS 435540 4145297299 5210.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 207.58 LINEN SERVICE 435576 4145733734 2215.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVGOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING 10.10 PARKS COVERALLS 435976 4145833069 1710.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE PARK MAINTENANCE MANAGEMEN. 11,48 SHOP COVERALLS 435976 4145833069 1530.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FLEET&BUILDINGS-CMF • 27.10 STREETS COVERALLS 435976 4145833069 1600.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE STREET MANAGEMENT 2.09- LIQ3 USE TAX 435565 4145835696 5000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 2.09 LIQ3 USE TAX 435565 4145835696 5095.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVLIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 30.37 MATS&MOPS 435565 4145835696 5095.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVLIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 12 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315321 2/15/2023 100282 CINTAS CORPORATION Continued... 27.92 CARPET RUNNERS 435598 4145989098 1060.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVMUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN-I 34.08 CH RUG SVC 436000 4145989133 1060.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVMUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN-I .83- LIQ2 USE TAX 435964 4145989156 5000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET .83 LIQ2 USE TAX 435964 4145989156 5065.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVLIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 12.00 RUGS 435964 4145989156 5065.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVLIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 418.08 315322 2/15/2023 157280 COZZINI BROS.INC 38.57 KNIFE SERVICE 435525 C12561108 2270.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 38.57 315323 2/15/2023 100114 CUB FOODS 58.20 REHAB SUPPLIES FOR TRUCKS 435532 202302030218 1330.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE OPERATIONS 58.20 315324 2/15/2023 143882 CULLIGAN 134.95 HAYES WATER SOFTENING 435552 157985475324JAN 5265.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA 2 BLDG MAINTENANCE-HAY 23 134.95 315325 2/15/2023 156145 CYBER ADVISORS INC 2,250.00 VCISO MONTHLY SERVICES 435572 96739 2112.6235 2022141G CONSULTANT SERVICES CARES ACT 2020 2,250.00 315326 2/15/2023 100137 DELEGARD TOOL CO 2,444.35 ESI TRUCK SCAN TOOL UPDATE 435591 2321431 1530.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT FLEET&BUILDINGS-CMF 2,444.35 315327 2/15/2023 153159 DREKKER BREWING CO 922.50 BEER#3 00052472 435868 15334 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 922.50 315328 2/15/2023 157140 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY 432.00 BEER#3 00052850 435869 3819 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 432.00 315329 2/15/2023 101298 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES 317.97 ROYAL W/SWT,DIAPH KIT 435985 9855736 5210.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 139.96- IA1 DIAPH,SLST KIT RETURN 435984 CM951033 5210.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 178.01 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 13 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315329 2/15/2023 101298 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES Continued... 315330 2/15/2023 100168 FERRELLGAS 126.25 PROPANE FORKLIFT 435989 1122032852 1630.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC! 126,25 315331 2115/2023 101328 GOVCONNECTION INC . 747.10 WIRELESS HEADSETS(6)&WEBCAMS 435571 73749971 1030.6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 747.10 315332 2/15/2023 100314 GREAT LAKES COCA-COLA DISTRIBU 7,70- CMTAX#2 00000122 435874 3617212447 5055,6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 396i22 TAX#2 00000122 435873 3617212448 5055.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 792.86 TAX#1 00000122 435870 3630202499 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 91.84 NTAX#1 00000122 435871 3630202499 5015.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 623.07 TAX#2 00000122 435872 3647203333 5055.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1,896.29 315333 2/15/2023 100222 HACH COMPANY 1,082.14 TESTING CHEMICALS FOR WTP 435594 13448814 5325.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 351.40 TESTING CHEMICALS FOR WTP 435562 13454194 5325.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 1,433.54 315334 2/15/2023 100891 HANCO CORPORATION 21.73 ARMADILLO SWEEPER TIRE TUBES 435993 657225 1610.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET/BOULEVARD REPAIR&MN' 21.73 315335 2/15/2023 100231 HOHENSTEINS INC 240.75 BEER#1 00005574 435878 280788 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 953.70 BEER#3 00005574 435880 577070 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 675.50 BEER#1 00005574 435875 577165 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 283.80 BEER#2 00005574 435879 578881 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1,049.70 BEER#3 00005574 435881 578950 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 77.50 TAX#3 00005574 435882 578950 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 838.05 BEER#1 00005574 435876 579010 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 25.50 TAX#1 00005574 435877 579010 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 102.00 BEER#3 00005574 435883 579028 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 632.50 BEER#3 00005574 435884 580777 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 4,879,00 315336 2/15/2023 100660 IIMC R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 14 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315336 2/15/2023 100660 IIMC Continued... 225.00 IIMC MEMBERSHIP DUES 435979 20230112 1015.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 225.00 315337 2/15/2023 145922 KLAUSLER,TIMOTHY WILLIAM 45.85 KLAUSLER MILEAGE JANUARY 2023 435554 20230131 2012.6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE CABLE TV JOINT POWERS 45.85 315338 2/15/2023 151278 KLINE,HARRY 62.87 KLINE MILEAGE JANUARY 2023 435555 20230126 2012.6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE CABLE TV JOINT POWERS 62.87 315339 2/15/2023 148879 LA ROCHE'S INC 425.00 HUNTINGTON SEPTIC PUMPING 1-16 435584 26244 1730.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 425.00 HUNTINGTON SEPTIC PUMPIN 1-25 435583 26255 1730.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 850.00 315340 2/15/2023 101616 LMC INSURANCE TRUST 320.53 WC DED BOBADILLA JANUARY 435969 20104 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 270.27 WC DED B.COLLINS JANUARY 435970 20176 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 590.80 315341 2/15/2023 116371 LOFFLER COMPANIES INC(CONT I 76.94 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 1400,6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 110.10 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 1920,6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT SENIOR CENTER 407.93 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 1700.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT PARK&RECREATION MANAGEMEN 591.87 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 1200.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT POLICE MANAGEMENT 2,689.55 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 1030.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 9.21 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 2012.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT CABLE TV JOINT POWERS 116.94 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 2205.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT GOLF MANAGEMENT 46.23 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 5065.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT LIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 65.70 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 5025.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT LIQUOR#1 OPERATIONS 67.00 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 5095.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT LIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 19.19 COPIER MAINTENANCE 435982 4262790 5210.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4,200.66 315342 2/15/2023 145429 LUBE-TECH&PARTNERS,LLC 632.62 BULK TRACTOR HYDRAULIC FLUID 435588 3123078 1765,6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 632,63 BULK TRACTOR HYDRAULIC FLUID 435588 3123078 1630.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 1,017.59 TRACTOR HYDRAULIC FLUID 435592 3124107 1765.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 2,282.84 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 15 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315342 2/15/2023 145429 LUBE-TECH&PARTNERS,LLC Continued... 315343 2/15/2023 119353 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INS CO INC 216.45 STD FEES FEBRUARY 2023 435717 20230201 1020,6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES .28 LTD ADJ VINCENT FEBRUARY 435717 20230201 9000.2113 ACCRUED LTD PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET .35 LTD ADJ ELVIN FEBRUARY 435717 20230201 9000.2113 ACCRUED LTD PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET .68 LTD ADJ EHMKE FEBRUARY 435717 20230201 9000.2113 ACCRUED LTD PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 2,326.37 LTD INSURANCE FEBRUARY 435717 20230201 9000.2113 ACCRUED LTD PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 2,544.13 315344 2/15/2023 158299 MAYDAY RESTORATION LLC 2.00 PARTIAL REFUND 13961 DULUTH CT 435546 20230123 1001,4072 STATE SURTAX COLLECTED GENERAL FUND REVENUE 114.00 PARTIAL REFUND 13961 DULUTH CT 435546 20230123 1001.4060 PERMIT-BUILDING PERMIT GENERAL FUND REVENUE 116.00 315345 2/15/2023 100309 MENARDS 32.91 DOLLY FOR CARPET JOB 435986 42568 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 25.64 TRASH BAGS FOR TRUCK 4984 435581 49041A 1330.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE OPERATIONS 18.98 REPLSNOW SHOVEL 435559 49090 5375.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT SEWER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIF 100.27 GARAGE PARTS 435533 49092 1340.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 37.99 ASPHALT TAMPER 435994 49100 1610,6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT STREET/BOULEVARD REPAIR&MN 4,29 WELL REPAIR#13 435961 49334 5320.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 31.89 DRINK FOUNTAIN REPAIR 435560 49335 5390.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS SWR EQUIP/VEHICLE MISC MNTC/R 48.72 IA1 DISTILLED WATER 435983 49454 5210.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 99.95 IA1 DRILL BIT SHARPENER 435983 49454 5210.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 400.64 315346 2/15/2023 151869 MODIST BREWING CO LLC 130.00 BEER#2 00052303 435892 38417 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 130.00 315347 2/15/2023 151805 MONTGOMERY BREWING 304.00 BEER#1 00052282 435893 3273 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 304.00 315348 2/15/2023 100995 NAPA AUTO PARTS 4.23 MASTER CYLINDER CAP#416 435596 5763837206 5345.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER EQUIP/VEHICLE/MISC MNTC 78.98 FILTERS HOLDER&JD TRACTORS 435601 5763887246 1765.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 106.07 AIR&FUEL FILTERS KENWORTHS 435601 5763887246 1630.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 189.28 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 16 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 - 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315349 2/15/2023 100374 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY Continued... 334.40 TAX#1 00002171 435894 57487358 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 334.40 315350 2/15/2023 158301 PEQUIN,CHRISTOPHER 241.00 B1 EXAM CHRIS P 435543 20230120 1400.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 241.00 315351 2/15/2023 143336 PREMIER LOCATING INC 386.67 PREMIER LOCATES 435987 42015 5805.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 386.67 315352 2/15/2023 101500 PREMIUM WATERS INC 23.57 WATER 435524 319242402 2215.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING 57.99 WATER 435526 319249063 2215.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING 81.56 315353 2/15/2023 153484 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC 129.00 BEER#2 00052530 435896 49446 5055.6530 BEER LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 436.00 BEER#3 00052530 435897 49730 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 565.00 315354 2115/2023 153117 RIVERVIEW LAW OFFICE,PLLC 2,217.29 REMITTAL OF WAGE GARNISHMENT 435542 20230201 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 2,217.29 315355 2/15/2023 158315 SCHMID,SHARON 60.00 SCHMID REFUND ICE CASTLE TRIP 435719 48339469 1001.4355 RECREATION USER FEES GENERAL FUND REVENUE 60.00 315356 2/15/2023 100829 SHAMROCK GROUP INC 74.00 CO2 RENTAL 435519 2844545 2270.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 79.80 NO TAX#1 00052880 435898 2853478 5015.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 66.95 NO TAX#3 00052880 435901 2853581 5085.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 74.00 CO2 RENTAL 435520 2854727 2270.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 262.10 NITRO REFILL 435528 2856163 2270.6422 GOLF-KITCHEN SUPPLIES GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 79.80 NO TAX#2 00052880 435900 2857381 5055.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 80.65 NO TAX#1 00052880 435899 2858951 5015.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 717.30 315357 2/15/2023 154912 SP3 LLC R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 17 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315357 2/15/2023 154912 SP3 LLC Continued... 268.95 BEER#3 00052668 435905 175978 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 318.50 BEER#1 00052668 435902 176002 5015.6530 BEER LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 222.50 TAX#1 00052668 435903 176002 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 488.00 BEER#3 00052668 435904 1765437 5085.6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 641,25 BEER#3 00052668 435906 176740 5085,6530 BEER LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1,939.20 315358 2/15/2023 142722 STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES,INC. 310.50 BOOSTER STATION STUDY 435997 2034348 5320,6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 310_50 315359 2/15/2023 147984 SWAGIT PRODUCTIONS,LLC 695.00 MEETING WEBSTREAMING JAN 435587 SW001688S1 4817.6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES CABLE TV-SPECIAL REV FUND 695.00 315360 2/15/2023 148489 SYN-TECH SYSTEMS INC 175.00 FUEL MASTER/ASSETWORKS RPR DAT 435564 260683 1530.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES FLEET&BUILDINGS-CMF 175.00 315361 2/15/2023 155905 TEAMSIDELINE.COM 12.00 LEAGUE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 435980 TSINV11905 1870.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REC BASKETBALL 190.00 LEAGUE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 435980 TSINV11905 1850.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REC SOFTBALL 250.00 LEAGUE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 435980 TSINV11905 1855.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REC FOOTBALL&SOCCER 516.00 LEAGUE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 435980 TSINV11905 1860.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REC VOLLEYBALL 968.00 315362 2/15/2023 157211 THE STANDARD 330.25 BASIC LIFE INSURANCE FEBRUARY 435718 20230201 9000.2117 ACCRUED LIFE INSUR-BASIC PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 10,721.20 SUPP/DEP LIFE FEBRUARY 435718 20230201 9000.2118 ACCRUED LIFE INSUR-SUPP/DEPEND PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 11,051.45 315363 2/15/2023 101342 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 359.68 BACKGROUND CHECKS-JAN 435577 847780921 1215.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE DETECTIVE UNIT 359.68 315364 2/15/2023 129556 T-MOBILE USA 125.00 INVESTIGATIVE CASE WORK 435971 9522476531 1215.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE DETECTIVE UNIT 125.00 315365 2/15/2023 101467 VALLEY IMAGES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 18 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315365 2/15/2023 101467 VALLEY IMAGES Continued... 10.00 RETIREE PICTURE PRINT-SCHYMA 435957 3189 1200.6239 PRINTING POLICE MANAGEMENT 10.00 315366 2/15/2023 100631 VERIZON WIRELESS 40.01 IA1 WIRELESS DATA(PADS 436001 9926936072 5250.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS ARENA 1 CONCESSIONS 40.01 UTIL WIRELESS DATA(PADS 436001 9926936072 5305.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS WATER MGMT/REPORT/DATA ENTR' 80.02 315367 2/15/2023 122208 WEST ST PAUL,CITY OF 3,741.36 VOLUNTEER ENG MGR 2022 QT4 435568 202200000270 1020.6399 OTHER CHARGES HUMAN RESOURCES 3,741.36 315368 2/15/2023 100363 XCEL ENERGY 93.36 SL ELECTRIC JCRR NORTH CR42 435530 5100130856011JA 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND N23 93.36 20230138 1/2/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD 19.93- CLERK SALES TAX ADJUST 435509 240059423633006 1015.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 44777370 19.93 CLERK SALES TAX ADJUST 435509 240059423633006 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 44777370 299.65 PRECINCT OUTDOOR SIGNS 435509 240059423633006 1015.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 44777370 Supplier 158011 SMARTPRESS.COM(PCARD) 15.99 SPARTAN CAMERA DATA 435503 240113423620000 1200.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS POLICE MANAGEMENT 46336165 Supplier 155691 SPARTAN CAMERA(PCARD) 2,052.10 RANGE ARMORY UPGRADE 435511 240133923630034 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 18298106 Supplier 158228 SECURE IT TACTICAL(PCARD) .35- REC SALES TAX ADJUST 435507 240728023639688 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 53149491 .35 REC SALES TAX ADJUST 435507 240728023639688 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 53149491 5.32 LITTLE LEARNERS JAN 435507 240728023639688 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 53149491 Supplier 120823 JOANN ETC#1952(PCARD) 115.00 FRANCIS FBI NA MEMBERSHIP 435513 240731423529000 1000.1560 PREPAID EXPENSES GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 17100196 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 19 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230138 1/2/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... Supplier 148074 FBI NATL ACADEMY ASSOC(PCARD) 6.77 NON-OXY GAS FOR SNOWBLOWER 435489 241225423577440 5095.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS LIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 06088914 Supplier 151798 BP(PCARD) 692.01 OFFICE CHAIR&BACKPACK 435486 241374623561004 5300,2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER&SEWER FUND BAL SHEET 80406525 589.18 NEW OFFICE CHAIR FOR BRIAN 435487 241374623561004 5300.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER&SEWER FUND BAL SHEET 80419577 2.70- POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435493 241374623581004 1200.6239 PRINTING POLICE MANAGEMENT 26978536 2.70 POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435493 241374623581004 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 26978536 40.64 BUSINESS CARDS 435493 241374623581004 1200.6239 PRINTING POLICE MANAGEMENT 26978536 Supplier 100577 OFFICE MAX(PCARD) 300.00 U OF M TRAINING 2023 434901 241382923512062 1400.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 52444878 155.00 MNDOT ESC-BRANDON ANDERSON 435491 241382923572063 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 52636203 Supplier 148118 U OF M CCE(PCARD) 28.04 HEROES AND HELPERS 434903 241640723500910 1275.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POL COMMUN OUTREACH/CRIME P 07101096 21.39 LITTLE LEARNERS DEC 434912 241640723510910 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 07411437 183.57 HOLIDAY EVENT SUPPLIES 434910 241640723510910 1845.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC SELF SUPPORT PROG GENER, 17322350 Supplier 100463 TARGET STORES(PCARD) 25.00 UGLY SWEATER CONTEST PRIZES 435492 241640723586910 1025..6399 OTHER CHARGES EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION PARTY 04043084 Supplier 103023 KWIK TRIP INC(PCARD) 39.99 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION 434915 242042923510001 1200_6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE MANAGEMENT 32057623 Supplier 141272 MAILCHIMP(PCARD) 40.84 435515 242042923540055 1200.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL POLICE MANAGEMENT 61839760 Supplier 100459 SUBWAY(PCARD) 280.00 DUES MSFCA-RUSSELL 434902 242078523511696 1000.1560 PREPAID EXPENSES GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 01926655 Supplier 149060 MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC(PCARD) R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 20 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 — 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230138 1/2/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 25.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL ELVIN 435499 242078523621639 1300.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE MANAGEMENT 01439300 25.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL KILMARTIN 435500 242078523621639 1330.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE OPERATIONS 01439342 Supplier 156986 MN IAA!(PCARD) 179.99 LT SQUAD DETAIL 434899 242697923505006 1210.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 67134426 Supplier 151579 PARADISE CAR WASH(PCARD) 139.22 PARTS FOR GYM MECH CONTROLS 434917 242697923545006 1700.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS PARK&RECREATION MANAGEMEN 47750057 Supplier 158227 GALCO MOTO(PCARD) 470.27 RANGE SUPPLIES-BROWNELLS 434907 242707423529000 1000.1560 PREPAID EXPENSES GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 15768554 62.98 MAGULA LOADER-RANGE SUPPLIES 435478 242707423549000 1255.6399 OTHER CHARGES POLICE GUN RANGE 16985965 Supplier 148595 BROWNELLS.COM(PCARD) 100,00 UGLY SWEATER CONTEST PRIZES 435476 242707423549000 1025.6399 OTHER CHARGES EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION PARTY 17801054 Supplier 137805 APPLE VALLEY LIQUOR(PCARD) .71- POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435510 243990023632950 1200.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 47004223 .71 POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435510 243990023632950 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 47004223 10.70 PHONE CHARGER-DETECTIVES 435510 243990023632950 1200.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 47004223 Supplier 113057 BEST BUY(PCARD) 35.31 DEC CHEFS 434900 244273323507302 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 70103757 13.18 LITTLE LEARNERS DEC 434911 244273323517302 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 63388406 110.05 IN SERVICE SNACKS 435479 244273323547302 1200.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 64553286 25.99 PERSONAL PURCHASE IN ERROR 435480 244273323557302 1300.6399 OTHER CHARGES FIRE MANAGEMENT 68612905 Supplier 148071 CUB FOODS(PCARD) 12.84 BATTERIES 435502 244310623630910 2205.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS GOLF MANAGEMENT 17000596 Supplier 148060 ACE HARDWARE(PCARD) 26.85 HOLIDAY EVENT SUPPLIES 434909 244450023510010 1845.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC SELF SUPPORT PROG GENER, R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 21 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230138 1/2/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 61800373 Supplier 120473 DOLLAR TREE STORES,INC.(PCARD) 65.19 LUNCH FOR CREW HOLIDAY WEEKEND 435494 244450023586001 1665.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET SNOW&ICE MATERIALS 29201327 Supplier 100146 DOMINO'S PIZZA(PCARD) 22.50 LITTLE LEARNERS JAN 435506 244450023640008 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 82835514 Supplier 120473 DOLLAR TREE STORES,INC.(PCARD) 8.95- POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435497 244921523607150 1272.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE DAK CTY MAAG TEAM 77422930 8.95 POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435497 244921523607150 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 77422930 134.65 SWAT GEAR 435497 244921523607150 1272.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE DAK CTY MAAG TEAM 77422930 Supplier 158216 HSGI COMP TAC(PCARD) 191.96 K9 TRNG-HIBBING-YARD/WITKOWSKI 435496 244921523607190 1281.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL POLICE K-9 79580364 Supplier 158226 AIRBNB(PCARD) 137.08 N/MPELRA MEMBERSHIP DUES HAAS 434904 244921623500000 1000.1560 PREPAID EXPENSES GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 49070609 100.00 MPELRA WINTER VIRT CONF-HAAS 434905 244921623500000 1000.1560 PREPAID EXPENSES GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 51090107 100.00 MPELRA WINTER VIRT CONF-THELEN 434906 244921623500000 1000.1560 PREPAID EXPENSES GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 51455672 Supplier 148109 NPELRA(PCARD) 217.35 PS FURNITURE 435495 244939823587004 1845.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC SELF SUPPORT PROG GENER, 54940145 Supplier 154270 LAKESHORE LEARNING(PCARD) 20.13 RANGE DINNER 435490 245404523562130 1255.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE GUN RANGE 00674209 Supplier 154670 YANKEE TAVERN(PCARD) 8.83- INSP SALES TAX ADJUST 434913 246921623511013 1400.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 75789395 8,83 INSP SALES TAX ADJUST 434913 246921623511013 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 75789395 132.71 IRC BOOKS 434913 246921623511013 1400.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 75789395 Supplier 140339 AMAZON.COM(PCARD) 175.00 KILMARTIN NFPA MEMBERSHIP 435473 246921623541044 1300.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE MANAGEMENT R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 22 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230138 1/2/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 88122550 175.00 RUSSELL NFPA MEMBERSHIP 435481 246921623551053 1300.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE MANAGEMENT 69324008 Supplier 148107 NFPA(PCARD) 300.00 RED CROSS ANNUAL FEE. 435498 246921623611093 1930,6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS REDWOOD CC 34992503 Supplier 148063 AMERICAN RED CROSS(PCARD) 165.00 ICC CLASS-BERTRAM 435508 246921623631003 1460.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL INSPECTIONS TRAINING 88542383 Supplier 100249 INTL CODE COUNCIL INC(PCARD) 206.28 DAHLSTROM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND 435516 246921623631008 1200.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 69025213 Supplier 158220 MPPOA LEGAL DEFENSE(PCARD) 62.10 MPPOA DUES 435514 246921623631008 1200.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE MANAGEMENT 70213790 Supplier 154729 MN POLICE&PEACE(PCARD) 75.00 MARBEN DMT REFRESH 434914 247170523521235 1225.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL POLICE TRAINING 20140442 300.00 BECKER DEATH CONF-BREEZY PT 434916 247170523541235 1225.6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHERPOLICE TRAINING 40329486 Supplier 150045 BCA TRAINING EDUCATION(PCARD) 250.00 SCOUT LAKE AERATOR PERMIT 434918 247170523541335 5505.6399 OTHER CHARGES STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 47090239 Supplier 134899 MN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES(PCARD) 10.22 PESTICIDES LICENSE-DOSTAL 435474 247170523551735 2205.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF MANAGEMENT 52599871 10.22 PESTICIDES LICENSE-BROWNING 435475 247170523551735 2205.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF MANAGEMENT 52599897 10.22 PESTICIDE LICENSE-BRENNO 435566 247170523561735 1775.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK MAINTENANCE TRAINING 64951804 10.22 PESTICIDE LICENSE-CASPERS 435566 247170523561735 1775.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK MAINTENANCE TRAINING 64951804 10.22 PESTICIDE LICENSE-GLEWWE 435566 247170523561735 1775.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK MAINTENANCE TRAINING 64951804 10.22 PESTICIDE LICENSE-LERUM 435566 247170523561735 1775.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK MAINTENANCE TRAINING 64951804 10.24 PESTICIDE LICENSE-ROTHER 435566 247170523561735 1775.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK MAINTENANCE TRAINING 64951804 10.22 LOU OTTO PESTICIDE LIC RENEWAL 435504 247170523631636 1700.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK&RECREATION MANAGEMEN R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page:-: 23 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230138 1/2/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 39251950 Supplier 148091 MN DEPT OF AGRICULTURE(PCARD) 42.33 OSHA CHAINSAW CHAPS 435501 247554223622636 5330.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES WTR MAIN/HYDRANT/CURB STOP N 27174195 42.33 OSHA CHAINSAW CHAPS 435501 247554223622636 5375.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES SEWER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIF 27174195 42.33 OSHA CHAINSAW CHAPS 435501 247554223622636 5505.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 27174195 47.05 FORESTRY SUPPLIES DBH TAPE 435512 247554223632736 1520.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES NATURAL RESOURCES 32485840 Supplier 100181 FORESTRY SUPPLIERS(PCARD) 476.44 SL5 TRANSDUCER REBUILD 435505 247679223629000 5300.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER&SEWER FUND BAL SHEET 11271930 476.44 WHEATON TRANSDUCER REBUILD 435505 247679223629000 5500.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL STORM DRAIN UTIL BALANCE SHEE 11271930 Supplier 158181 SIGMA CONTROLS(PCARD) 165.00 MGCSA DUES-DOSTAL 435482 247933823550004 2205.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF MANAGEMENT 66425851 165.00 MGCSA DUES-BROWNING 435483 247933823550004 2205.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF MANAGEMENT 66445859 Supplier 148088 MGCSA(PCARD) 75.00 UGLY SWEATER CONTEST PRIZES 435477 248019723550917 1025.6399 OTHER CHARGES EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION PARTY 36001661 Supplier 100503 VON HANSON'S MEATS(PCARD) 11.77 SEA FOAM FOR GAS CAN 435488 248019723570917 5095.6214 CHEMICALS LIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 56000286 Supplier 148060 ACE HARDWARE(PCARD) 4.81 LITTLE LEARNERS DEC 434919 249416623548380 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 07472743 Supplier 100640 FLEET FARM(PCARD) 39.96 HOLIDAY EVENT SUPPLIES 434908 249430023518980 1845.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC SELF SUPPORT PROG GENER, . 02060133 Supplier 148264 COSTCO(PCARD) 4.04- UTIL SALES TAX ADJUST 435472 249430123550101 5325.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 94554890 4.04 UTIL SALES TAX ADJUST 435472 249430123550101 5300.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT WATER&SEWER FUND BAL SHEET 94554890 60.78 WTP MAINTENANCE ADAPTER 435472 249430123550101 5325.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 94554890 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 24 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230138 1/2/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 2,95- UTIL SALES TAX ADJUST 435471 249430123550101 5325.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 94556226 2.95 UTIL SALES TAX ADJUST 435471 249430123550101 5300.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT WATER&SEWER FUND BAL SHEET 94556226 44.30 VALVE FITTING WTP 435471 249430123550101 5325.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 94556226 2,95- POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435484 249430123560101 1255.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE GUN RANGE 90459812 2.95 POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435484 249430123560101 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 90459812 44,40 RANGE TORCH 435484 249430123560101 1255.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE GUN RANGE 90459812 2.77- POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435485 249430123560101 1255.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE GUN RANGE 90462477 2.77 POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435485 249430123560101 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 90462477 41.71 RANGE TORCH2 435485 249430123560101 1255.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE GUN RANGE 90462477 60.78- RETURN PARTS WTP VALVE 435470 749430123550101 5325.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 94553095 4.04- UTIL SALES TAX ADJUST 435470 749430123550101 5300.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT WATER&SEWER FUND BAL SHEET 94553095 4.04 UTIL SALES TAX ADJUST 435470 749430123550101 5325.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/F 94553095 Supplier 143525 HOME DEPOT STORE#2833(PCARD) 10,758.47 20230141 1/16/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD 13.66 PRECINCT SIGNS-SHIPPING CHG 435637 240059430033006 1015.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 49309090 Supplier 158011 SMARTPRESS.COM(PCARD) 277.02 DEATH CONF-BECKER-BREEZY PT 435668 240552330030360 1225.6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHERPOLICE TRAINING 03939776 277.02 DEATH CONF-BECKER-BREEZY PT 435669 240552330030360 1225.6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHERPOLICE TRAINING 03939784 Supplier 103015 BREEZY POINT RESORT(PCARD) 142.36 PK JCRP PHONES DEC 435659 240552330060837 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 05877612 175.28 CH GENERATOR/HVAC MODEM DEC 435660 240552330060837 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 12575035 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 25 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230141 1/16/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 178.23 JC ACTIVITY CTR PHONES DEC 435661 240552330060837 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 23430774 16.50 POL INTOXILIZER DEC 435662 240552330070833 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 05012841 103.24 IA2 PHONES DEC 435663 240552330070833 5200.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL ARENA FUND BALANCE SHEET 10657572 1,381.86 PHONE SYSTEM PRI LINES DEC 435690 240552330070833 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 22955022 53.44 GOLF CLUBHOUSE PHONES DEC 435684 240552330070833 2200.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL VALLEYWOOD GOLF 26120151 331.49 PK REDWOOD PHONES DEC 435681 240552330070833 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 28582549 371.33 SWIM CHLORINE MONITOR DEC 435682 240552330070833 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 46039563 73.77 IA1 PHONES DEC 435683 240552330070837 5200.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL ARENA FUND BALANCE SHEET 02229998 66.00 UTIL STRM SWR ALARMS DEC 435685 240552330070837 5500.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL STORM DRAIN UTIL BALANCE SHEE 10967100 240.25 UTIL MNTC PHONE DEC 435686 240552330070837 5300.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER&SEWER FUND BAL SHEET 30490216 70.11 AVCC CREDIT CARD PHONE DEC 435687 240552330070837 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 34382302 33.00 CMF RADIO LINE DEC 435688 240552330070837 1000.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 43322778 208.09 UTIL WTP PHONES DEC 435689 240552330070837 5300.2211 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER&SEWER FUND BAL SHEET 53680016 Supplier 155769 FRONTIER ONLINE(PCARD) 1.49- ENG SALES TAX ADJUST 435655 240586130119762 1510.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES PW ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL 08831601 1.49 ENG SALES TAX ADJUST 435655 240586130119762 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 08831601 27.39 SHAWNA NELSON-NOTARY 435655 240586130119762 1510.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES PW ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL 08831601 Supplier 158258 ATLAST CORP NOTARY&SU(PCARD) 99.00 LENOFX COLLECTION 435608 241183230060000 2012.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS CABLE TV JOINT POWERS 00217488 Supplier 155972 LENOFX(PCARD) 1,324.00 JURCHISIN FDIC REG INDIANAPOLI 435650 241185930110182 1310.6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHERFIRE TRAINING 35221357 Supplier R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 26 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230141 1/16/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 102415 FDIC(PCARD) 150.00 U OF M TRAINING-PISCHKE 435609 241382923652064 1460.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL INSPECTIONS TRAINING 92727292 Supplier 148118 U OF M CCE(PCARD) 6.00 PS GENERAL 435623 241640723640910 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 07234404 8.67 LITTLE LEARNERS JAN 435623 241640723640910 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 07234404 Supplier 100463 TARGET STORES(PCARD) 3.74 SHIPPING 435673 241640730067419 1200.6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX POLICE MANAGEMENT 71865052 Supplier 143773 FEDEX OFFICE(PCARD) 12.38 USED WRONG CREDIT CARD 435631 241640730110910 5005.6399 OTHER CHARGES LIQUOR GENERAL OPERATIONS 10714819 Supplier 100463 TARGET STORES(PCARD) 25.00 FACEBOOK AD 435642 242042930094323 2205.6239 PRINTING GOLF MANAGEMENT 32756551 25.00 FACEBOOK AD 435643 242042930130000 2205.6239 PRINTING GOLF MANAGEMENT 37497344 Supplier 148619 FACEBOOK INC(PCARD) 59.92 MAYOR APPAREL 435635 242263830124000 1005.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL 02273197 Supplier 149714 SAMS CLUB(PCARD) 385.00 CPO CLASS-GLEWWE 435616 242476030063006 1775.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL PARK MAINTENANCE TRAINING 51156582 385.00 CPO CLASS-BRENNO 435617 242476030063006 1775.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL PARK MAINTENANCE TRAINING 51156665 Supplier 156532 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL(PCARD) 14.38 BREAK ROOM WATER REFILL 435628 244273330067302 5095.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 67038459 5.99 LITTLE LEARNERS JAN 435621 244273330107302 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 56460890 Supplier 148071 CUB FOODS(PCARD) 4.44- IA1 SALES TAX ADJUST 435653 244310630100837 5245.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA 1 LEARN TO SKATE 44474249 4.44 IA1 SALES TAX ADJUST 435653 244310630100837 5200.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT ARENA FUND BALANCE SHEET 44474249 66.69 LTS SUPPLIES 435653 244310630100837 5245.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA 1 LEARN TO SKATE 44474249 Supplier R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 27 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 — 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230141 1/16/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 140339 AMAZON.COM(PCARD) 130.00 MAYOR APPAREL 435634 244450030126000 1005.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL 91287235 Supplier 141848 KOHLS(PCARD) 350.00 10K LAKES 2023 MEMBERSHIP 435612 244921530037131 1400.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 91459046 Supplier 155915 COPY OF 10000 LAKE(PCARD) 8.25- PK SALES TAX ADJUST 435605 244921530048529 1745.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK CRT/GAME AREA MAINTENAN 62917862 8.25 PK SALES TAX ADJUST 435605 244921530048529 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 62917862 124.05 TENNIS COURT POST TOPS 435605 244921530048529 1745.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK CRT/GAME AREA MAINTENAN 62917862 Supplier 158261 SPARTAN ATH(PCARD) 15,67- NR SALES TAX ADJUST 435654 244921530048683 1520.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT NATURAL RESOURCES 46798034 15.67 NR SALES TAX ADJUST 435654 244921530048683 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 46798034 235.66 FORESTRY TOOLS POLESAW 435654 244921530048683 1520.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT NATURAL RESOURCES 46798034 Supplier 158263 TREESTUFF(PCARD) 206.28 LDF DUES-ZAUHAR 435676 244921530058542 1200.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE MANAGEMENT 88014522 206,28 LDF DUES-SPILLERS 435677 244921530058556 1200.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE MANAGEMENT 70056369 Supplier 158220 MPPOA LEGAL DEFENSE(PCARD) 31.58 FDIC-INDIANAPOLIS-JURCHISIN 435641 244921530107191 1310.6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHERFIRE TRAINING 98509759 Supplier 154693 ALLIANZ TRAVEL INS(PCARD) 49.99 AVSA REPLACEMENT SHOVEL HANDLE 435651 244921530108522 5215.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA 1 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 34016644 Supplier 158262 THESNOWPLOW(PCARD) 3,54- FIRE SALES TAX ADJUST 435624 244921530117193 1330.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS FIRE OPERATIONS 42317264 3.54 FIRE SALES TAX ADJUST 435624 244921530117193 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 42317264 53.28 FLASHLIGHT SWITCH AND LED PART 435624 244921530117193 1330.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS FIRE OPERATIONS 42317264 Supplier 155772 OPTICSPLANET(PCARD) R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 28 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230141 1/16/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 40.00 MWOA SEWER TRNG-JACOBS 435652 244921530118522 5370.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL SEWER TRAINING/SCHOOL/MEETIN 70678041 Supplier 152580 CSWEA(PCARD) 575.00 IIMC CONF-MARSCHALL 435647 244921530118522 1015.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 84486241 575.00 IIMC CONFERENCE-GACKSTETTER 435644 244921530118522 1015.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 86033470 Supplier 148080 IIMC(PCARD) 125.00 JOB AD-FACILITY COORD SR CTR 435632 244921630050000 1020.6239 PRINTING HUMAN RESOURCES 39114497 Supplier 153490 NEOGOV(PCARD) 50.00 CROSBY RIGGING TRAINING 435692 244921630110000 5315.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL WATER TRAINING/SCHOOL/MEETIN 35244746 50.00 CROSBY RIGGING TRAINING 435692 244921630110000 5370.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL SEWER TRAINING/SCHOOL/MEETIN 35244746 Supplier 158264 WWW.THECROSBYGROUP.COM(PCARD) 55.00 MRPA ANNUAL MEETING-SKINNER 435619 244939830042077 1940.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL AQUATIC SWIM CENTER 21000147 Supplier 151801 MN REC AND PARK(PCARD) 12.74 SUMMER BULLETIN BOARD KIT 435620 244939830074006 1825.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC SUMMER PLAYGROUND ACTIV 33000126 29.99 LITTLE LEARNERS JAN 435620 244939830074006 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 33000126 Supplier 154270 LAKESHORE LEARNING(PCARD) 25.00 MRPA TRAINING-CARLSON 435618 244939830092077 1705.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL PARK&RECREATION MGMT TRAIN( 21300021 Supplier 151801 MN REC AND PARK(PCARD) 35.00 MAPET RENEWAL 435670 245593030029000 1200.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE MANAGEMENT 11100122 Supplier 157079 MAPET(PCARD) 325.00 IAPMO 2023 MEMBERSHIP 435613 246392330049000 1400.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 10165804 Supplier 150597 IAPMO(PCARD) 495.00 ICC CLASS 2023 PEQUIN 435648 246921623651019 1460.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL INSPECTIONS TRAINING 70996175 330.00 ICC CLASS 2023-DEVERY 435610 246921623651019 1460.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL INSPECTIONS TRAINING 70996290 Supplier 100249 INTL CODE COUNCIL INC(PCARD) 289.00 AIR PURIFIER 435675 246921630041050 1250.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE FACILITY R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 29 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230141 1/16/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 86965409 Supplier 143525 HOME DEPOT STORE#2833(PCARD) 1,800.00 CRITICAL INCIDENT TRG DEMO 435695 246921630041052 1225.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL POLICE TRAINING 74578964 Supplier 154227 MN CIT OFFICER(PCARD) 3.05- REC SALES TAX AJUST 435622 246921630041053 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 72524555 3.05 REC SALES TAX AJUST 435622 246921630041053 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 72524555 45.92 GENERAL PS SUPPLIES 435622 246921630041053 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 72524555 Supplier 101729 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY(PCARD) 495.00 ICC CLASS 2023 DORN 435664 246921630051054 1460.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL INSPECTIONS TRAINING 74677516 330.00 ICC CLASS-ANDREJKA 435639 246921630051054 1460.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL INSPECTIONS TRAINING 74678951 Supplier 100249 INTL CODE COUNCIL INC(PCARD) 62.10 MPPOA DUES-SPILLERS 435679 246921630051060 1200.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE MANAGEMENT 04640867 62.10 MPPOA DUES-DAHLSTROM 435678 246921630051060 1200.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE MANAGEMENT 39533046 Supplier 154729 MN POLICE&PEACE(PCARD) 55.11- POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435646 246921630051060 1200.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 61296959 55.11 POL SALES TAX ADJUST 435646 246921630051060 1000,2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 61296959 828.61 HISTORY WALL-RECORDS AREA 435646 246921630051060 1200.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 61296959 Supplier 158260 REMAX WRAPS(PCARD) 29.90 NOTARY STAMP-JENAE MARTHEY 435602 246921630061061 1015.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 64995142 Supplier 138345 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NOTARIES(PCARD) 107 13 DECALS FOR SGT CARS 435658 246921630061068 1200.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 06453278 Supplier 158260 REMAX WRAPS(PCARD) 175.00 MAPMO 2023 MEMBERSHIP 435615 246921630091089 1400.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 29949601 Supplier 154589 MN ASSOCIATION(PCARD) 31.90 AMANDA/BRETT NAME PLAQUES 435674 246921630091089 1200.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page; 30 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230141 1/16/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 38854156 Supplier 148998 LAKEVILLE TROPHY(PCARD) 175.00 NFPA2023 MEMBERSHIP 435614 246921630091090 1400.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 32797135 Supplier 148107 NFPA(PCARD) 240.00 MGMT SCHL-WHEELING WV-ROTHER 435604 246921630101091 1775.6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHERPARK MAINTENANCE TRAINING 71108273 Supplier 157825 AIRPORT LIMOUSINE(PCARD) 46.59 ANTI FATIGUE MAT 435627 246921630111099 5005.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR GENERAL OPERATIONS 19291620 Supplier 140339 AMAZON.COM(PCARD) 29.90 NOTARY STAMP-MARSCHALL 435633 246921630121005 1015.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 43710258 Supplier 138345 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NOTARIES(PCARD) 140.00 BO CERTIFICATE RENEWAL 435611 246921630131013 1400.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 50607032 Supplier 100249 INTL CODE COUNCIL INC(PCARD) 300.00 GUADALAJARA DEATH CONF-BREEZY 435667 247170530041200 1225.6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHERPOLICE TRAINING 40386679 Supplier 150045 BCA TRAINING EDUCATION(PCARD) 120.00 NOTARY RENEWAL-MARSCHALL 435636 247170530051600 1015.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 57299273 Supplier 149995 SECRETARY OF STATE(PCARD) 75.00 DMT REFRESHER-LECLAIRE 435665 247170530061200 1225,6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL POLICE TRAINING 60360057 Supplier 150045 BCA TRAINING EDUCATION(PCARD) 120.00 NOTARY RENEWAL 435693 247170530061700 1015.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 60434402 Supplier 149995 SECRETARY OF STATE(PCARD) 75.00 KEELER DMT RECERT 435666 247170530101201 1225.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL POLICE TRAINING 00353926 Supplier 150045 BCA TRAINING EDUCATION(PCARD) 20.00 SHAWNA NELSON-NOTARY 435657 247170530111201 1510.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES PW ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL 17164554 Supplier 156894 DAKOTACOMN WSC SLC(PCARD) .50 SHAWNA NELSON-NOTARY 435656 247170530111501 1510.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES PW ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL 16226344 Supplier 156893 DAKOTACOMN ADC SERVICEFEE(PCARD) 90.00 POST LICENSE HAEDER 435625 247170530111601 1200.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE MANAGEMENT R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 31 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230141 1/16/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 18969924 Supplier 149668 STATE OF MN POST BOARD(PCARD) 1.94 POST LICENSE HAEDER 435626 247170530111601 1200.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE MANAGEMENT 19165829 Supplier 149665 POST BOARD SRVC FEE(PCARD) 467.80 JURCHISIN FDIC INDIANAPOLIS 435649 247170530118701 1310,6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHERFIRE TRAINING 11802530 Supplier 123029 DELTA AIR(PCARD) 9.00 PARKING FOR TURF SHOW 435606 247170530126401 2205.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL GOLF MANAGEMENT 24110737 Supplier 153316 MPLS CONV CTR RAMP(PCARD) 557,72 YOUTH OPEN GYM ADMISSION CARDS 435694 248016630040180 1845.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC SELF SUPPORT PROD GENER, 15170420 Supplier 155890 PLASCARDS(PCARD) 480.00 DAY CAMP SITE JULY 2023 435645 248019730057263 1865.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE REC DAY CAMP 47473179 Supplier 158259 HYLAND LAKE PARK(PCARD) 17.29 DAVE S RETIREMENT BAGELS 435640 249416630038380 1600.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET MANAGEMENT 00122033 Supplier 100884 BRUEGGER'S BAGEL BAKERY(PCARD) 270.00 ONLINE ADVERTISING 435603 249416830058380 2205.6239 PRINTING GOLF MANAGEMENT 09340806 Supplier 148969 HIBU INC(PCARD) 7.12- REC SALES TAX ADJUST 435680 249430030138980 1800.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PROGRAM GENERAL 00079158 7.12 REC SALES TAX ADJUST 435680 249430030138980 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 00079158 107 10 LIGHTS MID-WINTER FEST 435680 249430030138980 1800.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PROGRAM GENERAL 00079158 Supplier 148264 COSTCO(PCARD) 6.99 BREAK ROOM WATER REFILL 435629 249430123640101 5095.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 91635329 2,198.00 REPLACEMENT FRIDGE RANGE 435691 249430123640101 1255.6399 OTHER CHARGES POLICE GUN RANGE 91718349 1.25- CH SALES TAX ADJUST 435607 249430130110101 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 90506898 1.25 CH SALES TAX ADJUST 435607 249430130110101 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 90506898 18.81 JACK PLATES FOR MCINTOSH 435607 249430130110101 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 32 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 — 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230141 1/16/2023 120679 U S BANK P CARD Continued... 90506898 Supplier 143525 HOME DEPOT STORE#2833(PCARD) 20.33- PRECINCT SIGNS-CREDIT 435638 740059430092002 1015.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 01937008 Supplier 158011 SMARTPRESS.COM(PCARD) 12.38- USED WRONG CREDIT CARD 435630 741640730110910 5005.6399 OTHER CHARGES LIQUOR GENERAL OPERATIONS 10714830 Supplier 100463 TARGET STORES(PCARD) 144.62- SWAT EQUIP-RETURN 435672 744921530047433 1272.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE DAK CTY MAAG TEAM 33451043 Supplier 158216 HSGI COMP TAC(PCARD) 234,59- RETURN OF GREASE GUN 435671 746921623641014 5270.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT ARENA 2 EQUIPMENT MAINT-HAYEE 70130651 Supplier 140339 AMAZON.COM(PCARD) 20,132.04 20230142 1/30/2023 157977 WEX HEALTH INC 20.00 FLEXIBLE SPENDING CLAIMS 435702 20230125 9000.2119 ACCRUED FLEX SPENDING PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 351.43 FLEXIBLE SPENDING CLAIMS 435701 20230130 9000.2119 ACCRUED FLEX SPENDING PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 371.43 20230201 2/7/2023 101671 MN DEPT OF REVENUE 38.71 DIESEL REFUND AUDIT-TRAFFIC SI 435700 20230207 1680.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKER: 53.30 DIESEL REFUND AUDIT-CMF 435700 20230207 1530.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS FLEET&BUILDINGS-CMF 3,653.41 DIESEL REFUND AUDIT-STREETS 435700 20230207 1630.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 3,979.87 DIESEL REFUND AUDIT-PARKS 435700 20230207 1765,6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 140.38 DIESEL REFUND AUDIT-SEWER 435700 20230207 5390.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS SWR EQUIP/VEHICLE MISC MNTC/R 223.56 DIESEL REFUND AUDIT-STORM 435700 20230207 5505.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 8,089.23 20230202 2/7/2023 101671 MN DEPT OF REVENUE 545.45 DIESEL AUDIT-SEWER 435699 20230207 5390.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS SWR EQUIP/VEHICLE MISC MNTC/R 2,484.82 DIESEL AUDIT-STORM 435699 20230207 5505.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 3,030.27 20230203 2/9/2023 100000 MN DEPT OF REVENUE 3,573.00 SALES/USE TAX-GENERAL FUND 435698 20230209 1000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 203.00 SALES/USE TAX-GOLF 435698 20230209 2200.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT VALLEYWOOD GOLF 12,930.00 SALES/USE TAX-LIQUOR#2 435698 20230209 5000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 24,579.00 SALES/USE TAX-LIQUOR#3 435698 20230209 5000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 33 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230203 2/9/2023 100000 MN DEPT OF REVENUE Continued... 32,240,00 SALES/USE TAX-LIQUOR#1 435698 20230209 5000.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 90.00 SALES/USE TAX-ARENA 435698 20230209 5200.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT ARENA FUND BALANCE SHEET 1,517.00 SALES/USE TAX-WATER&SWR 435698 20230209 5300.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT WATER&SEWER FUND BAL SHEET 12.00 SALES/USE TAX-RISK MGMT 435698 20230209 7200.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT RISK MGMT/INSUR BALANCE SHEE 75,144,00 20230204 2/3/2023 148015 EMPOWER 350.00 MNDCP-ROTH 457 CONTRIBUTIONS 434777 201238383110 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 1,666.00 MNDCP-457 CONTRIBUTIONS 434777 201238383110 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 2,016.00 20230205 2/3/2023 148869 EMPOWER(HCSP) 335.99 SERGEANT HCSP FUNDING-GROSS WA 434779 201238383112 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 1,098.04 ADMIN HCSP FUNDING-GROSS WAGES 434779 201238383112 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 1,308.74 SCH 2 HCSP FUNDING-GROSS WAGES 434779 201238383112 9000,2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 1,469.80 POLICE HCSP FUNDING-GROSS WAGE 434779 201238383112 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 39,747.47 HCSP FUNDING-ANN LV/COMP 434779 201238383112 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 43,960,04 20230206 2/6/2023 102664 US BANK 10,957.29 EMPLOYEE MEDICARE 434787 20123838318 9000.2111 ACCRUED FEDERAL/FICA PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 10,957.29 CITY SHARE MEDICARE 434787 20123838318 9000.2111 ACCRUED FEDERAL/FICA PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 32,559.12 EMPLOYEE FICA 434787 20123838318 9000,2111 ACCRUED FEDERAL/FICA PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 32,559.12 CITY SHARE FICA 434787 20123838318 9000,2111 ACCRUED FEDERAL/FICA PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 73,403.33 FEDERAL TAXES PR 434787 20123838318 9000,2111 ACCRUED FEDERAL/FICA PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 160,436.15 20230207 2/3/2023 101238 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 121.50 CHILD SUPPORT DEDUCTIONS 434785 20123838316 9000,2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 397.50 CHILD SUPPORT DEDUCTIONS 434786 20123838317 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 519,00 20230208 2/6/2023 100657 MN DEPT OF REVENUE 33,271.82 STATE TAX WITHHOLDING 434784 20123838315 9000.2112 ACCRUED STATE W/H PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 33,271.82 20230209 2/6/2023 100392 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT AS 61,160.40 EMPLOYEE SHARE PERA 434783 20123838314 9000.2114 ACCRUED PERA PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 80,600.73 CITY SHARE PERA 434783 20123838314 9000.2114 ACCRUED PERA PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 141,761.13 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 34 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230209 2/6/2023 100392 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT AS Continued... 20230210 2/3/2023 148841 FURTHER 6,495.92 HSA EMPLOYEE FUNDING 434778 201238383111 9000.2125 ACCRUED HSA/HRA BENEFIT PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 6,495.92 20230211 2/1/2023 157977 WEX HEALTH INC 1,441.70 HSA EMPLOYER FUNDING 435703 20230201 9000.2125 ACCRUED HSA/HRA BENEFIT PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 1,441.70 20230212 2/1/2023 157977 WEX HEALTH INC 920.85 HRA EMPLOYER FUNDING 435704 20230201 9000.2125 ACCRUED HSA/HRA BENEFIT PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 920.85 r 20230213 2/3/2023 151440 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS 2,703.50 ROTH 457-PLAN#301171-FIRE TOO 434780 201238383113 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 2,703.50 20230214 2/3/2023 100240 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-457 FT 28,723.55 ICMA-PLAN#301171-FIRE TOO 434781 20123838312 9000.2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 28,723.55 20230215 2/3/2023 126459 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-ROTH 2,737.29 ROTH IRA-PLAN#705481 434788 20123838319 9000,2120 ACCRUED BENEFIT LIABILITY PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 2,737.29 20230216 2/1/2023 142866 HEALTHPARTNERS 11.50 DENTAL 435912 117416221 7105.6146 DENTAL INSURANCE INSURANCE TRUST DENTAL 1,344.70 DENTAL 435912 117416221 7105.6146 DENTAL INSURANCE INSURANCE TRUST DENTAL 7,660.00- MEDICAL 435912 117416221 9000.2115 ACCRUED MEDICAL INSURANCE PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 241,944.50 MEDICAL 435912 117416221 9000.2115 ACCRUED MEDICAL INSURANCE PAYROLL CLEARING BAL SHEET 235,640.70 20230217 2/9/2023 100319 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 65.99 SWIM GAS JAN 435944 110055472JAN23 1940.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS AQUATIC SWIM CENTER 6,783.10 CH GAS JAN 435943 110055563JAN23 1060.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 6,034.92 IA1 GAS JAN 435913 110060944JAN23 5210.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 9,510.86 CMF GAS JAN 435914 110061900JAN23 1540.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 154.45 DELANEY PK GAS JAN 435915 55372148JAN23 1730.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 771.45 FIRE STA 3 GAS JAN 435916 55533657JAN23 1340.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 544.31 LIQ 2 GAS JAN 435917 55533673JAN23 5065.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS LIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:54 Council Check Register by GL Page- 35 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 1/2/2023 -- 2/17/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 20230217 2/9/2023 100319 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Continued... 357,86 VALLEY MID PK GAS JAN 435918 55611420JAN23 1730.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 718.92 REDWOOD PK GAS JAN 435919 55612972JAN23 1930.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS REDWOOD CC 132.68 WELL 2 GAS JAN 435920 55675664JAN23 5320.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 5,716.17 AVCC GAS JAN 435921 55686299JAN23 1900.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS AV COMMUNITY CENTER 1,946.08 OLD CH GAS JAN 435942 55710289JAN23 2092.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS EDUCATION BUILDING FUND 1,853.25 CMF STRG BLD 2 GAS JAN 435922 55793483JAN23 1540.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 147.14 GALAXIE PK GAS JAN 435946 55848238JAN23 1730.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 122.77 AV EAST PK GAS JAN 435923 55851521JAN23 1730.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,116.27 FIRE STA 2 GAS JAN 435924 55851539JAN23 1340.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 1,613.73 WELL 5 GAS JAN 435925 55851562JAN23 5320.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 255.54 WELL 4 GAS JAN 435926 55851604JAN23 5320.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 5,005.98 WTP GAS JAN 435927 55877872JAN23 5325.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/F 223.88 WELL 1 GAS JAN 435928 55887046JAN23 5320.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS WATER WELUBOOSTER STN MNT/F 1,854.39 FIRE STA 1 GAS JAN 435929 55888184JAN23 1340.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 5,576.36 IA 2 GAS JAN 435930 55978928JAN23 5265,6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS ARENA 2 BLDG MAINTENANCE-HAY 3,659.45 CMF STRG BLD 1 GAS JAN 435931 56034416JAN23 1540.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 152.01 HAGEMEISTER PK GAS JAN 435932 56100324JAN23 1730.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,236.01 LIQ 1 GAS JAN 435933 56265598JAN23 5025_6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS LIQUOR#1 OPERATIONS 395.62 JC ACTIVITY CTR GAS JAN 435935 56281637JAN23 1730.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 296.13 AQUATIC CTR GAS JAN 435934 56284078JAN23 1940.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS AQUATIC SWIM CENTER 111.82 HUNTINGTON PK GAS JAN 435936 56346620JAN23 1730.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,715.69 CMF STRG BLD 3 GAS JAN 435937 56696487JAN23 1540.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 29.01 460 REFLECTION RD GAS JAN 435938 75761361JAN23 5380.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 61,60 SWIM UNIT D GAS JAN 435939 78955218JAN23 1940.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS AQUATIC SWIM CENTER 417.29 SWIM PK GAS JAN 435940 79512695JAN23 1940.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS AQUATIC SWIM CENTER 1,256.03 HCSC GAS JAN 435941 79615332JAN23 1920.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS SENIOR CENTER 42.39 UTIL SAN LIFT 2 GEN GAS JAN 435945 91747147JAN23 5380.6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 2,565.15 GOLF GAS JAN 435947 96338967JAN23 2215,6256 UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS GOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING 62,444.30 1,070,459_46 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 171,981.09 EFT Payments 840,597.39 A/P ACH Payment 57,880.98 Total Payments 1,070,459.46 /46 d' 16\2 4y lv3 1 R55CKS2 LOGIS100 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/15/2023 9:53:59 Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary Page- 1 1/2/2023 - 2/17/2023 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 130,523.32 02010 CABLE TV RESERVE FUND 476.49 02090 PARTNERS IN EDUCATION 9,886.08 02095 CENTRAL VILLAGE PARKING LOT 6,445.00 02110 CARES ACT 2020 2,250.00 02200 VALLEYWOOD GOLF FUND 6,851.64 04815 CABLE TV-SPECIAL REV FUND 695.00 05000 LIQUOR FUND 200,785.71 05200 ARENA FUND 12,567.59 05300 WATER&SEWER FUND 15,692.42 05500 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND 3,570.38 05800 STREET LIGHT UTIL FUND 480,03 07100 INSURANCE TRUST DENTAL FUND 1,356.20 07200 RISK MANAGEMENT/INSURANCE FUND 602.80 09000 PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 678,276.80 Report Totals 1,070,459.46 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 1 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28326 2/24/2023 100101 ACE HARDWARE 7.79- DISCOUNT 436352 101305968131 1060.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 77.96 CH PAINT 436352 101305968131 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 10.01- TRUCK WARRANTY 436353 101310968241 1330.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS FIRE OPERATIONS 1.39- DISCOUNT 436354 101310968251 1330.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS FIRE OPERATIONS 13.99 EQUIPMENT/PARTS 436354 101310968251 1330.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS FIRE OPERATIONS .10- DISCOUNT 436350 101340967871 5265,6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS ARENA 2 BLDG MAINTENANCE-HAY 1.05 HAYES NUTS AND BOLTS 436350 101340967871 5265.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA 2 BLDG MAINTENANCE-HAY 2.09- DISCOUNT 436351 101360968091 1765,6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 20.94 SHOP FUEL LINE 436351 101360968091 1765,6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 8,79- DISCOUNT 436349 101390967601 1610.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS STREET/BOULEVARD REPAIR&MN' 87.98 SNOW BLOWER PADDLES 436349 101390967601 1610.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET/BOULEVARD REPAIR&MN 9,35- DISCOUNT 436355 101400967591 5390,6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS SWR EQUIP/VEHICLE MISC MNTC/R 93.51 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR 436355 101400967591 5390.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS SWR EQUIP/VEHICLE MISC MNTC/R 1.97- DISCOUNT 436356 101400967861 5506.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS STORM LIFT STN MNTC/RPR 19.77 REPL LIGHT BULBS 436356 101400967861 5506,6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STORM LIFT STN MNTC/RPR 273.71 28327 2/24/2023 150442 ADVANCED ENGINEERING&ENVIRO 866.00 SCADA SYSTEM REPAIRS 436251 85454 5380.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 866.00 SCADA SYSTEM REPAIRS 436251 85454 5305.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES WATER MGMT/REPORT/DATA ENTR' 866.00 SCADA SYSTEM REPAIRS 436251 85454 5506.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES STORM LIFT STN MNTC/RPR 2,598.00 28328 2/24/2023 100389 ALPHAGRAPHICS 2,791.45 2023 STREET MAPS 436249 122379 1510.6239 PRINTING PW ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL 748.35 2023 STREET MAPS 436049 122380 1510.6239 PRINTING PW ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL 3,539.80 28329 2/24/2023 144685 AM CRAFT SPIRITS INC 124.80 LIQ#3 00051504 436050 16297 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 217,90 TAX#3 00051504 436051 16297 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 72.30 NTAX#3 00051504 436052 16297 5085.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 3.00 FREIGHT#3 00051504 436053 16297 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 418.00 28330 2/24/2023 100609 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO 257.23 PLOW HEADLIGHT ASSEMBLY#325 436304 10245939 1630.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 257.23 28331 2/24/2023 100054 BAUER BUILT INC R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 2 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28331 2/24/2023 100054 BAUER BUILT INC Continued... 1,253.40 SQUAD TIRES 436029 180289002 1210.6216 VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 611.96 TIRES#416(4) 436030 180289051 5345.6216 VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES WATER EQUIPNEHICLE/MISC MNTC 335.95 SERVICE CALL TIRE REPAIR#355 436302 518018876 1630.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 2,201.31 28332 2/24/2023 100058 BELLBOY CORPORATION 13.00 TAX#1 00004928 436054 106378000 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 68.25 NTAX#1 00004928 436055 106378000 5015.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 103.80 LIQ#3 00004928 436069 106378100 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 65.40 TAX#3 00004928 436070 106378100 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 93.70 TAX#1 00004928 436056 106408700 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 171.00 NTAX#1 00004928 436057 106408700 5015.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 18.00 TAX#3 00004928 436074 106409900 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 84.60 NTAX#3 00004928 436075 106409900 5085.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 125.00 TAX#1 00004928 436058 106433200 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 64.25 NTAX#1 00004928 436059 106433200 5015.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 142.58 TAX#3 00004928 436078 106438300 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 118.90 NTAX#3 00004928 436079 106438300 5085.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 591.00 LIQ#3 00004928 436067 98304400 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00 FREIGHT#3 00004928 436068 98304400 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 772,00 LIQ#1 00004928 436060 98304700 5015.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 67.95 NTAX#1 00004928 436061 98304700 5015_6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 16.00 FREIGHT#1 00004928 436062 98304700 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 194,75 LIQ#1 00004928 436063 98385100 5015.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 4,00 FREIGHT#1 00004928 436064 98385100 5015,6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 367.90 LIQ#3 00004928 436071 98385200 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 334.00 NTAX#3 00004928 436072 98385200 5085.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00 FREIGHT#3 00004928 436073 98385200 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 199.50 LIQ#3 00004928 436076 98462900 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 2.00 FREIGHT#3 00004928 436077 98462900 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 99.00 LIQ#1 00004928 436065 98465300 5015.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 2.00 FREIGHT#1 00004928 436066 98465300 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 3,742.58 28333 2/24/2023 121092 BOURGET IMPORTS 1,056.00 WINE#3 00045600 436088 14012 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 60.00 WINE#3 00045600 436084 193651 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 2.00 FREIGHT#3 00045600 436085 193651 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 224.00 WINE#3 00045600 436086 193652 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 4.00 FREIGHT#3 00045600 436087 193652 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 3 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28333 2/24/2023 121092 BOURGET IMPORTS Continued... 216.00 WINE#1 00045600 436082 193664 5015_6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 7.00 FREIGHT#1 00045600 436083 193664 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 144.00 WINE#1 00045600 436080 193709 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 2,00 FREIGHT#1 00045600 436081 193709 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 18,00 FREIGHT#3 00045600 436089 194012 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1,733.00 28334 2/24/2023 102380 BROTHERS INDUSTRIAL CLEANING I 793.79 VW YEARLY HOOD CLEANING 436018 67215084 2270.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 793,79 28335 2/24/2023 148990 CASPERSON,JULIE 201.60 XA BEAT INSTRUCTOR 436296 20230213 1920.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SENIOR CENTER 201.60 28336 2/24/2023 100100 CNH ARCHITECTS 4,992.51 FS 2 ARCHITECT FEES 436019 2633 4422.6235 2021170G CONSULTANT SERVICES '21 FACILITIES CIP 4,992.51 28337 2/24/2023 141474 COLE PAPERS INC. 1,512.73 TP,PAPER TOWELS FORKS SPOONS 436279 10256671 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 1,512.73 28338 2/24/2023 100129 DAKOTA AWARDS&ENGRAVING 59.50 PERPETUAL BOARD UPDATE 436285 25742 1200,6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 59.50 28339 2/24/2023 100128 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION 5.00 CD SIREN-PILOT KNOB#394930-2 436276 200010000089FEB 1290.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE MANAGEMENT 23 5.10 CD SIREN-CHAPARRAL#2010833 436276 200010000089FEB 1290.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE MANAGEMENT 23 5.10 CD SIREN-WILDWOOD#2010825 436276 200010000089FEB 1290,6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE MANAGEMENT 23 5.10 CD SIREN-CED KNOLLS#2010817 436276 200010000089FEB 1290.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE MANAGEMENT 23 5.10 CD SIREN-GALAXIE&42#2010809 436276 200010000089FEB 1290.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE MANAGEMENT 23 5.10 CD SIREN-DUCHESS#2010791 436276 200010000089FEB 1290.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE MANAGEMENT 23 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 4 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28339 2/24/2023 100128 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Continued... 5.10 CD SIREN-DELANEY#2010783 436276 200010000089FEB 1290.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE MANAGEMENT 23 5.10 CD SIREN-HUNTINGTON#2010775 436276 200010000089FEB 1290.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE MANAGEMENT 23 5.10 CD SIREN-CMF#2010767 436276 200010000089FEB 1290.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE MANAGEMENT 23 16.12 PK-BELMT PD AER/FOUNT#325093-3 436276 200010000089FEB 1720.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 23 16.12 HAGEMEISTER TENNIS LTS#1804087 436276 200010000089FEB 1745.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK CRT/GAME AREA MAINTENAN 23 17.40 FOUNDER PK LT#366449-7 436276 200010000089FEB 1740.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK SIDEWALK/PATH MAINTENANi 23 19.72 ALIMAGNET PK RESTRM#144117-9 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 21.89 LEGION FLD PRESS BX#310081-5 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 28.32 SCOTT TENNIS LTS#1804079 436276 200010000089FEB 1745.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK CRT/GAME AREA MAINTENAN 23 32.04 KELLEY PD PK/SPKLR#405066-2 436276 200010000089FEB 1720.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 23 45.52 EASTVIEW PRESS BOX#2079408 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 53.43 COBBLESTONE PAVILLION 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 58.36 SALT BLDG#310219-1 436276 200010000089FEB 1540.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 23 63.02 PARK HS#4 FIELDS#224529-8 436276 200010000089FEB 1780.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK HIGH SCHOOL#4 FIELDS 23 70.30 HAGEMEISTER PK SHLTR#151256-5 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 73.79 DELANEY PK SHLTR#151247-4 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 83.16 VALLEY MID PK SHLTR#1247824 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 92.29 PW RADIO EQUIP#215383-1 436276 200010000089FEB 1540.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 23 93.03 AV EAST PK WMHSE#2148484 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 97.39 HUNTINGTON PK SHLTR#2014926 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 5 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28339 2/24/2023 100128 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Continued... 23 109.21 GALAXIE PK WMHSE#481583-3 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 124.49 FARQ PK RESTROOMS#1617653 436276 200010000089FEB 1730,6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 172.79 AVFAC EXPANSION#443065-8 436276 200010000089FEB 1940.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC AQUATIC SWIM CENTER 23 189.16 AQUATIC CENTER#273061-2 436276 200010000089FEB 1940.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC AQUATIC SWIM CENTER 23 250.18 REDWOOD/POOL#108328-6 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 279,54 FIRE STATION#2#145450-3 436276 200010000089FEB 1340.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 23 293.54 FIRE STATION#3#146046-8 436276 200010000089FEB 1340.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 23 348.31 CMF STORAGE#2009652 436276 200010000089FEB 1540.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 23 723.54 EASTVIEW-HIGHLAND#1889047 436276 200010000089FEB 1715.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK ATHLETIC FIELD MAINTENAN( 23 986.82 FIRE STATION#1#111343-0 436276 200010000089FEB 1340.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 23 1,148.47 CENTRAL MAINT FAC#511870-8 436276 200010000089FEB 1540.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 23 1,164 34 TEEN CENTER#268335-7 436276 200010000089FEB 1730.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 1,496.68 PARK PATHWAY LTS#2053296 436276 200010000089FEB 1740.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK SIDEWALK/PATH MAINTENAN, 23 1,509.85 QUARRY PT ATHLCPLX#456933-1 436276 200010000089FEB 1715.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC PARK ATHLETIC FIELD MAINTENAN( 23 1,861.29 HAYES COMM&SR CTR#451229-9 436276 200010000089FEB 1920.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC SENIOR CENTER 23 2,306.18 AV COMM CTR#1883305 436276 200010000089FEB 1900.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC AV COMMUNITY CENTER 23 3,831.84 MUNICIPAL CENTER#288247-0 436276 200010000089FEB 1060.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 23 1,573.19 OLD CITY HALL#517541-9 436276 200010000089FEB 2092.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC EDUCATION BUILDING FUND 23 100,49 CENTRAL VILLAGE P-LOT 436276 200010000089FEB 2097,6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CENTRAL VILLAGE PARKING LOT 23 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 6 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 - 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28339 2/24/2023 100128 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Continued... 45.08 VLLYWD GOLF SPRINK-134893-7 436276 200010000089FEB 2235.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 23 523.24 LIQUOR STORE 2#138678-8 436276 200010000089FEB 5065.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC LIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 23 1,450.50 LIQUOR STORE 1#145003-0 436276 200010000089FEB 5025.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC LIQUOR#1 OPERATIONS 23 2,369,67 LIQUOR STORE 3#444140-8 436276 200010000089FEB 5095.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC LIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 23 6,160.82 ICE ARENA#1#136723-4 436276 200010000089FEB 5210.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 23 6,239.57 HAYES PK ICE ARENA#222230-5 436276 200010000089FEB 5265.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC ARENA 2 BLDG MAINTENANCE-HAY 23 16,12 PUMPHOUSE 15#2121093 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 19.16 PALOMINO RESERVOIR#103546-8 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 23.69 HERALD WY PRESS STN#103686-2 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELUBOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 61.31 PUMPHOUSE#5#135486-9 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 63.11 LS 7 HERITAGE HILLS#144109-6 436276 200010000089FEB 5380.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 23 63.75 LS 10 NORDIC WOODS#1830835 436276 200010000089FEB 5380.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 23 73.90 LS 11-HIGHLAND PT CT#2021699 436276 200010000089FEB 5380.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 23 90.08 PUMPHOUSE#4#121151-5 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 102.42 PUMPHOUSE#2#108018-3 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 104.34 PUMPHOUSE#1#106890-7 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 127.06 PUMPHOUSE 14#2008852 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 137.33 WTRTWR RESERV-LONGRDG#144881- 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 154.79 LS 9 4771 DOMINICA WY#525977- 436276 200010000089FEB 5380.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 23 171.94 PUMPHOUSE 13#2023265 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 7 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28339 2/24/2023 100128 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Continued... 23 188.69 PUMPHOUSE 08#1468404 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 209.23 LIFT STN 4 PH LKSHR#1030667 436276 200010000089FEB 5380.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 23 242.11 PUMPHOUSE#3#106099-5 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 264.58 LIFT#5#580685-6 436276 200010000089FEB 5380.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 23 484.13 PUMPHOUSE 20#484299 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 491.48 LFT STN3 133 CHAPARRAL 546943 436276 200010000089FEB 5380.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 23 695.03 PUMPHOUSE 19#415728-5 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 853.61 PUMPHOUSE#11#174395-4 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 867.82 AV BOOSTER-NORDIC#138075-7 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 986.91 LIFT STN 1 ELLICE#131715-5 436276 200010000089FEB 5380.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC SEWER LIFT STN REPAIR&MNTC 23 1,262.01 PUMPHOUSE 18#1078310 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 1,727.83 PUMPHOUSE 09#1526292 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 2,006.51 PUMPHOUSE#10#155867-5 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 2,091.34 PUMPHOUSE 12#2023273 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 2.582.22 PUMPHOUSE#7#126394-6 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 2,669.48 PUMPHOUSE 17#307438-2 436276 200010000089FEB 5320.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 23 12,091.02 WTR TREATMENT PLANT#511870-8 436276 200010000089FEB 5325.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/P 23 16.12 LS STM SWR HGHWD#1586924 436276 200010000089FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 29.21 LS STM SWR-BELMONT PK#2011021 436276 200010000089FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 8 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28339 2/24/2023 100128 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Continued... 39.62 LS-WHEATON PONDS#443438-7 436276 200010000089FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 42.44 LS STM SWR BRIAR OAKS#1827781 436276 200010000089FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 71.40 LS STM SWR PENNOCK SHR#135489 436276 200010000089FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 126.21 LS STM SWR-HANNOVER#19860009 436276 200010000089FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 158.37 LS STN COBB LK#306511-7 436276 200010000089FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 398.16 LS STM SWR ALIMAGNET#144134-4 436276 200010000089FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 652.82 LS STM SWR FARQUAR#137184-8 436276 200010000089FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 859.79 LS 2 7698 128TH ST W#490873-7 436276 2000100000B9FEB 5505.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 23 52.07 CEMETERY LTS#339637-1 436276 200010000089FEB 5605.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CEMETERY 23 69.67 CEMETERY LTS FLAGPOLE#318998-2 436276 200010000089FEB 5605.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC CEMETERY 23 17.27 964 GARDENVIEW DR SLSIGN 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 35.29 GREENWAY TUNNEL#563183-3 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 44.88 SIGNAL-GARRETT&150TH#1802081 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 46.41 SIGNAL 153RD&CUB#2013084 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 47.57 SIGNAL-147TH/PENNOCK#103448-7 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 47.71 SIGNAL-GALAXIE&140TH#2053858 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 47.96 SIGNAL-14OTH/FLAGSTAFF#2750370 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 50.14 SIGNAL-GALAXIE&147TH#1022698 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 50.40 SIGNAL-149TH/PENNOCK#103448-7 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 51.56 SIGNAL 42&PENNOCK#1033836 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 9 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 - 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28339 2/24/2023 100128 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Continued... 23 52.07 SIGNAL-140TH/PENNOCK#303778-5 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 56.44 SIGNAL-140TH/JOHNNY CK#2750412 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 57.07 TUNNEL STREET LT#279581-3 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 57.98 SIGNAL-CEDAR& 145TH#2047702 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 58.11 SIGNAL-GALAXIE&153RD#3128204 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 61.71 SIGNAL GALAXIE&15OTH#1821115 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 65.42 SIGNAL CEDAR&147TH#1033901 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 65.81 SIGNAL CEDAR&140TH#1577386 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 68.76 GASLIGHT STREET LT#267358-0 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 69.01 SIGNAL 42&GARDENVW#124646-1 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 92.30 UTIL RADIO EQUIP#215383-1 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 117.30 SIGNAL-GALAXIE&38#2146678 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 169.82 CO RD 42/CEDAR LTS#501516-9 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 174_96 CEDAR/147TH LTS#501520-1 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 231.59 147TH ST W LTS#498760-8 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 252.39 CEDAR&153RD LT#487980-5 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 254.17 CEDAR/140TH LTS#501536-7 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 255.98 CEDAR/145TH LTS#501526-8 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 317.35 CEDAR&157RD LT#487985-4 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 10 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28339 2/24/2023 100128 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Continued... 36,531.90 UTILITY STREET LTS#1109149 436276 200010000089FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 195.27 12119 GANTRY LN POND FEB 436333 200010036848FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 42.16 HAWK SIGNAL PED CROSSING FEB 436334 200010066613FEB 5805.6255 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 17.27 PILOT KNOB/155TH ST SPKLR FEB 436335 200010066957FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 94.29 PILOT KNOB/155TH ST SIGNAL FEB 436336 200010066959FEB 5805.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 23 109,423.69 28340 2/24/2023 101387 EGAN 14,197.35 CEDAR LIGHT POLE CLM#210317 436040 JC356710N002 7205.6399 OTHER CHARGES INSURANCE CLAIMS 14,197.35 28341 2/24/2023 143883 ENVIROTECH SERVICES INC 6,375.90 ANTI-ICING ADDITIVES(4010GA) 436039 CD202303272 1665.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET SNOW&ICE MATERIALS 6,375,90 28342 2/24/2023 100176 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPANY 825.05 CAMERA VAN RETERMINATION 436028 28419 5375.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT SEWER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIF 825.05 28343 2/24/2023 137297 HUMERATECH 480.00 HUMERATECH ONLINE SYSTEM 436247 220709 2215.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING 480.00 28344 2/24/2023 103314 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 10.39 REC GLUE STICKS 436013 IN4093107 1845.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC SELF SUPPORT PROG GENER, 48.00 AVCC COPY PAPER 436013 IN4093107 1900.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES AV COMMUNITY CENTER 6.75 EXPO MARKER SET 436273 IN4093513 1710.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES PARK MAINTENANCE MANAGEMEN 21,66 NOTEPADS CARD STOCK 436273 IN4093513 1500.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES PW MANAGEMENT 229.62 DUSTERS BOWL CLEANER AIR FRESH 436273 IN4093513 1540.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 28.28 FOLDERS NOTEBOODS 436273 IN4093513 5305.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES WATER MGMT/REPORT/DATA ENTR' 35.37 CLEANING PRODUCTS 436274 IN4094548 1920.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CENTER 4.51 STAMP PAD&CALC RIBBON-SUPPLY 436277 IN4094620 1035.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE 54.40 TONER FOR MARY THELEN 436277 IN4094620 1020.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES HUMAN RESOURCES 57.40 AVCC KEYBOARD,WRIST REST,MIS 436012 IN4096003 1900.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES AV COMMUNITY CENTER 496,38 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 11 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28344 2/24/2023 103314 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS Continued... 28345 2/24/2023 148406 INTOXIMETERS INC 210.00 PBT MOUTHPIECES 436288 725527 1210.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 210.00 28346 2/24/2023 156025 JOHNSON,JORDAN 20.96 JAN MILEAGE-JOHNSON 436011 20230127 2205.6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE GOLF MANAGEMENT 20.96 28347 2/24/2023 100299 MASTER ELECTRIC CO 180.00 WELL#20 LINE LOSS B FAULT 436345 SD44380 5320.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 310.00 TROUBLE SHOOTING WELL#12 436348 SD44381 5320.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 490.00 28348 2/24/2023 151844 MAVERICK WINE LLC 625.92 WINE#3 00052289 436192 931016 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 9.00 FREIGHT#3 00052289 436193 931016 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 634,92 28349 2/24/2023 154297 NITTI SANITATION 649.55 CH TRASH FEB 436323 30182001FEB23 1060.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVMUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 1,404.08 CMF TRASH FEB 436324 30182002FEB23 1540.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVCMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 191.91 FIRE STA 1 TRASH FEB 436325 30182003FEB23 1340.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVFIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 51.10 FIRE STA 2 TRASH FEB 436317 30182004FEB23 1340.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVFIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 53.29 FIRE STA 3 TRASH FEB 436318 30182005FEB23 1340.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVFIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 191.91 LIQ 1 TRASH FEB 436319 30182006FEB23 5025.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVLIQUOR#1 OPERATIONS 112.15 LIQ 2 TRASH FEB 436320 30182007FEB23 5065.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVLIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 53,29 LIQ 3 TRASH FEB 436322 30182008FEB23 5095.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVLIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 190.25 OLD CH TRASH FEB 436315 30182009FEB23 2092.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE EDUCATION BUILDING FUND 276.07 HCSC TRASH FEB 436321 30182010FEB23 1920.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVSENIOR CENTER 409.63 AVCC TRASH FEB 436321 30182010FEB23 1900,6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAV COMMUNITY CENTER 204.81 IA2 TRASH FEB 436321 30182010FEB23 5265,6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVARENA 2 BLDG MAINTENANCE-HAY 253.47 REDWOOD TRASH FEB 436316 30182011FEB23 1730.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVPARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 115.12 JC ACTIVITY CTR TRASH FEB 436306 30182013FEB23 1730.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVPARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 259.57 JCR PK TRASH FEB 436314 30182014FEB23 1730.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVPARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 129.30 QP TRASH FEB 436307 30182015FEB23 1945.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVQUARRY POINTE 129.05 VM PK TRASH FEB 436312 30182016FEB23 1730.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVPARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 811,46 GOLF TRASH FEB 436313 30182017FEB23 2230.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVGOLF SHOP BUILDING MAINTENANI 5,486,01 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 12 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 --. 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28350 2/24/2023 146279 NORDIC MECHANICAL SERVICES,I Continued... 2,763,20 RPL EXHAUST FAN MC 436035 68347 1060.6266 REPAIRS-BUILDING MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN] 2,763.20 28351 2/24/2023 150718 PRO-TEC DESIGN,INC 795.50 JAIL CAMERA REPAIR 436259 108395 1250.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT POLICE FACILITY 10,810.00 CAMERA/SERVER PROGRESS PAYMENT 436020 108619 5065.6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER LIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 13,160,00 CAMERA/SERVER PROGRESS PAYMENT 436020 108619 5025,6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER LIQUOR#1 OPERATIONS 23,030.00 CAMERA/SERVER PROGRESS PAYMENT 436020 108619 5095.6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER LIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 47,795.50 28352 2/24/2023 100395 R&R SPECIALTIES OF WISCONSIN INC 34.40 AVSA OLY BLADE SHARPENING 436009 781871N 5215.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT ARENA 1 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 34.40 HAYES OLY BLADE SHARPENING 436009 781871N 5270.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT ARENA 2 EQUIPMENT MAINT-HAYEE 68.80 28353 2/24/2023 142782 RINK-TEC INTERNATIONAL 315.90 HAYES REFRIGERATION REPAIR 436014 5256 5265.6266 REPAIRS-BUILDING ARENA 2 BLDG MAINTENANCE-HAY 315.90 28354 2/24/2023 100437 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 567.10 BARREL PAINT 436281 52983 1720.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 567.10 28355 2/24/2023 144495 SMALL LOT MN 230.76 LIQ#3 00051469 436212 61973 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 408.12 WINE#3 00051469 436213 61973 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 6.00 FREIGHT#3 00051469 436214 61973 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 587.04 WINE#2 00051469 436210 62031 5055.6520 WINE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 6.00 FREIGHT#2 00051469 436211 62031 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 704.16 WINE#1 00051469 436208 62220 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12.00 FREIGHT#1 00051469 436209 62220 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1,954.08 28356 2/24/2023 100457 STREICHERS INC 1,083.00 40MM LAUNCHER 436254 11612773 1210.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 705,08 2023 AMMO 436253 11614147 1210.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 54.99 NEW HIRE UNIFORMS 436287 11614832 1210.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 1,843,07 28357 2/24/2023 147460 TRADITION WINE&SPIRITS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 13 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28357 2/24/2023 147460 TRADITION WINE&SPIRITS Continued... 664.00 WINE#1 00051881 436216 35108 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 16.00 FREIGHT#1 00051881 436217 35108 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 680.00 28358 2/24/2023 155941 UTILITY CONSULTANTS INC 1,323.00 WTP LAB TESTING 436047 115303 5325.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 1,323.00 28359 2/24/2023 100496 VAN PAPER CO 318.12 BAGS#1 00008795 436218 2421900 5025.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR#1 OPERATIONS 3,18- DISCT#1 00008795 436219 2421900 5025.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS LIQUOR#1 OPERATIONS 314.94 28360 2/24/2023 123387 VESSCO INC 500.00 INSTALL VALVE OPERATOR 436048 89979 5325.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/F 500.00 28361 2/24/2023 100498 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER 43.64 LENSE CLEANERS 436340 3259442 5375.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES SEWER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIF 43.64 28362 2/24/2023 122010 VINOCOPIA 75.50 LIQ#3 00046257 436220 323451 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 384.00 WINE#3 00046257 436221 323451 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 7.50 FREIGHT#3 00046257 436222 323451 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 467.00 28363 2/24/2023 100520 WINE COMPANY,THE 175.33 LIQ#1 00015926 436223 227503 5015.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 640.00 WINE#1 00015926 436224 227503 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 17.40 FREIGHT#1 00015926 436225 227503 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1,044.00 WINE#2 00015926 436227 228087 5055.6520 WINE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 18,00 FREIGHT#2 00015926 436228 228087 5055.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 380.00 WINE#3 00015926 436229 228092 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 10.00 FREIGHT#3 00015926 436230 228092 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1.40- CMFREIGHT#1 00015926 436226 228301A 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 2,283.33 28364 2/24/2023 100529 ZINCK,JAMES R 39.30 JANUARY MILEAGE-ZINCK 436016 20230119 2205.6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE GOLF MANAGEMENT R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 14 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 - 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 28364 2/24/2023 100529 ZINCK,JAMES R Continued... 39.30 28365 2/24/2023 100302 MCNAMARA CONTRACTING INC 6.00 GARDENVIEW ST&UTIL FINAL#9 436359 20211018A 2027.6810 2020104R CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 786.49 GARDENVIEW ST&UTIL FINAL#9 436359 20211018A 2027.6810 2020104S CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 1,160.63 GARDENVIEW ST&UTIL FINAL#9 436359 20211018A 2027.6810 2020104R CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 1,217.77 GARDENVIEW ST&UTIL FINAL#9 436359 20211018A 2027.6810 2020104R CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 1,338.03 GARDENVIEW ST&UTIL FINAL#9 436359 20211018A 2027.6810 2020104R CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 1,721.78 GARDENVIEW ST&UTIL FINAL#9 436359 20211018A 2027.6810 2020104W CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 4,880.89 GARDENVIEW ST&UTIL FINAL#9 436359 20211018A 2027.6810 2020104R CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 8,225,96 GARDENVIEW ST&UTIL FINAL#9 436359 20211018A 2027.6810 2020104R CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 9,774.40 2022 ST&UTIL IMPR-FINAL#7 436357 20221031 2027.6810 2022101D CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 12,686.08 2022 ST&UTIL IMPR-FINAL#7 436357 20221031 2027.6810 2022101S CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 15,778.62 2022 ST&UTIL IMPR-FINAL#7 436357 20221031 2027,6810 2022101W CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 78,158.59 2022 ST&UTIL IMPR-FINAL#7 436357 20221031 202/.681U 2022101 R CONS I RUC I ION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 6,063.47 2020 ST&UTIL IMPR-FINAL#10 436358 20230111 2027.6810 2020101W CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 6,472,92 2020 ST&UTIL IMPR-FINAL#10 436358 20230111 2027.6810 2020101S CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 21,659.07 2020 ST&UTIL IMPR-FINAL#10 436358 20230111 2027.6810 2020101D CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 64,322.40 2020 ST&UTIL IMPR-FINAL#10 436358 20230111 2027.6810 2020101R CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ROAD ESCROW 234,253.10 315369 2/22/2023 137786 AHEAD LLC 333.61 STAFF HATS 436007 INV0551021 2205.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE GOLF MANAGEMENT 333.61 315370 2/22/2023 153995 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 18.98 LAPTOP CHARGING CORD 436008 116D3YXYQK99 1700.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK&RECREATION MANAGEMEN 17.99 CLEANING SUPPLIES 436294 1DLPJQ3FHCNK 1730.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 204.95 PELICAN STORAGE CASE 436293 1DPWQXYP7PWP 1200.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 447.86 MONITOR MOUNTS FOR ROSEMOUNT 436037 1GRNQPKRLXP6 2012.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CABLE TV JOINT POWERS 47.98 PRINTER INK 436289 1J16HW9FHXFL 1200.6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE MANAGEMENT 208.93- WRONG COLOR PICKLEBALL DELIVER 436275 1LXHHHDTJJGH 1855.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC FOOTBALL&SOCCER 126.06 CLEANING PRODUCTS 436297 1PKHLMFK197J 1920.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CENTER 64.95 PS SUPPLIES 436298 1QV9CX963VMD 1875.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES REC PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS 719.84 315371 2/22/2023 100958 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC 217.00 PORT.RADIO BATTERIES 436036 112927 1765.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 217.00 PORT.RADIO BATTERIES 436036 112927 5345.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER EQUIP/VEHICLE/MISC MNTC 434.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 15 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315371 2/22/2023 100958 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC Continued... 315372 2/22/2023 100036 APPLE VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMER 287.50 AV HOME AND GARDEN SHOW 436041 25447 1520.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE NATURAL RESOURCES 575.00 AV HOME AND GARDEN SHOW 436041 25447 1400.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 575,00 AV HOME AND GARDEN SHOW 436041 25447 1710.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE PARK MAINTENANCE MANAGEMEN 575.00 AV HOME AND GARDEN SHOW 436041 25447 1320.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE FIRE PREVENTION 1,150.00 AV HOME AND GARDEN SHOW 436041 25447 1100.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE DEV MANAGEMENT 287.50 AV HOME AND GARDEN SHOW 436041 25447 5505,6310 RENTAL EXPENSE STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 1,150,00 AV HOME AND GARDEN SHOW 436041 25447 5605.6310 RENTAL EXPENSE CEMETERY 4,600.00 315373 2/22/2023 118892 ASPEN MILLS 24.50 KABAT UNIFORM 436327 289556 1330.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FIRE OPERATIONS 24.50 315374 2/22/2023 101066 BANG,NATHAN T 255.00 GARTNER CONF-BANG-GRAPEVINE TX 433291 20230106 1030.6278 SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 255.00 315375 2/22/2023 100152 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MIN WINE 25.58- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436176 1600000242 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 6.30- CMWINE#3 00001930 436173 1600000626 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 14.16- CMWINE#3 00001930 436174 1600001403 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 18.87- CMWINE#3 00001930 436175 1600001831 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 19.06- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436157 1600001856 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 24.00- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436163 1600002286 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 28.00- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436170 1600002607 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 29.50- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436165 1600002684 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 33.70- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436158 1600002940 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 45.00- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436159 1600003558 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 43.63- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436177 1600003558 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 50.55- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436162 1600003843 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 57,00- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436160 1600004085 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 64.50- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436164 1600004337 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 84.02- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436169 1600004956 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 93.54- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436185 1600005220 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 94.20- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436168 1600005231 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 114,72- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436166 1600005801 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 121.15- CMWINE#3 00001930 436178 1600005987 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 130.50- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436167 1600006198 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 16 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315375 2/22/2023 100152 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MIN WINE Continued... 161.15- CMWINE#3 00001930 436179 1600006723 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 181.15- CMWINE#3 00001930 436180 1600006995 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 199.18- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436181 1600007154 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 199.44- CMWINE#3 00001930 436182 1600007155 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 240.30- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436183 1600007547 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 263.90- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436184 1600007692 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 281.15- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436161 1600007790 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 87.50- CMWINE#3 00001930 436171 1600012774 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 180.00 WINE#3 00001930 436186 345975446 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436187 345975446 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 458.40 WINE#3 00001930 436188 346786324 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 4.60 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436189 346786324 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 472,00 WINE#1 00001930 436133 347598135 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 5.75 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436134 347598135 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 96,00 WINE#1 00001930 436'13'1 347598'136 bU'Ib.662U WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436132 347598136 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 336.00 WINE#3 00001930 436149 347636348 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 4.60 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436150 347636348 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 745.00 LIQ#3 00001930 436112 347636349 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 6.51 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436113 347636349 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 142.00- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436114 347636349 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15- CMFREIGHT#3 00001930 436115 347636349 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 48.19 TAX#3 00001930 436116 347636350 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436117 347636350 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 911.85 LIQ#2 00001930 436102 347636360 5055.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 9.96 FREIGHT#2 00001930 436103 347636360 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 27.26 TAX#2 00001930 436104 347636361 5055.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#2 00001930 436105 347636361 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1,603.33 LIQ#1 00001930 436091 347636362 5015.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12.26 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436092 347636362 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 2,742.26 LIQ#3 00001930 436121 347728604 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 16.10 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436122 347728604 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 521.99- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436123 347728604 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15- CMFREIGHT#3 00001930 436124 347728604 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1,136.00 WINE#3 00001930 436151 347728605 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 10.35 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436152 347728605 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 65.02 TAX#3 00001930 436118 347728606 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 91.00 NTAX#3 00001930 436119 347728606 5085.6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 3.45 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436120 347728606 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 17 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315375 2/22/2023 100152 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MIN WINE Continued... 484.25 LIQ#2 00001930 436106 347728614 5055.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 4.98 FREIGHT#2 00001930 436107 347728614 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 128.00 WINE#2 00001930 436143 347728615 5055.6520 WINE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#2 00001930 436144 347728615 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 536.00 WINE#2 00001930 436141 347728616 5055.6520 WINE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 10.35 FREIGHT#2 00001930 436142 347728616 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 3,459.85 LIQ#1 00001930 436093 347728618 5015.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 27.02 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436094 347728618 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 156.65 TAX#1 00001930 436095 347728619 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 5.75 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436096 347728619 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 128.00 WINE#1 00001930 436135 347728720 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436136 347728720 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 500,00 WINE#1 00001930 436137 347728721 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 5.75 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436138 347728721 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 2,582.83 LIQ#3 00001930 436125 347828407 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 21,85 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436126 347828407 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 112,50- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436127 347828407 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15- CMFREIGHT#3 00001930 436128 347828407 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 944.00 WINE#3 00001930 436153 347828408 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 4,60 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436154 347828408 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 27,26 LIQ#3 00001930 436129 347828409 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436130 347828409 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 84,00 WINE#3 00001930 436155 347828410 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#3 00001930 436156 347828410 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 128.00 WINE#2 00001930 436145 347828420 5055,6520 WINE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#2 00001930 436146 347828420 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 100.00 WINE#2 00001930 436147 347828421 5055.6520 WINE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 2.30 FREIGHT#2 00001930 436148 347828421 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 1,310.85 LIQ#2 00001930 436108 347828422 5055.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 10,35 FREIGHT#2 00001930 436109 347828422 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 2,954,50 LIQ#1 00001930 436100 347828423 5015.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 24.15 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436101 347828423 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 27.26 TAX#1 00001930 436098 347828424 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1.15 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436099 347828424 5015,6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 96.00 WINE#1 00001930 436139 347828425 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 2.30 FREIGHT#1 00001930 436140 347828425 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 21.85- CMLIQ#1 00001930 436097 362191236 5015.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 51.71- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436172 408535286 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 39.99- CMLIQ#3 00001930 436110 409870887 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 18 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315375 2/22/2023 100152 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MIN WINE Continued... 1.15- CMFREIGHT#3 00001930 436111 409870887 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 19,157.85 315376 2/22/2023 116142 CARGILL INCORPORATED 19,224 06 CLEAR LANE DE-ICER(182.53TN) 436043 2907934726 1665.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET SNOW&ICE MATERIALS 2,853.12 CLEAR LANE DE-ICER(27.09 T) 436045 2907940105 1665.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET SNOW&ICE MATERIALS 2,234.89 CLEAR LANE DE-ICER(21.22 T) 436044 2907943968 1665.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET SNOW&ICE MATERIALS 24,312.07 315377 2/22/2023 123405 CARMIKE CINEMAS 599.18 UB REFUND 15630 CEDAR AVE 436252 20230209A 5301.4997 WATER/SEWER ACCT REFUNDS WATER&SEWER FUND REVENUE 599.18 315378 2/22/2023 100878 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 15.80 AVSA CABLE-FEB 136301 836230604010513 5205.6237 TELEPI IONE/PAGERS ARENA 1 MANAGEMENT OFEB23 15.80 315379 2/22/2023 100282 CINTAS CORPORATION 260.17 LINENS,MATS/RUGS,TOWELS 436006 4144351011 2215.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVGOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING 260.17 315380 2/22/2023 158313 CITY WIDE FACILITY SOLUTIONS 942.38 CLEANING SERVICE CMF FEB 436250 32009014778 1540.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVCMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 942.38 315381 2/22/2023 142662 CONVENTION&VISITORS BUREAU 6,677.49 LODGING TAX-DECEMBER 2022 436245 20230209 7005.6319 REIMBURSEMENT OF REV COLL FOR LODGING TAX 6,677.49 315382 2/22/2023 100988 DRIVERS LICENSE GUIDE CO 23.23 ID CHECKING GUIDES 436026 809543 5065.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS LIQUOR#2 OPERATIONS 46.50 ID CHECKING GUIDES 436026 809543 5095.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS LIQUOR#3 OPERATIONS 46.50 ID CHECKING GUIDES 436026 809543 5025.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS LIQUOR#1 OPERATIONS 116.23 315383 2/22/2023 121556 DUDGEON,DOUGLAS 7.63 UB REFUND 4831 DOMINICA WAY 436329 20230216A 5301.4997 WATER/SEWER ACCT REFUNDS WATER&SEWER FUND REVENUE 7.63 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 19 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315384 2/22/2023 153625 EHLERS SERVICES PLOWING Continued... 850,00 GRAVE DIGGING(1-26) 436042 370350 5605.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CEMETERY 850.00 315385 2/22/2023 100168 FERRELLGAS 636.45 PROPANE FORKLIFT(245 GA) 436038 1121714478 1630.6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS STREET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCI 636.45 315386 2/22/2023 100420 FISCHER MINING,LLC 1.34- UTIL DISCOUNT 436347 171085 5330.6333 GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS WTR MAIN/HYDRANT/CURB STOP N 336.66 MAIN BREAK 111 PONY LN W 436347 171085 5330.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES WTR MAIN/HYDRANT/CURB STOP N 335.32 315387 2/22/2023 154809 HARDLINE EQUIPMENT LLC 286.20 BLOWER 251 PARTS 436300 42207360 1765.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS PARK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 286.20 315388 2/22/2023 153376 HEARTH&HOME TECHNOLOGIES 1.00 REFUND 13335 PALOMINO DR.100 436268 20230210 1001.4072 STATE SURTAX COLLECTED GENERAL FUND REVENUE 136.96 REFUND 13335 PALOMINO DR.100 436268 20230210 1001.4063 PERMIT-HEATING GENERAL FUND REVENUE 137.96 315389 2/22/2023 108865 HERITAGE PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS GROUP 439.37- CHEMICAL CREDIT 426888 65244210 2235.6214 CHEMICALS GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 150.32- GOLF USE TAX 436027 8646551001 2200.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT VALLEYWOOD GOLF 150.32 GOLF USE TAX 436027 8646551001 2235.6214 CHEMICALS GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 2,186.40 FUNGICIDE 436027 8646551001 2235.6214 CHEMICALS GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 14,000.57 CHEMICALS FOR COURSE 436246 8646567001 2235.6214 CHEMICALS GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 130.03- GOLF USE TAX 436248 8646579001 2200.2330 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENT VALLEYWOOD GOLF 130.03 GOLF USE TAX 436248 8646579001 2235.6214 CHEMICALS GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 1,891.35 CHEMICALS FOR COURSE 436248 8646579001 2235.6214 CHEMICALS GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 17,638.95 315390 2/22/2023 157141 INFUSION GARDENS LLC 57 96 TAX#1 00052851 436090 3169 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 57.96 315391 2/22/2023 100255 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR 126.60 WINE FOR PHILLIPS PARTY 436269 2224098 2270.6430 GOLF-WINE GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 126.60 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page'- 20 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 - 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315392 2/22/2023 148586 JONES&BARTLETT LEARNING,LLC Continued... 573.02 ONLINE OFFICERS TRAINING'23 436021 653409 1310.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE TRAINING 573.02 315393 2/22/2023 154706 KL LOMPLAN WINES INC 418.14 WINE#3 00052648 436190 111592873 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 7.00 FREIGHT#3 00052648 436191 111592873 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 425.14 315394 2/22/2023 101616 LMC INSURANCE TRUST 477.42 WC DED DAHLSTROM JAN 436022 20128 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 1,104,31 WC DED EHRMAN JANUARY 436025 20156 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 559.84 WC DED KOPESKY JANUARY 436023 20198 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 1,656.67 WC DED WALKER JANUARY 436024 20209 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 91.44 WC DED BOOTH T FEBRUARY 436265 20218 7205,6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 798.03 WC DED DAHLSTROM FEBRUARY 436280 20200 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 206.70 WC DED EHRMAN FEBRUARY 436264 20306 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 197.67 WC DED BREITUNG FEBRUARY 436263 20312 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 260.40 WC DED KOPESKY FEBRUARY 436266 20332 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 83.14 WC DED WALKER FEBRUARY 436267 20350 7205.6315 WORKERS COMP-DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE CLAIMS 5,435.62 315395 2/22/2023 138342 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 17,313.12 DIESEL-SPOT BLENDED(5256 GA) 436033 23967436 1000.1525 INVENTORY-DIESEL FUEL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 9,181.15 DIESEL-SPOT BLENDED(2353.5 GA) 436032 23967437 1000.1525 INVENTORY-DIESEL FUEL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 22,714.71 ON SPOT NO LEAD(8000 GA) 436034 23969460 1000.1520 INVENTORY-UNLEADED FUEL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 49,208.98 315396 2/22/2023 100309 MENARDS 64.97 PAINTING SUPPLIES 436311 49501 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MNl 237.68 MAILBOX REPAIR SUPPLIES 436258 49699 1665.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET SNOW&ICE MATERIALS 18.15 LUNCH ROOM CLOCK 436339 49704 5345.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER EQUIPNEHICLE/MISC MNTC 96.27 QP SUPPLIES 436010 49721 1730.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 120.62 SWEEPER RE-BUILD TOOLS 436261 49723 1610.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT STREET/BOULEVARD REPAIR&MN 6.49 LIGHT BULB 436256 49755 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 25.98 SHOP VACUUM FILTER 436262 49761 1610.6211 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT STREET/BOULEVARD REPAIR&MN 9.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PAINTING 436255 49764 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 26.79 JCRPE HANG LTS,COAX CABLES 436015 49852 1730.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 5.99 PK SILICONE 436299 49910 1730.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE 94.96 IA1 DOOR STOPS,MISC SUPPLIES 436282 49918 5210.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS ARENA 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 8.80 PK FOAM BRUSHES 436283 50063 1730.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 21 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 - 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315396 2/22/2023 100309 MENARDS Continued... 22.91 PAINT FOR OFFICE 436303 50067 1060.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BLDG&GROUNDS MN1 5.88 WTP MAINT-GORILLA GLUE 436346 50073 5325,6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 69.57 WELL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 436341 50192 5320.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 214.79 WELL SITE VALVES&PIPING 436342 50228 5320.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS WATER WELL/BOOSTER STN MNT/F 21.87 DOG PARK SUPPLIES 436295 50261 1720.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 67.54 STATION 1 RES CLOSER,SWEEP 436338 50282 1340.6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS FIRE BLDG&GROUNDS MNTC 1,119.25 315397 2/22/2023 123290 METAL SUPERMARKETS 184.00 REPL GRATE STORM PAD 436343 1048229 5505.6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 184.00 315398 2/22/2023 100551 MSSA 150.00 MSSA FEE(JEFF AND SCOTT) 436257 20230210 1610.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS STREET/BOULEVARD REPAIR&MN 50.00 MSSA FEE(JON AND JOE) 436260 20230210A 1610.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS STREET/BOULEVARD REPAIR&MN 200.00 315399 2/22/2023 128699 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES 54_35 UNIFORM/CLOTHING 436337 IN1828927 1330.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FIRE OPERATIONS 54.35 315400 2/22/2023 109947 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 585.00 LIQ#3 00041046 436194 200375 5085.6510 LIQUOR LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 126.00 TAX#3 00041046 436195 200375 5085.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 10.00 FREIGHT#3 00041046 436196 200375 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 876.00 WINE#3 00041046 436197 200431 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1,597.00 315401 2/22/2023 127905 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES 140.70 LANGUAGE LINE-JAN 436309 W23010548 1200.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS POLICE MANAGEMENT 140.70 315402 2/22/2023 158333 OKLAHOMA FMS INC 194.83 REPLACEMENT-CHECK R.COBB 436330 55120517 1035.6350 BANK FEES/CHARGES FINANCE 194.83 315403 2/22/2023 100372 PAUSTIS&SONS 425.75 WINE#3 00001291 436202 192146 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 12.50 FREIGHT#3 00001291 436203 192146 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 615.00 WINE#3 00001291 436204 192762 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 22 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 - 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315403 2/22/2023 100372 PAUSTIS&SONS Continued... 12.50 FREIGHT#3 00001291 436205 192762 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 684.00 WINE#1 00001291 436200 192898 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 15.00 FREIGHT#1 00001291 436201 192898 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 160.00- CMWINE#1 00001291 436198 193099 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 2.50- CMFREIGHT#1 00001291 436199 193099 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1,602.25 315404 2/22/2023 100751 PHILLIPS WINE&SPIRITS INC 38.50 RED BULL 436270 6533010 2270.6421 GOLF-NON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 315.00 BAILEYS 436270 6533010 2270.6429 GOLF-LIQUOR GOLF FOOD&BEVERAGE 353.50 315405 2/22/2023 151932 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ACCOUNT 195.49 BOOTS-J WEIGEL 436272 7241113774 1600.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE STREET MANAGEMENT 200.00 BOOTS-J OLSON 430271 724111377G 1000.0281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE STREET MANAGEMENT 395.49 315406 2/22/2023 150643 RUE 38 697.37 WINE#3 00052178 436206 15427 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 7.50 FREIGHT#3 00052178 436207 15427 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 704.87 315407 2/22/2023 150411 SHARPE,ALEX 416.20 EDAM CONF-SHARPE 436017 20230126 1100.6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL DEV MANAGEMENT 416.20 315408 2/22/2023 111161 STERICYCLE INC. 91.77 SHREDDING SERVICE 436292 8003000470 1250.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVPOLICE FACILITY 27.34 ENGINEERING SHRED 436328 8003020900 1510.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVPW ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL 27.35 PLANNING SHRED 436328 8003020900 1100.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVDEV MANAGEMENT 82.02 INSPECTIONS SHRED 436328 8003020900 1400.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVINSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 183.54 POL SHREDDING SVC 436310 8003194427 1250.6240 CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVPOLICE FACILITY 412.02 315409 2/22/2023 157773 SUMMER LAKES BEVERAGE 346.50 TAX#1 00052882 436215 5116 5015.6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 346.50 315410 2/22/2023 121326 SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 933.50 FIRE CHECK UP/INSPECT 436278 130068784 2215.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 23 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315410 2/22/2023 121326 SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION Continued... 993.00 EMERGENCY LIGHTS 436284 130068785 2215.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GOLF CLUBHOUSE BUILDING 1,926.50 315411 2/22/2023 121735 THE EMBLEM AUTHORITY 302.00 BADGE REPLACEMENT 436286 41463 1210.6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS/PATRO 302.00 315412 2/22/2023 120745 UNITED STATES POLICE CANINE ASSOC,THE 50.00 CANINE MEMBERSHIP-YARD 436290 12495 1281.6280 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE K-9 50,00 315413 2/22/2023 158243 VALLEY CARTAGE LOGISTIC SOLUTIONS 162.08 RECYCLE PUMP SHIPPING MI 436344 115175133 5325.6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT WATER TREATMENT FCLTY MNTC/R 162.08 315414 2/22/2023 152720 VERIZON 1,440.20 GPS FOR FLEET(76)JAN 436031 632000036134 1530.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS FLEET&BUILDINGS-CMF 1,440,20 315415 2/22/2023 100631 VERIZON WIRELESS 40_01 PW WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 1500.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS PW MANAGEMENT 41.35 HCSC CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1920.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS SENIOR CENTER 41.35 SHOP CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1530.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS FLEET&BUILDINGS-CMF 41.35 PK CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1710.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS PARK MAINTENANCE MANAGEMEN 75.02 IT WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 1030.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 80.02 CODE WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 1013.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS CODE ENFORCEMENT 80.04 PK WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 1710.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS PARK MAINTENANCE MANAGEMEN 82.70 ADM CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1010.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS ADMINISTRATION 82.70 CODE CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1013.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS CODE ENFORCEMENT 124.05 INSP CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1400.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 124.05 STR CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1600.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS STREET MANAGEMENT 160.06 INSP WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 1400.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS INSPECTIONS MANAGEMENT 165.40 FIRE CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1330.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS FIRE OPERATIONS 206.75 ENG CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1510.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS PW ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL 240.15 ENG WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 1510.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS PW ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL 272.16 REC CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 1700,6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS PARK&RECREATION MANAGEMEN 592.64 FIRE WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 1330.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS FIRE OPERATIONS 640.16 POL WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 1205.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS POLICE RECORDS UNIT 800_20 STR WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 1600.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS STREET MANAGEMENT 150.04 GOLF WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 2205.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS GOLF MANAGEMENT R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 24 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315415 2/22/2023 100631 VERIZON WIRELESS Continued... 20.67 UTIL ON-CALL CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 5305.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS WATER MGMT/REPORT/DATA ENTR' 20.68 UTIL ON-CALL CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 5365.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS SEWER MGMT/REPORTS/DATA ENT 82.70 UTIL CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 5365.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS SEWER MGMT/REPORTS/DATA ENT 82.70 UTIL CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 5305.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS WATER MGMT/REPORT/DATA ENTR' 900.23 UTIL WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 5305.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS WATER MGMT/REPORT/DATA ENTR' 40.01 STORM WIRELESS DATA 436326 9926936071 5505.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 124.05 STORM CELL PHONE FEB 436326 9926936071 5505.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS STORM DRAIN MNTC/RPR/SUMPS 5,311.24 315416 2/22/2023 158208 VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES LLC 50.00 TRACKING FOR CASE 436291 9022315193 1215.6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE DETECTIVE UNIT 50.00 315417 2/22/2023 158300 VOSON PLUMBING INC 2,575.00 REBUILT FIRE RM RPZ VALVE CMF 436046 32173 1540.6266 RCPAIRG-DUILDING CMF BUILDINGS&GROUNDS MNTC 2,575.00 315418 2/22/2023 100521 WINE MERCHANTS 1,244.90 WINE#1 00022992 436231 7415384 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 10.02 FREIGHT#1 00022992 436232 7415384 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 529.20 WINE#2 00022992 436235 7415385 5055.6520 WINE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 4.80 FREIGHT#2 00022992 436236 7415385 5055.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#2 STOCK PURCHASES 661.50 WINE#3 00022992 436237 7415386 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 6.00 FREIGHT#3 00022992 436238 7415386 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 408.00 WINE#3 00022992 436239 7415387 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 4.20 FREIGHT#3 00022992 436240 7415387 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 580.00 WINE#1 00022992 436233 7416281 5015.6520 WINE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 12.21 FREIGHT#1 00022992 436234 7416281 5015.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#1 STOCK PURCHASES 1,160,00 WINE#3 00022992 436241 7416282 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 24.01 FREIGHT#3 00022992 436242 7416282 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 56,00 WINE#3 00022992 436243 7416283 5085.6520 WINE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 1.20 FREIGHT#3 00022992 436244 7416283 5085.6550 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE LIQUOR#3 STOCK PURCHASES 4,702.04 315419 2/22/2023 100363 XCEL ENERGY 139.17 SL ELECTRIC-147TH&JCR 436332 5104562347JAN23 5805,6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 332.38 STREET LIGHTS ELECTRIC 436331 5168727942FEB23 5805,6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 471.55 315420 2/22/2023 152720 VERIZON R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:27 Council Check Register by GL Page- 25 Council Check Register by Invoice&Summary 2/6/2023 -- 2/24/2023 Check# Date Amount Supplier/Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315420 2/22/2023 152720 VERIZON Continued... 1,440.20 GPS FOR FLEET(76)DEC 436393 617000034436 1530.6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS FLEET&BUILDINGS-CMF 1,440.20 20230218 2/6/2023 100873 HEALTHPARTNERS(DENTAL CLAIMS 6,385.37 DENTAL CLAIMS 1/26-2/1/23 436395 20230201 7105.6146 DENTAL INSURANCE INSURANCE TRUST DENTAL 6,385.37 20230219 2/13/2023 100873 HEALTHPARTNERS(DENTAL CLAIMS 2,407.03 DENTAL CLAIMS 2/2-2/8/23 436394 20230208 7105.6146 DENTAL INSURANCE INSURANCE TRUST DENTAL 2,407.03 625,288.10 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 160,319.72 EFT Payments 8,792.40 A/PACH Payment 456,175.98 Total Payments 625,288.10 9.\91\\911 R55CKS2 LOGIS100 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2/24/2023 7:50:31 Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary Page- 1 2/6/2023 - 2/24/2023 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 134,305.04 02010 CABLE TV RESERVE FUND 447.86 02025 ROAD ESCROW FUND 234,253.10 02090 PARTNERS IN EDUCATION 1,763.44 02095 CENTRAL VILLAGE PARKING LOT 100.49 02200 VALLEYWOOD GOLF FUND 22,979.96 04420 '21 FACILITIES CIP 4,992.51 05000 LIQUOR FUND 92,638.45 05200 ARENA FUND 13,101.61 05300 WATER&SEWER FUND 39,297.67 05500 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND 3,913.50 05600 CEMETERY FUND LEVEL PROGRAM 2,121.74 05800 STREET LIGHT UTIL FUND 40,269.87 07000 LODGING TAX FUND 6,677.49 07100 INSURANCE TRUST DENTAL FUND 8,792.40 07200 RISK MANAGEMENT/INSURANCE FUND 19,632.97 Report Totals 625,288.10 • ITEM: 4.V. ..... :�. Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Consent Agenda Description: Adopt Resolution Approving Application to 2nd District U.S. House of Representative Angie Craig for Federal Community Project Fund FY2024 Appropriation Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Eric Carlson, Director Parks and Recreation Department ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt the resolution approving application to 2nd District U.S. House of Representative Congresswoman Angie Craig's office for a Federal Community Project Funding appropriation for FY2024 to help fund the Redwood Park Master Plan - Inclusive Playground project. SUMMARY: Staff is seeking support to submit an application to the office of 2nd District U.S. House of Representative Congresswoman Angie Craig's office for Community Project Funding appropriation for FY2024 to help fund the Redwood Park Master Plan - Inclusive Playground. The project goals include constructing an inclusive playground and associated support facilities (accessible parking, restrooms, splash pad, and gathering spaces) that will meet and exceed the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) for public parks/playgrounds giving people of all abilities and disabilities the opportunity to play together at the same time in the same location. BACKGROUND: Mayor Hooppaw was recently contacted by the office of 2nd District U.S. House of Representative Congresswoman Angie Craig in solicitation of projects for the Community Project Funding (CPF) for FY2024. The CPF program allows members of Congress to request direct funding for specific entities and projects in their districts to serve the public good and help ensure that taxpayers and local governments in the community get a greater say in the federal spending process. The Appropriations Committee has determined that each Member of the House may only submit a total of 15 CPF requests across all eligible subcommittees. It is highly unlikely that all 15 requests will be granted, and it is highly anticipated that Angie Craig's office will not be able to accommodate every request they receive. City staff is recommending we submit the Redwood Park Master Plan - Inclusive Playground project to the CPF because we already have cost estimates, significant community input, and master plan drawings prepared for this project. We also believe the project will be compelling due to its appeal to a broader population inside and outside our jurisdiction and its ability to advance federal ADA goals. The project goals include constructing an inclusive playground and associated support facilities (accessible parking, restrooms, splash pad, and gathering spaces) that will meet and exceed the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) for public parks/playgrounds giving people of all abilities and disabilities the opportunity to play together at the same time in the same location. One of the requirements to the application is demonstrated community support, which will include a resolution of support by the City Council, and letters of support from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, Dakota County Commissioner Mary Hamann-Roland, President of the Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce Ed Kearney, Resident/Inclusive Playground advocate Kelly Kausel, and the Accessible Playgrounds Coalition. The submission deadline for this application is Friday, March 17, 2023. BUDGET IMPACT: As outlined in the attached resolution, the amount of the funding request is $3,418,000. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION TO 2ND DISTRICT US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE ANGIE CRAIG FOR COMMUNITY PROJECT FUNDING FOR FY2024 APPROPRIATION WHEREAS,the City Council of Apple Valley supports an application made to 2nd District US House of Representative Angie Craig for Community Project Funding FY2024 appropriation of$3,418,000. The application is to support implementation and construction of the Redwood Park Master Plan- Inclusive Playground with project goals of constructing an inclusive playground and associated support facilities (accessible parking, restrooms, splash pad, and gathering spaces) that will meet and exceed the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) for public parks and playgrounds giving residents of all abilities and disabilities the opportunity to play together at the same time in the same location; and WHEREAS, federal and state law prohibits discrimination by state and local government services against person with disabilities; and WHEREAS,the City recognizes current and projected demographic trends in the United State, including Minnesota,that recreation providers will need to enhance programs, services, and opportunities to embrace and advance the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion; and WHEREAS,the City wants to create equal, equitable and inclusive recreation spaces for individuals of all abilities to enhance outcomes in neighborhood development,health and education. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota,that staff is hereby authorized to submit an application in the amount of$3,418,000 for Community Project Funding for construction of the Redwood Park Master Plan- Inclusive Playground project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that approval of its application by Representative Angie Craig, the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to receive and use the funding for the proposed project. ADOPTED this 9th day of March, 2023. Clint Hooppaw,Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk • ITEM: 5.A. ..... Apple ii COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Regular Agenda Description: Adopt Resolution Appointing Member to Fill Vacancy on the Cemetery Advisory Committee with Term Expiring March 1, 2024 Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk City Clerk's Office ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt the resolution appointing the member to the Cemetery Advisory Committee for a term expiring March 1, 2024. SUMMARY: Two applications for the Cemetery Advisory Committee were received by the deadline and provided to you under separate cover. Listed below are the names of the individuals interested in serving on the Cemetery Advisory Committee. Clark Kerndt (Sue) Jan Monro There is one vacancy. Terms of Cemetery Advisory Committee members are three years in duration and the appointment is to fill the unexpired remaining term of the vacant position which expires on March 1, 2024. If the City Council would like to proceed with filling the vacancy, ballots will be distributed. Following the balloting process, a motion should be made adopting the resolution appointing the individual to the Committee. BACKGROUND: On January 12, 2023, the City Council authorized accepting applications to fill the Cemetery Advisory Committee vacancy through February 17, 2023. The procedure for appointing commissioners and committee members is attached for your reference. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Background Material Resolution APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE TO FILL POSITIONS ON COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES 1. The Mayor will call for nominations for a position or positions from the Councilmembers. 2. A nominee may decline the nomination at any point up to the time that nominations are closed. 3. When no further nominations are offered, the Mayor will close nominations. 4. If the number of nominations is equal to the number of positions to be filled, a motion to make the appointment shall be in order. The motion shall be in the form of: "I move to appoint to the position of ." Vote shall be by roll call with the Mayor casting the first vote and the Council alternating from right to left of the Mayor, starting with the member to the right of the Mayor. 5. If the number of nominations is greater than the number of positions to be filled, a written roster will be prepared listing the nominees and the Council shall proceed in the following manner: a) On the first round, and any subsequent rounds, each Councilmember shall, in writing, select that certain number of names which is one less than the total number of the names appearing. b) After the City Clerk has received the selection from each Councilmember, the City Clerk shall record the selection and announce the remaining names. c) Any name or names not having been selected by more than two of the Councilmembers shall be stricken by the City Clerk from the succeeding round and shall no longer appear as a name(s) to be considered by the Council; except that, if after selection by the Council there results a tie between or among all the names appearing on the round, the Council, in writing shall again select until one or more names have been stricken; provided, however, that if such a situation exists, the Council shall not reselect more than three times. In such a situation, the process shall end. Otherwise, the process shall end when only one name remains. d) After the process has ended, a motion to make the appointment shall be in order. The motion shall be in the form of: "I move to appoint to the position of ." Vote shall be by roll call with the Mayor casting the first vote and the Council alternating from right to left of the Mayor, starting with the member to the right of the Mayor. Res. No. 1997-165 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2023- RESOLUTION APPOINTING CEMETERY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER WHEREAS, Section 32.02 of the Apple Valley City Code, as amended, provides for appointment by the City Council of members of the Cemetery Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, a vacancy now exists on the Cemetery Advisory Committee due to the passing of David Kemp. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, that is hereby appointed to the Cemetery Advisory Committee for a term expiring March 1, 2024. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that members of the Cemetery Advisory Committee are then as follows: Name Term Expires 1. Timothy Anderson March 1, 2024 2. March 1, 2024 3. Tanya Grawe March 1, 2025 4. David Kurtz March 1, 2025 5. Nancy Anderson March 1, 2026 6. David Brueshoff March 1, 2026 7. Alan Kohls March 1, 2026 ADOPTED this 9th day of March, 2023. Clint Hooppaw, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk •••• ITEM: 7. ..... ...• Apple COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 9, 2023 Valley SECTION: Calendar of Upcoming Events Description: Approve Calendar of Upcoming Events Staff Contact: Department/ Division: Stephanie Marschall, Deputy City Clerk City Clerk's Office ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the calendar of upcoming events as listed in the summary below, and noting each event listed is hereby deemed a Special Meeting of the City Council. SUMMARY: Day/Date Time Location Event Wed./Mar. 8 7:00 p.m. Municipal Center Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Thur./Mar. 9 9:00 a.m. DoubleTree Hilton, LMC City Day on the Hill St. Paul Thur./Mar. 9 5:30 p.m. Municipal Center Informal City Council Meeting Thur./Mar. 9 7:00 p.m. Municipal Center Regular City Council Meeting Wed./Mar. 15 5:00-7:00 p.m. Think Bank Chamber Business After Hours Wed./Mar. 15 7:00 p.m. Municipal Center Planning Commission Meeting Bogart's Apple Valley Arts Foundation Sat./Mar. 18 1:00-3:45 p.m. Entertainment Frozen Apple Concert Series Center Tue./Mar. 21 11:30 a.m. Pizza Karma Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Wed./Mar. 22 9:00 a.m. Municipal Center Firefighters Relief Association Board Meeting Wed./Mar. 22 3:30-5:30 p.m The Open Door, Joint Chamber Ribbon Cutting Eagan Ceremony Thur./Mar. 23 6:00 p.m. Municipal Center EDA Meeting Thur./Mar. 23 7:00 p.m. Municipal Center Regular City Council Meeting Mar. 26-28 Washington, DC National League of Cities Congressional City Conference Sat./Apr. 1 9:00 a.m.-3:00 Eastview High Apple Valley Home & Garden p.m. School Expo Wed./Apr. 5 7:00 p.m. Municipal Center Planning Commission Meeting Thur./Apr. 6 6:00 p.m. Municipal Center Informal Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Thur./Apr. 6 7:00 p.m. Municipal Center Regular Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Wed./Apr. 12 8:00-9:00 a.m. Galante at Parkside Chamber Coffee Connection 111111.1 t1.111. 1J a..v p.iiL iviuiucipai c,ciiici uuuiivai . iLy ' uuiicii iviccuiii Thur./Apr. 13 6:45 p.m. Municipal Center Volunteer Recognition Reception Thur./Apr. 13 7:00 p.m. Municipal Center Regular City Council Meeting Fri./Apr. 14 8:30 a.m. Valleywood Informal City Council Meeting (Goal Setting) BACKGROUND: Each event is hereby deemed a Special Meeting of the City Council, the purpose being informational or social gathering. Only events marked with an asterisk (*) will any action of the Council take place. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A