HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/1978 , , • • • CITY OF APPLE VALLEY PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 26, 1978 PRESENT: Roger Wangen, Mike DesParte, Ginny Sterling, Bob Naegeli , Mike Bassett & Brian Stapleton. ABSENT: Joe Bell & Ellen Milos. Chairman Wangen called the meeting to order. Minutes of the April 12, 1978 meeting were approved as written. 1. REVIEW OF THE ALIMAGNET PARK BUILDING ALIMAGNET PARK BUILDING Mike Bassett stated that the residents of the Alimagnet Park area were invited to the meeting to review the buil�ing plans. The Planning Commission recommended that they be contacted. No one was present from the area. A letter was sent to the residents on Ridgeview. Bassett reviewed the history of the Alimagnet Park plans and the grant. He also reviewed plans for the building, and the location. The building will cost about $25,000. It will include mens and womens restroom facilities, some pluinbing and storage area in the middle and either concrete or asphalt floor for the picnic pavillion area. Naegeli reported that the building plans were approved by the Planning Commission. Mrs. R. Dennistoun arrived and questioned the area adjacent to her home that looks like a road. Mike Bassett reported that they are hoping to get at the road construction this spring. He •reviewed the Concept Plan that was approved in 1976. He feels that they are staying with the philosophy that was presented to the public in 1976. The trails are shaping up and some of the old trails that were worn in and didn't go any place are being closed off. Development this spring will focus on the southern end of the park. He explained the pattern of the road looping into a cul de sac and the area for parking. The parking will be in designated areas off of the road. Bassett again reviewed the site for the building and the plans. He showed plans for the kiosk that would give general park information. Mrs. Dennistoun questioned how the drainage problem would be handled in the area, she also questioned the ditch area. There is a problem when the snow thaws. There is a very abrupt drop there. Bassett questioned if the water backed up into their yard. She stated that t�ey have had it way up to their house. This problem has been mentioned to both the architect and landscape people that have been working on the park and they have indicated in the grading plans that they hope to resolve that. They are aware of the problem. She also asked if the area around the pond would be graded down. Mr. Bassett stated that they plan to -- he further explained the plans for the ponding area. Mrs. Dennistoun stated that she would also like to mention on the east side when they put the sewer in they stockpiled all the garbage, etc. over there. Alot of construction debris was dumped out there. Bassett said they need about 4" of top soil over the general area for the wild flower garden. Once they are established on good top soil the roots if they go down further can virtually live in anyth�ng. He explained the upkeep for the wild flower garden which is minimal . Sterling questioned the road thru ForestPark:. Bassett stated that that decision has not been made. The park can function either way. He would like to hold off on the planting of the �wild flower garden until we know whether the road will go thru or not. He feels that it is a planning and city council decision at this point. There was considerable discussion regarding the road situation. They discussed the trade-off of the land that was discussed during the original preliminary plat discussions. Bassett asked Mrs. Dennistoun her feelings as far as the location of the building and the plan for Page #2 Park Committee Minutes • • � April 26, 1978 the park. In her own mind she would like to see grass across the berm -- right now it is just a merry-go-round for snowmobiles and motor bikes -- even cars. When it is wet early in the •spring there are some real problems. The motor bikes and snowmobiles should be discouraged from using the park area. It was shown where the proposed turf area will extend over the berm and into Walnut Park. The City may have to put in poles with a chain along the road to deter the traffic from motor bikes and snowmobiles. It would restrict the traffic from going where you don't want them to go. The majority of the work in the park the City would like to do yet this summer. The more it is developed, hopefully, the more we can cut down on the vandalism problems we have had in the park. Mr. Bassett stated that if Mrs. Dennistoun or any of the other residents have any questions they should contact either himself or members of the Park Committee. 2. DISCUSS VAA USE OF NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS (Chuck Niggley, Bob Bonshire & VAA USE OF NEIGH- Dale Lyon were present to represent the VAA. ) BORHOOD PARKS Wangen asked if they had anything to present at this time. Chuck Niggley stated that the request they had made at the last meeting was essentially their needs for the coming summer. They are working with the Board to establish some long range plans -- they would like to meet with the Park Committee and discuss plans, growth, etc. and then they can formalize essentially their position. Wangen asked if they had a listing of how many people', how many games �hey are going to have this year for baseball and soccer -- Dale is coming with that information. Wangen also questioned how many fields they need and how often. The Park Committee will meet with the VAA on May 17, 1978 at 8:00 p.m. to discuss some future •plans. Dale Lyon arrived. He stated that they need six fields for softball -- there are only five at Westview. They want to keep all the girls at Westview and use one on the grass without a backstop. In baseball they need Greenleaf Elementary for two ball parks, one at Parkview School and the rest will be at Westview. In Soccer they need at least eight fi:elds for just games -- no practice. Soccer is their big problem. They need eight fields per night, six nights per week. Westview and the school facilities can accommodate a good share of the soccer problem, but it is not going to completely cover it. They will use Westview on Saturdays for Soccer. That does not include practice at all . It is difficult to use Westview as they have to move the goals, lining the field, etc. Ginny questioned them using Cedar Park Elementary School . The grass is not very good and they would just as soon wait and use that area in the Fall . The VAA would like to use 131st & Johnny Cake Ridge which is an undeveloped park right now. Mr. Lyon doesn't see any problem there in conflicting with the neighbors using the park. They would also like to use Pennock Park and Redwood North three nights a wee k -- Tues. , Wed. & Thurs. They would like to use 131st St. Park six nights per week. They can squeeze by with those. They would also like to use Faith Park and Pennock Park for practice three nights per week. The use of 131st & Johnny Cake Ridge Park six nights per week was discussed. It was asked if there was sufficient parking space and safety because of the Zoo. Mike Bassett i�dicated that the park has a designated parking lot and that the Zoo should pose no problem to users of •the park. The VAA representatives requested to use Pennock Park & Faith Park for practice. The VAA is planning to have games on Fridays and Saturdays which they have not done in the past. They are also having double-headers with the softball and baseball teams. P,age #3 Park Committee Minutes • . � April 26, 1978 They will use the fields for 7 to 8 weeks including the practice time. The games start the �12th of June thru the last week of July. They are looking at two fields at Redwood North -- one where the original ballfield was. They can use the fields there for the smaller children. There is good parking space available at the Pool & Racquet Club. The Pennock Park concept plan was reviewed. The Faith Park concept plan was reviewed. The majority of the park is ungraded and in a natural state. There is a ball diamond available there and a small open field. Parking would have to be along the street. Chuck Niggley stated that the area was used last year mainly by the neighborhood residents -- they instructed people to park their automobiles on the park side and not in front of the homes and a lot of people either biked or walked to the Park. Bassett stated that the parking problems in the past with respect to organized activities were in the neighborhood parks. People were parking often parking al�ng both sides of the sts. regularly and blocking driveways as well as causing congestion for automobiles that were trying to drive down the nat��ow streets. Bassett stated that he is going to try to work with the Hockey Association to move the hockey rink and the building located at Galaxie Park. The ball diamond there would be available for use in the summer program. Niggley stated that Galaxie could be used by the VAA for a baseball and softball practice field. There is room there for parking and no one would be imposed upon. There are some turf problems there. Wangen asked if there were any other suggestions regarding the park use. DesParte stated ,that he felt they have tried to find park areas that will not infringe and cause a problem. He is still concerned about the long-range planning; he feels they are going to have to review their criteria on where they are going. Chuck Niggley stated that they would like to discuss that further on the 17th when they meet with the Committee members. Wangen questioned the Committee's feeling on the use of the proposed parks. Naegeli doesn't see a problem with any of the parks they wish to use other than Pennock. He is familiar with the problems they have had there in the past. It is such a small park -- and when it is used by the VAA they really dominate the entire park. He feels that the VAA needs to l�i,mit their programs. They should try to work within the Community Park facilities that we have. Chack Niggley stated that they met with the Advisory Council at the School last night and they feel that the adult programs should be limited and let the kids expand. They wanted the schools to determine if there were any other fields that they have that the VAA could use. Bassett stated that some of the Advisory Council members felt that way, but is was not a general concensus of the Advisory Council . The adult programs°have been limited in Apple Valley for several years. There was considerable discussion on the number of facilities available this year as opposed to last year, the bond issue failing last fall and the lack of VAA support, and the limiting the number of participants in the VAA program. The planning for the future of the AV Park System as well as the planning for VAA is very important. The limits must be worked out in a compromising situation as to the amount of parkland available as well as the number of participants in a program. �The VAA stated that they understand that they have to limit the number of participants in the acti�ities -- they have limited the number of participants in some of the sports in the past. Wangen asked if the Park Committee agrees to the following parks uses: 131st & Johnny Cake Ridge -- six times per week. Redwood Park North ` Pennock Park & Faith Park -- for practice Page #4 , Park Committee Minutes • • � April 26, 1978 Ginny Sterling stated that she has no objection to 131st & Johnny Cake, or to Redwood North because there is parking available and it is a large park. Faith & Pennock Parks she has �a problem with their usage every night, however, three nights a week maximum seems to be okay with her providing they park along the street next to the park and not infringe on the local residents. She noted that the Park Dept. now has a mobile unit called the "Playground on the Street" or "Fun on Wheels", or whatever, that the Mrs. Jaycees donated and it is going to go to various parks -- perhaps we could stress the fact that it would be certain to stop at 131st & �ohnny Cake at least once a week so the people there would have something to look forward to. Perhaps it could also stop at Redwood North, Faith & Pennock besides the undeveloped parks. The VAA repnesentatives stated that once the games begin the problems are not going to be there for practicing. Bassett stated that the reason for using Pennock as he understands it is to have another area in South Apple Valley; he recommended Duchess to take some of the strain off of Pennock. A representative of the VAA stated that they have had alot of problems when they have had alot of problems when they have used Duchess in the past. Philosophically the VAA is trying to provide some recreational outlet for the youth in Apple Valley which is a very commendable thing. What we want to do is look at the park system and find out where we can accommodate these kids and at the same time provide some open space for those residents that are not involved in organized athletics. VAA needs the City's support and we need theirs and theoretically we are working towards the same goal . DesParte stated that previously he was on a Park & Recreation Commission in another City and they rented private property to use for this type of activity. They had the people inNOlved and emphasized that it was a good thing for the kids and asked to rent the private property for $1.00 per year or something like that and it worked. Apple Valley has a lot of property that is undeveloped and that could be used as a stop gap measure. . Possibly we could allow �some expansion if the programs continue to grow. The real crunch is going to be when we develop the entire area. Niggley asked if there were areas like that where they could get a work day organized and make space available. Bassett asked about the church property on Cedar -- Niggley stated they have contacted them and were turned down. They plan to try again. The airport property is available, however, they hate to spend money to upgrade the land and then have it sold. Wangen suggested that these kinds of ideas be included in a plan and further discussed on the 17th of May. DesParte s�ated he had no objections to the parks they are asking for. Naegeli is concerned about parking and will not go along with all week long at Faith & Pennock as they are neighborhood parks. MOTION: of Sterling, seconded by Des Parte to recommend that the Valley Athletic Association be allowed to use the park located at 131st Street & Johnny Cake Ridge Road all week, Redwood North on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and Faith and Pennock Parks for practice for three nights per week maximum with the stipulation that they park only on Pennock Avenue. DISCUSSION: They discussed the time period for park use -- the VAA would like June & July. Naegeli stated that he is concerned about the use for ttNO-thirds of the summer. Sterling stated that it would only be evenings. The Committee discussed adding to the motion that this would be the months of June and July from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. The residents need to be informed as to when the park will be used by the VAA. They stated they will post the information at the park when they will be using it. .VOTE ON MOTION: Yes - 3 -- No - 1 (Naegeli because the motion does not include the time stipulation. ) Wangen thanked the members of the VAA for coming to the Park Committee and for working with them. The recommendation will go to the City Council for approval . Brian Stapleton asked some questions of the VAA representatives regarding the number of times per week the children are involved in the soccer program and baseball programs. Page #5 , Park Committee Minutes • • April 26, 1978 The VAA representatives stated that they would like to help the Park Committee with the Bond �issue and they would like to have a program of how they can support the bond issue. Naegeli questioned the recommendation to the City Council not stipulating a time. If there is a concurrence the Committee could recommend that the time be from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Wangen stated that if they are in agreement when the motion goes to the Council the time of 6:00 to 9:00 should go to the Council . Sterling stated she did not agree with the 6:00 -- the Cor�nittee agreed with the time of 5:00 p.m. to dark. 3. DISCUSS FUTURE PARK BOND REFERENDUM See memo attached) . DISCUSS FUTURE � PARK BOND REFER- Wangen asked for questions. Bassett stated that basically the memo is asking ENDUM. the Council to adopt the timetable and it is trying to point out that a Fall Fire Bond Issue may hurt the Spring Park Bond Issue and maybe they should consider holding off for Fire Bond Issue until the Fall of 1979. Wangen would like to ask for some facts and figures on some things. Discuss where the changes will be. He asked a number of questions regarding the location of some -- he would like to have some dollar and cents figures on a large central park vs. rather than an Eastview and a Westview. One of the reasons for an "Eastview" was so the people on the east side would not have to drive all the way to Westview. Wangen stated that that doesn't mean we shouldn't consider the opposite -- a Central Park that would bring the City together. It would give more of a downtown area. The Carroll Property would have to be condemned as it is not avail- able at the present time. The development costs would be the same no matter where it is located. There was considerable discussion regarding the Community Playfield and what it serves. It would really load the westside as opposed to balancing it out on the east side. �Wangen asked for a simple concept plan for a large park centrally located in the City. Bassett referred to the property adjacent to the Diamond Path School as a potential athletic complex site. Access to it might be a problem and parking could be a problem, but these two factors could both be solved. Wangen is thinking about things that will draw people together into one particular area. Naegeli stated that there is a difference between an athletic complex and a City Park. They are two different types of facilities. Wangen recommended expanding Westview and making it one large park. Naegeli stated that the Park Committee has discussed a centrally located park in addition to the eastside athletic complex. The philosophy is to cut down on the number of parks and increase the size. Wangen stated that people might think we are thinking athletics all the time if we build another athletic eomplex in the middle of a field. If it is built along with another park that is already existing it is going to add on it may be easier to sell it. He feels that the two could be molded together and it is worth a consideration. Bassett recommended that rather than lay out facts and figures the Park Committee should discuss it as far as philosophy. Sterling questioned a road that could go into the Diamond Path area; it would be feasible. Wangen said they shauld discuss it further at another time. OTHER ITEMS Naegeli questioned Farquar acquisition as it is coming up in a couple months. There is money in the Park Fund and he thinks that a recommendation should go to the Council . Wangen asked that it be on the next agenda. Naegeli also questioned a time limit on the Cedar Park area -- the City has a long period of time. Bassett stated that it is pretty open ended. Basically what itsays is that when the 120 acres west of the school property is developed the City will take cash in lieu of land •and use that cash to purchase the park property from the school . They will hold the property until the City comes up with the money. Naegeli asked about swapping the Cedar Park land for the property adjacent to Diamond Path. Bassett stated that there is an Agreement with the School District. It would not benefit the school . Page #6 , Park Committee Minutes • • April 26, 1978 �aegeli also asked about the Skeleton Property. Bassett stated that if that land is included in the Comprehensive Plan as open space it could help the City to secure grant funds. When it is classified as residential it does hurt the cause for funding. He would like to discuss that further when the Park Committee talks about changes in the Comprehensive Plan. DesParte questioned more information regarding the Farquar Lake Park and the Agreement. Bassett will give him more information. The Park concept was further discussed. Wangen asked if the Park Committee meetings could be held at 8:00 p.m. in the summer. MOTION: of Naegeli , seconded by DesParte to change the meetings to 8:00 p.m. starting May 10, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Bassett stated that if there are some specific topics that they want on the next agenda they should contact him. The agenda goes out the Friday before the meeting and committee members should contact him prior to that time and Mr. Bassett & Roger Wangen will meet prior to that time. Wangen stated that the Committee gave the VAA the right tone and that they are aware of the problems of the Park Committee. MOTION: of Sterling, seconded by Naegeli that the meeting be adjourned. � �