HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/13/2017CITY OF APPLE VALLEY URBAN AFFAIRS ADVISORY COMMITTEE M1N TES February 13, 2017 } 1. CALL TO ORDER The City ofApple Valley Urban Affairs Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Chair Sharon Schwartz at 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Barry Berg, Edwin Holmes, Sharon Schwartz, Walton Mahlm, and Sandy Breuer. Members ers Absent: Pamela So l erg Staff Present: Planner Kathy Bodmer and Planner Economic Dev. Spec. Alex Sharpe. Guests Present: Anita Burke, Apple Valley Resident. 2. APPROVAL AGENDA Ms. Bodmer asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Hearing none she called for a motion. MOTION: Berg moved, seconded by Holmes, approving the agenda. Ayes rt - Nays -- O. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 11, 2017. Chair Schwartz asked if there were any changes to the minutes. Hearing none she called for a motion. MOTION: N: Breuer roved, seconded by Mahlum, approving the minutes of the meeting of January 11, 2017. Ayes - 5 - Nays -- 0. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Continue Discussion on Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings Planner Kathy Bodmer described the history of the Urban Affairs prior meetings, the information the Committee had requested, and the Pro and Con list that the Committee had assembled. She stated that based on the prop con list, staff had assembled a draft motion for the Committee to consider and amend as they saw fit. Planner Bodmer then described the information that had been requested by the Committee for this information, and that staff NATould present on this new information prior to the Committee providing a recommendation and findings to the City Council. Planner Alex Sharpe described the research on other states health care dwellings laws. Planner Sharpe stated that the basic findings were that Minnesota was more stringent on the time the dwelli Schwartz stated that it would be nice for City Council to have a senior liaison to advice Council on matters that effect seniors within the community, things such as sidewalks and parking lots not being cleared fast or very well and this preventing seniors from being able to go places. The Committee then evaluated the draft motion providing comments and suggestions on word changes. Holmes suggested that the City place a committee or individual in charge of Vitalocity! To ensure the ideals are continuing. Mahlum m stated that he preferred continuing to opt -out of the state law. Schwartz added that this is a difficult subject that has emotional and practical concerns. She felt that the decision was difficult, but that there are neighborhood character and practical issues that made the Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings an impractical choice at this time. She preferred modifying existing homes within the community. Breuer stated that she liked the Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings and that opting out due to unclear logistics was not an adequate reason for the City not addressing this need. She suggested that other communities may adopt ordinances that allow the units and work for the community and that Apple Valley should reevaluate in 2 years. Berg added that he felt that Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings are not the solution and not an option that Apple Valley should consider. He further stated that he would support revaluation in time. Schwartz stated that universities and other groups have to be studying this issue, and that City staff should continue to research and look at how senior care is being developed in other communities. Holmes stated that he would like to amend the motion to include that education has a role for seniors. He further clarified that the education opportunities needed to not only provide options for how seniors can alter homes, but for interests that seniors can participate in. Health, wealth management, and hobbies that seniors can participate in should all be part of the educational opportunities that the City partners with the private sector to provide in the community. Mahlum provided a draft sentence to add to the motion and findings The Committee universally accepted the change Berg stated that the City should partner with the Zoo to provide better senior access. Chair Schwartz called for a vote on the amended motion, including a 91hfinding on education and the additional sentences provided by Committee member Mahlum. MOTION: Berg, seconded by Holmes to approve the recommendations and findings and forward to the City Council. Ayes - 5 - Nays --- O. 5. Other Business No other business was discussed. 6. Adjourn Hearing no further comments from the Urban Affairs Advisory Committee, Chair Schwartz asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: MaMhum moved, seconded by Berg to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m. Ayes - - Nays - 0. especfully Submitted, Planner/Economic Dev. Spec. Alex Sharpe f Appr-ovd y t��t Urban AffairsAdvisory Committee ,:.-�'/�.��1', • �r�� "`a��- ,,�� on �e -=--- - -- - -- -- Sharon Sch'art , Chair