HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/2019 Meeting M eeting L ocation: M unicipal Center 7100 147th Street West Apple Valley, M innesota 55124 September 12, 2019 C IT Y C O UN C IL IN FO RMA L MEET IN G T EN TAT IVE D ISC USSIO N IT EMS 5:30 P M 1.C ouncil Discussion Items (10 min.) 2.Discuss Temporary Refuse Receptacles Recommendations from Urban Affairs Advisory Committee (20 min.) 3.Discuss 2020 and 2021 Proposed Budgets (35 min.) (Please bring your budget binder) 4.Draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update (10 min.) 5.Adjourn C IT Y C O UN C IL REG ULA R MEET IN G T EN TAT IVE A G EN D A 7:00 P M 1.C all to Order and Pledge 2.Approve Agenda 3.Audience - 10 Minutes Total Time Limit - For Items N O T on this Agenda 4.Approve C onsent Agenda Items C onsent Agenda Items are considered routine and will be enacted with a single motion, without discussion, unless a councilmember or citizen requests to have any item separately considered. It will then be moved to the regular agenda f or consideration. A.Approve Minutes of August 22, 2019, Regular Meeting B.Approve State Gambling Exempt Permits for Apple Valley Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 1776, at Apple Valley American Legion 1. November 11, 2019 2. December 14, 2019 C .Approve Changes of Board Members in Connection with C lub On-Sale Liquor Licenses at Apple Valley American Legion, Post 1776, 14521 Granada Drive D.Adopt Resolution Setting Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on October 10, 2019, for 2019 Special Assessment Roll No. 661, $173,042.87 - Delinquent Utilities E.Adopt Resolution Setting Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on October 10, 2019, for 2019 Special Assessment Roll No. 662, $1,784.00 - Delinquent False Alarm Charges F.Adopt Resolution Setting Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on October 10, 2019, for 2019 Special Assessment Roll No. 663, $3,075.74 - Delinquent Tree Removal C harges G.Approve Truth-in-Taxation Insert H.Approve Reduction of Various Financial Guarantees I.Approve Street Closure for Le Tour de Apple Valley Bike Ride on September 14, 2019 J .Direct Staff and City Attorney to Develop C ode Amendments to Address Temporary Refuse Receptacles K.Approve Issuance of Footing and Foundation Permit with Menard, Inc., for Menard's Buildings Located at 6055 150th Street W. L.Adopt Resolution Directing Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Project 2020-103, 2020 Micro Surfacing M.Adopt Resolution Directing Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Project 2020-104, Garden View Drive Street and Utility Improvements N.Adopt Resolution Directing Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Project 2020-105, 2020 Street Improvements O.Project 2019-114, Family Aquatic C enter Pool Shell Repair 1. Adopt Resolution Rejecting USA C onstruction, LLC , as Responsible Bidder 2. Adopt Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertising for Receipt of Bids, at 10:00 a.m. on October 11, 2019 P.Project 2019-158, Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center Wet Play Area Improvements 1. Approve Agreement with Webber Recreational Design, Inc., for Design and Engineering Services, Subject to Approval by City Attorney 2. Authorize Purchase of Equipment from Miracle Recreation Equipment C o, through Webber Recreational Design, Inc., Subject to Approval by City Attorney 3. Approve Agreement with Lemmie J ones, LLC, for Installation of Equipment, Subject to Approval by C ity Attorney Q.Approve Agreement with Lightning Disposal, Inc., for Residential Fall Clean-up Day (Furniture and Remodeling Debris C ollection) R.Approve Agreement with Lightning Disposal, Inc., for Solid Waste and Recycling Collection and Disposal S.Approve Change Order No. 1 to Agreement with Standard Contracting, Inc., for Project 2018-133, C obblestone Manor (A L-P3) Stormwater Improvements for Alimagnet Lake T.Approve Change Order No. 1 to Agreement with Sunram C onstruction, Inc., for Project 2018-134, Sunset Pond (A L-P8) Stormwater Improvements for Alimagnet Lake U.Approve Change Order No. 1 to Agreement with B&B C ommercial Coatings, LLC , for Project 2019-136, 2019 Hydrant Reconditioning and Painting, and Approve Acceptance and Final Payment V.Approve Acceptance and Final Payment on Agreement with Minnesota Native Landscapes for Project 2017-180, 2017 Garrett Avenue Raingardens W.Approve Memorandum of Agreement with LELS Local No. 243 Establishing the 2019 C ity Maximum Monthly C ontribution toward Employee Group Health Benefits X.Approve Personnel Report Y.Approve Claims and Bills 5.Regular Agenda Items A.Proclaim Business Leaders in Connection with Apple Valley's 50th Golden Year Celebration 1. Vivo Kitchen 2. T hink Mutual Bank B.Presentation on C ompleted Ameresco Energy Efficiency Projects C .Proposed 2020 C ity Budget and Property Tax Levy 1. Adopt Resolution Approving Proposed 2020 C ity Budget and Tax Levy 2. Set Date for Public Budget Meeting on December 12, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. D.Pass Ordinance Amending Sections 155.075 and 155.076 of C hapter 155 of the City C ode, Regulating Uses in Multiple-Family Residential Zoning Districts (Recommend waiving the second reading) E.Pass Ordinance Amending C hapter 123 of the City C ode, Regulating Massage T herapy Establishments and T herapists (Recommend waiving second reading) 6.Staff and C ouncil C ommunications 7.Approve C alendar of Upcoming Events 8.Adjourn Regular meetings are broadcast, live, on Charter Communications Cable Channel 180 and on the C ity's website at www.cityof applevalley.org I T E M: 2. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:I nformal A genda I tem Description: Discuss Temporary Refuse Receptacles Recommendations from Urban A ffairs A dvisory Committee (20 min.) S taff Contact: A lex Sharpe, Planner and Economic Development Spec. Department / Division: Community Development Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: N/A S UM M ARY: In J une 2019 the C ity C ouncil directed the Urban Affairs Advisory C ommittee (UA A C) to research and develop recommendations for a new product called "Bagsters" that have become a nuisance and code enforcement issue within the community. D ue to these temporary refuse receptacles being affiliated with an actual product name, staff has developed a broader term for products like these; temporary refuse receptacles. T he UA A C met and discussed temporary refuse receptacles in J uly and August 2019 and were presented the information attached to this report. Based on the photos provided, the number of active and new temporary refuse receptacles being observed and reported, the UA A C made the following recommendations: A definition, such as temporary refuse receptacle shall be developed to ensure there is differentiation between this product, trash bins, and roll-off dumpsters. Temporary refuse receptacles shall not be stored in the right-of-way. T he types of vehicles that picks them up is able to reach up to 16' from the curb, and can drive on driveways if liability waivers are addressed. Temporary refuse receptacles shall be permitted for up to two weeks while owners fill the product. After that time they must be removed within 5 days or the City will begin enforcement procedures; arranging removal and assessing the cost to the property owner. Temporary refuse receptacles are allowed on any surface, including the driveway or grass. T he collection of the temporary refuse receptacle can occur outside of established daily residential hauling zones mentioned in C hapter 50 of C ity Code. B AC K G RO UND: T he attached information was presented to the UA A C on August 27, 2019. Based on this information, the C ommittee has prepared recommendations for the C ity C ouncil to consider and direct staff to work with the City Attorney to prepare code amendments. T he UA A C was previously introduced to temporary trash storage and removal at their J uly 23, 2019 meeting. T he C ity C ouncil has tasked the C ommittee with providing direction on how to best address the concern that these temporary refuse containers are a nuisance when left in front yards and are contrary to other City trash ordinances. Staff remains mindful that trash removal is encouraged, as is remodeling by homeowners. Staff shared examples of past and ongoing cases and pertinent code sections, to allow the Committee to understand the scope of the issue, and how they may want to frame their recommendations. T he C ommittee requested staff research surrounding communities, and consult with the City Attorney. T he City Attorney advised that the C ommittee not provide specific code language changes, rather that they provide direction for the Attorney to draft the code to ensure it is enforceable. Staff compiled a list of potential issues the UA A C discussed and provided direction on: defining the container, determining the time period allowed before collection and identifying acceptable locations. Both paved and grass/hardscaped locations were acceptable even given guiding code. 155.378(B)(1) - In single-family residential districts, any area intended to be used for parking spaces, driveways, storage of motor vehicles, or vehicle maneuvering areas shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt or brick pavers. Pervious material may be permitted when approved by the city. Rev iew of Neighboring City Codes Neighboring cities have not adopted specific codes to address this new use/product. However, many are utilizing their existing refuse codes to address the storage and removal of these containers. Some example codes are included in the Background section after the City of Apple Valley code references. B AC K GROU N D: Below are sample code sections relating to refuse containers and storage. T hese are being included in the report as reference material used by the UA A C to provide their recommendations. City of A pple Valley Code R eferences § 155.053 PERMIT T ED A C C ESSO RY USES. (E) Buildings, trailers, unscreened trash dumpsters, or portable storage units temporarily located on the subject lot only for the purposes of construction on the premises for a period of time not to exceed time necessary for such construction, or for the sale of new homes in a new housing development. Trash dumpsters shall be removed from the subject lot when full; § 94.17 PUBLIC N UISA N C ES A FFEC T IN G PEA C E A N D SA FET Y. (R) T he depositing of garbage or refuse on a public right-of-way or on adjacent private property; § 50.02 C O N TA IN ERS; STO RA G E A N D LO C AT IO N. (A) Specifications for keeping refuse in containers. T he occupant of any private dwelling, the keeper or manager of any hotel, motel, restaurant, eating house or boarding house, or any building where meals are served, the owner of any flat or apartment house, trailer camp or auto court, and any other person having refuse or yard waste as herein defined, shall provide and keep on the premises sufficient containers for the storage of all refuse or yard waste accumulated on the premises between collections. Each container shall be watertight and shall be impervious to insects, rodents, vermin and absorption of moisture. All refuse and yard waste on any premises shall be stored in the required containers, except as the same may be consumed or disposed of on the premises as permitted. (‘81 Code, § 11-2) (B) Storage of containers. (1) When not placed for collection as specified in division (C) below, the containers, as relates to single-family dwellings, may be stored in the rear of the premises, may be stored in the sideyard setback if screened from the street and adjoining properties, or may be stored within any structure located on the premises. Containers stored outside shall be maintained in such a manner as not to permit entry of or harborage for animals, insects, or other vermin. (2) All compost material must be confined to a container. C ontainers, used for the purpose of composting yard and compostable household waste, shall be located in the rear yard between the rear property line and the rear of the main structure and be no closer than five feet to any property line or 20 feet to a side lot line if adjacent to any public street right- of-way. (‘81 Code, § 11-3) (Am. Ord. 519, passed 9-12-91) (C ) Placing containers for collection of contents. During all days when collection is scheduled to occur, containers shall be accessible to the collector which means that the containers, as relates to residential and multiple dwellings having individual residential collection service, shall be placed at the curb or other location on the property for which collection is provided as agreed to by the customer and the licensed hauler. All refuse, including garbage , recycling, and yard waste placed at the curb for collection shall be permitted at the curb or other collection point no earlier than 6:00 p.m. of the night preceding collection day. At all other times, refuse, recycling and yard waste containers shall be stored in accordance with storage requirements stated herein. (‘81 C ode, § 11-4) (Ord. 440, passed 3-23-89; Am. Ord. 558, passed 7-22-93; Am. Ord. 751, passed 6-10-04; Am. Ord. 863, passed 6-11-09) § 50.07 REFUSE A C C UMULAT IO N; N UISA N C E. Any accumulation of refuse, recyclables or yard waste on any premises not stored in containers which comply with this chapter or any accumulation of refuse, recyclables or yard waste on any premises which has remained thereon for more than two weeks, is hereby declared to be a nuisance and the city, through its authorized employees, shall have the right to remove the materials from the premises, and to abate other nuisances mentioned in this chapter, to bill the owner or occupant of the premises for the cost of the removal and abatement and upon failure of the bill to be paid within 30 days, shall have the right to add the amount of the bill to the real estate taxes on the premises in the same manner as other unpaid charges for municipal utilities and services. (‘81 Code, § 11-11) (Ord. 440, passed 3-23-89; Am. Ord. 538, passed 5-28-92) Neighboring C ity C ode References Burnsville: (F) A ll private waste material, debris, refuse, garbage or materials not currently in use for construction shall be stored indoors, one hundred percent (100%) screened from the eye level view from public streets and adjacent properties pursuant to section 10-7-18 of this title, or be kept in covered trash containers. (Ord. 1316, 4-8-2014) Eagan: A. It is unlawful for any person to store garbage or refuse on residential dwelling premises for more than one week. All such storage shall be in watertight, metal or plastic containers of not less than five gallons with tightfitting covers, which shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition; provided, that yard waste may be stored in biodegradable bags, and tree limbs must be stored in watertight, metal or plastic containers of not less than five gallons with tightfitting covers or closable plastic or paper bags, and tree limbs must be stored in bundles weighing no more than 60 pounds and no longer than four feet. B. It is unlawful for any person to store garbage or refuse or recyclables on multiple dwelling premises for more than one week. Such storage shall be in containers as for residential dwelling premises, except that so called "dumpsters" with close fitting covers may be substituted. Lakeville: For detached single-family dwellings, waste and recycling receptacles not contained within principal structures shall be exempt from conformance with subsection B of this section, but shall comply with the following: a. Receptacles shall be located in side or rear yards, but not the side of a corner lot or rear yard of a double frontage lot abutting a public right of way. (Ord. 867, sec. 45, 5-17-2010) b. Receptacles shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from all property lines. (Ord. 888, 2-21-2012) B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A AT TAC HM E NT S : Presentation Presentation 9/13/2019 1 Regulating Temporary Refuse Receptacles •Reporting recommendations for the Urban Affairs •Forecasting next steps September 12, 2019 Directions From Urban Affairs 1.Need definition differentiating this product from other  trash containers and roll‐off dumpsters 2.Temporary Refuse Receptacles not to be stored in         R‐O‐W 3.Permit up to two weeks to fill, remove in 5 days after  4.Allow temporary on driveway or lawn 5.Allow pickup outside of daily residential hauling zones 9/13/2019 2 Lawns, Driveways, R-O-W Lawns, Driveways, R-O-W 9/13/2019 3 Not a Limited Nuisance Issue 9/13/2019 4 Next Steps •Staff has taken a proactive approach to temporary refuse  receptacles. •Upon complaint, or during routine inspection duties staff is  recording the properties with  temporary refuse receptacles,  taking a photo and sending notice. •Staff sends a “friendly reminder” that the temporary trash receptacle  becomes a nuisance when on site for more than two weeks.  •A consent item on the Council Agenda directs staff to develop  code language for temporary refuse receptacles.  I T E M: 3. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:I nformal A genda I tem Description: Discuss 2020 and 2021 P roposed B udgets (35 min.) (Please bring your budget binder) S taff Contact: Ron Hedberg, Finance Director Department / Division: Finance Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: N/A S UM M ARY: T he C ity C ouncil set September 12, 2019, as an additional budget discussion date. T he budget book was distributed earlier; please bring your copy to the meeting. Please let me know if you would like an additional copy. B AC K G RO UND: T he current budget calendar calls for the C ity Council to adopt the preliminary levy (which will become the maximum levy for 2020) and budget at the September 12th C ity C ouncil meeting. If additional time is needed, the adoption of the preliminary levy and budget could be conducted at the September 26th C ity Council meeting. We are still awaiting updated tax capacity amounts (tax base) from the County so depending on the changes the tax impact may change slightly. Because we are still awaiting the updated tax capacity (tax base) numbers, the estimated tax impact at the previously distributed amounts remains at an approximate 5.50% increase. Factors that add to the impact to the median valued home include the increases in residential property class values at a higher rate than the other property class values resulting in the tax burden shifting to residential properties. T he total levy for 2020 is proposed to be $27,381,000, up 3.91% or $1,031,000 over 2019. At this levy amount, the median valued home in Apple Valley valued at $278,000, that experienced an increase of 7.1% in value, will see the City’s share of their property tax bill increase approximately $57 or 5.50%. T his equates to an increase of approximately $4.75 per month. T he total levy increase is consistent with the direction received from the City Council at the spring goal setting session At the informal meeting we will explore the details of the levy, the impacts of fiscal disparities, as well as the impacts to the median valued home from benefit reductions resulting from the phase out of the Market Value Homestead Exclusion Program as property values increase. Approximately $6 of the $57 increase is directly related to the loss of Market Value Homestead Exclusion. Included in the increase to the total levy; Upcoming general election cost - $194,000, Increase in the cost of responding to Emerald Ash Borer - $147,000 Increase in the transfer to support the annual infrastructure projects - $103,000 2020 Impact of midyear hiring of 4 positions in 2019 - $284,000 General Fund communication position addition -$81,000 Increased debt service - $39,000 Levy Component 2019 2020 Difference % Change G eneral F und $21,164,055 $22,047,895 $883,840 4.18% S treet Maintenance P rogram 3,437,000 3,540,000 103,000 3.00% Munic ipal Building F und 186,000 192,000 6,000 3.23% P roperty Tax Delinquenc ies Allowance 50,000 50,000 -0.00% Ic e Arena S upport 121,000 121,000 -0.00% Debt S ervic e - Voter Approved 993,800 1,016,230 22,430 2.26% Debt S ervic e - All O ther Levy S upported 398,145 413,875 15,730 3.95% Total $26,350,000 $27,381,000 $1,031,000 3.91% Calendar T he scheduled date for formally adopting the preliminary budget and levy is set for September 12th. If more time is needed it could be considered at the September 26th meeting, as long as it certified to the Dakota C ounty Auditor by September 30th. B UD G E T I M PAC T: T he preliminary tax levy that will be adopted on September 12, 2019, will provide for the operating budget for 2020. AT TAC HM E NT S : Budget Presentation 2020 Operating Budget August 8, 2019 Notes: TABLE OF CONTENTS City Administrator Cover Memo ......................................................................................... Budget and Tax Levy Resolutions .................................................................................. 1 Tax Levy History & Taxes Available for General Fund .................................................... 3 Tax Capacity and Tax Rate Comparison ......................................................................... 5 Tax Impacts to Residential Property owners ................................................................... 6 Budget Summary ............................................................................................................ 9 General Fund Revenue Summary ................................................................................. 10 General Fund Revenue Detail ....................................................................................... 13 General Fund Expenditures by Department .................................................................. 21 General Fund Expenditure Summary ............................................................................ 22 General Fund Expenditures Subtotals by Department & Expense Category ................. 26 GENERAL FUND PROGRAM DETAILS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council ....................................................................................................... 33 Administration ............................................................................................................... 37 City Clerk ...................................................................................................................... 41 Human Resources / Front Desk .................................................................................... 47 Information Technology ............................................................................................... 51 General Government Buildings ..................................................................................... 57 FINANCE Finance ......................................................................................................................... 63 Data Processing ........................................................................................................... 69 Independent Audit ......................................................................................................... 73 LEGAL Legal Services .............................................................................................................. 77 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development .............................................................................................. 81 Code Enforcement ........................................................................................................ 87 POLICE Police ............................................................................................................................ 93 Civil Defense ............................................................................................................... 123 Community Service Officer (CSO) .............................................................................. 127 FIRE Fire ............................................................................................................................. 131 Fire relief ..................................................................................................................... 139 Notes: PUBLIC WORKS City Engineering.......................................................................................................... 143 Inspections .................................................................................................................. 151 Public Works Administration ...................................................................................... 159 Central Maintenance Facility ....................................................................................... 167 Street Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 175 Snow & Ice Removal ................................................................................................... 185 Traffic Signs/Signals/Markers ..................................................................................... 191 PARK AND RECREATION Park Recreation Administration ................................................................................... 197 Park Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 203 Recreation Programs .................................................................................................. 213 Redwood Pool ............................................................................................................. 219 Recreation Self-Supported Programs ......................................................................... 225 Apple Valley Community Center ................................................................................. 231 Aquatic Swim Center .................................................................................................. 237 Apple Valley Senior Center ......................................................................................... 243 UNALLOCATED Insurance .................................................................................................................... 249 Council Contingency ................................................................................................... 253 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BUDGETED Cable TV Joint Powers Reserve Fund ........................................................................ 257 Cable Capital Equip-PEG ............................................................................................ 263 Cable Special Revenue-NONPEG .............................................................................. 267 Cable Capital Projects Fund ....................................................................................... 271 Future Capital Projects Fund ...................................................................................... 275 Road Improvement Fund ............................................................................................ 279 EDA Operations Fund ................................................................................................. 283 Education Building Fund ............................................................................................. 287 VERF (Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund) ....................................................... 291 Municipal Building Fund .............................................................................................. 295 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Liquor Fund ................................................................................................................. 299 Golf Fund .................................................................................................................... 317 Ice Arena Fund ........................................................................................................... 335 Water Operations........................................................................................................ 351 Sewer Operations ....................................................................................................... 365 Storm Drainage Utility-Water Quality .......................................................................... 375 Street Light Utility ........................................................................................................ 385 Cemetery Fund ........................................................................................................... 389 Notes: 2020-2021 BUDGET MESSAGE TO: Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Tom Lawell, City Administrator SUBJECT: Preliminary City Budget for 2020 and 2021 DATE: August 8, 2019 Over the past year, the City has been celebrating its 50th Anniversary and we have spent time a fair amount of time reflecting on the past. The early leaders of the community were true pioneers who set the community in a positive direction and nurtured its growth through the early years. Throughout its existence, Apple Valley has always had a reputation as being a great place to live, work and play. That reputation continues as strong as ever, in large part to the continuing contributions made by our residents and the visionary approach of our community leaders. A hallmark of our success has, and continues to be, sound fiscal planning. The most visible component of that planning is our annual budget process. Attached please find the draft 2020-2021 budget, which is designed to continue our legacy of fiscal stability and the provision of the high-quality public services our community has come to expect. This document is centered around the goals and objectives we have as a community and translates that vision into a financial blueprint for success. In the coming months, we will spend many hours reviewing the details of the budget. Until then, the intent of this memo is to share with you the budgetary framework, highlights and assumptions that went into preparing the document. As always, five tried and true core fiscal principles guided the development of our budget: 1)Focus on the provision of basic City services and fund their provision at adequate levels. 2)Estimate anticipated revenues at realistic levels. 3)Retain adequate reserves to protect against fiscal uncertainty. 4)Anticipate continued community growth and program capital improvements to serve our growing community. 5)Demonstrate strong stewardship of existing infrastructure and plan for its repair/replacement in a proactive manner. By staying focused on these budgetary principles, our reputation among the financial agencies that monitor and rate governmental entities remains solid. The City has earned the top bond rating possible from not one, but two, bond rating agencies (Moody’s Investors Service and Standard and Poor’s). This is a clear indication of our financial strength and validates our past financial practices. In fact, having two top bond ratings from two agencies is quite rare--only 11 out of 854 Minnesota cities have earned that distinction. With two top bond ratings in hand, the City of Apple Valley will achieve the lowest possible borrowing costs when it needs to issue bonds in the financial marketplace. Low borrowing costs translate into ongoing savings for all city taxpayers. The budget document you hold in your hands outlines the investments we intend to make in 2020 and 2021 to remain a high-quality and fiscally-strong community. This detailed two-year budget affords us the ability to better forecast revenue and expenditure trends, especially when coupled with our f ive-year Capital Improvements Program. In the pages that follow, the following information is provided: •Summary of important financial trends being experienced within Apple Valley •Description of the current budget environment and important changes in State law •Explanation on how the budget document is organized •Description of the revenue and expenditure trends associated with the General Fund •Summary of the City’s various other funds and budget highlights COMMUNITY TRENDS According to the latest estimate from the Metropolitan Council, the population of Apple Valley as of April 1, 2018, was 53,429 living in 20,361 households. The year prior the population was estimated at 52,361 living in 20,149 households; so in the course of one year, the City grew 2.04 percent in population and 1.05 percent in households. Building permit activity in the City continues to be strong, although somewhat less than the record- breaking year of 2017. In 2018, the City added over $141 million in building permit value, compared to $202 million in 2017. You will recall that 2017 was the year that Independent School District 196 undertook an extensive school improvement program, including over $33 million in Apple Valley school improvements. By comparison, 2018 was modest in terms of school improvement work . The table below shows the permit valuation history in three categories from 2011 through 2018. $- $20,000,000 $40,000,000 $60,000,000 $80,000,000 $100,000,000 $120,000,000 $140,000,000 $160,000,000 $180,000,000 $200,000,000 $220,000,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Building Permit Valuation History 2011-2018 Residential Commercial Alterations/Repairs Total Looking at the 2018 data more carefully, the City added approximately $82.7 million in residential permit value, $39.8 million in commercial/industrial permit value, and $18.9 million in other permit valuation (i.e., accessory building, alterations, repairs, additions, siding and roof replacements) for a total of $141,378,881 million. Within this total, we added 65 single-family homes, 2 townhomes, 58 senior condominiums, 32 manufactured homes and 373 apartment units. On the commercial side, we experienced $9.9 million in new construction and another $28.7 million in additions, alterations and repairs through the issuance of 83 permits. Construction within the City continues in 2019 with many projects permitted in 2018 still under construction. The issuance of new permits in 2019 has moderated significantly. Through July 2019, we have issued permits for 20 single-family homes, 2 townhomes and 10 manufactured homes. Total residential permit value through July totals $7.4 million. On the commercial side, new permits have been issued for new tenants in the Apple Valley Square Shopping Center and a retail building addition next to Cub Foods. Work is also underway on the expansion of the Apple Valley Transit Station and the Minnesota Zoo is upgrading its Tiger Lair and Aviary exhibits. Through July, new commercial building permit valuation totals in excess of $17.8 million. Combining all permit activity through July, new permit valuation totals approximately $40 million. Added growth in the community also equates to an expansion of our City owned and maintained utility infrastructure. The City Engineer has updated our utility infrastructure statistics as follows: As we still have large tracts of vacant land in the City, we will have infrastructure additions to make in the years to come. Most of the remaining infrastructure additions in the community will occur south of County Road 42 and east of Flagstaff Avenue in the area currently utilized for sand and gravel mining. Planning for the Mixed Business Campus in this area has been and will remain a top goal of the City. City Apple Valley Utility Infrastructure Changes from 2018 thru June 2019 Item Existing As Of 6-30-18 New Additions Through 6-30-19 Total Sanitary Sewer (miles) 200.55 0.02 200.57 Force Main (miles) 3.65 0.0 3.65 Sanitary Manholes (each) 5,607 7 5,614 Water Main (miles) 250.55 0.01 250.56 Valves (each) 3,877 27 3,904 Hydrants (each) 2,492 2 2,494 Storm Sewer (miles) 173.12 0.12 173.24 Storm Sewer Manholes (each) 8,428 41 8,469 Streets (miles) 179.45 0 179.45 Cul de sac (each) 325 0 325 Roundabouts (each) 3 0 3 Water Treatment Plant Capacity (million gallons per day) 24 0 24 Major collector streets anticipated in the Mixed Business Campus area include Johnny Cake Ridge Road from County Road 42 to County Road 46 and the extension of 153rd/155th Street from Flagstaff Avenue to Pilot Knob Road. In addition, major additions to the City’s storm water system are needed in this area, along with an extension of the regional and local trail system. Property values in Apple Valley and across Dakota County are determined annually by the Dakota County Assessor’s Office. They report the following preliminary valuation trends for Apple Valley comparing 2019 and 2020: Taxable Market Value Comparison by Property Classification Preliminary 2019 to 2020 Payable 2019 Payable 2020 % Change Residential $4,495,488,125 $4,848,551,969 7.85% Commercial/Industrial $541,112,800 $552,220,900 2.05% Utility $12,398,500 $12,270,200 -1.03% Agricultural/Rural Vacant $3,272,200 $1,228,500 -62.46% Cabins $275,400 $304,100 10.42% Apartments $498,992,452 $569,782,856 14.19% Personal Property $48,141,300 $48,608,500 0.97% Total $5,599,680,777 $6,032,967,025 7.74% Both Residential and Commercial/Industrial property values in Apple Valley continue to increase. Given current Minnesota tax laws and the fact that the pace of increase is much greater for residential properties relative to commercial/industrial (7.85% vs. 2.05%), the overall tax burden in 2020 will continue to shift from commercial/industrial properties to residential properties. Dakota County also produces a report that measures the percentage change in estimated market value for residential homestead properties from year to year. Apple Valley experienced a 7.09% increase in median home value from 2018 to 2019. This compares with a 9.32% increase from 2017 to 2018. The new median residential homestead value in Apple Valley for 2019 is $278,000, compared to $259,600 in 2018. THE BUDGET PROCESS AND TIMELINE The timeline for the preparation of the City’s 2020 budget follows a timeline established by the State of Minnesota. The first deadline of the budget process this year is September 30, 2019, the date by which the City must adopt its 2020 preliminary property tax levy and preliminary budget. The adoption of the preliminary property tax levy sets the maximum amount permissible. After September 30, the amount may be decreased, but not increased, when the final certified 2020 levy is adopted in December 2019. State law requires that we also by September 30 announce the time and place of a future City Council meeting at which the budget and levy will be discussed and public input allowed, prior to final budget adoption and levy determination. By State law, this public input meeting must occur after November 24 and must start at or after 6:00 p.m. By that same September 30 date, the City must provide the County Auditor with the above information, plus a phone number and address where comments and questions about the City’s budget can be directed. It is our intent to ask the City Council to consider the adoption of the preliminary levy resolution on September 12, 2019. After adoption, we will forward the City’s preliminary levy resolution to Dakota County and they will then prepare parcel specific notices to be sent out to all Apple Valley property taxpayers. Per State law, the County will send the parcel-specific notices out between November 11 and November 24. We are required by State law to adopt our final property tax levy and certify the amount to the County auditor on or before December 28. Apple Valley City Council meetings in December are scheduled for December 12 and 26. Ideally, we would be able to finalize both the budget and tax levy at our December 12 meeting. STATE BUDGET CONDITIONS AND AID DISTRIBUTION The budget outlook for the State of Minnesota remains favorable. The 2019 Legislative Session concluded May 25, 2019, with a balanced budget for the current biennium. A Revenue and Economic Update issued by the Minnesota Office of Management and Budget (MMB) on July 10, 2019, indicated that Minnesota’s net general fund receipts for FY 2019 are now estimated to total $23.393 billion, $636 million (2.8 percent) more than projected in the February 2019 Budget and Economic Forecast. The MMB Update further noted that net tax receipts exceeded the forecast for all major types and that general fund revenues for FY 2019 are now estimated to be 6.1 percent greater than in FY 2018. According to the MMB Update, the current U.S. economic expansion is now the longest on record and the economy is expected to continue to grow, albeit at slower rates. Knowing that the economic expansion will come to an end at some point, it is important that the state have adequate reserves to help weather an economic downturn. The state’s total reserve account is now at nearly $2.5 billion — the most the state has had in savings since at least 1994. The state’s latest adopted $48.3 biennial budget relies on spending surplus tax collections and state savings. Over the next two years, the state plans to tap a projected $1 billion budget surplus and take $412 million from accounts dedicated to health care programs. By 2023, they plan to have spent $514 million more from the health care funds and $491 million from the state rainy day fund. Tapping into the state’s rainy day fund during a period of economic growth weakens the state’s ability to weather a true economic storm, but the approach apparently proved necessary to pass the state budget during the last legislative session. The next full state budget forecast will be released in December 2019. The recently adopted budget also includes an increase in the state’s Local Government Aid (LGA) program which provides financial aid to approximately 90 percent of Minnesota cities. The recently adopted tax bill includes a $26 million increase in LGA for 2020 and another $4 million increase in 2021. That will bring the LGA expenditure for 2021 to about $565 million, the highest it has been since 2002. Unfortunately, the LGA distribution formula continues to exclude Apple Valley and many other metropolitan cities from receiving any LGA funds. Media reports will frequently include reference to the new aid distribution to cities, but readers should be clear that Apple Valley is not a benefactor of the LGA program. Unlike many other states, the vast majority of cities in Minnesota do not receive sales tax revenue from business transactions that occur within their boundaries. Instead, sales tax receipts are collected by the State and are then re-distributed as the State Legislature deems appropriate. This redistribution has taken various forms through the years including the abovementioned LGA program, the Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA) program, and the Market Value Homestead Credit (MVHC) program. Suburban cities like Apple Valley have steadily been excluded from such programs. In the late 1990s/early 2000s, the City of Apple Valley routinely received approximately $3 million in annual State assistance. The last year Apple Valley received LGA, HACA or MVHC was 2010. It should be noted that individual homeowners and renters may be eligible to receive direct property tax relief from the State of Minnesota through their Homestead Credit Refund and Renter’s Property Tax Refund programs. State Mandated PERA Rates As required by law, eligible employees of the City of Apple Valley participate in the State’s Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA). Employee and employer contribution amounts are set by the State. For 2020, employee contributions for coordinated members of the General Employees Plan will remain unchanged at 6.50% of salary and employer contributions for coordinated members of the General Plan will remain unchanged at 7.50% of salary. Certain employees of the City are covered by the PERA Police and Fire (P&F) Plan. Based on the outcome of the 2018 legislative session, employer and employer contribution rates increased in 2019 and will increase again in 2020. Effective January 1, 2020, the employee contribution will increase to 11.80% of salary and the employer contribution will increase to 17.70% of salary. Finally, the state previously provided financial aid to cities to assist in funding (PERA) employer contributions. This aid is scheduled to expire after distributions are made this fall. The net impact on the City of Apple Valley is a loss of approximately $36,000 in 2020. PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY The various components of the approved 2019 and proposed 2020 levy are summarized below. Levy Component 2019 2020 Difference % Change General Fund $21,164,055 $22,047,895 $883,840 4.18% Street Maintenance Program 3,437,000 3,540,000 103,000 3.00% Municipal Building Fund 186,000 192,000 6,000 3.23% Property Tax Delinquencies Allowance 50,000 50,000 0 0.00% Ice Arena Support 121,000 121,000 0 0.00% Debt Service – Voter Approved 993,800 1,016,230 22,430 2.26% Debt Service – All Other Levy 398,145 413,875 15,730 3.95% Total $26,350,000 $27,381,000 $1,031,000 3.91% The total levy for 2020 is proposed to be $27,381,000 up 3.91% or $1,031,000 over 2019. At this levy amount, the median-valued home in Apple Valley valued at $278,000 will see the City’s share of their annual property tax bill increase $61.27 or $5.11 per month. The total City property tax on this median home is projected to increase 6.02% going from $1,018 in 2019 to approximately $1,079 in 2020. This impact is consistent with the financial analysis presented by Finance Director Ron Hedberg at our annual Goal Setting Session held in early 2019. Additional details are provided on page 5 of the budget document. The 2020 property tax levy continues the strategy begun in 2013 by increasing the property tax levy to fund the increase in the street maintenance program. The City’s decision to fund future road reconstruction projects through the General Fund as opposed to levying special assessments against benefitting properties is unique and farsighted. In essence, the City’s property tax rate will be higher than many of our neighboring cities going forward, but our citizens will not need to worry about receiving large, unexpected special assessments for road work in the future. It is important that we routinely remind our citizens of this unique and affordable approach to road reconstruction. Given the importance of this topic, the Road Improvement Fund will be further discussed in greater detail later in this memo. BUDGET ORGANIZATION The City currently administers over 74 individual funds in various categories such as general, debt service, capital projects, proprietary funds and special revenue. The draft 2020/2021 City Budget includes some, but not all, of these funds. While each fund is important, the primary fund that affects many of the City’s daily operations is the General Fund. As is our custom, the majority of the budget document, and the majority of this budget message, will focus on revenues and expenditures related to the General Fund. The City also operates many proprietary or enterprise functions, which are accounted for in their own funds, such as Water, Sewer, Storm Water, Golf Course, Sport Arenas, Cemetery and Liquor Operations. In addition to the General Fund and proprietary funds, the budget includes a number of other funds: Road Improvement Fund, Equipment Certificate Fund, Future Capital Projects Fund, Cable Television Joint Powers, the Municipal Building Fund and the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund (VERF), an internal service fund. Notable changes in these non-General Fund accounts are also included in this budget message. GENERAL FUND OVERVIEW Revenue Estimates As the largest fund in our financial reporting system, our ability to accurately estimate the yearly revenues of the General Fund is very important. General Fund revenues are depicted in the following pie charts. The first chart shows the various sources of General Fund revenues for 2019. The second chart shows the various sources anticipated in the budget for 2020. We anticipate raising $35,385,705 in General Fund revenue for 2020, which is an increase of 3.99% compared to 2019. Of note, approximately 8.7% of this revenue increase is directly related to increased development activity in the City. The 2020 revenue amount is comprised of a number of revenue sources. Similar to years past, the largest source of revenue for the General Fund is the property tax. The remainder of the General Fund revenue is generated by sources such as licenses, lease income, permits, fees, service charges, park operations, transfers and other revenues. As noted above, the General Fund receives no revenue from State programs, such as Local Government Aid. Taxes 73% Franchise Fees & Other Taxes 2%Licenses & Permits 5% State Police & Fire Relief Aid 2%Park & Rec Chgs & Rents 4% Other Charges for Services & Rents 5% Fines & Penalties 1% Other Revenues 1%Transfers In, Admin Charges & Reserves 7% General Fund Revenues 2019 Adopted $34,029,360 Expenditure Estimates Within the General Fund, we can categorize our operations into three broad categories: personnel services, commodities/other and capital outlay. As the name implies, personnel services accounts for the salaries, insurance costs, mandated withholdings and retirement costs of our most important organizational assets, our employees. Staffing decisions directly affect our ability to deliver customer service and meet expectations. The proposed budget includes the addition of several General Fund staff positions over the next two years. These include a Police Officer, a Communications/Media Specialist and a Streets Division Maintenance Operator. A Utilities Maintenance Operator is also included in the Utilities Division. Given our aging public infrastructure, the overall growth of the community and our commitment to providing our residents with timely information, all of the identified positions are highly desirable and will enable us meet the needs of our community. Through the budget review process, staff will present additional information on each recommended position. Commodities/other department expenditures in the General Fund include expenditures for consultant fees, repairs, utility costs, training, supplies, etc. A significant and growing expenditure within the General Fund relates to addressing Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). This invasive pest is now prevalent in Minnesota and will eventually kill most, if not all, ash trees in our urban forest. Costs associated with combatting EAB are found in the Natural Resources (page 159)and Streets Maintenance (page 175) divisions. In 2019, we budgeted $133,000 to address EAB. Based on the ever-increasing workload of dealing with dying ash trees, the recommended investment for 2020 is $290,000 and for 2021 is $334,650. Taxes 73% Franchise Fees & Other Taxes 2% Licenses & Permits 5%State Police & Fire Relief Aid 2% Park & Rec Chgs & Rents 4% Other Charges for Services & Rents 5%Fines & Penalties 1% Other Revenues 1% Transfers In, Admin Charges & Reserves 7% General Fund Revenues 2020 Proposed $35,385,705 Capital outlay expenditures are for those items deemed more durable and having a life span generally in excess of five years. Because they tend to be more expensive and irregular, the City has adopted strategies to better enable us to plan and execute capital purchases. Specifically, the City has implemented the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund, the Future Capital Projects Fund and Municipal Building Fund to help eliminate major peaks and valleys of the capital cycle and to help ensure that we can adequately cover equipment and facility needs. All three funds are discussed in greater detail below. A summary of budgeted General Fund expenditures from 2019 to 2020 is as follows: 2019 Adopted 2020 Proposed Difference % Change Personnel Services $20,976,418 $22,297,650 $1,321,232 6.30% Commodities/Other 7,869,942 8,038,235 168,293 2.14% Capital Outlay 1,560,010 1,317,820 (242,190) -15.52% Transfer to Road Improvement Fund 3,437,000 3,540,000 103,000 3.00% Transfer to Municipal Building Fund 186,000 192,000 6,000 3.23% General Fund Total $34,029,370 $35,385,705 $1,356,335 3.99% General fund expenses are described in detail beginning on page 33 of the budget book. OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS/ ENTERPRISE FUNDS OVERVIEW The City maintains a number of other funds which are essential to our operations. Beginning on page 257 of your budget book, these various funds are described in detail. Highlights from these various funds are provided below. Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund The Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund (VERF) was created in 2014 to provide a funding mechanism for the systematic replacement of vehicles in the City’s fleet. The goal of the fund is to have sufficient cash flow to fund annual equipment purchases without the need to borrow through equipment certificates, and to stabilize budgeting for major equipment purchases. The revenue source for the VERF includes an annual inter-fund charge to the participating departments, proceeds from trade-ins and equipment sales for those items covered by the program, and the addition of interest earnings. Over the course of time, we have been moving various department vehicle purchases into the VERF. All General Fund departments are now fully integrated into the VERF program and, as such, each of these departments will now see a consistent, annual expense in their budget necessary to incrementally accumulate the funds necessary to fund their future vehicle and equipment replacement costs. Total VERF Inter-fund charges for 2020 are projected to be $1,117,970 and charges for 2021 are projected to be $1,325,230. More information can be found on page 291. Future Capital Projects Fund The Future Capital Projects Fund (FCPF) exists to help accumulate funds necessary for the future acquisition, construction or replacement of City capital assets. Currently, the fund is being used to support the City’s street reconstruction program and various expenditures through the Municipal Building Fund. Details on the FCPF are provided beginning on page 275. Municipal Building Fund The Municipal Building Fund provides a financing mechanism for the systematic improvement of municipal buildings and facilities. The goal of the fund is to have sufficient cash flow to fund annual purchases and to stabilize budgeting for these building improvement expenditures. The revenue source for the fund includes an annual transfer from the General Fund and a transfer from the FCPF in an amount approximately equal to the prior year’s interest earnings experienced in the FCPF. The City currently owns in excess of 80 buildings ranging in size from pump houses to the Municipal Center. As these facilities age, the capital needs associated with the replacement of key building components and various site amenities, such as parking lots, will increase. We anticipate $378,500 in capital improvements in 2020, followed by $962,900 in improvements in 2021. Details can be found starting on page 295. Road Improvement Fund The Road Improvement Fund provides for a consolidated source of funding for City street improvements. Street improvements under this activity include new street construction, street resurfacing (overlay), pavement preservation (micro surfacing and seal coating) and traffic signal improvements. This is an area of high importance and significant investment for the City as we seek to proactively maintain the overall pavement condition of our streets. Revenue for the fund is primarily derived from a portion of the property tax levy and is anticipated to be $3,540,000 and $3,664,000 in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Other funding sources are transfers from the City’s utility funds to cover water, sanitary, storm sewer and street light improvements associated with identified road reconstruction projects, the Municipal State Aid (MSA) contribution derived from the State’s motor fuel tax, Special Assessments for new road alignments, and revenue from other units of government. In 2020, the Road Improvement Fund is recommending the investment of approximately $12.9 million in projects throughout the City, most notably the residential street reconstruction of Cimarron Road Phase 1 and Garden View Drive from County Road 42 to Whitney Drive, as well as access improvements in the 147th and Glazier Avenue area. In 2021, the Road Improvement Fund is proposed to support approximately $9.1 million in projects including residential street reconstruction in the Cimarron Road Phase 2 (Surrey Trail) neighborhood. Details can be found beginning on page 279. EDA Operations Fund The Apple Valley Economic Development Authority Fund exists to support economic and business development activities as they may arise. For 2020 and 2021, the fund is proposed to support our continued involvement with GREATER MSP, the regional economic development organization that fosters business development within the Twin Cities. In addition, the continuation of the Open for Business program, sponsored by the Dakota County Community Development Authority and the Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers, is also proposed for both years. It is also proposed that we continue to work with Uponor to develop relationships with other Nordic companies to attract them to locate within our business park, creating both jobs and tax-base. Further details are provided on page 283. Municipal Liquor Operation The City’s three liquor stores continue to exercise appropriate control over the sale of off-sale liquor within the City. Gross and net profit margins consistently surpass other municipal liquor operations in the metropolitan area, and according to the latest information published by the State Auditor’s Office, the Apple Valley Municipal Liquor Operation ranks fifth in in the State in terms of annual gross sales. Continued residential growth in the community has been beneficial to our operations with projected sales at Store #3, the area experiencing the most residential growth, increasing five percent for 2020. The only notable capital items are the addition of three door coolers at Stores #1 and #3. Details regarding the liquor operation budget can be found beginning on page 299. To the benefit of all taxpayers, our liquor operations also provide a significant transfer to the City’s General Fund each year. Recent and proposed expenditures supported by the liquor fund include: Annual Municipal Liquor Store Transfers Support the Community Year Amount Expenditures Supported by Annual Transfer 2012 $525,000 Five Police Squad Cars and Parks & Recreation Activities 2013 $525,000 Four Police Squad Cars and Parks & Recreation Activities 2014 $600,000 Two Snow Plow Trucks, Five Police Squad Cars and Parks & Recreation Activities 2015 $600,000 Six Police Squad Cars, Snow Plow Truck and Parks & Recreation Activities 2016 $630,000 Fire Engine (Pumper), One Police Squad Car and Parks & Recreation Activities 2017 $630,000 Fire Command Van, Police Squad Car, Parks Tractor/Snowplow and Parks & Recreation Activities 2018 $630,000 Fire Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus, Fire Rescue Response Truck, Three Police Vehicles and Parks & Recreation Activities 2019 $660,000 Fire Thermal Imagers, Three Police Vehicles, 800Mhz Radios and Parks and Recreation Activities 2020 Proposed $660,000 Seven Police Vehicles, Fire Dept. Hydraulic Rescue Tools, 800Mhz Radios and Parks and Recreation Activities 2021 Proposed $680,000 Six Police Vehicles, Fire Dept. Ladder Truck, 800Mhz Radios and Parks and Recreation Activities As our liquor operations expand and prosper, we have been able to steadily increase the amount of the annual transfer to the General Fund. In fact, by the end of 2021 the total amount of the transfer over the 19-year time period will exceed $10.2 million. The history of our recent Liquor Fund transfers is as follows: Valleywood Golf Course Valleywood Golf Course continues to provide a quality recreation amenity for the community. As a seasonal, weather-dependent operation, the number of rounds of play on the course will vary from year to year. Fortunately, the golf course opened earlier in 2019 than in 2018 and overall revenues are running approximately $50,000 higher than the 2018 year. Earlier in 2018, the City entered into an operational partnership with the Roasted Pear restaurant to handle food and beverage operations at the clubhouse. This fall we anticipate an increase in the number of event rentals at the facility. These include weddings, corporate rentals, non-golf sports teams and non-profit groups. Valleywood staff will continue to evaluate revenue options, including adjustments to the season pass program, to help improve the financial performance of the golf course. A looming capital expense at the course involves the underground irrigation system. The system is original to the course, and is in need of replacement. In 2019, a consultant has been engaged to begin planning for the eventual replacement project. Also in 2019, a special work group has been created to update Valleywood’s business plan to improve the financial operations of the course and clubhouse. It is anticipated the group will complete its work by the end of 2019. Recognizing the importance of maintaining the playing conditions at Valleywood, during 2019 it is recommended that we replace several pieces of aging maintenance equipment. A detailed description of the proposed Valleywood budget can be found beginning on page 317. Sport Arenas The Sports Arena attached to Apple Valley High School is a successful collaboration between the City and ISD196. The School District pays half of the operating costs associated with the facility. In 2019, the 40+ year old ice refrigeration plant at the Sports Arena replacement project will be completed in time for the fall 2019 season. In 2020 and 2021, windows, doors and the scoreboard will be replaced at the Sports Arena. Half of these capital cost will be funded by ISD196. $235,000$285,000$390,000$400,000$440,000$440,000$440,000$440,000$485,000$525,000$525,000$525,000$600,000$600,000$630,000$630,000$630,000$660,000$660,000$680,00020022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021Actual and Proposed Annual Transfers from Liquor Fund to General Fund Totals $10,220,000 Since 2002 The Hayes Ice Arena is an important facility on the Apple Valley Hayes Park campus where youth and adults are provided ice and dry floor rental opportunities. A new ice resurfacer and cooling tower improvements are planned for 2020. For 2021, staff is requesting the replacement of the artificial turf and sound system. Detailed budget information on the arenas can be found beginning on page 335. Cable Television Cable Television services are provided through a joint powers agreement with the Cities of Farmington and Rosemount. There are also certain cable-related expenses which are specific to Apple Valley alone. With the adoption of the new franchise agreement with Charter Communications, revenues derived from Public, Education, Government (PEG) fees are now restricted to capital items only. As a result, multiple cable-related funds have been established to accurately account for all PEG supported expenditures. These various cable-related funds begin on page 257. Water Utility Fund The Water Utility Fund begins on page 351. As Council is aware, we are well underway in our effort to replace all water meters in the City through a multi-year, multi-million dollar project. We also have on the schedule the rehabilitation of various wells and reservoirs in the next few years, along with water utility costs associated with our annual street reconstruction program. To sustain the operations within this utility and help fund the water meter replacement program, water rates are proposed to increase by five percent in 2020 and 2021. Sanitary Sewer Fund The Sanitary Sewer Fund begins on page 365. Notable sanitary sewer projects in 2020 and 2021 include the replacement of sanitary sewer lines associated with street reconstruction projects in various residential areas. To sustain operations within this utility, sanitary sewer rates are proposed to increase by five percent in 2020 and 2021. Stormwater Utility The City continues to make progress in improving its stormwater management system in accordance with state and federal requirements. This effort includes adherence to State Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements and managing various lakes subject to Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements. To ensure regional coordination, the City also continues to actively participate in both the Blackdog River Watershed District and the Vermillion River Joint Powers Organization. Road reconstruction work in the Cimarron Road area in 2020 and 2021 presents an opportunity to improve stormwater management practices in this area. Given the growing demands on this utility, stormwater utility water rates are proposed to increase by ten percent in 2020 and 2021. Further details can be found beginning on page 375. Street Light Utility This fund accounts for the more than 3,600 street lights that are in operation within the City. The vast majority of street lights in the City are owned and maintained by Dakota Electric under a fixed-rate program with the City. The City owns and maintains a number of street lights in the downtown area and also on sections of 147th Street and Flagstaff Avenue. In pursuit of greater energy efficiency, the City is incrementally upgrading from inefficient high pressure sodium street lights to LED lights which are much more efficient. Street light utility charges are proposed to increase three percent in 2020 and 2021. Further details can be found beginning on page 385. Notes: CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2020 PROPOSED BUDGETS AND TAX LEVY WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the proposed 2020 operating budget on August 22nd as set forth in Exhibit A of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to adopt the operating budgets for management purposes; and thereby establishing a maximum tax levy for 2020; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Statutes require the certification of the Proposed Budget and Tax Levy for taxes payable in 2020 by September 30, 2019, to the County Auditor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley that revenue and expenditure budgets for 2020 shall be as noted in Exhibit A of this Resolution and as supported by the detailed document, as revised. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council that the 2020 scheduled levy for the 2013A GO Refunding Bonds is hereby reduced by $580,350 to reflect available resources and current needs to meet the payable 2020 debt service requirements on 2013A GO Refunding Bonds; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council that the following proposed sums of money be levied for the current year, collectible in 2019, upon the taxable property in the City of Apple Valley for the following purposes: General Purposes: $22,289,895 Annual Street Maintenance Program 3,540,000 Ice Arena support 121,000 Debt Levy: Market Value Based Debt Levy: GO. Refunding Bonds 2013A 344,650 GO Refunding Bonds 2015B 671,580 1,016,230 Tax Capacity Based Debt Levy: GO Equipment Certificates 2015 133,875 GO Equipment Certificates 2012 128,000 GO. Equipment Certificates 2014 152,000 413,875 $ 27,381,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor of Dakota County, Minnesota. ADOPTED this 12th day of September, 2019. 1 Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk CERTIFICATE I, Pamela Gackstetter, City Clerk, hereby certify that the above resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, on the date above indicated. ________________________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk 2 City of Apple Valley Property Tax levy History 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 GENERAL LEVIES General Fund 19,389,555 19,893,070 20,772,125 21,350,055 22,239,895 23,557,336 Annual Street Maintenance Program 3,028,200 3,332,100 3,417,000 3,437,000 3,540,000 3,664,000 Ice Arena Support 121,000 121,000 121,000 121,000 121,000 121,000 Delinquency allowance 150,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 TOTAL GENERAL LEVIES 22,688,755 23,446,170 24,360,125 24,958,055 25,950,895 27,392,336 DEBT LEVIES Equipment Certificates: Eq Cert of 2010 Refunding 2010a - Equip cert of 2012 - $900,000 180,000 181,000 125,000 127,000 128,000 128,000 2014 equip cert 120,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 152,000 - 2015 Equip Cert 2015B 133,245 130,830 133,665 131,145 133,875 - 2018 Ameresco Energy Efficiency Project Debt Levy 95,000 - - - 433,245 431,830 483,665 398,145 413,875 128,000 General Obligation Bonds (Market Value based) Park Bonds of 2011 91,000 92,000 - - - - Park Bonds of 2007 - $6,400,000 425,000 435,000 - - - - Park Bonds of 2008 - $6,685,000 420,000 435,000 - - - - GO Bonds of 2013 A (refunded portions of 2007 & 2008)- - 344,650 347,150 2013a - 2007 Portion 174,025 172,650 - - 2013a - 2008 Portion 170,805 174,770 - - 2015b -2007 Portion 234,675 251,475 262,605 273,420 2015b -2008 Portion 253,995 270,480 286,545 307,440 2015b -2011 Portion 115,710 124,425 122,430 120,435 Total G.O. MV Based 936,000 962,000 949,210 993,800 1,016,230 1,048,445 TOTAL DEBT LEVY 1,369,245 1,393,830 1,432,875 1,391,945 1,430,105 1,176,445 TOTAL LEVY 24,058,000 24,840,000 25,793,000 26,350,000 27,381,000 28,568,781 Increase in Net Levy 3.99% 3.25% 3.84% 2.16% 3.91% 4.34% City of Apple Valley Allocation of Total Property Tax levy and Property Taxes Available for General Fund 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Gross Levy:24,058,000 24,840,000 25,793,000 26,350,000 27,381,000 28,568,781 Less Delinquency allowance (150,000) (100,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) Less MVHC provided to residents - - - - - - Property Tax Levy Available for Operations 23,908,000 24,740,000 25,743,000 26,300,000 27,331,000 28,518,781 - - - - - Less Amounts allocated to other funds - - - - - Fire Relief - - - - - - Ice Arena Support (121,000) (121,000) (121,000) (121,000) (121,000) (121,000) Annual Street Maintenance Program Less Amounts for Debt Service Equipment Certificates;(433,245) (431,830) (483,665) (398,145) (413,875) (128,000) Ice Arena Bonds Special Assessment Bonds - - - - - - Market Value based Park & Cemetery Bonds (936,000) (962,000) (949,210) (993,800) (1,016,230) (1,048,445) - - - - - Amounts of Levy for General Fund 22,417,755 23,225,170 24,189,125 24,787,055 25,779,895 27,221,336 3 City of Apple Valley Tax Capacity & Tax Extension Rate Calculation 12/8/2016 7/5/2018 3/1/2019 7/29/2019 9/9/2019 2016 2017 2018 FINAL 2019 FINAL 2020 2020 FINAL 2016 FINAL 2017 FINAL 2018 FINAL 2019 PRELIM 2020 (prior to County TIF Values) PRELIM 2020 (With County TIF Values) A. REFERENDA Market Value (1000's)4,694,056 4,890,750 5,280,179 5,781,638 6,184,821 6,178,805 4.74%4.19%7.96%9.13%6.97%6.87% B. VALUES 1. Value 50,578,728 52,809,471 57,270,236 62,864,517 67,086,172 67,312,273 2. Fiscal Disp Loss (4,188,782)(4,278,476) (4,243,281) (4,548,509) (4,655,980) (4,655,980) 3. Tax Increment (946,637)(1,440,671) (1,971,790) (2,528,210) (3,068,000) (2,961,036) MV Exclusion 4. RATE VALUE 45,443,309 47,090,324 51,055,165 55,787,798 59,362,192 59,695,257 5. Fiscal Disp Gain 6,183,653 6,564,270 7,101,309 7,682,103 8,200,338 8,220,985 6. Value With FD 51,626,962 53,654,594 58,156,474 63,469,901 67,562,530 67,916,242 C. TAX DOLLARS 1. Fiscal Disp Adjustment 2,799,587 2,935,607 3,158,165 3,262,973 3,247,519 3,255,757 2. HACA Aid 3. City Levy 20,322,413 20,942,393 21,685,625 22,093,227 23,117,251 23,109,013 4. Tax Levies - Gross 23,122,000 23,878,000 24,843,790 25,356,200 26,364,770 26,364,770 D. RATES 1. Fiscal (C1/B5)45.274%44.721% 44.473% 42.475% 39.602% 39.603% 2. City Levy (C3/B4)44.720%44.473% 42.475% 39.602% 38.943% 38.712% 0 E. MARKET VALUE DOLLAR/RATE 1. City Dollar Levy 936,000 962,000 949,210 993,800 1,016,230 1,016,230 2. City Rate (E1/A)0.01994%0.01967% 0.01798% 0.01719% 0.01643% 0.01645% Tax Capacity Levy 23,122,000 23,878,000 24,843,790 25,356,200 26,364,770 26,364,770 MV Levy 936,000 962,000 949,210 993,800 1,016,230 1,016,230 24,058,000 24,840,000 25,793,000 26,350,000 27,381,000 27,381,000 3.99%3.25%3.84%2.16%3.91%3.91% RECONCILIATION OF TAX DOLLARS GENERATED - Pay 2020 tax capacity based MV based total Tax Dollars Generated Target Tax Cap Ext rate 38.712% 0.016447% total Tax Capacity (excluded TCV contributed to FD pool & & TIF Captured 59,695,257 6,178,805,000 Gross tax Dollars generated 23,109,013 1,016,230 24,125,243 Add Fiscal Disparity distribution rec'd from pool 3,255,757 3,255,757 26,364,770 1,016,230 27,381,000 UPDATED FOR  NEW COUNTY VALUES & FISCAL DISPARITY AMOUNTS Tax Capacity 2020 prelim 9-12-19 4 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY EST. PROPERTY TAXES - PAYABLE 2020 CITY PORTION OF TAXES ONLY 9/12/2019 TAX IMPACT FOR PROPERTY WITH VALUE INCREASING 7.09% (the median increase for AV) Year 2019 2020 City Change New Market Value Exclusion New Market Value Exclusion 19 to '20 Market Value 259,600 277,700 6.97% Market Value - Exclusion MV (13,876)(12,247) Taxable MV 245,724 265,453 8.03% Tax Capacity 2457 2655 Tax Capacity Rates: City 39.602%38.712% City Ref.0.01719%0.01645% Total Property Taxes: City 973.03 1,027.79 54.76 City Ref.44.62 45.67 1.05 Total 1,017.65 1,073.46 55.81$ Operation 5.38% Debt 0.10% Total 5.48% TAX IMPACT FOR PROPERTY WITH VALUE INCREASING 2.08% (=TMV 2.4% incr.) =ZERO TAX INCREASE Year 2019 2020 City Change New Market Value Exclusion New Market Value Exclusion 19 to '20 Market Value 259,600 265,000 2.08% Market Value - Exclusion MV (13,876)(13,390) Taxable MV 245,724 251,610 2.40% Tax Capacity 2457 2516 Tax Capacity Rates: City 39.602%38.712% City Ref.0.01719%0.01645% Total Property Taxes: City 973.03 973.98 0.95 City Ref.44.62 43.58 (1.04) Total 1,017.65 1,017.56 (0.09)$ Operation 0.09% Debt -0.10% Total -0.01% TAX IMPACT FOR PROPERTY WITH VALUE INCREASING 8.68% (= TMV 10.0% incr.) Year 2019 2020 City Change New Market Value Exclusion ew Market Value Exclusio 19 to '20 Market Value 259,600 282,133 8.68% Market Value - Exclusion MV (13,876)(11,848) Taxable MV 245,724 270,285 10.00% Tax Capacity 2457 2703 Tax Capacity Rates: City 39.602%38.712% City Ref.0.01719%0.01645% Total Property Taxes: City 973.03 1,046.38 73.35 City Ref.44.62 46.40 1.78 Total 1,017.65 1,092.78 75.13$ Operation 7.21% Debt 0.17% Total 7.38% 5 Notes: 6 ALL FUNDS BUDGET SUMMARY 7 Notes: 8 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 2020 Operating Budget Summary Exhibit A Total Other Total Budgeted Budgeted General Funds Enterprise Funds Revenues:Fund 2020 Funds 2020 General property taxes - Current $25,779,895 $ - 121,000 $25,900,895 General property taxes - Mobile home 36,000 - - 36,000 General property tax- Delinq Net 50,000 - 50,000 Property tax- Current & Delq Net 25,865,895$ -$ 121,000$ 25,986,895$ Franchise & other taxes 661,600 221,000 - 882,600 Special assessments 14,000 250,000 - 264,000 Licenses 195,175 - - 195,175 Permits 1,559,700 - - 1,559,700 Intergovernmental 956,250 3,071,500 444,000 4,471,750 Charges for services 2,402,910 162,168 25,963,100 28,528,178 Fines and penalties 299,500 - - 299,500 Investment earnings 200,000 190,001 279,000 669,001 Other Revenues 128,230 76,007 205,500 409,737 Rentals 707,245 246,600 - 953,845 Admin Charges to other funds 1,010,200 1,202,820 - 2,213,020 Subtotal before transfers & debt 34,000,705 5,420,096 27,012,600 66,433,401 Debt Issued - - - - Transfers In 1,385,000 10,688,168 - 12,073,168 Total revenues 35,385,705 16,108,264 27,012,600 78,506,569 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 16,749,325 216,895 3,454,140 20,420,360 Social Security (FICA & Medicare)852,900 16,595 261,180 1,130,675 PERA 1,741,260 16,225 232,900 1,990,385 Provided Insurance 2,332,535 48,200 488,130 2,868,865 Other Benefits (Work Comp,etc)621,630 1,000 107,845 730,475 Total Personal Service 22,297,650 298,915 4,544,195 27,140,760 Supplies 1,379,518 5,245 529,995 1,914,758 Contractural Services 3,503,266 114,190 1,225,883 4,843,339 Utilities 582,259 33,050 777,633 1,392,942 Repairs & Maintenance 414,157 37,250 487,918 939,325 Travel, Training, Dues 616,560 21,450 103,930 741,940 Other Expenditures 1,473,975 8,920 4,344,518 5,827,413 Miscellaneous - - 226,500 226,500 Items for Resale 68,500 - 7,618,890 7,687,390 Capital Outlay 1,317,820 15,893,450 10,067,050 27,278,320 Depreciation - 1,029,250 4,600,400 5,629,650 Admin Fees - - 817,000 817,000 Debt Service - - 891,875 891,875 Subtotal before transfers 31,653,705 17,441,720 36,235,787 85,331,212 Transfers Out 3,732,000 285,250 1,385,000 5,402,250 Total expenditures 35,385,705 17,726,970 37,620,787 90,733,462 Revenues over (under) expenditures - (1,618,706) (10,608,187) (12,226,893) 9 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 2020 Operating Budget Summary - Other Governmental Funds Exhibit A Other Funds Other Funds Total Other Cable TV Cable TV Cable TV Cable TV Future Road EDA Education Municipal Vehicle Budgeted Joint Powers Special Rev. Special Rev. Capital Projects Capital Improvement Operations Building Building Replacement Funds Revenues:Fund PEG Fund Non-PEG Fund Fund Projects Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 2020 General property taxes - Current $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - General property taxes - Mobile home - - - - - - - - - - General property tax- Delinq Net - Property tax- Current & Delq Net -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Franchise & other taxes - 71,000 150,000 - - - - - - - 221,000 Special assessments - - - - - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 Licenses - - - - - - - - - - - Permits - - - - - - - - - - - Intergovernmental - - - - - 3,071,500 - - - - 3,071,500 Charges for services 162,168 - - - - - - - - - 162,168 Fines and penalties - - - - - - - - - - - Investment earnings 1,500 1,500 500 - 163,000 - 400 3,732 8,300 11,069 190,001 Other Revenues - - - - 7,007 - - - - 69,000 76,007 Rentals - - - - - - - 246,600 - - 246,600 Admin Charges to other funds - - - - - - 50,000 - - 1,152,820 1,202,820 Subtotal before transfers & debt 163,668 72,500 150,500 - 170,007 3,321,500 50,400 250,332 8,300 1,232,889 5,420,096 Debt Issued - - - - - - - - - - - Transfers In 162,168 - - - 500,000 9,622,000 - - 404,000 - 10,688,168 Total revenues 325,836 72,500 150,500 0 670,007 12,943,500 50,400 250,332 412,300 1,232,889 16,108,264 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 216,360 - - - 535 216,895 Social Security (FICA & Medicare)16,550 - - - 45 16,595 PERA 16,225 - - - 16,225 Provided Insurance 48,200 - - - 48,200 Other Benefits (Work Comp,etc)1,000 - - - 1,000 Total Personal Service 298,335 - - - - - 580 - - - 298,915 Supplies 4,000 - 1,195 - - - - 50 - - 5,245 Contractural Services 4,700 - 12,500 - - - 8,000 88,990 - - 114,190 Utilities - - - - - - - 33,050 - - 33,050 Repairs & Maintenance 6,000 - 1,800 - - - - 29,450 - - 37,250 Travel, Training, Dues 8,800 - - - - - 12,650 - - - 21,450 Other Expenditures 2,500 - - - - - - 6,420 - - 8,920 Miscellaneous - - - - - - - - - - - Items for Resale - - - - - - - - - - - Capital Outlay - 58,750 - 30,000 1,550,000 12,943,500 - 100,000 378,500 832,700 15,893,450 Depreciation - - - - - - - - - 1,029,250 1,029,250 Admin Fees - - - - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - - - - - Subtotal before transfers 324,335 58,750 15,495 30,000 1,550,000 12,943,500 21,230 257,960 378,500 1,861,950 17,441,720 Transfers Out - 5,250 78,000 - 202,000 - - - - - 285,250 324,335 64,000 93,495 30,000 1,752,000 12,943,500 21,230 257,960 378,500 1,861,950 17,726,970 1,501 8,500 57,005 (30,000) (1,081,993) - 29,170 (7,628) 33,800 (629,061) (1,618,706) 10 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 2020 Operating Budget Summary - Enterprise Funds Exhibit A Enterprise Funds Total Valleywood Water Sports Storm Street Enterprise Liquor Golf Course & Sewer Arena Drainage Light Cemetery Funds Revenues: Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Utility Fund 2020 General property taxes - Current $ - $ - $ - $121,000 $ - $ - $121,000 General property taxes - Mobile home $ - - General property tax- Delinq Net - - - - - - - Property tax- Current & Delq Net -$ -$ -$ 121,000$ -$ -$ -$ 121,000$ Franchise & other taxes - - - - - - - - Special assessments - - - - - - - - Licenses - . - - - - - - Permits - - - - - - - - Intergovernmental - - - 200,000 244,000 - - 444,000 Charges for services 9,959,000 1,204,000 11,413,000 581,500 2,075,000 550,000 180,600 25,963,100 Fines and penalties - - - - - - - - Investment earnings 40,000 - 200,000 - 34,000 1,000 4,000 279,000 Other Revenues - - 180,000 18,500 5,000 - 2,000 205,500 Rentals - - - - - - - - Admin Charges to other funds - - - - - - - - Subtotal before transfers & debt 9,999,000 1,204,000 11,793,000 921,000 2,358,000 551,000 186,600 27,012,600 Debt Issued - - - - - - - - Transfers In - - - - - - - - Total revenues 9,999,000 1,204,000 11,793,000 921,000 2,358,000 551,000 186,600 27,012,600 Expenditures: Wages & Salaries 866,665 585,980 1,469,460 305,955 220,330 3,000 2,750 3,454,140 Social Security (FICA & Medicare)66,305 44,830 109,580 23,405 16,855 - 205 261,180 PERA 65,000 30,325 104,355 16,490 16,525 - 205 232,900 Provided Insurance 92,330 65,790 276,885 35,180 17,945 - - 488,130 Other Benefits (Work Comp,etc)33,920 14,600 44,105 6,245 8,760 - 215 107,845 1,124,220 741,525 2,004,385 387,275 280,415 3,000 3,375 4,544,195 - - - - - - Supplies 21,650 133,500 265,445 28,900 51,970 14,780 13,750 529,995 Contractural Services 41,065 52,200 485,755 33,750 512,825 55,200 45,088 1,225,883 Utilities 56,480 54,500 441,800 147,100 72,800 2,153 2,800 777,633 Repairs & Maintenance 40,168 21,500 329,340 42,500 54,000 - 410 487,918 Travel, Training, Dues 13,530 7,250 46,545 7,750 13,115 7,000 8,740 103,930 Other Expenditures 270,540 31,850 3,945,230 37,235 19,950 21,500 18,213 4,344,518 Miscellaneous 151,500 20,000 54,000 1,000 - - - 226,500 Items for Resale 7,070,890 57,000 55,000 16,000 - 420,000 - 7,618,890 Capital Outlay 22,500 107,000 6,596,800 288,750 2,717,000 80,000 255,000 10,067,050 Depreciation 142,800 179,000 3,107,000 152,100 1,000,000 - 19,500 4,600,400 Admin Fees - - 447,000 - 370,000 - - 817,000 Debt Service - 8,950 674,225 - 208,700 - - 891,875 Subtotal before transfers 8,955,343 1,414,275 18,452,525 1,142,360 5,300,775 603,633 366,876 36,235,787 Transfers Out 660,000 - 725,000 - - - - 1,385,000 Total expenditures 9,615,343 1,414,275 19,177,525 1,142,360 5,300,775 603,633 366,876 37,620,787 Revenues over (under) expenditure 383,657 (210,275) (7,384,525) (221,360) (2,942,775) (52,633) (180,276) (10,608,187) Addback: Principal Portion Debt Service inc above - 400,000 - 170,000 - 570,000 Capital outlay above - not an expense 22,500 107,000 6,596,800 288,750 2,717,000 80,000 255,000 10,067,050 Net Income 406,157 (103,275) (387,725)67,390 (55,775)27,367 74,724 28,863 11 Notes: 12 2020 GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET SUMMARY 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2018 Adopted 2019 Adopted 2020 Proposed 2021 Proposed Tax Revenue 22,541,746$ 23,335,830$ 24,390,777$ 24,273,125$ 24,871,055$ 25,865,895$ 27,308,336$ Other Taxes 94,976 89,419 50,380 103,900 105,600 96,600 96,700 Franchise Fees 490,000 515,245 515,000 515,000 515,000 565,000 565,000 Special Assessments 6,939 2,712 496 14,000 14,000 14,000 - Licenses 193,803 213,022 200,969 176,780 194,460 195,175 195,175 Permits 1,858,749 3,028,270 2,053,296 1,327,930 1,457,200 1,559,700 1,555,400 Intergovernmental Revenue 806,909 831,907 881,315 864,255 846,250 956,250 959,460 Charges for Service - Recreation 1,067,581 960,237 1,060,966 1,066,300 1,089,700 1,104,700 1,112,600 Charges for Service - General Government 650,071 717,509 881,620 1,066,810 1,043,810 1,058,810 1,089,810 Charges for Service - Public Safety 222,286 221,332 250,476 237,265 236,200 239,400 249,100 Rentals Park / Rec Facilities 223,305 210,724 239,323 180,500 232,600 237,600 250,000 Rentals Other 476,249 493,486 536,925 468,140 468,885 469,645 470,400 Fines & Penalties 273,588 315,770 302,748 279,500 279,500 299,500 300,000 Other Revenues 348,862 197,968 372,502 302,500 324,400 328,230 338,100 Admin charge to other funds 798,500 1,066,379 893,450 962,650 985,700 1,010,200 1,036,700 Transfer In 1,281,000 1,300,500 1,317,600 1,317,600 1,365,000 1,385,000 1,427,000 31,334,564$ 33,500,310$ 33,947,843$ 33,156,255$ 34,029,360$ 35,385,705$ 36,953,781$ Taxes 73% Franchise Fees &  Other Taxes 2%Licenses &  Permits 5% State Police &  Fire Relief Aid 2% Park & Rec‐ Chgs  & Rents 4% Other Charges  for Services &  Rents 5% Fines & Penalties 1% Other Revenues 1%Transfers In,  Admin charges &  Reserves 7% General Fund Revenues 2019 Adopted $34,029,360 Taxes 73% Franchise Fees &  Other Taxes 2%Licenses &  Permits 5% State Police &  Fire Relief Aid 2% Park & Rec‐ Chgs  & Rents 4% Other Charges for  Services & Rents 5% Fines & Penalties 1% Other Revenues 1%Transfers In,  Admin charges &  Reserves 7% General Fund Revenues 2020 Proposed $35,385,705 13 2020 GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNT DETAIL ObjectAccountAccount Description 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 4010 TAXES-CURRENT AD VALOREM 22,461,587 23,183,688 24,218,953 4011 TAXES-DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 44,050 116,258 134,466 4013 MV HOMESTEAD CREDIT REVENUE - - 4017 EXCESS TIF - 817 24 4014 TAXES-MOBILE HOME 36,109 35,067 37,334 Tax Revenue 22,541,746 23,335,830 24,390,777 4015 PILOT - AUGUSTANA/LIFEWORKS 54,182 51,517 50,380 4020 GRAVEL TAX 40,794 37,902 - Other Taxes 94,976 89,419 50,380 5335 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 490,000 515,245 515,000 Franchise Fees 490,000 515,245 515,000 5045 ASSESSMENT NEW LEVY COLL BY AV 941 - - 5055 SA COLL BY DAK CTY-CURRENT 5,659 2,400 - 5056 SA COLL BY DAK CTY-DELINQUENT 302 197 - 5057 SA COLL BY DAK CTY-DEFERRED - - - 5078 ESCROW PROJECT COSTS - - - 5079 SA MOWING / SNOW / FALSE ALARMS - - 496 5058 SA PEN & INT COLL BY DAK CTY 37 115 - Special Assessments 6,939 2,712 496 4030 LICENSE-TOBACCO - 10,625 383 4031 LICENSE-TRASH COLLECTION 5,683 7,272 6,427 4032 LICENSE-DOG (public safety)9,553 21,410 8,920 4032 LICENSE-KENNEL - - 4033 LICENSE-FUEL 11,986 12,320 12,840 4034 LICENSE-LIQUOR / WINE 131,750 133,190 148,330 4035 LICENSE-BEER ON & OFF 11,720 3,425 3,520 4036 LICENSE-TRANSIENT MERCHANT 11,480 12,253 9,346 4037 LICENSE-VENDING MACHINES 1,764 2,535 2,485 4038 LICENSE-MASSAGE THERAPY 5,300 5,997 6,385 4049 LICENSE-OTHER 4,567 3,995 2,333 Licenses 193,803 213,022 200,969 4060 PERMIT-BUILDING PERMIT 901,615 1,480,518 931,774 4061 PERMIT-GRADING 12,926 10,126 11,423 4062 PERMIT-GRAVEL OPERATION 10,135 10,388 10,613 4063 PERMIT-HEATING 137,635 260,042 146,414 4065 PERMIT-PLUMBING 166,239 256,383 189,769 4066 PERMIT-SIGNS & BILLBOARDS 9,170 9,692 12,464 4067 PERMIT-UTILITY INSTALLATION - - (5) 4070 PERMIT-SP INSP/REINSP FEE 616 204 10,574 4071 TEMP CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 509 4072 STATE SURTAX COLLECTED (3,361) (44) 4073 PERMIT-BUILDING PLAN REVIEW 400,781 721,883 517,460 4074 PERMIT FEES-ROW 30,950 26,056 42,246 4075 PERMIT-FIRE ALRM/SPRINKLER 16,648 49,070 16,100 4076 PERMIT SMALL CELL-ENGINEERING - - - 4077 PERMIT SMALL CELL-INSPECTIONS - - - 4099 PERMIT-OTHER 3,001 2,647 2,300 4911 WATER SERVICE PERMIT 5,177 6,016 2,210 4915 SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 5,425 6,207 3,120 4924 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION PERMIT 157,922 192,399 157,687 4923 COMMCL WTR/SWR PERMIT (809) Permits 1,858,749 3,028,270 2,053,296 14 2020 GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNT DETAIL ObjectAccountAccount Description 4010 TAXES-CURRENT AD VALOREM 4011 TAXES-DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 4013 MV HOMESTEAD CREDIT REVENUE 4017 EXCESS TIF 4014 TAXES-MOBILE HOME Tax Revenue 4015 PILOT - AUGUSTANA/LIFEWORKS 4020 GRAVEL TAX Other Taxes 5335 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE Franchise Fees 5045 ASSESSMENT NEW LEVY COLL BY AV 5055 SA COLL BY DAK CTY-CURRENT 5056 SA COLL BY DAK CTY-DELINQUENT 5057 SA COLL BY DAK CTY-DEFERRED 5078 ESCROW PROJECT COSTS 5079 SA MOWING / SNOW / FALSE ALARMS 5058 SA PEN & INT COLL BY DAK CTY Special Assessments 4030 LICENSE-TOBACCO 4031 LICENSE-TRASH COLLECTION 4032 LICENSE-DOG (public safety) 4032 LICENSE-KENNEL 4033 LICENSE-FUEL 4034 LICENSE-LIQUOR / WINE 4035 LICENSE-BEER ON & OFF 4036 LICENSE-TRANSIENT MERCHANT 4037 LICENSE-VENDING MACHINES 4038 LICENSE-MASSAGE THERAPY 4049 LICENSE-OTHER Licenses 4060 PERMIT-BUILDING PERMIT 4061 PERMIT-GRADING 4062 PERMIT-GRAVEL OPERATION 4063 PERMIT-HEATING 4065 PERMIT-PLUMBING 4066 PERMIT-SIGNS & BILLBOARDS 4067 PERMIT-UTILITY INSTALLATION 4070 PERMIT-SP INSP/REINSP FEE 4071 TEMP CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 4072 STATE SURTAX COLLECTED 4073 PERMIT-BUILDING PLAN REVIEW 4074 PERMIT FEES-ROW 4075 PERMIT-FIRE ALRM/SPRINKLER 4076 PERMIT SMALL CELL-ENGINEERING 4077 PERMIT SMALL CELL-INSPECTIONS 4099 PERMIT-OTHER 4911 WATER SERVICE PERMIT 4915 SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 4924 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION PERMIT 4923 COMMCL WTR/SWR PERMIT Permits (continued) 2018 Adopted 2019 Adopted 2020 RECOMMENDED 2021 RECOMMENDED 24,189,125 24,787,055 25,779,895 27,221,336 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - - - - - 34,000 34,000 36,000 37,000 24,273,125 24,871,055 25,865,895 27,308,336 58,000 59,700 50,700 50,700 45,900 45,900 45,900 46,000 103,900 105,600 96,600 96,700 515,000 515,000 565,000 565,000 515,000 515,000 565,000 565,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 7,500 7,500 7,500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14,000 14,000 14,000 - 5,250 5,250 6,375 6,375 5,410 6,135 6,165 6,165 5,300 5,300 9,000 9,000 100 100 - - 11,860 12,870 12,910 12,910 125,690 134,725 132,920 132,920 5,600 6,100 5,400 5,400 8,375 11,480 11,050 11,050 1,895 1,895 2,300 2,300 3,445 6,295 5,480 5,480 3,855 4,310 3,575 3,575 176,780 194,460 195,175 195,175 700,630 798,000 800,000 800,000 - - - - 11,900 11,900 11,900 11,900 89,600 95,000 90,000 90,000 94,500 96,500 100,000 100,000 7,400 7,400 7,400 7,400 9,200 9,200 7,400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 282,900 303,000 384,000 384,000 - - 12,000 12,500 - - 4,500 4,600 - - 12,500 12,500 - - 1,500 2,000 3,200 3,200 500 500 - - - - - - - - 128,600 133,000 128,000 130,000 - - - - 1,327,930 1,457,200 1,559,700 1,555,400 15 2020 GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNT DETAIL ObjectAccountAccount Description 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 4110 STATE GRANTS (PERA & Perf Measurement)37,719 44,916 43,426 4120 AID-LOCAL GOVERNMENT - 4130 AID-FIRE # - see note 281,578 283,581 298,751 4140 AID-STATE POLICE PERA 418,953 420,565 442,980 4142 STATE GRANTS - OTHER - Fire MBFTE Training 24,640 30,551 18,036 4143 FED GRANT - POLICE - 4144 FED GRANT - FIRE 4,360 4141 GRANTS - OTHER - Misc Pub Safety 24,026 36,079 29,022 4141 FEES-POST BOARD REIMB CONTINUING ED 15,633 16,215 47,850 4144 FED GRANT - Fire - Training officer - 4150 GRANTS-OTHER - Police - - 1,250 Intergovernmental Revenue 806,909 831,907 881,315 4310 REDWOOD PUBLIC SWIMMING 33,912 29,950 32,230 4311 REDWOOD SWIMMING LESSONS 15,677 14,149 20,126 4312 REDWOOD CONCESSIONS 7,273 5,870 5,179 4313 REDWOOD RENTALS 250 300 644 4330 SWIM CENTER REVENUE 575,742 506,029 586,029 4331 SWIM CENTER CONCESSION 127,736 102,687 106,401 4350 SUMMER PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES 12,736 8,117 10,796 4351 PRE SCHOOL PROGRAMS 26,515 37,588 54,526 4352 TEEN PROGRAMS - - - 4355 RECREATION USER FEES 65,671 58,801 57,638 4356 RECREATION LEAGUE ENTRY FEES 160,074 159,791 148,154 4357 JCRP CONCESSIONS 8,328 9,827 9,081 4358 VENDING COMMISSIONS 2,454 1,842 1,694 4359 REC SENIOR REVENUE-REIMB 587 60 2,904 4360 REC-SENIOR PROGRAM REVENUE 27,176 24,919 25,474 4224 CHGS FOR SERV -PK/REC OT REIMB 3,450 307 90 Charges for Service - Recreation 1,067,581 960,237 1,060,966 4210 FEES-ELECTION FILING 80 - 120 4211 FEES-MAP SALES 535 100 19 4212 FEES-ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 80 65 45 4214 FEES-PLAT 9,665 5,489 11,271 4215 FEES-SPECIAL USE 1,780 2,187 1,238 4216 FEES-REZONING 9,280 4,908 6,909 4217 FEES-INSPECTIONS NAT RESOURCES 34,578 33,014 17,473 4218 FEES - CODE ENFORCEMENT 1,150 1,150 1,650 4219 FEES - ENGINEERING 585,999 667,485 837,618 4220 FEES - PROJECT PLANS - - - 4229 FEES-OTHER 6,924 3,111 5,277 Charges for Service - General Government 650,071 717,509 881,620 16 2020 GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNT DETAIL ObjectAccountAccount Description 4110 STATE GRANTS (PERA & Perf Measurement) 4120 AID-LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4130 AID-FIRE # - see note 4140 AID-STATE POLICE PERA 4142 STATE GRANTS - OTHER - Fire MBFTE Training 4143 FED GRANT - POLICE 4144 FED GRANT - FIRE 4141 GRANTS - OTHER - Misc Pub Safety 4141 FEES-POST BOARD REIMB CONTINUING ED 4144 FED GRANT - Fire - Training officer 4150 GRANTS-OTHER - Police Intergovernmental Revenue 4310 REDWOOD PUBLIC SWIMMING 4311 REDWOOD SWIMMING LESSONS 4312 REDWOOD CONCESSIONS 4313 REDWOOD RENTALS 4330 SWIM CENTER REVENUE 4331 SWIM CENTER CONCESSION 4350 SUMMER PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES 4351 PRE SCHOOL PROGRAMS 4352 TEEN PROGRAMS 4355 RECREATION USER FEES 4356 RECREATION LEAGUE ENTRY FEES 4357 JCRP CONCESSIONS 4358 VENDING COMMISSIONS 4359 REC SENIOR REVENUE-REIMB 4360 REC-SENIOR PROGRAM REVENUE 4224 CHGS FOR SERV -PK/REC OT REIMB Charges for Service - Recreation 4210 FEES-ELECTION FILING 4211 FEES-MAP SALES 4212 FEES-ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 4214 FEES-PLAT 4215 FEES-SPECIAL USE 4216 FEES-REZONING 4217 FEES-INSPECTIONS NAT RESOURCES 4218 FEES - CODE ENFORCEMENT 4219 FEES - ENGINEERING 4220 FEES - PROJECT PLANS 4229 FEES-OTHER Charges for Service - General Government (continued) 2018 Adopted 2019 Adopted 2020 RECOMMENDED 2021 RECOMMENDED 43,000 43,000 25,500 7,500 - - - - 285,000 287,000 290,000 295,000 418,000 420,000 440,000 445,000 18,000 18,000 20,500 24,000 - - 102,000 105,060 - - - - 18,000 5,350 5,350 10,000 66,300 16,000 16,000 16,000 - - - - 15,955 56,900 56,900 56,900 864,255 846,250 956,250 959,460 33,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 20,600 20,600 20,600 20,600 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 - - - - 566,000 566,000 566,000 571,000 120,000 120,000 130,000 130,000 17,300 17,300 17,300 17,500 31,600 37,000 43,000 45,000 - 5,000 - - 79,000 79,000 79,000 79,000 165,000 163,000 163,000 163,000 5,400 14,000 14,000 14,000 3,300 2,800 2,800 3,000 1,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 16,000 25,000 29,000 29,500 - - - - 1,066,300 1,089,700 1,104,700 1,112,600 - - - - 1,180 1,180 1,180 1,180 - - - - 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 15,800 15,800 15,800 15,800 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 1,018,000 995,000 1,010,000 1,041,000 - - - - 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 1,066,810 1,043,810 1,058,810 1,089,810 17 2020 GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNT DETAIL ObjectAccountAccount Description 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 4250 FEES-ACCIDENT REPORT 291 320 515 4251 FEES-ANIMAL PICKUP 3,830 3,049 4,824 4259 FEES-OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 10,433 12,894 14,003 4259 FEES-DARE,LIASON OFFICER 155,699 157,256 160,401 4226 FEES-OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY - - 5345 REIMBURSE POLICE SPEC DETAIL 52,033 47,813 70,733 5345 REIMBURSE POLICE SPEC DETAIL - - Charges for Service - Public Safety 222,286 221,332 250,476 5110 RENTS-REDWOOD 14,624 1,054 41 5115 RENTS-APPLE VALLEY COMM CENTER 57,924 76,333 73,822 5116 RENTS-HAYES COMM & SENIOR CTR 76,795 58,515 63,231 5120 RENTS-SWIM CENTER 15,813 12,254 14,002 5126 RENTS-FIELDS 50,426 51,921 80,345 5130 RENTS-TEEN CENTER 374 1,011 1,284 5130 RENTS-JCRP ACTIVITY CENTER - - - 5199 RENTS-OTHER 7,349 9,636 6,598 Rentals Park / Rec Facilities 223,305 210,724 239,323 5197 RENTS-OTHER - Allina Fire Hall Lease 35,072 38,987 36,062 5195 RENTS -STREETS - - 5210 ANTENNA LEASE 441,177 454,499 500,863 5215 ANTENNA LEASE- ESCROWS - - 5199 RENTS-OTHER - - - Rentals Other 476,249 493,486 536,925 4270 COURT FINES 271,722 307,937 301,169 4276 SUBPOENA FEES 216 683 254 4275 PENALTIES 1,650 7,150 1,325 Fines & Penalties 273,588 315,770 302,748 8100 SALE OF PROPERTY - - 5010 INVESTMENT INTEREST 157,028 91,352 237,028 5310 CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS 3,509 2,160 7,497 5320 POP MACHINE _ CITY HALL 2,560 562 663 5321 POP MACHINE - CMF 1,950 1,972 789 5322 WASTE OIL - - - 5330 FORESTERY REVENUE - 386 5340 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS - General Gov 5340 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS - Recreation (JCRP 77,727 67,566 47,485 5340 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS - Public Works - 5340 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS - Public Safety - 691 500 5399 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 106,088 33,279 78,540 Other Revenues 348,862 197,968 372,502 5396 ADMIN CHG - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS - 196,149 - 5395 ADMIN CHG -UTILITY FUNDS 688,500 750,230 769,450 5397 ADMIN CHG - INVESTMENT FUND 110,000 120,000 124,000 5499 ADMIN CHG - LIQUOR FUND - - Admin charge to other funds 798,500 1,066,379 893,450 5410 FROM LIQUOR FUND 630,000 630,000 630,000 5415 TRANSFER FROM WATER & SEWER FUND 651,000 670,500 687,600 5425 FROM POLICE RELIEF FUND Transfer In 1,281,000 1,300,500 1,317,600 Grand Total - General Fund 31,334,564 33,500,310 33,947,843 18 2020 GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNT DETAIL ObjectAccountAccount Description 4250 FEES-ACCIDENT REPORT 4251 FEES-ANIMAL PICKUP 4259 FEES-OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 4259 FEES-DARE,LIASON OFFICER 4226 FEES-OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 5345 REIMBURSE POLICE SPEC DETAIL 5345 REIMBURSE POLICE SPEC DETAIL Charges for Service - Public Safety 5110 RENTS-REDWOOD 5115 RENTS-APPLE VALLEY COMM CENTER 5116 RENTS-HAYES COMM & SENIOR CTR 5120 RENTS-SWIM CENTER 5126 RENTS-FIELDS 5130 RENTS-TEEN CENTER 5130 RENTS-JCRP ACTIVITY CENTER 5199 RENTS-OTHER Rentals Park / Rec Facilities 5197 RENTS-OTHER - Allina Fire Hall Lease 5195 RENTS -STREETS 5210 ANTENNA LEASE 5215 ANTENNA LEASE- ESCROWS 5199 RENTS-OTHER Rentals Other 4270 COURT FINES 4276 SUBPOENA FEES 4275 PENALTIES Fines & Penalties 8100 SALE OF PROPERTY 5010 INVESTMENT INTEREST 5310 CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS 5320 POP MACHINE _ CITY HALL 5321 POP MACHINE - CMF 5322 WASTE OIL 5330 FORESTERY REVENUE 5340 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS - General Gov 5340 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS - Recreation (JCRP 5340 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS - Public Works 5340 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS - Public Safety 5399 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Other Revenues 5396 ADMIN CHG - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS 5395 ADMIN CHG -UTILITY FUNDS 5397 ADMIN CHG - INVESTMENT FUND 5499 ADMIN CHG - LIQUOR FUND Admin charge to other funds 5410 FROM LIQUOR FUND 5415 TRANSFER FROM WATER & SEWER FUND 5425 FROM POLICE RELIEF FUND Transfer In Grand Total - General Fund (continued) 2018 Adopted 2019 Adopted 2020 RECOMMENDED 2021 RECOMMENDED 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 7,100 7,100 7,100 7,100 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 161,465 160,400 163,600 163,600 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 47,300 47,300 47,300 57,000 - - - - 237,265 236,200 239,400 249,100 - - - - 45,000 80,000 80,000 81,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 8,000 14,000 14,000 15,000 48,400 61,600 61,600 70,000 1,000 - - - - - 5,000 7,000 8,100 7,000 7,000 7,000 180,500 232,600 237,600 250,000 37,140 37,885 38,645 39,400 - - - - 431,000 431,000 431,000 431,000 - - - - - - - - 468,140 468,885 469,645 470,400 275,400 275,400 295,400 300,000 - - - - 4,100 4,100 4,100 - 279,500 279,500 299,500 300,000 20,400 20,400 20,400 21,000 195,000 197,000 200,000 205,000 - - - - 3,000 200 500 500 2,000 200 600 600 500 - - - - - - - - - - - 61,200 71,200 71,200 75,000 - - - - - - - - 20,400 35,400 35,530 36,000 302,500 324,400 328,230 338,100 69,200 69,200 69,200 69,200 769,450 792,500 816,000 840,000 124,000 124,000 125,000 127,500 - - - - 962,650 985,700 1,010,200 1,036,700 630,000 660,000 660,000 680,000 687,600 705,000 725,000 747,000 - - - - 1,317,600 1,365,000 1,385,000 1,427,000 33,156,255 34,029,360 35,385,705 36,953,781 19 Notes: 20 Department 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2018 Council Adopted Original 2019 Council Adopted Original 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 01 - MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL 138,100 142,606 157,375 154,135 158,855 158,855 165,340 165,340 02 - ADMINISTRATION 440,403 460,731 475,490 483,425 573,600 573,600 635,255 635,255 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS 279,424 440,726 473,800 313,613 507,202 506,798 335,486 335,080 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK 553,670 590,130 602,575 623,165 639,950 639,950 660,825 660,825 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 643,438 825,643 836,475 975,340 1,097,575 1,066,075 1,123,785 1,117,285 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS 427,171 385,658 376,340 379,641 389,165 387,690 397,850 396,375 2,482,205 2,845,494 2,922,055 2,929,319 3,366,347 3,332,968 3,318,541 3,310,160 08 - FINANCE 594,399 654,501 668,945 683,245 716,550 710,350 737,345 731,345 09 - DATA PROCESSING 261,033 242,904 243,935 244,482 255,800 255,800 269,000 269,000 10 - INDEPENDENT AUDIT 14,433 12,996 13,900 12,290 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 869,865 910,401 926,780 940,017 985,090 978,890 1,019,245 1,013,245 14 - LEGAL SERVICES 503,924 521,498 532,990 533,530 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 503,924 521,498 532,990 533,530 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 750,198 715,833 730,825 695,140 723,315 722,890 751,515 751,090 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT 208,125 216,827 237,695 258,383 323,340 323,340 340,540 340,540 958,322 932,660 968,520 953,523 1,046,655 1,046,230 1,092,055 1,091,630 20 - POLICE 8,983,024 9,411,143 9,450,735 9,761,838 10,281,980 10,366,730 10,704,017 10,809,077 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE 17,445 16,529 20,185 19,185 19,775 19,775 21,835 21,835 22 - COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) 85,021 105,866 106,350 109,000 110,135 110,135 115,975 115,975 9,085,490 9,533,538 9,577,270 9,890,023 10,411,890 10,496,640 10,841,827 10,946,887 23 - FIRE 1,716,624 2,025,043 1,930,630 1,963,642 2,031,873 2,031,123 2,141,494 2,140,744 76 - FIRE RELIEF 527,531 552,421 540,130 543,223 547,500 547,500 561,000 561,000 2,244,155 2,577,464 2,470,760 2,506,865 2,579,373 2,578,623 2,702,494 2,701,744 27 - PW ENGINEERING 657,361 704,610 859,155 839,890 916,225 897,325 952,075 960,845 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1,090,176 1,020,628 1,015,410 1,004,290 1,039,990 1,009,990 1,021,440 1,034,810 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES 476,162 534,155 578,005 607,395 749,045 723,745 820,815 795,515 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS 633,632 666,402 650,760 766,475 831,110 807,885 867,175 856,025 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE 1,814,329 1,931,798 2,095,385 2,182,533 2,501,190 2,345,120 2,473,200 2,705,860 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 252,813 437,371 371,030 399,840 430,324 430,324 428,365 428,365 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS 206,749 223,774 245,340 224,055 239,160 225,945 236,750 229,700 5,131,222 5,518,738 5,815,085 6,024,478 6,707,044 6,440,334 6,799,820 7,011,120 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 920,510 944,602 955,880 1,002,160 1,027,395 1,025,695 1,061,455 1,059,755 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE 2,749,024 2,808,116 2,942,745 3,005,195 3,049,490 3,011,690 3,183,715 3,121,215 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS 167,423 144,458 186,980 163,395 165,425 159,100 168,055 161,955 40 - REDWOOD POOL 100,709 109,805 104,670 173,470 112,865 112,865 113,175 112,175 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG 191,057 196,754 200,925 200,820 201,235 196,735 208,095 203,595 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER 437,314 286,843 292,345 309,965 333,410 323,410 338,640 338,640 43 - CABLE TV 0 0 0 0 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER 688,235 619,716 642,600 868,320 632,145 632,145 640,140 640,140 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER 410,775 399,943 399,655 415,710 423,760 403,760 436,560 436,560 5,665,047 5,510,237 5,725,800 6,139,035 5,945,725 5,865,400 6,149,835 6,074,035 47 - INSURANCE 314,976 316,024 319,350 325,150 334,500 324,500 347,000 337,000 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS 5,528,255 4,963,000 3,897,645 3,787,420 3,782,490 3,772,490 3,912,490 3,902,490 5,843,231 5,279,024 4,216,995 4,112,570 4,116,990 4,096,990 4,259,490 4,239,490 Grand Total 32,783,462 33,629,053 33,156,255 34,029,370 35,708,744 35,385,705 36,748,777 36,953,781 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020-2021 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY TOTAL EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT 21 City of Apple Valley 2020-2021 Budget Summary by Object General Fund Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2018 Council Adopted Original 2019 Council Adopted Original 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 11,539,664 12,007,883 12,521,460 12,344,825 13,004,795 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 817,080 832,664 773,029 856,960 883,700 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 860,763 816,271 985,762 805,100 777,000 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 600,174 465,198 649,182 596,225 594,100 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 3,498 2,797 4,488 6,100 6,100 6117 - HOLIDAY PAY 132,568 146,852 156,085 130,960 123,225 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 46,020 53,430 48,900 0 0 6122 - COMP REQUEST -252,803 -229,829 -273,762 -140,000 -140,000 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 0 0 0 475,530 517,860 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 5,432 5,706 8,756 5,300 5,300 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 13,752,397 14,100,971 14,873,900 15,081,000 15,772,080 6138 - MEDICARE 188,265 195,444 204,669 214,870 218,528 6139 - FICA 480,349 501,299 519,163 553,135 562,530 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 1,362,153 1,399,513 1,448,473 1,507,410 1,576,760 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 399,531 476,063 511,376 529,440 583,950 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 10,551 11,976 2,749 6,200 12,000 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 30,829 23,582 24,516 35,090 36,595 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 1,803,074 1,992,785 2,244,560 2,323,070 2,467,675 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 153,755 169,224 177,904 0 0 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 903 934 951 0 0 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 43,364 50,543 42,069 00 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -267,082 -388,130 -253,700 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 4,472,775 4,554,281 4,788,301 5,169,215 5,204,338 6100 - TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 18,225,172 18,655,252 19,662,200 20,250,215 20,976,418 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 24,372 26,539 29,452 34,455 31,025 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 119,740 187,248 164,040 152,780 112,960 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 207,178 214,590 271,317 264,555 310,705 6213 - FERTILIZER 46,859 30,581 34,326 51,000 45,000 6214 - CHEMICALS 9,014 11,904 9,620 10,985 15,085 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 207,470 183,975 162,644 163,975 163,514 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 31,011 40,895 33,984 34,900 34,460 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 544,775 566,293 620,078 678,825 641,113 6205 - SUPPLIES 1,190,419 1,262,025 1,325,462 1,391,475 1,353,862 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 518,521 504,906 521,498 532,990 534,330 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 178,655 342,604 314,742 294,305 257,235 6236 - ELECTION JUDGE PAYMENTS 63,601 0 60,239 68,800 0 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 126,789 132,831 143,194 142,710 138,505 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 40,148 27,961 33,420 35,300 32,900 6239 - PRINTING 70,407 78,691 59,575 86,215 78,270 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 64,083 89,618 102,651 90,405 85,631 6242 - FIRE ALARM PLAN REVIEWS 0 0 0 750 750 6243 - ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 86,949 121,885 161,913 85,000 100,000 6244 - ROW EPERMIT FEES 975 1,244 2,604 1,000 1,400 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,650,741 1,673,908 1,902,522 1,967,240 2,009,745 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,800,869 2,973,649 3,302,359 3,304,715 3,238,766 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 291,652 308,222 312,006 296,920 294,700 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 116,723 140,025 147,762 137,180 127,680 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 149,386 109,384 151,875 123,015 143,860 6250 - UTILITIES 557,761 557,632 611,643 557,115 566,240 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 161,901 148,839 145,807 165,765 175,155 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 130,476 162,802 211,756 169,340 145,740 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 76,934 91,573 47,448 104,200 152,500 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 369,311 403,215 405,011 439,305 473,395 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 75,757 77,138 72,653 100,190 100,818 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 62,741 67,232 82,757 91,510 98,454 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 28,845 28,923 29,547 36,865 32,385 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 4,450 6,700 6,756 9,050 9,375 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 123,256 129,420 144,964 155,095 180,613 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 151,618 165,214 190,836 189,410 178,654 6270 - TRAINING/TRAVEL/DUES 446,667 474,626 527,514 582,120 600,299 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 5,365,028 5,671,147 6,171,990 6,274,730 6,232,562 22 City of Apple Valley 2020-2021 Budget Summary by Object General Fund Object Account 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 13,675,935 13,757,935 14,363,385 14,448,445 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 1,077,790 1,077,790 1,107,615 1,107,615 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 778,950 743,950 620,620 620,620 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 620,200 620,200 610,310 610,310 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 6117 - HOLIDAY PAY 137,625 137,625 143,170 143,170 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 6122 - COMP REQUEST -140,000 -140,000 -140,000 -140,000 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 616,725 541,725 629,835 591,085 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 16,777,325 16,749,325 17,345,035 17,391,345 6138 - MEDICARE 233,475 233,475 242,225 242,225 6139 - FICA 619,425 619,425 644,070 644,070 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 1,741,260 1,741,260 1,820,765 1,820,765 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 609,630 609,630 655,550 655,550 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 40,790 40,790 42,745 42,745 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 2,545,345 2,545,345 2,709,675 2,709,675 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -253,600 -253,600 -248,240 -248,240 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 5,548,325 5,548,325 5,878,790 5,878,790 6100 - TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 22,325,650 22,297,650 23,223,825 23,270,135 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 33,165 32,165 31,645 30,645 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 144,495 113,445 146,529 137,969 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 318,538 313,513 331,108 320,483 6213 - FERTILIZER 45,000 40,000 40,000 35,000 6214 - CHEMICALS 15,690 11,950 16,150 12,450 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 185,335 185,035 169,660 168,260 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 40,060 37,060 40,900 37,900 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 657,175 646,350 664,925 654,425 6205 - SUPPLIES 1,439,458 1,379,518 1,440,917 1,397,132 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 550,530 550,530 566,370 566,370 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 306,705 304,705 275,215 273,215 6236 - ELECTION JUDGE PAYMENTS 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 159,350 159,350 169,520 169,520 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 43,600 38,600 39,600 34,600 6239 - PRINTING 85,090 84,865 78,835 78,835 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 86,645 86,445 91,670 91,670 6242 - FIRE ALARM PLAN REVIEWS 750 0 750 0 6243 - ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 6244 - ROW EPERMIT FEES 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,297,486 2,186,771 2,404,089 2,322,739 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,622,156 3,503,266 3,708,049 3,618,949 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 300,320 298,320 303,965 301,965 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 130,979 130,979 134,539 134,539 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 154,960 152,960 155,440 153,440 6250 - UTILITIES 586,259 582,259 593,944 589,944 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 187,832 180,877 189,907 185,452 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 143,280 141,280 175,780 173,280 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 92,000 92,000 82,000 57,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 423,112 414,157 447,687 415,732 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 106,985 105,985 111,090 110,090 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 94,655 94,655 99,045 99,045 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 28,960 27,960 28,355 27,355 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 194,267 193,863 210,911 210,505 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 185,547 184,447 186,699 185,599 6270 - TRAINING/TRAVEL/DUES 620,064 616,560 645,750 642,244 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 6,691,049 6,495,760 6,836,347 6,664,001 23 City of Apple Valley 2020-2021 Budget Summary by Object General Fund Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2018 Council Adopted Original 2019 Council Adopted Original 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 108,995 108,175 118,918 114,680 110,965 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 288,000 303,000 313,150 313,150 313,150 6319 - REIMBURSEMENT OF REV COLL FOR 541,408 526,781 551,681 537,930 542,223 6320 - REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0 0 0 200 100 6321 - CASH OVER/SHORT -123 125 5 0 0 6322 - UNCOLLECTIBLE CHECKS/ACCOUNTS 0 0 2,217 0 0 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -989 -725 -719 0 0 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 89 380 0 0 0 6350 - BANK FEES/CHARGES 0 0 31 0 0 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 29,575 26,608 38,291 26,250 24,850 6355 - ONLINE REGISTRATION FEES 26,125 22,872 24,535 21,000 21,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 341,224 428,759 377,386 492,920 556,482 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,334,305 1,415,974 1,425,496 1,506,130 1,568,770 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 00000 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 69,789 60,492 64,186 68,500 68,500 6545 - NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 0 0 0 2,700 100 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 69,789 60,492 64,186 71,200 68,600 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 6715 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-BUILDINGS 78,771 61,089 0 0 0 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX 8,595 49,447 15,305 5,500 0 6725 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP 55,541 219,915 121,958 118,300 158,600 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 16,853 0 0 27,500 0 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 102,941 179,009 43,729 26,500 67,000 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 12,870 120,457 129,408 109,000 302,000 6745 - VERF CHARGES 716,355 841,580 1,031,780 969,180 1,032,410 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 991,927 1,471,497 1,342,181 1,255,980 1,560,010 6900 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 6001 - EXPENDITURES 25,986,220 27,274,362 28,666,053 29,358,255 30,406,360 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 4,849,700 5,509,100 4,963,000 3,798,000 3,623,000 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 4,849,700 5,509,100 4,963,000 3,798,000 3,623,000 30,835,920 32,783,462 33,629,053 33,156,255 34,029,360 24 City of Apple Valley 2020-2021 Budget Summary by Object General Fund Object Account 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 118,380 118,380 116,845 116,845 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 322,500 312,500 335,000 325,000 6319 - REIMBURSEMENT OF REV COLL FOR 546,500 546,500 560,000 560,000 6320 - REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 100 100 100 100 6321 - CASH OVER/SHORT 6322 - UNCOLLECTIBLE CHECKS/ACCOUNTS 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 6350 - BANK FEES/CHARGES 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 28,850 28,850 30,600 30,600 6355 - ONLINE REGISTRATION FEES 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 474,395 445,145 476,930 461,930 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,513,225 1,473,975 1,541,975 1,516,975 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 68,500 68,500 68,500 68,500 6545 - NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 0 0 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 68,500 68,500 68,500 68,500 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 6715 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-BUILDINGS 0 0 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX 0 0 6725 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP 152,500 134,000 193,500 190,000 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 17,000 0 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 41,000 31,000 5,000 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 15,000 0 38,000 38,000 6745 - VERF CHARGES 1,152,820 1,152,820 979,630 1,344,170 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,378,320 1,317,820 1,216,130 1,572,170 6900 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 6001 - EXPENDITURES 31,976,744 31,653,705 32,886,777 33,091,781 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 3,732,000 3,732,000 3,862,000 3,862,000 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 3,732,000 3,732,000 3,862,000 3,862,000 35,708,744 35,385,705 36,748,777 36,953,781 25 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020-2021 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT AND TYPE Department Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2018 Council Adopted Original 2019 Council Approved Original 01 - MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 116,658 115,566 119,476 125,965 122,500 01 - MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 16,840 22,384 22,942 31,410 31,635 01 - MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 150 188 01 - MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL EXPENDITURES 133,498 138,100 142,606 157,375 154,135 02 - ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 414,025 427,350 443,114 457,945 466,465 02 - ADMINISTRATION TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 15,824 13,053 17,617 17,545 16,960 02 - ADMINISTRATION TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 02 - ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES 429,849 440,403 460,731 475,490 483,425 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 233,025 197,109 263,537 263,900 218,750 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 133,165 80,361 174,430 206,900 94,863 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,612 0 2,235 3,000 0 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,925 1,954 524 0 0 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS EXPENDITURES 373,727 279,424 440,726 473,800 313,613 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 477,973 497,403 512,541 523,080 542,220 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 34,739 33,078 47,829 47,195 48,745 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 21,756 22,426 27,754 32,300 32,200 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 762 2,007 0 0 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK EXPENDITURES 534,467 553,670 590,130 602,575 623,165 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 400,512 340,136 458,885 468,150 557,725 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 218,395 117,916 242,887 245,025 263,615 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 8,380 8,230 7,976 8,200 8,000 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 50,245 177,157 115,895 115,100 146,000 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXPENDITURES 677,532 643,438 825,643 836,475 975,340 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 194,942 196,007 201,699 214,945 240,683 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 12,710 9,578 12,589 20,210 15,160 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT EXPENDITURES 210,192 208,125 216,827 237,695 258,383 08 - FINANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 470,761 550,926 601,656 612,670 626,120 08 - FINANCE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 44,463 36,399 47,754 50,985 47,735 08 - FINANCE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 8,117 7,074 5,090 5,290 5,290 08 - FINANCE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 08 - FINANCE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 4,100 08 - FINANCE EXPENDITURES 523,341 594,399 654,501 668,945 683,245 09 - DATA PROCESSING TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 0 0 0 0 0 09 - DATA PROCESSING TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 252,042 261,033 242,904 243,935 244,482 09 - DATA PROCESSING EXPENDITURES 252,042 261,033 242,904 243,935 244,482 10 - INDEPENDENT AUDIT TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 13,647 14,433 12,996 13,900 12,290 10 - INDEPENDENT AUDIT EXPENDITURES 13,647 14,433 12,996 13,900 12,290 14 - LEGAL SERVICES TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 14 - LEGAL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 518,521 503,924 521,498 532,990 533,530 14 - LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDITURES 518,521 503,924 521,498 532,990 533,530 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 515,665 593,484 618,669 628,950 650,765 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 43,643 156,113 96,542 101,875 43,775 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 550 600 622 600 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES 559,858 750,198 715,833 730,825 695,140 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 190,355 180,144 185,340 183,270 194,300 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 161,837 190,497 191,102 187,750 182,621 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES -21 -6 1,762 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,200 2,571 691 2,700 100 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 81,391 53,965 6,763 2,620 2,620 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS EXPENDITURES 436,762 427,171 385,658 376,340 379,641 20 - POLICE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 7,209,491 7,338,853 7,650,711 7,740,480 7,954,975 20 - POLICE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 1,264,261 1,342,788 1,491,049 1,458,885 1,538,643 20 - POLICE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 34,396 28,051 28,253 33,500 30,000 20 - POLICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 20 - POLICE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 205,428 273,331 241,130 217,870 238,220 20 - POLICE EXPENDITURES 8,713,576 8,983,024 9,411,143 9,450,735 9,761,838 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 16,849 17,457 16,529 20,185 19,185 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES -17 -12 0 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE EXPENDITURES 16,832 17,445 16,529 20,185 19,185 22 - COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 71,031 74,898 94,247 91,575 94,375 22 - COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 11,135 10,138 11,630 14,775 14,625 22 - COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 -15 -11 22 - COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) EXPENDITURES 82,165 85,021 105,866 106,350 109,000 26 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020-2021 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT AND TYPE Department Object Account 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 01 - MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 127,220 127,220 133,705 133,705 01 - MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 31,635 31,635 31,635 31,635 01 - MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 01 - MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL EXPENDITURES 158,855 158,855 165,340 165,340 02 - ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 556,535 556,535 618,190 618,190 02 - ADMINISTRATION TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 17,065 17,065 17,065 17,065 02 - ADMINISTRATION TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 02 - ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES 573,600 573,600 635,255 635,255 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 404,815 404,815 238,480 238,480 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 98,787 98,383 97,006 96,600 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,600 3,600 0 0 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 03 - CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS EXPENDITURES 507,202 506,798 335,486 335,080 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 559,905 559,905 579,880 579,880 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 47,845 47,845 48,245 48,245 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 32,200 32,200 32,700 32,700 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 04 - HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK EXPENDITURES 639,950 639,950 660,825 660,825 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 607,710 607,710 641,020 641,020 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 328,315 315,315 280,215 277,215 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 9,050 9,050 9,050 9,050 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 152,500 134,000 193,500 190,000 05 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXPENDITURES 1,097,575 1,066,075 1,123,785 1,117,285 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 305,640 305,640 322,840 322,840 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 15,160 15,160 15,160 15,160 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 06 - CODE ENFORCEMENT EXPENDITURES 323,340 323,340 340,540 340,540 08 - FINANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 652,445 652,445 678,120 678,120 08 - FINANCE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 58,815 52,615 53,935 47,935 08 - FINANCE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 5,290 5,290 5,290 5,290 08 - FINANCE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 08 - FINANCE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 08 - FINANCE EXPENDITURES 716,550 710,350 737,345 731,345 09 - DATA PROCESSING TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 09 - DATA PROCESSING TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 255,800 255,800 269,000 269,000 09 - DATA PROCESSING EXPENDITURES 255,800 255,800 269,000 269,000 10 - INDEPENDENT AUDIT TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 10 - INDEPENDENT AUDIT EXPENDITURES 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 14 - LEGAL SERVICES TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 14 - LEGAL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 14 - LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDITURES 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 678,940 678,940 707,140 707,140 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 43,775 43,350 43,775 43,350 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 600 600 600 600 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 15 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES 723,315 722,890 751,515 751,090 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 201,065 201,065 208,200 208,200 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 185,480 184,005 187,030 185,555 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 16 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS EXPENDITURES 389,165 387,690 397,850 396,375 20 - POLICE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 8,381,085 8,483,085 8,767,320 8,872,380 20 - POLICE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 1,594,645 1,591,645 1,618,497 1,618,497 20 - POLICE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 44,250 30,000 30,000 30,000 20 - POLICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20 - POLICE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 262,000 262,000 288,200 288,200 20 - POLICE EXPENDITURES 10,281,980 10,366,730 10,704,017 10,809,077 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 19,775 19,775 21,835 21,835 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 21 - CIVIL DEFENSE EXPENDITURES 19,775 19,775 21,835 21,835 22 - COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 95,260 95,260 101,100 101,100 22 - COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 14,875 14,875 14,875 14,875 22 - COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 22 - COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) EXPENDITURES 110,135 110,135 115,975 115,975 27 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020-2021 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT AND TYPE Department Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2018 Council Adopted Original 2019 Council Approved Original 23 - FIRE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,010,553 1,058,171 1,191,570 1,179,920 1,253,060 23 - FIRE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 382,049 363,537 494,066 421,260 370,582 23 - FIRE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 2,999 2,815 3,626 2,950 2,950 23 - FIRE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 286,300 292,100 335,782 326,500 337,050 23 - FIRE EXPENDITURES 1,681,901 1,716,624 2,025,043 1,930,630 1,963,642 27 - PW ENGINEERING TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 472,612 523,236 552,176 689,425 697,610 27 - PW ENGINEERING TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 34,455 119,174 142,186 159,480 132,030 27 - PW ENGINEERING TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES -360 -3 0 0 27 - PW ENGINEERING TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,760 15,311 10,250 10,250 10,250 27 - PW ENGINEERING EXPENDITURES 511,827 657,361 704,610 859,155 839,890 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 636,988 691,788 691,213 757,865 785,835 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 117,558 212,387 195,258 155,865 143,705 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 14,358 90,916 68,057 58,380 58,650 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,956 95,085 66,100 43,300 16,100 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS EXPENDITURES 779,860 1,090,176 1,020,628 1,015,410 1,004,290 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 400,845 418,082 442,164 453,140 489,185 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 44,401 49,305 81,582 117,200 105,015 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 5,238 4,325 5,959 3,215 3,695 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,450 4,450 4,450 4,450 9,500 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES EXPENDITURES 454,934 476,162 534,155 578,005 607,395 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 458,600 470,059 476,388 498,045 589,420 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 124,328 137,968 169,166 142,205 166,945 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 6,684 7,025 5,566 7,660 7,260 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,854 2,457 1,182 0 0 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,400 16,122 14,101 2,850 2,850 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS EXPENDITURES 597,866 633,632 666,402 650,760 766,475 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,238,401 1,273,104 1,283,259 1,424,815 1,522,365 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 415,169 428,899 415,977 463,795 457,668 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES -26 -64 -22 3,775 500 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,853 112,390 232,584 203,000 202,000 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 1,670,397 1,814,329 1,931,798 2,095,385 2,182,533 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 129,305 63,537 211,140 147,455 152,480 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 178,578 189,276 226,233 223,575 247,360 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 -1 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL EXPENDITURES 307,883 252,813 437,371 371,030 399,840 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 80,020 82,431 83,599 79,705 82,630 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 102,506 124,223 124,339 145,635 141,425 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 171 95 -9 0 0 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 15,844 20,000 0 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS EXPENDITURES 182,697 206,749 223,774 245,340 224,055 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 710,551 774,568 800,628 807,830 838,110 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 91,792 77,833 74,994 85,250 101,250 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 67,123 68,108 68,980 62,800 62,800 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES 869,466 920,510 944,602 955,880 1,002,160 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,674,657 1,685,852 1,691,478 1,781,995 1,785,315 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 770,480 776,531 787,681 830,700 882,100 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 55,733 59,351 66,905 57,550 61,000 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 212,122 227,289 262,052 272,500 276,780 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 2,712,993 2,749,024 2,808,116 2,942,745 3,005,195 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 141,001 132,783 115,279 150,930 128,250 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 29,962 30,394 24,985 25,250 23,645 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 5,548 3,609 3,411 10,800 11,500 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 361 637 783 0 0 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS EXPENDITURES 176,871 167,423 144,458 186,980 163,395 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 71,636 62,641 66,971 64,095 65,270 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 28,469 25,419 31,230 35,575 53,100 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 905 1,701 1,334 1,000 1,100 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,460 3,071 3,018 4,000 4,000 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 7,877 7,253 0 50,000 40 - REDWOOD POOL EXPENDITURES 104,470 100,709 109,805 104,670 173,470 28 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020-2021 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT AND TYPE Department Object Account 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 23 - FIRE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,275,575 1,275,575 1,334,415 1,334,415 23 - FIRE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 364,298 363,548 395,629 394,879 23 - FIRE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,600 3,600 3,650 3,650 23 - FIRE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 388,400 388,400 407,800 407,800 23 - FIRE EXPENDITURES 2,031,873 2,031,123 2,141,494 2,140,744 27 - PW ENGINEERING TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 730,905 730,905 767,505 767,505 27 - PW ENGINEERING TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 174,810 155,910 184,570 182,570 27 - PW ENGINEERING TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 27 - PW ENGINEERING TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,510 10,510 0 10,770 27 - PW ENGINEERING EXPENDITURES 916,225 897,325 952,075 960,845 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 824,735 794,735 826,525 826,525 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 133,530 133,530 123,665 123,665 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 68,745 68,745 71,250 71,250 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,980 12,980 0 13,370 28 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS EXPENDITURES 1,039,990 1,009,990 1,021,440 1,034,810 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 518,770 518,770 538,745 538,745 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 224,680 199,380 276,245 250,945 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,595 3,595 3,775 3,775 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 29 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES EXPENDITURES 749,045 723,745 820,815 795,515 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 619,580 619,580 651,045 651,045 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 181,390 175,165 197,790 191,640 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 7,440 7,440 7,540 7,540 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 22,700 5,700 10,800 5,800 30 - CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS EXPENDITURES 831,110 807,885 867,175 856,025 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,674,125 1,599,125 1,825,880 1,787,130 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 591,180 516,110 608,790 539,800 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 515 515 530 530 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 235,370 229,370 38,000 378,400 31 - STREET MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 2,501,190 2,345,120 2,473,200 2,705,860 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 151,855 151,855 162,140 162,140 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 278,469 278,469 266,225 266,225 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 32 - SNOW & ICE REMOVAL EXPENDITURES 430,324 430,324 428,365 428,365 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 85,935 85,935 88,760 88,760 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 144,225 140,010 147,990 140,940 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,000 0 33 - TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS EXPENDITURES 239,160 225,945 236,750 229,700 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 868,845 868,845 899,405 899,405 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 94,250 92,550 97,750 96,050 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 64,300 64,300 64,300 64,300 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 37 - PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES 1,027,395 1,025,695 1,061,455 1,059,755 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,891,690 1,866,690 1,989,495 1,969,495 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 859,100 846,300 859,600 817,100 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 62,000 62,000 64,000 64,000 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL DEPRECIATION 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 236,700 236,700 270,620 270,620 38 - PARK MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 3,049,490 3,011,690 3,183,715 3,121,215 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 122,480 122,480 125,035 125,035 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 30,245 28,920 30,320 29,220 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 12,700 7,700 12,700 7,700 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 39 - RECREATION PROGRAMS EXPENDITURES 165,425 159,100 168,055 161,955 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 65,565 65,565 66,825 66,825 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 37,200 37,200 40,850 39,850 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,100 1,100 1,500 1,500 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 40 - REDWOOD POOL TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,000 5,000 40 - REDWOOD POOL EXPENDITURES 112,865 112,865 113,175 112,175 29 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020-2021 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT AND TYPE Department Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2018 Council Adopted Original 2019 Council Approved Original 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 73,892 60,806 54,795 66,215 65,800 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 124,444 120,795 131,033 120,960 123,120 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 4,101 6,479 6,059 8,250 7,400 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,875 2,978 4,866 5,500 4,500 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG EXPENDITURES 206,311 191,057 196,754 200,925 200,820 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 193,230 202,511 194,641 194,695 200,315 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 88,856 105,089 87,235 92,550 105,650 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,258 3,974 4,897 5,100 4,000 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 71 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 102,443 125,740 0 0 0 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER EXPENDITURES 387,787 437,314 286,843 292,345 309,965 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 0 0 0 0 0 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 43 - CABLE TV EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 326,129 331,291 345,280 322,150 323,295 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 235,556 271,656 205,702 234,550 243,275 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 11,863 10,016 9,007 6,900 6,750 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 56,040 48,778 53,575 59,000 60,000 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 26,494 6,153 20,000 235,000 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER EXPENDITURES 629,588 688,235 619,716 642,600 868,320 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 300,951 300,360 308,997 314,805 316,600 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 67,318 70,815 72,065 69,050 71,310 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 124 670 126 800 800 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,113 38,930 18,755 15,000 27,000 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER EXPENDITURES 371,505 410,775 399,943 399,655 415,710 47 - INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 11,366 11,976 2,749 6,200 12,000 47 - INSURANCE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 125 47 - INSURANCE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 288,000 303,000 313,150 313,150 313,150 47 - INSURANCE EXPENDITURES 299,366 314,976 316,024 319,350 325,150 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 180 0 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 21,471 18,976 0 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 99,645 164,420 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS TOTAL TRANSFERS 4,849,700 5,509,100 4,963,000 3,798,000 3,623,000 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES 4,871,171 5,528,255 4,963,000 3,897,645 3,787,420 76 - FIRE RELIEF TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 76 - FIRE RELIEF TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 1,609 750 740 2,200 1,000 76 - FIRE RELIEF TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 541,408 526,781 551,681 537,930 542,223 76 - FIRE RELIEF EXPENDITURES 543,017 527,531 552,421 540,130 543,223 Grand Total 30,835,920 32,783,462 33,629,053 33,156,255 34,029,360 30 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020-2021 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT AND TYPE Department Object Account 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 56,040 56,040 57,275 57,275 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 133,295 128,795 139,020 134,520 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 7,400 7,400 7,300 7,300 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 41 - RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG EXPENDITURES 201,235 196,735 208,095 203,595 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 205,210 205,210 209,590 209,590 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 108,200 108,200 125,050 125,050 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,000 6,000 42 - AV COMMUNITY CENTER EXPENDITURES 333,410 323,410 338,640 338,640 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 43 - CABLE TV TOTAL TRANSFERS 43 - CABLE TV EXPENDITURES 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 332,320 332,320 336,340 336,340 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 233,075 233,075 235,300 235,300 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 6,750 6,750 8,500 8,500 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 44 - AQUATIC SWIM CENTER EXPENDITURES 632,145 632,145 640,140 640,140 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 319,400 319,400 336,850 336,850 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 83,560 63,560 98,910 98,910 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 800 800 800 800 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,000 20,000 45 - APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER EXPENDITURES 423,760 403,760 436,560 436,560 47 - INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 47 - INSURANCE TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 47 - INSURANCE TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 322,500 312,500 335,000 325,000 47 - INSURANCE EXPENDITURES 334,500 324,500 347,000 337,000 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 50,490 40,490 50,490 40,490 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS TOTAL TRANSFERS 3,732,000 3,732,000 3,862,000 3,862,000 48 - CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES 3,782,490 3,772,490 3,912,490 3,902,490 76 - FIRE RELIEF TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 76 - FIRE RELIEF TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 76 - FIRE RELIEF TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 546,500 546,500 560,000 560,000 76 - FIRE RELIEF EXPENDITURES 547,500 547,500 561,000 561,000 Grand Total 35,708,744 35,385,705 36,748,777 36,953,781 31 Notes: 32 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 01 1005 Mayor & City Council DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Mayor and Council reflects the expenses required to operate and maintain the Apple Valley City Council function. The Council is the policy-making body that governs the City and determines the scope of services provided by the City and the price of services to residents and service users. The individual members also represent the City on various joint powers boards and organizations including but not limited to: the League of Minnesota Cities, the National League of Cities, Metro Cities, the Municipal Legislative Commission, Metropolitan Airports Commission Noise Oversight Committee, Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, Dakota Communications Center Board, ALF Ambulance, Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Advisory Committee, Minnesota Mayors Association, and Apple Valley Fire Relief Association. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 The councilmembers covered under this company consider policy issues throughout the year and provide direction to staff. The Council meets regularly twice per month with special meetings called as needed. 1.Provide policy directives for various issues pertaining to the governance of the City and its residents. 2.Determine appropriate services and taxation levels for each year’s budgets. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Residents represented 51,338 52,361 Tbd Tbd Tbd Tbd City Market Value (in 1000’s) 4,694,056 4,890,750 5,280,179 5,781,638 6,184,821 Tbd Gen Fund Budget overseen 30,283,220 31,504,315 33,156,255 33,796,940 35,236,285 35,236,285 Total All Budgeted Funds $72 million $73 million $84 million $84 million $89 million $89 million Moody’s Bond Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Standard & Poor’s Bond Rating AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Parcels within the City 18,015 18,012 18,232 18,293 18,321 Tbd # Residential parcels 17,517 17,531 17,750 17,811 17,839 Tbd # Homesteaded parcels 15,221 14,760 15,417 15,199 15,303 Tbd Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Councilmember 5 5 5 5 5 5 33 Summary Budget Department 01 Mayor & Council 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 45,804 46,849 48,027 49,695 49,365 53,755 55,280 Emp. Benefits 70,854 68,716 71,450 76,270 73,135 73,465 78,425 Supplies 598 966 744 655 725 725 725 Contractual Serv.743 3,080 2,922 3,120 3,120 3,120 3,120 Training/Travel/Dues 15,499 18,338 19,276 27,635 27,790 27,790 27,790 Other Exp.- 150 188 - - - Capital outlay - - - - - - Total Exp.133,498 138,100 142,606 157,375 154,135 158,855 165,340 Net provision to (use of) general revenues (133,498) (138,099) (142,607) (157,375) (154,135) (158,855) (165,340) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 34 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 45,804 46,849 48,027 47,925 23,288 52,275 52,275 53,755 53,755 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 1,440 1,480 1,480 1,525 1,525 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 45,804 46,849 48,027 49,365 23,288 53,755 53,755 55,280 55,280 6138 - MEDICARE 545 663 626 715 278 780 780 800 800 6139 - FICA 1,120 1,540 1,392 1,925 568 2,090 2,090 2,150 2,150 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 2,502 2,560 2,624 2,925 1,272 3,190 3,190 3,280 3,280 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 112 150 162 170 87 210 210 225 225 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 58,106 60,895 66,660 73,800 27,950 73,595 73,595 78,370 78,370 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 5,932 6,626 6,860 2,896 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 30 30 30 14 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 2,506 3,042 2,638 1,921 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -6,788 -9,543 -6,400 -3,357 -6,400 -6,400 -6,400 -6,400 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 70,854 68,716 71,450 73,135 31,631 73,465 73,465 78,425 78,425 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 116,658 115,566 119,476 122,500 54,919 127,220 127,220 133,705 133,705 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 256 251 135 200 119 200 200 200 200 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 87 30 0 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 256 685 608 525 362 525 525 525 525 6205 - SUPPLIES 598 966 744 725 481 725 725 725 725 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 143 3,018 2,922 3,000 1,417 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6239 - PRINTING 600 62 0 120 0 120 120 120 120 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 743 3,080 2,922 3,120 1,417 3,120 3,120 3,120 3,120 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 1,441 793 1,569 1,335 972 1,335 1,335 1,335 1,335 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 11,607 13,349 13,919 21,500 3,642 21,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 1,421 1,692 1,383 1,600 304 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 750 2,450 2,350 3,250 750 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 280 55 55 105 0 105 105 105 105 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 15,499 18,338 19,276 27,790 5,667 27,790 27,790 27,790 27,790 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 16,840 22,384 22,942 31,635 7,565 31,635 31,635 31,635 31,635 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 0 150 188 -150 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 150 188 -150 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 150 188 -150 133,498 138,100 142,606 154,135 62,334 158,855 158,855 165,340 165,340 35 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 01: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL - 1005 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 45,550 47,925 47,925 52,275 52,275 53,755 53,755 6123 Salary - Other 4,145 1,440 1,440 1,480 1,480 1,525 1,525 6138 Medicare 720 715 715 780 780 800 800 6139 FICA 1,935 1,925 1,925 2,090 2,090 2,150 2,150 6141 Pension - PERA 2,950 2,925 2,925 3,190 3,190 3,280 3,280 6142 Work Comp Ins 165 170 170 210 210 225 225 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 70,500 73,800 73,800 73,595 73,595 78,370 78,370 6170 Employee Paid Premiums - (6,400) (6,400) (6,400) (6,400) (6,400) (6,400) Position Changes - - - - - - - Total 125,965 122,500 122,500 127,220 127,220 133,705 133,705 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 145 200 200 200 200 200 200 Total 145 200 200 200 200 200 200 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 385 400 225 400 400 400 400 Council Shirts 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Total 510 525 350 525 525 525 525 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Mobile Phone 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Miscellaneous (Business Cards)120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Total 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Includes LMC, AMM, and 1,000 725 335 725 725 725 725 other General Conference 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 and Workshop Expenses 350 130 200 130 130 130 130 - 350 350 350 350 350 350 Total 1,480 1,335 1,015 1,335 1,335 1,335 1,335 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER LMC Annual 3,000 3,000 900 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 NLC Spring (DC) 6,000 6,000 4,030 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 NLC Fall 10,000 10,000 4,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 NLC Board / Board Committees 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Mayor's Association 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 21,500 21,500 11,430 21,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Miscellaneous Mileage 1,400 1,600 1,500 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Total 1,400 1,600 1,500 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 6278 SUBSISTANCE ALLOWANCE NLC Spring (DC) @ 500 1,500 1,500 1,100 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 NLC Fall @ $250 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 NLC Board/ Board Committees - 150 150 150 150 150 150 LMC Annual @ $150 600 600 150 600 600 600 600 Other Conferences 50 - - - - - - Total 3,150 3,250 2,400 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Mayor Association Dues 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Miscellaneous 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Total 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 Total Net of Personnel 31,410 31,635 20,120 31,635 31,635 31,635 31,635 TOTAL EXPENSES 157,375$ 154,135$ 142,620$ 158,855$ 158,855$ 165,340$ 165,340$ 36 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 02 1010 Administration DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Administration reflects the expenses involved in the general administration of the City and its services. In addition to the activities involved in serving the City Council to carry out its directives and providing the ultimate supervisory authority for all of the individual departments, the Administration Department also has direct management responsibilities for information technologies, cable television, general City communications functions, budget development and management, capital improvement planning, website management, physical facility planning, energy management, facility security coordination, airport noise complaint coordination, and generally all issues that do not fall directly into individual departments. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 1. Develop balanced 2020 budget within financial parameters set by City Council. 2. Administer Council directives for service levels in response to economic conditions. 3. Develop 2020-2024 Capital Improvements Program. 4. Administer Municipal Center Lower Level Finishing project. 5. Continue integration of City website design and utilities into department operations and activities to enhance customer experience with website. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Full-time Employees 187 187 191 191 Gen Fund Budget Managed $30,283,220 $31,504,315 $33,156,255 $33,796,940 $35,236,285 $35,236,285 Total All Budgeted Funds $ 72 million $ 73 million $ 84 million $ 84 million $ 89 million $ 89 million Moody’s Bond Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Standard & Poor’s Bond Rating AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 City Administrator 1 1 1 1 1 1 Asst. City Administrator 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dept. Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 1 Communication Specialist 1 1 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 None 37 Summary Budget Department 02 Administration 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2018 Adopted 2019 Proposed 2020 Proposed 2021 Proposed Revenue: Expenditures: Salaries & Wages Emp. Benefits Supplies Contractual Serv. Training/Travel/Dues Total Expense Net provision to (use of ) general revenues 305,853 108,172 87 2,006 13,732 320,142 107,208 26 1,940 11,087 331,449 111,665 995 1,808 14,814 342,835 115,110 265 1,950 15,330 353,620 112,845 265 2,000 14,695 454,800 101,735 265 2,000 14,800 479,180 139,010 265 2,000 14,800 429,850 440,403 460,731 475,490 483,425 573,600 635,255 (429,850) (440,403) (460,731) (475,490) (483,425) (613,140) (635,255) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 38 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) ADMINISTRATION Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 309,895 320,363 335,774 338,085 165,493 438,530 438,530 456,635 456,635 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 0 817 0 0 0 6122 - COMP REQUEST -4,041 -1,038 -4,326 -149 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 15,535 16,270 16,270 22,545 22,545 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 305,853 320,142 331,449 353,620 165,344 454,800 454,800 479,180 479,180 6138 - MEDICARE 4,260 4,530 4,624 5,170 2,309 5,425 5,425 6,950 6,950 6139 - FICA 16,649 18,093 18,320 20,185 9,872 21,035 21,035 26,425 26,425 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 22,939 24,011 24,774 26,750 12,327 28,045 28,045 35,940 35,940 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,629 1,593 1,740 1,895 919 2,080 2,080 2,835 2,835 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 847 642 669 985 307 1,030 1,030 1,320 1,320 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 56,916 61,243 66,964 65,760 30,028 52,020 52,020 73,440 73,440 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 3,996 4,518 4,694 2,201 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 18 18 18 8 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 917 915 915 429 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -8,354 -11,053 -7,900 -2,840 -7,900 -7,900 -7,900 -7,900 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 108,172 107,208 111,665 112,845 55,559 101,735 101,735 139,010 139,010 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 414,025 427,350 443,114 466,465 220,903 556,535 556,535 618,190 618,190 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 87 26 27 190 34 190 190 190 190 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 0 99 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 0 0 869 75 0 75 75 75 75 6205 - SUPPLIES 87 26 995 265 34 265 265 265 265 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 1,352 1,237 1,111 1,200 358 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6239 - PRINTING 654 703 697 800 697 800 800 800 800 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,006 1,940 1,808 2,000 1,055 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 0 0 0 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 1,355 1,548 1,508 1,840 1,154 1,840 1,840 1,840 1,840 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 4,764 1,914 5,178 4,850 960 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 4,640 4,620 4,620 4,670 2,310 4,670 4,670 4,670 4,670 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 400 350 750 600 0 600 600 600 600 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,573 2,655 2,758 2,735 1,524 2,740 2,740 2,740 2,740 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 13,732 11,087 14,814 14,695 5,948 14,800 14,800 14,800 14,800 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 15,824 13,053 17,617 16,960 7,038 17,065 17,065 17,065 17,065 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 429,849 440,403 460,731 483,425 227,941 573,600 573,600 635,255 635,255 39 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 02: ADMINISTRATION - 1010 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 326,530 338,085 338,085 357,720 357,720 378,715 378,715 6110 Add Comm Specialist (All Costs)- - - 80,810 80,810 115,035 115,035 6123 Salaries - Other 16,305 15,535 15,535 16,270 16,270 17,165 17,165 6138 Medicare 4,970 5,170 5,170 5,425 5,425 5,740 5,740 6139 FICA 19,740 20,185 20,185 21,035 21,035 21,260 21,260 6141 Pension - PERA 25,715 26,750 26,750 28,045 28,045 29,695 29,695 6142 Work Comp Insurance 1,770 1,895 1,895 2,080 2,080 2,310 2,310 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 945 985 985 1,030 1,030 1,090 1,090 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 61,970 65,760 65,760 52,020 52,020 55,080 55,080 6170 Employee Paid Premiums - (7,900) (7,900) (7,900) (7,900) (7,900) (7,900) Total 457,945 466,465 466,465 556,535 556,535 618,190 618,190 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 190 190 100 190 190 190 190 Total 190 190 100 190 190 190 190 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Various 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Total 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Mobile Phones 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Total 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Various 750 800 800 800 800 800 800 Total 750 800 800 800 800 800 800 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Workshops/Meetings 1,100 700 700 700 700 700 700 Other Local Training - 140 140 140 140 140 140 Other Local Training 1,480 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 2,580 1,840 1,840 1,840 1,840 1,840 1,840 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER NLC Fall 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 LMC 600 600 1,000 600 600 600 600 ICMA 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 MCMA (1 attendee @ $880)1,000 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 4,850 4,850 4,250 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Car Allowance ($385 per month)4,620 4,620 4,620 4,620 4,620 4,620 4,620 Other Mileage 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 4,670 4,670 4,670 4,670 4,670 4,670 4,670 6278 SUBSISTANCE ALLOWANCE NLC Fall 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 LMC (1 @ $150)150 150 100 150 150 150 150 ICMA 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Total 600 600 550 600 600 600 600 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MAMA 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 MCMA - Administrator 165 175 175 175 175 175 175 MCMA - Assistant 135 140 145 145 145 145 145 ICMA - Administrator 1,145 1,175 1,175 1,175 1,175 1,175 1,175 ICMA - Assistant 900 925 925 925 925 925 925 Other 15 - - - - - - MPAL 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Rotary 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 2,630 2,735 2,740 2,740 2,740 2,740 2,740 Total Net of Personnel 17,545 16,960 16,225 17,065 17,065 17,065 17,065 TOTAL EXPENSES ABOVE 475,490$ 483,425$ 482,690$ 573,600$ 573,600$ 635,255$ 635,255$ 40 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 03 1015 City Clerk/Elections DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Carries out the duties of the City Clerk's office, as prescribed by State Statute, and manages all functions of the office, including: serving as the Clerk to the City Council; preparing official meeting agendas and minutes; publishing legal notices; conducting bid openings; processing contracts and agreements; administering issuance of municipal licenses; filing insurance claims; filing certified documents with the County and other agencies; coordinating the election process; coordinating auctions; and maintaining official records and files for the City. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 AND 2021 A primary objective for 2020 will be to prepare for and conduct the first City-administered Presidential Primary Nomination as well as the State Primary and General Elections, including securing polling sites, recruiting and training judges, training and testing election equipment, ordering supplies, and coordinating the absentee ballot and early voting processes. In 2021, in addition to the regular and recurring duties assigned to the City Clerk’s office, the 18th major supplement of the Code of Ordinances will be prepared and distributed. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Adopted Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Agenda Packets & Minutes 24 24 24 24 24 24 Resolutions 243 215 219 200 200 200 Ordinances 22 12 16 14 14 14 Public Hearing Notices 41 36 38 40 40 40 Legal Ads 80 60 85 65 65 65 Licenses & Permits 358 336 346 320 340 320 Insurance Claims 46 55 69 50 50 50 Agreements/Contracts 121 133 116 110 110 110 Change Orders 17 21 24 20 20 20 Bid Openings 7 14 10 10 10 10 Elections 2 2 2 0 3 1 Total Voters - Primary 3,069 NA 8,781 NA 4,000 NA Total Voters - General 29,853 NA 27,170 NA 28,000 NA Election Day Regist.- Primary 125 NA 401 NA 300 NA Election Day Regist - General 2,884 NA 1,942 NA 2,500 NA Absentee Ballots - Primary 196 NA 1,199 NA 1,200 NA Absentee Ballots - General 8,692 NA 7,759 NA 10,000 NA CUP’s/IUP’s Filed 2 7 4 4 4 4 Vacations Filed 3 3 4 3 3 3 Auctions 6 6 6 5 5 5 Scanned Documents 21,800 27,660 21,855 20,000 15,000 20,000 41 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 City Clerk 1 1 1 1 1 1 Division Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part-time Status Personnel Schedule – Hours (*) Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Election Assistants 0 0 1,500 0 1,600 0 Head Election Judges 0 1,600 0 2,300 0 Election Judges 0 4,800 0 6,800 0 (*) prior to 2016 election judges were paid through contract services Summary Budget Department 03 - City Clerk / Elections 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: License: 4030 TOBACCO - 10,625 383 5,250 5,250 6,375 6,375 4031 TRASH COLLECTION 5,683 7,272 6,427 5,410 6,135 6,165 6,165 4033 FUEL 11,986 12,320 12,840 11,860 12,870 12,910 12,910 4034 LIQUOR / WINE 131,750 133,190 148,330 125,690 134,725 132,920 132,920 4035 BEER ON & OFF 11,720 3,425 3,520 5,600 6,100 5,400 5,400 4036 PEDDLER / SOLICITOR 11,480 12,253 9,346 8,375 11,480 11,050 11,050 4037 VENDING MACHINES 1,764 2,535 2,485 1,895 1,895 2,300 2,300 4038 MASSAGE THERAPY 5,300 5,997 6,385 3,445 6,295 5,480 5,480 4049 LICENSE-OTHER 4,567 3,995 2,333 3,855 4,310 3,575 3,575 8100 AUCTION SALES 18,844 10,120 18,924 20,400 20,400 20,400 21,000 203,094 201,732 210,972 191,780 209,460 206,575 207,175 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 176,800 145,537 202,941 202,965 166,165 334,285 179,710 Emp. Benefits 56,225 51,572 60,596 60,935 52,585 70,530 58,770 Supplies 2,102 1,782 31,184 49,700 950 3,200 1,000 Contractual Serv.71,203 6,448 73,945 83,150 10,600 13,400 9,850 Repairs & Maint.- 9,864 9,864 10,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 Training/Travel/Dues 59,860 62,267 59,437 63,950 66,213 64,683 68,650 Other Exp.1,612 - 2,236 3,000 - 3,600 - Capital outlay 5,925 1,954 524 - - - Total Exp 373,727 279,424 440,727 473,800 313,613 506,798 335,080 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (170,633) (77,692) (229,755) (282,020) (104,153) (300,223) (127,905) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY 42 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 149,202 143,974 160,870 158,435 76,523 164,840 164,840 171,570 171,570 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 0 334 4,368 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 11,717 780 22,807 0 0 140,450 140,450 0 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 15,835 551 15,737 3,000 149 24,000 24,000 3,000 3,000 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 0 0 8 0 6122 - COMP REQUEST -439 -102 -850 0 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 4,730 4,995 4,995 5,140 5,140 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 486 0 0 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 176,800 145,537 202,941 166,165 76,671 334,285 334,285 179,710 179,710 6138 - MEDICARE 2,249 1,902 2,677 2,410 961 4,845 4,845 2,605 2,605 6139 - FICA 9,617 8,133 11,447 10,300 4,109 20,725 20,725 11,140 11,140 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 12,243 10,635 13,271 12,465 5,750 14,540 14,540 13,480 13,480 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,358 804 1,409 995 459 2,005 2,005 1,130 1,130 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 398 302 316 455 144 535 535 495 495 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 27,683 33,877 35,688 32,760 14,443 34,680 34,680 36,720 36,720 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 2,664 3,012 3,129 0 1,467 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 12 12 12 6 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -7,106 -7,353 -6,800 -2,002 -6,800 -6,800 -6,800 -6,800 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 56,225 51,572 60,596 52,585 25,336 70,530 70,530 58,770 58,770 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 233,025 197,109 263,537 218,750 102,007 404,815 404,815 238,480 238,480 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,003 576 1,882 550 82 1,750 1,750 550 550 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,099 1,206 29,302 400 830 1,450 1,450 450 450 6205 - SUPPLIES 2,102 1,782 31,184 950 912 3,200 3,200 1,000 1,000 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 0 164 0 0 6236 - ELECTION JUDGE PAYMENTS 63,601 0 60,239 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 4,622 3,357 3,529 6,600 1,632 9,350 9,350 5,700 5,700 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,981 2,927 10,177 4,000 495 4,050 4,050 4,150 4,150 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71,203 6,448 73,945 10,600 2,127 13,400 13,400 9,850 9,850 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 0 9,864 9,864 17,100 0 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 9,864 9,864 17,100 0 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 783 870 399 1,400 140 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 674 2,350 0 3,200 2,679 900 900 4,100 4,100 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 568 50 610 375 105 1,125 1,125 400 400 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 200 450 0 400 400 400 400 400 400 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 57,636 58,547 58,429 60,838 28,039 61,262 60,858 62,756 62,350 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 59,860 62,267 59,437 66,213 31,362 65,087 64,683 69,056 68,650 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 133,165 80,361 174,430 94,863 34,401 98,787 98,383 97,006 96,600 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 1,612 0 2,045 0 0 3,600 3,600 0 0 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS 0 0 -1 0 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 0 192 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,612 0 2,235 0 0 3,600 3,600 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,612 0 2,235 0 0 3,600 3,600 0 0 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX 5,925 1,954 524 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,925 1,954 524 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,925 1,954 524 0 0 373,727 279,424 440,726 313,613 136,409 507,202 506,798 335,486 335,080 43 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 03: CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS - 1015 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACCT DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6110 SALARIES Regular Employees 150,865 158,435 158,435 164,840 164,840 171,570 171,570 6112 *Salary-Seasonal Temp 28,000 - - 38,000 38,000 - - 6112 *Head Judges 1,600 hours @ $13.00 - - - - - - - 6112 *Other Judges 4,800 hours @ $10.00 - - - - - - - 6112 *Head Judges 2,300 hours @ $13.50 - - - 31,050 31,050 - - 6112 *Other Judges 6,800 hours @ $10.50 - - - 71,400 71,400 - - 6113 Overtime - Reg 18,000 3,000 3,000 24,000 24,000 3,000 3,000 6123 Salaries - Other 6,100 4,730 4,730 4,995 4,995 5,140 5,140 6138 Medicare 3,675 2,410 2,410 4,845 4,845 2,605 2,605 6139 FICA 10,660 10,300 10,300 20,725 20,725 11,140 11,140 6141 Pension - PERA 12,900 12,465 12,465 14,540 14,540 13,480 13,480 6142 Work Comp Ins 1,470 995 995 2,005 2,005 1,130 1,130 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 430 455 455 535 535 495 495 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 31,800 32,760 32,760 34,680 34,680 36,720 36,720 6170 Employee Paid Premiums - (6,800) (6,800) (6,800) (6,800) (6,800) (6,800) Position Changes - - - - - - - Total 263,900 218,750 218,750 404,815 404,815 238,480 238,480 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 *Polling Place/Election Supplies 1,200 - - 1,200 1,200 - - Total 1,750 550 550 1,750 1,750 550 550 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 450 400 400 450 450 450 450 Microsoft Surface or Similar Product - - - - - - - *Polling Place Supplies & Signs &1,000 - - 1,000 1,000 - - Various Election Supplies - - - - - - - *3 AB Bin Storage Casters - - - - - - - *3 Scanners, 2 Label Printers - - - - - - - *E-Poll Book Systems 54 x $1,000 93,000 - - - - - - *E-Poll Book Systems Grant Dollars (46,500) - - - - - - Total 47,950 400 400 1,450 1,450 450 450 6236 ELECTION JUDGE PAYMENTS *Election: Primary & General - - - - - - - *Head Judges 1,600 hours @ $13.00 20,800 - - - - - - *Other Judges 4,800 hours @ $10.00 48,000 - - - - - - Total 68,800 - - - - - - 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Legal Notices 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,100 Dakota County Filing Fees 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 *Election Judge Manuals 1,000 - - 1,000 1,000 - - *General Election Ballots 2,000 - - 2,000 2,000 - - *Election Postal Verification Cards 750 - - 750 750 - - Business Card Stock, Misc.500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Adjust to Trend - - - - - - - Total 10,350 6,600 5,600 9,350 9,350 5,700 5,700 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Update Codification of Ordinances 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,600 3,600 Host City Code on Web Site 500 500 500 550 550 550 550 Total 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,050 4,050 4,150 4,150 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Office Equipment Repairs 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 *Annual Maintenance for Vote Tabulators (19 tabulators)- - - - - - - Poll Pads (68)7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 HAVA Equipment (16 machines)- - - - - - - Dominion Election Equipment (16)9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 Total 10,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Workshops 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 Meetings 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Other 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Total 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER MCFOA 900 900 900 900 900 1,800 1,800 IIMC - 2,300 2,300 - - 2,300 2,300 Total 900 3,200 3,200 900 900 4,100 4,100 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Allowance, Clerk 375 375 375 375 375 400 400 *Mileage, Election Judges & Employees 750 - - 750 750 - - Total 1,125 375 375 1,125 1,125 400 400 44 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 03: CITY CLERK/ELECTIONS - 1015 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACCT DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6278 SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE MCFOA, IIMC, LMC 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 Total 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS IIMC 200 200 210 210 210 210 210 MCFOA 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 LMC Directory 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Other 299 300 300 300 300 300 300 NLC Dues 3,813 3,928 3,928 3,928 3,928 4,045 4,045 LMC Dues 32,100 32,096 32,096 32,510 32,510 33,485 33,485 Metro Cities Dues 13,013 13,404 13,000 13,404 13,000 13,806 13,400 Municipal Legislative Commission 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 Minnesota Statutes - - - - - - - Minnesota Rules - - - - - - - Dakota Co. Historical Society 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 AV Trademark - - 1,200 - - - - Total 60,325 60,838 61,644 61,262 60,858 62,756 62,350 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE *Polling Places 1,700 - - 2,000 2,000 - - *Van/Trailer for Set-Up 1,300 - - 1,600 1,600 - - Total 3,000 - - 3,600 3,600 - - Total Net of Personnel 209,900 94,863 94,669 102,387 101,983 97,006 96,600 TOTAL EXPENSES 473,800$ 313,613$ 313,419$ 507,202$ 506,798$ 335,486$ 335,080$ 45 Notes: 46 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 – General Fund 04 1020/1021 Human Resources/Front Desk DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Human Resources Department serves as a strategic partner in support of the City’s mission to promote a team philosophy within the organization and develop a quality workplace together. Our core services and competencies include recruitment and staffing, employee relations, organizational and employee development, safety and health programs, compensation and benefits, payroll, policy and procedure development and administration, and regulatory compliance. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 / 2021 • Implement laser fiche personnel scanning and onboarding workflows • Initiate NEOGOV hiring requisition and approval process • Establish City-wide safety committee IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ITEM Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Projected 2019 Projected 2020 Projected 2021 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Employment actions processed 430 443 404 440 440 440 New hires 194 205 182 200 200 200 Rehires 174 174 183 180 180 180 Other: promotion, transfer, status change, term 62 64 39 60 60 60 Employment applications processed 2,079 2,378 1,980 2,400 2,400 2,400 Checks generated 11,629 10,937 10,879 11,000 11,250 11,250 W-2s generated 729 766 735 750 750 750 Section 125 enrollment savings $34,323 $24,269 $31,099 $32,000 $32,000 $32,000 Benefit enrollments/changes processed Mid-year 77 107 76 75 75 75 New year open enrollment: medical/dental/life 108 150 115 109 100 100 1094-Cs generated 201 200 233 250 250 250 ITEM Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Projected 2019 Projected 2020 Projected 2020 OUTCOME MEASURES Days to fill vacancies 48 88 90 75 75 75 Turnover rate Full-Time Regular 7.50% 8.90% 5.73% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% Part-Time Regular 6.00% 6.00% 0% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% Part-Time Liquor Operations 57.14% 40.00% 88.46% 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% Paid-on-Call Firefighters 10.67% 10.67% 5.33% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% Performance review completion 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Health claims experience 110.32% 130.18% 107.89% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Safety metrics Workers' comp. experience modifier 0.89 1.01 .95 .83 .85 .85 Days away from work 77 7 315 506 225 225 Restricted days 310 557 129 170 290 290 Volunteer Engagement City-Wide Volunteer Hours 6,349 5,775 6,186 6,200 6,200 6,200 Equivalent Wages Value $149,582 $139,409 $152,732 $155,000 $155,000 $155,000 47 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 HUMAN RESOURCES MGR 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 DEPARTMENT SPECIALIST 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 HR COORDINATOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 PAYROLL COORDINATOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 RECEPTIONIST 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule – Hours (Part Time) Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 None Summary Budget Department 04 Human Resources 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 357,509 378,436 392,313 392,735 405,745 421,115 434,330 Emp. Benefits 120,463 118,968 120,228 130,345 136,475 138,790 145,550 Supplies 1,549 489 356 650 650 650 650 Contractual Serv.29,175 28,447 44,067 40,850 42,550 41,650 41,950 Training/Travel/Dues 4,014 4,142 3,406 5,695 5,545 5,545 5,645 Other Exp.21,756 22,426 27,754 32,300 32,200 32,200 32,700 Capital outlay 762 2,007 - - - - 534,467 553,670 590,130 602,575 623,165 639,950 660,825 Net addition to (use of ) general revenues (534,467) (553,670) (590,130) (602,575) (623,165) (639,950) (660,825) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 48 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 357,233 374,414 359,992 383,290 187,570 401,890 401,890 415,945 415,945 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 0 0 22,331 0 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 3,761 5,598 11,221 5,500 4,833 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 2,520 2,880 2,220 1,080 6122 - COMP REQUEST -6,005 -4,457 -8,233 -1,891 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 16,955 13,225 13,225 12,385 12,385 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 0 0 4,781 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 357,509 378,436 392,313 405,745 191,593 421,115 421,115 434,330 434,330 6138 - MEDICARE 5,079 5,425 5,544 5,885 2,613 6,105 6,105 6,300 6,300 6139 - FICA 21,718 23,199 23,712 25,125 11,173 26,105 26,105 26,675 26,675 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 26,624 28,167 27,150 30,430 14,288 31,590 31,590 32,575 32,575 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,880 2,129 2,300 2,420 1,135 2,530 2,530 2,735 2,735 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 971 746 703 1,115 351 1,160 1,160 1,195 1,195 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 54,405 51,889 60,325 73,800 28,657 73,600 73,600 78,370 78,370 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 6,639 6,626 6,894 0 3,668 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 30 30 27 14 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 3,116 3,208 1,392 482 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -2,452 -7,820 -2,300 -3,587 -2,300 -2,300 -2,300 -2,300 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 120,463 118,968 120,228 136,475 58,795 138,790 138,790 145,550 145,550 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 477,973 497,403 512,541 542,220 250,387 559,905 559,905 579,880 579,880 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,491 429 356 500 406 500 500 500 500 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 28 0 0 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 29 60 0 150 0 150 150 150 150 6205 - SUPPLIES 1,549 489 356 650 406 650 650 650 650 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 24,982 22,557 38,777 32,500 10,515 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 0 0 0 50 0 50 50 50 50 6239 - PRINTING 420 600 0 500 425 500 500 500 500 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,774 5,290 5,290 9,500 0 5,600 5,600 5,900 5,900 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29,175 28,447 44,067 42,550 10,940 41,650 41,650 41,950 41,950 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 0 0 0 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 1,467 1,359 361 2,500 1,974 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 798 778 861 900 350 900 900 1,000 1,000 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 329 276 320 300 46 300 300 300 300 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,420 1,729 1,864 1,845 1,454 1,845 1,845 1,845 1,845 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 4,014 4,142 3,406 5,545 3,824 5,545 5,545 5,645 5,645 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 34,739 33,078 47,829 48,745 15,171 47,845 47,845 48,245 48,245 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 21,756 22,426 27,754 32,200 12,226 32,200 32,200 32,700 32,700 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 21,756 22,426 27,754 32,200 12,226 32,200 32,200 32,700 32,700 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 21,756 22,426 27,754 32,200 12,226 32,200 32,200 32,700 32,700 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX 0 6725 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP 0 762 2,007 0 1,738 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 762 2,007 0 1,738 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 762 2,007 0 1,738 0 0 534,467 553,670 590,130 623,165 279,521 639,950 639,950 660,825 660,825 49 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 04: HUMAN RESOURCES/FRONT DESK - 1020 & 1021 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROPOSED RECOMMEND PROPOSED RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 374,570 383,290 383,290 401,890 401,890 415,945 415,945 6113 Overtime - Reg 4,000 5,500 8,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6123 Salaries - Other 14,165 16,955 16,955 13,225 13,225 12,385 12,385 6138 Medicare 5,695 5,885 5,885 6,105 6,105 6,300 6,300 6139 FICA 24,350 25,125 25,125 26,105 26,105 26,675 26,675 6141 Pension - PERA 29,455 30,430 30,430 31,590 31,590 32,575 32,575 6142 Work Comp Ins 2,275 2,420 2,420 2,530 2,530 2,735 2,735 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 1,070 1,115 1,115 1,160 1,160 1,195 1,195 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 67,500 73,800 73,800 73,600 73,600 78,370 78,370 6170 Employee Paid Premiums - (2,300) (2,300) (2,300) (2,300) (2,300) (2,300) Position Changes - - - - - - - Total 523,080 542,220 544,720 559,905 559,905 579,880 579,880 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Total 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Staff Training and Development 5,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Short-term Disability case manager 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Other (Special Legal)15,000 5,000 4,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Other (Special Selection)5,000 5,000 4,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Safety Consultant 4,500 4,500 6,300 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Laserfiche Consultant 4,000 - - - - - - Total 36,500 32,500 33,300 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX Courier/Other 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING City Wide Recruitment (Ads etc.)500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES NEOGov Software Maint 3,800 6,500 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,900 5,900 On-line benefits enrollment software - 3,000 - - - - - Total 3,800 9,500 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,900 5,900 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Staff Training and Development - - - - - - - Misc Workshops 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER MPELRA Summer Conf 800 900 900 900 900 1,000 1,000 Total 800 900 900 900 900 1,000 1,000 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Miscellaneous Mileage 550 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 550 300 300 300 300 300 300 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS N/MPELRA 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 IPMA-National 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 IPMA-Local chapter 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 APA-National 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 APA-Local chapter 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 SHRM 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 MN Safety Council 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 Misc Publications 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 Total 1,845 1,845 1,845 1,845 1,845 1,845 1,845 6399 OTHER CHARGES Recognition Program (1025-6399)5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Recognition Event (1025-6399)5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Employee Gatherings 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Volunteer Coordinator Program 16,500 16,500 16,500 17,000 17,000 17,500 17,500 Wellness Program (To Self Ins Fund)- - - - - - - Safety Committee 5,600 5,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 32,300 32,200 31,700 32,200 32,200 32,700 32,700 Total Net of Personnel 79,495 80,945 77,345 80,045 80,045 80,945 80,945 TOTAL EXPENSES 602,575 623,165 622,065 639,950 639,950 660,825 660,825 50 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 05 1030 Information Technology DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Information Technology division is responsible for enabling and enhancing efficient business processes through the adoption and management of technology-related resources. The division’s core services include user application support, workstation provisioning and management, wired and wireless network and infrastructure administration, software lifecycle management, security and risk management, telecommunications administration, print and media management, and backup and recovery services. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 The employees covered under this company provide the daily care and maintenance to the hardware, software, network infrastructure, and user support. In addition to the routine daily assignments, major goals for 2020 include: 1. Upgrade and replace approximately 30 desktop computer workstations as planned in the annual replacement cycle and lifecycle management plan. 2. Upgrade and replace approximately 9 network closet switches as anticipated in the lifecycle management plan. 3. Upgrade server cluster host architecture. 4. Enhance IT office areas with redesigned ergonomic workspaces. 5. Upgrade and enhance wireless access system. 6. Assist various departments with line-of-business application implementations and upgrades. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 User accounts 250 265 270 285 290 300 Desktops and Laptops supported 278 266 272 275 300 305 Servers supported 32 30 30 32 32 30 Network nodes (firewalls, switches, APs, WLCs, bridges, etc.) 60 64 68 74 76 80 Facilities or sites supported 20 20 20 20 20 20 Number of printers, copiers, scanners 80 78 76 70 70 70 Number of VoIP phones & devices 275 275 275 275 275 275 Software applications supported 130 148 163 180 190 190 Mobile devices supported 90 102 105 110 120 120 Help Desk requests resolved 954 988 1080 1100 1100 1100 51 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 IT Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Systems Analyst 2 2 2 2 2 IT Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 IT Support Technician - - *1 1 1 *-9 Months 1 1 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule Adopted Adopted Position Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Summer IT Intern 0 1 0 0 1 BUDGET SUMMARY: Summary Budget Department 05 Information Technology 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 302,078 259,368 348,791 355,935 443,180 459,545 483,830 Emp. Benefits 98,434 80,767 110,094 112,215 114,545 148,165 157,190 Supplies 6,570 8,630 6,261 11,000 9,800 7,800 6,800 Contractual Serv.187,913 84,212 205,797 197,965 217,455 267,505 229,205 Repairs & Maint.10,319 11,138 13,893 12,600 12,200 14,200 14,200 Training/Travel/Dues 13,594 13,935 16,936 23,460 24,160 25,810 27,010 Other Exp.8,380 8,230 7,976 8,200 8,000 9,050 9,050 Capital outlay 50,245 177,157 115,895 115,100 146,000 134,000 190,000 Net addition to (use of) general revenues 677,532 643,438 825,643 836,475 975,340 1,066,075 1,117,285 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 2018 2019 2020 2021 ADOPTED ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE EQUIP CONT.- - - Server/Workstation Hardware Upgrades 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 Cisco Core Switch Replacement - - 60,000 60,000 Cisco Networking Switch Upgrades/Replacements 16,000 12,000 16,000 60,000 Cisco Ironport Web/Email Appliance - - - - Network Security/Firewall/VPN 12,000 8,000 - - SAN (Storage Area Network)- 50,000 - - Cisco Wireless Access Points/Mgmt.6,400 8,000 - 8,000 Cable Installation - - - 3,500 IT Server Racks & Furniture - 6,000 15,000 - UPS Replacement - 6,000 - - Enhanced Endpoint Security Licenses 8,000 - - 6,000 Email Archive Appliance 16,700 - - - Total 115,100 146,000 147,000 193,500 52 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 292,007 246,387 341,506 422,960 173,216 436,510 436,510 460,945 460,945 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 0 3,334 2,792 0 274 0 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 10,126 8,969 5,190 4,000 2,294 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 0 720 0 0 6122 - COMP REQUEST -55 -41 -697 0 -541 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 16,220 19,035 19,035 18,885 18,885 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 302,078 259,368 348,791 443,180 175,243 459,545 459,545 483,830 483,830 6138 - MEDICARE 4,090 3,634 4,847 5,395 2,430 6,665 6,665 7,015 7,015 6139 - FICA 17,489 15,539 20,724 23,055 10,388 28,495 28,495 30,000 30,000 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 20,241 19,149 25,950 27,890 13,061 34,465 34,465 36,290 36,290 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,569 1,294 1,884 2,060 994 2,645 2,645 2,930 2,930 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 805 493 675 1,025 322 1,265 1,265 1,330 1,330 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 49,868 44,921 63,460 62,820 27,673 82,330 82,330 87,325 87,325 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 4,344 3,614 5,078 0 2,483 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 23 18 23 11 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 4 208 96 45 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -8,102 -12,643 -7,700 -3,552 -7,700 -7,700 -7,700 -7,700 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 98,434 80,767 110,094 114,545 53,855 148,165 148,165 157,190 157,190 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 400,512 340,136 458,885 557,725 229,098 607,710 607,710 641,020 641,020 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 1,282 492 800 218 800 800 800 800 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5,904 7,205 5,467 8,000 2,961 8,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 244 7 13 148 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 422 137 289 1,000 214 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 6205 - SUPPLIES 6,570 8,630 6,261 9,800 3,541 9,800 7,800 9,800 6,800 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 6,553 2,433 14,471 16,000 1,115 63,400 63,400 20,400 20,400 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 19,422 17,970 22,926 19,500 9,200 20,100 20,100 20,100 20,100 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 0 400 39 200 0 200 200 200 200 6239 - PRINTING 0 8,800 236 0 0 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 341 442 0 600 788 600 600 600 600 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 161,597 54,168 168,125 181,155 84,284 194,205 183,205 187,905 187,905 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 187,913 84,212 205,797 217,455 95,387 278,505 267,505 229,205 229,205 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 10,319 11,138 13,893 12,200 5,861 14,200 14,200 14,200 14,200 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 10,319 11,138 13,893 12,200 5,861 14,200 14,200 14,200 14,200 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 2,395 691 40 4,900 0 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 7,651 7,659 10,668 11,400 1,222 11,400 11,400 12,000 12,000 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,448 3,512 3,537 4,260 1,650 4,260 4,260 4,260 4,260 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 0 250 500 600 250 750 750 750 750 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 99 1,823 2,191 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 3,600 3,600 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 13,594 13,935 16,936 24,160 3,122 25,810 25,810 27,010 27,010 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 218,395 117,916 242,887 263,615 107,911 328,315 315,315 280,215 277,215 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 7,886 7,886 7,886 8,000 3,943 9,050 9,050 9,050 9,050 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 84 344 0 0 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 410 0 90 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 8,380 8,230 7,976 8,000 3,943 9,050 9,050 9,050 9,050 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 8,380 8,230 7,976 8,000 3,943 9,050 9,050 9,050 9,050 6725 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP 50,245 177,157 115,895 146,000 64,280 152,500 134,000 193,500 190,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 50,245 177,157 115,895 146,000 64,280 152,500 134,000 193,500 190,000 53 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 50,245 177,157 115,895 146,000 64,280 152,500 134,000 193,500 190,000 677,532 643,438 825,643 975,340 405,233 1,097,575 1,066,075 1,123,785 1,117,285 54 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 05: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - 1030 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6110 SALARIES Regular Employees 309,945 351,675 364,910 436,510 436,510 460,945 460,945 New Position 2019 - Includes Total Compensation - 71,285 36,608 - - - - IT Staffing Position Upgrade Reorg 22,490 - - - - - - 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp (Intern)10,000 - 1,500 - - - - 6113 Overtime - Reg 2,000 4,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6123 Salaries - Other 11,500 16,220 16,220 19,035 19,035 18,885 18,885 6138 Medicare 4,690 5,395 5,395 6,665 6,665 7,015 7,015 6139 FICA 20,055 23,055 23,055 28,495 28,495 30,000 30,000 6141 Pension - PERA 24,260 27,890 27,890 34,465 34,465 36,290 36,290 6142 Work Comp Ins 1,725 2,060 2,060 2,645 2,645 2,930 2,930 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 885 1,025 1,025 1,265 1,265 1,330 1,330 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 60,600 62,820 62,820 82,330 82,330 87,325 87,325 6170 Employee Paid Premiums - (7,700) (7,700) (7,700) (7,700) (7,700) (7,700) Position Changes - - - - - - - Total 468,150 557,725 538,783 607,710 607,710 641,020 641,020 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous Supplies 1,000 800 800 800 800 800 800 Total 1,000 800 800 800 800 800 800 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP. Miscellaneous Equipment 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 Total 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Miscellaneous Technology Items 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - Total 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Miscellaneous 2,000 2,000 - - - - - LOGIS - Network Services 3,000 14,000 10,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 OPG-3 Concierge Care Package - - 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 Information Security Audit - - - 43,000 43,000 - - Total 5,000 16,000 16,400 63,400 63,400 20,400 20,400 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Cellular Phones or Stipends 3,000 3,000 3,300 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 Mobile Wireless Data 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Primary Interface (Zayo/Frontier)16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 Total 19,500 19,500 19,800 20,100 20,100 20,100 20,100 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX Shipping 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 Total 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 6240 CLEANING/GARBAGE SERVICES Electronics Recycling 600 600 1,500 600 600 600 600 Total 600 600 1,500 600 600 600 600 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Cisco Smartnet Maintenance 11,000 5,100 4,200 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Microsoft Software Licensing 54,700 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Laserfiche Annual Maintenance 21,300 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 Email Filter Maintenance (3yr begin 2017)- - 1,500 - - - - Web Filter Maintenance (3yr begin 2014)10,000 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 Veeam Maintenance (5yr begin 2019)- 1,600 3,400 - - - - PDQ Annual Maintenance - 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 AntiVirus Annual Maintenance 3,700 4,000 4,000 11,000 - 4,000 4,000 Vmware Maintenance (3yr begin 2019)4,600 4,600 13,000 - - - - Server Software Maint. (WebHelpDesk, Ninite, Hyena)1,600 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 ESRI Software Maintenance (6 license)6,400 6,400 6,400 - - - - Fiber Optic Locating Services (ISD196 + MPNexlevel)9,200 - - - - - DC Broadband - 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Hootsuite Annual Subscription 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 MailChimp Annual Subscription 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 Wufoo Annual Subscription 360 400 400 400 400 400 400 Smartsheet (Wunderlist) Annual Subscription 300 300 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,600 1,600 OET VPN Annual Subscription 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Adobe Software Maintenance Subscription 2,700 2,700 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 AMAG Software Maintenance - - 6,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 IP Phone System Annual Maintenance 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 KnowBe4 Security Training (via LOGIS)2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 Mobile Device Management Subscription 12,000 9,000 6,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Web Hosting - CivicPlus 4,600 4,650 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,500 5,500 Agenda Management - NovusAGENDA 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Total 172,765 190,155 210,405 194,205 183,205 187,905 187,905 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Konica-Minolta Service 10,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 HP Printer Managed Service 2,000 1,600 1,200 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Other Not Contracted 600 600 - 600 600 600 600 Total 12,600 12,200 13,200 14,200 14,200 14,200 14,200 55 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 05: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - 1030 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL IT Technical Training 2,500 2,500 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Gov't/IT Workshops 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 End User Training (Office, Windows)1,500 1,500 - 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total 4,900 4,900 3,900 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER National Tech Conferences - Mgr & Staff 10,700 11,400 11,400 11,400 11,400 12,000 12,000 Total 10,700 11,400 11,400 11,400 11,400 12,000 12,000 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE IT Mgr Car Allowance ($275 per month)3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 IT Staff Mileage Remibursement ($20/each per mon 960 960 720 960 960 960 960 Total 4,260 4,260 4,020 4,260 4,260 4,260 4,260 6278 SUBSISTANCE ALLOWANCE 600 600 750 750 750 750 750 Total 600 600 750 750 750 750 750 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Computer Based Training Nuggets Subscription 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 3,600 3,600 Total 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 3,600 3,600 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Multifunction Copiers (Municipal Center)8,200 8,000 7,900 9,050 9,050 9,050 9,050 Total 8,200 8,000 7,900 9,050 9,050 9,050 9,050 6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE EQUIP Server/Workstation Hardware Upgrades 56,000 56,000 64,000 60,000 45,000 56,000 56,000 Cisco Core Switch Replacement - - - - - 60,000 60,000 Cisco Networking Switch Replacements 16,000 12,000 - 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Network Security/Firewall/VPN 12,000 8,000 8,000 - - - - SAN (Storage Area Network)- 50,000 60,000 - - - - AMAG Card Access Software Upgrade - - - - - - - Cisco Wireless Access Points/Mgmt.6,400 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Cabling Installation (code to 6249)- - 2,500 3,500 - 3,500 - IT Server Racks & Furniture - 6,000 - - - - - Phone System Replacement - - - 15,000 15,000 - - UPS Replacement - 6,000 4,000 - - - - Enhanced Endpoint Security Licenses 8,000 - - 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Email Archive Appliance 16,700 - 18,000 - - - - Total 115,100 146,000 164,500 152,500 134,000 193,500 190,000 Total Net Non-Personnel 368,325 426,615 463,775 489,865 458,365 482,765 476,265 TOTAL EXPENSES 836,475 984,340 1,002,558 1,097,575 1,066,075 1,123,785 1,117,285 56 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 16 1060 General Government Buildings DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY General Government Buildings reflects the expenses required to operate and maintain the Apple Valley Municipal Center, which includes both the City Hall portion and the Police Facility portion of the building. The City Hall portion provides Class A office space for Administration, City Council, City Clerk, Human Resources, Finance, Fire, Information Technology, Building Inspections, Community Development, Engineering, and Cable TV functions. It also serves as the main location for the City’s public meetings including the City Council and Planning Commission. The Police Facility portion provides office space for the Patrol, Investigations, Records, and Administration functions. It contains secured spaces for the processing, temporary holding, and questioning of criminal suspects. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 The employees covered under this company provide the daily care and maintenance to the building and grounds. Contractual services are utilized for tasks that cannot be performed by the employees. 1. Evaluate maintenance practices and work assignments for improved efficiency and potential cost savings. 2. Develop duty rotation to provide optimum maintenance. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Buildings 1 1 1 1 1 1 Number of Total Sq. Ft. 73,500 73,500 73,500 73,500 73,500 73,500 Number of Finished Sq. Ft. 66,239 66,239 66,239 66,239 66,239 66,239 Number of Restrooms 12 12 12 12 12 12 Number of Locker/ Shower 4 4 4 4 4 4 Number of Snow/ Ice Events 40 40 40 40 40 40 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Maintenance Worker II 2 2 2 2 2 2 57 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 None Summary Budget Department 16 General Government Buildings 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Vending Commissions- City Hall & AVCC 2,560 562 663 3,300 200 500 500 2,560 562 663 3,300 200 500 500 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 140,732 133,248 133,396 131,670 137,590 141,665 145,640 Emp. Benefits 49,623 46,896 51,944 51,600 56,710 59,400 62,560 Supplies 13,350 22,741 23,631 22,300 21,725 20,350 21,350 Contractual Serv.13,465 24,632 29,174 32,800 29,680 29,800 30,290 Utilities 80,741 90,311 93,639 81,500 78,500 80,720 80,780 Repairs & Maint.53,732 52,251 43,839 50,350 51,966 52,385 52,385 Training/Travel/Dues 548 562 819 800 750 750 750 Other Exp.(21) (6) 1,762 - - - - Items for resale 3,200 2,571 691 2,700 100 - - Capital outlay 81,391 53,965 6,763 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 Total Exp 436,762 427,171 385,658 376,340 379,641 387,690 396,375 Net Addition (use of) general revenues (434,202) (426,609) (384,995) (373,040) (379,441) (387,190) (395,875) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY VERF Charges for Pool Vehicle $ 2,620 Included in Other Funds: Future Capital Projects Fund: 2020 Lower Level Finishing $ 800,000 2021: DC Govt. Center Lot Overlay/ Reconfig $ 120,000 58 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 133,943 127,967 129,192 126,870 61,140 130,595 130,595 134,490 134,490 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 8,652 7,321 7,910 7,000 4,670 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 540 540 0 0 6122 - COMP REQUEST -2,403 -2,580 -3,706 -1,271 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 3,720 3,870 3,870 3,950 3,950 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 140,732 133,248 133,396 137,590 64,539 141,665 141,665 145,640 145,640 6138 - MEDICARE 1,972 1,889 1,842 1,995 887 2,055 2,055 2,110 2,110 6139 - FICA 8,434 8,075 7,876 8,530 3,791 8,785 8,785 9,030 9,030 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 9,435 9,810 9,953 10,320 4,838 10,625 10,625 10,925 10,925 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 5,624 5,347 5,312 5,925 3,204 7,735 7,735 8,350 8,350 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 319 226 253 380 114 390 390 400 400 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 20,993 18,447 28,917 30,060 12,787 30,310 30,310 32,245 32,245 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 1,936 1,920 2,166 1,016 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 12 11 12 6 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 899 1,685 0 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -514 -4,388 -500 -1,401 -500 -500 -500 -500 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 49,623 46,896 51,944 56,710 25,241 59,400 59,400 62,560 62,560 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 190,355 180,144 185,340 194,300 89,780 201,065 201,065 208,200 208,200 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 79 10 180 0 0 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 587 4,647 5,172 750 459 750 750 750 750 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 256 331 385 1,975 134 1,975 500 1,975 500 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 16 1,862 187 200 21 300 300 300 300 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 12,412 15,891 17,706 18,800 7,369 18,800 18,800 19,800 19,800 6205 - SUPPLIES 13,350 22,741 23,631 21,725 7,983 21,825 20,350 22,825 21,350 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 19 40 130 100 95 100 100 100 100 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 2,107 2,514 2,066 2,550 1,034 2,550 2,550 2,100 2,100 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 0 0 16 56 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 2,504 16,243 19,856 20,810 13,669 20,810 20,810 21,750 21,750 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,836 5,835 7,107 6,220 590 6,340 6,340 6,340 6,340 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,465 24,632 29,174 29,680 15,443 29,800 29,800 30,290 30,290 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 54,069 59,231 62,643 54,000 21,318 55,620 55,620 55,620 55,620 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 24,426 27,973 28,338 22,000 18,282 22,600 22,600 22,660 22,660 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 2,246 3,107 2,658 2,500 639 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6250 - UTILITIES 80,741 90,311 93,639 78,500 40,240 80,720 80,720 80,780 80,780 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 1,901 913 1,773 1,500 262 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 51,481 51,338 42,066 50,466 24,840 50,885 50,885 50,885 50,885 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 350 0 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 53,732 52,251 43,839 51,966 25,102 52,385 52,385 52,385 52,385 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 15 20 20 15 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 533 542 799 750 368 750 750 750 750 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 548 562 819 750 383 750 750 750 750 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 161,837 190,497 191,102 182,621 89,151 185,480 184,005 187,030 185,555 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE -243 -248 0 0 6322 - UNCOLLECTIBLE CHECKS/ACCOUNTS 1,565 0 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -18 -19 -52 -8 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 0 21 0 0 59 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 240 240 249 100 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES -21 -6 1,762 92 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES -21 -6 1,762 92 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 3,200 2,571 691 0 6545 - NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 3,200 2,571 691 100 0 0 0 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,200 2,571 691 100 0 0 0 6715 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-BUILDINGS 78,771 50,517 0 0 0 0 0 6725 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP 828 0 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 4,143 0 0 6745 - VERF CHARGES 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 1,310 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 81,391 53,965 6,763 2,620 1,310 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 81,391 53,965 6,763 2,620 1,310 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 436,762 427,171 385,658 379,641 180,333 389,165 387,690 397,850 396,375 60 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 16: GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS - 1060 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 123,340 126,870 126,870 130,595 130,595 134,490 134,490 6113 Overtime - Reg 5,000 7,000 7,000 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 6123 Salaries - Other 3,330 3,720 3,720 3,870 3,870 3,950 3,950 6138 Medicare 1,910 1,995 1,995 2,055 2,055 2,110 2,110 6139 FICA 8,165 8,530 8,530 8,785 8,785 9,030 9,030 6141 Pension - PERA 9,875 10,320 10,320 10,625 10,625 10,925 10,925 6142 Work Comp Ins 5,500 5,925 5,925 7,735 7,735 8,350 8,350 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 350 380 380 390 390 400 400 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 25,800 30,060 30,060 30,310 30,310 32,245 32,245 6170 Employee Paid Premiums - (500) (500) (500) (500) (500) (500) Position Changes - - - - - - - Total 183,270 194,300 194,300 201,065 201,065 208,200 208,200 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 750 750 1,000 750 750 750 750 Total 750 750 1,000 750 750 750 750 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS City Hall Van (moved from Comm Dev)1,000 475 475 475 475 475 475 Emergency Generator 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 25 1,500 25 Total 3,500 1,975 1,975 1,975 500 1,975 500 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS 250 200 200 300 300 300 300 Total 250 200 200 300 300 300 300 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Cleaning supplies, hardware, bulbs,14,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 filters, paper products, landscape items, ice melt, and coffee. Furniture-misc 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 Total 17,800 18,800 18,800 18,800 18,800 19,800 19,800 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Drug & hearing testing, immunizations 125 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 125 100 100 100 100 100 100 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Frontier analog lines 2,100 2,100 2,060 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Cable boxes 380 450 - 450 450 - - Trend Adjustment - - - - - - - Total 2,480 2,550 2,060 2,550 2,550 2,100 2,100 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Trash Removal 2,000 2,450 2,422 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,450 Rug Service 700 600 570 600 600 600 600 Additional Contract Cleaning& Mowing Sup 25,000 - - - - - - Move Mowing to 6249 (25,000) - - - - - - Restroom Cleaning 17,240 17,760 17,630 17,760 17,760 18,700 18,700 Lektreiver Maintenance 1,000 - - - - - - Move Lektreiver to 6285 (1,000) - - - - - - Fire Alarm Testing/ Monitoring 2,500 - - - - - - Move Fire Alarm to 6249 (2,500) - - - - - - Total 19,940 20,810 20,622 20,810 20,810 21,750 21,750 6249 Contract Services Fire Alarm Monitoring 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Fire Alarm Testing 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Lawn Maintenance and Mowing 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Pest Control 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 Other 3,165 130 250 250 250 250 250 Total 10,255 6,220 6,340 6,340 6,340 6,340 6,340 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Municipal Center 54,000 54,000 50,000 55,620 55,620 55,620 55,620 Total 54,000 54,000 50,000 55,620 55,620 55,620 55,620 61 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 16: GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS - 1060 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS Municipal Center 25,000 22,000 23,000 22,600 22,600 22,660 22,660 Total 25,000 22,000 23,000 22,600 22,600 22,660 22,660 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Municipal Center 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Security, generator, and other repair 250 500 1,500 500 500 1,500 1,500 Lektreiver Maintenance 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 1,250 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6266 REPAIRS / MAINT- BUILDINGS HVAC Repairs 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 HVAC Routine Maintenance 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Data/ Security/ Fire Suppression 2,150 2,150 2,150 2,150 2,150 2,150 2,150 Electrical 1,750 1,750 750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 Elevator 7,000 8,366 7,968 8,785 8,785 8,785 8,785 General Interior 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 General Exterior and Roof 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Other (includes generator service etc.)3,000 3,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Window Cleaning 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Total 49,100 50,466 47,068 50,885 50,885 50,885 50,885 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Uniform Allowance 800 750 750 750 750 750 750 Total 800 750 750 750 750 750 750 6545 NON - TAXABLE MISC 4 RESALE Pop and Juice 2,700 100 - - - - - Total 2,700 100 - - - - - 6715 CAPITAL OUTLAY - BUILDINGS PD HVAC to Muni Bldg FD - - - - - - Total - - - - - - - 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND VERF 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 Total 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,620 Total Net of Personnel 193,070 185,341 178,535 188,100 186,625 189,650 188,175 TOTAL EXPENSES 376,340$ 379,641$ 372,835$ 389,165$ 387,690$ 397,850$ 396,375$ 62 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 08 1035 Finance DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Finance is responsible for processing monetary transactions in accordance with Federal, State and local laws and in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Standards. Transactions include accounts payable, accounts receivable, investing, special assessments and financial reporting. The finance function also accounts for the unallocated costs of office supplies within City Hall, postage and the postage machine. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020/21 • Generate financial policies and procedures and offer guidance to other departments • Maintain the City’s Aaa Bond Rating • Implement efficiencies in the accounts payable function through A/P automation and Vendor ACH payment process provided through LOGIS offerings. • Continued implementation of improvements in the Utility Billing area achieving additional efficiencies. • Work with the utilities department in the implementation of the meter change out programs and implementing a switch to monthly utility billing. • Improve the monthly interim reporting • Implement customer portal for utility consumption expand online payments • Continued monitoring and analysis of outstanding debt • Monitor TIF Fund status • Provide the financial support to evaluate funding needs and issue debt instruments as needed • Participate in the GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement program for the Annual Financial report and the Operating Budget IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Accounts payable checks 7541 6485 5360 6500 6500 6500 Purchase Orders Issued 118 158 191 200 200 200 A/R Invoices Processed 444 442 468 450 450 450 Receipts Processed 2462 1813 1966 2000 2000 2000 Investment return 1.5% 1.0% 1.7% 1.7% 1.9% 1.9% Moody’s Bond Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa S & P Rating AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Office Supplies $ 38,260 $26,075 $ 40,340 $ 36,590 $37,090 $37,090 General City Hall Office Supplies included within Finance Department 63 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Finance Director 1 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant Fin. Director 1 1 1 1 1 1 Finance Analyst - 1 1 1 1 1 Accountant I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Accounting Technician 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Summary Budget Department 08 Finance 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Investment Mgmt Fee 110,000 120,000 124,000 124,000 124,000 125,000 127,500 Charge to Construction Funds - 196,149 - 69,200 69,200 69,200 69,200 Asssment Searches 80 65 45 - - - - 110,080 316,214 124,045 193,200 193,200 194,200 196,700 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 361,046 424,821 461,109 465,290 486,900 508,360 526,380 Emp. Benefits 109,715 126,105 140,547 147,380 139,220 144,085 151,740 Supplies 7,406 8,212 9,544 11,470 10,220 9,950 9,950 Contractual Serv.32,394 20,809 32,682 31,200 28,700 34,000 29,000 Training/Travel/Dues 4,663 7,377 5,528 8,315 8,815 8,665 8,985 Other Exp.8,117 7,074 5,090 5,290 5,290 5,290 5,290 Capital outlay - - - 4,100 - - Total Expenses 523,341 594,399 654,501 668,945 683,245 710,350 731,345 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (413,261) (278,185) (530,456) (475,745) (490,045) (516,150) (534,645) CAPITAL OUTLAY 2020: None 2021: None 64 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) FINANCE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 361,062 423,824 461,786 467,470 229,453 490,570 490,570 507,900 507,900 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 2,335 391 275 500 0 500 500 500 500 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 1,260 1,140 1,440 0 720 6122 - COMP REQUEST -3,612 -535 -2,392 0 0 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 18,930 17,290 17,290 17,980 17,980 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 361,046 424,821 461,109 486,900 230,173 508,360 508,360 526,380 526,380 6138 - MEDICARE 4,953 5,675 6,147 7,060 3,082 7,370 7,370 7,635 7,635 6139 - FICA 21,178 24,265 26,285 29,195 13,177 30,475 30,475 31,310 31,310 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 26,984 31,798 34,502 36,520 17,126 38,125 38,125 39,480 39,480 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,859 2,327 2,658 2,905 1,374 3,050 3,050 3,315 3,315 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 985 818 926 1,340 427 1,400 1,400 1,450 1,450 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 49,420 70,607 82,524 76,500 32,745 77,965 77,965 82,850 82,850 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 2,856 4,829 5,869 0 2,314 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 24 27 30 14 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 1,456 828 1,216 570 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -15,067 -19,611 -14,300 -4,274 -14,300 -14,300 -14,300 -14,300 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 109,715 126,105 140,547 139,220 66,555 144,085 144,085 151,740 151,740 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 470,761 550,926 601,656 626,120 296,728 652,445 652,445 678,120 678,120 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,301 7,279 9,453 9,750 3,551 10,850 9,850 10,850 9,850 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 890 0 250 17 0 0 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 78 37 40 120 0 50 50 50 50 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 26 6 51 100 0 50 50 50 50 6205 - SUPPLIES 7,406 8,212 9,544 10,220 3,568 10,950 9,950 10,950 9,950 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 0 1,301 0 0 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 40 40 0 0 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 22,500 12,602 21,793 17,900 13,447 28,400 23,400 23,400 18,400 6239 - PRINTING 9,854 8,167 9,588 10,600 1,710 10,600 10,600 10,600 10,600 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 0 0 0 200 0 200 0 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 32,394 20,809 32,682 28,700 15,158 39,200 34,000 34,000 29,000 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 573 1,552 544 1,050 160 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 2,330 3,091 2,841 4,865 1,345 4,865 4,865 4,865 4,865 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 305 405 123 400 29 200 200 200 200 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 0 300 0 300 300 300 300 300 300 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,455 2,030 2,020 2,200 1,960 2,200 2,200 2,520 2,520 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 4,663 7,377 5,528 8,815 3,794 8,665 8,665 8,985 8,985 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 44,463 36,399 47,754 47,735 22,520 58,815 52,615 53,935 47,935 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 5,103 5,103 5,103 5,290 2,552 5,290 5,290 5,290 5,290 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -28 -29 -44 0 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 0 0 0 15 6350 - BANK FEES/CHARGES 0 0 31 0 3,328 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 3,041 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 8,117 7,074 5,090 5,290 5,895 5,290 5,290 5,290 5,290 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 8,117 7,074 5,090 5,290 5,895 5,290 5,290 5,290 5,290 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 65 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) FINANCE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6725 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP 0 0 0 4,100 378 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 4,100 378 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 4,100 378 0 0 523,341 594,399 654,501 683,245 325,520 716,550 710,350 737,345 731,345 66 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 08: FINANCE - 1035 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED REQUEST RECOMMEND REQUEST RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 442,910 467,470 486,400 490,570 490,570 507,900 507,900 6111 Salary - Part time - - - - - - - 6113 Overtime - Regular 1,000 500 300 500 500 500 500 6121 Insurance Cash Benefit - - - - - - - 6122 Comp request - - - - - - - 6123 Salaries - Other 21,380 18,930 17,290 17,290 17,980 17,980 6138 Medicare 6,745 7,060 7,060 7,370 7,370 7,635 7,635 6139 FICA 28,260 29,195 29,195 30,475 30,475 31,310 31,310 6141 Pension - PERA 34,900 36,520 36,520 38,125 38,125 39,480 39,480 6142 Work Comp 2,695 2,905 2,905 3,050 3,050 3,315 3,315 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 1,280 1,340 1,340 1,400 1,400 1,450 1,450 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 73,500 76,500 76,500 77,965 77,965 82,850 82,850 6170 Employee Paid Premiums - (14,300) (14,300) (14,300) (14,300) (14,300) (14,300) Total 612,670 626,120 625,920 652,445 652,445 678,120 678,120 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES General Office Supplies 3,800 4,150 4,150 4,150 4,150 4,150 4,150 Copier Paper 6,900 5,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Postage Machine Supplies 300 600 100 600 600 600 600 Bank Deposit Bags - - 1,075 1,100 100 1,100 100 Total 11,000 9,750 11,325 10,850 9,850 10,850 9,850 6211 Small tools Miscellaneous 250 250 - - - - - Total 250 250 - - - - - 6215 Equipment - Parts Phone Equip / batteries 120 120 50 50 50 50 50 Total 120 120 50 50 50 50 50 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 Total 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 Total - - - - - - - 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX Postal Permits 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Postage 20,000 17,500 23,500 28,000 23,000 23,000 18,000 Misc. Postal Charges 150 150 100 150 150 150 150 Total 20,400 17,900 23,850 28,400 23,400 23,400 18,400 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Envelopes and Letterhead 3,800 3,800 2,500 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 Receipts, Checks, Requisitions, P.O.'s, e 500 500 2,000 500 500 500 500 Printing ; inserts etc.650 650 650 650 650 650 650 County Charge for T in T notices 4,200 4,200 3,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 Publish Budget, Fin report 1,450 1,450 1,900 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,450 Total 10,600 10,600 10,250 10,600 10,600 10,600 10,600 6240 CLEANING / GARBAGE Shredding 200 200 - 200 - - - Total 200 200 - 200 - - - 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Municipals 240 250 250 250 250 250 250 Mileage to local training 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 Webinars - 150 150 150 150 150 150 Other 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 State GFOA Monthly Meetings 410 400 200 400 400 400 400 Total 900 1,050 850 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER LMC 50 50 50 50 50 50 Other training 700 700 200 700 700 700 700 GFOA Conf 2,565 2,565 3,025 2,565 2,565 2,565 2,565 Mn GFOA Conf 1,550 1,550 1,600 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 Total 4,865 4,865 4,825 4,865 4,865 4,865 4,865 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Miscellaneous 400 400 200 200 200 200 200 Total 400 400 200 200 200 200 200 6278 SUBSISTENCE National GFOA 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 6280 Dues and Subscriptions National GFOA 350 600 600 600 600 600 600 GFOA - CAFR & PAFR review 550 750 750 750 750 750 750 GFOA Subscription service (GASB Revie 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 State GFOA 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 Books 100 - - - - - - Notary - - 120 - - 120 120 MnCPA 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 MN CPA license 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Sam's Club 100 100 150 100 100 300 300 Total 1,850 2,200 2,370 2,200 2,200 2,520 2,520 67 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 08: FINANCE - 1035 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED REQUEST RECOMMEND REQUEST RECOMMEND 6310 Rental Expense Postage Meter Maintenance 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Postage Meter Lease 5,140 5,140 5,105 5,140 5,140 5,140 5,140 Total 5,290 5,290 5,255 5,290 5,290 5,290 5,290 6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE EQUIP Adjustable height workstations (2)- 4,100 4,060 - - - - Total - 4,100 4,060 - - - - Total Net of Personnel 56,275 57,125 63,385 64,105 57,905 59,225 53,225 TOTAL EXPENSES 668,945$ 683,245$ 689,305$ 716,550$ 710,350$ 737,345$ 731,345$ 68 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 09 1040 Data Processing DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY This business unit accounts for the unallocated costs associated with the LOGIS consortium and the JD Edwards finance software in use. Portions of the cost are allocated to the enterprise funds based on numbers of system users. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020/21 • The budget increases for 2020 reflect an average increase of 5.4%. • The individual modules increased at different rates but the largest increase is in the Building Permits which increased $6,810, or 20% for 2020, the Police Records & Mobiles system; which increased $6,986 or 4.4% for 2020. • LOGIS is projecting increases of approximately 5.0% for 2021.These projected increases were included in the proposed 2020 and 2021 budgets. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Adopted Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of JD Edwards Licenses / Users 11 11 11 11 11 11 Insight GL Inquiry Licenses 10 10 10 10 10 10 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Contractual Serv.- - - - - - - Other Exp.252,042 261,033 242,904 243,935 244,482 255,800 269,000 Capital outlay - - - - - - - Net addition to (use of) general revenues 252,042 261,033 242,904 243,935 244,482 255,800 269,000 2020 /2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 69 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) DATA PROCESSING Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 0 0 0 0 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 0 0 0 0 0 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 252,042 261,033 242,904 244,482 131,905 255,800 255,800 269,000 269,000 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 252,042 261,033 242,904 244,482 131,905 255,800 255,800 269,000 269,000 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 252,042 261,033 242,904 244,482 131,905 255,800 255,800 269,000 269,000 252,042 261,033 242,904 244,482 131,905 255,800 255,800 269,000 269,000 70 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 09: DATA PROCESSING - 1040 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROPOSED RECOMMEND PROPOSED RECOMMEND 6399 OTHER CHARGES LOGIS Charges - OPEN GOV - Transparency Software - AP Automation (incl. 20% annl maint.)- AP Automation (scanners & maint)350 375 375 375 375 375 375 PAY MODE / Wells Fargo Payment Mgr - Financial 51,685 53,736 53,736 57,811 57,811 60,700 60,700 AP AUTOMATION - Docusphere 11,380 11,727 11,727 13,217 13,217 13,880 13,880 HR / Payroll / ESS 67,790 70,383 70,383 67,556 67,556 70,930 70,930 utility Billing 96,935 100,183 100,183 103,438 103,438 108,610 108,610 Police Mobiles 36,970 39,973 39,973 42,918 42,918 45,060 45,060 Fire Mobiles 4,925 4,953 4,953 5,328 5,328 5,590 5,590 Police Records 107,915 113,814 113,814 117,480 117,480 123,350 123,350 Permits & Inspections 32,900 30,028 30,028 34,418 34,418 36,140 36,140 e-Permits 3,480 3,480 3,480 5,900 5,900 6,200 6,200 Managed Services - Hosted Servers 7,250 7,250 7,250 7,250 7,250 7,610 7,610 internet 18,810 19,936 19,936 22,241 22,241 23,350 23,350 System Development - UB 6,120 6,304 6,304 6,350 6,350 6,670 6,670 System Development - Bldg Insp 1,960 2,019 2,019 2,475 2,475 2,600 2,600 System Development - Other 27,015 16,681 16,681 19,987 19,987 20,980 20,980 Water Sewer (175,100) (181,920) (181,920) (188,500) (188,500) (197,200) (197,200) Liquor (11,640) (12,130) (12,130) (12,640) (12,640) (13,400) (13,400) Ice Arena (4,100) (4,260) (4,260) (5,235) (5,235) (5,600) (5,600) Direct bill to Bldg Insp (45,590) (43,500) (43,500) (50,045) (50,045) (52,550) (52,550) Additional services by hour 800 800 800 496 496 475 475 State of MN WAN access 4,080 4,650 4,650 4,980 4,980 5,230 5,230 Total 243,935 244,482 244,482 255,800 255,800 269,000 269,000 Total Net of Personnel 243,935 244,482 244,482 255,800 255,800 269,000 269,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 243,935$ 244,482$ 244,482$ 255,800$ 255,800$ 269,000$ 269,000$ 71 Notes: 72 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 10 1045 Independent Audit DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY This business unit accounts for the General Fund’s share of the annual audit cost. Portions of the audit costs are also allocated to the enterprise funds. The City currently contracts with Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich and Company P.A. (MMKR) from Minneapolis for the annual audit. In 2017, a 3 year engagement was entered into for the audit of the 2016 to 2018 financial statements, with work to be completed in 2017-2019. Staff will issue a new request for Proposal for audit services for another 3 year period commencing with the 2019 fiscal year audit completed in 2020. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020/21 With the known grant requests that have been submitted it is likely that a Federal Single Audit will be required for the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years. Continue to work with the current auditor and maintain compliance with Minnesota Statutes as related to the financial system processes and monitor internal controls at various locations. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Unqualified Opinion Received Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Single Audit Required on Federal Receipts Yes No No No Yes Yes 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Contractual Services 13,647 14,433 12,996 13,900 12,290 12,740 12,900 Total Exp 13,647 14,433 12,996 13,900 12,290 12,740 12,900 Net addition to (use of) general revenues 13,647 14,433 12,996 13,900 12,290 12,740 12,900 2020 / 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 73 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) INDEPENDENT AUDIT Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 13,647 14,433 12,996 12,290 8,003 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,647 14,433 12,996 12,290 8,003 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 13,647 14,433 12,996 12,290 8,003 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 13,647 14,433 12,996 12,290 8,003 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 74 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 10: INDEPENDENT AUDIT - 1045 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Audit Fee 13,900 12,290 12,290 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 Total 13,900 12,290 12,290 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 Total Net of Personnel 13,900 12,290 12,290 12,740 12,740 12,900 12,900 TOTAL EXPENSES 13,900$ 12,290$ 12,290$ 12,740$ 12,740$ 12,900$ 12,900$ 75 Notes: 76 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 14 1050 & 1055 Legal Services DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Legal covers the City’s activities related to civil matters and criminal prosecution. The City utilizes the services of a private law firm for these services. The firm provides a retainer fee for both basic civil work and criminal prosecution. Hourly rates are charged to defend against lawsuits, to prepare special projects where it is appropriate for the project to potentially pay for the legal expense, and to appeal criminal cases. Additional reimbursable expenses are also charged against this account. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 Provide high quality civil legal counsel and criminal prosecution services. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of criminal cases reviewed 265 317 332 340 340 340 Number of formal complaints issued 200 286 221 235 235 235 Number of cases opened 710 818 1,771 846 845 845 Key: • Number of criminal cases reviewed means the number of cases the City forwarded to the City Attorney for review for formal charging. • Number of formal complaint issued means the number of cases reviewed that resulted in a formal complaint charge. • Number of cases opened means a file was opened for any misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor offense. The City Attorney also opens files for petty misdemeanors with court trials. • In 2016, cases reviewed and the number of formal complaints decreased due to officers being able to issue more citations for the violations without our involvement. This is often the result of the nature of the offense, combined with fewer demands by defendants for formal complaints. Though there may be less involvement by our attorneys at an earlier stage in prosecuting, the total number of incidents being added to the court docket and being prosecuted increased. 77 Summary Budget Department 14 Legal Services 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed Revenue: Court Fines 271,722 307,937 301,169 275,400 275,400 295,400 300,000 271,722 307,937 301,169 275,400 275,400 295,400 300,000 Expenditures: Contractual Serv.518,521 503,924 521,498 532,990 533,530 549,630 565,470 Total Exp 518,521 503,924 521,498 532,990 533,530 549,630 565,470 Net provision to (use of ) general revenues (246,799) (195,987) (220,329) (257,590) (258,130) (254,230) (265,470) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 78 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) LEGAL SERVICES Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 518,521 503,924 521,498 533,530 275,346 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 518,521 503,924 521,498 533,530 275,346 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 518,521 503,924 521,498 533,530 275,346 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 518,521 503,924 521,498 533,530 275,346 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 79 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 14: LEGAL SERVICES- 1050 / 1055 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADM DEPT ADM ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOM PROP RECOM 6231 CONSULTANT SERVICES General Legal Retainer 169,460 174,543 174,543 179,780 179,780 185,175 185,175 Police Legal Retainer 328,530 338,387 338,387 348,550 348,550 358,995 358,995 General Legal-Nonretainer 27,000 15,450 20,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 Police Legal-Nonretainer 8,000 5,150 5,000 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 Total 532,990 533,530 537,930 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (reimburseable expenses) General - - Police - - Total - - - - - - - Total Net of Personnel 532,990 533,530 537,930 549,630 549,630 565,470 565,470 TOTAL EXPENSES 532,990$ 533,530$ 537,930$ 549,630$ 549,630$ 565,470$ 565,470$ 80 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 15 1100 Community Development DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Community Development Department is responsible for short and long term community and project based planning, the planning and zoning review process, code compliance, and economic development. The department promotes, evaluates and monitors commercial development and redevelopment, primarily in the established downtown; industrial development in areas of the City guided by the Comprehensive Plan for job creation; housing development with a range of densities; and the evaluation of new approaches to development: mixed use and/or transit oriented development that creates value in live, work, shop and recreate environments. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 • Facilitate planning and development in established and emerging industrial, commercial, mixed use, transit oriented and neighborhood areas. • Implement the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update process to completion. • Launch development at Orchard Place; formerly the active mining area. • Facilitate Economic Development Authority (EDA) opportunities to support development; consideration of job development tax increment tools, public/private partnerships, and business assistance as funds are available. • Facilitate the “Great Neighborhood” program that enhances homes and neighborhood livability. • Foster positive business relationships, outreach, and collaboration. • Facilitate downtown development and redevelopment; priority areas include the quadrants of CR42 and Cedar Avenue. • Recommend and implement communication strategies that emphasize the Apple Valley brand and attract national and global business development interests. • Review and process subdivision, land use, conditional use, and ordinance modifications and facilitate development opportunities. • Issue economic development updates weekly. • Pursue federal, state, and regional resources and state legislative initiatives to support objectives. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Land Use Actions 63 56 65 60 60 60 Comm/Industrial Permits 105 179 97 110 110 110 Value of Comm/Industrial $28.6 mill $59 mill $39 mill $35 mill $35 mill $35 mill Residential Permits 157 182 115 115 130 115 Value of Residential $42.4 mill $26.8 mill $82 mill $35 mill $40 mill $35 mill Closed Sales-Residential 1,137 1,107 1,010 1,100 1,100 1,100 81 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Community Development Dir. 1 1 1 1 1 1 City Planner 1 1 1 1 1 1 Planner 2 2 2 2 2 2 Department Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 Summary Budget Department 15 Community Development 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: FEES-PLAT 9,665 5,489 11,271 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 FEES-SPECIAL USE 1,780 2,187 1,238 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 FEES-REZONING 9,280 4,908 6,909 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 20,725 12,584 19,418 19,230 19,230 19,230 19,230 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 399,942 459,989 483,809 481,905 508,875 534,700 555,075 Emp. Benefits 115,723 133,496 134,861 147,045 141,890 144,240 152,065 Supplies 1,683 504 437 1,400 900 900 900 Contractual Serv.28,669 139,143 80,518 80,900 25,900 25,900 25,900 Repairs & Maint.2,084 - - 425 425 - - Training/Travel/Dues 11,207 16,466 15,586 19,150 16,550 16,550 16,550 Other Exp.550 600 622 - 600 600 600 Capital outlay - - - - - - - Total Exp 559,858 750,198 715,833 730,825 695,140 722,890 751,090 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (539,133) (737,614) (696,415) (711,595) (675,910) (703,660) (731,860) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 2021 CAPITAL OUTL AY None 82 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 395,579 455,142 478,295 485,235 234,566 514,355 514,355 535,055 535,055 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 0 105 0 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4,183 3,602 4,794 3,000 1,718 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 180 1,140 720 360 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 20,640 17,345 17,345 17,020 17,020 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 399,942 459,989 483,809 508,875 236,644 534,700 534,700 555,075 555,075 6138 - MEDICARE 5,548 6,553 6,867 7,380 3,339 7,755 7,755 8,050 8,050 6139 - FICA 23,132 27,622 28,749 30,510 14,275 32,175 32,175 33,165 33,165 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 29,037 34,406 36,139 38,165 17,721 40,100 40,100 41,630 41,630 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,073 2,552 2,812 3,035 1,422 3,210 3,210 3,500 3,500 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,064 914 956 1,400 441 1,470 1,470 1,525 1,525 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 50,730 65,610 65,359 71,100 29,980 69,230 69,230 73,895 73,895 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 4,036 4,717 3,972 1,862 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 26 30 30 14 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 78 1,338 181 85 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -10,245 -10,204 -9,700 -3,025 -9,700 -9,700 -9,700 -9,700 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 115,723 133,496 134,861 141,890 66,115 144,240 144,240 152,065 152,065 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 515,665 593,484 618,669 650,765 302,759 678,940 678,940 707,140 707,140 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 316 504 417 500 11 500 500 500 500 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1,152 0 0 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 215 0 20 400 6,701 400 400 400 400 6205 - SUPPLIES 1,683 504 437 900 6,712 900 900 900 900 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 2,616 101,096 41,820 7,500 15,912 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 0 178 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 448 1,143 796 2,200 3,776 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 180 286 211 0 71 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,425 36,440 37,691 16,200 -3,926 16,200 16,200 16,200 16,200 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 28,669 139,143 80,518 25,900 15,833 25,900 25,900 25,900 25,900 6250 - UTILITIES 0 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 2,084 0 0 425 0 425 0 425 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 2,084 0 0 425 0 425 0 425 0 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 2,599 3,741 2,477 3,800 1,652 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 599 3,239 3,729 2,500 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,735 4,125 4,131 4,300 1,650 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 0 200 350 750 0 750 750 750 750 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,274 5,160 4,899 5,200 2,237 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 11,207 16,466 15,586 16,550 5,539 16,550 16,550 16,550 16,550 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 43,643 156,113 96,542 43,775 28,084 43,775 43,350 43,775 43,350 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 550 600 600 600 550 600 600 600 600 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 0 22 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 550 600 622 600 550 600 600 600 600 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 550 600 622 600 550 600 600 600 600 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 559,858 750,198 715,833 695,140 331,393 723,315 722,890 751,515 751,090 83 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 15: COMM DEVELOPMENT - 1100 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6110 SALARIES Regular Employees 458,010 485,235 485,235 514,355 514,355 535,055 535,055 6111 Salary-Parttime - 6113 Salaries - Overtime 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6123 Salaries - Other 20,895 20,640 20,640 17,345 17,345 17,020 17,020 6138 Medicare 6,990 7,380 7,380 7,755 7,755 8,050 8,050 6139 FICA 29,300 30,510 30,510 32,175 32,175 33,165 33,165 6141 Pension - PERA 36,145 38,165 38,165 40,100 40,100 41,630 41,630 6142 Work Comp Ins 2,795 3,035 3,035 3,210 3,210 3,500 3,500 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 1,315 1,400 1,400 1,470 1,470 1,525 1,525 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 70,500 71,100 71,100 69,230 69,230 73,895 73,895 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (9,700) (9,700) (9,700) (9,700) (9,700) (9,700) Position Changes Total 628,950 650,765 650,765 678,940 678,940 707,140 707,140 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Project Folders 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Misc - DIrector's Chair, design software 500 - - Total 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Name Plates, Pins - Drafting Supplies 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Total 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Co-Star Mkt access 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Special Studies 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Comprehensive Plan - F. Balance 30,000 30,000 TOD-Transit Oriented Development - Economic Dev. Studies - Station area TOD local match (45,000)- Total 37,500 7,500 37,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Promotion Printing 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Report Printing (Comp Plan)- Business Cards 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Total 3,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES City Promotions - Chamber 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 Economic Development 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 GIS Support Contract - Dakota County 24,000 - - Pictometry 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 ArcView Maintenance Contract 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Total 40,200 16,200 16,200 16,200 16,200 16,200 16,200 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Color Printer Maintenance 175 175 175 175 - 175 - Misc Repairs (Lectriever)250 250 250 250 - 250 - Total 425 425 425 425 - 425 - 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Planning Staff State Conf / Seminars 3,500 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 Planning Commission State Conf 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Rotary Meetings 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 SLUC/EDAM/ULI/Chamber 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 Total 5,400 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER LMC - day APA/ULI/IEDC Conf.2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 NDC - week, local 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 3,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Mileage Allowance 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 Mileage Reimbursement 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 6278 SUBSISTANCE ALLOWANCE 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 Total 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS APA Dues 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 PAS 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 Other (EDAM, ULI, SLUC, IEDC, Rotary)1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 Positively MN - Total 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Chamber Rental - Expo 600 600 600 600 600 600 Total - 600 600 600 600 600 600 6720 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE FURN Total - - - - - - - 84 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 15: COMM DEVELOPMENT - 1100 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE EQUIP Total - - - - - - - 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND VERF Total - - - - - - - Total Net of Personnel 101,875 44,375 74,375 44,375 43,950 44,375 43,950 TOTAL EXPENSES 730,825$ 695,140$ 725,140$ 723,315$ 722,890$ 751,515$ 751,090$ 85 Notes: 86 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 06 1013 Code Enforcement DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Apple Valley has aging commercial and housing property and considerable investment underway. The developed commercial and residential property requires monitoring and ordinance compliance to ensure continued proper maintenance. Code Enforcement is responsible for general property maintenance concerns, notices of violation to property owners, compliance follow-up, abatement of nuisance conditions, and court assisted compliance when needed. Monitoring of waste hauling, outside parking and vehicle storage, and abatement of general nuisance conditions, such as yard storage, noise complaints and noxious weeds are common activities. Complaints and the need for follow-up actions remain in high volume and complexity. The most complex concerns require a case work approach with property owners. The maintenance of the housing stock requires vigilance with a concern about deferred maintenance and in some instances hoarding. The number of vacant, foreclosed, or poorly maintained housing is significantly declining. The budget provides resources to proactively promote housing maintenance and quality neighborhoods. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 • Respond to complaints, investigate and pursue compliance. • With repeat offenders, facilitate compliance with further legal action, if necessary. • Enforce the housing and commercial property maintenance code using case work strategies that encourage property owner compliance. • Educate residents to secure voluntary compliance in ordinance requirements: tall grass and weeds, watering restrictions, waste hauling, outside parking and storage of vehicles; outside storage of materials and removal of refuse, exterior and interior maintenance of buildings. • Aggressively enforce sign ordinance requirements by removing signs in right of way. • Proactively encourage property maintenance and recommend resources to assist in remodeling and repair as the “Great Neighborhood” program is developed and guidebook prepared. • Facilitate expanding, improving and repairing of single family homes. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Inspections 4,314 4,458 4,510 5,000 5,000 5,000 Garbage Can/Trash 1,088 1,381 1,786 1,200 1,000 1,000 Grass/Weeds/Snow 212 187 440 500 300 300 Residential Alt/Addition/Repair/Roof/ 1,716 1,539 1,542 1,600 1,600 1,600 CDA Home Improvement Loans 9 4 6 6 6 6 Dart’s Senior Maint. Assist. 25 31 32 40 40 40 87 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Code Compliance Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 1 Code Compliance Technician 1 1 1 Code (seasonal) - 1 1 Admin Specialist 1 1 1 *1 1 1 *2019 – 9 Months Summary Budget Department 06 Code Enforcement 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed Revenue Fines - Weed mowing 1,150 1,150 1,650 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Expenditures Salaries & Wages 148,542 149,522 153,864 160,850 189,935 224,225 236,450 Emp. Benefits 46,400 46,485 47,835 54,095 50,748 81,415 86,390 Supplies 1,197 1,403 1,455 2,000 1,800 1,800 1,800 Contractual Serv.10,132 6,909 8,113 15,460 10,460 10,460 10,460 Repairs & Maint.- - - 100 200 200 200 Training/Travel/Dues 1,382 1,266 3,020 2,650 2,700 2,700 2,700 Other Exp.- - - - - - - Capital outlay 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 Total Exp 210,192 208,125 216,827 237,695 258,383 323,340 340,540 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (209,042) (206,975) (215,177) (235,595) (256,283) (321,240) (338,440) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 88 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CODE ENFORCEMENT Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 130,242 133,100 130,915 183,345 66,333 213,410 213,410 225,950 225,950 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 0 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 16,858 15,221 20,746 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,145 692 1,483 2,500 642 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 660 720 720 360 6122 - COMP REQUEST -363 -211 0 -246 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 4,090 8,315 8,315 8,000 8,000 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 148,542 149,522 153,864 189,935 67,089 224,225 224,225 236,450 236,450 6138 - MEDICARE 2,097 2,136 2,189 2,073 950 3,250 3,250 3,430 3,430 6139 - FICA 8,967 9,132 9,360 8,860 4,062 13,900 13,900 14,660 14,660 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 9,827 10,019 9,930 10,720 5,005 16,815 16,815 17,730 17,730 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 774 699 745 740 356 1,185 1,185 1,315 1,315 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 356 267 274 395 124 615 615 650 650 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 22,432 24,312 26,294 30,060 10,428 47,650 47,650 50,605 50,605 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 1,936 2,108 2,166 1,016 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 12 12 12 6 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -2,200 -3,137 -2,100 -832 -2,000 -2,000 -2,000 -2,000 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 46,400 46,485 47,835 50,748 21,114 81,415 81,415 86,390 86,390 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 194,942 196,007 201,699 240,683 88,203 305,640 305,640 322,840 322,840 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 110 45 68 100 0 100 100 100 100 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 0 105 100 56 100 100 100 100 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 956 873 998 1,000 574 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 131 29 285 250 33 250 250 250 250 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 0 456 0 250 0 250 250 250 250 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 100 0 100 100 100 100 6205 - SUPPLIES 1,197 1,403 1,455 1,800 663 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 1,408 1,218 999 1,400 510 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 6239 - PRINTING 1,259 260 758 200 92 200 200 200 200 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,465 5,430 6,356 8,860 -2,335 8,860 8,860 8,860 8,860 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,132 6,909 8,113 10,460 -1,733 10,460 10,460 10,460 10,460 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 200 0 200 200 200 200 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 0 200 0 200 200 200 200 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 279 220 231 300 80 300 300 300 300 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 0 0 95 500 0 500 500 500 500 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 1,043 986 2,424 1,650 0 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 60 60 160 150 0 150 150 150 150 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 109 100 0 100 100 100 100 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 1,382 1,266 3,020 2,700 80 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 12,710 9,578 12,589 15,160 -990 15,160 15,160 15,160 15,160 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6745 - VERF CHARGES 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 1,270 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 1,270 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 1,270 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 6901 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 6900 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 89 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CODE ENFORCEMENT Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 210,192 208,125 216,827 258,383 88,483 323,340 323,340 340,540 340,540 90 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 06: CODE ENFORCEMENT - 1013 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 132,700 136,345 136,345 213,410 213,410 225,950 225,950 6110 Salary, New (2019, 2020 )47,000 47,000 6112 Salary - Part-time 22,000 6113 Overtime - Reg 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6123 Salaries - Other 3,650 4,090 4,090 8,315 8,315 8,000 8,000 6138 Medicare 2,330 2,073 2,073 3,250 3,250 3,430 3,430 6139 FICA 9,735 8,860 8,860 13,900 13,900 14,660 14,660 6141 Pension - PERA 12,065 10,720 10,720 16,815 16,815 17,730 17,730 6142 Work Comp Ins 790 740 740 1,185 1,185 1,315 1,315 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 375 395 395 615 615 650 650 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 28,800 30,060 30,060 47,650 47,650 50,605 50,605 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (2,100) (2,100) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) Position Changes Total 214,945 240,683 240,683 305,640 305,640 322,840 322,840 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OIL Fuel, oil, etc. for 1 Vehicle 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Vehicle 2 ( 2019, 2020 )- - - - - - Adjust to Trend Total 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Misc 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 6216 TIRES/BATTERIES Vehicle Replacement 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Code Enforcement Supplies 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Mobile Phones - Verizon 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Mobile Insp # 2 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Total 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Business cards/ door tags 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Promotional Plan Book - - - - - - - Total 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Software Maintenance -'15 add'l license 9,860 5,860 5,860 7,860 7,860 7,860 7,860 Remodeling Advisor 3,000 2,000 2,000 Immediate Abatement 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 13,860 8,860 8,860 8,860 8,860 8,860 8,860 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Car wash 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2nd vehicle - 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Workshops/Online Training 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Mileage - Allowance - - - Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER Housing/Maintenance Code 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 1,650 1,650 1,000 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 Total 1,650 1,650 1,000 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MAHCO (2)100 MAHCO (3)150 150 150 150 150 150 Total 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 91 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 06: CODE ENFORCEMENT - 1013 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Uniforms (1)50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Inspec.50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT VERF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 Total 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,540 Total Net of Personnel 22,750 17,700 17,050 17,700 17,700 17,700 17,700 TOTAL EXPENSES 237,695$ 258,383$ 257,733$ 323,340$ 323,340$ 340,540$ 340,540$ 92 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 20 1200 Police DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Police Department encompasses a number of functions and activities in carrying out the department’s objectives. The core functions of the department include; Police Administration, Dispatch, Patrol, Investigations and Records. The department also provides other activities which while not mandated by law assist the department in achieving the overall mission of protecting the community and improving its quality of life through service, education and enforcement. These other “value added services and programs” include; Special Enforcement Team, K-9 program, Community Service Officer Program, Dakota County Special Operations Team, South Metro SWAT Team, Dakota County Drug Task Force, Community Impact Unit, and a county-wide Electronic Crimes Unit. Following the Police Department budget summary below, is a discussion of the functions and activities of the department. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 AND 2021 Our primary objective for 2020 and 2021 is to continue providing excellent services to our residents and to be mindful of the expectations placed on law enforcement because of high profile incidents in our nation. Our major objectives for the next year is to train and equip our officers to deal with the changes facing them while they police our community. We expect continued growth in the coming year and will ask for an additional patrol officer in 2021. 93 Objectives for 2020 and 2021 include: 2020 Objectives: 2021 Objectives: • Maintain our authorized staff and develop current staff • Increase our authorized staff by adding a patrol officer • Maintain adequate preventative patrol of the community and reasonable response times. • Maintain adequate preventative patrol of the community and reasonable response times. • Participation in the Dakota County Drug Task Force with one officer assigned full-time to this unit. • Participation in the Dakota County Drug Task Force with one officer assigned full-time to this unit. • Participation in Dakota County Electronic Crimes Unit with one full- time officer assigned to the group. • Participation in Dakota County Electronic Crimes Unit with one full- time officer assigned to the group. • Participation in the Dakota County Traffic Safety Initiative participating in monthly targeted traffic projects. • Participation in the Dakota County Traffic Safety Initiative participating in monthly targeted traffic projects. • Participation in the South Metro SWAT Team maintaining our five officer commitment. • Participation in the South Metro SWAT Team maintaining our five officer commitment. • Maintain our commitment to the business community through the Retail Crime Officer Program in which one patrol officer is assigned to be the liaison with businesses in our community and coordinate education and criminal investigations that impact businesses. • Maintain our commitment to the business community through the Retail Crime Officer Program in which one patrol officer is assigned to be the liaison with businesses in our community and coordinate education and criminal investigations that impact businesses. • Maintain our commitment to the youth of our community through continued participation in the Police Explorers, Teen Academy, Internships, Mentorships, and the School Resource Officer Program. • Maintain our commitment to the youth of our community through continued participation in the Police Explorers, Teen Academy, Internships, Mentorships, and the School Resource Officer Program. • Maintain our commitment to traffic safety in neighborhoods utilizing two full-time patrol officers to the Special Enforcement Team (SET), speed display trailers and Car 54. • Maintain our commitment to traffic safety in neighborhoods utilizing two full-time patrol officers to the Special Enforcement Team (SET), speed display trailers and Car 54. 94 • Maintain our commitment to train officers to handle crisis intervention and mental health related incidents. • Maintain our commitment to train officers to handle crisis intervention and mental health related incidents. 2020 Objectives (cont.) 2021 Objectives (cont.) • Investigate criminal cases in a thorough timely manner. • Investigate criminal cases in a thorough timely manner. • Promote safety in the community, educating citizens in crime prevention methods through block watch meetings, City newsletters, the City web site and newspaper articles. • Promote safety in the community, educating citizens in crime prevention methods through block watch meetings, City newsletters, the City web site and newspaper articles. • Continue our efforts to maintain quality multi-family and rental housing in the community, coordinating our effort with other city departments, utilizing the Rental Registration Ordinance, education of tenants and landlords and marketing the Crime Free Multi- Housing program devoting one patrol officer to this program. • Continue our efforts to maintain quality multi-family and rental housing in the community, coordinating our effort with other city departments, utilizing the Rental Registration Ordinance, education of tenants and landlords and marketing the Crime Free Multi- Housing program devoting one patrol officer to this program. • Continue our Crime Prevention programs including maintaining, if not increasing, the number of neighborhood watch groups, Night to Unite, Adult Citizens Academy, Teen Citizens Academy, alcohol server training and the retail crime prevention program. • Continue our Crime Prevention programs including maintaining, if not increasing, the number of neighborhood watch groups, Night to Unite, Adult Citizens Academy, Teen Citizens Academy, alcohol server training and the retail crime prevention program. • Continue to conserve energy in all reasonable ways possible including turning off computers and lights, minimize idling of squad cars, carpooling and doubling up officers in some squad cars when appropriate and continued utilization of bicycle patrol. • Continue to conserve energy in all reasonable ways possible including turning off computers and lights, minimize idling of squad cars, carpooling and doubling up officers in some squad cars when appropriate and continued utilization of bicycle patrol. 95 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 # Calls for Service 39,548 40,079 40,474 40,869 41,264 41,676 Traffic Offenses 5,672 6,141 6,300 6,600 6,900 7,100 Responses to Accidents 1,059 1,168 1,278 1,388 1,498 1,598 Detective Investigations 562 760 800 820 840 860 PERSONNEL – AUTHORIZED STAFFING LEVELS Position 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 ADMINISTRATION Chief 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Captain 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Police Administrative Mgr.* 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Department Assistant* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PATROL Patrol Sergeant 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Patrol Officer 26 26 26 26 26 27 28 28 29 30 K9 Dog (Handler(s) counted in patrol off.) 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 SET Officer 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 School Resource Officer 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Community Service Officer 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CIU Sergeant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Multi-Family Housing Officer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Retail Crime Officer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Crime Prevention Specialist* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INVESTIGATIONS Detective Sergeant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Detective 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Drug Task Force Detective 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electronic Crimes Unit Officer 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Evidence & Property Tech.* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RECORDS Records Unit Supervisor* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lead Records Technician* 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Records Technicians* 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 Police Records Assistant* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Total Sworn Personnel 50 51 52 52 52 53 54 54 55 56 Total Support Personnel 15 16 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 * Support Personnel VOLUNTEER ENGAGEMENT Adopted 2016 Adopted 2017 Adopted 2018 Adopted 2019 Proposed 2020 Projected 2021 Police Explorers 14 19 19 19 19 19 Chaplains 5 6 6 6 6 6 96 Summary Budget Department 20 Police 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: 4250 FEES-ACCIDENT REPORT 291 320 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4226 FEES-OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 24,026 36,081 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 4259 FEES-DARE,LIASON OFFICER 155,699 157,256 160,401 161,465 160,400 163,600 163,600 4141 FEES-POST BD, REIMB CONT ED, ETC.36,659 52,294 76,872 84,300 21,350 26,000 26,000 5345 REIMB POLICE SPEC DETAIL 52,033 47,813 70,733 46,400 47,300 47,300 57,000 4140 AID-STATE POLICE 418,953 420,565 442,980 418,000 420,000 440,000 445,000 4150 GRANTS OTHER - - - 15,955 6,900 75,780 32,900 687,661 714,329 762,186 737,320 667,150 763,880 735,700 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 5,388,941 5,498,750 5,740,832 5,710,230 5,894,360 6,240,895 6,493,885 Emp. Benefits 1,820,549 1,840,103 1,909,879 2,030,250 2,060,615 2,242,190 2,378,495 Supplies 188,111 202,591 251,323 218,200 253,686 259,923 255,593 Contractual Serv.895,247 967,357 1,024,275 1,016,640 1,077,322 1,114,187 1,148,299 Utilities 1,145 977 1,441 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 Repairs & Maint.21,499 14,710 24,132 35,170 29,620 31,890 35,240 Training/Travel/Dues 158,260 157,153 189,878 188,375 177,015 184,645 178,365 Other Exp.34,396 28,051 28,253 33,500 30,000 30,000 30,000 Capital outlay 205,428 273,331 241,130 217,870 238,220 262,000 288,200 8,713,576 8,983,023 9,411,143 9,450,735 9,761,838 10,366,730 10,809,077 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (8,025,915) (8,268,694) (8,648,957) (8,713,415) (9,094,688) (9,602,850) (10,073,377) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY The department’s vehicle replacements are included in the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund, the annual charge to the Police Department is $262,000 for 2020. Police mobile radios were placed into the VERF and a large replacement purchase took place in 2019 leaving the VERF in need of additional funding. Police admin worked with finance to minimize this increase by delaying the purchase of some police vehicles. Further, existing administrative vehicles slated for patrol use will be replaced with less expensive vehicles on the state contract. This will include hybrid vehicle options which will reduce fuel expenses over time. 97 ACTIVITIES AND FUNCTIONS The f ollowing is a discussion of the activities and functions of the Police Department, including estimated costs for performing each function. All of the costs identified in each activity discussion are included in the department-wide budget above or within other departments, for example, the Data Processing Department budget includes the costs for the LOGIS system. POLICE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNITS The majority of the police departments in the United States consist of five distinct business units: • Administration • Dispatch • Patrol • Investigations • Records These business units encompass the activities that must take place for a police department to exist. They will vary in relation to the size of the department. For example, in a very small police department, serving a small population, the demand for service is less and there may not be an investigation division or a records unit. That does not mean that these duties are not performed, rather it means that patrol officers perform these duties. The administrative unit may consist of a single person, the chief of police, who may also work as a patrol officer. With the demands placed upon a department the size of Apple Valley, a certain level of specialization must take place to ensure that we operate efficiently. Cost Analysis and Assumptions Used This analysis will capture the majority of the costs involved with and allocated to the various business units and programs in the Department. While it is fairly easy to capture salary and benefit costs associated with the various business units and programs, it is more difficult to assign costs such as dispatching fees and technology charges to one specific area. Therefore, you will note costs that are assessed against every employee in the Department. This is due in part to the impact that dispatching, records management, field based reporting, and data connections have on every employee. We have grouped these costs under the heading of technology. Some of the major costs captured in this assessment include, but are not limited to: • Dakota Communication Center Fees • Cellular Communication Charges • Criminal Justice Data Network Fees • Digital Dictation System Fees 98 Police Administration Minnesota law requires that each law enforcement agency have a Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) who is a licensed peace officer. In Apple Valley, the CLEO is the Chief of Police and is responsible for the operation of the department. In a department the size of Apple Valley, there is usually a command structure between that of Police Chief and Police Sergeant. In the Apple Valley Police Department this command rank is that of Captain. There are two Captains. One is in command of Patrol, which includes the Patrol Division and Community Service Officers. The other Captain is in command of Support Services, which includes the Investigation Unit and Community Impact Unit. Police Administration must be responsive to the needs and concerns of the community in the delivery of police services. It is the responsibility of the Police Administration to provide overall direction in the operation of the police department receiving guidance from the Mayor, City Council and City Administrator. Administration is also responsible for budget preparation, internal affairs investigations, developing department policy, making personnel recommendations, preparation of periodic and special reports, department evaluations, community relations, media relations, financial tracking, grant management, department training records and interdepartmental communications. The Police Chief and Captains are on call 24 hours a day and each has a police vehicle assigned to them. The following chart details the command structure of our department as well as our neighboring law enforcement agencies. City Population Chief Deputy Chief Captain Lieutenant Apple Valley 52,435 1 2 Burnsville 61,439 1 3 Eagan 66,627 1 1 3 Lakeville 63,748 1 1 4 2020 Anticipated Costs – Police Administration Salary and Benefits Chief 202,230 Captains (2) 264,534 Police Administrative Manager 123,781 Uniforms 3,150 Vehicle Costs Capitalization 13,551 Fuel 6,504 Maintenance 1,746 Direct Costs Training 3,304 Technology 5,640 DCC 53,466 800 MHz Access 1,485 LOGIS 1,599 Memberships 2,180 Total $683,170 99 Police Dispatching Services In December of 2007, the City of Apple Valley, along with all of the Dakota County public safety entities, consolidated their public safety dispatch systems into jointly owned dispatch center, the Dakota Communications Center (DCC). Governance of this entity is in the form of a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA). Each member of the JPA contributes a percentage of the funds needed to operate the center based upon population and the number of Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) events. 2020 Anticipated Costs – DCC Direct Costs* Membership Fees 1,033,687 800 MHz Access 30,900 LOGIS (RMS & Mobile) 165,104 Total $1,229,691 * These direct costs are distributed equally among sworn personnel Patrol Division The Patrol Division is responsible for providing the department’s frontline services. This division most often provides our first point of contact with the community and provides most of our services. These core services are those most visible on a daily basis. The Patrol Division contains the largest allocation of staff and the division is unlike any other division within the police department because of its visibility and the amount of contact they have with the citizens of Apple Valley. The Patrol Division is responsible for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week response to citizen-initiated calls for service, in addition to officer- initiated activity. The authorized strength of the Patrol Division is 7 Sergeants and 28 Officers. During 2018, the Patrol Division was responsible for handling over 40,000 calls for police service. The patrol officers are the first line of defense against threats to public safety. They are highly trained professionals, who at times unselfishly place themselves at risk in order to protect the community. Patrol Division Outcome Measures Year Calls for service DUI Arrests Traffic Crashes Citations Total Arrests 2019* 12,771 70 351 1,735 406 2018 40,864 305 1,196 4,831 1,198 2017 40,079 176 1,168 4,471 1,206 2016 39,548 205 1,059 5,237 1,234 2015 35,510 171 1,022 4,926 969 2014 34,400 152 1,036 5,557 1,096 2013 35,215 160 995 6,726 1,307 2012 39,223 145 1,059 7,838 1,962 * Through 4/30/19 100 Overtime Hours We endeavor to keep overtime costs at a minimum within the department. We closely monitor overtime to minimize our costs. It is department policy not to utilize overtime to backfill shifts to allow personnel vacation time off. Overtime is only utilized when we fall below our established minimum staffing levels to ensure continuity of service. It is important to note that under the labor agreements and the personnel ordinance, employees, with the exception of the Chief of Police and Captains, have the option of selecting compensatory hours in lieu of overtime pay for hours worked. Some aspects of overtime are administratively uncontrollable. Examples include mandatory court appearances outside of normal work hours, patrol shift extensions due to arrests, or high call for service volumes. The historical overtime record for all hourly sworn personnel is depicted in the accompanying table. Year Officer Hours Sergeant Hours Overtime Pay Compensatory Pay 2019* 1,904 325 81,543 42,900 2018 3,974 530 154,500 130,000 2017 3,453 656 111,109 140,682 2016 3,836 654 190,705 159,017 2015 4,187 817 166,523 128,962 2014 4,150 811 152,735 129,000 2013 4,149 714 160,962 108,684 2012 3,689 844 129,780 108,441 * Through 4/30/19 2020 Anticipated Costs – Patrol Division Salary and Benefits Sergeants (7) 954,702 Officers (28) 3,596,908 Uniforms (35) 36,750 Vehicle Costs Capitalization 158,095 Fuel 75,880 Maintenance 20,370 Direct Costs Training 28,910 Technology 49,350 DCC 623,770 800 MHz Access 18,655 LOGIS 99,645 General Supplies & Equipment 53,305 Total $5,716,340 101 Detective Unit All but the smallest police departments in the United States have a specialized unit that conducts criminal investigations. In Apple Valley, this unit is staffed by Detectives. The Detectives investigate crimes requiring time and expertise beyond the capacity of the generalized investigations that uniformed patrol officers handle. Detectives receive specialized training in areas such as: • Homicide Investigation • Fraud • Internet Crimes Against Children • Sexual Assault • Child Abuse and Neglect • Robbery • Interview and Interrogation • Surveillance In addition to conducting criminal investigations, this unit is also responsible for: • Liquor License background investigations. • Massage Business/Therapist License background investigations. • Pre-employment investigations on potential city employees. • Solicitor permit background investigations. • Coordination of predatory sexual offender registration compliance. • Assisting the Fire Department with investigation of suspicious fires. • Conducting community education in such areas as Internet Safety. Detective Unit Outcome Measures Year Total Cases Cases per Detective 2019* 261 52 2018 521 104 2017 760 152 2016 562 113 2015 613 123 2014 512 128 2013 450 113 2012 568 142 * Through 5/20/19 102 2020 Anticipated Costs – Detective Unit Salary and Benefits Detective Sergeant (1) 159,087 Detectives (5) 706,890 Property Room Clerk 37,398 Uniforms (6) 6,300 Vehicle Costs Capitalization 27,102 Fuel 13,008 Maintenance 3,492 Direct Costs Training 4,956 Technology 8,460 DCC 106,932 800 MHz Access 3,198 LOGIS 17,082 General Supplies & Equipment 9,138 Total $1,103,043 Records Unit The police department’s role in the criminal justice system is to conduct investigative inquiries and gather facts. Every police department must document information that is obtained during investigations. This information must be maintained, searchable, and retrievable. The vast majority of the information and data created and stored by our agency is considered public data. As such, this data must be retrieved and released to the public upon demand. It is the responsibility of the records unit to process, retain, retrieve and forward this information. The unit is responsible for data entry concerning missing and wanted persons, stolen vehicles, stolen property and a host of other things that must be entered into the state and federal criminal information systems. These systems are highly controlled and monitored by both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. The data entries are closely monitored for accuracy, and we are subject to an annual audit which not only verifies the accuracy of each entry but also verifies our policies, procedures and practices that provide for the overall security of the system. Records Unit Outcome Measures Year Incident Reports Processed Data Practices Requests Processed Permits to Purchase Firearms Criminal History Entries Processed 2018 7,127 4,200 388 908 2017 7,555 4,200 446 1,283 2016 7,468 4,100 518 1,744 2015 7,297 3,397 480 1,805 2014 7,114 3,111 419 1,609 2013 7,624 2,930 564 1,676 2012 7,932 3,488 591 1,482 2011 8,432 2,233 395 1,391 103 The Records Unit consists of a Lead Records Technician, five Records Technicians and one part- time Records Clerk. 2020 Anticipated Costs – Records Unit Salary and Benefits Lead Records Technician (1) 99,050 Records Technicians (5) 429,730 Records Clerk – Part-time (1) 17,784 Uniforms 1,500 Direct Costs Training 1,500 Technology 9,870 LOGIS 17,082 Specialized Equipment 2,250 Total $578,766 VALUE ADDED SERVICES AND PROGRAMS This section of our analysis addresses the “value added services” delivered by the police department. These services are not mandated by law, but they assist the department in achieving the overall mission of protecting our community and improving its quality of life through service, education and enforcement. It is important to note that if these programs were eliminated only a portion of their costs would result in a budgetary savings for the City of Apple Valley. For example, if you eliminate the School Resource Officer program, the department would still need to be adequately staffed to handle the requests for police services that come from the students and staff in the various school district facilities located in our community. Value Added Services and Programs – Patrol Division Special Enforcement Team Program Program Purpose The Special Enforcement Team (SET) has been in existence since it was authorized by the City Council in 2001. At the time of its inception, the focus of SET was traffic law enforcement. This was accomplished through concentrated traffic enforcement in problem areas in our community. These problem areas were identified primarily through citizen complaints and areas with the highest accident rates. Since that time, the duties of SET have been greatly expanded. SET is responsible for conducting registration verification of predatory offenders living in our community. Predatory offender registration is a requirement under Minnesota Statutes for individuals who have committed violent crimes and have been discharged from correctional facilities. Under the authority granted in Minnesota Statutes, the department is required to verify the status of these individuals through home visits, updating their employment, contact, and other biographical information. 104 SET also has responsibility for the service of arrest warrants issued by the District Court and state mandated compliance audits for the sale of alcohol and tobacco to minors. The Patrol Division as a whole could absorb all of the duties currently assigned to the SET. However, if you were to eliminate this program and reassign these duties, it would place additional time constraints on the patrol officers who are responsible for responding to the immediate calls for service from the public. Additionally, because of the current staffing levels and calls for service demands facing our patrol officers, the level of traffic law enforcement in the community would be reduced. Special Enforcement Team Outcome Measures Year Citations Issued Predatory Offenders Monitored (Quarterly) Tobacco Sales Compliance Audits Alcohol Sales Compliance Audits 2018 793 45 100 164 2017 933 44 100 164 2016 848 65 100 164 2015 746 56 105 155 2014 818 48 128 176 2013 1,314 42 128 172 2012 2,025 63 120 166 2011 1,677 41 90 167 2020 Anticipated Costs – Special Enforcement Team Program Salary and Benefits Officers (2) 256,922 Uniforms 2,100 Vehicle Costs Capitalization 9,034 Fuel 4,336 Maintenance 1,164 Direct Costs Training 1,652 Technology 2,820 DCC 35,644 800 MHz Access 1,066 LOGIS 5,694 Total $320,432 Police K-9 Program Program Purpose The safety of the public and police officers is the primary reason for having a K-9 program in our department. Our department fields two dogs and their officer/handler. This program is assigned to the Patrol Division. 105 Police dogs are a force multiplier that can do the job better and more efficiently than a police officer can do on foot. Assisting officers to detect crime, including illicit drugs, and locate and apprehend criminals, is part of keeping our community safe. As such, it is in keeping with the department’s mission. Conducting K-9 demonstrations is part of the continuous job of building a positive relationship between the police and the public, educating the public, and improving quality of life within the community. As a part of the overall evaluation of the K-9 program, we evaluate whether there is another government unit that should be performing this function or if this function should be contracted out to the private sector. Conducting searches for suspects and fugitives and making arrests are the duties of law enforcement. There are private entities that do have specially trained dogs available to assist police departments. Some examples include search and rescue dogs and cadaver dogs. These dogs are available upon request on a fee or free basis and may be utilized, but the dog handlers are prohibited by state statute from practicing law enforcement without a license. We collaborate with other agencies to provide K-9 support in the event a canine is not available. In 2018, we expanded our K-9 program to two teams, a true “unit” with overlapping coverage and overlapping service lives of the dogs. When a K-9 unit retires, it takes 1-2 years for the program to be fully functional again, depending on the time of the year a K-9 retires. We have maintained with one dog since our K-9 team’s inception and we now fully understand the profound impact a K-9 team can have on this community. K-9 Team Staffing Comparisons City K-9 Teams Apple Valley 2 Burnsville 2 Eagan 2 Lakeville 2 2020 Anticipated Costs – K-9 Program Salary and Benefits: Officers (2) 256,922 Uniforms 2,100 Vehicle Costs: Capitalization 9,034 Fuel 4,336 Maintenance 1,164 Direct Costs: Food 3,550 Memberships 160 Specialized Equipment 1,000 Training 1,652 Technology 2,820 DCC 35,644 800 MHz Access 1,066 LOGIS 5,694 Veterinary Care 2,000 Total $327,142 106 Dakota County Special Operations Team (SOT) Program Purpose The Dakota County Special Operations Team (DCSOT) is a cooperative effort of public safety agencies in Dakota County. This team was developed as a part of our nation’s response to the 9-11 terrorist attacks that occurred in 2001. The majority of the funding for the formation of the team was obtained through federal grants. The governing entity for the DCSOT is the Dakota County Domestic Preparedness Committee (DCDPC). The DCSOT is comprised of firefighters and police officers from various public safety agencies in Dakota County. The members of the DCSOT are highly trained individuals that specialize in various response scenarios that are considered high risk but have a low frequency of occurrence. Some examples of the types of responses the DCSOT is trained for include hazardous materials response, weapons of mass destruction response, technical rope rescue, confined space rescue, and trench rescue. The DCSOT is available to assist agencies within Dakota County with incidents that require additional resources or the specialized skills they possess. The membership assigned to the DCSOT is depicted below. Apple Valley PD assigned one officer to this group who eventually became the team commander. He recently retired from the team and our plan is to replace his position the next time the team recruits. Agency Fire Police Apple Valley 4 0 Burnsville 6 1 Dakota County Sheriff N/A 1 Eagan 3 2 Farmington 2 0 Hastings 1 0 Inver Grove Heights 3 0 Lakeville 2 0 Mendota Heights 1 1 Rosemount 2 1 South Metro Fire 3 N/A South Saint Paul N/A 0 West Saint Paul N/A 0 Total Membership 27 6 The DCSOT is also part of the Minnesota Structural Collapse Team, Minnesota Task Force One (MN-TF1). Together with Minneapolis, St. Paul, Edina and Rochester Fire Departments, MN-TF1 responds with specialized equipment and trained personnel to assist with Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) and Structural Collapse Incidents throughout Minnesota. 107 2020 Anticipated Costs – Dakota County Domestic Preparedness Committee (DCDPC) & Dakota County Special Operations Team (SOT) Salary and Benefits Officer – Training Time (232 Hrs.)* 14,329 Officer – Overtime 1,200 Direct Costs Memberships 15,502 Total $31,031 * The costs depicted here represent the “lost opportunity” costs associated with this activity. An officer assigned to the team would undergo extensive training to maintain proficiency for the team. Time training is lost due do not being able to fulfill their patrol duties. South Metro SWAT Team (SMS) Program Purpose The South Metro SWAT Team (SMS) is a highly trained police tactical team. This team was developed to respond to high risk but low frequency incidents that occur throughout Dakota and Rice County. In 2017, the team absorbed Rice County SWAT to become a more regional tactical asset. The SMS team responds to a number of incidents throughout the region per year. These incidents include barricaded suspects, hostage rescue, crisis negotiation, high risk warrant service, and fugitive apprehensions. Our department contributes five officers and two sergeants to the team. Our personnel undergo intensive specialized training to become members of the team. The team trains a minimum of 160 hours annually to maintain their skills. Every law enforcement agency in Dakota County, with the exception of Burnsville and Eagan, contribute members to the SMS team. Burnsville and Eagan each field their own SWAT team to handle response situations in their communities. The team is comprised of 50 officers from its member agencies and four tactical paramedics. DCMAAG Team Personnel Agency Tactical Officers Crisis Negotiators Tactical Paramedics Apple Valley 5 2 0 Dakota County Sheriff 9 3 0 Faribault 2 1 0 Farmington 2 0 0 Hastings 0 0 0 Health East 0 0 4 Inver Grove Heights 2 0 0 Lakeville 4 2 0 Mendota Heights 1 0 0 Northfield 2 0 0 Northfield EMS 0 1 0 Rosemount 2 0 0 108 Rice County 3 2 0 South Saint Paul 3 1 0 West Saint Paul 2 1 0 Total Membership 37 13 4 South Metro SWAT Team Response Data Location 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Apple Valley 3 2 2 2 4 5 2 1 2 Burnsville 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Dakota County 0 3 2 0 0 2 2 0 1 Eagan 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Faribault 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Farmington 2 3 2 2 1 1 0 1 0 Hastings 1 3 1 1 1 2 0 3 1 Inver Grove Heights 2 2 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 Lakeville 1 2 1 1 0 2 2 1 0 Mendota Heights 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Northfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Rice County 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Rosemount 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 South Saint Paul 0 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 Washington County 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 West Saint Paul 4 0 1 2 1 0 4 1 1 Other 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Responses 16 23 12 15 13 18 17 13 7 It should be noted that during 2018 a partial team deployment occurred four times when the Bearcat armored vehicle was sent to assist with incidents throughout the service area. As a part of the overall evaluation of the SMS team program, we need to ascertain if there is another government unit that should be performing this function or if this function be contracted out to the private sector. Because the very nature of the types of incidents the team responds to involve law enforcement activities, these activities cannot be outsourced to the private sector 2020 Anticipated Costs – South Metro SWAT Team Salary and Benefits Tactical Negotiator - Training Time* 13,094 Tactical Negotiator - Overtime 3,000 Tactical Officer - Training Time* 70,052 Tactical Officer - Overtime 20,400 Uniforms 1,000 Direct Costs Ammunition & Supplies 6,600 Memberships 8,300 Training 3,400 Total $125,846 *The costs depicted here represent the “lost opportunity” costs associated with this activity. In total, the Officers assigned to the SMS Team spend 1,070 hours in training on an annual basis. They 109 attend this training during their normally scheduled work week. We do not backfill these hours and as such, the normal work activity they would be engaged in is lost. Value Added Services and Programs – Support Services Division Dakota County Drug Task Force Program Purpose Since 1988, Dakota County law enforcement agencies have effectively addressed illegal drug activity through a multi-jurisdictional task force model. From 1988 through 1999, two multi-jurisdictional drug task forces operated in Dakota County: South Metro Drug Task Force and East Metro Drug Task Force. In 2000, the South Metro Drug Task Force and the East Metro Drug Task Force merged to create the Dakota County Drug Task Force (DCDTF), which is the primary agency assigned to investigate illegal drug activity in Dakota County and surrounding areas. Since the establishment of the DCDTF, Dakota County’s population has grown and population demographics have changed. The growth and change in population, in combination with ever changing trends in illegal drug activity, such as the rise of methamphetamine, has resulted in a significant increase in drug and drug related crimes throughout the county. Dakota County, like many counties throughout our nation, is not immune from illegal drug activity and its negative effects. The following chart represents the increasing activity the DCDTF has been involved in. In Dakota County, in the last five years, law enforcement authorities have arrested over 4,500 individuals directly involved in the illegal manufacture, distribution, or possession of drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and ecstasy. DCDTF Activity Incident Type 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Arrests 1,173 1,141 1,138 960 697 638 Search Warrants Executed 243 184 169 147 166 185 Cash Seizures $729,237 $355,974 $431,071 376,665 $228,771 $190,351 Vehicles Seized 2 5 8 12 13 13 Firearms Seized 94 84 41 35 88 65 Cocaine (pounds) 2 3.37 1.21 1.93 3.04 6.61 Ecstasy (doses) 224 45 502 110 6 2,459.50 Heroin (grams) 283 40.20 89.15 257 552 1,341.17 Methamphetamine (pounds) 45 19.23 8.41 5.62 15.68 34.10 Marijuana (pounds) 119 307.20 97.08 338 189.41 183.06 Marijuana Plants 180 38 10 275 439 1,033 Oxycodone/OxyContin (doses) 278 470.5 221 212 323 71.75 In recent years, police investigations have attributed several homicides, assaults, robberies, burglaries, thefts, child endangerment and neglect to illegal drug use. The extent of the presence of drugs in Dakota County is constantly growing and methods of distribution are changing. 110 Illegal drug activity in Dakota County is often connected to international drug traffickers. According to reports by the United States Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration, the majority of cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine distributed in Minnesota and Dakota County is manufactured and delivered by Mexican drug traffickers. Once in Minnesota, these drugs are sold and distributed to local street gangs and independent dealers who operate and distribute the drugs in their local communities. Prior to the establishment of multi-jurisdictional drug task forces, individual police agencies in Dakota County were each responsible for drug investigations in their respective jurisdictions. Police agencies with limited and broader public safety responsibilities were slow to adapt to ever changing illegal drug trends and activities. Most of the investigation units ranged from one to seven detectives, many of whom had little, if any, expertise to effectively engage in proactive drug investigations. Valuable intelligence data was not collected, preserved, or shared with neighboring agencies. Cross-jurisdictional drug cases were often referred to an agency with sufficient resources to conduct follow-up investigations. The Dakota County Drug Task Force is comprised of law enforcement officers from the following agencies: Apple Valley Police Department Lakeville Police Department Burnsville Police Department Mendota Heights Police Department Dakota County Sheriff Office Rosemount Police Department Eagan Police Department Savage Police Department Farmington Police Department South St. Paul Police Department Hastings Police Department West St. Paul Police Department Inver Grove Heights Police Department 2020 Anticipated Costs – Dakota County Drug Task Force Salary and Benefits Detective (1) 141,378 Over-time Pay (Estimated) 15,000 Uniforms 1,050 Vehicle Costs Lease 3,600 Fuel 2,168 Maintenance 582 Direct Costs Training 826 Technology 1,410 DCC 17,822 800 MHz Access 533 LOGIS 2,847 Total $187,216 111 Dakota County Electronic Crimes Unit Program Purpose With the development of the internet and the exponential increase in the power of electronic devices both desktop and handheld, technological devices have become one of the premier focal points of any serious investigation. As the importance of proper examination of technological devices has become increasingly important it has become apparent that simply purchasing software to occasionally mirror hard-drives is a totally inadequate approach. Developing highly trained examiners and continually updating forensic capabilities is now the expectation from the citizenry, prosecutors, and courts. Developing this capability within each police agency is impractical and can be cost prohibitive. Based on the successes of cooperative efforts experienced by the law enforcement community in Dakota County with such groups as the South Metro SWAT Team, Dakota County Drug Task Force, Dakota County Special Operations Team, and the Dakota Communications Center, a collaborative approach has been adopted. A pilot project began in January of 2015 which was permanently established in 2018 through a new joint powers agreement. The Dakota County Sheriff’s Office took lead to locate and finance a permanent location. A recent legislative bonding bill which passed included funding for a SMART center which will house the ECU. The unit has been providing excellent service in a timely manner. Electronic Crime Unit Statistics since Inception Submitted Cases 2018 2017 2016 2015 Apple Valley 54 81 61 57 Burnsville 27 9 41 17 Dakota County 39 44 36 22 Eagan 0 2 3 0 Farmington 7 2 8 11 Hastings 24 29 36 25 Inver Grove Heights 10 19 2 2 Lakeville 29 24 1 0 Mendota Heights 5 5 4 1 Rosemount 24 16 8 4 South Saint Paul 23 35 23 26 West Saint Paul 11 12 12 18 Other 4 8 8 4 Drug Task Force 29 28 18 5 TOTAL 286 334 261 192 112 2020 Anticipated Costs - Electronic Crimes Task Force Salary and Benefits: Detective (1) 141,378 Over-time Pay (Estimated) 4,000 Uniforms 1,050 Vehicle Costs: Capitalization 4,517 Fuel 2,168 Maintenance 582 Direct Costs: Training 826 Technology 1,410 DCC 17,822 800 MHz Access 533 LOGIS 2,847 Total $177,133 Community Impact Unit (CIU) Program Purpose The Neighborhood Collaboration Officer Program (NCOP) was established in 2007 to increase the department’s efforts in the area of problem-oriented policing. The unit was re- named to Community Impact Unit (CIU) in 2019 but functions in the same manner. Problem-oriented policing is an approach to policing in which we conduct a careful examination of crime issues that are occurring in our community in hopes of discovering a new and more effective strategy for dealing with the issues. Problem-oriented policing places a high value on responses that are preventive in nature, that are not dependent on the use of the criminal justice system, and that engage other public agencies, the community and the private sector when their involvement has the potential for significantly contributing to the reduction of crime and quality of life issues. CIU has responsibility for the following activities: • Partnering with 102 organized neighborhood watch groups • Monitoring approximately 1,800 residential rental properties • Citizen’s Police Academy • Teen Police Academy • Teacher’s Academy • Child Passenger Safety Program • Safety Camp • Business Watch • Residential Vacation Check Program 113 CIU is staffed by: • One Sergeant who supervises the program. • One Officer assigned to multi-family housing issues. • One Officer assigned to retail crime issues. • One civilian Crime Prevention Specialist. The CIU Sergeant also has supervisory responsibilities for the SRO program. As a part of the overall evaluation of CIU, we need to ascertain if there is another government unit that should be performing this function or if it could be contracted out to the private sector. Because CIU is entrusted with developing strategies that target not only problem properties but problem chronic offenders, they were charged by the City Council to coordinate and create a unified and collaborative effort on the part of the city departments (police, fire, code enforcement, building inspection, community development and prosecution) to address these issues. The efforts of the CIU unit in reducing crime in multi-family and rental housing, educating landlords and tenants, making our schools safe and communicating crime prevention information to our citizens and businesses is in keeping with the department mission of protecting our community and preserving quality of life. 2020 Anticipated Costs – Community Impact Unit (CIU) Salary and Benefits Sergeant 136,386 Retail Crime Officer 128,461 Multi-Housing Officer 128,461 Crime Prevention Specialist 111,821 Uniforms (3) 3,150 Vehicle Costs Capitalization 13,551 Fuel 6,504 Maintenance 1,746 Direct Costs Crime Prevention Meeting Supplies 1,600 Crime Prevention Promotional Materials 7,000 Memberships 310 Training 3,304 Technology 5,640 DCC 53,466 800 MHz Access 1,599 LOGIS 8,541 Total $611,540 114 School Resource Officer Program Program Purpose This program assigns police officers to the role of a School Resource Officer (SRO). The SRO works at the various schools in our community in partnership with ISD 196 during the academic year. They are present in the schools to provide for the safety and security needs of the students and staff. We currently have three SROs partnering with ISD 196: One SRO is assigned to the three middle schools in our community (Falcon Ridge Middle School, Scott Highlands Middle School, and Valley Middle School) which have a combined student enrollment of 3,000; one SRO at Apple Valley High School with a student enrollment of 1,800; and one SRO at Eastview High School with a student enrollment of approximately 2,200. The three SROs have the potential of interacting with over 7,000 students on a daily basis. The SROs do much more than provide for the security and protection of the students and staff in our schools. The SROs play a significant role in intervening in home situations that are less than ideal and assisting students that are in crisis. They also play an educational role teaching students about the criminal justice system, drug abuse, self-respect, the safe operation of motor vehicles and build a relationship between the police and youth of our community. The duties of the SROs include: • Addressing crime and disorder problems affecting and occurring in or around middle and high schools. • Developing and expanding crime prevention efforts for students. • Educating students in crime prevention and personal safety. • Educating students in the area of conflict resolution. • Assisting school staff in the identification of physical changes in the environment that may reduce crime in or around schools. • Assisting school staff in developing school policies as they relate to crime and recommending procedural changes. As a part of the overall evaluation of the SRO program, we need to ascertain if there is another government unit that should be performing this function or if it can be contracted out to the private sector. In some areas of the United States, school districts have established their own police departments. Examples include: • Clark County School District Police Department in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area • San Diego School District Police in San Diego, California • Los Angeles School District Police Department in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area Currently, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 626 does not authorize school districts in the state to create their own police departments. 115 ISD 196 does provide funding for counselors, social workers and psychologists who work directly with students. They also have staff members that assist with school security. The SROs fulfill a unique role in that they have one foot in the community, performing traditional police work, and the other foot in the schools, emphasizing safety and serving as a role model for the students. We do not believe that the private sector could be as effective in this role. Minnesota has experienced violent incidents in schools in the past. Sometimes they have resulted in deaths. The SRO is first and foremost an armed police officer who is charged with protecting the students and staff. School Resource Officer Incidents Investigated Academic Year Apple Valley High School Eastview High School Middle Schools 2018 – 2019* 228 330 205 2017 – 2018 258 82 246 2016 – 2017 219 157 245 2015 – 2016 213 217 214 2014 – 2015 227 223 251 2013 – 2014 203 254 263 2012 – 2013 267 339 313 2011 – 2012 223 247 228 *This statistic does not include the 40 calls for service handled by the SROs at the School of Environmental Studies and the Alternative Learning Center. 2020 Anticipated Costs – School Resource Officer Program Salary and Benefits Officers (3) 385,383 Uniforms 3,150 Vehicle Costs Capitalization 13,551 Fuel 6,504 Maintenance 1,746 Direct Costs Training 2,478 Technology 4,230 DCC 53,466 800 MHz Access 1,599 LOGIS 8,541 Revenue ISD 196 Reimbursement (160,401) Total $320,247 116 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) POLICE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 5,042,000 5,168,249 5,408,997 5,357,990 2,643,938 5,584,525 5,686,525 5,833,510 5,938,570 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 43,553 45,973 49,051 43,475 23,950 45,645 45,645 47,965 47,965 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 0 0 0 0 282 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 281,621 255,992 252,535 290,000 125,352 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 0 286 218 0 235 6117 - HOLIDAY PAY 132,568 146,852 156,085 123,225 44,089 137,625 137,625 143,170 143,170 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 22,980 23,460 22,560 0 11,340 6122 - COMP REQUEST -133,780 -142,061 -148,613 -130,000 -82,356 -130,000 -130,000 -130,000 -130,000 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 209,670 211,100 211,100 204,180 204,180 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 5,388,941 5,498,750 5,740,832 5,894,360 2,766,830 6,138,895 6,240,895 6,388,825 6,493,885 6138 - MEDICARE 73,253 75,124 78,017 84,325 38,271 89,015 89,015 92,640 92,640 6139 - FICA 29,759 30,070 30,134 35,430 16,572 36,860 36,860 46,800 46,800 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 809,484 828,765 837,608 916,580 415,422 1,025,950 1,025,950 1,067,380 1,067,380 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 137,500 169,985 183,057 193,975 96,543 228,115 228,115 249,155 249,155 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 2,123 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 13,480 10,038 10,243 15,425 4,683 16,750 16,750 17,430 17,430 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 680,778 738,765 819,235 904,680 337,717 935,300 935,300 995,090 995,090 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 58,745 63,615 65,721 0 31,588 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 343 357 360 0 170 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 17,208 17,934 17,039 0 8,433 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -94,548 -131,535 -89,800 -33,776 -89,800 -89,800 -90,000 -90,000 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,820,549 1,840,103 1,909,879 2,060,615 917,745 2,242,190 2,242,190 2,378,495 2,378,495 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 7,209,491 7,338,853 7,650,711 7,954,975 3,684,575 8,381,085 8,483,085 8,767,320 8,872,380 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,159 6,173 6,910 8,400 2,997 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 20,182 20,902 46,833 31,100 4,622 31,100 31,100 23,100 23,100 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 74,440 81,577 93,802 122,486 42,430 125,723 125,723 129,393 129,393 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 21,970 20,836 23,345 20,000 18,103 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 4,779 11,272 10,113 7,000 3,431 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 59,581 61,830 70,321 64,700 37,810 64,700 64,700 64,700 64,700 6205 - SUPPLIES 188,111 202,591 251,323 253,686 109,393 259,923 259,923 255,593 255,593 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 6,638 4,169 12,837 6,000 10,233 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 55,073 57,107 51,299 56,050 27,216 57,550 57,550 57,550 57,550 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 295 265 385 300 186 400 400 400 400 6239 - PRINTING 5,054 7,372 4,461 5,550 2,575 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 980 1,381 980 1,400 285 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 827,206 897,062 954,313 1,008,022 587,536 1,041,787 1,041,787 1,075,899 1,075,899 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 895,247 967,357 1,024,275 1,077,322 628,031 1,114,187 1,114,187 1,148,299 1,148,299 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 1,145 977 1,441 1,000 1,152 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6250 - UTILITIES 1,145 977 1,441 1,000 1,152 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 20,221 14,710 23,260 29,620 9,644 34,890 31,890 35,240 35,240 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 1,278 0 872 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 21,499 14,710 24,132 29,620 9,644 34,890 31,890 35,240 35,240 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 30,974 33,819 28,806 36,850 12,929 36,850 36,850 36,850 36,850 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 14,349 10,417 22,091 18,310 4,806 19,310 19,310 18,310 18,310 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 0 0 156 0 0 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 39,237 41,212 39,808 44,805 22,426 46,785 46,785 47,505 47,505 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 73,700 71,705 99,017 77,050 55,333 81,700 81,700 75,700 75,700 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 158,260 157,153 189,878 177,015 95,494 184,645 184,645 178,365 178,365 117 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) POLICE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 1,264,261 1,342,788 1,491,049 1,538,643 843,714 1,594,645 1,591,645 1,618,497 1,618,497 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 22,308 22,308 22,308 22,400 8,154 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 6321 - CASH OVER/SHORT -123 125 5 0 0 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -175 -115 -77 0 -33 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 12,386 5,733 6,017 7,600 550 21,850 7,600 7,600 7,600 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 34,396 28,051 28,253 30,000 8,671 44,250 30,000 30,000 30,000 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 34,396 28,051 28,253 30,000 8,671 44,250 30,000 30,000 30,000 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 0 0 0 0 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX 0 47,493 0 0 0 0 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 8,558 28,968 17,160 0 825 0 0 6745 - VERF CHARGES 196,870 196,870 223,970 238,220 119,110 262,000 262,000 288,200 288,200 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 205,428 273,331 241,130 238,220 119,935 262,000 262,000 288,200 288,200 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 205,428 273,331 241,130 238,220 119,935 262,000 262,000 288,200 288,200 8,713,576 8,983,024 9,411,143 9,761,838 4,656,895 10,281,980 10,366,730 10,704,017 10,809,077 118 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 20: POLICE - 1200 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND REVENUES: 4250 Accident reports 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4259 Other Public Safety fees 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 4259 ISD 196 Fees (SRO program)161,465 160,400 160,400 163,600 163,600 163,600 163,600 5345 Police Special Detail (extra duty)46,400 47,300 47,300 47,300 47,300 57,000 57,000 4140 State Aid - Police PERA aid 418,000 420,000 420,000 420,000 440,000 445,000 445,000 4141 Post Board Training Reimbursement 18,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 4141 Reimbursements: Traffic Safety + POST + SOT 73,255 61,980 50,000 68,880 68,880 26,000 26,000 Ballastic Vest Reimbursement 9,000 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 TOTAL REVENUES 737,320 723,780 711,800 733,880 753,880 725,700 725,700 SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 5,111,730 5,278,990 5,278,990 5,584,525 5,584,525 5,833,510 5,833,510 6111 Salary-Part-time 41,015 43,475 43,475 45,645 45,645 47,965 47,965 6113 Overtime - Regular 284,500 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000 6122 Comp Request (130,000) (130,000) (130,000) (130,000) (130,000) (130,000) (130,000) 6117 Holiday/Invest Stipend/Master Pat 130,960 123,225 123,225 137,625 137,625 143,170 143,170 6123 Salaries - Other 175,425 209,670 209,670 211,100 211,100 204,180 204,180 6138 Medicare 80,085 84,325 84,325 89,015 89,015 92,640 92,640 6139 FICA 34,270 35,430 35,430 36,860 36,860 46,800 46,800 6141 Pension - PERA 866,185 916,580 916,580 1,025,950 1,025,950 1,067,380 1,067,380 6142 Work Comp Ins 182,810 193,975 193,975 228,115 228,115 249,155 249,155 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 14,900 15,425 15,425 16,750 16,750 17,430 17,430 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 852,000 904,680 904,680 935,300 935,300 995,090 995,090 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (89,800) (89,800) (89,800) (89,800) (90,000) (90,000) Position Addition (Paid by Grant)96,600 79,000 79,000 - 102,000 - 105,060 Total 7,740,480 7,954,975 7,954,975 8,381,085 8,483,085 8,767,320 8,872,380 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Paper & Supplies 7,000 7,000 6,700 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Ticket Writer Paper 1,400 1,400 1,300 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 Total 8,400 8,400 8,000 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT AED Units 2,200 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 Chemical Aerosol Replacement 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Clerical Headset Replacements 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Data Master Mouthpieces 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Fire Extinguishers/Car Door Openers 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Forensic Computer Supplies 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 K-9 Equipment 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Portable Breath Testers - Intox mouthpieces 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 Radar Units 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Tasers 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2,000 2,000 Total 23,400 31,100 31,100 31,100 31,100 23,100 23,100 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS Gas 91,800 119,111 119,111 122,348 122,348 126,018 126,018 Oil 3,200 3,375 3,375 3,375 3,375 3,375 3,375 Total 95,000 122,486 122,486 125,723 125,723 129,393 129,393 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Batteries (Laptop, AA, AAA, C, D)4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Bike Parts 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 Gun Parts Replacement 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Patrol/Inv/Admin Vehicles 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 Squad License Plates 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Patrol/Inv/Admin Vehicles 7,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total 7,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES 12 Gauge Less Lethal Ammo 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 AED Batteries/Pads 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Ammunition 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Canine Supplies & Food 3,550 3,550 4,000 3,550 3,550 3,550 3,550 Cell Phone Batteries/Supplies 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 Coffee / Water / Meeting Supplies 2,750 2,750 3,000 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 Crime Prevention Meeting Supplies 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Crime Prevention Promotional Materials 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Detention Supplies 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 First Aid Supplies 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Flares 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Flex Cuffs 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Hearing Protectors 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Investigation Supplies 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 119 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 20: POLICE - 1200 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONT. SWAT Supplies 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 Mentoring - Academy Supplies 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Narcotic Field Testing Kits 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 Patrol Supplies 3,500 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 Shooting Glasses 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Targets/Gun Cleaning Materials 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Taser Cartridges/Batteries 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 Total 64,400 64,700 65,400 64,700 64,700 64,700 64,700 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Canine Vet Services 1,250 2,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Mantoux & Hepatitis Test & Inoculations 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Pre-employment Medicals & Psychologicals 3,500 3,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 5,250 6,000 9,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Cellular Phone Services 37,100 37,500 38,500 39,000 39,000 39,000 39,000 Frontier Phone Lines 250 250 200 250 250 250 250 Verizon LTE 4G Wireless Services 15,840 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 Telephone Language Translation Service 1,800 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 Total 54,990 56,050 57,000 57,550 57,550 57,550 57,550 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX UPS Expense 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 Total 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Annual Report 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Business Cards 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Crime Prevention Materials 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Evidence Labels and Bar Codes 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 Forms/Stationery/Envelopes 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Misc Printing 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Night to Unite Yard Signs 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 Total 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Shredding Service 1,000 1,400 1,300 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 Total 1,000 1,400 1,300 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DCC Debt Service 911 fund balance applied equally over next 5 years to DCC D - - - - DCC Fees (General & Capital Projects)943,150 999,922 999,922 1,033,687 1,033,687 1,067,799 1,067,799 Background Investigation Fees 2,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Consolidated Lead Evaluation and Reporting 1,900 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 Evidentiary Impound & Tow Fees 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total 949,550 1,008,022 1,007,022 1,041,787 1,041,787 1,075,899 1,075,899 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Dakota Electric and Excel Energy 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Reimbursement from Eagan PD for Range (500) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) Total 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT *** = Service Contract *** Digital Dictation 2,240 2,240 2,240 2,240 2,240 2,240 2,240 *** Konica Copiers Maintenance 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 *** Digital ICV/Body Cam Server Maint 5,940 5,940 - - - - - *** Motorola Radio Extended Warranty 4,440 4,440 - - - 5,000 5,000 *** Quetel Software Maintenance 3,000 3,000 3,000 12,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Car Washes 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Digital ICV/Body Cam Repairs 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 LOGIS Mobiles Support Maintenance 36,969 39,973 39,973 42,918 42,918 45,060 45,060 LOGIS Support is included in Data Processing (36,969) (39,973) (39,973) (42,918) (42,918) (45,060) (45,060) LOGIS RMS Support Maintenance 107,914 113,814 113,814 117,480 117,480 123,350 123,350 LOGIS RMS is included in Data Processing (107,914) (113,814) (113,814) (117,480) (117,480) (123,350) (123,350) Misc. Small Equipment Repairs 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Radar Recertifications 1,650 - - 1,650 1,650 - - Radio Repairs 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Squad Car - Not in House 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Trend Reduction - (5,000) - - - - - Total 35,170 29,620 24,240 34,890 31,890 35,240 35,240 120 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 20: POLICE - 1200 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Canine Training School 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 Chaplains Training 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Crisis Intervention Training 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Explorer Training/Meeting Expense 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Meal Expense Reimbursement Training/Court 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 Rotary Meetings 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Specialized Training - Crime Prevention/CIU 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Specialized Training - Detectives 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Specialized Training - Firearm Instructors 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Specialized Training - Patrol Officers 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Specialized Training - Records Unit 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Specialized Training - Supervisors 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Specialized Training - SRO 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 Specialized Training - Use of Force Instructors 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Mandated Training 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 Total 36,850 36,850 36,850 36,850 36,850 36,850 36,850 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER Can-Am Narcotics Conference 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 Crime Prevention Conference 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 IACP Conference 4,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Juvenile Officers Institute 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 K-9 Drug Certification 2,000 360 360 360 360 360 360 FBI NA NW Chapter Training Conference 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 SWAT- Annual Training Exercise 1,800 1,800 2,000 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 MN Chiefs of Police Executive Training Institute 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 National Explorer Conference 1,000 - - 1,000 1,000 - - Organized Retail Crime Conference 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 Out State Specialty Training 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Sex Crimes Investigator Conference 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Special Operations Training Assn. Conference 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 State Explorer Conference 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 Total 20,450 18,310 18,510 19,310 19,310 18,310 18,310 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Association of Training Officers of MN 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Crime Prevention Officers Association 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 Criminal Code/Law Books 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Dakota County Chiefs of Police Association 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC 800 MHz Access Fee 27,000 28,200 28,200 30,900 30,900 30,900 30,900 Explorer Re-charter 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 International Association of Chiefs of Police 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 SWAT Dues 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 Misc. Books & Publications 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 MN Chiefs of Police Association 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 MN Law Enforcement Explorers Association 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 MN Multi-Housing Assn. Coalition 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 National FBI Academy Association/LEEDA 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 Police License Renewals ($90 each)1,800 1,980 1,980 1,260 1,260 1,980 1,980 Rotary Dues 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Tri-County Investigators Association 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 U.S. Police Canine Association 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 VITALS Aware Services - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total 40,925 44,805 44,805 46,785 46,785 47,505 47,505 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Awards/Plaques/Commendation Medals 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Bike Uniforms 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Chaplain/Volunteer Uniforms 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 SWAT 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Patches/Badges 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Records Personnel Uniforms 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Replacement Ballastic Vests 21,000 8,400 8,400 12,000 12,000 6,000 6,000 Sworn Officers 55,650 55,650 55,650 56,700 56,700 56,700 56,700 Sworn Officers New Hires 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Uniforms & Badges, Explorer Program 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 90,150 77,050 77,050 81,700 81,700 75,700 75,700 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE CJDN Connection Fees-BCA Desktop Query 5,760 5,760 5,760 5,760 5,760 5,760 5,760 CJDN Connection Fees-BCA Mobile Query 5,040 5,040 5,040 5,040 5,040 5,040 5,040 CJDN Connection Fees-BCA Submission 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Konica Minolta Copier Leases 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 Vehicle Lease (Drug Task Force)3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 Total 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 6399 OTHER CHARGES Blood Tests 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Outdoor Range Maintenance/Repairs 8,000 5,000 5,000 19,250 5,000 5,000 5,000 Scale Calibration Maintenance 500 - - - - - - Subpoena Fees 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Total 11,100 7,600 7,600 21,850 7,600 7,600 7,600 121 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 20: POLICE - 1200 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES - - - - - - - Sedans (Admin.)- - - - - - - Squad Cars - - - - - - - Van (Detectives)- - - - - - - Total - - - - - - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS - - - - - - - Canine - Saint Paul PD - - - - - - - Records Scanner - - - - - - - AR-15 Squad Rifle Suppression 21,000 - - - - - - (Trade in Value)- - - - - - - Total 21,000 - - - - - - 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT - - - - - - - VEHICLE - UTV Fleet Addition - - - - - - - VERF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 196,870 238,220 238,220 262,000 262,000 288,200 288,200 Total 196,870 238,220 238,220 262,000 262,000 288,200 288,200 Total Net of Personnel 1,710,255 1,806,863 1,808,433 1,900,895 1,883,645 1,936,697 1,936,697 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,450,735 9,761,838 9,763,408$ 10,281,980$ 10,366,730$ 10,704,017$ 10,809,077$ TOTAL REVENUES (from Above) :737,320 723,780 711,800$ 733,880$ 753,880$ 725,700$ 725,700$ NET ADDITION TO (USE OF ) GENERAL REVENUES (8,713,415)$ (9,038,058)$ (9,051,608) (9,548,100) (9,612,850) (9,978,317) (10,083,377) 122 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 21 1290 Civil Defense DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Civil Defense The City Council designates an Emergency Management Director. The Police Chief serves in this capacity. Duties include maintenance of the nine outdoor warning sirens, insuring that the Emergency Operations Center is properly equipped, updating and coordinating the periodic exercising the City’s Emergency Operations Plan. The Police Chief works closely with the Fire Chief and the Dakota County Emergency Operations Director in coordinating Civil Defense activities. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 Continue ongoing maintenance on outdoor warning sirens including monitoring and replacement of DC power supply (batteries) as needed. Due to the retirement of key city personnel, the department entered into a service agreement with Frontline Warning Systems in order to maintain the Whelen siren system up to the current industry standards. Members of the Apple Valley Police Department supervisory team will continue to receive training in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) by attending the various NIMS courses provided by the Dakota County Domestic Preparedness Committee. In addition, tabletop exercises will be provided under the framework of the newly revised Emergency Operations Plan. The department will continue working to place the warning siren system into the city’s CEP. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Proposed Proposed Item 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Warning Sirens 9 9 9 9 9 Summary Budget Department 21 Civil Defense 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed Revenue: Expenditures: Supplies 163 712 635 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Contractual Serv.15,410 15,303 15,139 15,410 15,410 16,000 18,060 Utilities 505 551 550 675 675 675 675 Repairs & Maint.754 880 205 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Training/Travel/Dues - - - 100 100 100 100 Capital outlay - - - - - - - Total Exp 16,832 17,447 16,529 20,185 19,185 19,775 21,835 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (16,832) (17,447) (16,529) (20,185) (19,185) (19,775) (21,835) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 123 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CIVIL DEFENSE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 0 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 168 724 0 2,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 12 0 635 776 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 180 724 635 2,000 776 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,410 15,303 15,139 15,410 15,352 16,000 16,000 18,060 18,060 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,410 15,303 15,139 15,410 15,352 16,000 16,000 18,060 18,060 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 505 551 550 675 275 675 675 675 675 6250 - UTILITIES 505 551 550 675 275 675 675 675 675 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 754 880 205 1,000 2,250 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 754 880 205 1,000 2,250 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 100 0 100 100 100 100 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 0 0 0 100 0 100 100 100 100 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 16,849 17,457 16,529 19,185 18,652 19,775 19,775 21,835 21,835 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -17 -12 0 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES -17 -12 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES -17 -12 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 16,832 17,445 16,529 19,185 18,652 19,775 19,775 21,835 21,835 124 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 21: CIVIL DEFENSE - 1290 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Siren Maint Supplies 1,000 1,000 1,000 - - - - Avian Flu Supplies 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6215 B BATTERIES Siren Batteries - - 650 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 650 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DCDPC Annual Dues 15,410 15,410 15,139 16,000 16,000 15,510 15,510 Frontline Warning Service Contra - - - - - 2,550 2,550 Total 15,410 15,410 15,139 16,000 16,000 18,060 18,060 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Dakota Electric - Excel Energy 675 675 600 675 675 675 675 Total 675 675 600 675 675 675 675 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Routine Maintenance 2,000 1,000 2,550 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 2,000 1,000 2,550 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Exercise Expenses - - - - - - - Total - - - - - - - 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS AMEM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total Net of Personnel 20,185 19,185 21,039 19,775 19,775 21,835 21,835 TOTAL EXPENSES 20,185$ 19,185$ 21,039$ 19,775$ 19,775$ 21,835$ 21,835$ 125 Notes: 126 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 22 1295 Comm Serv Offic (CSO) DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Community Service Officer A Community Service Officer (CSO) provides support in crime prevention, investigation, and response where full police powers are unnecessary and assists police officers in upholding law and order. CSOs work under the supervision of a patrol sergeant. They perform duties that don’t require the level of training or expertise of a police officer, thereby freeing the officer to engage in activities that do require their attention. The duties of the CSOs include: • Fingerprinting citizens applying for certain licenses from state agencies or adoption. • Assisting patrol officers in performing traffic control, such as accident scene traffic control, special events control, and other similar situations. • Assisting officers in requesting and ensuring vehicle tows are completed at accident scenes and other arrest situations where a vehicle is involved. • Assisting in booking prisoners at the police station. • Handling dog bite calls, animal at large calls and injured animal calls. • Opening locked car doors for citizens. • Delivering City Council agenda packets. • Delivering the City Hall mail to the post office each day. • Deploying the radar display speed trailers as well as “Car 54”. • Enforcing certain ordinance violations including selected parking violations. • Maintaining department supplies and equipment. • Shuttling squad cars back and forth from the police station to mechanics at CMF. • Transporting evidence to and from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for analysis. • Monitoring winter sidewalk snow shoveling complaints. • Fingerprinting residents who require it as part of job applications MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 • Continue providing quality non-sworn police service • Continue providing service and monitoring of animal control issues, animal impoundments, and potentially dangerous/dangerous dog monitoring and accountability. • Continue providing parking enforcement service. 127 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Animal Licenses Sold 479 1,067 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Propo sed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 CSO 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule – Hours (Part Time) Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 CSO (Additional time) 1381 1381 1381 1381 1381 1381 Summary Budget Department 22 Comm Serv Offic (CSO) 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: FEES-Animal Pickup 3,830 3,049 4,824 7,100 7,100 7,100 7,100 LICENSE-Dog (pub.safety) 9,553 21,410 8,920 5,300 5,300 9,000 9,000 13,383 24,459 13,744 12,400 12,400 16,100 16,100 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 62,380 66,574 81,741 77,160 79,645 79,915 84,670 Emp. Benefits 8,650 8,324 12,506 14,415 14,730 15,345 16,430 Supplies 4,767 5,637 5,905 6,625 6,475 6,975 6,975 Contractual Serv.5,546 3,855 5,725 6,150 6,150 5,900 5,900 Uniforms / Equipment 821 646 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Other Exp.- (15) (11) 82,165 85,021 105,866 106,350 109,000 110,135 115,975 Net addition to (use of) general revenues 82,164 85,021 105,866 106,350 109,000 110,135 115,975 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 128 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 0 59 147 0 232 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 58,882 64,004 77,392 72,990 26,610 72,635 72,635 78,170 78,170 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 3,498 2,511 4,202 3,100 1,091 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 3,555 4,180 4,180 3,400 3,400 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 62,380 66,574 81,741 79,645 27,933 79,915 79,915 84,670 84,670 6138 - MEDICARE 904 965 1,185 1,155 405 1,160 1,160 1,230 1,230 6139 - FICA 3,868 4,128 5,068 4,940 1,732 4,955 4,955 5,250 5,250 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 2,179 1,023 3,416 5,740 1,890 5,995 5,995 6,350 6,350 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,699 2,209 2,837 2,895 1,059 3,235 3,235 3,600 3,600 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 8,650 8,324 12,506 14,730 5,086 15,345 15,345 16,430 16,430 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 71,031 74,898 94,247 94,375 33,018 95,260 95,260 101,100 101,100 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 14 0 0 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 499 133 0 300 0 300 300 300 300 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 3,559 4,400 5,309 5,750 1,649 5,750 5,750 5,750 5,750 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 65 0 0 0 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 507 451 0 250 0 500 500 500 500 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 138 639 597 175 0 175 175 175 175 6205 - SUPPLIES 4,767 5,637 5,905 6,475 1,649 6,725 6,725 6,725 6,725 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 23 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 0 0 0 250 0 250 250 250 250 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,546 3,831 5,725 5,900 1,349 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,546 3,855 5,725 6,150 1,349 6,150 6,150 6,150 6,150 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 0 0 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 0 0 0 0 0 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 821 646 0 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 821 646 0 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 11,135 10,138 11,630 14,625 2,998 14,875 14,875 14,875 14,875 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS 0 -15 -11 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 -15 -11 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 -15 -11 0 82,165 85,021 105,866 109,000 36,016 110,135 110,135 115,975 115,975 129 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 22: COMM SERV OFFIC (CSO) - 1295 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6110 SALARIES 6111 Salary - Part-time 71,255 72,990 77,391 72,635 72,635 78,170 78,170 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp - - - - - - - 6114 Overtime PT 3,100 3,100 4,202 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 6123 Salary - Other 2,805 3,555 - 4,180 4,180 3,400 3,400 6138 Medicare 1,120 1,155 1,185 1,160 1,160 1,230 1,230 6139 FICA 4,785 4,940 5,067 4,955 4,955 5,250 5,250 6141 PERA 5,785 5,740 3,416 5,995 5,995 6,350 6,350 6142 Work Comp 2,725 2,895 2,837 3,235 3,235 3,600 3,600 Position Changes Total 91,575 94,375 94,099 95,260 95,260 101,100 101,100 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Cages, Traps, Repellent, Gloves 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS Gas 5,500 5,500 5,309 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 Oil 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 5,750 5,750 5,559 5,750 5,750 5,750 5,750 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Animal Control Trucks 250 250 262 500 500 500 500 Total 250 250 262 500 500 500 500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Dog Licenses 175 100 175 175 175 175 175 Dog Nooses/Misc Supplies 150 75 75 - - - - Total 325 175 250 175 175 175 175 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Printing 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Palomino Pet Hospital 5,900 5,900 5,724 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 Boarding Fees Recapture Credit - - - - - - - Wildlife Trapping Service - - - - - - - Total 5,900 5,900 5,724 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Community Service Officer Uniforms 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total Net of Personnel 14,775 14,625 14,845 14,875 14,875 14,875 14,875 TOTAL EXPENSES 106,350 109,000 108,944 110,135 110,135 115,975 115,975 130 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 23 1300 Fire Department DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The mission of the Apple Valley Fire Department is to reduce the loss of life and property by providing fire suppression, rescue services, non-emergency services, and fire and life safety education to the public. This is accomplished by training for and providing pre-emergency planning, fire protection, rescue, emergency medical services, hazardous materials response, natural or manmade disaster response, and emergency support when needed during other community crisis. Our priorities are life safety, property conservation, and environmental protection. These are achieved through our vision to be an innovative, effective, and progressive fire department. We are dedicated to the delivery of effective fire suppression, rescue services, and quality fire and safety education. We strive to offer the best available education and training to our firefighters, in preparation of meeting the needs and expectations of our citizens and visitors. Our training programs allow firefighters to receive classroom and practical education that is compliant with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO). By striving for the goal of meeting nationally recognized standards of these agencies, the Apple Valley Fire Department is able to provide consistent, systematic, and proactive response to emergent and other public safety needs. We also participate in coordinated county-wide training and response which provide optimum use of resources and personnel across inter- and intra-jurisdictional organizations, should the need arise. Our goal of ensuring our residential and business communities meet all City Ordinances and Minnesota State Fire Codes is met through our fire prevention program. Fire prevention activities provide multiple fire and life safety educational and training opportunities to the residents, businesses, and visitors of our city. Scheduled fire inspections of new and existing commercial and multi-family properties provide additional and effective safety. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 • Complete a needs analysis for Fire Station 2. • Create specifications and place order for new Ladder 1, delivery and payment in 2021. • Research and replace 15-year-old hydraulic rescue tools (Jaws of Life) for Engines 1, 2 and 3. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Fire/Rescue/EMS Calls 1,622 1,787 2,074 2,300 2,500 2,600 Response Times (minutes) 6:28 avg 6:03 avg 5:35 avg 5:50 avg 5:50 avg 5:50 avg Fire Inspections 122 82 1060 1100 1100 1100 Firefighter Training Hours 7,881 10,869 9,859 10,000 10,000 10,000 Fire Safety Education Programs 69 93 116 120 120 120 131 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fire Deputy Chief/Training Officer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fire Marshal 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fire Inspector 1 1 1 1 1 1 Department Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part-Time Status Personnel Schedule In Hours Adopted Adopted Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Paid-on-Call Firefighters (74) 24,347 23,980 26,372 27,750 27,750 29,500 Firefighter Clerical Assistant (PT) 1,456 1,456 728 1,456 1,456 1,456 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Hydraulic Rescue Tools (in VERF Fund) $94,600 Summary Budget Department 23 Fire 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenues: Lease Allina Space-Fire Station #1 35,072 38,987 36,062 37,140 37,885 38,645 39,400 Fire Alarms/Permits 16,648 49,070 16,100 - - 12,000 12,500 Grants and Other Revenue 24,640 30,551 18,036 18,000 18,000 20,500 24,000 76,360 118,608 70,197 55,140 55,885 71,145 75,900 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 794,951 828,140 936,290 902,260 965,560 989,555 1,030,225 Employee Benefits 215,603 230,031 255,280 277,660 287,500 286,020 304,190 Supplies & Equipment 99,555 94,242 113,626 86,405 71,965 70,855 89,994 Contractual Services 76,575 76,484 89,309 91,860 84,240 84,970 88,730 Utilities 27,570 30,063 33,525 28,940 29,865 31,564 31,689 Repairs & Maintenance 93,537 65,980 162,552 110,335 80,184 70,877 72,377 Training/Travel/Dues 84,813 96,768 95,054 103,720 104,328 105,282 112,089 Other Expenses 2,999 2,815 3,626 2,950 2,950 3,600 3,650 Vehicle Replacement Charge (VERF)286,300 292,100 335,782 321,000 337,050 388,400 407,800 Capital Outlay 5,500 - - - Total Expenditures 1,681,903 1,716,624 2,025,043 1,930,630 1,963,642 2,031,123 2,140,744 132 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) FIRE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 374,332 379,195 445,852 464,630 176,394 450,530 450,530 477,660 477,660 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 419,038 446,511 485,127 460,325 268,496 496,075 496,075 509,070 509,070 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 3,692 3,286 6,950 6,200 3,519 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,200 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 1,440 1,440 1,800 720 6122 - COMP REQUEST -3,551 -2,291 -3,440 -3,273 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 34,405 36,750 36,750 37,295 37,295 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 794,951 828,140 936,290 965,560 445,856 989,555 989,555 1,030,225 1,030,225 6138 - MEDICARE 9,776 10,353 11,751 7,145 5,580 6,970 6,970 7,965 7,965 6139 - FICA 3,988 4,156 1,399 4,895 2,087 5,030 5,030 5,170 5,170 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 53,652 55,674 65,962 65,855 26,721 76,770 76,770 81,370 81,370 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 95,845 109,946 115,974 145,765 63,214 129,265 129,265 137,420 137,420 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,001 760 861 1,340 311 1,320 1,320 1,395 1,395 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 46,941 56,282 70,225 73,800 24,876 77,965 77,965 82,850 82,850 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 3,871 4,216 4,893 2,031 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 24 24 28 11 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 505 503 878 713 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -11,882 -16,691 -11,300 -3,964 -11,300 -11,300 -11,980 -11,980 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 215,603 230,031 255,280 287,500 121,581 286,020 286,020 304,190 304,190 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,010,553 1,058,171 1,191,570 1,253,060 567,438 1,275,575 1,275,575 1,334,415 1,334,415 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 220 744 1,791 225 189 225 225 225 225 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 38,539 42,483 46,777 10,790 1,763 10,025 10,025 27,894 27,894 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 13,296 15,325 22,727 18,719 9,316 18,720 18,720 18,720 18,720 6214 - CHEMICALS 2,352 3,008 1,458 2,350 567 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 15,593 16,544 11,892 12,566 9,232 12,220 12,220 13,490 13,490 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 2,326 765 8,930 3,200 405 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 27,230 15,372 20,051 24,115 6,946 24,115 24,115 24,115 24,115 6205 - SUPPLIES 99,555 94,242 113,626 71,965 28,419 70,855 70,855 89,994 89,994 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 19,503 20,378 26,949 19,950 11,907 19,950 19,950 22,315 22,315 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 12,004 11,300 11,519 12,930 5,566 12,930 12,930 13,040 13,040 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 154 209 256 200 381 300 300 300 300 6239 - PRINTING 324 558 2,943 710 1,245 710 710 1,380 1,380 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 2,034 2,084 2,093 2,161 1,223 2,440 2,440 2,460 2,460 6242 - FIRE ALARM PLAN REVIEWS 0 0 0 750 0 750 0 750 0 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 42,555 41,956 45,549 47,539 19,968 48,640 48,640 49,235 49,235 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 76,575 76,484 89,309 84,240 40,290 85,720 84,970 89,480 88,730 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 17,122 17,974 19,073 18,175 7,652 18,175 18,175 18,300 18,300 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 7,421 8,871 11,385 8,480 8,387 10,179 10,179 10,179 10,179 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 3,026 3,218 3,067 3,210 860 3,210 3,210 3,210 3,210 6250 - UTILITIES 27,570 30,063 33,525 29,865 16,899 31,564 31,564 31,689 31,689 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 58,616 45,074 50,833 47,910 9,521 49,982 49,982 50,482 50,482 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 34,921 20,906 111,719 32,274 58,146 20,895 20,895 21,895 21,895 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 93,537 65,980 162,552 80,184 67,667 70,877 70,877 72,377 72,377 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 17,340 19,762 20,449 20,970 6,400 20,970 20,970 20,970 20,970 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 17,806 16,069 16,285 18,629 12,552 18,630 18,630 19,870 19,870 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 2,900 2,350 2,400 3,000 850 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,881 3,581 2,861 4,100 1,211 4,100 4,100 4,100 4,100 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 43,885 55,007 53,058 57,629 45,984 58,582 58,582 64,149 64,149 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 84,813 96,768 95,054 104,328 66,997 105,282 105,282 112,089 112,089 133 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) FIRE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 382,049 363,537 494,066 370,582 220,272 364,298 363,548 395,629 394,879 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 600 0 600 0 600 600 600 600 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -117 -165 -173 -36 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 2,516 2,980 3,199 2,950 3,221 3,000 3,000 3,050 3,050 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 2,999 2,815 3,626 2,950 3,185 3,600 3,600 3,650 3,650 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 2,999 2,815 3,626 2,950 3,185 3,600 3,600 3,650 3,650 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX 0 0 14,782 0 0 0 0 6745 - VERF CHARGES 286,300 292,100 321,000 337,050 168,525 388,400 388,400 407,800 407,800 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 286,300 292,100 335,782 337,050 168,525 388,400 388,400 407,800 407,800 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 286,300 292,100 335,782 337,050 168,525 388,400 388,400 407,800 407,800 1,681,901 1,716,624 2,025,043 1,963,642 959,420 2,031,873 2,031,123 2,141,494 2,140,744 134 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 23: FIRE - 1300 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 441,940 464,630 445,900 450,530 450,530 477,660 477,660 6111 Part time 424,660 460,325 507,919 496,075 496,075 509,070 509,070 6113 Overtime - Regular 5,865 6,200 6,800 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,200 6123 Salaries - Other 29,795 34,405 34,405 36,750 36,750 37,295 37,295 6138 Medicare 11,590 7,145 11,400 6,970 6,970 7,965 7,965 6139 FICA 4,655 4,895 4,300 5,030 5,030 5,170 5,170 6141 Pension - PERA 69,310 65,855 68,000 76,770 76,770 81,370 81,370 6142 Work Comp Ins 117,335 145,765 110,000 129,265 129,265 137,420 137,420 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 1,270 1,340 1,100 1,320 1,320 1,395 1,395 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 73,500 73,800 73,800 77,965 77,965 82,850 82,850 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (11,300) (11,300) (11,300) (11,980) (11,980) Trend Reduction - Parttime Position Changes Total 1,179,920 1,253,060 1,263,624 1,275,575 1,275,575 1,334,415 1,334,415 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 410 225 225 225 225 225 225 Total 410 225 225 225 225 225 225 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Firefighting Hand Tools and Equipment 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 Technical Rescue Equipment 550 600 600 600 600 600 600 Vehicle Extrication Equipment (Rescue 2 Combi-Tool)VERF VERF Fire Hose (Attack and Supply)5,255 5,256 5,256 5,256 5,256 5,405 5,405 Investigation Equipment 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Firefighting Nozzles 1,200 400 400 400 400 400 400 Flashlights 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 EMS Equipment Non-Expendable - - 800 800 Fire Extinguishers/Stat-X First Responder Suppressant 150 150 150 150 150 300 300 High Visibility Traffic Vests - - Rescue Saw Equipment and Blades 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Mops, Brooms, Cleaning Equipment 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Station Hand Tools and Equipment 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 Water/Ice Rescue Suit (1 per year x7)635 636 636 636 636 636 636 SCBA Firefighter Face Mask 255 253 253 253 253 253 253 Disposable Single Gas CO Detectors (4 per year)895 895 1,100 930 930 1,200 1,200 Technology Upgrades (TVs, Apparatus Display Monitors, etc…)- 800 800 VHF Fire Pagers Replacement (Minitor VI)1,200 Pluggie the Fire Hydrant 6,825 Automatic External Defibrillator x 11 16,500 16,500 Multi-Gas Monitoring Equipment - - Workout Gym Equipment (2018-Exercise Bike/2019-Muli-Gym )5,000 K12 Rescue Saw 1,915 Total 25,680 10,790 10,995 10,025 10,025 27,894 27,894 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS/ADDITIVES Unleaded 9,195 7,193 7,193 7,193 7,193 7,193 7,193 Diesel 6,455 8,456 8,456 8,457 8,457 8,457 8,457 Diesel Road Tax 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 Oils & Additives 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 18,720 18,719 18,719 18,720 18,720 18,720 18,720 6214 CHEMICALS Plug & Dike - 100 100 100 100 100 100 Hazmat Absorbents (Absorbent/Pillows/Pads)300 300 300 300 300 300 300 SCBA Cleaning & Disinfectant 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 Class A Foam 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Total 2,250 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Batteries (Rechargeable)750 750 3,000 905 905 1,025 1,025 Batteries (Non-Rechargeable)1,365 1,366 1,366 1,365 1,365 1,365 1,365 SCBA Equipment & Compressors 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Firefighting Equipment & Tools 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 General / Miscellaneous 890 900 900 900 900 1,000 1,000 Apparatus / Vehicle Parts 8,000 7,500 9,500 8,000 8,000 9,000 9,000 Atmospheric Monitor Sensor Replacements 1,500 1,500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 13,055 12,566 15,816 12,220 12,220 13,490 13,490 6216 TIRES & BATTERIES (VEHICLES) Tires 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Batteries 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Total 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES EMS Supplies Expendable 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 Traffic Control Devices (Fuses, Cones, etc…)250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Cleaning Supplies and Laundry Soap 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Maps & Preplan Materials - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Infection Control Supplies 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Fire Line Barrier Tape 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 Hazmat Decontamination Supplies 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 Atmosheric Monitoring Calibration Gas 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 Smoke Machine Training Replacment - - Liquid Smoke (Training Smoke Machine)100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Medical Gloves (Latex Free)1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 Vehicle Soap 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 N95 Particulate Respirator Masks 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Fire Box Rekeying - - Station Furnishings 1, 2, & 3 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Primary Eye Protection 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Salvage Tarps 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 135 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 23: FIRE - 1300 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Fire Codes and NFPA Standards 1,305 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 Training Materials (Books, Curriculum, Videos)1,670 1,600 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Fire Prevention Materials 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 Food for Emergency Incidents and Standbys 1,240 1,240 1,240 1,240 1,240 1,240 1,240 Incident Command Software (moved to 6249)- - Volunteer Fire Corp Citizens Program 500 500 Total 23,090 24,115 24,115 24,115 24,115 24,115 24,115 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES New Hire Physical/Ability/Psychological Assessment 7,000 7,000 10,700 7,000 7,000 9,000 9,000 Annual Physical Exams (74 @ $143)10,580 10,582 10,582 10,582 10,582 10,582 10,582 Tuberculosis (TB) Testing (74 @ $22)1,630 1,628 1,628 1,628 1,628 1,628 1,628 Flu Shots (74 @ $10)740 740 1,105 740 740 1,105 1,105 Total 19,950 19,950 24,015 19,950 19,950 22,315 22,315 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Cellular Phone Services 4,550 2,730 3,720 3,720 3,720 3,760 3,760 Mobile Device Stipends 8,880 2,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Sprint/Verizon Mobile EVDO Wireless Services 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,340 6,340 Cable Television 300 300 300 300 300 310 310 IaR Firefighter Supplemental Notification System 800 800 810 810 810 830 830 Total 20,830 12,930 12,930 12,930 12,930 13,040 13,040 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX Miscellaneous Shipping 200 200 400 300 300 300 300 Total 200 200 400 300 300 300 300 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Fire Code Enforcement Forms - - Business Cards 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 Stationery and Envelopes 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Recruitment Materials (Flyers, Door Knockers, etc…)330 330 1,000 330 330 1,000 1,000 Total 710 710 1,380 710 710 1,380 1,380 6240 CLEAN SERVICE/WASTE REMOVAL Garbage Station 1 1,120 1,154 1,294 1,294 1,294 1,300 1,300 Garbage Station 2 480 497 573 573 573 580 580 Garbage Station 3 495 510 573 573 573 580 580 Total 2,095 2,161 2,440 2,440 2,440 2,460 2,460 6242 FIRE ALARM PLAN REVIEW Fire Alarm Plan Review Consultant 750 750 750 - 750 - Total 750 750 - 750 - 750 - 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Online Interactive Training Services 5,865 5,865 5,610 5,865 5,865 5,865 5,865 Custodial Services Fire Station 1(+Allina), 2, and 3 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,790 6,790 Hazardous Materials Disposal - - Fire RMS (ImageTrend)3,425 3,607 2,834 3,610 3,610 3,610 3,610 Lawn Care (Fire Stations x 3) 11,000 11,000 12,400 12,100 12,100 12,600 12,600 Fire Alarm Panel Monitoring (Fire Stations x 3)1,115 1,147 1,152 1,145 1,145 1,170 1,170 800 MHz Radio Subscriber fees (64@$300)19,200 19,200 18,700 19,200 19,200 19,200 19,200 Incident Command Software Subscription (ICx Command)- - - - Total 47,325 47,539 47,416 48,640 48,640 49,235 49,235 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Station 1 11,065 11,395 11,395 11,395 11,395 11,480 11,480 Station 2 3,295 3,394 3,394 3,394 3,394 3,414 3,414 Station 3 3,285 3,386 3,386 3,386 3,386 3,406 3,406 Total 17,645 18,175 18,175 18,175 18,175 18,300 18,300 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS Station 1 4,755 4,900 6,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 Station 2 1,805 1,914 2,714 2,314 2,314 2,314 2,314 Station 3 1,620 1,666 2,467 1,965 1,965 1,965 1,965 Total 8,180 8,480 12,081 10,179 10,179 10,179 10,179 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Station 1 1,870 1,926 1,926 1,926 1,926 1,926 1,926 Station 2 745 770 770 770 770 770 770 Station 3 500 514 514 514 514 514 514 Total 3,115 3,210 3,210 3,210 3,210 3,210 3,210 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT 800 MHz Radios and Pager Repair 425 450 450 450 450 450 450 Apparatus/Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs 16,250 16,737 16,737 16,737 16,737 16,737 16,737 Hydraulic Rescue Tool Maintenance & Coupling Change 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 SCBA Annual Testing and Maintenance 6,965 7,175 7,175 7,100 7,100 7,100 7,100 Boat & Motor Maintenance 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 Annual Apparatus Fire Pump Test (x7)5,870 6,045 9,178 8,830 8,830 8,830 8,830 Annual Ground and Aerial (x2) Ladder Testing 2,650 2,650 2,650 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 Annual Fire Hose Testing 4,190 4,188 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 Fire Hose Repair - - Turnout Clothing Inspection and Repairs 3,570 6,140 6,140 6,140 6,140 6,640 6,640 Firefighting Equipment Maintenance 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 EMS Equipment Maintenance 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 General Equipment Maintenance 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 Fire Extinguisher Maintenance 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Total 44,345 47,910 50,655 49,982 49,982 50,482 50,482 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS HVAC Maintenance & Repair (Fire Stations x 3)5,995 6,174 6,174 6,175 6,175 6,175 6,175 Overhead Garage Doors General Maintenance 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 General Building Maintenance (+ Interior Painting)15,420 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 FS 3 Dayroom Floor Replacement 10,000 - 136 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 23: FIRE - 1300 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS FS 1 Training Room Carpet Replacement - 6,000 6,000 - - - - Annual Fire Sprinkler Testing 475 500 500 620 620 620 620 FS 3 - Office Chairs (x25)- 5,500 5,500 - - - - Fire Station 1 Apparatus Bay Floor Refinishing 30,000 - - - - - - ABLE Fire Training Facility Maintenance 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,500 3,500 Total 65,990 32,274 32,274 20,895 20,895 21,895 21,895 6275 SCHOOLS/CONF/MEETING EXP - LOCAL Firefighting Courses and Continuing Education 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Fire Service Certifications 1,765 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 EMS Training 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Department Assistant Continuing Education 650 500 500 500 500 500 500 Fire Marshall / Inspector Continuing Education 1,520 1,520 1,520 1,520 1,520 1,520 1,520 Technical Rescue Training 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Blue Card Command CE and Certification 3,440 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 Hazardous Materials Training 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Emergency Response Driving Course 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 Refreshments / Meals 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Total 20,725 20,970 20,970 20,970 20,970 20,970 20,970 6276 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES EXP - OTHER MN State Fire Department Conference - - MN State Fire Chiefs Conference 3,100 3,100 4,100 3,600 3,600 4,300 4,300 Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC)8,070 8,229 5,713 8,930 8,930 8,970 8,970 Fire Rescue International Conference (FRI)3,600 3,600 5,100 3,800 3,800 4,200 4,200 Regional Fire Schools 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,300 2,300 2,400 2,400 Storage Tank Firefighting 1,400 1,500 1,500 Total 18,370 18,629 18,613 18,630 18,630 19,870 19,870 Total - - - - - - - 6278 SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE Subsistence allowance for out-of-metro area trips 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Dues 2,000 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Subscriptions (NFPA Standards and Trade Magazines)2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 4,000 4,100 4,100 4,100 4,100 4,100 4,100 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Fire Fighting Boots 3,750 3,750 3,750 4,100 4,100 4,550 4,550 Fire Fighting/Extrication/Rescue Gloves 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,940 3,080 3,080 Fire Fighting Coats 15,190 15,189 15,189 15,190 15,190 18,600 18,600 Fire Fighting Pants 12,070 12,069 12,069 12,670 12,670 13,800 13,800 Fire Fighting Helmets 3,465 3,465 3,465 3,466 3,466 3,735 3,735 Fire Fighting Protective Hoods (Nomex Barrier)3,835 3,836 3,836 3,836 3,836 4,004 4,004 Volunteer/Paid-on-Call Uniforms(74 @ $125)9,250 9,250 9,250 9,250 9,250 9,250 9,250 T-Shirts, Explorers 125 130 130 130 130 130 130 Badges/Awards/Plaques/Commendation Medals 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 Regular (Full-Time) Uniforms (4 @ $925)3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 Total 57,625 57,629 57,629 58,582 58,582 64,149 64,149 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Home and Garden Show 600 600 600 600 600 Total - - 600 600 600 600 600 6399 OTHER CHARGES Annual Service Awards Banquet 2,950 2,950 2,950 3,000 3,000 3,050 3,050 Total 2,950 2,950 2,950 3,000 3,000 3,050 3,050 6720 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE FURNITURE FS 2 - Office Chairs (x25)5,500 - - - - - - Total 5,500 - - - - - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus [SCBA] Replacement VERF VERF VERF VERF Replacement (42 each $5,857) Thermal Imager Replacement (7 each $8,300)VERF VERF VERF VERF Hydraulic Rescue Tool Replacement (3 each $37,000)VERF VERF VERF VERF 800 MHz Radio Replacement (64 each $5,000)VERF VERF VERF VERF Total - - - - - - - 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT VERF-Vehicle Replacement Fund Charges 321,000 337,050 337,050 388,400 388,400 407,800 407,800 Total 321,000 337,050 337,050 388,400 388,400 407,800 407,800 Total Net of Personnel 750,710 710,582 725,308 756,298 755,548 807,079 806,329 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,930,630$ 1,963,642$ 1,988,932$ 2,031,873$ 2,031,123$ 2,141,494$ 2,140,744$ 137 Notes: 138 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 76 1365 Fire Relief DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY This business unit accounts for the activity associated with contributions to the Apple Valley Firefighter’s Relief Association. The Apple Valley Firefighter’s Relief Association is a separate legal entity that receives and manages monies to provide retirement and other benefits to its members (Volunteer/Paid-On-Call Firefighters) and beneficiaries (Retired Volunteer/Paid-On-Call Firefighters). There are two major sources of revenue in the fund; the first is a pass through whereby Minnesota State Fire Aid is received from the State which then, by statute, is to go to the Firefighters Relief Association; the second is a property tax levy that the City of Apple Valley levies each year to support the Firefighters Relief Association. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 The Relief Association Special Fund actuarial valuation study completed in May of 2019 shows a decrease in the funding ratio from 101.75% in 2018 to 92.23% in 2019. For 2020, the required municipal contribution as defined by the actuarial is $59,457. In response to changes to the calculation of state aid for Fire Reliefs at the state level, the formula for the city’s additional contribution was amended to be 90% of the total aid received 2 years prior. The City will also receive a pass through contribution in the form of State Fire Aid estimated to $290,000 and $295,000 in 2020 and 2021 respectively. Summary Budget Department 76 Fire Relief 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: State Fire Aid - pass through 281,578$ 283,581$ 294,751$ 285,000$ 287,000$ 290,000$ 295,000$ Supplemental Aid -Pass through 4,000 - - - - Total Revenue 281,578 283,581 298,751 285,000 287,000 290,000 295,000 Expenditures: Contractual Services 1,609 750 740 2,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 State Fire Aid - pass through 281,578 283,581 298,751 285,000 287,000 290,000 295,000 City Contribution to Fire Relief 259,830 243,200 252,930 252,930 255,233 256,500 265,000 Total Expenditures 543,017 527,531 552,421 540,130 543,233 547,500 561,000 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (261,439) (243,950) (253,670) (255,130) (256,233) (257,500) (266,000) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY : None 139 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) FIRE RELIEF Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 1,609 750 740 1,000 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,609 750 740 1,000 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 1,609 750 740 1,000 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6319 - REIMBURSEMENT OF REV COLL FOR 541,408 526,781 551,681 541,233 4,000 546,500 546,500 560,000 560,000 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 541,408 526,781 551,681 541,233 4,000 546,500 546,500 560,000 560,000 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 541,408 526,781 551,681 541,233 4,000 546,500 546,500 560,000 560,000 543,017 527,531 552,421 542,233 4,750 547,500 547,500 561,000 561,000 140 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 76: FIRE RELIEF - 1365 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES City share of GASB 67/68 Actuarial 2,200 1,000 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 2,200 1,000 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6319 CONTRIBUTION TO FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION State Fire Aid Pass Through 285,000 287,000 287,000 290,000 290,000 295,000 295,000 City Contribution to Fire Relief Association 252,930 255,223 265,275 256,500 256,500 265,000 265,000 Total 537,930 542,223 552,275 546,500 546,500 560,000 560,000 Total Net of Personnel 540,130 543,223 553,025 547,500 547,500 561,000 561,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 540,130$ 543,223$ 553,025$ 547,500$ 547,500$ 561,000$ 561,000$ 141 Notes: 142 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 27 1510 Public Works ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Public Works Engineering Division provides engineering design and plan review services for street and utility infrastructure projects and land development projects. Engineering Division staff also responds to inquiries and questions from the City Council, various City departments, land developers, businesses and residents. SERVICE CATEGORIES The Engineering Division provides the following internal and external services related to engineering functions for the City of Apple Valley. 1. Engineering Design and Construction Contracting Services  Prepare engineering plans and specifications for public infrastructure projects  Conduct public bidding process for projects in accordance with State Statutes  Provide contract administration for projects through completion of construction 2. Construction Inspections and Surveying Services  Provide field surveys to assist in preparation of construction plans  Provide construction field survey staking for projects  Conduct field inspections and coordination of construction activities 3. Traffic and Transportation Engineering Services  Determine traffic forecasts for the City street system to assist with design work  Study existing street segments and intersections based on various traffic concerns  Review proposed development plans for traffic generation and traffic flow 4. Development and Site Plan Review Services  Review proposed development plans for compliance with City engineering standards  Attend meetings with architects, engineers and land developers to discuss infrastructure coordination for land development projects  Determine need and availability of public utility services for proposed development  Conduct site inspections during construction for compliance with approved plans 5. Technical Assistance and Right-of-Way Management  Administer City’s right-of-way management ordinance and permit process  Assist residents, businesses, staff and Council regarding infrastructure issues  Address drainage and flood control issues 143 MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 In addition to recurring annual duties, the following primary projects are scheduled for design and construction over the next year using technical resources within the Public Works Engineering Division business unit. Project Anticipated Contract Title Award Timeline 2020 Street & Utility Improvements Spring 2020 • Cimarron Road, Yancy Court, Shasta Court, Beaumont Court, Sabra Court • Garden View (CR 42 to Whitney) 2020 Micro surfacing Project Summer 2020 2020 Crack sealing Project Summer 2020 2020 Street Improvements Spring 2020 • Garden View (Whitney to CR 46) • Garden View (CR 42 to Walnut) • 134th Street W. • Highview Drive 2020 Intersection Improvements Summer 2020 • 147th and Glazier Roundabout • CR 42 and Johnny Cake Ridge Road MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 In addition to recurring annual duties, the following primary projects are scheduled for design and construction over the next year using technical resources within the Public Works Engineering Division business unit. Project Anticipated Contract Title Award Timeline 2021 Street & Utility Improvements Spring 2021 • Surrey Trail and Cimarron Court 2021 Micro surfacing Project Summer 2021 2021 Crack sealing Project Summer 2021 2021 Street Improvements Spring 2021 • Pennock Ave (140th to 145th) • 145th (Cedar to Pennock) • 140th (Cedar to Pennock) • 133rd (Galaxie to Flagstaff) 2021 Utility Improvements Summer 2021 2021 Signal Improvements Spring 2021 • 132nd and Galaxie • HAWK Signal at Greenleaf 144 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Contract Value of Projects Delivered $8.95M $8.0M $9.8M $13.8M $12.5M $9.5 M Number of Right-of- Way Permits 89 72 70 70 70 70 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 City Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant City Engineer 0 0 0 0 0 0 Civil Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Engineering Tech III 1 1 1 1 1 1 Eng / Construction Tech I & II 2 2 2 2 2 2 GIS Tech FT position split with 5305, 5365, 5505 0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Administrative Specialist FT position split with 1400 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule - Hours Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Engineering Intern 1300 1100 1100 1100 1300 1300 145 Summary Budget Business Unit 1510 Engineering 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue Engineering Fees 585,999 667,485 837,618 1,018,000 995,000 960,000 991,000 Permit Fees - Small Cell - - - - - 12,500 12,500 Permit Fees - Right of Way 30,950 26,056 42,246 - - 12,000 12,500 616,949 693,541 879,864 1,018,000 995,000 984,500 1,016,000 Expenditures Salaries & Wages 365,529 410,585 424,123 524,215 524,090 556,615 582,940 Emp. Benefits 107,083 112,651 128,053 165,210 173,520 174,290 184,565 Supplies 12,814 8,685 14,921 15,010 19,960 17,560 16,600 Contractual Serv.15,517 105,446 116,332 127,800 92,500 92,350 102,550 Repairs & Maint.- 495 - 650 350 500 500 Training/Travel/Dues 6,124 4,188 10,930 16,020 19,220 45,500 62,920 Vehicle Replacement Fund - 10,250 10,250 10,250 10,510 10,770 Capital outlay 4,760 15,311 - - - - - Total Exp 511,827 657,361 704,610 859,155 839,890 897,325 960,845 Net addition to (use of) general revenues 105,122 36,180 175,254 158,845 155,110 87,175 55,155 2020 Capital Outlay: None 2021 Capital Outlay: None 146 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) PW ENGINEERING Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 323,789 371,493 379,183 441,820 201,131 477,775 477,775 502,660 502,660 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 0 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 9,255 7,692 11,375 15,000 5,636 15,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 37,418 33,328 37,581 40,000 7,384 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 1,020 2,100 720 360 6122 - COMP REQUEST -8,829 -6,904 -4,907 -1,298 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 22,270 18,840 18,840 19,280 19,280 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 2,877 2,876 171 5,000 540 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 365,529 410,585 424,123 524,090 213,753 556,615 556,615 582,940 582,940 6138 - MEDICARE 5,097 5,821 5,832 7,605 2,971 8,070 8,070 8,440 8,440 6139 - FICA 21,795 24,890 24,936 32,510 12,705 34,510 34,510 35,890 35,890 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 26,267 26,523 30,868 37,825 15,542 40,245 40,245 42,520 42,520 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,858 1,682 1,884 2,425 1,055 2,830 2,830 3,105 3,105 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 836 699 759 1,275 383 1,530 1,530 1,600 1,600 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 45,725 56,153 76,300 100,080 32,487 95,305 95,305 101,210 101,210 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 4,278 4,262 5,373 2,681 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 24 27 28 14 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 1,204 1,267 224 120 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -8,673 -18,149 -8,200 -4,371 -8,200 -8,200 -8,200 -8,200 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 107,083 112,651 128,053 173,520 63,588 174,290 174,290 184,565 184,565 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 472,612 523,236 552,176 697,610 277,341 730,905 730,905 767,505 767,505 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 312 1,024 386 750 152 800 800 800 800 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 9,541 3,873 11,022 13,600 620 29,700 11,200 10,650 9,150 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 1,686 1,904 2,783 3,500 941 3,250 3,000 3,800 3,550 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 681 431 563 650 0 850 700 1,000 750 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 0 440 0 460 125 660 660 850 850 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 594 1,374 171 1,000 252 1,200 1,200 1,500 1,500 6205 - SUPPLIES 12,814 9,045 14,924 19,960 2,092 36,460 17,560 18,600 16,600 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 0 818 0 0 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 6,527 95,176 99,466 60,400 30,308 82,500 82,500 91,500 91,500 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 3,362 3,242 3,952 4,650 2,187 4,800 4,800 5,400 5,400 6239 - PRINTING 732 4,680 2,741 1,050 2,378 3,050 3,050 3,650 3,650 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 180 286 390 71 6244 - ROW EPERMIT FEES 975 1,244 2,604 1,400 255 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,740 0 7,178 25,000 2,393 0 0 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,517 105,446 116,332 92,500 37,592 92,350 92,350 102,550 102,550 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 0 495 0 350 0 500 500 500 500 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 495 0 350 0 500 500 500 500 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 4,304 1,916 3,830 6,270 577 8,000 8,000 11,350 11,350 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 199 0 5,000 2,940 2,500 2,500 2,700 2,700 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 113 0 1,380 0 1,380 1,380 1,500 1,500 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 250 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 377 625 6,103 5,620 7,335 32,620 32,620 45,870 45,870 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,443 1,333 997 950 443 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 6,124 4,188 10,930 19,220 11,546 45,500 45,500 62,920 62,920 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 34,455 119,174 142,186 132,030 51,229 174,810 155,910 184,570 182,570 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE -360 0 0 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -3 0 147 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) PW ENGINEERING Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES -360 -3 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES -360 -3 0 0 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX 0 6725 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP 0 5,311 0 0 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 0 0 6745 - VERF CHARGES 4,760 10,000 10,250 10,250 5,125 10,510 10,510 0 10,770 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,760 15,311 10,250 10,250 5,125 10,510 10,510 0 10,770 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,760 15,311 10,250 10,250 5,125 10,510 10,510 0 10,770 511,827 657,361 704,610 839,890 333,695 916,225 897,325 952,075 960,845 148 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 27: PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING - 1510 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND REVENUE 4219 Engineering Charges 1,018,000 995,000 885,000 960,000 960,000 991,000 991,000 4076 Small Cell Permits 0 0 12,000 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 4074 Permit Fees- ROW 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 12,500 12,500 Total 1,018,000 995,000 897,000 984,500 984,500 1,016,000 1,016,000 SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 445,235 441,820 420,000 477,775 477,775 502,660 502,660 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 6113 Overtime - Reg 40,000 40,000 38,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 6123 Salaries - Other 18,980 22,270 18,840 18,840 19,280 19,280 6124 Overtime - Seasonal Temp 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6138 Medicare 7,600 7,605 8,070 8,070 8,440 8,440 6139 FICA 32,500 32,510 34,510 34,510 35,890 35,890 6141 Pension - PERA 37,815 37,825 40,245 40,245 42,520 42,520 6142 Work Comp Ins 2,635 2,425 2,830 2,830 3,105 3,105 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 1,260 1,275 1,530 1,530 1,600 1,600 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 83,400 100,080 95,305 95,305 101,210 101,210 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (8,200) (8,200) (8,200) (8,200) (8,200) Total 689,425 697,610 478,000 730,905 730,905 767,505 767,505 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES General Supplies 750 750 500 800 800 800 800 Total 750 750 500 800 800 800 800 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT AutoCad & Eng Software Maint 4,100 7,100 4,500 7,100 7,100 7,800 7,800 General Tools 500 500 300 500 500 600 600 HydroCad Software - - 600 600 750 750 iPad Pros (3) for Inspectors 3,600 - - - - - Laptop (1)1,500 - PCSWMM Software (2)- 6,000 2160 3,000 3,000 Innovyze Software-Sanitary Modeling - - 18,500 - Total 8,200 13,600 6,960 29,700 11,200 10,650 9,150 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS No lead Fuel 3,750 3,250 2,000 3,000 2,750 3,500 3,250 Oils 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 Total 3,950 3,500 2,250 3,250 3,000 3,800 3,550 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Fleet Parts 650 650 650 850 700 1,000 750 650 650 650 850 700 1,000 750 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Eng Fleet 460 460 460 660 660 850 850 Total 460 460 460 660 660 850 850 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Survey Lath 500 500 500 600 600 750 750 Marking Paint 500 500 500 600 600 750 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,500 1,500 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES General Consulting Eng Services 14,600 14,600 14,000 20,000 20,000 22,000 22,000 Traffic Consulting Eng Services 20,800 20,800 20,000 22,000 22,000 25,000 25,000 Pavement Management Surveys - 1/3 per year 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,500 20,500 20,500 20,500 ADA Transition Plan 40,000 235 GIS Consulting Services 5,000 5,000 20,000 20,000 24,000 24,000 Traffic Consulting - Comp Plan Update 17,000 Total 107,400 60,400 59,235 82,500 82,500 91,500 91,500 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Mobile Phones 3,100 3,200 5,205 3,300 3,300 3,800 3,800 iPad Cell Air Time 1,450 1,450 - 1,500 1,500 1,600 1,600 Total 4,550 4,650 5,205 4,800 4,800 5,400 5,400 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Printing Plans/Specs, Gen Materials 250 250 250 250 250 350 350 Annual City Street Maps 4,400 600 600 2,600 2,600 2,800 2,800 Record Plans 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 Total 4,850 1,050 1,050 3,050 3,050 3,650 3,650 6244 ROW PERMIT FEES Fees paid 1,000 1,400 1,400 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,400 1,400 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Dakota County GIS Fees 25,000 25,000 Cartegraph Conversion to On-line 10,000 - - - 10,000 25,000 25,000 - - - - 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Vehicles (4)500 350 350 500 500 500 500 Holdover Field Truck 150 - - - Total 650 350 350 500 500 500 500 149 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 27: PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING - 1510 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL MnDOT / LTAP Training 550 550 140 550 550 2,000 2,000 Inspector School Training 500 500 AutoCad Training 850 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 CEAM and APWA 2,440 2,440 1,000 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 Management Training 350 350 350 350 350 500 500 ESRI GIS State Conference 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,200 MnDOT Certifications 1,100 780 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 School/Conf Mileage - 650 650 650 Total 5,290 6,270 4,490 8,000 8,000 11,350 11,350 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER Cartegraph/ESRI National Conference 5,000 3,280 2,500 2,500 2,700 2,700 Total - 5,000 3,280 2,500 2,500 2,700 2,700 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Meeting Travel 630 630 300 630 630 700 700 School/Conf Mileage 750 750 500 750 750 800 800 Total 1,380 1,380 800 1,380 1,380 1,500 1,500 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PE License Renewals 370 370 - 370 370 370 370 Code Books & Eng Publications 580 - - Membership APWA, ASCE and CEAM 500 1,750 1,750 2,000 2,000 PCSWMM License (2)1,200 1,200 Innovyze Software Licenses ESRI Annual Licensing 26,500 23,500 23,500 35,000 35,000 Cartegraph On-line Licenses 7,000 5,250 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,300 7,300 Total 8,450 5,620 33,500 32,620 32,620 45,870 45,870 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Eng Staff 900 950 925 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 900 950 925 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES Replace Vehicle #116 - Total - - - - - - - 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT VERF - Vehicle Repl. Charges 10,250 10,250 10,510 10,510 - 10,770 Total 10,250 10,250 - 10,510 10,510 - 10,770 Total Net of Personnel 169,730 142,280 147,055 185,320 166,420 184,570 193,340 TOTAL EXPENSES 859,155$ 839,890$ 625,055$ 916,225$ 897,325$ 952,075$ 960,845$ Revenue 1,018,000$ 995,000$ 897,000$ 984,500$ 984,500$ 1,016,000$ 1,016,000$ NET EXPENSES (Revenues)158,845$ 155,110$ 271,945$ 68,275$ 87,175$ 63,925$ 55,155$ 150 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 28 1400 BUILDING INSPECTIONS Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Building Inspections Division of Public Works is responsible for reviewing proposed building plans and performing field inspections to ensure that residential, commercial, institutional and industrial building projects are in compliance with the State Building Code. The City of Apple Valley is responsible for administering and enforcing the 2015 State Building Code, including: the commercial and residential building codes; mechanical codes; electrical codes; plumbing codes; and energy codes. The State of Minnesota administers the elevator codes within the City. SERVICE CATEGORIES The Building Inspections Division provides for the local application of the state building code as required by Minnesota Statutes 326B.133. The following internal and external services are provided by the Building Inspections Division. 1. Building Plan Reviews and Building Permit Services  Review proposed building plans for compliance with Minnesota State Building Codes  Issue and monitor building permits in accordance with State requirements  Collect Met Council SAC fees and building permit fees and State Surcharge 2. Building Permit Inspections Services  Schedule inspections with contractors and property owners  Conduct inspections during construction for compliance with approved construction plans and building codes  Administer special inspections program as required by the State Building Code  Issue Certificates of Occupancy upon proper completion of building construction work  Provide technical assistance to homeowners during home improvement projects 3. Electrical Permit Services  Review plans for compliance with state electrical codes  Issue electrical permits for approved construction projects  Schedule site inspections and collect permit fees 4. State Building Code Enforcement and Property Damage Services  Issue compliance orders or citations for non-compliant construction activities  Investigate existing structures that are non-compliant with State Building Codes  Coordinate building assessment efforts following natural disasters, catastrophic events and structure fires 151 MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 With the implementation of e-plan review software, the amount of time spent on digital file organization by staff will be lessened. Plans will no longer need to be scanned in manually and saved electronically to a folder. By the end of 2019, it is hoped that most contractors, both commercial and residential, will be getting used to the digital features offered by the City with regards to electronic plan review intake, review and permit issuance. The Building Inspections Division plans to work with the City’s Media/Cable Department to create a two part, short video production in 2019 for the City website in order to better serve permit applicants. Staff believes there is interest in short (1-2 minute) videos to assist applicants during the electronic permitting process. The goal is to empower applicants to complete the process without seeking City employee intervention – allowing applicants to troubleshoot and/or complete applications and revisions 24/7/365. It is envisioned that applicants would be able to watch a side-by-side video comparison to their actual screen and move through the permit process at their own speed. Multi-family and larger commercial projects anticipated going into and thru 2019 include Cortland 6th, Quarry Ponds 5th,, Apple Valley Square Shopping Center, Ryan Building corner of 148th and Cedar, Menards, The Springs at Cobblestone, Existing Golf Course 140th, The Shores Townhomes, Panera Bread, Time Square Renovation, Buller Property, Ulrich Property, Ryan Companies Medical Place, Apple Valley East Medical, Jardin Academy, Reliable Mini Warehouse, MVTA Expansion, Village at Founders Circle Apartment Building and the Shops at Orchard Place. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 Remodeling of existing homes, redevelopment and commercial building projects will continue to provide a steady workload for inspections staff. The Inspections department has been approved for the State delegation of inspections for Public Buildings such as schools, the Minnesota Zoo and State licensed facilities. These projects will help with the future permit revenue. 152 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Total Permits 6,393 6,932 5,698 5,000 6,500 5,000 Building Valuation $93M $202M $141M $40M $85M $40M New Single Family Homes 140 167 65 27 12 2 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Building Official 1 1 1 1 1 1 Building Inspector 2 3 4 4 4 4 Plumbing/Mechanical Spec 1 1 0 0 0 0 Dept Specialists/Clerical Administrative Specialist FT position split with 1510 2 0 2 0.5 2 0.5 2 0.5 2 0.5 2 0.5 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule – Hours Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 (1)Seasonal Inspector 2080 1040 1040 1040 0 0 153 Summary Budget Department 28, Business Unit 1400 - Building Inspections 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: 4060 PERMIT-Building Permit 901,615 1,480,518 931,774 700,630 798,000 800,000 800,000 4073 PERMIT-Plan Review 400,781 721,884 517,460 282,900 303,000 384,000 384,000 4924 PERMIT-Electrical 157,922 192,399 157,687 128,600 133,000 113,000 130,000 4063 PERMIT-Heating 137,635 260,042 146,414 89,600 95,000 90,000 90,000 4065 PERMIT-Plumbing 166,239 256,383 189,769 94,500 96,500 100,000 100,000 4066/4067 PERMIT-Signs/Util Inst 9,170 9,692 12,459 7,400 16,600 14,800 7,400 4075 Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Permits - - - - - 4,500 4,600 4077 PERMIT Small Cell - - - - - 1,500 2,000 4070 PERMIT-Special & Reinsp.616 204 10,574 - - - - 4099 PERMIT-Other 3,001 2,647 2,300 3,200 3,200 500 500 1,776,979 2,923,768 1,968,437 1,306,830 1,445,300 1,508,300 1,518,500 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 485,360 522,508 512,811 553,820 583,810 579,755 604,905 Emp. Benefits 151,628 169,280 178,402 204,045 202,025 214,980 221,620 Supplies 17,785 74,436 15,774 50,605 21,655 22,105 21,955 Contractual Serv.6,575 7,720 7,644 9,450 9,650 9,050 8,850 Electrical Inspections 86,949 121,885 161,913 85,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 Repairs & Maint.891 872 477 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Training/Travel/Dues 5,359 7,473 9,450 9,810 11,400 11,375 11,860 Other Exp.550 77,770 44,248 44,380 44,650 53,745 53,250 VISA M/C 13,808 13,146 23,809 14,000 14,000 15,000 18,000 Vehicle Replacement Fund 5,660 9,500 40,100 12,600 12,600 12,980 13,370 Capital outlay 5,296 85,585 26,000 30,700 3,500 - - Total Exp 779,860 1,090,176 1,020,628 1,015,410 1,004,290 1,009,990 1,034,810 Net addition to (use of) general revenues 997,119 1,833,592 947,809 291,420 441,010 498,310 483,690 2020 Capital Outlay None 2021 Capital Outlay None 154 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) BUILDING INSPECTIONS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 414,246 481,608 499,352 520,510 222,151 546,125 546,125 568,530 568,530 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 50,306 33,528 10,542 30,000 163 30,000 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 22,294 8,919 2,867 11,000 1,874 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 1,260 1,770 2,700 1,440 6122 - COMP REQUEST -2,747 -3,575 -2,649 -1,087 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 22,300 23,630 23,630 26,375 26,375 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 258 0 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 485,360 522,508 512,811 583,810 224,542 609,755 579,755 604,905 604,905 6138 - MEDICARE 6,793 7,402 7,197 8,465 3,164 8,830 8,830 9,205 9,205 6139 - FICA 29,046 31,649 30,775 36,195 13,528 37,745 37,745 39,365 39,365 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 33,155 37,026 37,351 41,535 16,709 43,405 43,405 47,620 47,620 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,483 2,421 2,565 2,995 1,206 3,215 3,215 3,610 3,610 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,117 932 1,056 1,495 429 1,565 1,565 1,745 1,745 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 73,724 92,340 109,050 120,240 35,392 129,120 129,120 128,975 128,975 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 4,907 5,999 7,331 2,878 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 35 41 47 20 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 369 790 1,147 389 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -9,320 -18,117 -8,900 -1,911 -8,900 -8,900 -8,900 -8,900 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 151,628 169,280 178,402 202,025 71,804 214,980 214,980 221,620 221,620 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 636,988 691,788 691,213 785,835 296,347 824,735 794,735 826,525 826,525 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 678 2,288 775 1,700 12 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 10,737 65,943 8,742 12,625 4,443 12,775 12,775 13,125 13,125 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 3,504 4,298 4,046 4,730 1,413 4,530 4,530 4,830 4,830 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 1,050 -51 648 600 0 650 650 150 150 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 0 944 0 700 0 700 700 700 700 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,816 1,014 1,562 1,300 940 1,750 1,750 1,450 1,450 6205 - SUPPLIES 17,785 74,436 15,774 21,655 6,808 22,105 22,105 21,955 21,955 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 0 0 0 800 0 900 900 900 900 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 77 81 600 450 0 450 450 450 450 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 4,107 5,644 5,111 6,400 2,093 5,700 5,700 6,200 6,200 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 12 0 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 1,777 882 1,127 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 200 200 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 603 1,115 805 1,000 1,393 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,100 6243 - ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 86,949 121,885 161,913 100,000 25,362 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 93,524 129,605 169,557 109,650 28,848 99,050 99,050 88,850 88,850 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 891 872 477 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 891 872 477 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 2,842 2,779 5,646 6,325 2,455 6,325 6,325 6,745 6,745 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 240 539 0 650 -45 650 650 650 650 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 109 270 195 400 0 400 400 400 400 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 125 0 100 100 100 100 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,065 1,656 1,549 2,000 1,475 2,000 2,000 2,065 2,065 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,104 2,228 2,059 1,900 755 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 5,359 7,473 9,450 11,400 4,640 11,375 11,375 11,860 11,860 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 117,558 212,387 195,258 143,705 40,296 133,530 133,530 123,665 123,665 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 550 600 600 650 550 700 700 700 700 155 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) BUILDING INSPECTIONS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 13,808 13,146 23,809 14,000 12,511 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 77,170 43,648 44,000 20,382 50,045 50,045 52,550 52,550 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 14,358 90,916 68,057 58,650 33,443 68,745 68,745 71,250 71,250 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 14,358 90,916 68,057 58,650 33,443 68,745 68,745 71,250 71,250 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6725 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP 5,296 35,857 4,057 3,500 1,370 0 0 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 49,728 21,943 0 0 6745 - VERF CHARGES 5,660 9,500 40,100 12,600 6,300 12,980 12,980 0 13,370 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,956 95,085 66,100 16,100 7,670 12,980 12,980 0 13,370 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,956 95,085 66,100 16,100 7,670 12,980 12,980 0 13,370 779,860 1,090,176 1,020,628 1,004,290 377,756 1,039,990 1,009,990 1,021,440 1,034,810 156 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 28: PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS - 1400 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND REVENUE 4060 Building Permits 700,630 798,000 500,000 800,000 800,000 700,000 800,000 4073 Plan Review Fee 282,900 303,000 250,000 305,000 384,000 280,000 384,000 4924 Electrical Permits 128,600 133,000 130,000 113,000 113,000 130,000 130,000 4063 Heating Permits 89,600 95,000 95,000 90,000 90,000 95,000 90,000 4065 Plumbing Permits 94,500 96,500 90,000 100,000 100,000 90,000 100,000 4066 Permits-Signs & Billboards 7,400 7,400 7,400 7,400 7,400 7,400 7,400 4067 Utility Installation - 9,200 - 7,400 7,400 - - 4075 Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Permits (70 Fire/30)- - - 4,500 4,500 4,600 4,600 4077 Small Cell Permits (70 Eng/30 Insp)- - 1,000 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 4099 Other Revenue 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 500 500 500 Total 1,306,830 1,445,300 1,076,600 1,432,000 1,508,300 1,309,500 1,518,500 SALARIES 6110 Salary- Regular Employees 491,900 520,510 485,000 546,125 546,125 568,530 568,530 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp (1)30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - - - 6113 Overtime - Reg 10,000 11,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6123 Salaries - Other 21,920 22,300 22,300 23,630 23,630 26,375 26,375 6138 Medicare 8,030 8,465 8,465 8,830 8,830 9,205 9,205 6139 FICA 34,335 36,195 36,195 37,745 37,745 39,365 39,365 6141 Pension - PERA 39,290 41,535 41,535 43,405 43,405 47,620 47,620 6142 Work Comp Ins 2,775 2,995 2,995 3,215 3,215 3,610 3,610 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 1,415 1,495 1,495 1,565 1,565 1,745 1,745 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 118,200 120,240 120,240 129,120 129,120 128,975 128,975 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (8,900) (8,900) (8,900) (8,900) (8,900) (8,900) Total 757,865 785,835 717,325 824,735 794,735 826,525 826,525 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES General Supplies 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Blueprint hanging mobile storage rack 500 - Shelving and Office Items 1,000 1,000 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 2,200 1,700 800 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Logis hosting fee Project Dox (to 6399)7,250 - - - Laserfische Quick Field license 2,500 - Shoe slip covers disposable - 350 - 350 350 New Scanner for Permit Tech 2,500 - Computer and screen 3,000 - Electronic Plan Review Software 20,000 10,000 6,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Surface Pro or Laptop (iPad)1,500 - Tablet Replacements - 1,300 - 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Smart Phones 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 Replace Office Chair 425 425 425 425 425 425 425 Hard Hats and Safety Vest 150 150 25 150 150 150 150 Total 40,225 12,625 6,850 12,775 12,775 13,125 13,125 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS Vehicle #'s 101, 102, 104, 107 Unlead Fuel 4,000 4,500 4,000 4,300 4,300 4,600 4,600 Oils 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 Total 4,230 4,730 4,230 4,530 4,530 4,830 4,830 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Inspection Vehicles and Equipment 600 600 150 650 650 150 150 Total 600 600 150 650 650 150 150 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Inspection Vehicles 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Total 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Inspection Card Covers 800 - - - Home and Garden Show Supplies 850 300 345 750 750 450 450 New code books and electronic downloads 1,000 1,000 1,020 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 2,650 1,300 1,365 1,750 1,750 1,450 1,450 6231 LEGAL SERVICES Legal Services from City Attorney - 800 800 900 900 900 900 Total - 800 800 900 900 900 900 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES SSTS Plan Reviews and Inspections 200 450 450 450 450 450 450 Total 200 450 450 450 450 450 450 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Mobile Phones 3,100 3,500 2,600 3,000 3,000 3,300 3,300 Mobile Laptops 2,500 2,900 2,500 2,700 2,700 2,900 2,900 PIMS Bar Coding Annual Fees 650 - - - Total 6,250 6,400 5,100 5,700 5,700 6,200 6,200 157 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 28: PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS - 1400 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Correction Notice Booklets - 800 800 - - Forms/ Convert Microfische Plans 2,000 1,000 200 200 200 200 200 Total 2,000 1,000 200 1,000 1,000 200 200 6240 GARBAGE/CLEANING Shredding Service (Moved from 6249)1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,100 Total 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,100 6243 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Fees for Contract Electrical Inspector 85,000 100,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 Total 85,000 100,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Scan Commercial Plans - - Total - - - - - - - 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Office Equip 1,000 1,000 700 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 1,000 700 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Monthly Meetings - Dakota County 750 800 700 800 800 750 750 U of M Annual IBO School (2 days/Insp)1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,100 2,100 MAPMO MN Chapter 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 Municipals 275 275 140 275 275 145 145 ICC Upper Great Plains Inst Seminar (2)2,300 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 Total 5,025 6,325 6,090 6,325 6,325 6,745 6,745 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER State Conference In-State Only 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 Total 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE School/Conf Mileage 300 400 350 400 400 400 400 Total 300 400 350 400 400 400 400 6278 SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE Building Official Conf 100 125 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 125 100 100 100 100 100 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS License Renewals (State, ICC)425 435 435 435 435 450 450 IAPMO 250 255 255 255 255 265 265 MBPTA Permit Tech 220 225 225 225 225 235 235 10,000 Lakes MN Building Officials 180 185 185 185 185 190 190 MAPMO - Plumbing & Mechanical 170 175 175 175 175 180 180 AMBO Membership 420 425 425 425 425 435 435 ICC Memberships 270 300 300 300 300 310 310 Total 1,935 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,065 2,065 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Building Inspectors 1,800 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 Total 1,800 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Home and Garden Show Booth Rental 750 650 650 700 700 700 700 Total 750 650 650 700 700 700 700 6399 OTHER CHARGES LOGIS PIMS/ePermits & Avolve hosting 43,630 44,000 42,000 50,045 50,045 52,550 52,550 Total 43,630 44,000 42,000 50,045 50,045 52,550 52,550 6351 VISA/BANK CHARGES Credit Card System Fees 14,000 14,000 17,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Total 14,000 14,000 17,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE EQUIP Refrigerator & Microwave 1,000 - Inspection Office Modifications 3,200 2,500 1,370 Total 3,200 3,500 1,370 - - - - 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES Replace Veh No. 109 ($27,500) 2018 27,500 Total 27,500 - - - - - - 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT VERF - Vehicle Repl. Charges 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,980 12,980 - 13,370 Total 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,980 12,980 - 13,370 Total Net of Personnel 257,545 218,455 188,055 215,255 215,255 194,915 208,285 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,015,410$ 1,004,290$ 905,380$ 1,039,990$ 1,009,990$ 1,021,440$ 1,034,810$ Revenue 1,306,830$ 1,445,300$ 1,076,600$ 1,432,000$ 1,508,300$ 1,309,500$ 1,518,500$ NET EXPENSES 291,420$ 441,010$ 171,220$ 392,010$ 498,310$ 288,060$ 483,690$ 158 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Public Works Administration Division coordinates activities for functions within the Public Works Department, consisting of: Engineering; Building Inspections; Street Maintenance; Snow and Ice Control; Traffic Management; Fleet and Buildings; Water; Sanitary Sewer; Storm Drainage; Street Light Utilities; Natural Resources; and the Lebanon Cemetery. Natural Resources staff within the Administration Division implements policies and ordinances related to forestry management and surface water quality of lakes, ponds and wetlands. SERVICE CATEGORIES The Administration Division of the Public Works Department provides budgetary and overall management for the divisions/business units associated with the department. The following internal and external services are provided by the Public Works Administration and Natural Resources Division. 1. Department Operating Budget Administration Services:  Prepare and assemble annual operating budget for the Public Works Department  Monitor budget performance of Public Works Divisions on a monthly basis  Review requisitions for purchases by Public Works Divisions 2. Department Management Services:  Conduct weekly staff meetings to coordinate work within the department  Coordinate Public Works legal issues with City Attorney’s Office and LMCIT  Administer, manage and develop asset management software program  Manage work orders and citizen requests for services  Coordinate Public Works services with Emergency Management Director in response to severe weather, flooding and other natural disasters 3. Capital Improvement Program Planning Services:  Prepare annual updates to the Capital Improvement Program for City Infrastructure  Establish and adjust project priorities and schedules  Provide long-term planning and management of available funds for capital projects  Coordinate implementation of the Capital Improvement Program 4. Agency Coordination:  Coordinate with Dakota County on planned improvements to County Highways  Facilitate inter-community coordination issues with adjacent communities 5. Forestry Management Services:  Proactive planning and management of boulevard trees, removal and replacement coordination for Emerald Ash Borer devastation  Administer diseased tree program for control of tree diseases  Identify and coordinate removal of diseased and hazardous trees  Provide technical assistance to residents seeking advice on tree issues COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 29 1500 Public Works Administration/ Natural Resources 159 MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 In addition to recurring annual duties, the following major objectives are established for 2020 within this business unit.  Continue proactive Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan since 2015 infestation.  Provide assistance with boulevard tree removal and replacement as it relates to street improvement projects.  Develop higher level infrastructure analysis using advanced asset management and GIS capabilities to forecast future asset conditions, current investment levels, and financial needs.  Restructure current intercommunity wastewater flow agreements with the City of Eagan based on metering. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 In addition to recurring annual duties, the following major objectives are established for 2021 within this business unit.  Continue use of asset management system for better forecasting and budgeting within the Public Works Department.  Provide additional Emerald Ash Borer Management. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Annual Street & Utility Capital Improvements (excluding developments) ($ in millions) 8.95 8.0 9.8 13.8 11.5 11.5 Disease Tree Removals 346 449 500 625 1000 1000 Number of Work Orders/Tasks* 1,600 1,700 2,000 4,200 5,500 6,000 Nat Resource Mgt Permits 68 50 36 50 50 55 *OMS Asset Number of service requests will vary between years due to factors such as snow fall amount. Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Public Works Director 1 1 1 1 1 1 Public Works Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 1 Natural Resources Coord. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Natural Resources Tech 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 (FT Position split with 5505) Clerical Assistant 0.65 0 0 0 0 0 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule - Hours Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Tree Inspector 646 646 646 646 1292 1292 Administrative Intern 0 646 646 646 646 646 160 Summary Budget Department 29, Business Unit 1500 Administration/Natural Resources 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 311,457 325,792 341,051 343,575 370,425 401,400 416,035 Emp. Benefits 89,387 92,290 101,113 109,565 118,760 117,370 122,710 Supplies 3,870 5,461 11,267 6,735 6,705 6,995 8,690 Contractual Serv.33,028 35,510 58,399 95,575 83,445 178,850 228,980 Repairs & Maint.2,345 2,424 2,575 1,850 2,000 2,250 2,400 Training/Travel/Dues 5,158 5,910 9,342 13,040 12,865 11,285 10,875 Other Exp.5,238 4,325 5,959 3,215 3,695 3,595 3,775 Vehicle Replacement Fund 4,450 4,450 4,450 4,450 4,500 - - Capital outlay - - - - 5,000 2,000 2,050 Total Exp 454,934 476,162 534,155 578,005 607,395 723,745 795,515 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (454,934) (476,162) (534,155) (578,005) (607,395) (723,745) (795,515) 2020 Capital Outlay: None 2021 Capital Outlay: None 161 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 282,934 310,329 328,604 331,975 162,044 349,000 349,000 363,305 363,305 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 2,435 0 0 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 21,040 12,304 9,370 18,500 0 32,500 32,500 32,500 32,500 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 6,594 598 859 8,600 404 8,600 8,600 8,600 8,600 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 1,440 2,640 2,880 1,440 6122 - COMP REQUEST -2,986 -79 -662 -808 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 11,350 11,300 11,300 11,630 11,630 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 311,457 325,792 341,051 370,425 163,080 401,400 401,400 416,035 416,035 6138 - MEDICARE 4,331 4,698 4,920 5,575 2,345 5,615 5,615 5,830 5,830 6139 - FICA 18,515 19,921 20,712 22,955 10,026 22,975 22,975 23,600 23,600 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 21,749 23,598 24,660 26,395 12,123 27,670 27,670 28,765 28,765 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,944 5,431 6,072 8,170 3,100 8,155 8,155 7,875 7,875 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 772 652 706 945 326 1,065 1,065 1,105 1,105 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 35,543 32,607 38,315 54,720 14,765 51,890 51,890 55,535 55,535 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 3,268 4,030 4,333 0 2,031 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 18 22 24 11 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 1,247 1,331 1,370 642 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 89,387 92,290 101,113 118,760 45,369 117,370 117,370 122,710 122,710 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 400,845 418,082 442,164 489,185 208,449 518,770 518,770 538,745 538,745 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,037 1,544 1,404 2,060 755 1,850 1,850 1,930 1,930 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 886 768 4,647 825 17 825 825 2,200 2,200 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 1,371 1,714 1,608 1,500 479 1,800 1,500 1,875 1,575 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 175 637 1,696 430 239 430 430 450 450 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 0 451 477 300 132 300 300 300 300 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 402 346 1,434 1,590 -213 2,090 2,090 2,235 2,235 6205 - SUPPLIES 3,870 5,461 11,267 6,705 1,407 7,295 6,995 8,990 8,690 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 20 21 20 21 25 25 30 30 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 2,207 2,131 2,134 2,200 958 2,300 2,300 2,400 2,400 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 138 227 153 250 0 250 250 250 250 6239 - PRINTING 457 244 310 975 92 975 975 1,000 1,000 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 12 0 100 0 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30,214 32,888 55,681 80,000 131,449 200,300 175,300 250,300 225,300 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 33,028 35,510 58,399 83,445 132,519 203,850 178,850 253,980 228,980 6250 - UTILITIES 0 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 2,345 2,424 2,575 2,000 1,111 2,250 2,250 2,400 2,400 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 2,345 2,424 2,575 2,000 1,111 2,250 2,250 2,400 2,400 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 2,416 1,499 1,383 2,550 1,368 2,280 2,280 1,800 1,800 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 625 2,047 1,709 2,450 1,102 2,350 2,350 2,400 2,400 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 803 388 400 1,000 107 600 600 600 600 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 200 100 0 250 250 250 250 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 300 1,230 5,060 5,735 5,780 4,775 4,775 4,825 4,825 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,014 745 590 1,030 467 1,030 1,030 1,000 1,000 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 5,158 5,910 9,342 12,865 8,825 11,285 11,285 10,875 10,875 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 44,401 49,305 81,582 105,015 143,862 224,680 199,380 276,245 250,945 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 5,233 4,085 5,360 3,425 1,485 3,325 3,325 3,475 3,475 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS 0 -2 -2 0 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 5 12 0 0 162 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN/NATURAL RES Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 231 601 270 60 270 270 300 300 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 5,238 4,325 5,959 3,695 1,545 3,595 3,595 3,775 3,775 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 5,238 4,325 5,959 3,695 1,545 3,595 3,595 3,775 3,775 6725 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OFFICE EQUIP 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 6745 - VERF CHARGES 4,450 4,450 4,450 4,500 2,250 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,450 4,450 4,450 9,500 2,250 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,450 4,450 4,450 9,500 2,250 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 454,934 476,162 534,155 607,395 356,106 749,045 723,745 820,815 795,515 163 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 29: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION/ NATURAL RESOURCES - 1500 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 314,520 331,975 331,975 349,000 349,000 363,305 363,305 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp (Tree Inspector)10,000 14,000 14,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 6112 Seasonal Temp (Admin)4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 6113 Overtime - Reg 8,600 8,600 8,600 8,600 8,600 8,600 8,600 6123 Salaries - Other 10,455 11,350 11,350 11,300 11,300 11,630 11,630 6138 Medicare 4,980 5,575 5,575 5,615 5,615 5,830 5,830 6139 FICA 20,850 22,955 22,955 22,975 22,975 23,600 23,600 6141 Pension - PERA 25,020 26,395 26,395 27,670 27,670 28,765 28,765 6142 Work Comp Ins 6,220 8,170 8,170 8,155 8,155 7,875 7,875 6144 Long-Term Disability Insurance 895 945 945 1,065 1,065 1,105 1,105 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 51,600 54,720 54,720 51,890 51,890 55,535 55,535 6170 Employee Paid Premiums - - - - Total 453,140 489,185 489,185 518,770 518,770 538,745 538,745 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES General Supplies (PW Admin)1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 General Supplies (Natural Resources)205 220 220 220 220 300 300 Printer/Copier Supplies 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 Adobe X (1-Admin)- 210 210 Total 1,835 2,060 2,060 1,850 1,850 1,930 1,930 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Tools - Tree Inspection 500 500 - 500 500 500 500 Graphic Cards & Monitor for 2 PC's 665 Additional Monitor for 1 PC 325 325 325 325 Replacement iPad 1,000 1,000 Folding Machine - 1,000 Buckthorn Pullers (2)- - 700 700 Total 1,165 825 1,325 825 825 2,200 2,200 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS/ADDITIVES Vehicle 603 Nolead Fuel (~800 gal.)1,600 1,325 1,525 1,625 1,325 1,700 1,400 Oil/Lub 150 175 175 175 175 175 175 Total 1,750 1,500 1,700 1,800 1,500 1,875 1,575 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Vehicle 601 430 430 400 430 430 450 450 Total 430 430 400 430 430 450 450 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Vehicle 601 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Manuals 255 255 150 255 255 300 300 Meeting Supplies 700 700 700 700 700 Paint (Paint for Marking Tree Disease)325 375 300 400 400 500 500 Personal Protective Equip - Safety 400 400 200 200 200 200 200 Tree Sale 9,300 10,400 9,950 10,600 10,600 11,000 11,000 less offsetting revenue from tree sale (9,300) (10,400) (9,950) (10,600) (10,600) (11,000) (11,000) Large Format Plotter (inks, head) 250 525 500 500 500 500 500 Wooden Stakes 25 35 35 35 35 35 35 Total 1,255 1,590 1,885 2,090 2,090 2,235 2,235 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Hearing Consultant 60 20 20 25 25 30 30 Total 60 20 20 25 25 30 30 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Mobile phones & service 2,155 2,200 2,200 2,300 2,300 2,400 2,400 Track Phone (Seasonal Tree Insp)135 - - - - Total 2,290 2,200 2,200 2,300 2,300 2,400 2,400 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX Postage 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Business Cards, PW Poster, Forms 425 425 100 425 425 400 400 Brochures and Forms 550 550 300 550 550 600 600 Total 975 975 400 975 975 1,000 1,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Shade Tree Management Strategies 85,000 80,000 154,000 200,000 175,000 250,000 225,000 800 Mhz Fees 300 300 300 300 300 Total 92,000 80,000 154,300 200,300 175,300 250,300 225,300 164 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 29: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION/ NATURAL RESOURCES - 1500 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Copier Maintenance - Main Print Ct, Maint. Envelope Printer & Utilities Printer 1,800 1,800 2,000 2,100 2,100 2,200 2,200 Large Format Plotter 150 200 150 150 200 200 Folding Machine, Typewriter 50 50 - Total 1,850 2,000 2,200 2,250 2,250 2,400 2,400 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Seminars/Mtgs (CONDAC, PW Mtgs)950 950 300 450 450 450 450 Shade Tree Short Course 500 520 600 750 750 800 800 Forestry Management Workshop (x2)205 200 200 200 200 300 300 Natural Resources Seminar 230 230 230 230 230 250 250 EAB Pest Control Training 200 - -- - MPWA Fall Conference - Metro 350 350 335 350 350 - - Admin Training (Municipals, Staff Dev)300 300 240 300 300 300 300 Total 2,735 2,550 1,905 2,280 2,280 1,800 1,800 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER APWA PWX Conference 2,425 2,450 2,250 2,350 2,350 2,400 2,400 Total 2,425 2,450 2,250 2,350 2,350 2,400 2,400 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Mileage 1,400 1,000 500 600 600 600 600 Total 1,400 1,000 500 600 600 600 600 6278 SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE out of town - training 100 100 250 250 250 250 250 Total 100 100 250 250 250 250 250 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Prof Dues (APWA)1,200 1,600 1,620 225 225 250 250 Prof Dues (Soc of Arbor, ADF, Pesticide)150 135 175 350 350 375 375 Cartegraph On-line Licenses 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 Total 5,350 5,735 5,795 4,775 4,775 4,825 4,825 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Clothing Natural Resources 950 950 950 950 950 1,000 1,000 Clothing Public Works 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 Total 1,030 1,030 950 1,030 1,030 1,000 1,000 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE *Home & Garden Expo Booth (Split with Storm)315 325 275 325 325 375 375 Copier Lease 2,900 3,100 2,925 3,000 3,000 3,100 3,100 Total 3,215 3,425 3,200 3,325 3,325 3,475 3,475 6399 OTHER CHARGES Nursery Sale Permit (Tree Sale)270 250 270 270 300 300 Total - 270 250 270 270 300 300 6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE EQUIP Office Modifications - Standing Desks 5,000 8,000 - - - - Total - 5,000 8,000 - - - - 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT VERF - Vehicle Repl. Charges 4,450 4,500 2,250 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 Total 4,450 4,500 2,250 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 Total Net of Personnel 124,865 118,210 192,390 230,275 204,975 282,070 256,770 TOTAL EXPENSES 578,005$ 607,395$ 681,575$ 749,045$ 723,745$ 820,815$ 795,515$ 165 Notes: 166 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 30 1530 FLEET & BUILDINGS Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Public Works Central Maintenance Division is responsible for maintaining the City’s vehicle fleet consisting of over 250 pieces of equipment and vehicles. Routine preventative maintenance and full-service repair work is performed on City-owned vehicles and equipment by staff mechanics. This division also operates and maintains the central fuel dispensing system located at the Central Maintenance Facility. The Central Maintenance Division maintains the buildings and grounds for the Central Maintenance Facility (Public Works and Parks Maintenance). Personnel within the division perform building maintenance, cleaning, stocking of general supplies and facility repairs as well as operate the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. This division also supervises HVAC systems and building maintenance personnel at the Municipal Center (City Hall/Police). SERVICE CATEGORIES The Public Works Central maintenance Division provides a centralized source for the following services related to fleet and building functions for the City of Apple Valley. 1. City Fleet Repair and Maintenance Services  Provide repair and preventative maintenance services for City owned vehicles and equipment, ranging from major engine repair to routine oil changes  Provide initial equipment set-up and supply replacement parts for City fleet  Track replacement cycles and consolidate replacement costs for City fleet  Coordinate auto body repair work with vendors for damaged City vehicles 2. Buildings and Grounds Custodial Services  Provide routine custodial services for the Municipal Center, Police Department and Central Maintenance Facility  Administer contract services for cleaning (i.e. window cleaning, carpet cleaning, etc.)  Provide lawn care, landscape maintenance and snow plowing for city facilities 3. Building Maintenance and Repair Services  Maintain heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, electrical systems, and plumbing systems for the Municipal Center, Police Department and Central Maintenance Facility  Provide contract repair of city building structures, such as repairs to roofs, doors, flooring and other building components  Provide planning and budgeting for building improvements at the Municipal Center, Police Department and Central Maintenance Facility 167 4. City Fuel Supply Services  Purchase diesel and unleaded fuel for City fleet, including Police, Fire, Public Works and Parks Department  Maintain 20,000 gallon central fuel supply system located at the Central Maintenance Facility  Monitor and report fuel consumption to Finance Department of proper coding to City departments 5. Fleet Acquisition and Disposition Services  Assist departments with specifications for replacement vehicles  Coordinate vehicle purchasing process, typically under the State Cooperative Purchasing Program (State Contract)  Provide for disposition of City vehicles and forfeiture vehicles through auctions MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020/2021 In addition to recurring annual duties, the primary 2020/2021 goals for this division include the following items. In 2020:  Complete implementation of AssetWorks for vehicle maintenance records.  Initiate charge back system for vehicle & equipment maintenance costs.  Budget & plan for recommendations of CMF Space Needs Study. In 2021:  Implement recommendations of CMF Space Needs Study. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Fleet Equip Items 262 264 265 269 265 265 Number of Equipment Repair Orders 1,673 1518 2042 2000 1500 1500 Number of Vehicles Replaced 21 24 18 14 14 14 Gallons of Fuel Supplied 111,533 121,556 124031 120,000 120,000 120,000 Miles Driven 870,838 851,702 932978 870,000 900,000 900,000 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Propos ed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Public Works Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fleet Maintenance Foreman 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fleet Maintenance/Mechanic 2 2 2 *3 3 3 Building Maintenance 3 3 3 3 3 3 *2019 – 9 Months 1FTE 168 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule - Hours Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Seasonal Maintenance 700 700 700 700 1200 1200 Summary Budget Department 30, Business Unit 1530 - Fleet & Buildings-CMF 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 336,039 349,964 354,650 365,940 455,780 456,915 478,270 Emp. Benefits 122,561 120,095 121,738 132,105 133,640 162,665 172,775 Supplies 25,889 26,516 24,999 26,740 27,135 26,270 34,175 Contractual Serv.12,393 14,608 27,264 20,095 22,185 38,830 39,570 Utilities 53,688 60,372 73,524 62,700 63,750 69,000 72,900 Repairs & Maint.25,235 28,912 36,319 25,420 26,000 28,000 30,500 Training/Travel/Dues 7,123 7,560 7,061 7,250 27,875 13,065 14,495 Other Exp.6,684 7,026 5,566 7,660 7,260 7,440 7,540 Misc for resale 2,854 2,457 1,182 - - - - Vehicle Replacement Fund 5,400 5,550 2,850 2,850 2,850 5,700 5,800 Capital outlay - 10,572 11,251 - - - - Total Exp 597,866 633,632 666,402 650,760 766,475 807,885 856,025 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (597,866) (633,632) (666,402) (650,760) (766,475) (807,885) (856,025) 2020 Capital Outlay Replace Scissor Lift $ 6,000 2021 Capital Outlay Replace Training Room Projector at CMF $ 5,000 169 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 335,573 341,575 347,440 430,385 196,412 419,690 419,690 439,725 439,725 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 8,684 8,988 9,058 10,500 6,882 17,000 17,000 17,500 17,500 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 3,972 4,014 7,310 3,000 1,912 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 1,980 2,520 2,340 1,440 6122 - COMP REQUEST -14,171 -7,133 -11,498 -7,124 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 11,895 17,225 17,225 18,045 18,045 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 336,039 349,964 354,650 455,780 199,522 456,915 456,915 478,270 478,270 6138 - MEDICARE 4,774 5,093 5,145 5,535 2,887 6,535 6,535 6,840 6,840 6139 - FICA 20,413 21,777 21,998 23,670 12,343 27,960 27,960 29,250 29,250 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 24,113 25,433 25,192 27,845 12,387 32,995 32,995 34,560 34,560 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 8,542 8,001 8,693 9,575 4,617 12,465 12,465 13,675 13,675 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 897 686 701 1,015 304 1,240 1,240 1,295 1,295 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 56,205 56,979 59,370 71,100 23,744 86,570 86,570 92,255 92,255 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 4,621 3,913 3,972 0 2,117 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 30 30 30 14 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 2,967 3,509 3,695 2,322 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -5,326 -7,057 -5,100 -1,881 -5,100 -5,100 -5,100 -5,100 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 122,561 120,095 121,738 133,640 58,855 162,665 162,665 172,775 172,775 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 458,600 470,059 476,388 589,420 258,377 619,580 619,580 651,045 651,045 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 89 77 52 200 57 200 200 300 300 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 6,288 11,795 6,901 6,100 4,442 7,345 6,345 13,300 13,300 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 2,072 1,411 1,709 2,200 1,015 2,025 2,025 2,075 2,075 6214 - CHEMICALS 0 67 0 0 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 7,489 4,361 3,777 5,300 2,690 4,500 4,500 5,500 4,500 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 863 -130 438 500 251 400 400 600 600 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 9,087 8,935 12,122 12,835 8,059 13,525 12,800 13,400 13,400 6205 - SUPPLIES 25,889 26,516 24,999 27,135 16,514 27,995 26,270 35,175 34,175 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 449 100 237 325 104 300 300 330 330 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 1,313 1,404 6,322 1,450 7,857 18,220 18,220 18,360 18,360 6239 - PRINTING 55 135 0 210 0 210 210 215 215 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 9,967 11,220 19,345 17,960 9,499 18,115 18,115 19,050 19,050 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 610 1,750 1,360 2,240 583 2,485 1,985 2,765 1,615 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,393 14,608 27,264 22,185 18,042 39,330 38,830 40,720 39,570 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 20,524 22,163 23,484 25,000 13,156 24,000 22,000 25,500 23,500 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 30,820 35,782 42,764 36,000 31,701 37,000 37,000 39,000 39,000 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 2,344 2,427 7,276 2,750 5,062 12,000 10,000 12,400 10,400 6250 - UTILITIES 53,688 60,372 73,524 63,750 49,918 73,000 69,000 76,900 72,900 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 5,731 5,140 11,287 4,500 538 5,000 5,000 5,500 5,500 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 19,378 23,772 25,032 21,500 10,176 23,000 23,000 25,000 25,000 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 126 0 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 25,235 28,912 36,319 26,000 10,714 28,000 28,000 30,500 30,500 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 1,044 880 20 750 525 1,250 1,250 1,900 1,900 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,300 3,300 2,475 200 72 225 225 275 275 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 275 240 860 22,575 0 7,140 7,140 7,420 7,420 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,504 3,139 3,706 4,350 1,604 4,450 4,450 4,900 4,900 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 7,123 7,560 7,061 27,875 2,201 13,065 13,065 14,495 14,495 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 124,328 137,968 169,166 166,945 97,389 181,390 175,165 197,790 191,640 170 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CMF-FLEET & BUILDINGS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6322 - UNCOLLECTIBLE CHECKS/ACCOUNTS 652 0 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -31 -15 -15 -1 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 0 1 0 0 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 6,715 7,039 4,929 7,260 7,391 7,440 7,440 7,540 7,540 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 6,684 7,025 5,566 7,260 7,390 7,440 7,440 7,540 7,540 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 6,684 7,025 5,566 7,260 7,390 7,440 7,440 7,540 7,540 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 2,854 2,457 1,182 0 6545 - NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 0 0 0 0 0 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 2,854 2,457 1,182 0 0 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,854 2,457 1,182 0 0 6715 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-BUILDINGS 0 10,572 0 0 0 0 0 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 0 0 17,000 0 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 0 11,251 0 815 0 0 5,000 0 6745 - VERF CHARGES 5,400 5,550 2,850 2,850 1,425 5,700 5,700 5,800 5,800 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,400 16,122 14,101 2,850 2,240 22,700 5,700 10,800 5,800 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,400 16,122 14,101 2,850 2,240 22,700 5,700 10,800 5,800 597,866 633,632 666,402 766,475 365,396 831,110 807,885 867,175 856,025 171 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 30: FLEET & BUILDINGS-CMF - 1530 Public Works Department COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 343,040 356,385 356,385 419,690 419,690 439,725 439,725 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 10,500 10,500 8,000 17,000 17,000 17,500 17,500 6113 Overtime - Regular 3,000 3,000 4,104 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6123 Salaries - Other 9,400 11,895 11,895 17,225 17,225 18,045 18,045 6138 Medicare 5,305 5,535 5,535 6,535 6,535 6,840 6,840 6139 FICA 22,690 23,670 23,670 27,960 27,960 29,250 29,250 6141 Pension - PERA 26,660 27,845 26,287 32,995 32,995 34,560 34,560 6142 Work Comp Ins 8,980 9,575 9,306 12,465 12,465 13,675 13,675 6144 Long-Term Disability Insurance 970 1,015 1,015 1,240 1,240 1,295 1,295 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 67,500 71,100 71,100 86,570 86,570 92,255 92,255 Position Changes (Add'l Mechanic)- 74,000 50,000 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) Total 498,045 589,420 562,197 619,580 619,580 651,045 651,045 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES General Supplies 200 200 175 200 200 300 300 Total 200 200 175 200 200 300 300 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Small Tools 4,110 4,200 8,100 4,400 4,400 4,500 4,500 Scan Tool Updates - Heavy Equipment 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,250 1,250 1,850 1,850 Scan Tool Updates- Light Equipment 740 750 695 695 695 750 750 New A/C Recovery Unit - 6,200 6,200 Replace 50 Ton Press (Split Str/San/Wat/Parks)1,000 - - - Total 6,000 6,100 9,945 7,345 6,345 13,300 13,300 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS Nolead Fuel 700 725 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,340 1,340 Diesel Fuel 700 750 250 300 300 310 310 Diesel Fuel Tax 80 - - - - - - Antifreeze, Windshield Fluid 500 500 200 200 200 200 200 Oil and Lubricants 215 225 225 225 225 225 225 Total 2,195 2,200 1,975 2,025 2,025 2,075 2,075 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Small Parts 2,550 2,600 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,700 2,200 Building Maintenance Parts 2,665 2,700 2,200 2,500 2,500 2,800 2,300 Total 5,215 5,300 4,200 4,500 4,500 5,500 4,500 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Vehicles #702 and #704 500 500 325 400 400 600 600 Total 500 500 325 400 400 600 600 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Cleaning Supplies, Paper Products 12,300 12,500 12,276 12,875 12,450 13,000 13,000 Tank storage units (w/Fleet/Wat/Sew/Parks)150 300 - Oxygen - Acetylene 330 335 335 350 350 400 400 Total 12,630 12,835 12,761 13,525 12,800 13,400 13,400 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Safety (Prescription Safety Glasses, Hepatitis, Respirator, Hearing Test)320 325 275 300 300 330 330 Total 320 325 275 300 300 330 330 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Cellular Phones 1,450 850 1,220 1,220 1,220 1,250 1,250 Verizon Network Fleet service GPS 16,800 16,900 16,900 17,000 17,000 Cable TV/UHF Radios 600 100 100 100 110 110 Total 1,450 1,450 18,120 18,220 18,220 18,360 18,360 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Maintenance Req., Bus. Cards, Misc.205 210 100 210 210 215 215 Total 205 210 100 210 210 215 215 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Trash Removal 7,100 6,850 6,750 7,000 7,000 7,200 7,200 Rug Service 1,100 1,125 1,125 1,150 1,150 1,200 1,200 Fluorescent Light Recycling (DEA)760 500 350 200 200 200 200 Recycle Floor Dry 855 875 1,050 875 875 1,100 1,100 Tire & Filter Disposal 555 550 600 600 600 900 900 Hazardous Waste Disposal 450 500 450 500 500 550 550 Contractual Cleaning - CMF 5,100 7,560 7,560 7,790 7,790 7,900 7,900 Total 15,920 17,960 17,885 18,115 18,115 19,050 19,050 172 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 30: FLEET & BUILDINGS-CMF - 1530 Public Works Department COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Weed Control - CMF 1,125 1,150 850 900 900 1,150 425 800 Mhz Radio Fees 570 570 600 600 Fire System Monitoring 360 365 365 365 365 365 365 Fire System Annual Testing 715 725 725 650 650 650 650 Reduce to Trend (500) (425) Total 2,200 2,240 1,940 2,485 1,985 2,765 1,615 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Electric 25,000 25,000 23,000 24,000 22,000 25,500 23,500 Total 25,000 25,000 23,000 24,000 22,000 25,500 23,500 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS Natural Gas 35,000 36,000 39,000 37,000 37,000 39,000 39,000 Total 35,000 36,000 39,000 37,000 37,000 39,000 39,000 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Water & Sewer 2,700 2,750 10,000 12,000 10,000 12,400 10,400 Total 2,700 2,750 10,000 12,000 10,000 12,400 10,400 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Shop Equipment, etc.4,420 4,500 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,500 5,500 Total 4,420 4,500 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,500 5,500 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS Repairs (H.V.A.C., Roof, Doors, Elec.)21,000 21,500 22,500 23,000 23,000 25,000 25,000 Total 21,000 21,500 22,500 23,000 23,000 25,000 25,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Training & ASE Certification 500 750 500 1,250 1,250 1,900 1,900 Total 500 750 500 1,250 1,250 1,900 1,900 6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE Car Allowance - Supervisor 3,300 - - - - Mileage misc.105 200 225 225 225 275 275 Total 3,405 200 225 225 225 275 275 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS AC Delco Dues 75 75 75 75 150 150 Sams Club Membership - City Supplies 35 50 50 50 50 50 50 APWA Dues 215 215 220 220 AssetWorks Hosting & Service Fee - 6,450 5,000 6,800 6,800 7,000 7,000 Verizon Network Fleet Service 16,000 - - - Total 35 22,575 5,125 7,140 7,140 7,420 7,420 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Uniform/Boots (4) 2019 (5)1,870 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 2,500 2,500 Uniform Rental/Rag Cleaning Service 1,440 2,350 2,100 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 Total 3,310 4,350 4,100 4,450 4,450 4,900 4,900 6399 OTHER CHARGES Pressure Vessel Certification 82 85 85 60 60 60 60 Misc. Dues/Vehicle Inspection Decals 82 85 60 85 85 85 85 Licenses 318 (County Hazardous Waste)- 65 65 70 70 70 70 (MN Haz. Chem. Inventory Fee )- 25 25 25 25 25 25 AC Delco & Ford Motorcraft Computer Sub 2,204 2,150 2,420 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 Mitchel 1 On-line Service Manuals 4,974 4,850 4,821 5,000 5,000 5,100 5,100 Total 7,660 7,260 7,476 7,440 7,440 7,540 7,540 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES Replace 2012 lawn mower (split w/water)11,000 - Replace Scissor Lift (split w/Fleet, Wat, San)6,000 - Total 17,000 - - - 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMP Replace Hoist Bay #3 - in muni bldg in muni bldg Replace Hoist Bay #5 in muni bldg in muni bldg Rehab Existing CMF Building Windows - in muni bldg in muni bldg in muni bldg in muni bldg Front Office E/W Facing Window panes in muni bldg Hallway Tile Reflooring in muni bldg Old Washbay Conversion in muni bldg Replace Training Room Projector at CMF 5,000 - Police Storage bldg unit heater #1 in muni bldg in muni bldg Parks Storage bldg unit heater #2 in muni bldg in muni bldg Streets/Parks Building Unit Heater (#3)in muni bldg in muni bldg Total - - - - - 5,000 - 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT VERF - Vehicle Repl. Charges 2,850 2,850 2,850 5,700 5,700 5,800 5,800 Total 2,850 2,850 2,850 5,700 5,700 5,800 5,800 Total Net of Personnel 152,715 177,055 186,477 211,530 188,305 216,130 204,980 TOTAL EXPENSES 650,760$ 766,475$ 748,674$ 831,110$ 807,885$ 867,175$ 856,025$ 173 Notes: 174 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 31 1600 STREETS MAINTENANCE Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Public Works Streets Division is responsible for maintaining the local streets system consisting of approximately 429 lane miles of roadway. Duties include repairing street pavement sections; repair and maintenance of storm drainage catch basins and storm water management ponds; and maintenance of sidewalks and on-street pathways throughout the community. This division is also responsible for boulevard maintenance, tree trimming and forestry maintenance work for trees located within the public street right-of-way. In addition, the City owned cemetery is maintained and managed by this division. SERVICE CATEGORIES The Public Works Street Division provides a centralized source for the following internal and external services related to street maintenance functions for the City of Apple Valley. 1. Street Maintenance and Preservation Services  Repair structural and surface failure of street pavement (patching, pothole repair, etc.)  Remove and replace sections of damaged curb and valley gutters  Conduct crack sealing and micro surfacing to preserve street pavements  Conduct street sweeping on public streets, removing approximately 500 tons of material per year 2. Sidewalk and Trail System Maintenance Services  Inspect one-third of all sidewalk sections each year to identify repair needs  Remove and replace concrete sidewalk sections as determined during inspections  Conduct concrete leveling work to repair uneven concrete joints (trip hazards)  Repair and maintain segments of trail system located in the right-of-way (excludes segments of public trails located in city parks) 3. Boulevard Tree Maintenance Services  Trim boulevard trees to maintain minimum vertical clearance for roadways  Remove dead or diseased trees located within the public right-of-way  Remove debris from streets following severe storm events 4. Drainage System Maintenance Services:  Inspect and repair storm sewer catch basins along roadways  Inspect and clear pond outlets to prevent blockages and associated flooding  Repair inlet and outlet pipe connections to storm water ponds  Remove accumulated sediment deltas from ponds 175  Contractual work associated with storm drainage system maintenance is funded by the Storm Drainage Utility, see Business Unit 5505 5. Turf Mowing Services  Mow approximately 76 miles of boulevards along collector streets with adjacent trail systems  Mow and remove excess vegetation adjacent to storm water ponds  Provide additional turf mowing along County right-of-ways to maintain community appearance 6. Cemetery Services  Lot and columbarium sales  Internments  Maintain turf, trees and plantings  Routine grounds maintenance to ensure a well-groomed appearance MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 In addition to recurring annual duties, the following major objectives are established for 2020 within this business unit.  Continue pavement preservation program (microsurfacing/crack sealing) for public streets and trails.  Conduct an inventory of existing storm water ponds throughout the city to identify and prioritize maintenance needs, including dredging and removal of sand deltas.  Staff plans to implement a mobile management system to the street sweeping operation in order to accurately monitor and record service levels to address State and Federal mandates for water quality improvements.  Eastern concrete pathway paving for the Cemetery  Additional seeding, landscaping and tree planting as needed  Additional Columbarium at Cemetery  Develop an additional Boulder Cremation Area at Cemetery  Expand the use of PreCise MRM to create efficiencies within the department  Concentrated effort to move to more digital work order system & expand the use of Cartegraph, the City’s asset management system to field staff. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 In addition to recurring annual duties, the following major objectives are established for 2021 within this business unit.  Continue expanded use of Cartegraph, the City’s asset management system to field staff.  Add a Grounds Maintenance Building to the Cemetery  Additional Gate on the Pilot Knob Entrance at Cemetery 176 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Lane Miles of Street Maintained 424 424 429 429 430 430 Number of Blvd Trees Maintained 1,600 1,565 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Street Sweeping (Ton) 530 460 540 540 550 550 R/W Trails Maintained (mile) 59 61 63 63 63 63 Sidewalk Maintained (mile) 136 137 139 139 139 139 Leaves Collected (Cu.Yd.) 1,300 1,130 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Public Works Supt. Public Works Supervisor 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Streets Foreman 2 2 2 2 2 2 Technical Specialist 3 3 3 2 2 2 Maintenance I/II 10 10 10 10 10 11 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule - Hours Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Seasonal Street Maint. 3,150 3,800 3,800 4,150 4,150 4,150 Summary Budget Department 31 Street Maintenance 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 869,642 895,454 896,673 988,170 1,071,590 1,141,530 1,315,810 Emp. Benefits 368,759 377,649 386,586 436,645 450,775 457,595 471,320 Supplies 199,511 202,208 190,144 200,085 208,248 207,640 219,480 Contractual Serv.183,595 197,978 193,849 223,325 210,755 270,645 281,260 Utilities 1,964 1,935 1,989 3,900 2,550 2,400 2,500 Repairs & Maint.16,349 12,889 11,287 17,020 16,650 15,730 16,270 Training/Travel/Dues 13,749 13,889 18,707 19,465 19,465 19,695 20,290 Other Exp.(26) (64) (22) 3,775 500 515 530 Vehicle Replacement Fund - 105,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 229,370 378,400 Capital Outlay 16,853 7,390 47,584 18,000 17,000 - - Total Exp 1,670,397 1,814,329 1,931,798 2,095,385 2,182,533 2,345,120 2,705,860 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (1,670,397) (1,814,329) (1,931,798) (2,095,385) (2,182,533) (2,345,120) (2,705,860) 177 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY: VERF Charges $ 194,370 Fleet Addition -Supervisor Pick-Up $ 35,000 $ 229,370 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Blacktop Roller $ 17,000 Replace Skid Steer Trailer $ 6,000 Crash Attenuator $ 15,000 $ 38,000 See VERF budget for details of additional Street item replacements 178 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) STREET MAINTENANCE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 825,564 843,507 827,726 949,780 439,005 1,001,195 1,001,195 1,132,760 1,132,760 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 45,092 45,914 51,595 53,000 15,513 54,000 54,000 55,620 55,620 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 24,972 24,582 57,688 36,700 38,814 37,000 37,000 38,110 38,110 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 5,760 5,880 4,680 2,640 6122 - COMP REQUEST -31,747 -24,428 -45,097 -26,318 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 32,110 124,335 49,335 128,070 89,320 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 0 0 82 290 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 869,642 895,454 896,673 1,071,590 469,943 1,216,530 1,141,530 1,354,560 1,315,810 6138 - MEDICARE 12,191 12,711 12,596 15,205 6,589 16,550 16,550 17,050 17,050 6139 - FICA 52,125 54,350 53,858 65,010 28,174 70,775 70,775 72,900 72,900 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 61,208 62,957 63,030 74,520 33,860 81,565 81,565 84,010 84,010 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 54,438 64,970 68,143 81,030 32,051 77,205 77,205 79,520 79,520 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 2,414 1,862 1,803 2,630 851 3,140 3,140 3,230 3,230 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 167,197 184,687 204,738 237,780 79,839 233,760 233,760 240,770 240,770 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 13,421 15,364 15,735 7,500 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 90 91 87 41 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 5,675 7,363 4,328 1,145 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -26,705 -37,731 -25,400 -8,867 -25,400 -25,400 -26,160 -26,160 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 368,759 377,649 386,586 450,775 181,183 457,595 457,595 471,320 471,320 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,238,401 1,273,104 1,283,259 1,522,365 651,127 1,674,125 1,599,125 1,825,880 1,787,130 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 220 326 183 215 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 7,361 8,059 15,379 8,010 2,150 19,565 11,065 21,490 19,330 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 52,970 55,652 78,765 81,245 52,506 83,600 80,600 86,460 82,860 6214 - CHEMICALS 980 1,277 1,595 5,235 0 5,240 2,000 5,400 2,200 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 72,186 69,691 47,342 48,000 19,427 49,200 49,200 50,670 50,670 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 13,269 18,913 7,209 12,800 3,128 15,050 13,050 15,500 13,500 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 52,525 48,289 39,671 52,958 25,737 59,025 51,725 57,920 50,920 6205 - SUPPLIES 199,511 202,208 190,144 208,248 103,164 231,680 207,640 237,440 219,480 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 1,377 1,548 1,459 1,600 390 1,640 1,640 1,690 1,690 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 1,870 1,775 2,039 4,325 1,765 7,750 7,750 8,970 8,970 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 31 12 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 272 315 274 630 0 700 700 720 720 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 16,430 22,051 23,048 9,200 1,823 9,430 9,430 9,710 9,710 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 163,615 172,277 167,029 195,000 34,394 301,125 251,125 310,170 260,170 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 183,595 197,978 193,849 210,755 38,371 320,645 270,645 331,260 281,260 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 484 623 611 850 268 850 850 870 870 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 1,480 1,312 1,379 1,700 38 1,550 1,550 1,630 1,630 6250 - UTILITIES 1,964 1,935 1,989 2,550 306 2,400 2,400 2,500 2,500 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 16,349 12,889 11,287 16,650 26,095 16,760 15,730 17,300 16,270 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 0 0 0 0 562 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 16,349 12,889 11,287 16,650 26,656 16,760 15,730 17,300 16,270 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 789 0 330 945 0 3,470 3,470 3,580 3,580 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,260 3,271 3,264 3,600 1,650 0 0 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 25 25 4,012 5,420 5,200 5,985 5,985 6,160 6,160 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 9,675 10,593 11,101 9,500 6,230 10,240 10,240 10,550 10,550 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 13,749 13,889 18,707 19,465 13,080 19,695 19,695 20,290 20,290 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 415,169 428,899 415,977 457,668 181,578 591,180 516,110 608,790 539,800 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 500 0 515 515 530 530 179 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) STREET MAINTENANCE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -26 -64 -22 -11 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES -26 -64 -22 500 -11 515 515 530 530 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES -26 -64 -22 500 -11 515 515 530 530 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 16,853 0 0 0 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 7,390 47,584 17,000 0 6,000 0 38,000 38,000 6745 - VERF CHARGES 105,000 185,000 185,000 92,500 229,370 229,370 0 340,400 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,853 112,390 232,584 202,000 92,500 235,370 229,370 38,000 378,400 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,853 112,390 232,584 202,000 92,500 235,370 229,370 38,000 378,400 1,670,397 1,814,329 1,931,798 2,182,533 925,194 2,501,190 2,345,120 2,473,200 2,705,860 180 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 31: STREET MAINTENANCE - 1600 Public Works Department COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 871,060 924,780 910,000 1,001,195 1,001,195 1,132,760 1,132,760 6111 Salary-Parttime 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 45,600 53,000 53,000 54,000 54,000 55,620 55,620 6113 Overtime - Reg 36,700 36,700 55,000 37,000 37,000 38,110 38,110 6123 Salaries - Other 34,810 32,110 32,110 49,335 49,335 50,820 50,820 6138 Medicare 14,330 15,205 15,205 16,550 16,550 17,050 17,050 6139 FICA 61,265 65,010 65,010 70,775 70,775 72,900 72,900 6141 Pension - PERA 70,695 74,520 74,520 81,565 81,565 84,010 84,010 6142 Worker's Compensation 76,365 81,030 81,030 77,205 77,205 79,520 79,520 6144 Long-Term Disability Insurance 2,490 2,630 2,630 3,140 3,140 3,230 3,230 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 211,500 237,780 237,780 233,760 233,760 240,770 240,770 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (25,400) (25,400) (25,400) (25,400) (26,160) (26,160) Reclassify Position - Supervisor 25,000 25,000 Position Changes (Attached Form)75,000 - 77,250 38,500 Total 1,424,815 1,522,365 1,525,885 1,674,125 1,599,125 1,825,880 1,787,130 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Misc. Tools, Toolbox 6,200 4,500 4,000 4,996 4,996 5,150 5,150 Replace Weed Whips 350 360 360 369 369 380 380 Bobcat stump grinder - - 0 0 Backhoe Bucket Thumbs 7,000 - - 0 0 Chain Saw Replacement 625 650 651 1,000 1,000 1,030 1,030 Replace Metal Locator 1,200 1,200 Replace Trailer 372 3,500 3,500 Pruning Poles 1,000 - - 1,030 1,030 Push Lawn Mower 800 - - 900 900 Back Pack Blower 600 - - 630 630 Hand Grinder Replace 400 - - 430 430 Fairmont Pole Saw Replace - 2,500 2,500 Replace 50 Ton Press (Split Flt/San/Wat/Parks)1,000 - iPads for Field Staff (3)- - 2,100 - 2,160 0 Microsoft Surface Pro (4)5,400 - Turfco T3100 Fertilizer Spreader 9,780 9,780 Total 16,975 8,010 7,511 19,565 11,065 21,490 19,330 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS 'Gas and Diesel Fuel No lead Fuel 5812 gal @ $2.75 gal.9,940 16,000 10,300 12,000 11,000 13,000 11,400 Diesel Fuel 23,741 gal. @ $2.75 gal.47,745 54,920 58,800 61,000 59,000 62,500 60,500 Diesel Road Tax 4,075 3,500 2,275 2,590 2,590 2,700 2,700 Fluids, Coolant & Propane 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,100 3,100 Oil 6,500 6,825 4,610 5,010 5,010 5,160 5,160 Total 68,260 81,245 78,985 83,600 80,600 86,460 82,860 6214 CHEMICALS Street Maintenance Products 235 235 235 240 240 250 250 Weed Killer (from 6229)5,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,150 5,150 Reduce to Trend (3,240) (3,200) Total 235 5,235 3,235 5,240 2,000 5,400 2,200 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Mowers/Tractors 3,065 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,100 4,220 4,220 Trucks/Other Vehicles 41,287 42,000 42,000 43,050 43,050 44,340 44,340 Sweepers - Repair Parts (to Storm in 2018)- - - - - - - Stump Grinder Teeth 1,753 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 2,110 2,110 Total 46,105 48,000 48,000 49,200 49,200 50,670 50,670 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Batteries 1,530 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 2,110 2,110 Tires - Vehicles 6,630 6,700 6,700 8,000 6,000 8,240 6,240 Tires - Off Road Tires 4,080 4,100 4,100 5,000 5,000 5,150 5,150 Total 12,240 12,800 12,800 15,050 13,050 15,500 13,500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES 3/8" Granite Chips for Pothole Patching 2,785 2,869 2,869 2,940 2,940 3,030 3,030 Bituminous Hot Mix 6,180 5,365 5,365 5,625 5,625 5,790 5,790 Bituminous Cold Mix 1,070 1,102 1,100 1,130 1,130 1,160 1,160 1" Crushed Limestone 1,995 2,055 2,055 2,100 2,100 2,160 2,160 1-1/2" Crushed Rock 1,640 1,689 1,689 1,730 1,730 1,780 1,780 Sod/ Black Dirt (Sidewalk Repairs)5,255 4,413 4,413 4,550 4,550 4,690 4,690 Trees for Ring Route Replacement 7,355 6,576 6,576 7,500 7,500 7,730 7,730 Hardware & Supplies 3,860 2,976 2,976 3,075 3,075 3,170 3,170 Hydroseed Mulch 1,640 1,689 1,689 1,725 1,725 1,780 1,780 Mulch and Landscape Supplies - Cedar 1,605 1,653 1,653 1,690 1,690 1,740 1,740 Concrete Sealer - Ring Route & Cedar 13,300 13,699 13,699 14,045 7,045 14,470 7,470 Asphalt Emulsifier 6,680 5,880 5,880 7,050 7,050 7,260 7,260 181 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 31: STREET MAINTENANCE - 1600 Public Works Department COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Safety Equipment (+Chainsaw Boots)2,200 2,266 2,266 4,820 4,820 2,390 2,390 Tank storage units (w/Fleet/Wat/Sew/Parks)300 - Grass Seed 705 726 726 745 745 770 770 Total 56,270 52,958 52,956 59,025 51,725 57,920 50,920 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Safety (Safety Glasses, hepatitis,1,400 1,600 1,600 1,640 1,640 1,690 1,690 respirator, hearing & drug testing) Total 1,400 1,600 1,600 1,640 1,640 1,690 1,690 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Mobile Phones 1,870 2,400 2,400 2,450 2,450 2,520 2,520 Mobile Air Cards 1,925 1,925 5,300 5,300 6,450 6,450 Total 1,870 4,325 4,325 7,750 7,750 8,970 8,970 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Work Orders, Advertising, Misc 55 55 55 55 55 60 60 Temp No Parking Signs (4th of July)355 355 355 420 420 430 430 DOT Safety Inspection Books 220 220 220 225 225 230 230 Total 630 630 630 700 700 720 720 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Landfill Dumping Fee (SET,rolloff dump,7,000 7,000 7,000 7,175 7,175 7,390 7,390 road kill, stump grindings - disposal)0 0 Leaves - disposal 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,255 2,255 2,320 2,320 Landfill Dumping Fee (street sweepings)12,000 - - - - 0 0 Total 21,200 9,200 9,200 9,430 9,430 9,710 9,710 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Curb,Gutter,Sidewalk Replace/Mud Jack 27,790 33,000 33,000 80,000 55,000 82,400 57,400 STS Crews 14,585 14,500 14,500 14,860 14,860 15,310 15,310 Ring Route Painting 57,170 57,000 57,000 58,425 58,425 60,180 60,180 Colored Concrete Sealing - Ring Route 17,145 12,000 12,000 12,300 12,300 12,670 12,670 Colored Concrete Sealing - Cedar Ave 11,260 12,000 12,000 12,300 12,300 12,670 12,670 Cedar Avenue Irrigation System Maint 3,510 7,000 6,000 7,175 7,175 7,390 7,390 RR Misc. (Masonry, Trees, Sidewalks)5,000 5,000 5,000 5,125 5,125 5,280 5,280 Repair & Resurface Pathways 49,290 29,000 29,000 30,000 30,000 30,900 30,900 Blvd Weed Spraying 5,475 5,500 5,500 5,640 5,640 5,810 5,810 Cartegraph Conversion to On-line 7,000 - - - - 0 0 800 mHz Radios 300 300 310 310 Tree trimming, removal, stump grinding 20,000 20,000 75,000 50,000 77,250 52,250 Total 198,225 195,000 194,000 301,125 251,125 310,170 260,170 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Galaxie Sprinklers 400 525 525 410 410 420 420 Cedar Avenue 100 105 105 100 100 100 100 Gallavant Sprinklers 500 220 220 340 340 350 350 Total 1,000 850 850 850 850 870 870 6257 UTILITIES -WATER/SEWER Gallavant/Galaxie Sprinklers 410 410 300 300 300 330 330 Cedar Avenue 2,490 1,290 1,200 1,250 1,250 1,300 1,300 Total 2,900 1,700 1,500 1,550 1,550 1,630 1,630 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Heavy Equipment 12,510 12,005 10,500 10,600 10,600 10,920 10,920 2-Way Radios, Pagers 540 556 550 970 970 1,000 1,000 Paint/Repair Truck frame/box 2,270 2,338 2,340 2,395 2,395 2,500 2,500 3 Bucket Truck Annual Inspections 1,700 1,751 1,750 1,795 1,765 1,850 1,850 Handsfree Communication Implementation - 200 1,000 - 1,030 0 Total 17,020 16,650 15,340 16,760 15,730 17,300 16,270 6275 SCHOOLS/CONF/EXP - LOCAL MN APWA / T2 / Snow Plow Seminar 630 630 630 645 645 660 660 Supervisor Training 315 315 315 325 325 340 340 Misc. LTAP, etc Seminars/Classes - 2,500 2,500 2,580 2,580 Total 945 945 945 3,470 3,470 3,580 3,580 6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE Car Allowance 3,600 3,600 1,800 - - 0 0 Total 3,600 3,600 1,800 - - 0 0 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Superintendent Assoc. & Subscription 420 420 420 430 430 440 440 APWA Dues 430 430 440 440 Cartegraph On-line Licenses 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,125 5,125 5,280 5,280 Total 5,420 5,420 5,420 5,985 5,985 6,160 6,160 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Uniforms & Boots (16 x $500)9,500 9,500 9,500 10,240 10,240 10,550 10,550 Total 9,500 9,500 9,500 10,240 10,240 10,550 10,550 182 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 31: STREET MAINTENANCE - 1600 Public Works Department COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Screener Bucket Attachment 3,675 500 500 515 515 530 530 Total 3,675 500 500 515 515 530 530 6399 OTHER CHARGES Street Waste Hauling License 100 - - - 0 0 Total 100 - - - - 0 0 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES Replace Single Axle 314 Plow $217,000 Equip fund Replace Tandem Axle 344 Plow, $231,000 Equip fund Replace 3/4 Ton Pickup 316, $35,000 Equip fund Replace Forklift 328, $31,000 Equip fund Replace Tandem Dump 319 - $230,600 VERF Replace 3/4 Ton Pickup 360 - $42,000 VERF VERF Replace F550 Chip Dump 361 - $75,000 VERF VERF Total - - - - - 0 0 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Replace Air Compressor 302 - $18,500 VERF 2004 JCB 520 Loadall 333 - $73,600 VERF 90,000 Snow Pushers 18,000 - Add Blacktop Roller - $17,000 17,000 - - 17,000 17,000 Replace Vermeer Chipper 309 - $80,000 VERF VERF Upgrade AccuBrine Machine in Muni Bldg in Muni Bldg Replace Scissor Lift (split w/Fleet, Wat, San)6,000 - Replace Skid Steer Trailer 6,000 6,000 Add Crash Attenuator 15,000 15,000 Total 18,000 17,000 90,000 6,000 - 38,000 38,000 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT VERF - Vehicle Repl. Charges 185,000 185,000 185,000 194,370 194,370 340,400 VEHICLE- Fleet Addition- Supervisor/Superintendent Pick Up 35,000 35,000 Total 185,000 185,000 185,000 229,370 229,370 0 340,400 Total Net of Personnel 670,570 660,168 724,097 827,065 745,995 647,322 918,730 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,095,385$ 2,182,533$ 2,249,982$ 2,501,190$ 2,345,120$ 2,473,200 2,705,860 183 Notes: 184 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 32 1660 & 1665 SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY This subsection of the Public Works Streets Division provides for snow plowing and ice control along the public street system. The budget includes funds for overtime expenses when plowing is conducted after hours or weekends. Road salt and ice control materials are also funded through this business unit. The City purchases road salt materials through the cooperative purchasing program administered by the State of Minnesota. SERVICE CATEGORIES The Public Works Street Maintenance Division provides the following winter road maintenance services for the City of Apple Valley. 1. Snow Plowing Services  Conduct snow plowing response to winter storms for 424 lane miles of the City public street system in the most efficient process possible with available resources  Provide trained operators to simultaneously deploy equipment within 14 plow districts within the City for winter storm events  Maintain plowing vehicle fleet consisting of 2 tandem axel trucks, 10 single axel plow trucks, two large loaders, two midsized loaders, two tractors, seven pick-up trucks with plows, and four versatile tractors. 2. Snow Removal and Hauling Services  Remove excess snow accumulations at intersections to maintain safe sightlines for vehicle traffic  Remove excess snow storage from City facilities and along collector roadways to the extent feasible with available resources  Maintain snow loading equipment and use contract truck hauling to transport excess snow material 3. Ice Control Services  Maintain adequate road salt inventories to provide deicing of public roadways  Conduct advanced deicing strategies, including ground speed sensing of salt spreaders, pre-wetting brine injection on all salt trucks, and on-site mixing of specialized brine solutions for road salt wetting liquids 185  Provide anti-icing treatment along selected roadways to preempt ice formation and reduce overall salt usage MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 In addition to recurring annual duties, the Public Works Department continues development of the anti-icing program. An anti-icing program involves pretreatment of streets prior to major snow and ice storm events to proactively inhibit the bonding of ice onto the surface of streets. Anti-icing activities result in an overall reduction in the total salt usage, which translates into cost savings for the City and reduced impacts to the environment. During the winter of 2016/2017, staff implemented a mobile management operation to accurately monitor and record de-icing material application and increase plowing operation efficiency. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 In 2021, staff will continue to provide cost effective snow and ice control for the City. Staff will build on the expected positive results of the anti-icing program began in the previous years. This program involves the pretreatment of streets prior to major snow and ice storm events to proactively inhibit the bonding of ice onto the surface of streets. Anti-icing activities result in an overall reduction in the total salt usage, which translates into cost savings for the City and reduced impacts to the environment. If positive results are observed, additional use of all liquid solutions will be expanded to other routes. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Adopted Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Lane Miles Maintained 424 424 429 429 429 429 Number of Snow/Ice Events per Year 40 32 40 48 40 40 Tons of Salt Material Used 2,300 2550 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 186 Summary Budget Department 32 Snow & Ice Removal (Overtime) 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 109,346 53,337 178,159 120,000 120,000 124,000 132,000 Emp. Benefits 19,960 10,200 32,981 27,455 32,480 27,855 30,140 Supplies 173,611 181,835 202,557 207,765 230,323 256,240 243,330 Contractual Serv.3,208 5,812 21,755 13,850 15,124 20,384 20,995 Training/Travel/Dues 1,760 1,629 1,919 1,960 1,913 1,845 1,900 Total Exp 307,883 252,813 437,371 371,030 399,840 430,324 428,365 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (307,883) (252,813) (437,371) (371,030) (399,840) (430,324) (428,365) 2020 Capital Outlay: See VERF 2021 Capital Outlay: See VERF 187 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) SNOW & ICE REMOVAL Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 0 0 263 484 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 0 31 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 109,346 53,337 177,649 120,000 161,296 124,000 124,000 132,000 132,000 6122 - COMP REQUEST 0 0 -857 0 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 1,104 551 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 109,346 53,337 178,159 120,000 162,362 124,000 124,000 132,000 132,000 6138 - MEDICARE 1,541 762 2,501 2,105 2,299 1,800 1,800 1,920 1,920 6139 - FICA 6,589 3,260 10,691 7,960 9,831 7,690 7,690 8,190 8,190 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 8,201 4,000 13,278 10,875 12,133 9,300 9,300 9,900 9,900 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,629 2,177 6,511 11,540 5,359 9,065 9,065 10,130 10,130 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 19,960 10,200 32,981 32,480 29,622 27,855 27,855 30,140 30,140 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 129,305 63,537 211,140 152,480 191,984 151,855 151,855 162,140 162,140 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 162 0 217 0 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 28,257 19,161 24,117 24,823 8,838 45,265 45,265 26,020 26,020 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 145,192 162,674 178,224 205,500 122,333 210,975 210,975 217,310 217,310 6205 - SUPPLIES 173,611 181,835 202,557 230,323 131,170 256,240 256,240 243,330 243,330 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,208 5,812 21,755 15,124 3,431 20,384 20,384 20,995 20,995 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,208 5,812 21,755 15,124 3,431 20,384 20,384 20,995 20,995 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 1,720 1,600 1,840 1,813 0 1,845 1,845 1,900 1,900 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 40 29 80 100 24 0 0 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 1,760 1,629 1,920 1,913 24 1,845 1,845 1,900 1,900 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 178,578 189,276 226,233 247,360 134,625 278,469 278,469 266,225 266,225 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS 0 0 -1 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 -1 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 -1 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 307,883 252,813 437,371 399,840 326,609 430,324 430,324 428,365 428,365 188 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 32: SNOW & ICE REMOVAL - 1660 & 1665 Public Works Department COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 6113 Overtime - Regular 120,000 120,000 200,000 124,000 124,000 132,000 132,000 6138 Medicare 1,740 2,105 3,000 1,800 1,800 1,920 1,920 6139 FICA 7,440 7,960 11,000 7,690 7,690 8,190 8,190 6141 Pension - PERA 9,000 10,875 13,000 9,300 9,300 9,900 9,900 6142 Work Comp Ins 9,275 11,540 11,540 9,065 9,065 10,130 10,130 6144 Long-Term Disability Insurance Position Changes (Attach Form) Total 147,455 152,480 238,540 151,855 151,855 162,140 162,140 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Tire Chains 2,000 2,060 2,060 2,100 2,100 2,160 2,160 Plow Cutting Edges 21,000 21,630 21,630 21,525 21,525 22,170 22,170 Backup Alarms/Light Bars 1,100 1,133 1,133 1,640 1,640 1,690 1,690 Additive Tank 3,000 - - - - Precise Mobile Management ( VDT Units)(17)15,000 15,000 - - Precise Mobile Management ( GPS ) (4)5,000 5,000 - - Total 27,100 24,823 24,823 45,265 45,265 26,020 26,020 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Salt, Ice Control 113,790 100,500 100,500 103,000 103,000 106,090 106,090 less offsetting revenue from salt sale to ISD 196 (12,000) (14,000) (18,000) (14,000) (14,000) -14,420 -14,420 Clear Lane 71,750 109,000 109,000 111,725 111,725 115,080 115,080 Anti-Icing Additives 7,125 10,000 10,000 10,250 10,250 10,560 10,560 Total 180,665 205,500 201,500 210,975 210,975 217,310 217,310 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Contract Snow Removal Equip 1,050 1,082 - 1,025 1,025 1,060 1,060 Plow Damage Sod Repairs 3,050 4,000 3,500 4,100 4,100 4,220 4,220 Trucking 4,350 4,480 - 4,459 4,459 4,590 4,590 Precise Mobile Air Time (GPS) Annual Fee 2,000 2,060 2,060 4,500 4,500 4,635 4,635 Precise Mobile Air Time (GPS)3,400 3,502 3,502 6,300 6,300 6,490 6,490 Total 13,850 15,124 9,062 20,384 20,384 20,995 20,995 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Snow Removal School-DCTC 1,760 1,813 1,600 1,845 1,845 1,900 1,900 Total 1,760 1,813 1,600 1,845 1,845 1,900 1,900 6277 MILEAGE Snow & Ice Monitoring 200 100 - - - 0 0 Total 200 100 - - - 0 0 Total Net of Personnel 223,575 247,360 236,985 278,469 278,469 266,225 266,225 TOTAL EXPENSES 371,030$ 399,840$ 475,525$ 430,324$ 430,324$ 428,365 428,365 189 Notes: 190 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 33 1680 TRAFFIC SIGNS/ SIGNALS/ MARKERS Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY This subsection of the Public Works Street Maintenance Division provides for the maintenance of all signs, pavement markings and traffic signals located within the City street right-of-way. SERVICE CATEGORIES Maintenance for the City’s traffic signs along public roadways, traffic control signal systems and pavement markings include the following services provided by Public Works Department staff using city-owned equipment, contractual services from private companies and inter-agency resources through joint powers agreements. 1. Traffic Sign Maintenance Services  Supply and maintain approximately 5,800 traffic control and street name signs throughout the City using public works staff and equipment  Inventory and monitor sign conditions using sign management software  Perform routine sign replacement to maintain Federal and State retroreflectivity standards for traffic signs in accordance with adopted City policy  Replace damaged signs and knock-downs 2. Traffic Signal System Maintenance Services  Provide maintenance for 12 city-owned traffic control signal systems through a Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County, including signal programing, relamping, and minor electrical repairs  Contract for major electrical and equipment repair work for city-owned traffic control signal systems through a standing service contract with a private contractor  Respond to signal damage incidents and address questions regarding the operation of city-owned traffic control signal systems 3. Pavement Marking Maintenance Services  Inventory and monitor the condition of pavement markings on public streets in accordance with pending Federal and State standards  Provide for the repainting of all pavement markings annually to maintain compliance with standards 191 MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 In addition to recurring annual duties, the Public Works Department continues to develop the street sign management program to achieve compliance with new Federal mandates for sign retro-reflectivity requirements. Retro-reflectivity is a term that refers to the amount of light reflected from vehicle headlights back toward the vehicle and the driver's eyes, making the signs appear brighter and easier to see at night. Road authorities must establish and implement a sign assessment or management method that will maintain minimum levels of sign retro-reflectivity. Currently, in conjunction with the annual street improvement program, all signs within the annual project areas are evaluated and upgraded to comply with the retro-reflectivity standard. Additionally, staff will continue to locate via GPS all newly installed signs. This data is then used within both our GIS and Asset Management programs. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 In addition to recurring annual duties, staff plans to expand the use of Cartegraph, the asset management system, for field use. This will include utilizing Cartegraph for all in- field work tasks related to signs. Examples include: sign replacements, sign knock- downs and new sign installations. Of course, staff will continue to locate via GPS all newly installed signs. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Proposed Proposed Proposed Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Street Signs 5880 6348 6380 6390 6400 6400 Number of Signs Replaced 354 402 520 520 520 520 Markings Repainted (ft) 453,245 706,240 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 STAFFING Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Technical Specialist Existing position transferred from Streets Division 1600 1 1 1 1 1 1 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule - Hours Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 None 192 Summary Budget Department 33 - Traffic Signs/Signals/Markers 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 66,089 67,467 68,298 64,715 66,965 70,020 72,090 Emp. Benefits 13,930 14,964 15,302 14,990 15,665 15,915 16,670 Supplies 31,809 33,401 35,992 39,850 39,425 41,315 40,150 Contractual Serv.71,216 90,171 84,924 101,000 97,000 93,570 95,510 Repairs & Maint.(520) 651 203 785 1,000 1,025 1,060 Training/Travel/Dues - - 3,221 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,220 Other Exp.171 95 (9) - - - - Capital outlay - - 15,844 20,000 - - - Total Exp 182,697 206,749 223,774 245,340 224,055 225,945 229,700 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (182,697) (206,749) (223,774) (245,340) (224,055) (225,945) (229,700) Capital Outlay 2020: None Capital Outlay 2021: None 193 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 65,174 65,352 66,428 65,065 23,973 68,030 68,030 70,040 70,040 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 916 1,982 1,756 50 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 0 132 113 0 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 1,900 1,990 1,990 2,050 2,050 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 66,089 67,467 68,298 66,965 24,023 70,020 70,020 72,090 72,090 6138 - MEDICARE 924 964 958 970 344 1,015 1,015 1,050 1,050 6139 - FICA 3,950 4,123 4,095 4,155 1,470 4,340 4,340 4,470 4,470 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 4,888 4,912 4,991 5,025 1,798 5,250 5,250 5,410 5,410 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 4,169 4,965 5,258 5,330 1,793 5,120 5,120 5,540 5,540 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 185 190 190 200 200 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 13,930 14,964 15,302 15,665 5,405 15,915 15,915 16,670 16,670 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 80,020 82,431 83,599 82,630 29,428 85,935 85,935 88,760 88,760 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1,605 1,531 1,453 2,310 430 4,110 4,110 3,670 1,820 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 2,614 496 1,873 2,600 972 2,165 2,165 2,230 2,230 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 594 1,782 1,582 1,775 1,136 1,820 1,820 1,880 1,880 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 26,996 29,591 31,084 32,740 6,032 33,220 33,220 34,220 34,220 6205 - SUPPLIES 31,809 33,401 35,992 39,425 8,571 41,315 41,315 42,000 40,150 6239 - PRINTING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71,216 90,171 84,924 97,000 52,395 97,785 93,570 100,710 95,510 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71,216 90,171 84,924 97,000 52,395 97,785 93,570 100,710 95,510 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 0 1,095 355 1,000 454 1,025 1,025 1,060 1,060 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER -520 -444 -152 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA -520 651 203 1,000 454 1,025 1,025 1,060 1,060 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,221 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,100 4,220 4,220 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 3,221 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,100 4,220 4,220 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 102,506 124,223 124,339 141,425 65,420 144,225 140,010 147,990 140,940 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 171 97 0 0 0 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS 0 -2 -9 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 171 95 -9 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 171 95 -9 0 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 15,844 0 0 9,000 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 15,844 0 0 9,000 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 15,844 0 0 9,000 0 182,697 206,749 223,774 224,055 94,848 239,160 225,945 236,750 229,700 194 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 33: TRAFFIC SIGNS/SIGNALS/MARKERS - 1680 Public Works Department COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 63,010 65,065 65,065 68,030 68,030 70,040 70,040 6123 Salaries - Other 1,705 1,900 1,900 1,990 1,990 2,050 2,050 6138 Medicare 940 970 970 1,015 1,015 1,050 1,050 6139 FICA 4,015 4,155 4,155 4,340 4,340 4,470 4,470 6141 Pension - PERA 4,855 5,025 5,025 5,250 5,250 5,410 5,410 6142 Worker's Compensation 5,000 5,330 5,330 5,120 5,120 5,540 5,540 6144 Long-Term Disability Insurance 180 185 185 190 190 200 200 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance Total 79,705 82,630 82,630 85,935 85,935 88,760 88,760 6211 SMALL TOOLS Sign Post Puller 1,800 1,800 1,850 0 Post pounder 2,000 2,000 0 0 Replace Power Tool on Sign Truck 2,100 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Hammer Drill 500 500 0 0 General Tools for Sign Install - Replace 310 310 310 310 310 320 320 Total 2,410 2,310 2,310 4,110 4,110 3,670 1,820 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS No lead Fuel - Unit 338 3,000 2,600 2,100 2,165 2,165 2,230 2,230 Total 3,000 2,600 2,100 2,165 2,165 2,230 2,230 6215 EQUIPMENT PARTS Vehicle Parts - Unit 338 400 425 425 435 435 450 450 Signal Parts, Circuit Bds, Loop Detectors 1,300 1,350 1,350 1,385 1,385 1,430 1,430 Total 1,700 1,775 1,775 1,820 1,820 1,880 1,880 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Crosswalk Striping Paint 2,680 1,680 1,680 3,000 3,000 3,090 3,090 Street Name Plate Replacement 9,650 7,650 7,000 7,200 7,200 7,420 7,420 Post - Traffic Signs 8,580 6,580 6,580 6,000 6,000 6,180 6,180 Bracket & Misc Hardware 1,610 1,000 1,600 1,700 1,700 1,750 1,750 Traffic Control Signs 8,580 6,580 4,580 7,000 7,000 7,210 7,210 Project Signs, Brackets, Posts Replace 9,650 7,650 7,000 6,300 6,300 6,490 6,490 Replace Counter Batteries (Resume '15)1,290 900 - 1,300 1,300 1,340 1,340 Traffic Cones and Temp Traffic Control 700 700 700 720 720 740 740 Reduce to trend (10,000) 0 0 Total 42,740 32,740 29,140 33,220 33,220 34,220 34,220 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Street Striping - JPA 68,000 64,600 62,000 66,215 62,000 68,200 63,000 Signal Maint - Dakota Co Agreement 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,500 20,500 21,110 21,110 Semaphore Painting (2 per year)5,400 10,800 6,500 11,070 11,070 11,400 11,400 Traffic Signal Rehab & Repairs - - - 0 0 Cartegraph Maintenance Fee 1,600 1,600 1,600 - - 0 0 Cartegraph Conversion to On-line 6,000 - - 0 0 Total 101,000 97,000 90,100 97,785 93,570 100,710 95,510 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Traffic Counters 785 1,000 1,000 1,025 1,025 1,060 1,060 Total 785 1,000 1,000 1,025 1,025 1,060 1,060 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Cartegraph On-line Licenses 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,100 4,220 4,220 Total 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,100 4,220 4,220 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS GPS Unit 9,000 - Permanent Feedback Sign 20,000 - 3,000 - - - - Total 20,000 - 3,000 9,000 - 0 0 Total Net of Personnel 175,635 141,425 133,425 153,225 140,010 147,990 140,940 TOTAL EXPENSES 255,340 224,055 216,055 239,160 225,945 236,750 229,700 195 Notes: 196 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 37 1700 Park/Recreation Administration DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Expenses related to most full-time Parks & Recreation staff members, along with expenses that are accounted as administrative. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020/2021 1. Maintain a high level of administrative services to enable Park Maintenance, Arenas, Golf Course, and Recreation divisions to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of residents by achieving comprehensive parks and recreation activities, open space, and a trail system that will promote positive growth of individuals and community. 2. Develop, promote, collaborate and deliver leisure programs and facilities that target the leisure service needs of the Apple Valley community. The course of the leisure services offerings are in direct response to and align with our community interests. 3. Evaluate need for future Park Bond Referendum. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Projected 2019 Projected 2020 Projected 2021 Support Community Celebrations: • Freedom Days       • Mid-Winter Fest       • Arts Foundation Music in the Park       • Winter Concert Series at Valleywood    Support Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee: • Number of public meetings: 6 6 6 6 6 6 Support of local Civic Organizations: • Valley Athletic Association       • Eastview Athletic Association       • Apple Valley Hockey Association       • Eastview Hockey Association       • Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts       • Rotary Club       • Chamber of Commerce       197 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Actual Actual Actual Proposed Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Parks and Recreation Director 1 1 1 1 1 1 Recreation Superintendent 1 0 0 0 0 0 Recreation Manager 0 1 1 1 1 1 Recreation Supervisor II 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Administrative Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 1 Department Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 1 Custodian .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule –(# hours) Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Seasonal 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 Summary Budget Department 37 - Park/Recreation Administration 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 549,862 602,527 622,122 621,510 651,515 677,620 698,885 Emp. Benefits 160,689 172,041 178,506 186,320 186,595 191,225 200,520 Supplies 2,267 2,020 2,747 3,600 3,600 2,900 2,400 Contractual Serv.71,332 57,521 52,922 63,000 77,000 70,000 74,000 Repairs & Maint.4,519 5,494 4,905 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Training/Travel/Dues 13,674 12,798 14,419 15,650 15,650 14,650 14,650 Other Exp.67,123 68,109 68,980 62,800 62,800 64,300 64,300 Capital outlay - - - - - - Misc - - - - - - Total Exp 869,466 920,510 944,602 955,880 1,002,160 1,025,695 1,059,755 Net addition (use) of general revenues (869,466) (920,510) (944,602) (955,880) (1,002,160) (1,025,695) (1,059,755) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 198 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 475,217 526,641 545,737 552,540 268,561 576,420 576,420 593,700 593,700 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 71,660 73,305 73,195 76,810 36,972 80,225 80,225 83,560 83,560 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 143 0 164 0 257 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,462 1,141 1,525 1,100 622 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 0 0 61 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 1,380 1,440 1,440 720 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 21,065 19,775 19,775 20,425 20,425 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 549,861 602,527 622,122 651,515 307,133 677,620 677,620 698,885 698,885 6138 - MEDICARE 7,707 8,595 8,838 9,450 4,336 9,825 9,825 10,135 10,135 6139 - FICA 32,953 36,752 37,790 39,615 18,539 41,040 41,040 42,080 42,080 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 41,023 44,597 46,539 48,865 22,981 50,820 50,820 52,415 52,415 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,678 4,226 4,580 4,980 2,443 5,575 5,575 6,080 6,080 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 0 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,292 1,057 1,093 1,570 502 1,630 1,630 1,680 1,680 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 67,123 78,343 85,513 90,715 35,516 90,935 90,935 96,730 96,730 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 4,730 6,324 6,499 0 3,047 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 34 36 36 0 17 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 2,149 1,148 495 0 232 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -9,036 -12,878 -8,600 -3,515 -8,600 -8,600 -8,600 -8,600 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 160,689 172,041 178,506 186,595 84,099 191,225 191,225 200,520 200,520 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 710,551 774,568 800,628 838,110 391,232 868,845 868,845 899,405 899,405 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,439 1,646 2,532 2,300 785 2,300 2,300 1,800 1,800 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 100 0 0 100 0 100 50 100 50 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 0 0 25 200 0 200 50 200 50 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 728 373 191 1,000 0 1,000 500 1,000 500 6205 - SUPPLIES 2,267 2,020 2,747 3,600 785 3,600 2,900 3,100 2,400 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 11,423 0 5,166 19,000 1,459 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 2,605 3,363 7,564 2,500 3,498 2,500 2,500 8,000 8,000 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 16,998 14,007 10,778 14,000 3,971 14,000 14,000 15,000 15,000 6239 - PRINTING 39,836 38,675 29,414 41,000 10,051 43,000 43,000 40,500 40,500 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 470 1,476 0 500 0 500 500 500 500 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71,332 57,521 52,922 77,000 18,980 70,000 70,000 74,000 74,000 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 4,519 5,494 4,905 5,000 2,421 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 4,519 5,494 4,905 5,000 2,421 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 2,012 401 320 3,000 128 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 1,298 5,433 4,835 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 4,272 4,149 4,434 6,000 1,741 6,000 5,000 6,000 5,000 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 200 350 50 250 0 250 250 250 250 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5,892 2,465 4,204 3,700 1,765 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 577 700 80 700 700 700 700 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 13,674 12,798 14,419 15,650 3,714 15,650 14,650 15,650 14,650 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 91,792 77,833 74,994 101,250 25,900 94,250 92,550 97,750 96,050 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 5,495 6,095 4,058 6,300 2,435 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -16 -15 -7 0 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 0 57 394 0 0 6355 - ONLINE REGISTRATION FEES 26,125 22,872 24,535 21,000 12,152 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 35,519 39,100 40,000 35,500 32,015 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 199 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 67,123 68,108 68,980 62,800 46,603 64,300 64,300 64,300 64,300 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 67,123 68,108 68,980 62,800 46,603 64,300 64,300 64,300 64,300 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 869,466 920,510 944,602 1,002,160 463,735 1,027,395 1,025,695 1,061,455 1,059,755 200 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 37: PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION - 1700 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 525,780 552,540 576,300 576,420 576,420 593,700 593,700 6111 Salary-Parttime 73,555 76,810 80,000 80,225 80,225 83,560 83,560 6113 Overtime - Reg 1,060 1,100 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6123 Salaries - Other 21,115 21,065 19,790 19,775 19,775 20,425 20,425 6138 Medicare 9,015 9,450 9,820 9,825 9,825 10,135 10,135 6139 FICA 38,180 39,615 40,740 41,040 41,040 42,080 42,080 6141 Pension - PERA 46,615 48,865 50,795 50,820 50,820 52,415 52,415 6142 Work Comp Ins 4,610 4,980 5,355 5,575 5,575 6,080 6,080 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 1,500 1,570 1,630 1,630 1,630 1,680 1,680 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 86,400 90,715 96,840 90,935 90,935 96,730 96,730 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (8,600) (8,600) (8,600) (8,600) (8,600) (8,600) Position Changes Total 807,830 838,110 873,870 868,845 868,845 899,405 899,405 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 1,800 1,800 Total 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 1,800 1,800 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 50 100 50 Total 100 100 100 100 50 100 50 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Miscellaneous 200 200 200 200 50 200 50 Total 200 200 200 200 50 200 50 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Youth Athletic Association 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Administration 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Reduce to Trend - - - - (500) - (500) Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 1,000 500 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Technical Asst. Park Develop-General 6,000 6,000 6,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Technical Asst. Park Develop-Turf - - Park Bond Research Firm - Survey 13,000 13,000 Total 6,000 19,000 19,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6237 TELEPHONE Miscellaneous 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Stipend-Mobile Communication 8,000 8,000 Total 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 8,000 8,000 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX Mail Brochures 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 15,000 15,000 Total 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 15,000 15,000 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Regular/Annual Publications 40,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 32,500 32,500 Bond Referendum Promotion / Info 6,000 6,000 Facility Advertising / Rental Promotion 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Total 40,000 41,000 41,000 43,000 43,000 40,500 40,500 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Disabled Program - Interpreters, Aids 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Multi-Use Copier Mntc Agreement 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER Park & Rec Conf. - Director 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Staff mileage 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 6,000 5,000 Total 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 6,000 5,000 6278 SUBSISTANCE ALLOWANCE 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MRPA, NRPA 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 Total 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 6281 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Total 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 201 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 37: PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTRATION - 1700 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Multi-Use Copier 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 Total 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6355 ON-LINE REGISTRATION FEES 21,000 21,000 21,000 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 Total 21,000 21,000 21,000 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 6399 OTHER CHARGES Volunteer Program 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 4th of July Fireworks 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Portion of fireworks to come from Lodging Tax admin (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) 4th of July Parade 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Portion of Parade to come from Lodging Tax admin (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) - Total 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 6351 BANK CHARGE FEES VISA/Bank charges - Total - - - - - - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Registration Software Upgrade - Total - - - - - - - Total Net of Personnel 148,050 164,050 164,050 158,550 156,850 162,050 160,350 TOTAL EXPENSES 955,880$ 1,002,160$ 1,037,920$ 1,027,395$ 1,025,695$ 1,061,455$ 1,059,755$ 202 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 38 1710 Park Maintenance DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Maintain the integrity of over 680 acres of park infrastructure. Including 105 athletic fields, 2 aquatic facilities, 54 playgrounds, 20 basketball and tennis courts, 26 park buildings, 6 pickleball courts, 80 miles of plowable paths, 32 parking lots, 19 outdoor ice rinks, 1 disc golf course, and a skate park. Keeping the park system safe and enjoyable for the user. Objectives for 2020/2021 • Overlay pathway system at Cobblestone • Install LED lighting on the JCRPE ball field complex • Replace backstops at Valley Middle • Upgrade filter baskets at the Aquatic Center • Reroof the JCRPW multi-purpose building, formerly known as the Teen Center • Replace dock at Lac Lavon • Upgrade play structures in the park system through use of a potential bond referendum 203 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actuals Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Parkland Acres 680 680 680 685 685 Add’l Cobblestone & Kelley Acres 5 Athletic Field Maintenance Athletic Fields 105 105 105 105 105 Park Grounds Maintenance Managed Turf 398 acres/wk 398 acres/wk 398 acres/wk 398 acres/wk 398 acres/wk Planting Beds Maintained 39 39 39 41 41 Irrigation Systems 7 7 7 7 7 Ice Rink Maintenance Outdoor Sheets of Pleasure Rink Ice 9 9 9 9 9 Outdoor Hockey Rinks 10 10 10 10 10 Park Shelter/Building Maintenance Park Shelters/Buildings 24 26 26 26 26 Playground Structure Maintenance Playgrounds 54 54 54 54 54 Certified Playground Inspectors 2 2 2 3 3 Sidewalk,Pathway, Lot Maintenance Internal Park Paths 19 Miles 19 Miles 20 Miles 20 Miles 20 Miles Pathway and Sidewalk Plowing 75 Miles 75 Miles 79 Miles 79 Miles 79 Miles Parking Lots Maintained 31 31 32 32 32 Outdoor Court & Game Area Maintenance Pickleball Courts 6 6 6 6 6 Tennis Courts 20 20 20 20 20 Basketball Courts 20 20 20 20 20 Volleyball Courts 17 17 17 17 17 Disc Golf Course 1 1 1 1 1 Outdoor Skate Park 1 1 1 1 1 Archery Range 1 1 1 1 1 Swimming Pool Maintenance Redwood Pool 1 1 1 1 1 Family Aquatic Center 1 1 1 1 1 Certified Pool Operators 3 3 3 4 4 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Park Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 1 1 1 1 Park Foreman 3 3 3 3 3 3 Tech Specialist 5 5 5 5 5 5 Park Maintenance I/II 7 7 8 8 8 8 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule- (# Hours Part Time ) Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Seasonal Staff 15,499 14,428 16,592 14,500 14,500 14,500 204 COMPARATIVE BUDGET EXPENDITURES The following table is the expenses that have been captured over the past three years related to the service categories. Service categories 2016 Actual % of total Dept 2017 Actual % of total Dept 2018 Actual % of total Dept 1710 Park Management 899,728 31.1% 1,009,691 36.0% 865,221 31.5% 1715 /1780 Athletic Fields 543,509 18.8% 493,297 17.0% 470,558 17.0% 1720/1770/1760 Park Grounds 640,088 22.1% 642,262 23.0% 791,471 28.8% 1725 Ice Rinks 84,084 2.9% 76,047 2.0% 63,852 2.3% 1730 Park Shelter/Buildings 146,975 5.1% 149,364 5.0% 180,167 6.6% 1735 Playground Structures 78,446 2.7% 173,157 6.0% 17,006 0.6% 1740 Sidewalk,Pathway, Lot Maint/Plowing 52,371 1.8% 34,005 1.0% 69,329 2.5% 1745 Court/Game Areas 5,655 0.2% 12,833 0.4% 5,181 0.2% 1750 Swimming Pools 59,816 2.1% 84,798 3.0% 81,157 3.0% 1755 Recreation Support 9,058 0.3% 4,942 0.1% 5,834 0.2% 1765 Equipment 180,249 6.2% 197,728 7.0% 231,237 8.4% 1770 General Maintenance 18,175 0.6% 32,296 1.0% 30,742 1.1% 1771 Vandalism Repair 1,354 0.0% 1,485 0.0% 2,394 0.1% 1775 Training 11,338 0.4% 21,827 0.6% 23,588 0.9% 1785 Other Dept. Support 321 0.0% 108 0.0% 1,141 0.0% Total Park Maint Department 2,895,661 100.0% 2,933,840 100.0% 2,841,959 100.0% 205 Summary Budget Department 38 - Park Maintenance 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 1,241,820 1,248,914 1,251,958 1,297,585 1,318,860 1,378,660 1,449,440 Emp. Benefits 432,838 436,938 439,520 484,410 466,455 488,030 520,055 Supplies 271,444 266,669 280,195 301,600 294,100 290,300 285,600 Contractual Serv.163,102 183,512 190,815 180,500 181,500 198,000 206,000 Utilities 231,600 195,171 239,080 205,500 225,700 228,700 231,200 Repairs & Maint.93,639 117,672 62,802 128,000 162,500 113,000 78,000 Training/Travel/Dues/Uniforms 10,695 13,508 14,788 15,100 18,300 16,300 16,300 Other Exp.55,733 59,351 66,905 57,550 61,000 62,000 64,000 Capital outlay 212,122 227,289 262,052 41,500 40,000 - VERF 231,000 236,780 236,700 270,620 Total Exp 2,712,993 2,749,024 2,808,116 2,942,745 3,005,195 3,011,690 3,121,215 Net addition (use) of general revenues (2,712,993) (2,749,024) (2,808,116) (2,942,745) (3,005,195) (3,011,690) (3,121,215) 2020 Capital Outlay Funded in General Fund Budget Funded Object #6269 – Repairs Overlay Cobblestone Paths 9,000 2021 Capital Outlay Funded in General Fund Budget Funded Object #6269 – Repairs Toro Sand Pro 28,000 Asphalt Trails & Courts 55,000 28,000 55,000 Building related capital outlay requests are to be included in Muni Building Fund Vehicle Capital Outlay for vehicles now included in the VERF Fund 206 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) PARK MAINTENANCE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,025,014 1,048,462 1,019,110 1,068,740 470,966 1,143,860 1,123,860 1,197,030 1,177,030 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 188,929 177,862 207,086 175,000 66,216 180,000 175,000 185,000 185,000 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 61,924 51,128 56,585 52,000 45,491 53,000 53,000 55,000 55,000 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 3,600 4,680 4,320 2,160 6122 - COMP REQUEST -37,660 -33,661 -35,317 -10,000 -19,087 -10,000 -10,000 -10,000 -10,000 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 33,120 36,800 36,800 42,410 42,410 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 13 443 175 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 1,241,820 1,248,914 1,251,958 1,318,860 565,746 1,403,660 1,378,660 1,469,440 1,449,440 6138 - MEDICARE 16,947 17,412 17,362 19,125 7,810 20,500 20,500 21,450 21,450 6139 - FICA 72,462 74,450 74,238 78,880 33,395 84,725 84,725 88,500 88,500 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 82,334 81,311 78,680 85,790 37,163 92,525 92,525 97,085 97,085 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 35,642 49,442 52,004 57,170 23,285 62,625 62,625 68,815 68,815 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 271 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 2,753 2,090 2,106 3,030 990 3,885 3,885 4,070 4,070 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 201,239 220,612 237,514 254,160 102,367 255,470 255,470 271,835 271,835 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 18,308 19,918 19,487 9,391 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 99 99 98 48 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 3,054 5,003 5,423 2,965 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -33,399 -47,394 -31,700 -13,302 -31,700 -31,700 -31,700 -31,700 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 432,838 436,938 439,520 466,455 204,384 488,030 488,030 520,055 520,055 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,674,657 1,685,852 1,691,478 1,785,315 770,129 1,891,690 1,866,690 1,989,495 1,969,495 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 475 328 739 100 155 100 100 100 100 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 13,997 16,580 9,639 10,000 8,231 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 50,456 46,608 57,312 65,000 23,851 68,000 68,000 73,000 68,000 6213 - FERTILIZER 46,859 30,581 34,326 45,000 10,924 45,000 40,000 40,000 35,000 6214 - CHEMICALS 3,584 3,273 2,249 4,000 2,034 4,000 3,500 4,000 3,500 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 41,416 43,311 43,097 44,000 17,663 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 9,267 7,161 6,817 9,000 6,968 9,000 8,000 9,000 8,000 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 105,389 118,828 126,017 117,000 46,275 117,000 116,700 117,000 117,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 271,444 266,669 280,195 294,100 116,101 297,100 290,300 297,100 285,600 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 1,038 686 1,017 0 439 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 10,751 10,353 10,866 11,000 5,514 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 6239 - PRINTING 0 167 135 0 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 21,598 24,625 26,007 23,000 6,009 23,000 23,000 25,000 25,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 129,714 147,682 152,789 147,500 39,138 164,000 164,000 170,000 170,000 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 163,102 183,512 190,815 181,500 51,100 198,000 198,000 206,000 206,000 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 103,896 108,196 110,367 100,000 35,980 103,000 103,000 105,000 105,000 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 3,919 5,054 6,318 5,700 4,854 5,700 5,700 6,200 6,200 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 123,786 81,920 122,395 120,000 1,028 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 6250 - UTILITIES 231,600 195,171 239,080 225,700 41,862 228,700 228,700 231,200 231,200 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 12,574 7,678 9,665 15,000 2,409 15,000 13,000 15,000 13,000 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 4,908 18,649 5,996 12,000 1,135 12,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 76,157 91,345 47,141 135,500 350 90,000 90,000 80,000 55,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 93,639 117,672 62,802 162,500 3,894 117,000 113,000 107,000 78,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 596 1,859 2,570 3,000 610 3,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 0 24 320 1,700 0 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 162 0 0 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 360 467 360 600 241 600 600 600 600 207 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) PARK MAINTENANCE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 9,739 11,158 11,376 13,000 6,548 13,000 12,000 13,000 12,000 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 10,695 13,508 14,788 18,300 7,399 18,300 16,300 18,300 16,300 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 770,480 776,531 787,681 882,100 220,356 859,100 846,300 859,600 817,100 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 55,888 59,179 66,986 61,000 39,289 62,000 62,000 64,000 64,000 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -315 -108 -180 -106 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 160 280 100 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 55,733 59,351 66,905 61,000 39,182 62,000 62,000 64,000 64,000 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 55,733 59,351 66,905 61,000 39,182 62,000 62,000 64,000 64,000 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 0 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 0 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 55 14,339 13,723 40,000 10,872 0 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 4,312 0 9,329 0 0 0 0 6745 - VERF CHARGES 207,755 212,950 239,000 236,780 118,390 236,700 236,700 270,620 270,620 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 212,122 227,289 262,052 276,780 129,262 236,700 236,700 270,620 270,620 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 212,122 227,289 262,052 276,780 129,262 236,700 236,700 270,620 270,620 2,712,993 2,749,024 2,808,116 3,005,195 1,158,930 3,049,490 3,011,690 3,183,715 3,121,215 208 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 38: PARK MAINTENANCE - 1710 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 1,053,800 1,068,740 1,068,740 1,143,860 1,123,860 1,197,030 1,177,030 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 170,000 175,000 175,000 180,000 180,000 185,000 185,000 6113 Overtime - Reg 51,000 52,000 52,000 53,000 53,000 55,000 55,000 6122 Comp-Requested (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) 6123 Salaries - Other 32,785 33,120 33,120 36,800 36,800 42,410 42,410 6138 Medicare 18,960 19,125 19,125 20,500 20,500 21,450 21,450 6139 FICA 78,415 78,880 78,880 84,725 84,725 88,500 88,500 6141 Pension - PERA 85,320 85,790 85,790 92,525 92,525 97,085 97,085 6142 Work Comp Ins 55,425 57,170 57,170 62,625 62,625 68,815 68,815 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 2,990 3,030 3,030 3,885 3,885 4,070 4,070 6145 Medical Insurance 243,300 254,160 254,160 255,470 255,470 271,835 271,835 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (31,700) (31,700) (31,700) (31,700) (31,700) (31,700) Total 1,781,995 1,785,315 1,785,315 1,891,690 1,871,690 1,989,495 1,969,495 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES General 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Tools & Misc Equip 11,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total 11,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS 57,000 65,000 65,000 68,000 63,000 73,000 68,000 Total 57,000 65,000 65,000 68,000 63,000 73,000 68,000 6213 FERTILIZER 51,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 40,000 40,000 35,000 Total 51,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 40,000 40,000 35,000 6214 CHEMICALS 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,500 4,000 3,500 Total 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,500 4,000 3,500 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Vehicle and Equipment Parts 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 Play Equipment Parts 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Irrigation Parts 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Miscellaneous 10,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 8,000 9,000 8,000 Total 10,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 8,000 9,000 8,000 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES - ATHLETIC FIELDS/COURTS Athletic field paint 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 Athletic field chalk 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Diamond Dry, Turface, Etc.2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Bases, plates, rubbers 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Aglime 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Mound clay 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Fence Repair Material 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis Nets 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Archery Bales 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 XTRA TURF FOR GOAL MOUTH REPAIR 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Reduce to trend (1,000) (1,000) (300) Total 45,500 44,500 44,500 45,500 45,200 45,500 45,500 GENERAL SUPPLIES - LANDSCAPE Grass seed/seed mat 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Topsoil/compost 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Sod 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Landscape Block/Timbers 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Tree Trust and Scout Projects 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Trees/shrubs, etc.12,000 12,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total 43,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 GENERAL SUPPLIES - PAINT Paint, Stain, Varnish 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Rollers, Brushes, Drop Cloths 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 GENERAL SUPPLIES - BUILDINGS Lumber and Metal for Repair of Rinks, Buildings, Benches, Tables, etc.12,000 12,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 GENERAL SUPPLIES - CLEANING Soap, Disinfectants, Brooms, Toilet Scrubbers, Mop Heads, Restroom Paper Products 9,000 9,000 9,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Total 9,000 9,000 9,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 209 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 38: PARK MAINTENANCE - 1710 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND GENERAL SUPPLIES - SHOP Fasteners, Light Bulbs, Zip Ties, Garbage Bags, Rags, Tape, Sandpaper, Small Repair Parts, Hardware 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6229 TOTAL GENERAL SUPPLIES - All Business 123,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 116,700 117,000 117,000 6237 TELEPHONE Park buildings, foremen, superintendent 12,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Total 12,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Buildings - Trash, yard dumpster, landfill fees, and yard waste 20,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 25,000 25,000 Total 20,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 25,000 25,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Sentence to Service Contract Cost 14,500 15,000 15,000 15,500 15,500 15,750 15,750 Contract Weed Spraying 24,000 26,000 26,000 28,000 28,000 28,500 28,500 Contract Mowing of smaller parks 51,500 55,000 55,000 65,000 65,000 70,000 70,000 Diseased Tree Removal 26,000 18,000 18,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Tree Trust 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Irrigation, Maintenance Service for Cobblestone Lake Park 27,000 28,000 28,000 30,000 30,000 30,250 30,250 Septic Pumping - Huntington Park 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 148,500 147,500 147,500 164,000 164,000 170,000 170,000 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Building, Athletic Field, Parking Lot, Fountain and Walkway Lights 100,000 100,000 100,000 103,000 103,000 105,000 105,000 Total 100,000 100,000 100,000 103,000 103,000 105,000 105,000 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS 5,500 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 Total 5,500 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 6,200 6,200 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Water, Sewer 100,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Add'l Service Cobblestone, Quarry Pt Total 100,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Larger Outside Repairs 16,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 13,000 15,000 13,000 Total 16,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 13,000 15,000 13,000 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS Outside Trade Contractors - Heating/Cooling, Electrical and other Contractual Repairs 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 Total 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 6269 REPAIRS - OTHER Cement replacements Kelley & JCRPE gazebos 13,500 13,500 Overlay Cobblestone Paths 90,000 90,000 Electric locks on restroom buildings (5)- - 20,000 - Irrigation back-up pump - JCRPW & Quarry Pt 5,000 - Backstop replacement Valley Middle 1,2,3 &4 60,000 60,000 Crack-fill and chip seal all JCRPW Lots 60,000 60,000 Upgrade Backstop - Quarry Point Park #4 25,000 - - Re-build Backstops on JCRPW 6 & 7 30,000 asphalt trails and basketball courts 45,000 55,000 55,000 Replace Sign @ JCRP W Teen Center 2,000 2,000 Total 100,000 135,500 135,500 90,000 90,000 80,000 55,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 Total 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER Park Conf. - Superintendent - 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 Sports Turf Managers National - - - Total - 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MPSA, MRPA, STMA, MNLA 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Total 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Uniform/Boots/Safety Equip (winter boots)12,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 12,000 13,000 12,000 Total 12,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 12,000 13,000 12,000 210 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 38: PARK MAINTENANCE - 1710 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Miscellaneous and Portable Commodes 18,350 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 Mower Leasing 39,200 42,000 42,000 43,000 43,000 45,000 45,000 Total 57,550 61,000 61,000 62,000 62,000 64,000 64,000 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMP Up-grade skate park equipment 5,000 Re-build Valley Middle Rink 13,000 Valley Middle School - School Share (6,500) Re-roof Teen Center Building - - Kelley Park power/landscape/rotory clock - - Lighting updates for JCRPE complex (LED)- - Construct JCRPW Pickleball Courts - - Remodel JCRPE Concessions 40,000 40,000 Total 11,500 40,000 40,000 - - - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Replace #216 T Trailer (1989)8,000 Heavy duty turf roller for renovation work 6,000 Heavy duty 3pt tiller 7,000 Puppet Wagon Trailer 9,000 Single axel spreader Total 30,000 - - - - - - 6745 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT-VERF VERF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 231,000 236,780 236,780 236,700 236,700 242,620 242,620 Replace #251 Snowblower Replace #253 Liner 2015 Toro Workman HDX-D Utility Cart Replace #259 2010 Toro Workman FLEET ADDITIONS: Toro SandPro 28,000 28,000 Total 231,000 236,780 236,780 236,700 236,700 270,620 270,620 Total Net of Personnel 1,160,750 1,219,880 1,219,880 1,157,800 1,140,000 1,194,220 1,151,720 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,942,745 3,005,195 3,005,195 3,049,490 3,011,690 3,183,715 3,121,215 211 Notes: 212 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 39 1800 Recreation Programs DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The recreation programs budget includes a number of general recreation programs, such as Summer Playground, Puppet Theatre, Outdoor Skating/Warminghouses, Redwood for Teens, Youth, Teen, Adult and Family Recreation Programs, etc. Provide fun, learning situations where parents and children learn and experience together. Some programs focus on adults and/or children as individuals, while other classes provide the opportunity to build close family/parent/child relationships while providing social interactions with folks with similar interests and goals. Recreation programs provide a service that contributes to the social, physical, educational, mental, emotional, cultural and general well-being of the community and its people. By providing these services the department strives to provide adequate physical facilities and program opportunities, which encourage people of the community to become more self-sustaining in their leisure. OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 Continue to offer a variety of programs for all age segments in a cost-effective manner. Evaluate program offerings and introduce new activites/events. Evaluate warminghouse locations and hours. PERFORMANCE MEASURES/EFFECTIVENESS/EFFICIENCY: After Action Reports with attendance, revenue and expenditure figures are completed for each program offered, each season. Recommendations for each program are documented. The program is dropped if it is determined to be less successful. The program is continued if it is very successful, well attended or worthwhile to our mission, or if implemented changes can make it successful. 213 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Adopted Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Playground Program Participants 3,045 2,451 2,924 3,100 3,200 3,300 Teen Center Attendance 4,440 2,158 1,470 1,200 1,200 1,000 Freedom Days Fun Run Participants (2 & 5 Milers) 430 415 554 550 575 600 Freedom Days Fun Run Participants (1/2 Milers) 111 124 147 140 140 150 Puppet Wagon Attendance 4,607 5,375 4,006 5,400 5,400 5,500 Summary Budget Department 39 - Recreation Programs 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: 4350 Summer Playground 12,736 8,117 10,796 17,300 17,300 17,300 17,500 4351 Pre School Programs 26,515 37,588 54,526 31,600 37,000 43,000 45,000 4352 Teen Programs - - - 5,000 - - 4358 Vending Commissions 2,454 1,842 1,694 3,300 2,800 2,800 3,000 5126 Rentals - Fields 50,426 51,921 80,345 48,400 61,600 61,600 70,000 5130 Rentals - JC Activity Ctr 374 1,011 1,284 1,000 - 5,000 7,000 5199 Rentals - Other 7,349 9,636 6,598 8,100 7,000 7,000 7,000 99,854 110,115 155,243 109,700 130,700 136,700 149,500 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 122,595 115,939 100,618 130,980 108,100 106,000 108,000 Emp. Benefits 18,406 16,844 14,661 19,950 20,150 16,480 17,035 Supplies 10,843 10,133 9,579 12,125 10,900 10,400 10,400 Contractual Serv.17,496 18,905 13,760 9,875 9,875 16,300 16,600 Repairs & Maint.129 - 300 1,500 1,000 500 500 Training/Travel/Dues 1,493 1,355 1,347 1,750 1,870 1,720 1,720 Other Exp.5,548 3,609 3,411 10,800 11,500 7,700 7,700 VISA/MC Charges - - - - - - Items for resale 361 637 783 - - - - Capital outlay - - - - - - Total Exp 176,871 167,423 144,458 186,980 163,395 159,100 161,955 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (77,017) (57,308) 10,785 (77,280) (32,695) (22,400) (12,455) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY 214 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) RECREATION PROGRAMS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 54,340 36,172 0 57,000 0 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 68,255 79,710 100,615 49,000 34,115 106,000 106,000 108,000 108,000 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 2,100 0 0 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 0 57 3 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 122,595 115,939 100,618 108,100 34,115 106,000 106,000 108,000 108,000 6138 - MEDICARE 1,778 1,681 1,459 1,900 495 1,540 1,540 1,565 1,565 6139 - FICA 7,601 7,188 6,238 8,130 2,115 6,570 6,570 6,695 6,695 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 5,084 3,331 2,766 4,435 518 3,675 3,675 3,750 3,750 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,943 4,643 4,198 5,685 1,465 4,695 4,695 5,025 5,025 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 35 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 18,406 16,844 14,661 20,150 4,628 16,480 16,480 17,035 17,035 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 141,001 132,783 115,279 128,250 38,743 122,480 122,480 125,035 125,035 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 229 0 68 300 0 300 300 300 300 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 500 1,009 500 0 500 0 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 93 151 79 100 388 100 100 100 100 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 173 0 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 10,522 9,809 9,432 10,000 2,858 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 10,843 10,133 9,579 10,900 4,255 10,900 10,400 10,900 10,400 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 1,002 960 476 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6239 - PRINTING 321 505 0 725 0 725 500 500 500 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 696 696 947 700 251 700 700 1,000 1,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,476 16,744 12,337 7,450 3,298 14,100 14,100 14,100 14,100 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,496 18,905 13,760 9,875 3,549 16,525 16,300 16,600 16,600 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 129 0 249 1,000 0 1,000 500 1,000 500 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 0 0 51 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 129 0 300 1,000 0 1,000 500 1,000 500 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 210 189 230 220 0 220 220 220 220 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 761 705 804 950 54 900 900 900 900 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 522 462 312 700 326 700 600 700 600 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 1,493 1,355 1,347 1,870 379 1,820 1,720 1,820 1,720 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 29,962 30,394 24,985 23,645 8,183 30,245 28,920 30,320 29,220 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 2,740 1,420 1,645 1,500 0 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -11 -21 -4 0 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 2,819 2,210 1,770 10,000 5 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 5,548 3,609 3,411 11,500 5 12,700 7,700 12,700 7,700 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 5,548 3,609 3,411 11,500 5 12,700 7,700 12,700 7,700 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 361 637 783 0 415 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 361 637 783 0 415 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 361 637 783 0 415 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 215 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) RECREATION PROGRAMS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 176,871 167,423 144,458 163,395 47,345 165,425 159,100 168,055 161,955 216 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 39: RECREATION PROGRAMS - 1800 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6111 Salary-Parttime 57,350 57,000 57,000 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 72,000 49,000 49,000 106,000 106,000 108,000 108,000 6123 Salary-Other 1,630 2,100 2,100 6138 Medicare 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,540 1,540 1,565 1,565 6139 FICA 8,120 8,130 8,130 6,570 6,570 6,695 6,695 6141 Pension - PERA 4,425 4,435 4,435 3,675 3,675 3,750 3,750 6142 Work Comp 5,505 5,685 5,685 4,695 4,695 5,025 5,025 Position Changes Total 150,930 128,250 128,250 122,480 122,480 125,035 125,035 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 425 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 425 300 300 300 300 300 300 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 775 500 500 500 - 500 - Total 775 500 500 500 - 500 - 6215 EQUIPMENT/PARTS 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Programs - Puppet Wagon 725 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Programs -Teen 2,200 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Programs - Special Events 4,850 4,500 4,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 Programs - Summer Playground 2,450 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Programs - Preschool Gym 600 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 Total 10,825 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6237 TELEPHONE 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Flyers and Posters - Fun Run 725 725 725 725 500 500 500 Total 725 725 725 725 500 500 500 6240 GARBAGE/CLEANING SERVICES 700 700 700 700 700 1,000 1,000 Total 700 700 700 700 700 1,000 1,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Programs - Fun Run 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Programs - Playground Bus 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Programs - Other 800 800 800 Other 2,000 2,000 2,000 9,600 9,600 9,600 9,600 Total 7,450 7,450 7,450 14,100 14,100 14,100 14,100 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Teen Center Equip 1,050 550 550 500 250 250 250 Puppet Wagon 450 450 450 500 250 750 250 Reduce to Trend - - - - - - - Total 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 1,000 500 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL MRPA Summer Lead Workshop 200 220 220 220 220 220 220 Total 200 220 220 220 220 220 220 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Summer Playground Staff 850 950 950 900 900 900 900 Total 850 950 950 900 900 900 900 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Staff Shirts - Summer Playground/Puppetee 400 600 600 600 500 600 500 Staff Shirts - Teens 300 100 100 100 100 100 100 Reduce to Trend - - - - - - - Total 700 700 700 700 600 700 600 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Portable Toilets 2,600 1,500 1,500 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 Total 2,600 1,500 1,500 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 6399 OTHER CHARGES Outing Fees - ADA Interpreter/Aid 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,000 4,000 Outing Fees - Teens 600 5,600 5,600 5,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 Outing Fees - Summer Playground 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Trend Reduction - (3,200) (3,200) (2,600) (7,600) - (5,000) Total 8,200 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 Total Net of Personnel 36,050 35,145 35,145 42,945 36,620 43,020 36,920 TOTAL EXPENSES 186,980$ 163,395$ 163,395$ 165,425$ 159,100$ 168,055$ 161,955$ 217 Notes: 218 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 40 1930 Redwood Pool DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Redwood facility continues to be the heart of summer activity in the Southwest corner of Apple Valley. The Pool performs a vital service to this community, a fun safe place for kids to go each day. The Redwood Outdoor Pool is located in Redwood Park and is operated by the Parks and Recreation Department as a general fund recreational facility. It contains two pools, a leisure pool with depths running from three to twelve feet and features a diving board and a climbing wall. The smaller wading pool is appropriate for young children, with a water depth of 18 inches. The capacity of the facility is 300 people. Redwood Pool is also the primary teaching facility for the city’s American Red Cross “Learn to Swim” program, providing instruction to children and adults in swimming and water safety community wide. During weeknights, after swimming lessons, and during mornings and weekend nights, “exclusive use” rentals are offered to the public. These rentals have become very popular, especially on weekend nights. The concession operation serves a variety of snack foods, drinks and treats. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 Evaluate pool and building use to ensure they are being used efficiently and providing a good service to the community MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 Evaluate pool and building use along with operating and capital expenses to ensure the facility is viable and remains an asset to the community. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Open Swim Attendance 7,245 6,161 4,756 5,500 5,500 5,500 Swim Lesson Registrations 312 254 310 320 330 350 Exclusive Use Pool Rentals 55 48 40 50 50 50 Exclusive Use Room Rentals 85 10 0 0 0 0 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Sr. Building Attendant .30 .30 .0 0 0 0 Custodian .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 219 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule – (Hours by position Part Time) Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Pool Manager 1,096 1,170 935 1,170 1,100 1,200 WSI 2,185 448 652 448 650 650 Lifeguard 1,527 3,150 3,170 3,150 3,150 3,300 Pool/Concess. Attendant 324 600 197 600 300 400 Maintenance/Janitorial N/A 40 40 40 40 40 Summary Budget Department 40 - Redwood Pool 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Public Swimming 33,912 29,950 32,229 33,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 Swim Lessons 15,677 14,149 20,125 20,600 20,600 20,600 20,600 Concessions 7,273 5,870 5,179 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Rentals 14,624 1,054 41 - - - - 71,486 51,023 57,574 61,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 64,277 56,112 59,938 57,300 58,300 58,500 59,500 Emp. Benefits 7,359 6,529 7,032 6,795 6,970 7,065 7,325 Supplies 2,188 3,767 2,966 7,150 7,300 7,300 7,350 Contractual Serv.18,181 11,646 16,111 16,500 34,450 18,550 19,450 Utilities 3,999 5,152 4,180 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Repairs & Maint.1,267 2,079 4,678 4,500 3,500 3,500 5,000 Training/Travel/Dues 2,834 2,777 3,295 2,925 3,350 3,350 3,550 Other Exp.110 571 101 300 300 300 300 VISA / MC Charges 795 1,128 1,233 700 800 800 1,200 Items for Resale 3,460 3,071 3,018 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Capital Outlay - 7,877 7,253 - 50,000 5,000 - Total Exp 104,470 100,709 109,805 104,670 173,470 112,865 112,175 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (32,984) (49,686) (52,231) (43,070) (113,870) (53,265) (52,575) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY Diving Board Replacement $ 5,000 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 220 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) REDWOOD POOL Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 35 0 0 0 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 177 0 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 63,716 55,707 58,690 58,000 11,222 58,000 58,000 59,000 59,000 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 348 405 1,249 300 0 500 500 500 500 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 64,277 56,112 59,938 58,300 11,222 58,500 58,500 59,500 59,500 6138 - MEDICARE 932 814 869 845 163 845 845 865 865 6139 - FICA 3,985 3,479 3,716 3,615 696 3,625 3,625 3,690 3,690 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 15 10 0 0 62 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,427 2,227 2,447 2,510 599 2,595 2,595 2,770 2,770 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 732 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 7,359 6,529 7,032 6,970 2,253 7,065 7,065 7,325 7,325 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 71,636 62,641 66,971 65,270 13,475 65,565 65,565 66,825 66,825 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 6 90 132 45 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 44 105 800 0 800 800 850 850 6214 - CHEMICALS 0 0 0 100 194 100 100 100 100 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 252 54 342 1,400 188 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,930 3,579 2,387 5,000 2,060 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 2,188 3,767 2,966 7,300 2,487 7,300 7,300 7,350 7,350 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 176 16,000 0 0 0 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 942 1,106 1,003 950 440 950 950 1,200 1,200 6239 - PRINTING 231 244 350 350 0 350 350 350 350 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 850 525 0 450 0 550 550 600 600 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16,158 9,771 14,582 16,700 234 16,700 16,700 17,300 17,300 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,181 11,646 16,111 34,450 674 18,550 18,550 19,450 19,450 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 3,999 5,152 4,180 4,500 1,838 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 6250 - UTILITIES 3,999 5,152 4,180 4,500 1,838 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 867 1,808 2,255 2,000 766 2,000 2,000 3,000 2,500 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 0 271 2,423 1,500 275 1,500 1,500 3,000 2,500 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 400 0 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 1,267 2,079 4,678 3,500 1,041 3,500 3,500 6,000 5,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 200 290 99 300 425 300 300 300 300 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 50 0 50 50 50 50 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,821 1,495 1,566 2,000 680 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 813 992 1,630 1,000 1,080 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 2,834 2,777 3,295 3,350 2,185 3,350 3,350 3,550 3,550 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 28,469 25,419 31,230 53,100 8,224 37,200 37,200 40,850 39,850 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS 0 -1 -9 -2 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 795 1,128 1,233 300 450 300 300 300 300 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 110 574 110 800 100 800 800 1,200 1,200 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 905 1,701 1,334 1,100 549 1,100 1,100 1,500 1,500 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 905 1,701 1,334 1,100 549 1,100 1,100 1,500 1,500 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 3,460 3,071 3,018 4,000 958 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 221 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) REDWOOD POOL Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 3,460 3,071 3,018 4,000 958 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,460 3,071 3,018 4,000 958 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 7,877 7,253 50,000 2,622 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 7,877 7,253 50,000 2,622 5,000 5,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 7,877 7,253 50,000 2,622 5,000 5,000 104,470 100,709 109,805 173,470 25,828 112,865 112,865 113,175 112,175 222 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 40: REDWOOD POOL - 1930 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 57,000 58,000 58,000 58,000 58,000 59,000 59,000 6114 Overtime - Temp - - - 6124 Overtime - Seasonal Temp 300 300 300 500 500 500 500 6138 Medicare 830 845 845 845 845 865 865 6139 FICA 3,555 3,615 3,615 3,625 3,625 3,690 3,690 6142 Work Comp Ins 2,410 2,510 2,510 2,595 2,595 2,770 2,770 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance Total 64,095 65,270 65,270 65,565 65,565 66,825 66,825 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Snack Bar Equipment 550 800 800 800 800 850 850 Total 550 800 800 800 800 850 850 6214 CHEMICALS Misc Chemicals 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Miscellaneous 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 Total 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Lifeguard Equipment 5,100 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 AEC - - - Total 5,100 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Technical Assistance - Redesign - 16,000 16,000 Total - 16,000 16,000 - - - - 6237 TELEPHONES 1,000 950 950 950 950 1,200 1,200 Total 1,000 950 950 950 950 1,200 1,200 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Pool Passes, Flyers 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 Total 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 6240 CLEANING/GARBAGE SERVICE Miscellaneous 450 450 450 550 550 600 600 Total 450 450 450 550 550 600 600 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Water Management Program 13,500 13,825 13,825 15,500 15,500 16,000 16,000 When I Work Fees 200 1,875 1,875 200 200 300 300 WiFi 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 14,700 16,700 16,700 16,700 16,700 17,300 17,300 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Total 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Pumps, Filters, Wiring and Lights 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 2,500 Total 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 2,500 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDING General Items 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 2,500 Total 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 2,500 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL First Aid Training, Lifeguard Certif.300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Mileage - Pool staff 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Misc and Red Cross Fees 1,550 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 1,550 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Swim Suits & Attendant/Lifeguard Shirts 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 Redwood Bldg Attendants Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE As Needed - - - Total - - - - - - - 6399 OTHER CHARGES Miscellaneous 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 6351 VISA / MC CHARGES 700 800 800 800 800 1,200 1,200 Total 700 800 800 800 800 1,200 1,200 6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE Concession Operation Product 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Total 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 223 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 40: REDWOOD POOL - 1930 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMPROV Redwood Building Improvements - - - Teen Center Improvements - - Diving Board Replacement - - - 5,000 5,000 Total - - - 5,000 5,000 - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - MACH/EQ/OTHER Boiler - - Fencing 40,000 40,000 Drain Cover Replacement - 10,000 10,000 Total - 50,000 50,000 - - - - Total Net of Personnel 40,575 108,200 108,200 47,300 47,300 46,350 45,350 TOTAL EXPENSES 104,670$ 173,470$ 173,470$ 112,865$ 112,865$ 113,175$ 112,175$ 224 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 41 1845 Recreation Self- Supported Programs DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The self-supported programs are those that have greater revenue than expenses. Examples include Adult Athletic Leagues, Adult Open Gym Programs, Youth Camps, and Pre-School Programs. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 Continue to evaluate trends in adult athletics and preschool classes to proactively promote recreational opportunities to help people of the community achieve fuller, happier, more harmonious and effective lives. Offer additional adult athletic leagues in current trend areas. Expand on popular camp offerings to have more week long programs for youth. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Indoor Open Volleyball Participants 7446 7454 6740 8300 8300 8000 Indoor Open Pickleball Participants 3810 3638 5135 4100 4300 5000 Adult Athletic Softball League Teams 164 164 148 145 140 138 Adult Athletic Basketball League Teams 23 14 14 16 16 16 Adult Athletic Volleyball League Teams 292 314 304 315 320 325 Adult Athletic Whiffleball League Teams 7 7 9 10 10 10 Adult Athletic Kickball League Teams 15 16 14 16 16 16 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule – (Hours by Position- Part Time) Actual Adopted Actual Proposed Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Recreation Attendant 150 150 150 150 150 150 Rec Program Instructor 325 325 351 385 385 385 Facility Supervisor 625 625 932 400 300 300 Volleyball Attendant 700 700 571 700 700 700 Preschool Instructor 845 845 716 845 845 845 Concession Attendant 575 575 621 650 650 650 Basketball Scorekeeper 170 170 64 150 150 150 Youth/Adult Program Instructor 1,146 1,047 1,100 655 655 655 225 Summary Budget Department 41 - Recreation Self-Supported Programs 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Rec User Fees 65,671 58,801 57,638 79,000 79,000 79,000 79,000 Rec League Entry fees 160,073 159,791 148,154 165,000 163,000 163,000 163,000 JCRP Concessions Sales 8,328 9,827 9,081 5,400 14,000 14,000 14,000 234,072 228,419 214,873 249,400 256,000 256,000 256,000 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 64,757 53,007 46,941 58,620 58,250 50,000 51,000 Emp. Benefits 9,135 7,798 7,854 7,595 7,550 6,040 6,275 Supplies 36,655 27,463 30,803 38,090 34,650 32,350 32,350 Contractual Serv.86,813 91,707 98,882 80,700 86,500 94,500 100,400 Repairs & Maint.- - 491 300 - - - Training/Travel/Dues 976 1,625 857 1,870 1,970 1,945 1,770 Other Exp.4,101 6,479 6,059 8,250 7,400 7,400 7,300 Items for resale 3,875 2,978 4,866 5,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Capital outlay - Total Exp 206,311 191,057 196,754 200,925 200,820 196,735 203,595 Net addition to (use of) general revenues 27,761 37,362 18,119 48,475 55,180 59,265 52,405 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 226 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROG Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 0 150 0 0 0 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 2,644 971 0 8,000 0 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 61,943 51,816 46,941 50,000 18,776 50,000 50,000 51,000 51,000 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 169 0 0 0 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 250 0 0 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 0 70 0 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 64,757 53,007 46,941 58,250 18,776 50,000 50,000 51,000 51,000 6138 - MEDICARE 939 769 681 840 272 725 725 740 740 6139 - FICA 4,015 3,286 2,910 3,595 1,164 3,100 3,100 3,160 3,160 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 2,343 1,625 2,297 600 752 0 0 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,838 2,119 1,966 2,515 844 2,215 2,215 2,375 2,375 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 9,135 7,798 7,854 7,550 3,032 6,040 6,040 6,275 6,275 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 73,892 60,806 54,795 65,800 21,808 56,040 56,040 57,275 57,275 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 12 0 0 800 0 1,000 500 1,000 500 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 0 0 100 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 36,643 27,463 30,703 33,850 14,836 33,850 31,850 33,850 31,850 6205 - SUPPLIES 36,655 27,463 30,803 34,650 14,836 34,850 32,350 34,850 32,350 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 60,690 60,122 56,213 64,100 19,467 64,100 62,100 64,000 62,000 6239 - PRINTING 1,003 1,004 1,416 2,200 1,187 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 36 0 27 95 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,083 30,582 41,227 20,200 22,602 30,200 30,200 36,200 36,200 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 86,813 91,707 98,882 86,500 43,352 96,500 94,500 102,400 100,400 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 0 0 491 0 0 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 491 0 0 0 0 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 671 610 97 600 0 600 600 500 500 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 305 315 315 375 0 350 350 320 320 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 700 445 995 0 995 995 950 950 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 976 1,625 857 1,970 0 1,945 1,945 1,770 1,770 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 124,444 120,795 131,033 123,120 58,188 133,295 128,795 139,020 134,520 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 897 720 580 1,000 550 1,000 1,000 900 900 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS 0 0 -1 -2 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 442 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 3,203 5,759 5,480 6,400 406 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 4,101 6,479 6,059 7,400 1,396 7,400 7,400 7,300 7,300 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 4,101 6,479 6,059 7,400 1,396 7,400 7,400 7,300 7,300 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 3,875 2,978 4,866 4,500 4,205 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 3,875 2,978 4,866 4,500 4,205 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,875 2,978 4,866 4,500 4,205 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 206,311 191,057 196,754 200,820 85,596 201,235 196,735 208,095 203,595 227 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 41: RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROGRAMS - 1845 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6111 Salary-Parttime 8,370 8,000 8,000 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 51,000 51,000 6114 Overtime - Temp - 6123 Salary-Other 250 250 250 6138 Medicare 850 840 840 725 725 740 740 6139 FICA 3,635 3,595 3,595 3,100 3,100 3,160 3,160 6141 Pension - PERA 645 600 600 6142 Work Comp Ins 2,465 2,515 2,515 2,215 2,215 2,375 2,375 Position Changes Total 66,215 65,800 65,800 56,040 56,040 57,275 57,275 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT JCRP Concession Equip 300 800 800 1,000 500 1,000 500 Total 300 800 800 1,000 500 1,000 500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Softball Programs 20,000 18,000 18,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 Volleyball Programs 5,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Day Camp Programs 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Basketball Programs 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 Preschool Programs 3,325 3,325 3,325 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Youth & Adult Misc Programs 5,865 5,865 5,865 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Kickball Programs 1,000 1,000 1,000 750 750 750 750 Trend Reduction - (3,940) (3,940) - (2,000) - (2,000) Total 37,790 33,850 33,850 33,850 31,850 33,850 31,850 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Miscellaneous Instructor 1,000 Umpires - Softball 56,500 47,000 47,000 51,000 51,000 49,000 49,000 Officials - Volleyball 7,700 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 8,000 8,000 Officials - Basketball 8,100 8,100 8,100 8,100 8,100 7,000 7,000 Adjust trend to actual (15,000) (4,000) (6,000) (2,000) Total 58,300 64,100 64,100 64,100 62,100 64,000 62,000 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Schedules, Rules - Softball 500 Schedules, Rules - Volleyball 500 Tri-fold Advertising Brochure 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Flyers, etc. - Mid Winter Fest 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Total 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Tot & Family Programs - Youth & Adult Programs 12,200 11,500 11,500 16,500 16,500 20,500 20,500 Day Camp Programs 2,000 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 3,300 3,300 Preschool Programs 6,000 6,400 6,400 11,400 11,400 12,400 12,400 Total 20,200 20,200 20,200 30,200 30,200 36,200 36,200 6265 REPAIRS EQUIP 300 Total 300 - - - - - - 6277 MILEAGE 500 600 600 600 600 500 500 Total 500 600 600 600 600 500 500 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Health Dept License - JCRP 375 375 375 350 350 320 320 Total 375 375 375 350 350 320 320 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Staff Shirts - Softball 310 310 310 310 310 300 300 Staff Shirts - Program Staff 685 685 685 685 685 650 650 Total 995 995 995 995 995 950 950 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Campsite - Day Camp - General Recreation 1,350 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 900 Total 1,350 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 900 6399 OTHER CHARGES Team Reg - Softball 2,500 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 Team Tournament - Softball 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 Team Reg - Volleyball 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 Team Tournament - Volleyball 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Team Reg - Basketball 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Team Tournament - Basketball 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 New Activities 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Fees Adult Trips - Fees Youth Trips - Adjust trend to actual - (500) (500) Total 6,900 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 228 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 41: RECREATION SELF-SUPPORTED PROGRAMS - 1845 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6540 CONCESSIONS FOR RESALE JCRP Concession Operation 3,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 Teen Concession Operation 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 Total 5,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Total Net of Personnel 134,710 135,020 135,020 145,195 140,695 150,820 146,320 TOTAL EXPENSES 200,925$ 200,820$ 200,820$ 201,235$ 196,735$ 208,095$ 203,595$ 229 Notes: 230 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 42 1900 AV Community Center DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Expenses associated with the Apple Valley Community Center operations, which serves as the headquarters to the Parks and Recreation Department. It features meeting rooms, gymnasiums (hardwood and sport court flooring), a pre-school room and a warming house during the winter season. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 Utilize the meeting room and gymnasium space in an efficient manner for residents and rental groups. Continue to update the building to improve the customer experience in the facility. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 Maximize the scheduling of the building to meet the needs of the community in programming and rental space. Continue to improve the building both aesthetically and structurally so it can become a gathering spot for residents. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Adopted Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Rental Revenue $57,924 $76,333 $73,822 $80,000 $80,000 $83,000 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 Parks Maintenance II 1 1 1 1 1 1 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule –(# Hours Part Time) Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Recreation Attendant 650 0 0 0 0 0 Rec Program Instructor 300 0 0 0 0 Rec Program Supervisor 0 0 0 0 0 Facility Supervisor 3,000 3,500 4,015 4,000 4,000 4,000 Facility Attendant 3,000 3,500 4,015 4,000 4,000 4,000 231 Summary Budget Department 42 - AV Community Center 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Proposed Proposed Revenue: Rentals 57,924 76,333 73,822 45,000 80,000 80,000 81,000 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 155,570 162,763 155,590 153,565 157,505 161,970 164,515 Emp. Benefits 37,660 39,748 39,051 41,130 42,810 43,240 45,075 Supplies 20,542 19,917 17,199 19,650 21,000 21,000 21,000 Contractual Serv.6,866 8,529 7,702 8,300 9,350 9,600 9,500 Utilities 44,502 49,331 49,681 47,000 47,000 49,000 50,000 Repairs & Maint.16,255 25,525 12,067 16,000 26,700 27,000 43,000 Training/Travel/Dues 693 1,788 586 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,550 Other Exp.(10) - 760 100 - - - Visa / MC Charges 3,268 3,973 4,137 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Resale Taxable/Nontaxable - - 71 - - - - Capital outlay 102,443 125,740 - - 6,000 - Total Exp 387,787 437,314 286,843 292,345 309,965 323,410 338,640 Net addition (use) of general revenues (329,863) (360,981) (213,021) (247,345) (229,965) (243,410) (257,640) Building improvement capital outlay requests moved to municipal building fund General Fund Municipal Bldg Fund 2020 CAPITAL OUTL AY Replace Meeting Room Tables and Chairs 6,000 Audio Visual Equipment Updates 10,000 Replace Hardwood Gym Divider Curtains 45,000 16,000 45,000 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY Replace Sport Court Gym Divider Curtains 51,000 Flooring 40,000 Caulk/Sealant/Masonry 34,000 $ $125,000 232 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) AV COMMUNITY CENTER Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 61,557 61,094 61,186 63,680 25,817 65,550 65,550 67,485 67,485 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 71,766 75,232 10,901 68,440 5,177 17,965 17,965 18,500 18,500 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 22,058 26,077 83,472 23,000 40,359 76,000 76,000 76,000 76,000 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 414 353 409 0 928 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 0 360 0 0 6122 - COMP REQUEST -414 -353 -409 0 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 2,385 2,455 2,455 2,530 2,530 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 189 0 31 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 155,570 162,763 155,590 157,505 72,281 161,970 161,970 164,515 164,515 6138 - MEDICARE 2,245 2,366 2,237 2,285 1,011 2,350 2,350 2,385 2,385 6139 - FICA 9,599 10,117 9,565 9,765 4,325 10,040 10,040 10,200 10,200 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 9,555 10,017 9,715 10,090 4,490 9,825 9,825 10,015 10,015 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 5,020 6,461 6,256 6,810 3,202 7,870 7,870 8,400 8,400 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 160 123 127 180 57 185 185 190 190 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 10,461 9,611 10,729 13,680 5,389 12,970 12,970 13,885 13,885 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 604 602 602 282 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 6 6 6 3 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 11 445 0 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -186 -217 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 37,660 39,748 39,051 42,810 18,542 43,240 43,240 45,075 45,075 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 193,230 202,511 194,641 200,315 90,824 205,210 205,210 209,590 209,590 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,337 1,196 904 1,500 389 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 853 615 644 1,000 213 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 503 345 372 500 565 500 500 500 500 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 17,849 17,761 15,279 18,000 7,527 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 20,542 19,917 17,199 21,000 8,694 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 19 20 21 0 0 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 977 990 931 800 414 800 800 1,000 1,000 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 0 37 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 800 800 800 500 500 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 4,221 4,450 4,832 4,750 2,813 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,648 3,031 1,919 3,000 906 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,866 8,529 7,702 9,350 4,133 9,600 9,600 9,500 9,500 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 29,722 31,694 30,866 31,000 11,752 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 13,881 16,735 18,036 15,000 11,243 15,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 899 902 779 1,000 706 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6250 - UTILITIES 44,502 49,331 49,681 47,000 23,702 49,000 49,000 50,000 50,000 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 1,880 1,206 877 6,700 738 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 14,374 24,320 11,189 20,000 6,461 20,000 20,000 36,000 36,000 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 16,255 25,526 12,067 26,700 7,199 27,000 27,000 43,000 43,000 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 45 0 100 0 100 100 50 50 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 -15 0 0 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 693 1,758 586 1,500 515 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 693 1,788 586 1,600 515 1,600 1,600 1,550 1,550 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 88,856 105,089 87,235 105,650 44,244 108,200 108,200 125,050 125,050 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 27 280 800 0 0 233 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) AV COMMUNITY CENTER Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -102 -99 -70 -34 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 3,268 3,763 4,137 4,000 2,161 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 65 30 30 0 3,601 0 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,258 3,974 4,897 4,000 5,727 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,258 3,974 4,897 4,000 5,727 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 71 0 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 71 0 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 71 0 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX 2,670 0 0 0 0 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 0 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 99,773 125,740 0 0 0 16,000 6,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 102,443 125,740 0 0 0 16,000 6,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 102,443 125,740 0 0 0 16,000 6,000 387,787 437,314 286,843 309,965 140,795 333,410 323,410 338,640 338,640 234 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 42: AV COMMUNITY CENTER - 1900 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Salaries Full Time 61,670 63,680 63,680 65,550 65,550 67,485 67,485 6111 Salary-Parttime 66,410 68,440 68,440 17,965 17,965 18,500 18,500 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temporary 22,000 23,000 23,000 76,000 76,000 76,000 76,000 6123 Salary-Other 3,485 2,385 2,385 2,455 2,455 2,530 2,530 6138 Medicare 2,225 2,285 2,285 2,350 2,350 2,385 2,385 6139 FICA 9,520 9,765 9,765 10,040 10,040 10,200 10,200 6141 Pension - PERA 9,865 10,090 10,090 9,825 9,825 10,015 10,015 6142 Work Comp Ins 6,445 6,810 6,810 7,870 7,870 8,400 8,400 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 175 180 180 185 185 190 190 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 12,900 13,680 13,680 12,970 12,970 13,885 13,885 Position Changes Total 194,695 200,315 200,315 205,210 205,210 209,590 209,590 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,250 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Total 1,250 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6215 SMALL EQUIPMENT PARTS Miscellaneous 200 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 200 500 500 500 500 500 500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Cleaning Chemicals/Paper Products 17,200 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 AEDs Total 17,200 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 6237 TELEPHONE Phones 1,000 800 800 800 800 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 800 800 800 800 1,000 1,000 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING AV Community Center Brochures - 800 800 800 800 500 500 Total - 800 800 800 800 500 500 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Garbage Removal/Clean Floors 4,750 4,750 4,750 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 4,750 4,750 4,750 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Other 1,750 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 WiFi 800 Total 2,550 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 31,000 31,000 31,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 Total 31,000 31,000 31,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 Total 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 3,500 6,700 6,700 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Total 3,500 6,700 6,700 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDING Miscellaneous 12,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 36,000 36,000 Total 12,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 36,000 36,000 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Part-Time Staff 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 Total 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Total 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6351 VISA/BANK CHARGES 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Total 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6399 OTHER CHARGES 100 Total 100 - - - - - - 235 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 42: AV COMMUNITY CENTER - 1900 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Replace Desk & Chairs/Workstations - Meeting Room TVs Replace Mtg Room Tables & Chairs 6,000 6,000 Access Card Readers - - Audio Visual Equipment Update 10,000 - Replace Flooring Various Rooms Replace Hardwood Gym Curtain in muni bldg 45,000 45,000 Sport Court Roof in muni bldg 100,000 100,000 Move to Building Improvement Fund (100,000) (100,000) (45,000) (45,000) Replace Restroom/Lockerroom Flooring in muni bldg 20,000 20,000 Move to Building Improvement Fund (20,000) (20,000) Replace Restroom/Lockerroom Partitians Security Entrance Card Readers - - Move to Building Improvement Fund Total - - - 16,000 6,000 - - 6720 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE FURN - Total - - - - - - - Total Net of Personnel 97,650 109,650 109,650 128,200 118,200 129,050 129,050 TOTAL EXPENSES 292,345$ 309,965$ 309,965$ 333,410$ 323,410$ 338,640$ 338,640$ 236 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 44 1940 Aquatic Swim Center DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center is a child friendly family water park located in Johnny Cake Ridge Park. It is operated by the Parks and Recreation Department as a general fund recreational facility. It contains two pools, a leisure pool and a lazy river pool, both of which have zero depth entries and are fully accessible. The capacity of the facility is 1,900 people. The facility operates 9 hours per day typically, weather permitting. Water play features are distributed around a zero depth entry in the leisure pool. The facility has six water slides, two of which require inner tubes and empty into the lazy river. There are additional sand play areas, picnic shelters and a large number of lounge chairs for patrons. The concession operation serves a variety of snack foods, fountain drinks and treats. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 Market the facility to additional groups to promote group outings. Maintain high level of staff training to ensure swimmer safety. Make improvements to keep the facility attractive to residents and people in the surrounding area. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Open Swim Attendance 73,184 67,155 63,332 68,000 69,000 69,500 Water Walkers & Lap Swimmers 4,942 4,621 5,505 5,500 5,600 5,700 Group Reservations 146 138 160 160 165 170 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 None 237 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule –(# Hours Part Time) Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Pool Manager 1,368 1,000 1,659 1,000 1,500 1,600 Water Safety Instructor 1,258 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 Concession Supervisor 955 800 1,393 800 1,300 1,400 Head Guard 1,783 4,980 4,980 4,980 4,980 4,980 Office Supervisor N/A 800 800 800 800 800 Lifeguard 17,863 20,000 19,472 20,000 21,000 22,000 Attendant 3,367 5,600 4,081 5,600 5,000 5,200 Summary Budget Department 44 - Aquatic Swim Center 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Swim Center Revenues 575,742 506,029 586,029 566,000 566,000 566,000 571,000 Swim Center Concessions 127,736 102,687 106,401 120,000 120,000 130,000 130,000 Swim Center Rentals 15,813 12,254 14,002 8,000 14,000 14,000 15,000 719,291 620,970 706,432 694,000 700,000 710,000 716,000 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 292,715 295,942 308,653 288,000 298,000 296,500 299,500 Emp. Benefits 33,413 35,349 36,627 34,150 25,295 35,820 36,840 Supplies 41,965 41,892 29,990 36,000 35,900 37,700 39,000 Contractual Serv.76,287 83,144 79,789 81,700 85,175 84,175 86,500 Utilities 87,707 97,917 88,197 95,200 86,000 88,000 88,000 Repairs & Maint.21,701 39,293 1,139 11,950 27,000 14,000 13,000 Training/Travel/Dues 7,896 9,410 6,586 9,700 9,200 9,200 8,800 Other Exp.285 1,916 289 650 500 500 500 Credit Card Fees 11,578 8,100 8,718 6,250 6,250 6,250 8,000 Items for Resale 56,040 48,778 53,575 59,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Capital Outlay - 26,494 6,153 20,000 235,000 - - Total Exp 629,588 688,235 619,716 642,600 868,320 632,145 640,140 Net addition to (use of) general revenues 89,703 (67,265) 86,716 51,400 (168,320) 77,855 75,860 General Fund Municipal Bldg Fund 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 238 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) AQUATIC SWIM CENTER Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 447 0 0 0 0 295,000 295,000 298,000 298,000 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 290,749 294,346 307,487 295,000 65,741 0 0 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 3,000 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6122 - COMP REQUEST 5 0 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 1,519 1,596 1,161 469 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 292,715 295,942 308,653 298,000 66,210 296,500 296,500 299,500 299,500 6138 - MEDICARE 4,244 4,291 4,475 4,320 960 4,300 4,300 4,340 4,340 6139 - FICA 18,148 18,348 19,136 8,150 4,105 18,385 18,385 18,570 18,570 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 0 1,003 168 0 32 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 11,020 11,706 12,847 12,825 3,484 13,135 13,135 13,930 13,930 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 33,413 35,349 36,627 25,295 8,581 35,820 35,820 36,840 36,840 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 326,129 331,291 345,280 323,295 74,790 332,320 332,320 336,340 336,340 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 447 450 470 500 265 500 500 500 500 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 102 322 801 2,000 134 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6214 - CHEMICALS 2,098 4,279 4,319 3,400 1,334 4,000 4,000 4,300 4,300 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 16,443 3,784 2,157 2,200 2,288 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 22,875 33,057 22,243 27,800 6,112 29,000 29,000 30,000 30,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 41,965 41,892 29,990 35,900 10,134 37,700 37,700 39,000 39,000 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 0 91 0 0 0 0 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 6,105 7,460 9,636 6,000 5,113 5,000 5,000 7,000 7,000 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 19 0 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 1,931 820 789 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 900 900 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 2,158 2,620 2,466 2,050 169 2,050 2,050 2,500 2,500 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 66,074 72,244 66,807 76,125 0 76,125 76,125 76,100 76,100 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 76,287 83,144 79,789 85,175 5,283 84,175 84,175 86,500 86,500 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 44,041 45,415 41,285 42,000 2,202 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 28,744 36,696 33,227 32,000 5,752 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 14,922 15,806 13,685 12,000 0 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 6250 - UTILITIES 87,707 97,917 88,197 86,000 7,954 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 21,080 26,721 681 8,000 4,204 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 200 11,899 0 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 420 673 458 17,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 21,701 39,293 1,139 27,000 4,204 14,000 14,000 13,000 13,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 359 1,370 0 500 0 500 500 500 500 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 32 60 71 300 0 300 300 300 300 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,797 4,005 2,592 3,400 120 3,400 3,400 3,000 3,000 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 4,709 3,975 3,923 5,000 6,729 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 7,896 9,410 6,586 9,200 6,849 9,200 9,200 8,800 8,800 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 235,556 271,656 205,702 243,275 34,424 233,075 233,075 235,300 235,300 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 178 260 160 300 0 300 300 300 300 6320 - REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0 0 0 100 0 100 100 100 100 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -33 -17 -11 -4 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 1 0 0 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 11,578 8,100 8,718 6,250 451 6,250 6,250 8,000 8,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 140 1,672 140 100 100 100 100 100 100 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 11,863 10,016 9,007 6,750 547 6,750 6,750 8,500 8,500 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 11,863 10,016 9,007 6,750 547 6,750 6,750 8,500 8,500 239 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) AQUATIC SWIM CENTER Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 56,040 48,778 53,575 60,000 10,092 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 56,040 48,778 53,575 60,000 10,092 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 56,040 48,778 53,575 60,000 10,092 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 26,494 6,153 235,000 27,550 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 26,494 6,153 235,000 27,550 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 26,494 6,153 235,000 27,550 0 0 629,588 688,235 619,716 868,320 147,404 632,145 632,145 640,140 640,140 240 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 44: AQUATIC SWIM CENTER - 1940 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 285,000 295,000 295,000 295,000 295,000 298,000 298,000 6114 Overtime - Temp 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6138 Medicare 4,175 4,320 4,320 4,300 4,300 4,340 4,340 6139 FICA 17,855 8,150 8,150 18,385 18,385 18,570 18,570 6142 Work Comp Ins 12,120 12,825 12,825 13,135 13,135 13,930 13,930 Position Changes Total 322,150 323,295 323,295 332,320 332,320 336,340 336,340 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT 2,100 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 2,100 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6214 CHEMICALS Cleaning Fluid, Chlorine, etc.3,400 3,400 3,400 4,000 4,000 4,300 4,300 Total 3,400 3,400 3,400 4,000 4,000 4,300 4,300 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 Total 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Lifeguard Equipment 18,800 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Chairs, Tubes, Funbrella Canvas 9,000 9,800 9,800 11,000 11,000 12,000 12,000 Total 27,800 27,800 27,800 29,000 29,000 30,000 30,000 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Staff Vaccinations (Blood Borne)200 - - - - Total 200 - - - - - - 6237 TELEPHONE 5,400 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 7,000 7,000 Total 5,400 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 7,000 7,000 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Passes, Flyers 1,050 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 900 Total 1,050 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 900 6240 GARBAGE SERVICE 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,500 2,500 Total 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,500 2,500 6249 CONTRACTUAL SERVICE Water Mgmt Program 67,000 64,000 64,000 67,000 67,000 67,000 67,000 Floor Resurfacing 3,000 7,125 7,125 7,125 7,125 7,100 7,100 Employee Scheduling App 2,000 4,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 WiFi 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 73,000 76,125 76,125 76,125 76,125 76,100 76,100 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 45,100 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Total 45,100 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS 40,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 Total 40,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 6257 UTILITIES - PROPANE & WATER 10,100 12,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 Total 10,100 12,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Pumps, Filters, Wiring and Lights 5,500 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 Total 5,500 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS Miscellaneous 2,250 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 2,250 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6269 REPAIRS - OTHER Miscellaneous 4,200 17,000 17,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 4,200 17,000 17,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL First Aid Training, Lifeguard Cert.700 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 700 500 500 500 500 500 500 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Mileage - Pool staff 500 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 500 300 300 300 300 300 300 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS American Red Cross 3,500 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,000 3,000 Total 3,500 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,000 3,000 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Swim Suits/Staff Apparel 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Pool rentals for preseason trainings 350 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 350 300 300 300 300 300 300 241 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 44: AQUATIC SWIM CENTER - 1940 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6320 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 6399 OTHER CHARGES 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6351 VISA/Bank Charges 6,250 6,250 6,250 6,250 6,250 8,000 8,000 Total 6,250 6,250 6,250 6,250 6,250 8,000 8,000 6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE Pop and Concessions 59,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Total 59,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Improvements for Concessions 10,000 10,000 Diamond Brite Pool Shell - Diving Well 200,000 200,000 Funbrella Replacements 20,000 Drain Cover Replacement 25,000 25,000 Total 20,000 235,000 235,000 - - - - Total Net of Personnel 320,450 545,025 545,025 299,825 299,825 303,800 303,800 TOTAL EXPENSES 642,600$ 868,320$ 868,320$ 632,145$ 632,145$ 640,140$ 640,140$ 242 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 45 1920 Apple Valley Senior Center Expenses related to the operation of the Apple Valley Senior Center. The Senior Center provides modern amenities and areas for meetings and special events with seating for up to 224 in the 21,000 square foot facility. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 Market the facility to possible rental groups for increased revenue. Also, utilize the facility to serve the recreational interests of our senior population. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 Continue to meet the ever changing needs of the senior population including arts and education programming. Work on creative ways to market the facility to increase rentals. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Adopted Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Senior Center Members 1036 963 993 1,000 1,000 1,020 Large Event Rentals 80 78 112 115 120 125 Meeting Room Rentals 130 200 171 200 210 220 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Actual Actual Actual Proposed Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Recreation Supervisor II 1 1 1 1 1 1 Maintenance II 1 1 1 1 1 1 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule –(# hours) Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Building Supervisor 4,300 xx 4324 4,500 4,600 4,700 Building Attendant N/A Custodian 570 700 800 900 243 Summary Budget Department 45 - Apple Valley Senior Center 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Revenue: Rentals 76,795 58,515 63,231 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Rec Senior Revenue-Reimb.587 60 2,904 1,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 Rec Senior Programs 27,176 24,919 25,474 16,000 25,000 29,000 29,500 104,558 83,494 91,609 87,100 96,000 100,000 100,500 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 232,073 229,122 237,756 239,475 247,950 247,025 253,800 Emp. Benefits 68,878 71,237 71,242 75,330 68,650 72,375 83,050 Supplies 12,073 9,313 10,105 13,800 11,800 14,300 16,900 Contractual Serv.24,587 22,853 21,592 21,500 23,850 5,950 26,400 Utilities 24,340 25,852 25,836 26,700 26,700 26,700 26,700 Repairs & Maint.5,576 12,087 13,281 6,250 8,000 15,000 27,000 Training/Travel/Dues 741 710 1,251 800 960 1,610 1,910 Other Exp.(2) 257 126 500 500 500 500 Credit Card Fees 126 414 - 300 300 300 300 Capital outlay 3,113 38,930 18,755 15,000 27,000 20,000 - Total Exp 371,505 410,775 399,943 399,655 415,710 403,760 436,560 Net addition to (use of) general revenues (266,947) (327,281) (308,334) (312,555) (319,710) (303,760) (336,060) General Fund Municipal Bldg Fund / Other Funds 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY AV upgrades 20,000 Backup Boiler 25,000 25,000 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY Cooling Tower 10,000 Concrete – Dumpster Area 50,000 Carpet – Yellowstone Room 50,000 110,000 244 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 138,574 138,151 145,078 144,065 70,746 150,260 150,260 154,735 154,735 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 92,139 90,161 72,995 96,660 34,889 70,245 70,245 72,350 72,350 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 1,102 744 18,936 6,083 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 258 447 500 811 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 0 0 360 0 6122 - COMP REQUEST 0 -381 -114 -811 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 7,225 6,520 6,520 6,715 6,715 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 232,073 229,122 237,756 247,950 111,718 247,025 247,025 253,800 253,800 6138 - MEDICARE 3,085 3,215 3,283 3,595 1,537 3,580 3,580 3,680 3,680 6139 - FICA 13,191 13,746 14,038 15,375 6,571 15,315 15,315 15,735 15,735 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 17,018 17,156 17,657 18,600 8,319 17,775 17,775 18,285 18,285 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 4,960 6,551 7,059 7,610 3,438 7,600 7,600 8,190 8,190 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 364 276 288 410 132 425 425 440 440 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 27,584 34,606 37,380 30,060 15,848 34,680 34,680 36,720 36,720 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 2,664 3,012 3,129 1,467 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 12 12 12 6 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 0 27 1,034 649 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -7,364 -12,640 -7,000 -3,184 -7,000 -7,000 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 68,878 71,237 71,242 68,650 34,781 72,375 72,375 83,050 83,050 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 300,951 300,360 308,997 316,600 146,500 319,400 319,400 336,850 336,850 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 81 237 95 400 86 400 400 400 400 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 950 702 36 1,000 159 3,500 3,500 5,500 5,500 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 222 1,001 353 400 74 400 400 500 500 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 10,819 7,373 9,621 10,000 3,786 10,000 10,000 10,500 10,500 6205 - SUPPLIES 12,073 9,313 10,105 11,800 4,104 14,300 14,300 16,900 16,900 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 19 20 253 21 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 0 0 320 600 255 600 600 600 600 6239 - PRINTING 555 0 11 800 536 800 800 800 800 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 1,293 1,594 1,545 1,350 943 1,350 1,350 1,500 1,500 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 22,720 21,239 19,462 21,100 8,589 23,200 3,200 23,500 23,500 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24,587 22,853 21,592 23,850 10,344 25,950 5,950 26,400 26,400 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 20,144 21,398 21,684 22,000 9,417 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 3,513 3,762 3,515 4,000 2,389 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 683 692 637 700 271 700 700 700 700 6250 - UTILITIES 24,340 25,852 25,836 26,700 12,076 26,700 26,700 26,700 26,700 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 1,641 440 873 2,000 1,224 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 3,936 11,647 12,408 6,000 1,897 13,000 13,000 25,000 25,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 5,576 12,087 13,281 8,000 3,121 15,000 15,000 27,000 27,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 60 0 0 200 0 300 300 300 300 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 0 125 225 365 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 110 316 416 150 83 300 300 400 400 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 110 40 60 110 25 110 110 110 110 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 461 229 550 500 154 900 900 1,100 1,100 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 741 710 1,251 960 627 1,610 1,610 1,910 1,910 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 67,318 70,815 72,065 71,310 30,272 83,560 63,560 98,910 98,910 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -102 -26 -24 -15 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 126 414 0 300 0 300 300 300 300 245 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 100 282 150 500 0 500 500 500 500 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 124 670 126 800 -15 800 800 800 800 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 124 670 126 800 -15 800 800 800 800 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 3,113 38,930 18,755 27,000 0 20,000 20,000 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,113 38,930 18,755 27,000 0 20,000 20,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,113 38,930 18,755 27,000 0 20,000 20,000 371,505 410,775 399,943 415,710 176,757 423,760 403,760 436,560 436,560 246 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 45: APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER - 1920 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6110 SALARIES 137,630 144,065 144,065 150,260 150,260 154,735 154,735 6111 Salary-Parttime 92,345 96,660 96,660 70,245 70,245 72,350 72,350 6112 Salary-Seasonal 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6123 Salary-Other 9,500 7,225 7,225 6,520 6,520 6,715 6,715 6138 Medicare 3,470 3,595 3,595 3,580 3,580 3,680 3,680 6139 FICA 14,850 15,375 15,375 15,315 15,315 15,735 15,735 6141 Pension - PERA 17,660 18,600 18,600 17,775 17,775 18,285 18,285 6142 Work Comp Ins 7,155 7,610 7,610 7,600 7,600 8,190 8,190 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 395 410 410 425 425 440 440 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 31,800 30,060 30,060 34,680 34,680 36,720 36,720 6170 Employee Paid Premiums (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) Position Changes Total 314,805 316,600 316,600 319,400 319,400 336,850 336,850 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Total 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,500 3,500 5,500 5,500 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,500 3,500 5,500 5,500 6215 SMALL EQUIPMENT PARTS 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 Total 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Heat Pump Pipes/Fittings/Connectors Program Materials 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Cleaning Chemicals/Paper Products 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,500 5,500 Total 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,500 10,500 6237 TELEPHONE Maintenance Cell Phone 600 600 600 600 600 600 Total - 600 600 600 600 600 600 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING 1,000 800 800 800 800 800 800 Total 1,000 800 800 800 800 800 800 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Garbage Removal/Clean Floors 500 1,300 1,300 1,350 1,350 1,500 1,500 Floor/Carpet Cleaning - 50 50 Total 500 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,500 1,500 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Outing Fees & Instructors 11,800 13,000 13,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Heating/Cooling Prevent. Maintenance 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,300 6,300 Elevator Inspection 1,500 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Alarm Monitoring 700 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 20,000 21,100 21,100 23,200 23,200 23,500 23,500 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 Total 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Total 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Water/Sewer/Propane 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Total 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 1,250 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 1,250 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDING 5,000 6,000 6,000 13,000 13,000 25,000 25,000 Total 5,000 6,000 6,000 13,000 13,000 25,000 25,000 6275 SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 Total 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Part-Time Staff 200 150 150 300 300 400 400 Total 200 150 150 300 300 400 400 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MASS 100 110 110 110 110 110 110 Total 100 110 110 110 110 110 110 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 300 500 500 900 900 1,100 1,100 Total 300 500 500 900 900 1,100 1,100 6399 OTHER CHARGES Misc 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 247 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 45: APPLE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER - 1920 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6351 VISA/BANK CHARGES 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 6720 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE FURN Total - - - - - - - 6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE EQUIP Total - - - - - - - 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMPROV Interior Painting - High Traffic Areas 10,000 10,000 Audio/Visual Equipment - 17,000 17,000 20,000 - - - Replace Banquet Chairs/Tables 15,000 Concrete Replacement-Entry - - Building Upgrades - - Concrete Repair Total 15,000 27,000 27,000 20,000 - - - Total Net of Personnel 84,850 99,110 99,110 104,360 84,360 99,710 99,710 TOTAL EXPENSES 399,655$ 415,710$ 415,710$ 423,760$ 403,760$ 436,560$ 436,560$ 248 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 47 1950 Insurance DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY This Business Unit accounts for the unallocated property and workers compensation insurance charges for the General Fund. The city participates in the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT). MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020/2021 Work with staff to lower the Experience Modifiers for workers compensation and property/liability insurance. The trend in the worker compensation experience modifier has declined over the past few years based on a positive experience over the past few years. The property/liability premium increases 0.3% overall for the 2019/20 premium year and the worker comp premium decreased 7.1%, which relates directly to the drop in the work comp experience modification factor from .95 to .83. The proposed budgets include these rate increases. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Worker Comp Exp. modifier .99 1.01 .95 .83 .95 .95 Liability Experience Modifier .930 1.058 .991 .991 .99 .99 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 None Summary Budget Department 47 Insurance 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 689 - - - - - - Emp. Benefits 10,677 11,976 2,749 6,200 12,000 12,000 12,000 Supplies 125 Insurance Premium 288,000 303,000 313,150 313,150 313,150 312,500 325,000 Capital outlay Net provision to (use of) general revenues 299,366 314,976 316,024 319,350 325,150 324,500 337,000 2020/21 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 249 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) INSURANCE Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 689 0 0 0 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 689 0 0 0 0 6138 - MEDICARE 10 0 0 0 6139 - FICA 44 0 0 0 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 52 0 0 0 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 20 0 0 0 0 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 10,551 11,976 2,749 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 10,677 11,976 2,749 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 11,366 11,976 2,749 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 125 0 6205 - SUPPLIES 125 0 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 125 0 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 288,000 303,000 313,150 313,150 156,575 322,500 312,500 335,000 325,000 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 288,000 303,000 313,150 313,150 156,575 322,500 312,500 335,000 325,000 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 288,000 303,000 313,150 313,150 156,575 322,500 312,500 335,000 325,000 299,366 314,976 316,024 325,150 156,575 334,500 324,500 347,000 337,000 250 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 47: INSURANCE - 1950 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROPOSED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6143 Unemployment Compensation 6,200 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Total 6,200 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Total - - - - - - - 6311 INSURANCE Automobile 46,200 34,000 34,000 35,000 35,000 56,000 56,000 Property 118,900 107,700 107,700 110,900 110,900 109,000 109,000 General Liability 78,750 110,450 110,450 113,800 113,800 104,000 104,000 Boiler and Machinery 13,650 10,400 10,400 10,700 10,700 16,000 16,000 Umbrella 52,500 49,600 49,600 51,100 51,100 49,000 49,000 Employee Bonds 3,150 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Reduction to Trend - - - - (10,000) - (10,000) Total 313,150 313,150 313,150 322,500 312,500 335,000 325,000 Total Net of Personnel 313,150 313,150 313,150 322,500 312,500 335,000 325,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 319,350$ 325,150$ 325,150$ 334,500$ 324,500$ 347,000$ 337,000$ 251 Notes: 252 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 1000 48 1960 Contingency & Transfers DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Council Contingency business unit provides the City Council with the financial ability to address unbudgeted items that come up after the levy is adopted. Fuel costs have the potential to become volatile and could exceed individual department budgets. Starting with the 2016 budget year this business unit contains a transfer to the Municipal Building Fund to fund a portion of the building improvement requests each budget year. A significant share of the annual street maintenance program comes from the property tax levy achieved with a transfer from the general fund to the Road Improvement Fund. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 / 21 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Summary Budget Department 48 Contingency & Transfers 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Expenditures: Other Exp.21,471 19,156 - 99,645 164,420 40,490 40,490 Capital outlay - - - - - - Transfer to Cable TV Fund - - - - - - Transfers to FCPF 1,650,000 2,001,000 1,165,000 - - - Transfer to Muni Bldg Fund 171,500 176,000 381,000 381,000 186,000 192,000 198,000 Transfers to Road Improvement Fund 3,028,200 3,332,100 3,417,000 3,417,000 3,437,000 3,540,000 3,664,000 Total 4,871,171 5,528,255 4,963,000 3,897,645 3,787,420 3,772,490 3,902,490 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY: None 253 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 161 0 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 161 0 0 6138 - MEDICARE 2 0 0 6139 - FICA 10 0 0 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 6 0 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 19 0 0 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 180 0 0 6205 - SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 21,471 18,976 0 9,116 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,471 18,976 0 9,116 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 0 0 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 21,471 18,976 0 9,116 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 0 0 164,420 0 50,490 40,490 50,490 40,490 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 164,420 0 50,490 40,490 50,490 40,490 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 164,420 0 50,490 40,490 50,490 40,490 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 4,849,700 5,509,100 4,963,000 3,623,000 0 3,732,000 3,732,000 3,862,000 3,862,000 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 4,849,700 5,509,100 4,963,000 3,623,000 0 3,732,000 3,732,000 3,862,000 3,862,000 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 4,849,700 5,509,100 4,963,000 3,623,000 0 3,732,000 3,732,000 3,862,000 3,862,000 4,871,171 5,528,255 4,963,000 3,787,420 9,116 3,782,490 3,772,490 3,912,490 3,902,490 254 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 48: CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS - 1960 COMPANY 1000: GENERAL FUND JDE 2018 20109 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROPOSED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6399 OTHER CHARGES General Contingency 148,645 174,420 174,420 102,490 102,490 102,490 102,490 $.25 per gallon for fuel 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 30,000 20,000 Potential Labor Negot Consultant - 7,000 7,000 Participation factor for Annual Lea (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) Position Vacancy Factor (44,000) (47,000) (47,000) (47,000) (47,000) (47,000) (47,000) Total 99,645 164,420 164,420 50,490 40,490 50,490 40,490 7110 Transfers Out Transfer to Road Improvement Fu 3,417,000 3,437,000 3,437,000 3,540,000 3,540,000 3,664,000 3,664,000 Transfer to Muni Bldg Fund 381,000 186,000 186,000 192,000 192,000 198,000 198,000 3,798,000 3,623,000 3,623,000 3,732,000 3,732,000 3,862,000 3,862,000 Total Net of Personnel 3,897,645 3,787,420 3,787,420 3,782,490 3,772,490 3,912,490 3,902,490 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,897,645$ 3,787,420$ 3,787,420$ 3,782,490$ 3,772,490$ 3,912,490$ 3,902,490$ 255 Notes: 256 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 2010 70 2012 Cable Joint Powers DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY This fund is for the expenses of the Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount Cable Commission. Expenses are used in the production or cablecasting of video productions done on behalf of the three city commission. Revenues for the fund come from quarterly invoices to the three cities. The commission cities estimate their future capital expenses in this budget, but the funding for the capital will not be collected in advance. Instead, the cities will receive invoices divided by formula at the time capital purchases are made. The three cities can then use their PEG funds to reimburse this fund for the exact amount of the capital expense. PEG revenues collected by the cities may only be used for capital expenses. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2019 and 2020 1.Purchases and invoice member cities for Cable Commission capital purchases. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 # of Cable Customers 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,917 19,917 # of City Meetings Cablecast 130 130 130 130 130 130 Total Hours of Programming Cablecast 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Estimated # of Bulletin Board Messages 500 500 500 500 500 500 OUTCOME MEASURES Projected 2016 Projected 2017 Projected 2018 Projected 2019 Projected 2020 Projected 2021 Cost per household from General Fund $1.45 $5.79 $6.03 $7.05 $6.03 $x.xx 257 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Cable Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 1 Video Production Specialist 1 1 1 2 2 2 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule – Hours (Part Time) Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Cable Access Prod. Asst. 693 693 693 693 0 0 Cable Operators 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 Summary Budget Department 70 Cable TV Joint Powers 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: PEG Fees 60,954 61,252 68,122 71,000 71,000 - - Other City Shares 158,690 118,513 120,105 120,105 140,390 162,168 174,000 Investment Earnings 1,360 1,288 1,606 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Transfer from Other Funds 84,072 57,289 120,105 120,105 140,390 162,168 174,000 Other Misc rev. 1,638 1,460 - - - - - 306,714 239,800 309,938 312,710 353,280 325,836 349,500 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 153,687 159,331 159,724 159,525 192,565 216,360 234,555 Emp. Benefits 43,935 46,763 50,141 53,685 76,500 81,975 85,445 Supplies 2,299 3,820 2,820 3,900 4,000 4,000 4,000 Contractual Serv.14,857 8,529 5,842 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,700 Repairs & Maint.132 569 - 8,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 Training/Travel/Dues 5,824 5,603 2,877 6,900 6,900 8,800 8,800 Other Exp.3,504 1,496 1,561 3,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Capital outlay 91,687 14,116 - - - 224,237 317,800 237,082 240,210 295,165 324,335 348,000 Net addition to (use of ) net assets 82,477 (78,000) 72,856 72,500 58,115 1,501 1,500 Fund Balance Beginning of Year 127,235$ 209,712$ 131,712$ 204,568$ 277,068$ 335,183$ 336,684$ Revenues 306,714 239,800 309,938 312,710 353,280 325,836 349,500 Expenditures (224,237) (317,800) (237,082) (240,210) (295,165) (324,335) (348,000) End of Year 209,712 131,712 204,568 277,068 335,183 336,684 338,184 2020/2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY The Capital Outlay will be paid directly by member cities using PEG fee collections. 258 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CABLE TV JOINT POWERS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 134,609 133,141 124,836 169,335 86,140 187,700 187,700 199,215 199,215 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 18,840 25,269 23,439 16,650 360 16,700 16,700 7,200 7,200 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 0 201 11,414 0 4,947 17,200 17,200 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 2,212 3,573 3,027 1,000 1,916 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 300 720 0 0 6122 - COMP REQUEST -2,274 -3,573 -2,991 -1,916 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 5,580 8,960 8,960 7,940 7,940 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 153,687 159,331 159,724 192,565 91,447 216,360 216,360 234,555 234,555 6138 - MEDICARE 2,258 2,294 2,282 2,775 1,255 3,135 3,135 3,300 3,300 6139 - FICA 9,657 9,810 9,756 11,875 5,368 13,415 13,415 14,095 14,095 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 10,035 10,175 11,255 14,370 6,559 16,225 16,225 15,760 15,760 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 460 392 454 560 395 1,000 1,000 1,105 1,105 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 0 0 18 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 337 221 250 480 160 550 550 580 580 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 19,952 23,724 27,934 46,440 20,245 47,650 47,650 50,605 50,605 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 1,207 1,929 2,166 1,666 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 12 12 12 8 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 16 40 0 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -1,833 -3,967 -2,317 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 43,935 46,763 50,141 76,500 33,357 81,975 81,975 85,445 85,445 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 197,622 206,095 209,866 269,065 124,805 298,335 298,335 320,000 320,000 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 80 18 0 500 0 500 500 500 500 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1,525 1,716 1,223 500 127 1,000 1,000 500 500 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 295 679 30 500 30 500 500 500 500 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 398 1,407 1,568 2,500 1,236 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 6205 - SUPPLIES 2,299 3,820 2,820 4,000 1,394 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 11,447 7,936 4,307 0 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 2,727 0 932 3,500 0 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 618 444 604 1,200 264 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 0 21 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 65 129 0 58 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14,857 8,529 5,842 4,700 322 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,700 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 132 569 0 8,000 1,600 6,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 132 569 0 8,000 1,600 6,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 69 675 0 1,000 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,300 2,230 2,219 3,000 926 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,455 2,698 658 2,900 389 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 5,824 5,603 2,877 6,900 1,315 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 23,111 18,522 11,539 23,600 4,630 23,500 23,500 25,500 25,500 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 3,504 1,496 1,561 2,500 2,818 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,504 1,496 1,561 2,500 2,818 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,504 1,496 1,561 2,500 2,818 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 91,687 14,116 0 1,010 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 91,687 14,116 0 1,010 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 91,687 14,116 0 1,010 224,237 317,800 237,082 295,165 133,263 324,335 324,335 348,000 348,000 259 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 70: CABLE TV JOINT POWERS- 2012 COMPANY 2010: CABLE TV JOINT POWERS JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Cable Coordinator 70,365 75,920 75,920 80,540 80,540 85,480 85,480 6110 Full-Time Employees-V.P. Specialist 43,765 93,415 93,415 107,160 107,160 113,735 113,735 6111 Part-Time Employees-Asst./Intern 20,425 - - - - 7,200 7,200 6112 PT Employees-Control room operato 16,655 16,650 16,650 16,700 16,700 17,200 17,200 6113 Overtime-Reg 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6123 Salaries - Other 7,315 5,580 5,580 8,960 8,960 7,940 7,940 6138 Medicare 2,305 2,775 2,775 3,135 3,135 3,300 3,300 6139 FICA 9,865 11,875 11,875 13,415 13,415 14,095 14,095 6141 Pension - PERA 11,930 14,370 14,370 16,225 16,225 15,760 15,760 6142 Worker Comp 450 560 560 1,000 1,000 1,105 1,105 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 335 480 480 550 550 580 580 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 28,800 46,440 46,440 47,650 47,650 50,605 50,605 Total 213,210 269,065 269,065 298,335 298,335 320,000 320,000 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Misc.500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Misc.400 500 500 1,000 1,000 500 500 Total 400 500 500 1,000 1,000 500 500 6215 EQUIPMENT-PARTS Misc 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Supplies 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 Total 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Legal Fees 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Technical Consulting - - - - - - - Total 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 6237 TELEPHONE/POSTAGE Cell Phone 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Total 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6265 REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT Non-Service Contract Repairs 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Tightrope System Service Contract 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 8,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONFERENCES - LOCAL MACTA Annual 700 700 700 - - Other 300 300 300 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Coordinator Mileage 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Producers Mileage 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Total 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MACTA Dues 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Tightrope Software Assurance 2,000 2,000 Annual Software Licenses 500 500 500 500 Music & Stock Library 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 NATOA Annual Membership 600 600 600 - - - - Total 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 6311 INSURANCE LMCIT Insurance 3,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total 3,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 260 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 70: CABLE TV JOINT POWERS- 2012 COMPANY 2010: CABLE TV JOINT POWERS JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Additional Edit Station 6,000 - - Audio Embedding Cards 1,500 - - Portable Light Kit 3,000 - - Trf from PEG for Capital Outlay (10,500) Camera System 6,000 6,000 Tablet/Laptop 1,250 1,250 Control Room-Switchers 75,000 75,000 Network Attached Storage (NAS)2,500 2,500 New Office Furnishings (AV Capitol)20,000 20,000 Edit Stations 15,000 15,000 Capital Correction (Charged separately using PEG fu (7,250) (7,250) (97,500) (97,500) (15,000) (15,000) Total - - - - - - - Total Net of Personnel 27,000 26,100 26,100 26,000 26,000 28,000 28,000 TOTAL EXPENSES (Operations)240,210$ 295,165$ 295,165$ 324,335$ 324,335$ 348,000$ 348,000$ Individual City shares are: Apple Valley $120,105.00 $147,582.50 $147,582.50 $162,167.50 $162,167.50 $174,000.00 $174,000.00 Farmington $60,052.50 $73,791.25 $73,791.25 $81,083.75 $81,083.75 $87,000.00 $87,000.00 Rosemount $60,052.50 $73,791.25 $73,791.25 $81,083.75 $81,083.75 $87,000.00 $87,000.00 261 Notes: 262 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 4810 81 4812 Cable Capital Equip-PEG DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY In 2018, the City approved a new cable television franchise agreement with Charter Communications. Under this agreement, the City is limited to utilizing PEG funds only for cable-related capital purchases. This fund was created to account for Apple Valley’s PEG funds and expenditures under the capital restrictions. The assets can be divided into two categories. The first category is the equipment owned independently by the City of Apple Valley. This mainly includes audio visual equipment used for the Council Chambers. The second category is the equipment owned jointly by the Cities of Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount as part of the joint powers cable commission. This would include editing stations, cameras, switchers, recorders, monitors and other equipment used for recording meetings, creating content and distribution of the channels. The PEG funds can be used to address capital either owned independently by the City or owned jointly by the cable joint powers commission. For 2020 the commission will be replacing video switchers and adding a network attached storage device. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 Summary Budget Department 81 - Cable Capital Equip-PEG 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: All PEG Revenues - 61,252 68,122 71,000 71,000 71,000 - Investment Earnings - 42 1,606 1,500 1,500 1,500 - - 61,294 69,728 72,500 72,500 72,500 - Expenditures: Capital Outlay - - 11,235 - 3,675 58,750 7,500 Transfers Out - - - 5,250 - - - Other Expenditures - - - - - - Total - - 11,235 5,250 3,675 58,750 7,500 Fund Balance Beginning of Year -$ -$ 61,294$ 119,787$ 187,037$ 254,287$ 268,037$ Revenues - 61,294 69,728 72,500 72,500 72,500 - Expenditures - - (11,235) (5,250) (5,250) (58,750) (7,500) End of Year - 61,294 119,787 187,037 254,287 268,037 260,537 NOTE: This fund was established to account for PEG fees received from the cable companies that are restricted to capital purchases. Prior to the creation of this fund in 2017 resources for capital equipment were identified from other sources. 263 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY City Share of PEG Eligible Expenditures: Control Room Switches $37,500 Network Attached Storage $ 1,250 Cable Office Furnishings $20,000 Total $58,750 2021: Edit Stations $ 7,500 264 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CABLE CAPITAL EQUIP-PEG Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 11,235 3,675 0 58,750 58,750 7,500 7,500 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,235 3,675 0 58,750 58,750 7,500 7,500 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,235 3,675 0 58,750 58,750 7,500 7,500 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 0 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 0 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 0 11,235 3,675 0 58,750 58,750 7,500 7,500 265 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 81: CABLE CAPITAL EQUIP-PEG COMPANY 4810: CABLE CAPITAL EQUIP-PEG JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Misc. Total - - - - - - - 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Misc. Total - - - - - - - 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Misc. Total - - - - - - - 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Dubbing tapes, cables, etc. Total - - - - - - - 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Legal Fees (Not Reimbursable) Police Beat Programming Hook & Ladder Programming Park and Rec Comm Meetings Other Programming Webcasting Fee Award apps/ peer reviews Total - - - - - - - 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Total - - - - - - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS 3,675 58,750 58,750 7,500 7,500 Total - 3,675 - 58,750 58,750 7,500 7,500 7110 TRANSFER TO CABLE TV FUND 5,250 - - - - Total 5,250 - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENSES 5,250 3,675 - 58,750 58,750 7,500 7,500 266 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 4815 101 4817 Cable TV Special Revenue-NONPEG DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Cable TV expenditures are reflected in three separate budget funds. The general operations of the joint powers cable commission and the capital equipment are found in separate funds. This fund was established to separate and prevent co-mingling of funding sources that must be kept separate. Specifically, starting in 2017, PEG revenues can only be used for capital purchases. Since the joint powers commission is jointly funded, it is desirable for Apple Valley’s cable-related revenues not to be directly inter-mingled with revenues from the partner cities. This fund receives its revenues from the cable television franchise fees. The expenses from this fund fall into three main categories. 1) This fund pays the Apple Valley share of the joint powers cable commission budget, which includes Council and Planning Commission meetings and two joint programs. 2) This fund pays for webcasting, legal, and other minor operational expenses that are incurred directly by the City and not the Commission. 3) This fund pays for special additional Apple Valley programming that is above and beyond what is provided to the cities under the joint powers agreement. This additional programming includes Park and Recreation Committee meetings and occasional other special City meetings. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 1. Webcast all produced programming to supplement cable television IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Council meetings 25 24 25 25 25 25 Planning Commission meetings 24 15 24 24 24 24 Parks Advisory meetings 5 5 5 5 5 5 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 None 267 Summary Budget Department 101 Cable Special Revenue Fund 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed Revenue: Excess Franchise Revenues 150,000 150,000 150,000 Investment Earnings 500 500 500 - - - - 150,500 150,500 150,500 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages - - Emp. Benefits - - Supplies 1,195 1,195 1,195 Contractual Serv.12,500 12,500 12,500 Repairs & Maint.1,800 1,800 1,800 Training/Travel/Dues - - - Capital outlay - - - Transfers out 74,000 78,000 78,000 Other Exp.- - - Total - - - - 89,495 93,495 93,495 Fund Balance Beginning of Year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 61,005$ 118,010$ Revenues - - - - 150,500 150,500 150,500 Expenditures - - - - (89,495) (93,495) (93,495) End of Year - - - - 61,005 118,010 175,015 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY None 268 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CABLE TV SPECIAL REV-NONPEG Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 350 350 350 350 350 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 70 70 70 70 70 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 500 500 500 500 500 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 275 275 275 275 275 6205 - SUPPLIES 1,195 1,195 1,195 1,195 1,195 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 15,495 15,495 15,495 15,495 15,495 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 74,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 74,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 74,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 89,495 93,495 93,495 93,495 93,495 269 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 101: CABLE SPECIAL REVENUE NONPEG COMPANY 4815: CABLE SPECIAL REVENUE NONPEG JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Misc.- 350 350 350 350 350 350 Total - 350 350 350 350 350 350 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Misc.- 70 70 70 70 70 70 Total - 70 70 70 70 70 70 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Misc.- 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total - 500 500 500 500 500 500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Dubbing tapes, cables, etc.2,695 275 275 275 275 275 275 Total 2,695 275 275 275 275 275 275 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Misc.1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 Total 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT 300 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Total 300 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 7110 TRANSFER TO CABLE TV FUND 120,105 74,000 74,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 Total 120,105 74,000 74,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 135,600 89,495 89,495 93,495 93,495 93,495 93,495 270 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 4800 108 4802 Cable Capital Projects Fund DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY This fund was established to account for the payment of Apple Valley’s share of the Cable Commission non-capital operating expenses. This fund was used to transfer General Fund monies to pay the remaining portion of the Cable Commission budget as well as to pay for Apple Valley specific cable expenses. The City began dedicating annual franchise fee payments received in excess of budgeted amounts included in the General Fund budget as the revenue source for this fund. There are no restrictions on how the franchise fee revenues are used. PEG revenues are now restricted to capital expenditure and are segregated in a separate Special Revenue Fund. The balance in this fund came from collections received prior to the most recent franchise agreement and is available to be appropriated for other needs unrelated to capital needs of the Cable System. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 1. Provide funding for cooling unit for server room that will now contain cable commission head-end equipment. 2. Provide funding for replacement and upgrade of analog surveillance cameras and AV equipment at Municipal Center and Community Center. Summary Budget Department 108- Cable Capital Projects 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed Revenue: Excess Franchise Revenues 182,347 136,474 138,403 - - Investment Earnings 4,788 3,818 6,301 6,750 5,250 - - 187,135 140,292 144,704 6,750 5,250 - - Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 587 631 401 - - - - Emp. Benefits 45 49 31 - - - - Supplies 1 186 79 - - - - Contractual Serv.8,080 8,340 14,978 - - - - Repairs & Maint.48 - - - - - Capital outlay 34,090 111,408 110,000 68,000 30,000 - Transfers out 84,072 57,289 120,105 - - - - Total 92,785 100,633 247,003 110,000 98,000 30,000 - Fund Balance Beginning of Year 443,777$ 538,127$ 577,786$ 475,487$ 372,237$ 279,487$ 249,487$ Revenues 187,135 140,292 144,704 6,750 5,250 - - Expenditures (92,785) (100,633) (247,003) (110,000) (98,000) (30,000) - End of Year 538,127 577,786 475,487 372,237 279,487 249,487 249,487 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY AV Equipment $ 30,000 271 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CABLE TV CAPITAL PROJECTS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 587 565 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 67 401 52 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 587 631 401 52 6138 - MEDICARE 8 9 6 1 6139 - FICA 36 39 25 3 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 0 1 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 45 49 31 4 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 632 680 433 56 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 79 0 0 0 0 0 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 6205 - SUPPLIES 1 186 79 0 0 0 0 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 83 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 8,080 8,340 14,978 0 3,475 0 0 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,080 8,340 14,978 0 3,558 0 0 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 8,081 8,574 15,057 0 3,558 0 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 6715 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-BUILDINGS 0 0 30,000 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 34,090 111,408 0 63,824 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 34,090 111,408 0 63,824 0 30,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 34,090 111,408 0 63,824 0 30,000 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 84,072 57,289 120,105 68,000 0 0 0 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 84,072 57,289 120,105 68,000 0 0 0 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 84,072 57,289 120,105 68,000 0 0 0 92,785 100,633 247,003 68,000 67,438 0 30,000 272 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 108: CABLE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND COMPANY 4800: CABLE CAPITAL PROJECTS JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROPOSED RECOMMEND PROPOSED RECOMMEND 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Misc.- - - - - - Total - - - - - - - 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Misc.- - - - - - Total - - - - - - - 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Misc.- - - - - - Total - - - - - - - 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Dubbing tapes, cables, etc.- - - - - - Total - - - - - - - 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Legal Fees (Not Reimbursable)- - - - - - Police Beat Programming - - - - - - Hook & Ladder Programming - - - - - - Park and Rec Comm Meetings - - - - - - Other Programming - - - - - - Webcasting Fee - - - - - - Award apps/ peer reviews Total - - - - - - - 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT - - - - - - Total - - - - - - - 6715 CAPTIAL PROJECTS Backup Colling Unit for Server Room 35,000 Surveillance Cameras 75,000 AV Equipment (AVCC & Senior Center)30,000 CMF Camera Conversion 20,000 - - - - Security Cameras & Door Access 48,000 Total 110,000 68,000 - - 30,000 - - TOTAL EXPENSES 110,000 68,000 - - 30,000 - - 273 Notes: 274 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 4930 103 4930 Future Capital Projects DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Future Capital Projects Fund was created to accumulate funds for the future replacement of City assets. The funding source for this fund are the amounts transferred from the General Fund that exceed the amounts established by the Fund Balance Policy at the end of each fiscal year. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 In 2018 we saw the completion of the energy efficiency project done under the Ameresco contract. In 2019, funding includes support of the Municipal Building and the Road Improvement Funds. In 2020 and 2021 the Future Capital Projects Fund identifies funding for a number of larger capital projects. Projects identified in 2020 include addressing the facility needs at the fire stations, and the finishing of the lower level at the Municipal Center, and replacing the pickleball courts. In 2021; improvements include; the Cedar Avenue entrance monument, addressing the needs of the fire stations, replacement of the JCRP park maintenance building and improvements to the Western Service Center entrance. Summary Budget Department - Future Capital Projects Fund 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Projected Proposed Proposed Revenue: Investment Earnings 103,356 196,976 181,000 166,000 191,000 163,000 181,000 Interfund Loan repayment -2012 INTEREST 7,591 7,390 6,979 6,807 6,807 6,652 6,461 Interfund Loan repayment -2016 INTEREST - - 411 383 383 355 325 Transfer from General Fund 1,950,000 1,165,000 - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,060,947 1,369,366 188,390 173,190 698,190 670,007 687,786 Expenditures: Capital outlay - Cedar Ave Monument - - - 60,000 - - 60,000 Capital outlay- Fire Station Reconfiguration(s)- - 500,000 - - 500,000 4,500,000 Capital Outlay -JCRP New Maintenance Bldg - - - - - - 1,050,000 Capital Outlay-Ameresco - 1,531,977 - - - - - Capital outlay- CR 42 Trailwork 59,474 - - - - - - Capital Outlay-Redwood - 71,903 - - - - Muni Center Lower Level Finish - - - - - 800,000 - Pickelball Courts - - - - - 250,000 - Voting Tabulating Equipment Replacement 27,939 27,939 27,940 - - - - Reconstruction of Western Service Center Parkin - - - 120,000 - - 120,000 Transfer out - Ameresco Energy Project - - 1,000,000 - - - - Transfer out - Muni Bldg Fund 335,900 212,000 212,000 212,000 212,000 202,000 218,000 Transfer out - Street Maintenance Program - 578,810 578,810 240,326 220,000 - 389,000 Transfer out - Park Bond Debt Service 960,000 - - - - - - Total 1,383,313 2,422,629 2,318,750 632,326 432,000 1,752,000 6,337,000 Fund Balance Beginning of Year 14,675,768$ 15,353,402$ 15,353,402$ 14,300,139$ 14,300,139$ 14,566,329$ 13,484,336$ Revenues 2,060,947 1,369,366 188,390 173,190 698,190 670,007 687,786 Expenditures (1,383,313) (2,422,629) (2,318,750) (632,326) (432,000) (1,752,000) (6,337,000) End of Year 15,353,402 14,300,139 13,223,042 13,841,003 14,566,329 13,484,336 7,835,122 275 2020 Capital Outlay: Fire Station Reconfiguration(s) $ 500,000 Muni Center Lower Level Finish 800,000 Pickleball Courts 250,000 $1,550,000 2021 Capital Outlay: Cedar Ave Entrance Monument $ 60,000 Fire Station Reconfiguration(s) 4,500,000 JCRP East maintenance facility 1,050,000 Reconstruct Western Service Center Entrance 120,000 $5,730,000 Long Term - Interfund Loan Receivable 2012-Clubhouse(final pmt 2055)2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Beginning Balance 1,872,811 1,830,302 1,787,643 1,744,794 1,701,773 1,658,580 1,615,387 Interfund Loan Made - - - - - Interest Payment Received 7,491 7,341 7,151 6,979 6,807 6,652 6,461 Principal Payment Received 42,509 42,659 42,849 43,021 43,193 43,193 43,348 Ending Balance 1,830,302 1,787,643 1,744,794 1,701,773 1,658,580 1,615,387 1,572,039 2016-Parking Lot(final Pmt 2031)2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Beginning Balance - - 110,000 102,869 95,709 88,521 81,333 Interfund Loan Made - 110,000 - - - Interest Oayment Received - - 400 411 383 355 325 Principal Payment Received - - 7,131 7,160 7,188 7,188 7,216 Ending Balance - 110,000 102,869 95,709 88,521 81,333 74,117 Long Term - Interfund Loan Receivable (Combined) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Beginning Balance 1,872,811 1,830,302 1,897,643 1,847,663 1,797,482 1,747,101 1,696,720 Interfund Loan Made - 110,000 - - - - - Principal Payment Received 42,509 42,659 49,980 50,181 50,381 50,381 50,564 Ending Balance 1,830,302 1,897,643 1,847,663 1,797,482 1,747,101 1,696,720 1,646,156 276 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) FUTURE CAPITAL PROJECTS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6205 - SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 3,814 0 0 0 0 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,814 0 0 0 0 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 3,814 0 0 0 0 6715 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-BUILDINGS 0 0 1,531,977 97,925 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 27,939 87,413 99,842 180,000 -71,903 1,550,000 1,550,000 5,730,000 5,730,000 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 27,939 87,413 1,631,819 180,000 26,022 1,550,000 1,550,000 5,730,000 5,730,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 27,939 87,413 1,631,819 180,000 26,022 1,550,000 1,550,000 5,730,000 5,730,000 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 0 0 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 0 0 7001 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 0 0 0 0 7000 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 0 0 0 0 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 1,330,000 1,295,900 790,810 452,326 0 202,000 202,000 607,000 607,000 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 1,330,000 1,295,900 790,810 452,326 0 202,000 202,000 607,000 607,000 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 1,330,000 1,295,900 790,810 452,326 0 202,000 202,000 607,000 607,000 1,361,753 1,383,313 2,422,629 632,326 26,022 1,752,000 1,752,000 6,337,000 6,337,000 277 Notes: 278 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 2025 74 2027 ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Road Improvement Fund provides for a consolidated source for city street improvements within the City of Apple Valley. Street improvements under this activity include new street construction, street reconstruction, street resurfacing (overlay), pavement preservation (micro surface, crack sealing, seal coating), and traffic signal improvements based on projects identified in the City’s Capital Improvement Program. Street improvement practices are guided by the City’s pavement management. Revenue for funding the improvements listed above is derived from several sources, including the Street Improvement Property Tax Levy, the Municipal State Aid Maintenance and Construction Allotments (City’s share of State gas tax), revenue from special assessments, funding contributions from the Water, Sewer and Storm Drainage Utilities, Electric Franchise Fee and Tax Increment Financing (exclusive for specific TIF funded street projects). MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021: The major objective for this business unit is to complete the construction of the following projects in 2020 and 2021: 2020 Projects: 2020 Street & Utility Improvements Spring 2020 • Cimarron Road, Yancy Court, Shasta Court, Beaumont Court, Sabra Court • Garden View (CR 42 to Whitney) 2020 Micro surfacing Project Summer 2020 2020 Crack sealing Project Summer 2020 2020 Street Improvements Spring 2020 • Garden View (Whitney to CR 46) • Garden View (CR 42 to Walnut) • 134th Street W. • Highview Drive 2020 Intersection Improvements Summer 2020 • 147th and Glazier Roundabout • CR 42 and Johnny Cake Ridge Road 2020 Trail Improvements Summer 2020 2021 Projects: 2021 Street & Utility Improvements Spring 2021 • Surrey Trail and Cimarron Court 2021 Micro surfacing Project Summer 2021 2021 Crack sealing Project Summer 2021 279 2021 Street Improvements Spring 2021 • Pennock Ave (140th to 145th) • 145th (Cedar to Pennock) • 140th (Cedar to Pennock) • 133rd (Galaxie to Flagstaff) 2021 Trail Improvements Summer 2021 2021 Signal Improvements Spring 2021 • 132nd and Galaxie • HAWK Signal at Greenleaf PERSONNEL / STAFFING Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 None Summary Budget Department 74, Fund 2025 Road Improvement Fund 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Transfer from General Fund (prop tax support)3,028,200 3,332,100 3,417,000 3,437,000 3,540,000 3,664,000 Transfer from Future Capital Project Fund - 152,900 578,810 240,326 - 389,000 Water Utility Fund Support 1,371,000 1,100,000 1,085,000 1,608,034 1,319,000 844,000 Sewer Utility Fund Support 1,210,000 700,000 1,060,000 1,146,385 1,392,000 891,000 Stormwater Utility Fund Support 195,000 450,000 557,000 949,370 995,000 704,000 Other Fund Support 25,000 25,000 - 113,687 50,000 126,000 State Aid (MSA)1,829,350 540,000 3,066,500 2,929,000 2,891,500 2,223,000 Tax Increment (existing)600,000 - - - 2,326,000 - Special Assessments 792,580 - 125,000 375,000 250,000 - Other Entity / Gov't share 40,000 96,000 125,000 2,406,443 180,000 288,000 9,091,130 6,396,000 10,014,310 13,205,245 12,943,500 9,129,000 Expenditures: Contractual Serv.460,000 440,000 - - - Capital outlay 8,631,130 5,956,000 10,014,310 13,205,245 12,943,500 9,129,000 Total Exp 9,091,130 6,396,000 10,014,310 13,205,245 12,943,500 9,129,000 Net addition to (use of) Road Imp. Fund Balance - - - - - - 280 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) ROAD IMPROVEMENT Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 0 121 826 0 6205 - SUPPLIES 0 121 826 0 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 0 -914 1,413 938 6234 - CITY ENGINEER CONSULTANT SERV 200,000 357,761 348,472 150,060 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 336,225 311,178 555,351 0 270,995 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 1,699 654 1,413 1,134 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,012 555 0 0 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 546,936 669,234 906,649 0 423,127 0 0 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 3,487 0 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 3,487 0 0 0 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 748 0 0 0 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 748 0 0 0 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 551,171 669,355 907,475 0 423,127 0 0 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 4,545 0 0 30 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 4,545 0 0 30 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 4,545 0 0 30 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 37,035 88,458 13,205,245 -83,580 12,943,500 12,943,500 9,129,000 9,129,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 37,035 88,458 13,205,245 -83,580 12,943,500 12,943,500 9,129,000 9,129,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 37,035 88,458 13,205,245 -83,580 12,943,500 12,943,500 9,129,000 9,129,000 6810 - CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 4,138,695 4,382,807 3,877,662 601,053 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 4,138,695 4,382,807 3,877,662 601,053 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 4,138,695 4,382,807 3,877,662 601,053 7120 - ADMINISTRATIVE FEE-CONSTRUCTIO 300 486 0 0 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 300 486 0 0 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 300 486 0 0 4,694,712 5,089,683 4,873,596 13,205,245 940,630 12,943,500 12,943,500 9,129,000 9,129,000 281 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 74: ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND - 2026 and 2027 Public Works Department COMPANY 2025: Road Improvement Fund JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND REVENUE 5499 Road Improvement - Transfer from General Fund 3,417,000 3,437,000 3,437,000 3,540,000 3,540,000 3,664,000 3,664,000 5499 Future Capital Project Fund 578,810 240,326 240,326 389,000 389,000 5499 Water Utility - Annual Street Improv.1,085,000 1,608,034 1,608,034 1,319,000 1,319,000 844,000 844,000 5499 Sanitary Utility - Annual Street Improv.1,060,000 1,146,385 1,146,385 1,392,000 1,392,000 891,000 891,000 5499 Storm Drainage - Annual Street Improv 557,000 949,370 949,370 995,000 995,000 704,000 704,000 5499 Street Light Utility 113,687 113,687 50,000 50,000 26,000 26,000 5499 Other Funds 100,000 100,000 Total Transfers 6,697,810 7,494,802 7,494,802 7,296,000 7,296,000 6,618,000 6,618,000 5399 Special Assessments - Street Improv.125,000 375,000 375,000 250,000 250,000 - - 5399 County/Other Entity Cost Participation 125,000 2,406,443 2,406,443 180,000 180,000 288,000 288,000 4125 MSA Maintenance 566,500 583,000 583,000 599,500 599,500 600,000 600,000 4125 MSA Construction 2,500,000 2,346,000 2,534,755 2,292,000 2,292,000 1,623,000 1,623,000 Intergovernmental 3,316,500 5,710,443 5,899,198 3,321,500 3,321,500 2,511,000 2,511,000 Subtotal 10,014,310 13,205,245 13,394,000 10,617,500 10,617,500 9,129,000 9,129,000 5399 TIF projects direct charged to TIF Funds - - - 2,326,000 2,326,000 Total 10,014,310 13,205,245 13,394,000 12,943,500 12,943,500 9,129,000 9,129,000 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES City Street Project Eng, Legal, Testing, Inspection Subtotal - - - - - - - Less TIF projects direct charged to TIF Funds - - - - - - - Total - - - - - - - 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - IMPROVEMENTS 2021 Projects Cimmarron Road/Surrey Trail (Phase 2)4,707,000 4,707,000 133rd Street (Galaxie to Flagstaff)1,510,000 1,510,000 Street Overlay / resurfacing 1,109,000 1,109,000 HAWK Traffic Signalat Greenleaf on Galaxie 312,000 312,000 Ring Route benches and trash bins 81,000 81,000 Trail Resurfacing 180,000 180,000 2021 Microsurfacing Pave. Pres.500,000 500,000 2021 Cracksealing Pave. Pres.100,000 100,000 Misc Intersection Improvements 100,000 100,000 ADA General Improvements 50,000 50,000 Cedar Ave/Ring Route Concrete & Landscape Impt's 30,000 30,000 2020 Projects Cimmarron Road (Phase 1)3,278,000 3,278,000 Cimmarron Road (Phase 1a)1,815,000 1,815,000 Garden View Dr - CR42 to Whitney 2,415,000 2,415,000 Street Overlay / resurfacing 1,484,000 1,484,000 Cedar BRT Skyway at 147th Station - - County Signal Install CSAH 46/JCRR - - Signal Install Galaxie/132nd St.- - 400,000 400,000 140th Trail - South Side, Galaxie to Cedar - - Trail Resurfacing 180,000 180,000 2020 Microsurfacing Pave. Pres.499,500 499,500 2020 Cracksealing Pave. Pres.100,000 100,000 Ring Route Monument Replacement 72,000 72,000 Misc Intersection Improvements 100,000 100,000 2019 Projects Apple Valley 11th & 12th 4,495,457 4,100,000 No. & So. Surrey Tr.- - - - 147th/Glazier Improvements - - 2,700,000 2,700,000 Street Overlay / resurfacing 408,000 620,000 County Signal Redo CSAH 42/JCRR 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 County Signal Redo CSAH 42 Corridor - - Trail Resurfacing 81,000 - 2019 Microsurfacing Pave. Pres.483,000 450,000 2019 Cracksealing Pave. Pres.100,000 100,000 Annual Ring Route Concrete Improvements 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Cedar Ave. Pedestrian Connections 100,000 100,000 2018 Projects Redwood Dr./Whitney Pond Storm Bypass 200,000 Redwood Dr. Circle,St. & Keller Lake Dr.2,100,568 Apple Valley 12th 1,855,242 JCRR, Lapaz 2nd 3,043,000 6,632,788 7,994,000 133rd St Ct/134th St Ct 1,045,000 Street Overlay / resurfacing 400,000 Trail Resurfacing 170,000 2018 Microsurfacing Pave. Pres.446,500 2018 Cracksealing Pave. Pres.120,000 Signal Install 147th/JCRR 250,000 500,000 County Signal Design Along CSAH 42 154,000 County ATMS Signal Upgrades Along CSAH 31/46 60,000 CSAH 38 Road Widening 170,000 105,000 Subtotal 10,014,310 13,205,245 13,394,000 12,943,500 12,943,500 9,129,000 9,129,000 Less TIF projects direct charged to TIF Funds - - - - - - - Total 10,014,310 13,205,245 13,394,000 12,943,500 12,943,500 9,129,000 9,129,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,014,310$ 13,205,245$ 13,394,000$ 12,943,500$ 12,943,500$ 9,129,000$ 9,129,000$ Revenue 10,014,310$ 13,205,245$ 13,394,000$ 12,943,500$ 12,943,500$ 9,129,000$ 9,129,000$ NET EXPENSES -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 282 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 3210 93 3212 EDA Operations Fund DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The EDA Operations fund was created many years ago and focused on the activities related to the Valley Business Park development, including a revolving loan program and the development and sale of commercial lots. That activity was completed and the EDA Operations fund assists the EDA in supporting business development opportunities as they arise. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 • Anticipate trade/business development mission of a national and global destination as they present themselves. • Continue as a member of GREATER MSP, the regional economic development organization with national and global contacts for local business development. • Continue the “Open to Business” small business development service with the Dakota County CDA and Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers. • Continue the master planning of the Mixed Business Campus (MBC) with the identified developer, Rockport LLC. • Facilitate repositioning and improvement of properties within the quadrants of CR42 and Cedar Avenue. • Manage City/EDA owned property until development. • With a fully occupied and updated old City Hall in 2017 and 2018, apply a portion of lease revenues toward EDA business development initiatives. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Jobs added (perm. and const.) 400 650 500 500 500 500 Open to Bus./AV Clients Served 16 8 10 10 10 10 Summary Budget Department 93 EDA Operations Fund 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Building Mgmt Fee - - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 County Grants- Parking Lot 83,396 - - - - - - MC Grant - - 1,148,639 - - - - Admin Fees-Other Funds - - - - - - - Investment Earnings 13,292 937 14,849 1,500 150 400 400 96,688 937 1,213,488 51,500 50,150 50,400 50,400 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 582 520 416 - 520 535 550 Emp. Benefits 49 40 33 - 40 45 50 Supplies - - - - - - - Contractual Serv.24,500 7,766 - 7,500 7,800 8,000 8,000 Training/Travel/Dues 10,175 10,175 19,730 31,250 31,250 12,650 12,650 Developer Asstistance 800,000 - 574,320 - 574,320 - - Capital outlay 352,415 - - - - - - Total Expenditure 1,187,721 18,501 594,499 38,750 613,930 21,230 21,250 Fund Balance Beginning 1,233,128 142,095 124,531 124,531 743,520 179,740 208,910 Ending 142,095 124,531 743,520 137,281 179,740 208,910 238,060 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY : None 283 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) EDA OPERATIONS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 520 535 535 550 550 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 520 520 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 416 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 62 0 0 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 582 520 416 520 0 535 535 550 550 6138 - MEDICARE 8 8 6 0 6139 - FICA 36 32 26 40 0 45 45 50 50 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 5 0 0 0 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 1 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 49 40 33 40 0 45 45 50 50 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 631 560 449 560 0 580 580 600 600 6234 - CITY ENGINEER CONSULTANT SERV 17,000 0 0 0 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 7,500 7,766 0 7,800 2,985 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24,500 7,766 0 7,800 2,985 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 1,330 16,500 0 0 0 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 100 2,100 0 0 0 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 10,175 10,175 18,300 12,650 0 12,650 12,650 12,650 12,650 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 10,175 10,175 19,730 31,250 0 12,650 12,650 12,650 12,650 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 34,675 17,941 19,730 39,050 2,985 20,650 20,650 20,650 20,650 6397 - DEVELOPER ASSISTANCE 800,000 0 574,320 500,000 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 800,000 0 574,320 500,000 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 800,000 0 574,320 500,000 6810 - CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 352,415 0 0 0 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 352,415 0 0 0 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 352,415 0 0 0 1,187,721 18,501 594,498 39,610 502,985 21,230 21,230 21,250 21,250 284 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 93: EDA OPERATIONS FUND -3212 COMPANY 3210: EDA OPERATIONS 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 520 520 535 535 550 550 6138 Medicare 40 40 45 45 50 50 Total - 560 560 580 580 600 600 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Miscellaneous - MCCD 7,500 7,800 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Total 7,500 7,800 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER Economic Development-UPONOR Nordic Business Development Trade Mission (3 @ 5500) 16,500 16,500 - - Total 16,500 16,500 - - - - - 6278 SUBSISTANCE ALLOWANCE Economic Development-UPONOR Nordic Business Development Trade Mission (3 for 7 days @ $100) 2,100 2,100 2,100 - - Total 2,100 2,100 2,100 - - - - 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Membership in local chapters of nordic Chambers of Commerce 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Greater MSP 10,350 10,350 10,350 10,350 10,350 10,350 10,350 Sister City 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 Total 12,650 12,650 12,650 12,650 12,650 12,650 12,650 Total Net of Personnel 38,750 39,050 22,750 20,650 20,650 20,650 20,650 TOTAL EXPENSES 38,750$ 39,610$ 23,310$ 21,230$ 21,230$ 21,250$ 21,250$ 285 Notes: 286 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 2090 80 2092 Education Building Fund DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Education Building Fund accounts for the operations of the former City Hall property. The City currently leases the property to the St. Mary’s University and MacPhail School of Music as an education facility. Background In 2001, the City moved its operations to the Municipal Center location and vacated the former City Hall property. As the City did not have an immediate use for the property, but was also sensitive to the type of new use of the property, the City chose to rent the property. The City continues to have obligations to maintain the facility for the tenant. The building was constructed in a series of additions and renovations over the years, so the infrastructure systems within the building vary from area to area and are not of uniform age or design. Improvements made in 2017 and 2018 address prior concerns. Source of Funds The fund receives its revenues from two primary sources—rents received from the tenants and investment earnings. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 Maintain tenants and building management and maintenance. Summary Budget Department 80 - Education Building Fund 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Rents 129,000$ 129,000$ 193,976$ 246,600$ 246,600$ 246,600$ 246,600$ Investment Earnings 7,958 5,705 2,262 5,285 3,732 3,732 3,732 136,958 134,705 196,238 251,885 250,332 250,332 250,332 Expenditures: Supplies 31 1,065 1,993 50 50 50 50 Contractual Serv.34,556 130,986 151,161 86,750 87,850 88,990 88,990 Utilities 22,779 24,936 24,711 31,200 32,090 33,050 33,050 Repairs & Maint.20,655 13,121 37,269 27,750 28,590 29,450 29,450 Other Exp.130 3,844 7,004 130 130 6,420 6,630 Capital outlay/Construction Costs - 55,809 549,940 120,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 Total 78,151 229,762 772,078 265,880 198,710 257,960 208,170 Cash Balance Beginning of Year 732,421$ 791,228$ 696,171$ 696,171$ 120,331$ 171,953$ 164,325$ Revenues 136,958 134,705 196,238 251,885 250,332 250,332 250,332 Expenses (78,151) (229,762) (772,078) (265,880) (198,710) (257,960) (208,170) Addback Depreciation Exp - - - - - - - End of Year 791,228$ 696,171$ 120,331$ 682,176$ 171,953$ 164,325$ 206,487$ Note: Budgets were not adopted prior to the 2018/2019 budget year. Past history amounts above were presented for comparison. 287 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) EDUCATION BUILDING FUND Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 0 102 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 31 1,065 1,891 50 0 50 50 50 50 6205 - SUPPLIES 31 1,065 1,993 50 0 50 50 50 50 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 0 0 63 377 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 893 30,009 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 775 845 847 880 424 910 910 910 910 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 17,246 17,246 19,642 24,200 12,831 24,920 24,920 24,920 24,920 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,643 82,887 80,609 12,770 11,951 13,160 13,160 13,160 13,160 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 34,556 130,986 151,161 87,850 25,582 88,990 88,990 88,990 88,990 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 16,556 17,650 16,800 23,380 6,633 24,080 24,080 24,080 24,080 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 5,908 6,974 6,521 8,300 4,107 8,550 8,550 8,550 8,550 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 315 313 1,391 410 141 420 420 420 420 6250 - UTILITIES 22,779 24,936 24,711 32,090 10,881 33,050 33,050 33,050 33,050 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 243 0 92 360 0 370 370 370 370 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 20,412 13,121 37,177 28,230 20,433 29,080 29,080 29,080 29,080 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 20,655 13,121 37,269 28,590 20,433 29,450 29,450 29,450 29,450 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 78,021 170,109 215,134 148,580 56,896 151,540 151,540 151,540 151,540 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 7,004 6,945 6,290 6,290 6,500 6,500 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 130 3,844 0 130 0 130 130 130 130 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 130 3,844 7,004 130 6,945 6,420 6,420 6,630 6,630 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 130 3,844 7,004 130 6,945 6,420 6,420 6,630 6,630 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 50,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 50,000 0 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 50,000 0 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 6810 - CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 55,809 549,940 0 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 55,809 549,940 0 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 55,809 549,940 0 78,151 229,762 772,078 198,710 63,841 257,960 257,960 208,170 208,170 288 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 80: EDUCATION BUILDING FUND COMPANY 2090: EDUCATION BUILDING FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROPOSED RECOMMEND PROPOSED RECOMMEND 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 6237 TELEPHONE Phone 850 880 880 910 910 910 910 Total 850 880 880 910 910 910 910 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Cleaning 22,100 22,760 22,760 23,440 23,440 23,440 23,440 Trash Service 1,400 1,440 1,440 1,480 1,480 1,480 1,480 Total 23,500 24,200 24,200 24,920 24,920 24,920 24,920 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Pest Control 1,600 1,650 1,650 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 Mowing 4,700 4,840 4,840 4,990 4,990 4,990 4,990 Snow removal 6,100 6,280 6,280 6,470 6,470 6,470 6,470 Total 12,400 12,770 12,770 13,160 13,160 13,160 13,160 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Electric 22,700 23,380 23,380 24,080 24,080 24,080 24,080 Total 22,700 23,380 23,380 24,080 24,080 24,080 24,080 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS Natural Gas 8,100 8,300 8,300 8,550 8,550 8,550 8,550 Total 8,100 8,300 8,300 8,550 8,550 8,550 8,550 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Water and Sewer 400 410 410 420 420 420 420 Total 400 410 410 420 420 420 420 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Fire Sprinkler testing 350 360 360 370 370 370 370 Misc Repairs Total 350 360 360 370 370 370 370 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS Roof Repairs 1,200 1,240 1,240 1,280 1,280 1,280 1,280 Plumbling 700 720 720 740 740 740 740 Misc Repairs 400 410 410 420 420 420 420 HVAC /Boiler Maintenance Agmt 13,200 13,600 13,600 14,010 14,010 14,010 14,010 HVAC / Boiler repairs 11,900 12,260 12,260 12,630 12,630 12,630 12,630 Total 27,400 28,230 28,230 29,080 29,080 29,080 29,080 6311 INSURANCE Property Insurance 6,290 6,290 6,500 6,500 Total - - - 6,290 6,290 6,500 6,500 6399 OTHER CHARGES Boiler License 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 Total 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS HVAC 42,000 FIRE Sprinkler Protection 45,000 Interior Lighting 50,000 50,000 50,000 Outside Sprinkler 28,000 Roof/Gutters 50,000 50,000 50,000 Carpet 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Windows/Doors 30,000 Total 120,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 Total Net of Personnel 265,880 248,710 248,710 257,960 257,960 208,170 208,170 TOTAL EXPENSES 265,880$ 248,710$ 248,710$ 257,960$ 257,960$ 208,170$ 208,170$ 289 Notes: 290 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 7400 105 7400’s Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund (VERF) is being created to provide a financing mechanism for the systematic replacement of vehicles in the City’s Fleet. The goal of the fund is to have sufficient cash flow to fund annual equipment purchases without the need to borrow and to stabilize budgeting for major equipment purchases. The goal is to accumulate funds but it is not planned to have all the resources to fund 100% of the replacement value of the entire fleet at any one time. The revenue source for the fund includes an annual inter-fund charge for vehicles and equipment in the program, proceeds from trade-ins and equipment sales for those items covered by the program, into the addition to interest earnings. SCOPE The Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund will apply to vehicles and equipment used by operations accounted for as a governmental fund (i.e. it does not include enterprise funds). How the VERF Works The VERF serves as a financing mechanism and each department is responsible for the management of their departments VERF account. • Vehicles and Equipment not included in the VERF program are not to be replaced through the use of VERF funds. • The initial funding of the VERF comes from a combination of the existing equipment fund and the Closed GO bond Fund. • A separate account will be used to maintain a balance by department area for the participating departments; Code Enforcement/Community Development, Building Inspections, Engineering, Police, and Fire, Park Maintenance and Street Maintenance.. • Replacements are limited to replacement of same kind of equipment, additional costs for upgrades and additional features beyond the replacement equipment are funded by the operating department within the operating budget. If equipment to outfit a vehicle is intended to be funded through the use of the VERF, the cost for the outing should be included in the estimated replacement cost. • The annual charge is calculated each year and is equal to the estimated replacement cost divided by the replacement cycle of the vehicle. • The VERF is designed to fund replacements of the vehicle- not the initial purchase for fleet additions. • Additions to the fleet are intended to be funded in the operating department’s budget, and once purchased the asset are transferred to the VERF. 291 Budget Process • The VERF along with the listing of covered vehicles will be included in the annual Capital Improvements Program as well included in the annual operating budget as an internal service fund. • The vehicles included in the program will be scheduled based on the City Council adopted vehicle replacement schedule. Replacements each year will be based on recommendations provided to the Fleet Manager from each operating department. Each year’s vehicle and equipment replacements are subject to the annual budgeting process for inclusion in the City Administrator’s recommended budget and will be included as a separate section of the annual Capital Improvements Program. • The VERF annual budget will include a calculation of the annual charge for each vehicle in the program to be included in each department’s operating budget. • The assets and subsequent depreciation are recorded in the VERF-Internal Service Fund. • A minimum reserve level in the VERF fund is to be maintained at a minimum level where the 10 year projected balance remains positive at each year. In the event that reserve levels are projected to fall below this minimum the annual charge will be adjusted by a fund shortage factor. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 The identified replacements that are proposed to be funded from the equipment fund are listed below. Summary Budget Department 105 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: VERF Interfund Charges 716,355$ 736,580$ 969,180$ 1,032,410$ 1,152,820$ 1,344,170$ Sale Proceeds 76,500 72,500 100,000 96,000 69,000 144,500 Investment Earnings 9,135 7,735 14,410 19,295 11,069 10,539 Transfer from Closed GO Debt Fund 461,000 - 600,000 - - 1,262,990 816,815 1,683,590 1,147,705 1,232,889 1,499,209 Expenses Depreciation 544,000 605,840 897,570 1,029,250 1,029,250 1,029,250 Capital outlay: Code Enforcement - - - - - Police 65,000 80,975 94,000 327,600 365,200 345,500 Fire 530,000 240,000 621,900 71,800 94,600 973,600 Parks 513,600 506,500 271,100 293,900 142,400 307,000 Street Maintenance - - 513,900 314,800 218,900 143,800 Engineering - 27,500 - - - - PW Natural Resources - - - - - - CMF Shop - - - - 11,600 - Bldg Inspections - - - - - - Total Capital outlay 1,108,600 854,975 1,500,900 1,008,100 832,700 1,769,900 Total 1,652,600 1,460,815 2,398,470 2,037,350 1,861,950 2,799,150 Cash Balance Beginning of Year 159,052$ 313,442$ 275,282$ 457,972$ 597,577$ 997,766$ Revenues 1,262,990 816,815 1,683,590 1,147,705 1,232,889 1,499,209 Capital Outlay (1,108,600) (854,975) (1,500,900) (1,008,100) (832,700) (1,769,900) End of Year 313,442$ 275,282$ 457,972$ 597,577$ 997,766$ 727,075$ 292 Capital Outlay: 2020 : Unit Desc Life Cycle Acq Date Year Added Replace Year Original Price Purchase Price Trade Value Replace Cost 2020 Police 901 2014 Ford Explorer 6 May-13 2014 2020 32,550 49,400 4,000 45,400 904 2013 Ford Police (investigation)8 Jun-12 2012 2020 29,400 28,400 4,000 24,400 905 2014 Ford Police Interceptor 6 Jun-14 2014 2020 33,000 49,400 3,500 45,900 908 2013 Ford Police Interceptor 8 May-12 2012 2020 31,100 49,400 3,500 45,900 910 2015 Ford Explorer 6 Aug-14 2014 2020 37,000 49,400 4,000 45,400 918 2014 Ford Explorer 6 May-13 2014 2020 32,550 49,400 4,000 45,400 921 2013 Ford Police (investigation)8 Mar-12 2012 2020 24,238 28,400 3,500 24,900 945 2016 Ford Police (investigation outfitting)10,000 10,000 948 2015 Ford Police (investigation outfitting)10,000 10,000 800 Mhz Radios 2008 2020 22,500 - 22,500 972 1997 Radar Trailer #1 Apr-97 1997 2020 18,900 500 18,400 365,200 27,000 338,200 Street Maintainance 360 2010 GMC 3/4 Ton Pickup (4-WD)10 Apr-10 2010 2020 24,876 31,500 7,000 24,500 361 2010 Ford F550 Dump Truck 10 Jul-10 2010 2020 50,822 68,300 10,000 58,300 309 2010 Vermeer BC 1800 XL Chipper 10 Jan-10 2010 2020 45,674 84,100 5,000 79,100 Fleet Addition - Pickup 35,000 35,000 218,900 22,000 196,900 Fleet & Buildings 704 2012 JD 997 (50% shared w/utilities)5 2012 2020 11,600 4,000 7,600 11,600 4,000 7,600 Fire Hydraulic Rescue Tools 15 2005 2005 2020 90,000 94,600 - 94,600 Park Maintenance - 243 2010 Dodge 3/4 Ton Pickup (4-WD) w/7.5’ Boss Plow 10 May-10 2010 2020 19,646 23,100 7,000 16,100 215 2013 Toro 580D Grounds Master 7 Jan-13 2013 2020 72,000 77,500 5,000 72,500 257 2014 Toro Workman 3200 Utility Cart w/Groomer-Le 6 Nov-14 2014 2020 24,000 29,200 3,000 26,200 274 2008 Olympia 82.5" Ice Resurfacer 12 Feb-08 2008 2020 10,118 12,600 1,000 11,600 142,400 16,000 126,400 832,700 69,000 763,700 2021 : Unit Desc Life Cycle Acq Date Year Added Replace Year Original Price Purchase Price Trade Value Replace Cost 2021 Police 902 2014 Ford Explorer 8 May-13 2013 2021 31,100 50,600 4,000 46,600 907 2015 Ford Explorer 7 Aug-14 2014 2021 37,000 50,600 4,000 46,600 909 2016 Ford Explorer 5 Jun-15 2015 2021 37,000 50,600 4,000 46,600 912 2013 Ford Police Interceptor 9 May-12 2012 2021 31,100 50,600 3,500 47,100 913 2014 Ford Police Interceptor 7 May-13 2013 2021 32,550 50,600 3,500 47,100 914 2015 Ford Police Interceptor 6 Aug-15 2015 2021 32,550 50,600 3,500 47,100 800 Mhz Radios 2008 2020 22,500 - 22,500 973 2001 Radar Trailer #2 May-01 2001 2020 19,400 1,000 18,400 345,500 23,500 322,000 Fire 4980 2000 HME Fire Aerial Ladder Truck 21 2000 2021 438,400 915,400 60,000 855,400 4997 2006 Chev K2500 Crew Cab Pickup 16 2006 2021 25,670 30,200 5,000 25,200 4973 2005 Pace Am Sprinkler Trailer 15 2006 2021 5,015 28,000 2,000 26,000 973,600 67,000 906,600 Street Maintainance 362 2011 Chev 1 Ton Dump Truck 10 Jul-11 2011 2021 45,000 57,600 10,000 47,600 342 2003 Chipper 18 Jan-03 2003 2021 25,280 86,200 5,000 81,200 143,800 15,000 128,800 Park Maintenance 241 2011 Dodge 1/2 Ton Pickup 10 May-11 2011 2021 18,662 21,700 1,500 20,200 260 2011 Ford F350 1 TON Dump Pickup 10 Jun-11 2011 2021 38,798 43,200 7,000 36,200 218 2014 Toro GM4700-D Mower 7 May-14 2014 2021 66,000 71,100 10,000 61,100 220 2014 Toro GM4700-D Mower 7 May-14 2014 2021 66,000 71,100 10,000 61,100 203 2009 JD 6230 (2WD) Tractor w/Cab 12 Jun-09 2009 2021 38,614 43,100 4,500 38,600 254 2015 Toro Workman HDX-D utility Cart w/ Groomer 6 Feb-15 2015 2021 26,770 28,800 6,000 22,800 Fleet Addition - Toro Sandpro 28,000 28,000 307,000 39,000 268,000 1,769,900 144,500 1,625,400 293 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 105 - VERF COMPANY 7400 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND - INTERNAL SERVICE FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECT REQUEST RECOMMEND REQUEST RECOMMEND REVENUES 4225 VERF CHARGES FROM: POLICE - 7401 196,870 238,220 238,220 262,000 262,000 288,200 288,200 FIRE - 7406 321,000 337,050 353,100 388,400 388,400 407,800 407,800 CODE ENFORCEMENT - 7411 2,540 2,540 2,540 2,620 2,540 2,700 2,540 GEN GOVT BUILDINGS - 7411 2,620 2,620 2,620 2,690 2,620 2,760 2,620 BLDG INSPECTIONS - 7416 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,980 12,980 13,370 13,370 ENGINEERING - 7421 10,250 10,250 10,250 10,510 10,510 10,770 10,770 PUBLIC WORKS - 7426 4,450 4,500 1,990 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 PARK MAINT - 7431 231,000 236,780 236,780 236,700 236,700 242,620 270,620 CMF SHOP - 7436 2,850 2,850 2,850 5,700 5,700 6,560 5,800 STREET MAINT - 7441 185,000 185,000 185,000 194,370 229,370 348,400 340,400 Total 969,180 1,032,410 1,045,950 1,117,970 1,152,820 1,325,230 1,344,170 5010 INTEREST POLICE - 7401 1,200 6,000 6,305 1,780 1,780 656 656 FIRE - 7406 3,600 2,700 8,680 6,188 6,188 4,241 4,241 CODE ENFORCEMENT - 7411 90 200 84 123 123 165 165 GEN GOVT BUILDINGS - 7411 75 204 246 246 291 291 BLDG INSPECTIONS - 7416 50 470 688 888 888 1,096 1,096 ENGINEERING - 7421 240 600 290 448 448 612 612 PUBLIC WORKS - 7426 130 80 514 551 551 589 589 PARK MAINT - 7431 630 7,300 183 (11) (11) 1,643 1,643 CMF SHOP - 7436 155 370 371 419 419 397 397 STREET MAINT - 7441 1,500 1,434 437 437 849 849 Total 6,095 19,295 18,753 11,069 11,069 10,539 10,539 8205 PROCEEDS FROM SALE/TRADE POLICE - 7401 7,000 12,000 20,000 27,000 27,000 23,500 23,500 FIRE - 7406 6,000 - - 67,000 67,000 CODE ENFORCEMENT - 7411 - - - - - PARK MAINT - 7431 19,500 44,000 44,000 16,000 16,000 39,000 39,000 CMF SHOP - 7436 - 4,000 4,000 - - STREET MAINT - 7441 40,000 38,000 22,000 22,000 15,000 15,000 Total 31,500 96,000 108,000 69,000 69,000 144,500 144,500 TOTAL REVENUES 1,006,775 1,147,705 1,172,703 1,198,039 1,232,889 1,480,269 1,499,209 6610 DEPRECIATION POLICE - 7402 135,015 188,195 188,195 188,195 188,195 188,195 188,195 FIRE - 7407 140,120 170,355 170,355 170,355 170,355 170,355 170,355 CODE ENFORCEMENT - 7412 5,580 5,580 5,580 5,580 5,580 5,580 5,580 GEN GOVT BUILDINGS - 7412 2,500 BLDG INSPECTIONS - 7417 6,555 8,445 8,445 8,445 8,445 8,445 8,445 ENGINEERING - 7422 5,865 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 PUBLIC WORKS - 7427 4,125 4,125 4,125 4,125 4,125 4,125 4,125 PARK MAINT - 7432 230,335 241,300 241,300 241,300 241,300 241,300 241,300 CMF SHOP - 7437 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 STREET MAINT - 7442 395,000 395,000 395,000 395,000 395,000 395,000 Total 536,695 1,029,250 1,029,250 1,029,250 1,029,250 1,029,250 1,029,250 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES POLICE - 7402 71,750 327,600 566,200 365,200 365,200 345,500 345,500 FIRE - 7407 547,350 71,800 1,008,600 94,600 94,600 973,600 973,600 CODE ENFORCEMENT - 7412 GEN GOVT BUILDINGS - 7412 BLDG INSPECTIONS - 7417 - ENGINEERING - 7422 - PUBLIC WORKS - 7427 24,395 PARK MAINT - 7432 237,300 293,900 293,900 142,400 142,400 279,000 307,000 CMF SHOP - 7437 - - 11,600 11,600 STREET MAINT - 7442 314,800 304,220 183,900 218,900 143,800 143,800 Total 880,795 1,008,100 2,172,920 797,700 832,700 1,741,900 1,769,900 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,417,490$ 2,037,350$ 3,202,170$ 1,826,950$ 1,861,950$ 2,771,150$ 2,799,150$ 294 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 4000 71 4002 Municipal Building Fund DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Municipal Building Fund is being created to provide a financing mechanism for the systematic improvements of municipal buildings and facilities. The goal of the fund is to have sufficient cash flow to fund annual purchases and to stabilize budgeting for these building improvement expenditures. The revenue source for the fund includes an annual transfer from the General Fund and a transfer from the Future Capital Project Fund in an amount equal to the prior year’s interest earnings experienced in the Future Capital Projects Fund, in the addition to interest earnings. As the program is phased in, an inventory of long term building needs will be incorporated into the Capital Improvements Plan in order to prioritize these identified needs. SCOPE The Municipal Building Fund will be used for building and facility needs that extend the usefully life of the building and facility and is not intended to address ongoing maintenance items which will continue to be addressed in the individual operating budgets. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 The identified replacements that are proposed to be funded from the municipal building fund are listed below under capital outlay. Summary Budget Department 71 - Municipal Building Fund 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Transfer From General Fund 171,500$ 176,000$ 381,000$ 381,000$ 186,000$ 192,000$ 198,000 Transfer from Future Cap.Proj. Fund 370,000 183,000 212,000 212,000 212,000 212,000 218,000 Transfer from other Funds 10,986 - - - - - Investment Earnings 1,794 3,684 4,217 3,800 3,800 8,300 8,800 Refunds and Reimbursements - 130 9,900 - - - 554,281 362,814 607,117 596,800 401,800 412,300 424,800 Expenses 6235-Consultant Services - 6,281 2,231 - - - - 6399-Other Charges - 1,908 - - - - - 6715-Buildings 13,219 412,672 288,751 366,000 506,000 378,500 962,900 6735-Other Improvements - 13,395 - - - - - 6740-Capital Outlay Other 44,299 - - 200,000 150,000 - 6810-Construction in Progress 92,238 11,504 - - - - - Total 149,756 445,761 290,983 566,000 656,000 378,500 962,900 Fund Balance Beginning of Year 111,485$ 516,010$ 433,063$ 433,063$ 749,197$ 494,997$ 528,797$ Revenues 554,281 362,814 607,117 596,800 401,800 412,300 424,800 Expenses (149,756) (445,761) (290,983) (566,000) (656,000) (378,500) (962,900) Addback Depreciation Exp - - - - - - - End of Year 516,010$ 433,063$ 749,197$ 463,863$ 494,997$ 528,797$ (9,303)$ 295 Capital Outlay: 2020 Municipal Center - PD HVAC 60,000$ Fire Station #1 Roof replacement 61,000 Fire Station #2 Roof Replacement 44,500 Fire Station #3 Apparatus Bay Floor 30,000 CMF windows, doors, OH doors 20,000 CMF Replace Vehicle Hoist Bay #3 27,000 AVCC - Hardwood Gym Curtains 45,000 JCRP East Restroom facility 60,000 JCRP East Legion Roof 6,000 Senior Center-Backup Boiler 25,000 378,500$ 2021 Municipal Center - PD Training Room 56,000$ Municipal Center - Recarpet 200,000 Municipal Center -Roof replacement 150,000 Fire Station #1 Bay Pit Repair 60,000 Fire Station #2 Roof Replacement 44,500 CMF windows, doors, OH doors 9,500 CMF Replace Vehicle Hoist Bay #5 26,000 CMF- Upgrade Accubrine Machne 35,400 CMF- Police Storage Bldg Unit Heater # 1 15,500 CMF- Parks Storage Bldg Unit Heater # 2 16,000 CMF- Streets Storage Bldg Unit Heater # 3 16,000 AVCC- Sport Court Divider Curtains 51,000 AVCC- Caulk/Sealant Masonary 34,000 AVCC- Concrete Work 40,000 AVCC- Flooring 10,000 Senior Center- Cooling Tower 50,000 Senior Center- Concrete Dumpster Area 50,000 JCRP Activity Center Reroof 85,000 JCRP East Legion Roof 14,000 962,900$ 296 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 6,281 2,231 0 0 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 6,281 2,231 0 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 0 0 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 0 6,281 2,231 0 0 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 1,908 0 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 1,908 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 1,908 0 0 6715 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-BUILDINGS 13,219 412,672 288,751 506,000 304,566 378,500 378,500 962,900 962,900 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX -2,398 0 0 0 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 13,395 0 0 0 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 46,697 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 57,518 426,067 288,751 656,000 304,566 378,500 378,500 962,900 962,900 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 57,518 426,067 288,751 656,000 304,566 378,500 378,500 962,900 962,900 6810 - CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 92,238 11,504 0 13,500 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 92,238 11,504 0 13,500 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 92,238 11,504 0 13,500 7001 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 0 0 0 0 7000 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 0 0 0 0 149,756 445,761 290,983 656,000 318,066 378,500 378,500 962,900 962,900 297 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT: 71 MUNICIPAL BLDGS (4000) COMPANY 4000: GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED REQUEST RECOMMEND REQUEST RECOMMEND 6715 Capital Outlay Buildings Municipal Center- PD Training Room 56,000 - Municipal Center - Recarpet 200,000 150,000 200,000 200,000 Municipal Center - PD HVAC Ph #2 60,000 60,000 Municipal Center - PD Training room 56,000 56,000 Municipal Center - Muni Center Roof Replacement - - 150,000 150,000 Fire Station #1 Roof replacement 61,000 61,000 Fire Station #2 Roof Replacement 44,500 44,500 Fire Station #3 Roof Replacement 44,500 44,500 Fire Station # 3 Apparatus Bay Floor 30,000 30,000 Fire Station # 1 Bay Pit Repair 60,000 60,000 AVFAC Building ReRoofing 55,000 AVFAC Refractor Boilers Ameresco CMF North & West Lot chip seal 15,000 CMF windows, doors, OH doors 16,000 20,000 20,000 9,500 9,500 CMF restrooms 20,000 20,000 20,000 CMF overhead doors 22,000 CMF Streets/Shop roof 27,000 30,000 30,000 CMF CoRayVac program thermostat 6,000 CMF Hallway Tile 12,000 12,000 CMF Old Wash Bay Conversion 27,000 27,000 CMF Replace Vehicle Hoist Bay #3 27,000 27,000 CMF Replace Vehicle Hoist Bay #5 26,000 26,000 CMF- Upgrade Accubrine Machne 35,400 35,400 CMF- Police Storage Bldg Unit Heater # 1 15,500 15,500 CMF- Parks Storage Bldg Unit Heater # 2 16,000 16,000 CMF- Streets Storage Bldg Unit Heater # 3 16,000 16,000 AVCC - Replace Boilers Ameresco AVCC - Restroom/locker room flooring 46,000 AVCC - Water Heater 28,000 AVCC - Flooring various rooms 35,000 40,000 40,000 AVCC - Hardwood Gym Curtain 45,000 45,000 45,000 AVCC - Sportcourt gym roof 100,000 100,000 26,000 AVCC - Sportcourt divider curtains 51,000 51,000 AVCC - Caulk / Sealant / Masonary 34,000 34,000 Senior Center Yellowstone Room Carpet Rep 50,000 50,000 Senior Center Cooling Tower 10,000 10,000 Senior Cntr interior painting high traff 5,000 Senior Center -Building Upgrades 35,000 35,000 Senior Center - Concrete Dumpster Area 50,000 50,000 JCRP East Restroom facility 60,000 60,000 JCRP East Legion Roof 6,000 6,000 14,000 14,000 JCRP East Soccer Stadium Roof 6,000 6,000 JCRP Activity Center Reroof 85,000 85,000 Senior Center-Backup Boiler 25,000 25,000 Redwood - Boiler Replacement 20,000 20,000 Redwood Community Room Improve 20,000 Total 366,000 506,000 400,000 378,500 378,500 962,900 962,900 6740 AVFAC Slide Resurfacing 200,000 150,000 150,000 Total 200,000 150,000 150,000 - - - - Total Net of Personnel 566,000 656,000 550,000 378,500 378,500 962,900 962,900 TOTAL EXPENSES 566,000$ 656,000$ 550,000$ 378,500$ 378,500$ 962,900$ 962,900$ 298 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5000 56, 57, 58 and 59 5005, 5025, 5065 5095 Liquor Operations DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Liquor Operations exist in order to control the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in compliance with Federal and State laws. After control, we strive to provide the community the highest possible profit. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Item 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 AV Gross Profit % For comparison: Metro Average Gross Profit 29.4%* 25.6%* 29.5% 26.0% 30.5% 28.4% 29.0% 29.0% 29.0% AV Net Operating Profit % (before transfers) Metro Avg. Net Op. Profit% 10.2%* 5.0%* 10.4% 5.9% 11.8% 8.9% 10.5% 7.7% 8.3% Sales Transfer to General Fund *Numbers from the State Auditor’s Report, not available after 2017 8,726,877* 600,000* 9,183,273 630,000 9,455,278 630,000 9,337,000 630,000 9,782,000 660,000 9,959,000 660,000 10,191,000 680,000 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Liquor Operation Director 1 1 1 1 1 1 Liquor Store Manager 3 3 3 3 3 3 Assistant Store Manager 2 2 2 2 2 2 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule –(# hours) Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Accounting Clerk PT 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,300 1,300 Lead Clerk PT 3,650 3,650 3,650 6,020 6,400 6,400 Cashier / Clerks 16,125 16,700 16,700 15,175 14,900 14,900 Supervisor PT 4,038 3,250 3,250 2,805 2,600 2,600 299 Summary Budget Business Unit - Liquor Combined 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Sales Revenue 8,747,681 9,183,273 9,445,162 9,337,000 9,782,000 9,959,000 10,191,000 Cost of Goods Sold 6,171,692 6,473,274 6,568,029 6,685,290 6,945,220 7,070,890 7,235,610 Gross Profit 2,575,989 2,709,999 2,877,133 2,651,710 2,836,780 2,888,110 2,955,390 29.4% 29.5% 30.5% 28.4% 29.0% 29.0% 29.0% Expenditures Salaries and Wages 762,272 813,013 841,179 863,095 888,845 866,665 899,705 Employee Benefits 266,767 273,473 236,481 255,285 256,990 257,555 271,410 Supplies 13,577 16,987 18,364 23,050 21,100 21,650 21,650 Contractual Services 32,430 31,833 28,263 38,100 38,440 41,065 41,185 Utilities 47,071 51,934 53,013 53,125 53,625 56,480 56,480 Repairs and Maint.36,956 15,145 37,733 27,335 34,760 40,168 38,168 Training/Travel/Dues 9,159 10,051 10,421 12,790 12,790 13,530 13,630 Rentals / Leases 174,837 177,550 176,716 183,400 190,400 191,200 191,600 Insurance 71,688 75,285 68,585 68,585 66,600 66,700 69,200 Other Expenditures 10,182 11,295 11,816 11,640 10,500 12,640 13,400 Visa M/C fees 126,097 135,391 142,219 138,000 149,700 151,500 151,500 Depreciation 136,546 140,757 141,536 146,600 140,600 142,800 144,800 Total Exp.1,687,582 1,752,714 1,766,326 1,821,005 1,864,350 1,861,953 1,912,728 Operating Income-before Transfers & Interest 888,407 957,285 1,110,807 830,705 972,430 1,026,157 1,042,662 Other Revenue (expense)10,195 6,740 11,550 - - - - Interest Income 23,935 18,342 37,994 33,000 33,000 40,000 40,000 Transfers Out (630,000) (630,000) (630,000) (630,000)(660,000) (660,000)(680,000) Debt Service Interest (28,974) (26,896) (20,705) (22,600)- - - Net Income 263,563 325,471 509,646 211,105 345,430 406,157 402,662 Net Position - Beginning of Year 4,780,752 5,044,315 5,369,786 5,369,786 5,580,891 5,926,321 6,332,478 Change in Accounting Principle - - (3,521)- - - - Net Position - End of Year 5,044,315 5,369,786 5,875,911 5,580,891 5,926,321 6,332,478 6,735,140 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2020: 3 Door Cooler at Store 1 $ 7,500 2-3 Door Coolers at Store 3 $15,000 $22,500 300 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) LIQUOR STORE MANAGEMENT Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 112,301 114,792 118,060 122,055 103,591 103,095 103,095 109,400 109,400 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 25,187 25,854 27,797 26,865 11,512 23,765 23,765 25,210 25,210 6118 - VACATION PAY 3,892 786 8,128 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 720 720 720 0 240 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 4,580 6,035 6,035 6,410 6,410 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 142,099 142,152 154,705 153,500 115,343 132,895 132,895 141,020 141,020 6138 - MEDICARE 2,007 2,052 2,118 2,225 1,040 1,925 1,925 2,045 2,045 6139 - FICA 8,583 8,776 9,058 9,520 4,447 8,240 8,240 8,745 8,745 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 10,311 10,548 10,939 11,515 4,801 9,965 9,965 10,575 10,575 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,122 4,936 5,337 5,840 2,277 4,495 4,495 5,005 5,005 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 120 3,285 649 0 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 306 231 237 345 85 300 300 315 315 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 11,268 9,861 10,939 14,340 3,467 17,340 17,340 18,360 18,360 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 604 602 602 232 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 6 6 6 2 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 2,294 2,287 2,287 692 6150 - PENSION EXPENSE-GASB 68 10,930 8,084 -1,435 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 49,552 50,667 40,738 43,785 17,044 42,265 42,265 45,045 45,045 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 191,652 192,820 195,443 197,285 132,386 175,160 175,160 186,065 186,065 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 9 10 10 200 0 100 100 100 100 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 50 0 50 50 50 50 6205 - SUPPLIES 9 10 10 250 0 150 150 150 150 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 11,100 13,703 12,771 17,410 9,631 17,880 17,880 18,000 18,000 6239 - PRINTING 7,678 7,179 6,157 10,000 1,107 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,778 20,882 18,928 27,410 10,738 29,880 29,880 30,000 30,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 35 42 40 190 20 200 200 200 200 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 776 1,493 1,427 1,650 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 533 570 597 1,000 195 900 900 1,000 1,000 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5,700 5,700 5,700 6,625 0 6,625 6,625 6,625 6,625 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 250 250 250 250 250 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 7,044 7,806 7,765 9,715 215 10,475 10,475 10,575 10,575 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 25,831 28,698 26,704 37,375 10,953 40,505 40,505 40,725 40,725 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 10,262 11,393 11,605 10,500 7,235 12,640 12,640 13,400 13,400 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 10,262 11,393 11,605 10,500 7,235 12,640 12,640 13,400 13,400 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 10,262 11,393 11,605 10,500 7,235 12,640 12,640 13,400 13,400 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 630,000 630,000 630,000 660,000 330,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 680,000 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 630,000 630,000 630,000 660,000 330,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 680,000 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 630,000 630,000 630,000 660,000 330,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 680,000 857,745 862,911 863,752 905,160 480,575 888,305 888,305 900,190 920,190 301 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 56: LIQUOR STORE MANAGEMENT - 5005 COMPANY 5000: LIQUOR FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 115,330 122,055 122,055 103,095 103,095 109,400 109,400 6111 Salaries - Parttime 26,515 26,865 26,865 23,765 23,765 25,210 25,210 6123 Salaries - Other 7,225 4,580 4,580 6,035 6,035 6,410 6,410 6138 Medicare 2,160 2,225 2,225 1,925 1,925 2,045 2,045 6139 FICA 9,240 9,520 9,520 8,240 8,240 8,745 8,745 6141 Pension - PERA 11,180 11,515 11,515 9,965 9,965 10,575 10,575 6142 Workers Compensation 5,490 5,840 5,840 4,495 4,495 5,005 5,005 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 335 345 345 300 300 315 315 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 12,900 14,340 14,340 17,340 17,340 18,360 18,360 Position Changes Total 190,375 197,285 197,285 175,160 175,160 186,065 186,065 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 200 200 50 100 100 100 100 Total 200 200 50 100 100 100 100 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Various 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Audit 13,390 12,410 12,800 12,880 12,880 13,000 13,000 PCI Compliance / Penetration Testing 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 17,390 17,410 17,800 17,880 17,880 18,000 18,000 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING/ADVERTISING Advertising, Help wanted, etc 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Chamber Meetings 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 Seminars 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Total 190 190 190 200 200 200 200 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER MMBA conference 1,650 1,650 - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total 1,650 1,650 - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 900 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 900 1,000 1,000 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MN Municipal Beverage Assn 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 Chamber Dues Council 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 Total 6,625 6,625 6,625 6,625 6,625 6,625 6,625 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Clothing 250 250 - 250 250 250 250 Total 250 250 - 250 250 250 250 6399 OTHER CHARGES LOGIS 11,640 10,500 12,000 12,640 12,640 13,400 13,400 Total 11,640 10,500 12,000 12,640 12,640 13,400 13,400 7110 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND Operating Transfer 630,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 680,000 Total 630,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 680,000 Total Net of Personnel 678,995 707,875 707,715 713,145 713,145 714,125 734,125 TOTAL EXPENSES 869,370$ 905,160$ 905,000$ 888,305$ 888,305$ 900,190$ 920,190$ 302 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) LIQUOR STORE #1 Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 129,255 139,119 142,647 144,150 68,704 146,695 146,695 151,110 151,110 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 119,165 110,512 2,702 126,225 0 128,850 128,850 132,840 132,840 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 0 2,978 105,750 56,139 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 689 340 1,996 2,100 447 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 2,393 1,627 0 5,100 0 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 6118 - VACATION PAY -18,627 4,675 7,804 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 720 720 720 0 360 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 0 0 0 6,490 0 4,395 4,395 4,470 4,470 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 449 2,188 860 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 233,595 260,419 263,807 284,065 126,510 287,140 287,140 295,620 295,620 6138 - MEDICARE 3,603 3,669 3,664 3,980 1,813 4,165 4,165 4,285 4,285 6139 - FICA 15,407 15,690 15,666 17,010 7,751 17,805 17,805 18,330 18,330 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 18,856 19,123 19,138 20,195 9,462 21,535 21,535 22,170 22,170 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 6,691 10,607 11,125 12,375 4,964 11,515 11,515 12,445 12,445 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 354 277 288 415 129 435 435 435 435 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 25,349 26,024 28,420 30,600 10,428 30,310 30,310 32,245 32,245 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 1,936 2,108 2,166 1,016 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 12 12 12 0 6 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 139 138 138 65 6150 - PENSION EXPENSE-GASB 68 12,580 9,797 -1,734 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -2,200 -3,137 -832 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 84,927 85,244 75,747 84,575 34,801 85,765 85,765 89,910 89,910 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 318,522 345,664 339,554 368,640 161,311 372,905 372,905 385,530 385,530 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 330 77 0 400 108 400 400 400 400 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 916 495 1,675 1,550 409 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 0 310 7 7 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,688 6,863 7,184 8,000 3,431 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 5,935 7,745 8,866 9,950 3,954 9,950 9,950 9,950 9,950 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 0 0 0 50 0 50 50 50 50 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 1,245 1,356 1,212 1,575 941 1,675 1,675 1,675 1,675 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 160 284 789 660 476 740 740 740 740 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,405 1,640 2,002 2,285 1,417 2,465 2,465 2,465 2,465 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 16,147 17,535 16,576 17,700 5,781 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 3,034 3,652 4,366 4,000 2,908 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 335 329 270 350 188 400 400 400 400 6250 - UTILITIES 19,517 21,516 21,213 22,050 8,878 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 2,747 2,533 2,776 5,304 2,023 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 7,312 5,413 2,018 7,200 753 7,710 7,710 7,710 7,710 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 2,390 0 1,236 0 106 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 12,449 7,945 6,030 12,504 2,883 13,310 13,310 13,310 13,310 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 8 0 167 100 0 100 100 100 100 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 377 242 245 400 65 350 350 350 350 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 349 363 369 435 21 435 435 435 435 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 503 421 493 500 0 500 500 500 500 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 1,237 1,027 1,274 1,435 86 1,385 1,385 1,385 1,385 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 40,542 39,873 39,384 48,224 17,218 49,510 49,510 49,510 49,510 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 172,509 175,823 175,433 187,000 89,509 187,400 187,400 187,400 187,400 303 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) LIQUOR STORE #1 Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 32,496 34,125 30,925 28,700 14,350 28,700 28,700 29,600 29,600 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -36 -53 -51 -29 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 58,019 62,001 63,025 64,000 32,487 65,500 65,500 65,500 65,500 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 262,987 271,896 269,332 279,700 136,316 281,600 281,600 282,500 282,500 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 262,987 271,896 269,332 279,700 136,316 281,600 281,600 282,500 282,500 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6510 - LIQUOR 996,312 1,031,792 1,027,892 3,144,590 449,728 3,114,770 3,114,770 3,130,390 3,130,390 6520 - WINE 593,977 597,941 560,177 0 258,992 6530 - BEER 1,314,035 1,358,369 1,349,503 0 531,906 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 44,651 45,107 44,857 0 18,548 6545 - NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 28,917 34,703 36,103 0 17,438 6550 - FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE 21,667 21,368 20,842 0 8,539 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 2,999,559 3,089,279 3,039,374 3,144,590 1,285,152 3,114,770 3,114,770 3,130,390 3,130,390 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,999,559 3,089,279 3,039,374 3,144,590 1,285,152 3,114,770 3,114,770 3,130,390 3,130,390 6610 - DEPRECIATION 16,652 18,576 19,094 19,100 9,468 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 16,652 18,576 19,094 19,100 9,468 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 16,652 18,576 19,094 19,100 9,468 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 7,500 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 7,500 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 7,500 3,638,262 3,765,288 3,706,737 3,860,254 1,609,465 3,845,385 3,845,385 3,867,030 3,867,030 304 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 57: LIQUOR STORE NO 1 - 5010 & 5025 COMPANY 5000: LIQUOR FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND Total Sales - Store # 1 4,452,000 4,429,000 4,365,000 4,387,000 4,387,000 4,409,000 4,409,000 COST OF GOODS SOLD 3,187,630 3,144,590 3,099,150 3,114,770 3,114,770 3,130,390 3,130,390 Gross Margin 1,264,370 1,284,410 1,265,850 1,272,230 1,272,230 1,278,610 1,278,610 SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 137,275 144,150 144,150 146,695 146,695 151,110 151,110 6111 Salary-Parttime 123,235 126,225 126,225 128,850 128,850 132,840 132,840 6113 Overtime - Reg 2,000 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 6114 Overtime - Part time 5,000 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 6123 Salaries - Other 10,205 6,490 6,490 4,395 4,395 4,470 4,470 6138 Medicare 4,030 3,980 3,980 4,165 4,165 4,285 4,285 6139 FICA 17,220 17,010 17,010 17,805 17,805 18,330 18,330 6141 Pension - PERA 20,830 20,195 20,195 21,535 21,535 22,170 22,170 6142 Workers Compensation 12,160 12,375 12,375 11,515 11,515 12,445 12,445 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 395 415 415 435 435 435 435 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 28,800 30,600 30,600 30,310 30,310 32,245 32,245 Position Changes - - - - - - - Total 361,150 368,640 368,640 372,905 372,905 385,530 385,530 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Total 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Misc. Exp 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Vacuum 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 Beer Taps 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Computers/Register items 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Bags, Cleaning Supplies, etc.8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Total 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Rubbish Removal 950 950 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Rug Service 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Carpet Cleaning/Tile 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 Window Washing 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Total 1,575 1,575 1,675 1,675 1,675 1,675 1,675 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Alarm Monitoring 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 Music 200 200 280 280 280 280 280 Miscellaneous 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Total 660 660 740 740 740 740 740 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 17,500 17,700 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 Total 17,500 17,700 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS 4,000 4,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Total 4,000 4,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER 350 350 400 400 400 400 400 Total 350 350 400 400 400 400 400 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Copier Maint. Agreement 685 684 800 800 800 800 800 Cash Registers Maint. Agreement - 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Payment Terminals Maint. Agreement 515 513 513 600 600 600 600 Microsoft POS License Fee 1,065 1,107 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Misc/Baler, Fire ext serv,etc.500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Computer / Register Systems 500 500 2,837 500 500 500 500 Alarm repairs 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 3,765 5,304 7,850 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 305 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 57: LIQUOR STORE NO 1 - 5010 & 5025 COMPANY 5000: LIQUOR FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS Miscellaneous 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Annual Fire Spklr test 190 200 210 210 210 210 210 Rooftop heating units 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Cooler 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total 7,190 7,200 7,710 7,710 7,710 7,710 7,710 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Seminars/Training 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Miscellaneous 400 400 350 350 350 350 350 Total 400 400 350 350 350 350 350 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Retailers ID Card (Buyers Card)20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Miscellaneous 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Chamber Dues 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 ID Checking Guide 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Total 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Miscellaneous 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Base Rent 132,000 138,000 138,000 138,000 138,000 138,000 138,000 Copier Lease 400 400 400 400 400 Taxes 25,000 26,000 25,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 Common Mall Area Maint 23,000 23,000 22,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 Total 180,000 187,000 185,400 187,400 187,400 187,400 187,400 6311 INSURANCE Dram Shop 8,000 8,870 8,920 4,350 4,350 4,500 4,500 Property & Muni Liab 22,925 19,830 20,680 24,350 24,350 25,100 25,100 Total 30,925 28,700 29,600 28,700 28,700 29,600 29,600 6351 VISA/BANK CHARGES 62,000 64,000 65,500 65,500 65,500 65,500 65,500 Total 62,000 64,000 65,500 65,500 65,500 65,500 65,500 6610 DEPRECIATION 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 Total 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - MACH/EQ/OTHER 3 Door Cooler 7,500 7,500 Total - - - 7,500 7,500 - - Total Net of Personnel 338,500 347,024 351,360 357,710 357,710 351,110 351,110 TOTAL EXPENSES 699,650$ 715,664$ 720,000$ 730,615$ 730,615$ 736,640$ 736,640$ 306 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) LIQUOR STORE #2 Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 78,476 79,585 83,139 83,975 40,360 84,710 84,710 87,215 87,215 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 86,740 86,949 49,477 97,850 13,287 54,080 54,080 55,700 55,700 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 44,454 29,007 47,040 47,040 48,445 48,445 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 1,600 0 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 924 1,248 907 1,900 47 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 6118 - VACATION PAY 1,892 3,407 -9 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 720 0 720 0 360 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 5,205 4,105 4,105 4,270 4,270 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 566 394 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 168,753 171,189 179,254 190,530 83,455 193,435 193,435 199,130 199,130 6138 - MEDICARE 2,419 2,401 2,581 2,710 1,206 2,805 2,805 2,885 2,885 6139 - FICA 10,342 10,264 11,038 11,590 5,156 11,995 11,995 12,345 12,345 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 12,461 12,584 13,179 13,895 5,953 14,510 14,510 14,935 14,935 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 4,430 6,989 7,786 8,430 3,150 7,755 7,755 8,385 8,385 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 0 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 211 159 165 240 74 250 250 250 250 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 10,919 16,610 10,280 11,160 3,453 12,975 12,975 13,885 13,885 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 1,332 1,506 1,565 0 734 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 6 6 6 3 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 40 1 55 26 6150 - PENSION EXPENSE-GASB 68 7,638 5,604 -1,011 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -2,200 0 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 49,798 53,924 45,645 48,025 19,755 50,290 50,290 52,685 52,685 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 218,550 225,113 224,899 238,555 103,210 243,725 243,725 251,815 251,815 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 31 26 163 250 0 250 250 250 250 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 119 137 1,537 550 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 6 0 0 0 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 2,211 2,451 3,012 3,000 1,430 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 2,368 2,614 4,712 3,800 1,430 4,450 4,450 4,450 4,450 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 50 50 50 50 50 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 785 839 1,177 1,550 483 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,409 1,984 2,138 2,510 565 2,510 2,510 2,510 2,510 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,195 2,823 3,315 4,110 1,049 4,110 4,110 4,110 4,110 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 8,780 9,392 8,648 9,600 3,052 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 785 1,061 1,567 1,600 1,861 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 305 328 373 375 137 380 380 380 380 6250 - UTILITIES 9,870 10,781 10,588 11,575 5,049 11,480 11,480 11,480 11,480 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 1,215 1,625 1,306 3,986 997 4,075 4,075 4,075 4,075 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 6,010 1,994 2,791 3,050 864 5,060 5,060 3,060 3,060 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 0 0 0 1,000 319 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 7,225 3,618 4,097 8,036 2,180 10,135 10,135 8,135 8,135 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 0 0 167 100 0 100 100 100 100 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 50 50 50 50 50 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 349 363 369 385 21 385 385 385 385 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 167 148 200 0 200 200 200 200 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 349 530 683 735 21 735 735 735 735 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 23,007 20,367 23,395 28,256 9,729 30,910 30,910 28,910 28,910 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 400 400 400 400 307 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) LIQUOR STORE #2 Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 14,496 15,225 13,825 14,000 7,000 14,050 14,050 15,000 15,000 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -16 -20 -36 -12 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 29,040 30,582 34,706 32,500 13,775 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 0 0 210 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 43,520 45,787 48,495 46,500 20,973 50,450 50,450 51,400 51,400 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 43,520 45,787 48,495 46,500 20,973 50,450 50,450 51,400 51,400 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6510 - LIQUOR 351,666 364,708 368,282 1,240,370 155,262 1,233,270 1,233,270 1,246,050 1,246,050 6520 - WINE 242,818 258,029 246,600 0 127,965 6530 - BEER 509,975 530,525 524,662 0 223,622 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 14,536 14,971 16,336 0 23,631 6545 - NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 16,659 16,601 15,477 0 6,268 6550 - FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE 8,484 8,338 10,754 0 4,318 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 1,144,138 1,193,173 1,182,111 1,240,370 541,067 1,233,270 1,233,270 1,246,050 1,246,050 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,144,138 1,193,173 1,182,111 1,240,370 541,067 1,233,270 1,233,270 1,246,050 1,246,050 6610 - DEPRECIATION 21,711 21,912 22,172 22,000 11,378 19,700 19,700 19,700 19,700 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 21,711 21,912 22,172 22,000 11,378 19,700 19,700 19,700 19,700 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 21,711 21,912 22,172 22,000 11,378 19,700 19,700 19,700 19,700 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,450,926 1,506,351 1,501,072 1,575,681 686,357 1,578,055 1,578,055 1,597,875 1,597,875 308 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 58: LIQUOR STORE NO 2 - 5050 & 5065 COMPANY 5000: LIQUOR FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND Total Sales - Store # 2 1,722,000 1,747,000 1,720,000 1,737,000 1,737,000 1,755,000 1,755,000 6510/6550 COST OF GOODS SOLD 1,232,950 1,240,370 1,221,200 1,233,270 1,233,270 1,246,050 1,246,050 Gross Margin 489,050 506,630 498,800 503,730 503,730 508,950 508,950 SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 79,350 83,975 83,975 84,710 84,710 87,215 87,215 6111 Salary-Parttime 102,035 97,850 97,850 54,080 54,080 55,700 55,700 6112 Salary-Casual 47,040 47,040 48,445 48,445 6113 Overtime - Reg 1,500 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 6114 Overtime - Part time 1,800 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 6123 Salaries - Other 7,590 5,205 5,205 4,105 4,105 4,270 4,270 6138 Medicare 2,790 2,710 2,710 2,805 2,805 2,885 2,885 6139 FICA 11,920 11,590 11,590 11,995 11,995 12,345 12,345 6141 Pension - PERA 14,420 13,895 13,895 14,510 14,510 14,935 14,935 6142 Workers Compensation 8,420 8,430 8,430 7,755 7,755 8,385 8,385 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 230 240 240 250 250 250 250 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 15,900 11,160 11,160 12,975 12,975 13,885 13,885 Position Changes Total 245,955 238,555 238,555 243,725 243,725 251,815 251,815 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Vacuum 650 - 650 650 650 650 650 Beer Taps - Computers/Register items 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 1,200 550 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Bags, Cleaning Supplies, etc 3,200 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total 3,200 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Rubbish Removal 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 Carpet Cleaning 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Rug Service 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Miscellaneous - Total 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Alarm Monitoring 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 Misc 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Music 200 200 200 200 200 200 Mowing 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 Total 2,310 2,510 2,510 2,510 2,510 2,510 2,510 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 9,400 9,600 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 Total 9,400 9,600 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS 1,700 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Total 1,700 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Water & Sewer 375 375 380 380 380 380 380 Total 375 375 380 380 380 380 380 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Cash Register Maint Agreement - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Payment Terminals Maint. Agreement 257 257 257 300 300 300 300 Microsoft POS License Fee 638 554 560 600 600 600 600 Misc/Conveyor 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Computer / Register Systems 150 150 1,419 150 150 150 150 Alarm Repairs 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Copier Maint. Agreement 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 HVAC Maintenance 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Total 3,070 3,986 5,261 4,075 4,075 4,075 4,075 309 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 58: LIQUOR STORE NO 2 - 5050 & 5065 COMPANY 5000: LIQUOR FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS Furnace, Compressor, Cooler etc.1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Misc/Electric work 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Repair office flooring 2,000 2,000 Annual Fire Spklr test 190 200 210 210 210 210 210 Irrigation start up / fall blowout 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Parking lot striping Total 3,040 3,050 3,060 5,060 5,060 3,060 3,060 6269 REPAIRS - OTHER Store Exterior, Paint or Repairs 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Seminars/Training 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Miscellaneous Subscriptions - Retailers ID Card (Buyers Card)20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ID Checking Guide 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Chamber Dues 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 Total 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Total 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Copier Lease 400 400 400 400 400 Total 400 400 400 400 400 6311 INSURANCE Dram Shop 3,100 3,480 1,750 1,750 2,000 2,000 Property & muni liab 10,725 10,520 12,300 12,300 13,000 13,000 Total 13,825 14,000 - 14,050 14,050 15,000 15,000 6351 VISA/BANK CHARGES 31,000 32,500 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 31,000 32,500 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 6610 DEPRECIATION 22,000 22,000 19,700 19,700 19,700 19,700 Total 22,000 22,000 - 19,700 19,700 19,700 19,700 6720 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE FURN Total - - - - - - - 6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE EQUIP Total - - - - - - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Register software and hardware DVR phase 1DVR phase 2Signage Upgrade Awnings Total - - - - - - - Total Net of Personnel 94,705 96,756 66,496 101,060 101,060 100,010 100,010 TOTAL EXPENSES 340,660$ 335,311$ 305,051$ 344,785$ 344,785$ 351,825$ 351,825$ 310 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) LIQUOR STORE #3 Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 140,183 143,116 149,007 151,170 62,818 137,635 137,635 145,660 145,660 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 83,479 90,610 0 100,345 0 0 0 107,920 107,920 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 2,428 89,907 47,629 104,750 104,750 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,656 1,169 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1,688 1,340 0 3,200 0 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 6118 - VACATION PAY -9,181 -548 2,370 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 0 720 0 0 0 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 4,535 6,110 6,110 5,655 5,655 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 419 2,130 580 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 217,825 239,253 243,413 260,750 111,027 253,195 253,195 263,935 263,935 6138 - MEDICARE 3,246 3,465 3,471 3,665 1,593 3,670 3,670 3,825 3,825 6139 - FICA 13,878 14,817 14,841 15,670 6,812 15,700 15,700 16,365 16,365 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 17,014 17,932 18,059 18,845 8,327 18,990 18,990 19,795 19,795 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 6,038 9,944 10,533 11,400 4,653 10,155 10,155 11,115 11,115 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 386 290 297 425 121 410 410 425 425 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 27,059 26,503 29,423 30,600 10,816 30,310 30,310 32,245 32,245 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 1,207 1,204 1,204 514 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 12 12 12 5 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 6 260 96 45 6150 - PENSION EXPENSE-GASB 68 13,644 10,078 -1,811 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -868 -1,772 -661 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 82,490 83,637 74,352 80,605 32,226 79,235 79,235 83,770 83,770 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 300,314 322,890 317,765 341,355 143,253 332,430 332,430 347,705 347,705 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 99 313 96 400 27 400 400 400 400 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1,152 267 65 1,200 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6214 - CHEMICALS 35 0 0 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 15 712 0 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 3,998 5,291 4,615 5,500 2,171 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 6205 - SUPPLIES 5,265 6,618 4,776 7,100 2,198 7,100 7,100 7,100 7,100 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 0 0 64 0 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 41 50 0 50 50 50 50 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 1,360 1,028 863 1,725 532 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,692 3,459 2,550 2,860 893 2,860 2,860 2,860 2,860 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,051 4,487 3,518 4,635 1,425 4,610 4,610 4,610 4,610 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 17,205 19,053 20,776 19,200 11,225 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 479 585 436 800 137 600 600 600 600 6250 - UTILITIES 17,684 19,638 21,212 20,000 11,362 22,600 22,600 22,600 22,600 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 2,677 2,646 9,719 5,470 2,340 5,663 5,663 5,663 5,663 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 8,885 935 16,449 6,750 1,326 8,060 8,060 8,060 8,060 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 5,720 0 1,438 2,000 850 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 17,282 3,581 27,606 14,220 4,516 16,723 16,723 16,723 16,723 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 0 32 165 100 6 100 100 100 100 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 42 20 32 50 50 50 50 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 349 363 369 485 25 485 485 485 485 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 180 293 123 300 0 300 300 300 300 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 529 688 699 905 63 935 935 935 935 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 44,812 35,011 57,811 46,860 19,564 51,968 51,968 51,968 51,968 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 2,328 1,727 1,283 3,400 -1,003 3,400 3,400 3,800 3,800 311 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) LIQUOR STORE #3 Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 24,696 25,935 23,835 23,900 11,950 23,950 23,950 24,600 24,600 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -28 -25 -25 -16 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 39,038 42,808 44,488 53,200 29,699 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 0 74 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 66,034 70,444 69,654 80,500 40,630 77,350 77,350 78,400 78,400 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 66,034 70,444 69,654 80,500 40,630 77,350 77,350 78,400 78,400 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6510 - LIQUOR 566,383 609,104 650,232 2,560,260 287,661 2,722,850 2,722,850 2,859,170 2,859,170 6520 - WINE 559,971 590,779 610,948 0 265,083 6530 - BEER 841,962 922,201 1,007,840 0 430,336 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 25,767 31,359 36,103 0 11,842 6545 - NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 19,326 21,722 24,376 0 10,984 6550 - FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE 14,585 15,658 17,046 0 6,625 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 2,027,995 2,190,822 2,346,544 2,560,260 1,012,531 2,722,850 2,722,850 2,859,170 2,859,170 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,027,995 2,190,822 2,346,544 2,560,260 1,012,531 2,722,850 2,722,850 2,859,170 2,859,170 6610 - DEPRECIATION 98,183 100,270 100,270 99,500 46,790 104,000 104,000 106,000 106,000 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 98,183 100,270 100,270 99,500 46,790 104,000 104,000 106,000 106,000 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 98,183 100,270 100,270 99,500 46,790 104,000 104,000 106,000 106,000 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 0 0 31,669 15,000 15,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 31,669 15,000 15,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 31,669 15,000 15,000 6910 - BOND PRINCIPAL 0 0 0 6901 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 6900 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 7015 - DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7001 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7000 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,537,337 2,719,438 2,892,045 3,128,475 1,294,436 3,303,598 3,303,598 3,443,243 3,443,243 312 Notes: 313 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 59: LIQUOR STORE NO 3 - 5080 & 5095 COMPANY 5000: LIQUOR FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND Total Sales - Store # 3 3,163,000 3,606,000 3,653,000 3,835,000 3,835,000 4,027,000 4,027,000 6510/6550 COST OF GOODS SOLD 2,264,710 2,560,260 2,593,630 2,722,850 2,722,850 2,859,170 2,859,170 Gross Margin 898,290 1,045,740 1,059,370 1,112,150 1,112,150 1,167,830 1,167,830 6110 SALARIES Regular Employees 144,550 151,170 151,170 137,635 137,635 145,660 145,660 6111 Salary-Parttime 87,435 - - 107,920 107,920 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 100,345 100,345 104,750 104,750 - - 6113 Overtime - Reg 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6114 Overtime - Parttime 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 6123 Salaries - Other 7,350 4,535 4,535 6,110 6,110 5,655 5,655 6138 Medicare 3,540 3,665 3,665 3,670 3,670 3,825 3,825 6139 FICA 15,130 15,670 15,670 15,700 15,700 16,365 16,365 6141 Pension - PERA 18,300 18,845 18,845 18,990 18,990 19,795 19,795 6142 Workers Compensation 10,685 11,400 11,400 10,155 10,155 11,115 11,115 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 410 425 425 410 410 425 425 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 28,800 30,600 30,600 30,310 30,310 32,245 32,245 Position Changes Total 320,900 341,355 341,355 332,430 332,430 347,705 347,705 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 800 400 400 400 400 400 400 Total 800 400 400 400 400 400 400 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Misc. Expenses 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Vacuum / Cooler parts 500 300 300 300 300 300 300 Computer / Register Systems 800 600 300 300 300 300 300 Total 1,900 1,500 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Bags, Cleaning Supplies, etc 5,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Signage 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 6,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Rubbish Removal 800 800 750 750 750 750 750 Carpet Cleaning 325 325 450 450 450 450 450 Rug Service 450 450 350 350 350 350 350 Window Washing 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Total 1,725 1,725 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Alarm Monitoring 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 Misc 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Music 430 200 200 200 200 200 200 Mowing 2,150 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 Total 2,940 2,860 2,860 2,860 2,860 2,860 2,860 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 19,000 19,200 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 Total 19,000 19,200 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Water / Irrigation & Sewer 800 800 600 600 600 600 600 Total 800 800 600 600 600 600 600 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Copier Maint. Agreement 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 Cash Register Maint Agreement - 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Payment Terminals Maint. Agreement 515 513 513 513 513 513 513 Microsoft POS License Fee 1,065 1,107 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Computer / Register Systems 500 500 2,837 500 500 500 500 Alarm Repairs 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 HVAC Maintenance (filters)400 500 500 500 500 500 Batteries for Floor machine 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Total 3,530 5,470 8,000 5,663 5,663 5,663 5,663 314 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 59: LIQUOR STORE NO 3 - 5080 & 5095 COMPANY 5000: LIQUOR FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS Heat Pumps, Compressor, Cooler etc.1,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Irrigation Maintenance 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Landscape Maintenance 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Annual Fire Sprkl test 190 200 210 210 210 210 210 Annual Irrigation valve test 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Total 2,740 6,750 8,060 8,060 8,060 8,060 8,060 6269 REPAIRS - OTHER Store Exterior, Paint or Repairs 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Infiltation basin maintenance 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 3,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Seminars/Training 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 20 20 40 50 50 50 50 Total 20 20 40 50 50 50 50 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Retailers ID Card (Buyers Card)20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ID Checking Guide 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Miscellaneous Subscriptions 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Chamber Dues 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 Total 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 6310 Rental Copier Lease 400 400 400 Cobblestone Maintenance Agreement 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 Total 3,400 3,400 3,800 3,400 3,400 3,800 3,800 6311 INSURANCE Dram Shop 5,700 6,520 6,520 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,100 Prop Ins 18,135 17,380 17,380 19,950 19,950 20,500 20,500 Total 23,835 23,900 23,900 23,950 23,950 24,600 24,600 6351 VISA/BANK CHARGES 45,000 53,200 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 45,000 53,200 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 6610 DEPRECIATION 105,500 99,500 104,000 104,000 104,000 106,000 106,000 Total 105,500 99,500 104,000 104,000 104,000 106,000 106,000 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS 2 - 3 Door Coolers 15,000 15,000 Exterior marquee / digital billboard 75,000 Total 75,000 - - 15,000 15,000 - - 7015 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST 22,600 - - - 22,600 - - - - - - 6910 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 240,000 - 240,000 - - - - - - Total Net of Personnel 558,725 227,160 235,995 248,318 248,318 236,368 236,368 TOTAL EXPENSES 879,625$ 568,515$ 577,350$ 580,748$ 580,748$ 584,073$ 584,073$ 315 Notes: 316 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5100 61-Valleywood Golf Course 5105 Golf Operations DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY Valleywood offers a wide variety of golf opportunities to the public. Our mission is to offer a high quality golf experience at a competitive rate to the general public while providing opportunities to residents of Apple Valley at a discounted price. We need to work on maximizing revenue during the peak demand times and provide the value golf to our patrons during off peak times. This will enable us to maximize revenues while still providing a great value to our resident players and our patrons. Valleywood is a true multi-use facility. In addition to golf activities and banquets, the course plays host to the Eastview and Apple Valley High School golf teams, District 196 Nordic Ski Team, cross country running races, Apple Valley Wine Club, and a variety of other Recreation Department programs. With the addition of our Working Foreman, Ryan Browning, in 2017 course conditions have continued to improve. We are also re-evaluating our equipment plans with Ryan. As a result we are upgrading some of our larger equipment and looking to add some smaller pieces to allow us to reduce the contracting of such things as greens aeration by purchasing our own aerators and replacing a couple of our Workmen with lighter duty, less expensive utility vehicles. This tough winter has caused us to re-evaluate purchases and make additional seeders and aeration equipment a priority. This will greatly improve our ability to recover from the massive winter kill when we experience it. Valleywood entered into an operational partnership with the Roasted Pear restaurant in April of 2018 with them handling all food and beverage operations and Valleywood staff handling all golf operations and building rental responsibilities. Most likely revenues derived from building rentals and F&B commissions will be offset by needed upgrades in the clubhouse operation. As commission and rental revenues continue to grow clubhouse capital outlay should decrease. Hopefully within a couple of years the F&B commission and building rental revenues will offset virtually all of the operational costs of the clubhouse. A financial summary of the overall Valleywood Operation is presented here and for more detail see the following pages. The winter of 2018-2019 was brutal for Minnesota Golf courses. Valleywood survived better than most and had the greens come through in great shape. The over 25 major irrigation breaks demonstrated once again the costs of having a 43 year old irrigation system. The replacement of the irrigation system will be a major cost. However, we are spending more and more money on repairs each year and are leaking out millions of gallons of water through our extremely outdated system. We are also deeply concerned about the possibility of a catastrophic irrigation failure that would require us to hand water greens to keep them alive and hope for the best for the rest of the property. 317 Summary Budget Department 61 - VALLEYWOOD GOLF (Total Operations) 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Golf Revenue 1,011,281$ 912,499$ 825,120$ 1,073,000$ 1,073,000$ 1,124,000$ 1,154,000$ Food & Beverage Revenue 343,365 267,591 37,714 366,000 60,000 80,000 95,000 Total Revenue 1,354,646 1,180,090 862,834 1,439,000 1,133,000 1,204,000 1,249,000 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 702,013 675,863 525,867 688,625 576,355 585,980 602,135 Emp. Benefits 185,956 167,195 117,327 151,250 148,445 155,545 155,565 Supplies 210,178 152,939 107,455 149,000 133,500 133,500 121,200 Contractual Serv.73,650 77,339 66,392 108,750 80,250 52,200 70,500 Utilities 52,972 47,581 48,174 58,000 54,500 54,500 50,000 Repairs & Maint.21,480 20,114 24,115 21,000 21,500 21,500 16,500 Training/Travel/Dues 7,380 9,503 5,408 8,700 8,650 7,250 14,700 Insurance & Other Exp.70,019 62,846 59,858 76,500 73,890 51,850 49,150 Items for Resale 215,213 182,099 70,973 235,200 57,000 57,000 59,000 Total Operating Expense 1,538,861 1,395,479 1,025,569 1,497,025 1,154,090 1,119,325 1,138,750 Operating Income(loss) Before Depreciation (184,215) (215,389) (162,735) (58,025) (21,090) 84,675 110,250 Depreciation:(174,171) (183,693) (192,782) (133,000) (177,500) (179,000) (179,000) Debt Service Interest (13,695) (15,805) (16,277) (10,650) (9,775) (8,950) (8,950) Net Other Income / expense 1,791 118 1,745 - - - - Gain on Sale of Assets - 50,682 - - - - - Net Income (Loss)(370,290) (364,087) (370,049) (201,675) (208,365) (103,275) (77,700) Beginning Net Position 1,257,761 887,471 523,384 523,384 523,384 315,019 211,744 Change in Accounting Principle - - (1,692) - - - - Ending Net Position 887,471 523,384 151,643 321,709 315,019 211,744 134,044 SERVICE CATEGORIES 1 Golf Management Operations The management team coordinates, promotes, schedules and oversees all Valleywood activities. It is essential to the overall success of this enterprise operation that the city actively participates in its management. The operation and long range planning for the golf operation requires a high degree of coordination with a variety of city departments. Management’s challenge is to provide open access to a number of community groups and a favorable season pass and patron card system for the residents of Apple Valley while promoting outside events and banquet rentals to sustain the operations profitability. Golf Management Operations – Objectives for 2020/2021 •Maximize golf revenues during peak demand times while still offering economical pricing at off peak times. •Develop and implement coordinated social media plan. •Grow rental opportunities, in coordination with the Roasted Pear, at the facility in order to maximize revenues with minimal variable staff costs for these rentals. •Increase rounds through continued targeted marketing, superior service and excellent course conditions. •Outreach and development of programs to entice additional players and outings members in accordance with our growth of the game commitment. 318 Golf Management Operations – Objectives for 2021 •Maximize golf revenues during peak demand times while still offering economical pricing at off peak times. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Projected 2019 Projected 2020 Projected 2021 # Rounds 32,435 30,653 27,616 33,000 34,000 34,000 Golf Events-40 to 60 players 34 35 35 35 35 40 Golf Events 60+ Players Golf Events 100+ Players 11 5 15 5 14 4 15 5 15 5 15 10 Banquet Private (weddings, etc.) 26 22 24 32 40 40 Banquet- Corporate (meetings, etc.) 11 15 14 15 15 18 Banquet Non-Profits (DCTC,Schools) 4 8 8 8 8 10 Banquet Club Events (league dinners) 11 12 12 12 12 12 Banquet – Public Events (Liquor events, concerts) 63 5 6 10 10 10 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Actual Actual Actual Proposed Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Golf Course Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 Food & Beverage Coordinator .5 .5 - - - - Division Specialist - - - 1 1 1 Maintenance Foreman 2 2 2 2 2 2 Temporary Status – PT Hours Personnel Schedule Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Golf Course Maintenance: Seasonal Maintenance II -0-60 -0-2,500 500 500 Seasonal Maintenance I 6,455 9,120 6,650 7,000 6,500 6,500 6,455 9,210 6,650 9,500 7,000 7,000 Golf Operations: Golf Supervisors & Leads 2,430 3,624 1,308 2,200 1,500 1,500 Golf Attendants (pro shop) 3,694 2,765 3,867 3,700 4,000 4,000 Golf Attendants (outside) 4,139 4,389 3,881 4,300 3,500 3,500 Golf Clubhouse Maintenance 4,781 1,078 2,205 -2,000 2,000 Golf Clerical Assistant -0-1,002 970 -1,000 1,000 15,044 12,858 12,231 10,200 12,000 12,000 Food & Beverage : Food & Bev. Supervisor 1,613 3,166 1,650 1,500 - - Food & Beverage Lead 1,872 1,458 -0-2,500 - - Food & Bev – Cook 1,873 2,054 241 1,500 - - Food & Bev. Attendants 3,166 3,108 137 500 500 500 Food & Beverage Banquets 1,108 537 9 - - - 9,632 10,323 2,037 6,000 500 500 Total 31,131 32,391 20,918 25,700 19,500 19,500 319 Summary Budget Department 61 - VALLEYWOOD GOLF (Excluding Food & Beverage) 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Golf Revenue 1,011,281$ 912,499$ 825,120$ 1,073,000$ 1,073,000$ 1,124,000$ 1,154,000$ Total Revenue 1,011,281 912,499 825,120 1,073,000 1,073,000 1,124,000 1,154,000 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 580,648 536,573 516,285 530,135 539,450 554,975 569,550 Emp. Benefits 170,846 147,614 115,814 129,450 142,365 150,860 150,600 Supplies 200,117 145,697 106,400 141,500 133,500 133,500 121,200 Contractual Serv.60,299 65,555 60,048 95,250 72,250 42,200 60,500 Utilities 52,972 47,581 48,174 58,000 54,500 54,500 50,000 Repairs & Maint.20,554 18,757 20,234 20,000 20,500 20,500 15,500 Training/Travel/Dues 6,175 8,633 5,408 8,500 8,650 7,250 14,700 Insurance & Other Exp.68,403 61,728 58,867 75,500 73,890 51,850 49,150 Items for Resale 86,098 61,310 58,862 78,200 57,000 57,000 59,000 Capital Outlay (non-capitalized)- - - - - - - Total Operating Expense 1,246,112 1,093,448 990,092 1,136,535 1,102,105 1,072,635 1,090,200 Operating Income(loss) Before Depreciation (234,831) (180,949) (164,972) (63,535) (29,105) 51,365 63,800 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY Range Equipment (washer etc.) $ 10,000 $ 10,000 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY Range Equipment (picker etc.) $ 25,000 $ 25,000 320 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5100 61-Valleywood Golf Course 5150 Golf Course Maintenance 2 Golf Course Maintenance The Golf Maintenance division provides the beautification of the 190 acre Valleywood Golf Course as well as the building and clubhouse grounds. The Golf Maintenance division maintains the playability and health of the golf course through daily greens mowing, bi-weekly fairway and rough mowing and the ongoing upkeep and maintenance of the irrigation system and all equipment needs for the golf course. We are concerned about the rapidly aging irrigation system and are currently taking steps to get a replacement plan and cost estimate in place for future replacement of the system. The overall success of the golf operation as a business unit is extremely dependent on the golf course conditions. While the management team can do things through marketing and promotion to attract players, it is mostly the overall course conditions and playability that will bring customers back and turn them into regular, loyal Valleywood Patrons. We continue to evolve our equipment replacement plan to reflect modern maintenance practices. Equipment needs evolve as the condition of the golf course improves. Golf Course Maintenance – Objectives for 2020/2021 •Continue to evaluate our equipment plan to reflect modern standards of maintenance and work to control equipment repair costs through the continued purchase of newer equipment. •Finalize irrigation replacement plan. •Development of a plan for greens maintenance and watering in case of catastrophic irrigation failure. •Complete upgrade of outdoor rental area for events and weddings. •Continue to develop methods for proper clubhouse and surrounding grounds maintenance. •Institute newer turf grass management methods and current standards and best practices for chemical and fertilizer applications. •Organize seasonal staff in order to maintain property to high standards in anticipation of major irrigation replacement project. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Fertilizer 24,676 14,736 22,315 20,000 15,000 18,000 Chemicals 30,460 33,448 13,326 21,000 25,000 22,000 Equipment Parts 40,679 48,900 18,921 33,000 30,000 25,000 Equipment repairs 9,139 17,373 12,851 20,000 20,000 11,000 Small Tools 10,580 7,148 3,652 6,000 6,000 6,000 Fuel 11,135 9,871 15,643 12,000 12,000 13,000 321 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2019 Proposed 2020 Proposed 2021 Position Title Golf Course Maintenance Maintenance Foreman 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Temporary Status – PT Hours Personnel Schedule –(Part-Time Hours) Actual Actual Actual Proposed Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Golf Course Maintenance: Seasonal Maintenance II -0-60 -0-2,500hrs 2,500hrs 2,500hrs Seasonal Maintenance I 6,455 9,120 6,650 7,000hrs 7,000hrs 7,000hrs Maintenance 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY Seeder $ 20,000 Aerway Aerator $ 15,000 Greens Roller $ 15,000 Utility vehicles (2) $ 25,000 $ 75,000 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY Replace Irrigation System $ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000 2021 ALTERNATE CAPITAL OUTLAY (These items would not be purchased in 2021 if the irrigation system is replaced in 2021) Toro Outcross (w/ cab & loader) $ 95,000 Replace Spreader $ 15,000 Range equipment $ 25,000 $ 150,000 322 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) Golf Operations Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 289,461 252,085 231,699 257,900 113,136 264,295 264,295 278,170 278,170 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 273,428 285,294 272,316 264,000 118,559 263,660 263,660 267,670 267,670 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 8,360 14,258 13,473 6,000 2,640 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 6118 - VACATION PAY 7,318 -14,417 1,962 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 0 780 720 0 6122 - COMP REQUEST -190 -5,752 -5,670 -1,484 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 0 0 0 11,550 0 12,020 12,020 8,710 8,710 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 2,270 4,325 849 372 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 580,648 536,573 515,349 539,450 233,223 554,975 554,975 569,550 569,550 6138 - MEDICARE 8,115 7,653 7,360 7,820 3,288 8,050 8,050 8,260 8,260 6139 - FICA 34,697 32,723 31,469 33,445 14,058 34,410 34,410 35,310 35,310 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 28,315 28,077 25,678 29,960 12,643 28,375 28,375 30,075 30,075 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 12,946 10,160 10,953 10,520 3,939 14,235 14,235 7,195 7,195 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 23 0 0 0 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 765 525 465 740 206 800 800 800 800 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 51,851 49,794 44,675 59,880 21,409 64,990 64,990 68,960 68,960 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 4,564 3,980 2,986 1,298 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 24 22 19 8 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 7 296 0 0 6150 - PENSION EXPENSE-GASB 68 29,562 19,012 -2,881 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -4,652 -4,909 -2,977 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 170,846 147,614 115,814 142,365 53,874 150,860 150,860 150,600 150,600 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 751,494 684,186 631,164 681,815 287,097 705,835 705,835 720,150 720,150 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,621 1,537 1,034 1,500 323 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,200 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 6,601 6,183 3,652 6,000 1,364 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 11,134 9,871 15,643 10,000 1,149 10,000 10,000 13,000 13,000 6213 - FERTILIZER 24,676 14,736 22,315 15,000 5,174 15,000 15,000 18,000 18,000 6214 - CHEMICALS 30,462 33,448 13,326 25,000 32,982 25,000 25,000 22,000 22,000 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 40,678 48,900 18,921 30,000 4,516 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 2,537 113 327 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 82,407 30,909 31,182 45,000 17,611 45,000 45,000 35,000 35,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 200,117 145,697 106,400 133,500 63,119 133,500 133,500 121,200 121,200 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 71 341 41 25,250 93 200 200 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 15,075 15,333 14,752 10,000 5,976 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 12 0 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 7,981 7,571 7,760 7,000 4,253 7,000 7,000 7,500 7,500 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 7,699 10,028 8,812 8,000 3,277 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29,462 32,281 28,683 22,000 14,871 22,000 22,000 30,000 30,000 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 60,299 65,555 60,048 72,250 28,471 42,200 42,200 60,500 60,500 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 39,647 34,877 33,170 40,000 8,735 40,000 40,000 35,000 35,000 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 9,562 9,029 7,939 10,000 4,652 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 3,763 3,676 7,065 4,500 475 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 6250 - UTILITIES 52,972 47,581 48,174 54,500 13,862 54,500 54,500 50,000 50,000 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 8,215 16,016 9,271 15,000 1,869 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 12,339 2,549 7,861 5,000 5,669 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 0 192 3,101 500 0 500 500 500 500 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 20,554 18,757 20,234 20,500 7,537 20,500 20,500 15,500 15,500 323 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) Golf Operations Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 982 626 254 1,000 207 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 0 1,318 198 1,400 1,481 0 0 1,500 1,500 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 906 689 689 1,000 306 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 0 200 0 250 200 250 250 200 200 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,031 2,337 3,108 2,500 1,581 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,256 3,463 1,159 2,500 569 2,500 2,500 8,000 8,000 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 6,175 8,633 5,408 8,650 4,344 7,250 7,250 14,700 14,700 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 340,116 286,222 240,265 289,400 117,333 257,950 257,950 261,900 261,900 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 2,927 3,123 3,146 3,000 872 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 35,700 36,000 36,000 36,000 18,000 18,700 18,700 19,000 19,000 6323 - INTEREST EXPENSE 0 0 0 11,390 0 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,150 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -88 -14 -18 0 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 0 0 0 0 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 22,254 20,600 16,841 20,000 5,947 20,000 20,000 17,000 17,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 7,610 1,580 210 3,500 10 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 68,403 61,289 56,180 73,890 24,829 51,850 51,850 49,150 49,150 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 68,403 61,289 56,180 73,890 24,829 51,850 51,850 49,150 49,150 6410 - GOLF-RENT POWER CARTS 2,734 3,220 1,850 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6411 - GOLF-BAGS & UMBRELLAS 3,391 1,779 2,223 1,500 1,287 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 6412 - GOLF-BALLS 11,365 8,022 7,957 10,000 10,406 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 6413 - GOLF-CAPS/HATS/CLOTHING 31,313 11,748 13,298 12,000 15,292 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6414 - GOLF-CLUBS 5,515 9,283 8,984 8,000 1,091 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6415 - GOLF-GLOVES 6,478 5,265 1,664 6,000 1,023 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 6416 - GOLF-SHOES 8,885 6,441 4,348 4,000 3,318 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 6417 - GOLF-CIGARS 2,002 1,521 1,205 2,000 337 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 6418 - GOLF-PRO SHOP OTHER 7,655 5,287 5,711 7,000 6,213 7,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 6419 - GOLF-BEER 0 0 0 0 0 6420 - GOLF-FOOD 0 0 0 0 0 6421 - GOLF-NON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 0 0 162 0 0 6422 - GOLF-KITCHEN SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 6423 - GOLF-CASH DISCOUNT -910 -1,044 -654 -1,000 -431 -1,000 -1,000 6424 - GOLF FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE 2,311 2,687 2,525 2,500 2,217 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6426 - HANDICAP FEE 621 1,738 1,935 2,000 1,330 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6427 - GOLF-RENTAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 1,031 0 1,000 1,000 6428 - GOLF LESSONS 4,740 5,364 6,624 0 6,000 6,000 6429 - GOLF-LIQUOR 0 0 0 0 0 6430 - GOLF-WINE 0 0 0 0 0 6401 - EXPENDITURES 86,099 61,310 58,862 57,000 42,084 57,000 57,000 59,000 59,000 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 86,099 61,310 58,862 57,000 42,084 57,000 57,000 59,000 59,000 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 0 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 6610 - DEPRECIATION 174,171 183,693 192,782 177,500 102,620 179,000 179,000 179,000 179,000 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 174,171 183,693 192,782 177,500 102,620 179,000 179,000 179,000 179,000 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 174,171 183,693 192,782 177,500 102,620 179,000 179,000 179,000 179,000 6720 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE & FIX 440 2,685 0 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 130,000 0 75,000 75,000 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 50,666 0 0 0 11,000 0 0 1,200,000 1,200,000 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER -50,666 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 25,000 25,000 324 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) Golf Operations Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 440 2,685 130,000 11,000 85,000 85,000 1,225,000 1,225,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 440 2,685 130,000 11,000 85,000 85,000 1,225,000 1,225,000 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 0 0 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 0 0 7015 - DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 1,184 4,018 5,657 9,247 7016 - INTERFUND LOAN-INTEREST 12,510 11,787 7,390 9,775 0 8,950 8,950 8,950 8,950 7001 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 13,695 15,805 13,047 9,775 9,247 8,950 8,950 8,950 8,950 7000 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 13,695 15,805 13,047 9,775 9,247 8,950 8,950 8,950 8,950 1,433,977 1,292,947 1,194,984 1,419,380 594,210 1,345,585 1,345,585 2,503,150 2,503,150 325 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 61: GOLF - 5105 COMPANY 5100: GOLF FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 247,465 257,900 257,900 264,295 264,295 278,170 278,170 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 264,000 264,000 264,000 263,660 263,660 267,670 267,670 6113 Overtime - Reg 6,000 6,000 6,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 6114 Overtime - Temp 6123 Salaries - Other 12,670 11,550 11,550 12,020 12,020 8,710 8,710 6138 Medicare 7,685 7,820 7,820 8,050 8,050 8,260 8,260 6139 FICA 32,870 33,445 33,445 34,410 34,410 35,310 35,310 6141 Pension - PERA 19,960 29,960 29,960 28,375 28,375 30,075 30,075 6142 Workers Compensation 10,520 10,520 10,520 14,235 14,235 7,195 7,195 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 815 740 740 800 800 800 800 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 57,600 59,880 59,880 64,990 64,990 68,960 68,960 Position Changes Total 659,585 681,815 681,815 705,835 705,835 720,150 720,150 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,200 Total 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,200 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 4,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Total 4,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 13,000 13,000 Total 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 13,000 13,000 6213 FERTILIZER 25,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 18,000 18,000 Total 25,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 18,000 18,000 6214 CHEMICALS 21,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 22,000 22,000 Total 21,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 22,000 22,000 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Mowers,Irrigation, Tractors 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 Total 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Operations/Misc 46,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 35,000 35,000 Total 46,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 35,000 35,000 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Irrigation Design Consultant - 25,000 25,000 - - Supplemental staff training 250 250 250 200 200 Total 250 25,250 25,250 200 200 - - 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Clubhouse, Maintenance 15,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 Total 15,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Promotion Flyers 8,500 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,500 7,500 Total 8,500 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,500 7,500 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Clubhouse, Maintenance 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Total - - - 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Mechanical contract 18,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 Culligan Water Coolers - mntc shop 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 Carts (capital lease- int. exp & depr exp)46,000 - - - - Total 66,500 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 30,000 30,000 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 35,000 35,000 Total 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 35,000 35,000 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 326 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 61: GOLF - 5105 COMPANY 5100: GOLF FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6257 UTILITIES - PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 8,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 Total 8,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Winterize Sprinkler System 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Rebuild Various Equip 8,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 Total 13,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6269 REPAIRS - OTHER 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Maintenance Certification 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER National Conference - 1,400 1,400 - - 1,500 1,500 Total - 1,400 1,400 - - 1,500 1,500 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6278 SUBSISTENCE - 250 250 250 250 200 200 Total - 250 250 250 250 200 200 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MGA/PGA 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 Total 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 8,000 8,000 Total 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 8,000 8,000 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Chemical Toilets 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Small Equipment 1,000 - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 4,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6311 INSURANCE 36,000 36,000 36,000 18,700 18,700 19,000 19,000 Total 36,000 36,000 36,000 18,700 18,700 19,000 19,000 6399 OTHER CHARGES Golf Lessons 2,200 - - - - Teemaster 7,500 2,500 2,500 - - Building Reservation Software 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 10,500 3,500 3,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6610 DEPRECIATION Equipment 37,000 36,000 36,000 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500 Carts 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Building & Sewer Extension 96,000 96,500 96,500 96,500 96,500 96,500 96,500 Total 133,000 177,500 177,500 179,000 179,000 179,000 179,000 7016 INTERFUND LOAN INTEREST Sewer Extension 3,230 2,585 2,585 1,945 1,945 1,945 1,945 Club House 6,980 6,805 6,805 6,650 6,650 6,650 6,650 Parking Lot 440 385 385 355 355 355 355 Mowers - - - Total 10,650 9,775 9,775 8,950 8,950 8,950 8,950 2715 PRINCIPAL PORTION OF CAPITAL LEASE Cart Lease - 40,105 40,105 41,850 41,850 41,850 41,850 TCF Equipment Lease 32,536 32,536 34,183 34,183 34,183 34,183 Lease Payoff - - - 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 - 72,641 72,641 131,033 131,033 131,033 131,033 6323 INTEREST ON CAPITAL LEASE Carts - 11,390 11,390 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,150 Total - 11,390 11,390 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,150 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES Replace Large Mower 65,000 65,000 65,000 - - Replace Greensmower 40,000 40,000 40,000 - - Replace - (2) Workmen 50,000 - - - - Seeder 20,000 20,000 Aerway Aerator 15,000 15,000 Greens Roller - - - 15,000 15,000 Utility vehicles (2)- 25,000 25,000 - - Aerator 25,000 25,000 Total 155,000 130,000 130,000 75,000 75,000 - - 327 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 61: GOLF - 5105 COMPANY 5100: GOLF FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMP Irrigation System 1,200,000 1,200,000 Total - - - - - 1,200,000 1,200,000 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Range equipment - - - 10,000 10,000 25,000 25,000 Total - - - 10,000 10,000 25,000 25,000 6351 VISABANK CHARGES 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 17,000 17,000 6410 POWER CARTS RENTAL 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6411 GOLF-BAGS & UMBRELLAS 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 6412 BALLS 14,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 6413 CAPS/HATS/CLOTHING 25,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6414 CLUBS 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6415 GLOVES 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 6416 SHOES 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 6417 CIGARS 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 6418 PRO SHOP-OTHER 12,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 6423 CASH DISCOUNT (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) 6424 FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE 3,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6426 HANDICAP FEE 1,200 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6427 GOLF-RENTAL EQUIPMENT 1,000 1,000 6428 GOLF LESSONS 6,000 6,000 Total 103,200 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 76,000 76,000 Total Net of Personnel 770,600 802,206 802,206 770,783 770,783 1,914,033 1,914,033 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,430,185$ 1,484,021$ 1,484,021$ 1,476,618$ 1,476,618$ 2,634,183$ 2,634,183$ Less: Principal Portion of Capital Lease In - (72,641) (72,641) (131,033) (131,033) (131,033) (131,033) 1,430,185 1,411,380 1,411,380 1,345,585 1,345,585 2,503,150 2,503,150 328 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5100 61-Valleywood Golf Course 5120 Valleywood Food & Beverage – With Outside Vendor 1 Valleywood Food & Beverage Daily Food and Beverage operations at Valleywood; including clubhouse bar and grill, tournament menus, banquet and rental events and on course beverage cart operations. This area of the operation has been contracted out to The Roasted Pear Restaurants and Catering. It continues to be our responsibility to attract building rentals and revenue opportunities for the Roasted Pear. Through the rental fees and commissions on food sales we should see steadily increasing revenue with minimal increases in variable hour staff costs. Not only does our contractually agreed to commission percentage rise over the next couple of years but so will our rental fees and overall F&B revenues (of which our percentage is derived) should as well. Valleywood Food & Beverage – Objectives for2020 and 2021 •Continue to focus on growing rental opportunities in both golf outings and private party and event rentals. •Develop better systems and consistency of cleaning of the public areas most likely through a contractual agreement with a cleaning company. •Work with the Roasted Pear to continue to refine golf outing menus in order to simplify the experience for the guests and outing coordinators. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Projected 2019 Projected 2020 Projected 2021 # Rounds 32,435 30,653 27,616 34,000 34,000 Golf Events-40 to 60 players 35 35 35 35 35 Golf Events 60+ Players Golf Events 100+ Players 15 5 15 5 14 15 5 15 5 Banquet Private (weddings, etc.) 24 24 24 32 40 Banquet- Corporate (meetings, etc.) 15 15 14 15 15 Banquet Non-Profits (DCTC,Schools) 8 8 8 8 8 Banquet Club Events (league dinners) 11 12 12 12 12 Banquet – Public Events ( 63 68 6 10 10 Regular Status Personnel Schedule –FTE’s Actual Actual Actual Proposed Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Food & Beverage Coordinator .5 .5 .5 .5 - - Department Specialist .5 .5 329 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule –(# positions Part Time) Part Time# Hours Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Seasonal Part-time 500 500 500 Food & Beverage : Food & Bev. Supervisor 1,612 3,166 1,650 - - - Food & Beverage Lead 1,872 1,458 - - - - Food & Beverage –Cook 1,873 2,054 241 - - - Food & Bev. Attendants 3,166 3,108 137 - - - Food & Bev. Banquets 1,108 537 9 - - - 9,632 10,323 2,037 500 500 500 Summary Budget Department 61 Business Unit # 5120 - FOOD & BEVERAGE OPERATIONS 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Food & Non Alcoholic Bev 156,600 122,760 10,498 147,900 - - - Beer 75,196 92,125 1,444 96,000 - - - Liquor / Wine 56,545 30,395 2,082 61,100 - - - Banquet and Rentals 55,125 22,312 6,654 61,000 20,000 30,000 35,000 Other - Concession - - 17,036 - 40,000 50,000 60,000 343,466 267,592 37,714 366,000 60,000 80,000 95,000 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 121,365 139,290 9,582 158,490 36,905 31,005 32,585 Emp. Benefits 15,110 19,581 1,512 21,800 5,840 4,685 4,965 Supplies 10,061 7,242 1,055 7,500 - - - Contractual Serv.13,351 11,785 6,343 13,500 8,000 10,000 10,000 Repairs & Maint.926 1,357 3,882 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Training/Travel/Dues 1,205 870 993 200 - - - Insurance & Other Exp.1,615 1,116 12,110 1,000 - - - Items for Resale 129,114 120,789 - 157,000 - - - Capital Outlay - - - 14,000 15,000 22,000 7,000 Total Expenditures 292,747 302,030 35,477 374,490 66,745 68,690 55,550 Operating Income(loss)50,719 (34,438) 2,237 (8,490) (6,745) 11,310 39,450 CLUBHOUSE: 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY Appliance replacement $ 7,000 A/V Equipment $15,000 $22,000 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY Banquet/Bar/Patio furniture $ 7,000 330 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) Valleywood-Food & Beverage Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6109 - BANQUET-SERVICE FEES 18,060 2,217 0 0 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 88 18,232 5,827 30,470 0 24,795 24,795 26,300 26,300 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 102,372 118,141 3,754 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 1,435 1,210 1,210 1,285 1,285 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 845 699 0 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 121,365 139,290 9,582 36,905 0 31,005 31,005 32,585 32,585 6138 - MEDICARE 1,852 2,298 144 535 0 450 450 475 475 6139 - FICA 7,920 9,827 615 2,290 0 1,920 1,920 2,020 2,020 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 3,238 5,058 566 2,770 0 1,950 1,950 2,070 2,070 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,100 2,398 186 245 0 365 365 400 400 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 15,110 19,581 1,512 5,840 0 4,685 4,685 4,965 4,965 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 136,475 158,871 11,094 42,745 0 35,690 35,690 37,550 37,550 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 3,978 965 0 0 0 0 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 6,062 6,277 1,055 0 677 0 0 6205 - SUPPLIES 10,061 7,242 1,055 0 677 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 469 0 0 0 0 0 0 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 11,811 9,729 5,528 8,000 2,543 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,071 2,056 816 0 0 0 0 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,351 11,785 6,343 8,000 2,543 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6250 - UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 926 1,357 3,579 1,000 1,122 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 0 0 302 0 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 926 1,357 3,882 1,000 1,122 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 435 0 0 0 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 770 870 0 0 0 0 0 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 1,205 870 0 0 0 0 0 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 25,543 21,255 11,280 9,000 4,341 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 1,208 1,116 993 0 91 0 0 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 27 0 0 0 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 380 0 0 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,615 1,116 993 0 91 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,615 1,116 993 0 91 0 0 6419 - GOLF-BEER 25,323 28,476 2,111 0 0 0 0 6420 - GOLF-FOOD 77,356 65,300 4,581 0 107 0 0 6421 - GOLF-NON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 14,600 14,579 2,268 0 609 0 0 6422 - GOLF-KITCHEN SUPPLIES 4,282 4,033 731 0 500 0 0 6424 - GOLF FREIGHT ON RESALE MDSE 24 11 0 0 6427 - GOLF-RENTAL EQUIPMENT 399 355 0 0 6429 - GOLF-LIQUOR 4,811 5,237 1,528 0 0 0 0 6430 - GOLF-WINE 2,319 2,799 891 0 0 0 0 6401 - EXPENDITURES 129,114 120,789 12,110 0 1,216 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 129,114 120,789 12,110 0 1,216 0 0 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 0 0 0 0 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 331 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) Valleywood-Food & Beverage Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 15,000 29,000 22,000 0 7,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,000 29,000 22,000 0 7,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,000 29,000 22,000 0 7,000 292,747 302,031 35,477 66,745 5,648 75,690 68,690 48,550 55,550 332 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 61: FOOD & BEVERAGE -5120 COMPANY 5100: GOLF FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 34,290 30,470 30,470 24,795 24,795 26,300 26,300 6111 Salary-Parttime 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 120,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6113 Overtime - Reg 6114 Overtime - Temp 6123 Salaries - Other 4,200 1,435 1,435 1,210 1,210 1,285 1,285 6138 Medicare 2,300 535 535 450 450 475 475 6139 FICA 9,825 2,290 2,290 1,920 1,920 2,020 2,020 6141 Pension - PERA 6,530 2,770 2,770 1,950 1,950 2,070 2,070 6142 Workers Compensation 3,145 245 245 365 365 400 400 Position Changes Total 180,290 42,745 42,745 35,690 35,690 37,550 37,550 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 - - - - Total 500 - - - - - - 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Misc 2,000 - - - - Total 2,000 - - - - - - 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Cleaning Supplies, chemicals, gloves,5,000 - - - - kitchen supplies Total 5,000 - - - - - - 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Mother Day Ads 500 Total 500 - - - - - - 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Linen Cleaning Service 10,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Kitchen uniform laundry serv 2,000 - - - - Total 12,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Beer Line Cleaning 300 - - - - Knife Service 700 - - - - Total 1,000 - - - - - - 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT ECOLAB Preventive Maint agmt 1,000 Kitchen Equip. Repairs 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Other Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Restaurant OWNER.COM 200 Total 200 - - - - - - 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE CO 2 Rentals 1,000 Total 1,000 - - - - - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS A/V Equip (projector, laptop,tablets) Audio/Visual Upgrades 5,000 15,000 15,000 2-Door refrigerator (appliance replacemen 4,000 7,000 7,000 Banquet/Bar/Patio Furniture 5,000 7,000 - 7,000 POS System (F & B, hand-helds) Handhelds for Beverage Carts Dance Floor Clubhouse & Grounds exterior lighting 10,000 10,000 Ceremony Chairs 5,000 5,000 Building Security Total 14,000 15,000 15,000 29,000 22,000 - 7,000 ITEMS FOR RESALE 6419 BEER 40,000 - - - - 6420 FOOD 82,000 - - - - 6421 NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 12,000 - - - - 6422 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 10,000 - - - - 6429 LIQUOR 8,000 - - - - 6430 WINE 5,000 - - - - Total 157,000 - - - - - - Total Net of Personnel 194,200 24,000 24,000 40,000 33,000 11,000 18,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 374,490$ 66,745$ 66,745$ 75,690$ 68,690$ 48,550$ 55,550$ 333 Notes: 334 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5200 63 5205 Arena I DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Sports Arena was built specifically to service the community indoor skating programs. The facility is jointly owned and shared with School District 196. It is an excellent example of two government entities sharing resources. The arena services the Apple Valley and Eastview Hockey Associations and High Schools and also provides leisure opportunities through public skating sessions. The facility offers an excellent Learn to Skate program which teaches 300-400 students per year the basics of ice skating. Although the City of Apple Valley maintains several outdoor skating rinks, upscale Minnesota communites traditionally provide indoor skating facilities for their communities. Skating is part of our heritage and is an important part of our recreation mission. Thousands of participants utilize the facility each week during the fall and winter months. Events include Learn to Skate lessons, hockey practices and games, figure skating ice shows, as well as public skating sessions. Each of these events bring in unique visitors to the facility. Performance can be measured by the amount of hours rented by our user groups. The Sports Arena converts from ice to four indoor tennis courts for the spring and summer months. These tennis courts are used by the Apple Valley Boys and Girls Tennis teams, AVHS gym classes, and a yearly consignment sale in the late summer. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 Learn our new ice making equipment. With the Sports Arena completeing a replacement of the refrigeration system staff needs to become proficiecent is all of its operations to insure we are running effiecently while creating a great playing surface for our users. Increase effiencies of our buildings to help decrease the areas carbon footprint. Ice arenas are major energy users and with new technologies that are out there we can work to offset that energy use as much as possible. Work with our main user groups to improve the arenas to best fit the needs of those groups. It is imperative that we do what we can to facilitate the relatioships with our mian user groups to keep them using our buildings for years to come. Improve costumer experience in our arenas. We do a very good job of providing excellent costumer service but there are things we can do to improve the atompsohere of our facility. By improving the atmosphere we can retain customers and hopefully increase revenues in all areas. 335 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Hours of Ice time rented 1193 1210 1250 1250 1250 1250 # of Skating Lesson Participants 348 359 337 370 380 385 Hours of Dry Floor Time rented 200 200 200 200 200 200 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – #hours Adopted Adopted Actual Projected Projected Projected Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Arena Manager 2080 2080 2080 2080 2080 2080 Arena Office Supervisor 1450 0 0 0 0 0 Tech Specialist 0 0 0 0 0 0 Working Foreman 520 520 520 520 520 520 Pooled Park Maintenance 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 Ice Resurfacer Driver 1700 1700 1921 1915 1950 1950 Rec Program Director/Asst 545 545 455 1300 1300 1300 Lead Instructor 490 490 671 500 500 500 Instructor I , II 650 650 1100 1100 1100 1100 Supervisor 45 0 0 0 0 0 Facility Attendant - Lead 825 0 0 0 0 0 Facility Attendant Ice Guard/Concessions 725  0 1900 0 1451 0 1900 0 1920 0 1920  Note: Not budgeted by position in prior years 336 Summary Budget Department 63 Business Unit # 5205 (Arena I) 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: 4810/12/13/21-Ice Revenue 192,621 188,816 154,641 163,500 194,000 195,500 202,600 4817-Tennis Rev (Dry Floor)141 - - 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4820-School District Share 193,674 192,954 235,172 240,205 195,000 200,000 200,000 4811/14/15/16-Sales/Concess 18,828 18,058 14,723 14,300 16,800 17,000 19,000 4823/4824-Turf & Court Rentals 2,797 917 2,014 - - - - 4358/4899-Other 1,079 - 44,830 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 409,139 400,745 451,379 433,005 422,800 429,500 438,600 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 222,556 216,901 230,498 258,630 276,555 256,220 266,025 Emp. Benefits 76,201 70,331 62,762 67,925 72,590 74,515 78,370 Supplies 12,012 18,232 16,781 21,450 19,150 15,650 15,650 Contractual Serv.20,433 41,883 38,543 47,250 29,350 29,450 29,700 Utilities 57,881 67,194 64,315 63,500 65,500 66,100 66,100 Repairs & Maint.11,569 7,550 9,016 20,500 18,300 16,500 16,500 Training/Travel/Dues 4,047 3,244 4,245 5,000 5,450 6,750 6,450 Tax/Non-Tax for Resale 6,193 8,625 7,231 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,500 Capital outlay - - - - - 48,750 15,000 VISA/MC Fees 715 - - 500 500 500 1,000 Insurance & Other Exp.17,244 22,456 24,779 18,800 22,660 24,735 24,860 Depreciation 52,545 41,594 28,140 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 Total Exp 481,396 498,008 486,310 572,455 578,955 608,070 589,055 Net Income (loss)(72,257) (97,263) (34,931) (139,450) (156,155) (178,570) (150,455) Change in Cash: Less: Capital outlay - - - (900,000) (1,500,000) (48,750) (15,000) Add: Interfund Loan from FCPF - - - 900,000 1,500,000 - - Add: Depreciation 52,545 41,594 28,140 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 Net (decrease) in Cash (19,712) (55,669) (6,791) (78,550) (95,255) (166,420) (104,555) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY Windows & Doors 90,000 45,000 School Share Scoreboard (office end) 7,500 3,750 School Share 48,750 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY Locker room rubber 30,000 15,000 School Share 337 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) ARENA I Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 147,782 137,423 156,044 179,200 72,055 171,585 171,585 179,510 179,510 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 219 6,882 7,606 3,580 2,608 7,735 7,735 7,965 7,965 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 70,481 71,517 63,511 83,680 27,264 66,830 66,830 68,160 68,160 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 3,286 2,605 4,642 3,500 1,630 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 6118 - VACATION PAY 788 -2,246 -1,305 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 0 720 0 0 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 6,595 6,570 6,570 6,890 6,890 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 222,556 216,901 230,498 276,555 103,557 256,220 256,220 266,025 266,025 6138 - MEDICARE 3,033 3,061 3,216 4,010 1,385 3,715 3,715 3,860 3,860 6139 - FICA 12,970 13,086 13,751 17,145 5,925 15,885 15,885 16,495 16,495 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 13,682 13,469 14,551 14,465 6,474 14,830 14,830 15,480 15,480 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,316 3,699 4,274 5,860 1 4,905 4,905 5,305 5,305 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 378 295 310 510 141 500 500 510 510 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 26,460 30,786 34,537 30,600 17,256 34,680 34,680 36,720 36,720 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 1,936 2,108 2,835 1,467 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 12 12 12 6 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 1 59 0 0 6150 - PENSION EXPENSE-GASB 68 14,414 9,659 -1,914 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -5,902 -8,810 -3,587 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 76,201 70,331 62,762 72,590 29,068 74,515 74,515 78,370 78,370 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 298,757 287,232 293,259 349,145 132,625 330,735 330,735 344,395 344,395 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 77 238 80 550 101 250 250 250 250 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 474 27 1,837 1,100 19 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 208 210 120 500 30 300 300 300 300 6214 - CHEMICALS 0 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 963 1,862 494 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 0 0 74 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 10,291 15,893 14,176 12,000 4,207 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6205 - SUPPLIES 12,012 18,232 16,781 19,150 4,358 15,650 15,650 15,650 15,650 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 33 109 0 21 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 4,249 3,017 2,883 1,500 1,276 1,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 0 126 0 0 6239 - PRINTING 55 0 0 950 0 950 950 200 200 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 9,739 38,083 28,091 25,000 84 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,357 548 7,570 1,900 1,895 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20,433 41,883 38,543 29,350 3,276 29,450 29,450 29,700 29,700 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 29,444 33,850 31,186 31,500 18,481 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 14,034 18,476 15,863 18,000 10,894 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 14,403 14,868 17,267 16,000 6,503 16,600 16,600 16,600 16,600 6250 - UTILITIES 57,881 67,194 64,315 65,500 35,878 66,100 66,100 66,100 66,100 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 897 1,769 5,741 6,000 519 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 10,672 5,781 3,275 12,300 317 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 11,569 7,550 9,016 18,300 836 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 40 424 50 250 50 250 250 250 250 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 1,611 329 1,351 2,000 0 3,300 3,300 3,000 3,000 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 617 303 475 600 157 600 600 600 600 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 243 750 844 600 520 600 600 600 600 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,536 1,439 1,525 2,000 163 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 338 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) ARENA I Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 4,047 3,244 4,245 5,450 889 6,750 6,750 6,450 6,450 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 105,942 138,102 132,900 137,750 45,237 134,450 134,450 134,400 134,400 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 0 0 2,364 1,000 862 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 14,004 14,700 14,700 14,700 7,350 15,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -80 -31 -57 -21 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 1 0 0 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 715 652 0 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6355 - ONLINE REGISTRATION FEES 2,386 3,690 2,500 873 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 3,319 4,748 4,082 3,960 2,862 5,235 5,235 5,360 5,360 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 17,959 22,456 24,779 23,160 11,925 25,235 25,235 25,860 25,860 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 17,959 22,456 24,779 23,160 11,925 25,235 25,235 25,860 25,860 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 6,193 8,625 7,231 8,000 4,788 8,000 8,000 8,500 8,500 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 6,193 8,625 7,231 8,000 4,788 8,000 8,000 8,500 8,500 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,193 8,625 7,231 8,000 4,788 8,000 8,000 8,500 8,500 6610 - DEPRECIATION 52,545 41,594 28,140 60,900 15,000 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 52,545 41,594 28,140 60,900 15,000 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 52,545 41,594 28,140 60,900 15,000 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 0 1,500,000 824,996 48,750 48,750 15,000 15,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 1,500,000 824,996 48,750 48,750 15,000 15,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 1,500,000 824,996 48,750 48,750 15,000 15,000 481,396 498,008 486,310 2,078,955 1,034,571 608,070 608,070 589,055 589,055 339 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 63: ARENA 1 - 5205 COMPANY 5200: ARENA FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROPOSED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 172,470 179,200 179,200 171,585 171,585 179,510 179,510 6111 Salary - Parttime 3,485 3,580 3,580 7,735 7,735 7,965 7,965 6112 Salary - Seasonal Temp 73,255 83,680 83,680 66,830 66,830 68,160 68,160 6113 Overtime - Regular 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 6123 Salaries - Other 5,920 6,595 6,595 6,570 6,570 6,890 6,890 6138 Medicare 3,750 4,010 4,010 3,715 3,715 3,860 3,860 6139 FICA 16,035 17,145 17,145 15,885 15,885 16,495 16,495 6141 Pension - PERA 13,905 14,465 14,465 14,830 14,830 15,480 15,480 6142 Worker's Compensation 4,935 5,860 5,860 4,905 4,905 5,305 5,305 6144 Long-term Disability Insurance 500 510 510 500 500 510 510 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 28,800 30,600 30,600 34,680 34,680 36,720 36,720 Position Changes Total 326,555 349,145 349,145 330,735 330,735 344,395 344,395 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 250 550 550 250 250 250 250 Total 250 550 550 250 250 250 250 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous Equipment and Tools 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Total 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS Propane 250 500 500 300 300 300 300 Total 250 500 500 300 300 300 300 6214 CHEMICALS Freon for Compressors - Refill R22-Now is 5,100 3,000 3,000 - - Total 5,100 3,000 3,000 - - - - 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Resurfacers 2,750 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Compressors Total 2,750 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Total 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 6237 TELEPHONE Phone 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 Total 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Ticket Printing, News Ads 700 700 700 700 700 100 100 Copier annual maintenance fee 250 250 250 250 250 100 100 Total 950 950 950 950 950 200 200 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Janitor - Furnished by School Dist 41,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Total 41,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Misc Contractual 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 ASCAP 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 MaxGalaxy-Cloud based Scheduling 3,000 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Total 3,800 1,900 1,900 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Electric 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 Total 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS Natural Gas 17,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Total 17,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Water and Sewer 15,000 16,000 16,000 16,600 16,600 16,600 16,600 Total 15,000 16,000 16,000 16,600 16,600 16,600 16,600 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous Repairs 8,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Total 8,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS Miscellaneous Repairs 12,500 12,300 12,300 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 Total 12,500 12,300 12,300 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL MN Ice Arena Managers Conf-Manager 250 125 125 125 125 125 125 MN Ice Arena Managers Conf-Foreman 250 125 125 125 125 125 125 Total 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 340 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 63: ARENA 1 - 5205 COMPANY 5200: ARENA FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROPOSED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER National Conference 1,300 2,000 2,000 3,300 3,300 3,000 3,000 Total 1,300 2,000 2,000 3,300 3,300 3,000 3,000 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE Miscellaneous Mileage 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Total 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS US Rink Assoc. & Managers Assoc.600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Total 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Employee ID Jackets, etc.2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE General Liability?- 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6311 INSURANCE General Liability 14,700 14,700 14,700 15,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 Total 14,700 14,700 14,700 15,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 6351 VISA/BANK CHARGES 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6355 ONLINE REGISTRATION FEE - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 Total - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 6399 OTHER CHARGES LOGIS 4,100 3,960 3,960 5,235 5,235 5,360 5,360 Total 4,100 3,960 3,960 5,235 5,235 5,360 5,360 6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE Concessions 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,500 8,500 Total 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,500 8,500 6610 DEPRECIATION 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 Total 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 60,900 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMPROV Replace Cooling Tower Less: School District Share Total - - - - - - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS LED Lighting Less: School District Share Edger Ice Plant Replcement 1,800,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 Less: School District Share (900,000) (1,500,000) (1,500,000) Replace lobby windows and doors 90,000 90,000 Less: School District Share (45,000) (45,000) Scoreboard office end of arena 7,500 7,500 Less: School District Share (3,750) (3,750) Replace locker room rubber 30,000 30,000 Less: School District Share (15,000) (15,000) Total 900,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 48,750 48,750 15,000 15,000 Total Net of Personnel 1,145,900 1,729,810 1,729,810 277,335 277,335 244,660 244,660 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,472,455$ 2,078,955$ 2,078,955$ 608,070$ 608,070$ 589,055$ 589,055$ 341 Notes: 342 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5200 64 5260 Arena II DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Hayes Park Arena was built in 1995 to supplement the growing needs of the Apple Valley youth boys and girls hockey programs. It is the home of the Apple Valley and Eastview hockey associations which together have over 500 registered participants. The hockey association sponsors several tournaments and hosts playoff games which bring in teams from all over the state. Not only does this benefit the arena but also local merchants in the area. During approx. six weeks in the spring, artificial turf replaces the ice and it is the home for soccer and lacrosse practices and games. The facility is in high demand early in the season prior to the outdoor fields being ready for use. The arena hosts a consignment sale in the spring and the dry floor rentals provides an important revenue source for the facility. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 Increase effiencies of our buildings to help decrease the areas carbon footprint. Ice arenas are major energy users and with new technologies that are out there we can work to offset that energy use as much as possible. Continue to increase our advertising within Hayes Park Arena. Advertising creates a great alternative revenue stream to help keep our rental rates affordable for our customers. Improve our preventative maintenance program. This program has to be a top priority in order to avoid costly breakdowns and to keep our staff and users safe inside of our building. Our facility is aging and it is extremely important to continuously improve our program to keep the building performing at a high level. Work with our main user groups to improve the arenas to best fit the needs of those groups. It is imperative that we do what we can to facilitate the relatioships with our mian user groups to keep them using our buildings for years to come. Improve costumer experience in our arenas. We do a very good job of providing excellent costumer service but there are things we can do to improve the atompsohere of our facility. By improving the atmosphere we can retain customers and hopefully increase revenues in all areas. 343 IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Hours Ice Time Rented 1760 1600 165 1750 1800 1825 Hours Dry Floor Time Rented 273 125 150 300 300 300 Personnel Schedule –#hours Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Working Foreman 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 Tech Specialist - - - - - Pooled Park Maintenance 520 520 520 520 520 520 Ice Guard/Concessions Attendant/Asst 520 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Ice Resurfacer Driver 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Facility Attendant -Lead 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arena Bldg Supervisor 0 0 0 0 0 0 Facility Supervisor 0 0 0 0 0 0  Note: Not budgeted by position in prior years Rec Facility Attendant/Asst changed to Ice Guard/Concessions @ 1,000 hrs due to adding concession operations. 344 Summary Budget Department 64 Business Unit # 5260 Hayes Arena II 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Ice Revenue 329,850 307,992 304,862 318,000 325,000 330,000 335,000 Dry Floor/Turf Revenue 23,069 7,942 16,844 26,000 26,000 20,000 20,000 Sales / Concession 16,577 12,538 8,319 13,000 14,000 14,000 11,050 Advertising Revenue - 3,700 6,100 3,000 3,000 4,500 6,000 Other 4,453 - 2,011 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 373,949 332,172 338,136 362,000 370,000 370,500 374,050 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 48,856 46,358 45,155 52,945 57,965 49,735 50,910 Emp. Benefits 7,633 6,629 6,698 6,650 8,280 6,805 7,245 Supplies 10,460 12,997 9,786 13,450 13,100 13,250 13,250 Contractual Serv.5,383 4,454 5,081 4,450 4,300 4,300 3,900 Utilities 76,874 79,494 80,986 81,000 81,000 81,000 83,000 Repairs & Maint.21,127 32,276 22,534 21,900 22,000 26,000 26,000 Training/Travel/Dues 790 805 490 1,300 1,000 1,000 800 Insurance & Other Exp.11,450 12,506 12,070 12,675 12,675 13,000 13,400 Items for Resale 7,328 7,171 4,448 8,000 8,000 8,000 7,000 Depreciation 99,306 103,822 107,302 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 Capital Outlay - - - 212,000 15,000 240,000 170,000 Total Exp 289,206 306,513 294,550 505,570 314,520 534,290 466,705 Operating Income(loss)84,743 25,659 43,586 (143,570) 55,480 (163,790) (92,655) Other Income (Expense): Property Tax Levy 121,000 121,000 121,000 121,000 121,000 121,000 121,000 Net Income (Loss)205,743 146,659 164,586 (22,570) 176,480 (42,790) 28,345 Change in Cash: Add Depreciation:99,306 103,822 107,302 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 Less: Capital Outlay - - - (212,000) (15,000) (240,000) (170,000) Principal portion of Debt - - - - - - - Net Increase (decr.) in Cash 305,049 250,481 271,888 (143,370) 252,680 (191,590) (50,455) 2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY Ice resurfacer $ 150,000 Cooling Tower 90,000 $ 240,000 2021 CAPITAL OUTLAY Replace Sound System $ 30,000 Artificial Turf $140,000 $170,000 345 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) ARENA II Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 0 0 1,602 4,325 2,861 2,415 2,415 2,485 2,485 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 12,632 7,564 7,038 12,010 4,672 7,735 7,735 7,970 7,970 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 36,224 38,794 36,496 39,880 16,732 39,305 39,305 40,165 40,165 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 77 6114 - OVERTIME PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 1,300 0 0 0 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 0 0 0 450 0 280 280 290 290 6124 - OVERTIME-SEASONAL TEMP 0 0 20 0 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 48,856 46,358 45,155 57,965 24,343 49,735 49,735 50,910 50,910 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 6138 - MEDICARE 709 672 651 840 351 720 720 740 740 6139 - FICA 3,029 2,874 2,786 3,595 1,499 3,085 3,085 3,160 3,160 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 2,944 1,891 1,969 2,260 1,255 1,660 1,660 1,905 1,905 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 951 1,191 1,291 1,585 113 1,340 1,340 1,440 1,440 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 7,633 6,629 6,698 8,280 3,218 6,805 6,805 7,245 7,245 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 0 0 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 56,489 52,988 51,853 66,245 27,560 56,540 56,540 58,155 58,155 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 72 0 0 0 150 150 150 150 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 566 0 291 1,000 270 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 0 0 19 100 0 100 100 100 100 6214 - CHEMICALS 0 3,375 544 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 976 463 733 1,500 93 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 8,917 9,087 8,200 8,500 1,798 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 6205 - SUPPLIES 10,460 12,997 9,786 13,100 2,162 13,250 13,250 13,250 13,250 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 149 0 0 0 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 21 0 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 2,629 1,712 1,291 1,200 607 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6239 - PRINTING 0 0 0 600 0 600 600 100 100 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 2,020 2,042 2,023 2,000 2,060 2,000 2,000 2,100 2,100 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 585 700 1,746 500 1,492 500 500 500 500 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,383 4,454 5,081 4,300 4,159 4,300 4,300 3,900 3,900 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 54,079 57,765 57,075 54,000 21,622 54,000 54,000 57,000 57,000 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 14,252 16,017 19,398 20,000 10,141 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 8,542 5,712 4,513 7,000 4,003 7,000 7,000 6,000 6,000 6250 - UTILITIES 76,874 79,494 80,986 81,000 35,766 81,000 81,000 83,000 83,000 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 3,429 903 10,393 6,000 1,871 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 17,698 31,373 12,141 16,000 5,819 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 21,127 32,276 22,534 22,000 7,690 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 160 0 0 300 0 300 300 100 100 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 0 0 175 0 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 100 100 100 100 100 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 30 305 315 0 315 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 600 500 0 600 0 600 600 600 600 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 790 805 490 1,000 315 1,000 1,000 800 800 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 114,633 130,026 118,877 121,400 50,092 125,550 125,550 126,950 126,950 346 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) ARENA II Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 0 0 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 0 301 0 600 0 600 600 300 300 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 11,496 12,075 12,075 12,075 6,038 12,400 12,400 13,100 13,100 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -46 -14 -25 -3 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 20 0 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 145 0 0 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 11,450 12,506 12,070 12,675 6,035 13,000 13,000 13,400 13,400 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 11,450 12,506 12,070 12,675 6,035 13,000 13,000 13,400 13,400 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 7,328 7,171 4,406 8,000 1,149 8,000 8,000 7,000 7,000 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 43 0 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 7,328 7,171 4,406 8,000 1,149 8,000 8,000 7,000 7,000 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 43 0 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,328 7,171 4,406 8,000 1,149 8,000 8,000 7,000 7,000 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 43 0 6610 - DEPRECIATION 99,306 103,822 107,302 91,200 49,702 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 99,306 103,822 107,302 91,200 49,702 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 99,306 103,822 107,302 91,200 49,702 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 0 15,000 -182,333 240,000 240,000 170,000 170,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 15,000 -182,333 240,000 240,000 170,000 170,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 15,000 -182,333 240,000 240,000 170,000 170,000 6901 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 0 6900 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 0 7001 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 0 0 0 0 0 7000 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 0 0 0 0 0 289,206 306,513 294,550 314,520 -47,795 534,290 534,290 466,705 466,705 347 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 64: ARENA II - 5260 COMPANY: ARENA 5200 JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 3,235 - - 2,415 2,415 2,485 2,485 6111 Salary-Parttime 11,690 16,335 16,335 7,735 7,735 7,970 7,970 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 36,300 39,880 39,880 39,305 39,305 40,165 40,165 6114 Overtime - Temp 1,300 1,300 1,300 - - - - 6123 Salaries - Other 420 450 450 280 280 290 290 6138 Medicare 770 840 840 720 720 740 740 6139 FICA 3,280 3,595 3,595 3,085 3,085 3,160 3,160 6141 Pension - PERA 1,250 2,260 2,260 1,660 1,660 1,905 1,905 6142 Worker's Compensation 1,350 1,585 1,585 1,340 1,340 1,440 1,440 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance - Total 59,595 66,245 66,245 56,540 56,540 58,155 58,155 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 150 150 150 150 Total - - - 150 150 150 150 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 2,250 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 2,250 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS Propane 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6214 CHEMICALS Freon for Compressors 1,100 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 1,100 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Miscellaneous 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Total 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 Rink gates/resurfacer entrance doors Total 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 6237 TELEPHONE Phone 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Total 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Ticket Printing, News Ads 600 600 600 600 600 100 100 Total 600 600 600 600 600 100 100 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,100 2,100 Total 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,100 2,100 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Miscellaneous 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Bankoe Fees 150 Total 650 500 500 500 500 500 500 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 57,000 57,000 Total 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 57,000 57,000 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Total 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER Water and Sewer 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 6,000 Total 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 6,000 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT 5,900 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Total 5,900 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 16,000 16,000 16,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Total 16,000 16,000 16,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL MN Ice Arena Managers Conf 600 300 300 300 300 100 100 Total 600 300 300 300 300 100 100 348 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 64: ARENA II - 5260 COMPANY: ARENA 5200 JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6277 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Employee ID Jackets, etc.600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Total 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Various Equipment 600 600 600 600 600 300 300 Total 600 600 600 600 600 300 300 6311 INSURANCE General Liability 12,075 12,075 12,075 12,400 12,400 13,100 13,100 Total 12,075 12,075 12,075 12,400 12,400 13,100 13,100 6323 INTEREST EXPENSES - Total - - - - - - - 6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE Concessions 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 7,000 7,000 Total 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 7,000 7,000 6610 DEPRECIATION 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 Total 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 6720 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE FURN Total - - - - - - - 6725 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OFFICE EQUIP Total - - - - - - - 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Compressor Arena ManLift 12,000 Conference Room Roof Replacement Entire Roof Replacement 200,000 Replace Cooling Tower 90,000 90,000 Security Entrance Card Readers 15,000 15,000 Replace Ice Resurfacer 150,000 150,000 Replace sound system 30,000 30,000 Replace turf 140,000 140,000 Total 212,000 15,000 15,000 240,000 240,000 170,000 170,000 Total Net of Personnel 445,975 248,275 248,275 477,750 477,750 408,550 408,550 - - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENSES 505,570$ 314,520$ 314,520$ 534,290$ 534,290$ 466,705$ 466,705$ 349 Notes: 350 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5300 65 5305 WATER OPERATIONS Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Public Works Water Utility Division is responsible for providing residents and businesses in the City with high quality, safe, and reliable drinking water. Water is derived from 20 municipal wells and pumped to a central water treatment plant. The water plant has a capacity to treat 24 million gallons per day. Treated water is then pumped into the water distribution system consisting of 248 miles of water main pipe and 5 reservoirs with a total storage capacity of 12.7 million gallons. Average daily consumption is 6.8 million gallons. SERVICE CATEGORIES The Water Utility Division produces and delivers potable water to 50,000 customers within the City of Apple Valley. Public water supply operations are highly regulated by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, administered locally by the Minnesota Department of Health. The following services are provided within this division. 1.Water Supply and Distribution Services Supply an average of 2.2 billion gallons of potable water to residents and businesses within Apple Valley Operate and maintain 20 high capacity municipal wells ranging in depths of 490 to 1,100 feet below ground in the Jordan, Mt. Simon-Hinkley and Prairie Du Chien-Jordan aquifers Perform maintenance and flushing of 2,200 public water hydrants and 285 private water hydrants to preserve water quality and provide water for fire protection throughout the community Inspect and maintain water storage reservoirs, including rehabilitation of interior and exterior surface coatings Perform leak detection, repair damaged valves and repair water main breaks that occur on the distribution system Provide for water meter reading and maintenance of 15,000 water meters 2.Water Treatment Plant Services Operate and maintain the City’s water treatment plant to remove elevated levels of iron and manganese, minerals naturally occurring in groundwater Provide central system of chlorinating/disinfecting the water supply system to maintain public health standards Provide central system of adding fluoride to drinking water to prevent tooth decay in compliance with State requirements 351 3.Water System Testing and Security Services Monitor water system for disinfection by performing sampling and testing for total coliform bacteria and chlorine residual at 60 sites throughout the community on a monthly basis in compliance with Department of Health requirements. Perform testing, through the Department of Health, to monitor potential contaminants in compliance with Federal Primary Drinking Water Standards. Provide frequent site inspections and continuously monitor operations and security of the water supply system through the SCADA computer and facility security systems MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 •Maintain compliance with Federal and State mandates for drinking water quality. •Evaluate distribution system infrastructure in Corrosion Mitigation study area. •Adopt the updated Water Supply Plan completed as part of the Comprehensive Plan process with complete city-wide modeling. •Implement web-based asset management software and deploy mobile devices for field staff. •Execute City-wide water meter replacement after initial test phases and testing is complete. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 •Maintain compliance with Federal and State mandates for drinking water quality. •Rehabilitate Longridge Reservoir (160th St. W. of Harwell Ave.). •Complete water meter replacement program. •Develop plan to address Corrosion Mitigation study findings. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Gallons Supplied (in billions of gallons)* 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 Water Main Leaks/Breaks 6 13 10 10 8 8 MDH Water Quality Tests Failing to Meet Standards** 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Annual water demand is highly dependent of precipitation and weather conditions for a given year **Field Testing conducted by the Minnesota Department of Health for Primary Drinking Water Standards Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Public Works Supt. 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 Public Works Supervisor 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Utilities Assistant 1 0 0 0 0 0 Department Specialist 0 1 1 0 0 0 GIS/Dept Specialist 1 1 1 Accounting Technician 1 1 1 1 1 1 Utilities Accountant 1 1 1 1 1 1 Utilities Foreman 2 2 2 2 2 2 Technical Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 1 Maintenance I/II 4 4 4 4 5 5 GIS Tech –(FT split with 1510, 5365,5505) 0 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 352 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule - Hours Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Seasonal 1,500 1,500 1,750 1,750 1,840 1,840 Department Water Operation 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Utility Charges 4,355,722 4,496,387 4,681,556 4,755,000 5,098,000 5,446,000 5,851,000 Investment Earnings 32,333 31,870 32,336 100,000 100,000 100,000 63,000 Shared Rev w/Sewer 87,879 95,832 74,245 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 Assessment 81,458 77,231 77,024 - - - - Other Revenue 90,854 99,077 75,495 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Total 4,648,246 4,800,396 4,940,656 4,975,000 5,318,000 5,666,000 6,034,000 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 678,172 719,666 694,563 670,600 800,065 871,715 949,730 Emp. Benefits 315,710 301,316 249,518 251,410 304,255 314,450 332,745 Supplies 161,359 88,098 147,032 201,950 181,180 183,485 189,810 Contractual Serv.212,361 252,262 158,877 235,600 289,260 396,615 410,785 Utilities 339,059 404,155 388,846 343,000 394,800 411,800 418,800 Repairs & Maint.227,222 321,516 156,864 253,645 241,695 254,540 252,250 Training/Travel/Dues 20,789 12,008 18,939 25,460 28,690 29,570 38,220 Other Exp.298,717 234,619 245,306 332,595 356,190 373,280 402,140 Tax/Non-Tax Resale 65,553 112,270 61,199 36,000 45,000 55,000 55,000 Depreciation 1,782,503 1,652,871 1,471,569 1,800,000 1,900,000 1,957,000 2,147,000 VISA / MC charges 19,546 22,063 23,356 21,000 22,000 29,000 32,000 Debt Service - Interest 199,215 191,807 184,725 192,825 185,125 274,225 240,225 Transfers / admin fee G/F 529,000 529,000 344,000 556,250 568,600 585,000 602,600 Transfers to other funds (Road Fd)- 413,320 212,250 - - - - Other - Non capitalized (84,303) 125,795 43,929 - - - - Total Exp 4,764,903 5,380,766 4,400,972 4,920,335 5,316,860 5,735,680 6,071,305 Net Income (116,657) (580,370) 539,684 54,665 1,140 (69,680) (37,305) Net change in cash add: Depreciation 1,782,503 1,652,871 1,471,569 1,800,000 1,900,000 1,957,000 2,147,000 Debt Service - Principal (370,000) (380,000) (380,000) (385,000) (395,000) (400,000) (410,000) Capital Outlay 84,303 (125,795) (43,929) (4,767,200) (5,057,534) (5,030,800) (2,122,000) Bonds Issued - - - 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 - Contractual Service Capitalized - - - - - - 1,380,149 566,706 1,587,324 (1,297,535) (1,551,394) (1,543,480) (422,305) 353 2020 Capital Outlay Street & Utility Recon (Cimarron Ph. 1, Garden View) $ 1,320,000 Fiber Extension $ 40,000 Fiber Extension to Well 20 & Observation Well $ 40,000 Longridge Reservoir Rehab $ 900,000 Gate Valve Replacement $ 30,000 Water Meter Replacement $ 2,000,000 Water Conservation Grant $ 10,000 Palomino Reservoir Wash/Inspect $ 8,800 Utilities Garage Door Replacement $ 12,000 Nordic Booster Station AC Replacement $ 15,000 Replace AC – Wells 10 & 19 $ 17,000 GPS Unit Replacement $ 15,000 Water Break Street Patching $ 50,000 Well Rehab – No. 4, 13 & High Zone Pump 4 $ 121,000 Install Valve 135th St & Foliage $ 20,000 Water Main Replacement – Diamond Path $ 330,000 Replace 2012 Lawn Mower (w/Fleet) $ 11,000 Replace Scissor Lift (w/Fleet, Street, Sanitary) $ 6,000 Replace 408 – ¾ Ton Pick-up $ 42,500 ¾ Ton Pick-up Addition (new employee) $ 42,500 $ 5,030,800 2021 Capital Outlay Street & Utility Recon (Cimarron Ph. 2, 133rd St.) $ 844,000 Fiber Extension $ 40,000 Fiber to Wells 8, 12, 13 & Herald Way Pressure Station $ 75,000 Quarry Point Tower Intermediate Rehab $ 226,000 Gate Valve Replacement $ 30,000 Water Meter Replacement $ 500,000 Water Conservation Grant $ 10,000 Well 3 Driveway Replacement $ 11,000 Pressure Station Replacement – 137th/Garden View $ 100,000 Wells 1 & 3 Electrical Upgrade $ 65,000 Water Break Street Patching $ 50,000 Well Rehab – No. 7, 9, 19 & WTP High Zone Pump 2 $ 171,000 Intercommunity Flow Meter JCRR w/ Eagan $ 35,000 $ 2,122,000 354 Debt Schedule: CITY OF APPLE VALLEY WATER UTILITY Debt Service Requirements GO Rev. Bonds 2014 Total Annual Year Principal Interest 2015 365,000 215,125 580,125 2016 370,000 207,825 577,825 2017 380,000 200,425 580,425 2018 385,000 192,825 577,825 2019 395,000 185,125 580,125 2020 400,000 177,225 577,225 2021 410,000 169,225 579,225 2022 420,000 161,025 581,025 2023 425,000 151,575 576,575 2024 440,000 142,013 582,013 2025 450,000 131,013 581,013 2026 460,000 119,763 579,763 2027 475,000 107,113 582,113 2028 485,000 94,050 579,050 2029 500,000 79,500 579,500 2030 515,000 64,500 579,500 2031 530,000 49,050 579,050 2032 545,000 33,150 578,150 2033 560,000 16,800 576,800 355 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) WATER OPERATIONS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 641,210 640,873 623,859 699,580 314,832 726,580 726,580 766,800 766,800 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 19,274 23,136 26,966 21,200 19,447 24,000 24,000 24,600 24,600 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 54,399 66,110 53,596 53,100 40,795 54,700 54,700 56,300 56,300 6118 - VACATION PAY -22,903 7,202 10,096 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 4,260 2,160 1,680 900 6122 - COMP REQUEST -18,069 -19,815 -21,635 -17,252 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 0 0 0 26,185 0 66,435 66,435 102,030 102,030 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 678,172 719,666 694,563 800,065 358,722 871,715 871,715 949,730 949,730 6138 - MEDICARE 9,878 9,975 9,616 11,510 5,021 12,105 12,105 12,700 12,700 6139 - FICA 42,236 42,650 41,117 49,215 21,473 51,750 51,750 54,295 54,295 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 49,255 51,495 49,147 57,940 25,906 60,950 60,950 63,985 63,985 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 22,195 23,784 25,803 30,610 1,057 27,050 27,050 29,250 29,250 6143 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 0 6,735 0 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,596 1,173 1,229 1,980 558 2,295 2,295 2,345 2,345 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 110,613 126,434 134,036 153,000 52,817 160,300 160,300 170,170 170,170 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 10,351 11,371 10,832 4,868 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 54 53 50 24 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 7,172 4,668 2,521 1,093 6150 - PENSION EXPENSE-GASB 68 62,360 45,113 -11,174 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -15,399 -20,395 -5,686 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 315,710 301,316 249,518 304,255 107,131 314,450 314,450 332,745 332,745 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 993,882 1,020,983 944,081 1,104,320 465,854 1,186,165 1,186,165 1,282,475 1,282,475 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 664 1,110 784 750 92 800 800 800 800 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 34,325 15,857 20,166 14,975 7,594 32,910 32,910 31,810 31,810 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 14,692 16,819 19,922 20,435 7,417 22,000 22,000 22,625 22,625 6214 - CHEMICALS 45,359 29,787 28,913 40,000 10,946 35,000 35,000 38,000 38,000 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 43,376 2,950 58,250 80,750 16,725 67,400 67,400 70,600 70,600 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 3,659 2,301 2,830 3,670 783 3,875 3,875 3,875 3,875 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 19,286 19,274 16,166 20,600 11,476 21,500 21,500 22,100 22,100 6205 - SUPPLIES 161,359 88,098 147,032 181,180 55,034 183,485 183,485 189,810 189,810 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 6234 - CITY ENGINEER CONSULTANT SERV 0 840 1,005 27,056 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 69,244 127,188 46,096 98,075 31,122 199,425 199,425 72,675 72,675 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 19,496 22,379 19,259 25,100 9,617 28,250 28,250 29,500 29,500 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 28,008 29,403 14,106 36,600 7,357 35,700 35,700 124,700 124,700 6239 - PRINTING 5,719 6,294 4,171 20,750 4,431 4,750 4,750 7,875 7,875 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 1,655 1,620 4,591 6,600 -315 6,750 6,750 7,350 7,350 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 88,238 64,538 69,648 102,135 18,659 121,740 121,740 168,685 168,685 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 212,361 252,262 158,877 289,260 97,928 396,615 396,615 410,785 410,785 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 305,619 369,408 346,256 360,000 120,952 375,000 375,000 380,000 380,000 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 31,781 32,768 39,670 33,000 21,714 35,000 35,000 37,000 37,000 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 1,659 1,978 2,920 1,800 272 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 6250 - UTILITIES 339,059 404,155 388,846 394,800 142,938 411,800 411,800 418,800 418,800 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 116,828 165,798 79,392 114,395 45,590 125,540 125,540 117,250 117,250 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 18,861 32,691 19,902 21,000 6,798 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 91,533 123,026 57,570 106,300 71,831 109,000 109,000 115,000 115,000 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 227,222 321,516 156,864 241,695 124,219 254,540 254,540 252,250 252,250 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 5,597 1,522 2,051 6,115 2,608 7,370 7,370 8,205 8,205 356 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) WATER OPERATIONS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 4,526 3,911 1,337 3,200 1,975 1,125 1,125 3,400 3,400 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 2,052 2,008 1,965 2,325 882 2,325 2,325 2,325 2,325 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 450 900 200 950 550 850 850 1,100 1,100 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,199 758 9,991 11,500 12,863 13,175 13,175 18,390 18,390 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 3,966 2,910 3,394 4,600 1,398 4,725 4,725 4,800 4,800 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 20,789 12,008 18,939 28,690 20,275 29,570 29,570 38,220 38,220 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 960,790 1,078,039 870,557 1,135,625 440,394 1,276,010 1,276,010 1,309,865 1,309,865 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 1,222 1,320 2,449 2,300 1,125 2,300 2,300 2,350 2,350 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 104,004 109,200 112,000 115,000 57,500 118,500 118,500 152,200 152,200 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -197 -269 -153 -280 6349 - LATE FEES/FINANCE CHARGES 0 2 0 0 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 19,546 22,063 23,356 22,000 8,449 29,000 29,000 32,000 32,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 193,688 124,365 131,010 238,890 90,088 252,480 252,480 247,590 247,590 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 318,263 256,682 268,662 378,190 156,883 402,280 402,280 434,140 434,140 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 318,263 256,682 268,662 378,190 156,883 402,280 402,280 434,140 434,140 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 65,553 112,270 61,199 45,000 11,076 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 65,553 112,270 61,199 45,000 11,076 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 65,553 112,270 61,199 45,000 11,076 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 6610 - DEPRECIATION 1,782,503 1,652,871 1,471,569 1,900,000 343,666 1,957,000 1,957,000 2,147,000 2,147,000 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 1,782,503 1,652,871 1,471,569 1,900,000 343,666 1,957,000 1,957,000 2,147,000 2,147,000 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 1,782,503 1,652,871 1,471,569 1,900,000 343,666 1,957,000 1,957,000 2,147,000 2,147,000 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 99,000 0 102,000 102,000 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME -84,303 125,795 43,929 4,958,534 2,026,292 4,928,800 4,928,800 2,122,000 2,122,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -84,303 125,795 43,929 5,057,534 2,026,292 5,030,800 5,030,800 2,122,000 2,122,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -84,303 125,795 43,929 5,057,534 2,026,292 5,030,800 5,030,800 2,122,000 2,122,000 6810 - CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 0 0 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 0 0 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 0 0 6910 - BOND PRINCIPAL 0 0 0 395,000 0 400,000 400,000 410,000 410,000 6901 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 395,000 0 400,000 400,000 410,000 410,000 6900 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 395,000 0 400,000 400,000 410,000 410,000 7015 - DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 199,215 191,807 184,725 185,125 92,563 274,225 274,225 240,225 240,225 7001 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 199,215 191,807 184,725 185,125 92,563 274,225 274,225 240,225 240,225 7000 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 199,215 191,807 184,725 185,125 92,563 274,225 274,225 240,225 240,225 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 325,500 735,250 344,000 350,000 175,000 360,000 360,000 370,000 370,000 7125 - ADMINI CHARGE TO OTHER FUNDS 203,500 207,070 212,250 218,600 109,300 225,000 225,000 232,600 232,600 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 529,000 942,320 556,250 568,600 284,300 585,000 585,000 602,600 602,600 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 529,000 942,320 556,250 568,600 284,300 585,000 585,000 602,600 602,600 4,764,903 5,380,766 4,400,972 10,769,394 3,821,027 11,166,480 11,166,480 8,603,305 8,603,305 357 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 65: WATER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5305 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND REVENUE 4910 Water Charges 4,710,000 5,053,000 5,053,000 5,401,000 5,401,000 5,806,000 5,806,000 4912 Water Connection Charges 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 4913 Other Water 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 5010 Investment Interest 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 63,000 63,000 Total 4,930,000 5,273,000 5,273,000 5,621,000 5,621,000 5,989,000 5,989,000 SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 573,085 693,280 650,000 726,580 726,580 766,800 766,800 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 19,500 21,200 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,600 24,600 6113 Overtime - Reg 36,300 37,000 37,000 38,100 38,100 39,200 39,200 6113 Overtime - On Call Program 15,700 16,100 16,100 16,600 16,600 17,100 17,100 6123 Salaries - Other 17,515 26,185 26,185 31,435 31,435 30,030 30,030 6138 Medicare 9,535 11,510 11,510 12,105 12,105 12,700 12,700 6139 FICA 40,770 49,215 49,215 51,750 51,750 54,295 54,295 6141 Pension - PERA 48,195 57,940 57,940 60,950 60,950 63,985 63,985 6142 Worker's Compensation 20,185 30,610 30,610 27,050 27,050 29,250 29,250 6144 Long-Term Disability Insurance 1,625 1,980 1,980 2,295 2,295 2,345 2,345 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 131,100 153,000 153,000 160,300 160,300 170,170 170,170 Reclassify Position - 50% Supervisor 8,500 Reclassify Position - GIS/Dept Specialist 6,300 6,300 Position Changes - New Employee Request 35,000 35,000 72,000 72,000 Total 922,010 1,104,320 1,063,840 1,186,165 1,186,165 1,282,475 1,282,475 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES General Office Supplies 700 700 700 750 750 750 750 Large Printer Paper 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total 750 750 750 800 800 800 800 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Small Tools 3,570 3,675 3,675 3,785 3,785 3,860 3,860 Electric/Power Tools 790 800 800 825 825 850 850 Tool Box Replacement - WTP 800 - Radio w/Charger - new employee - - 1,000 1,000 Locator - new employee - - 1,000 1,000 Tools - stock new truck new employee - - 2,000 2,000 Hi-E Dryer - wells 2,500 2,500 2,500 Fluoride transfer pump replacement 2,200 - 2" Electric pump 2,300 - Microsoft Surface - Laptop Replacement/iPad 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 1,000 Lawn Mower - Push Mower Replacement 500 AED - Utilities Garage 2,500 12' Fiberglass Heavy Duty Ladder 450 WTP - PRV 1,600 1,600 NaMnO4 Leak Detector on Pump (2)2,000 Chlorine 1-Ton Mount Regulator 3,000 - Portable Chlorine Test Kit Replacement 500 - 500 500 Portable Fluoride Test Kit Replacement 500 500 500 500 UPS Replacement 2,500 2,500 Hydrant Buddy 4,700 4,700 Sandblast Cabinet 2,000 2,000 Well Sounder 1,500 800 Replace 50 Ton Press (Split Str/San/Fleet/Parks)1,000 1,000 BW Tank Acuator & Rod (4) 1/yr 14,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 Chlorine Analyzer 4,500 4,500 Bulk Fluoride Tank Radar & Programming 2,100 2,100 Well 4 Heat Exchanger Replace 3,000 3,000 Thaw Dawg (2)3,250 Booster Station Valves 8" & 10" 6,500 6,500 Gantry Lifting Frame 4,000 4,000 4-Ton Iron Worker Fabrication Machine (50/50 W/S)2,500 2,500 Total 18,110 14,975 30,025 32,910 32,910 31,810 31,810 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS No lead Fuel 13,030 13,200 12,000 13,700 13,700 14,000 14,000 Diesel Fuel 2,865 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,600 3,600 Diesel Fuel Tax 365 385 350 350 350 375 375 Oil (Wells 4 & 5)1,000 1,050 1,500 1,100 1,100 1,150 1,150 Diesel - Generators 1,500 1,650 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,100 2,100 Oil/Lubricants 1,000 1,150 1,400 1,300 1,300 1,400 1,400 Total 19,760 20,435 20,300 22,000 22,000 22,625 22,625 358 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 65: WATER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5305 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6214 CHEMICALS Treatment Chemicals - Chlorine 9,500 10,000 11,500 12,000 12,000 12,500 12,500 Treatment Chemicals - Fluoride 20,000 15,000 10,000 11,500 11,500 12,500 12,500 Sodium Permanganate 20,000 15,000 10,000 11,500 11,500 13,000 13,000 Total 49,500 40,000 31,500 35,000 35,000 38,000 38,000 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Vehicle: Fleet 5,600 5,600 5,700 5,700 5,800 5,800 WTP: chlorine(tainer), HVAC, pumps, solenoids 35,000 20,000 22,000 22,000 25,000 25,000 Wells: air reliefs, other 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 Distribution: Mains, meters, hydrants, p. station 21,000 16,000 20,500 20,500 20,500 20,500 General Equipment Supplies / Other 13,850 13,850 13,900 13,900 14,000 14,000 Dehumidifier Parts 1,025 Meters & MXU's 10,000 Mains 2,500 Hydrants 11,800 Chemical Pumps 4,500 Wells & Backflows Preventers 5,125 Vehicle 5,330 Solenoids 12,400 Chlorinator Parts 4,000 General Equipment Supplies 15,400 Valves, Air Reliefs 1,700 WTP Waste Valve 1,800 Pressure Station 1,350 Hydrant Top Bonnet Replacement 5,000 Chlortainer Parts 2,600 Total 84,530 80,750 60,750 67,400 67,400 70,600 70,600 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Batteries - Generators, Wells 4 & 5 2,100 2,100 2,100 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Batteries - RTUs, UPSs, Controls 820 820 820 875 875 875 875 Tires 750 750 750 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Total 3,670 3,670 3,670 3,875 3,875 3,875 3,875 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Safety: PPE, cones, gloves 4,400 4,400 4,500 4,500 4,600 4,600 Shop: Nuts, bolts, steel, reagents 3,400 3,400 3,500 3,500 3,600 3,600 Field: marking paint, flags, grout 2,400 2,400 2,500 2,500 2,600 2,600 Excavation: Sand/gravel, erosion, anodes, seed 4,900 4,900 5,000 5,000 5,100 5,100 General / Other.5,500 5,500 6,000 6,000 6,200 6,200 Flashers, Barricades 2,100 Safety Equipment/First Aid 4,400 Sand, Gravel, Fill Material 3,500 Paint - WTP, Wells, Hydrants 2,450 Shop Supplies 4,500 Location - Marking Supplies 3,200 ArcFlash PPE 380 Prescription Safety Glasses 125 Reagents for Water Testing 575 Erosion Control Products 850 Anodes - Corrosion Protection 2,680 Grass Seed 330 Steel 540 Total 25,630 20,600 20,600 21,500 21,500 22,100 22,100 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Aquifer Modeling 50,000 50,000 Quarry Point Reservoir Plans and Inspection 25,000 25,000 Water Distribution System Modeling Services 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Palomino Reservoir Inspection (Inter. Rehab '22)8,000 8,000 Palomino Reservoir Int Rehab Plans 25,000 25,000 Update Comprehensive Water Supply Plan 10,000 Engineering Consulting Firm Costs 10,000 11,000 11,000 12,000 12,000 13,000 13,000 Legal Expenses 2,100 2,500 2,500 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 Audit 11,500 11,100 11,100 11,400 11,400 11,500 11,500 Cartegraph OMS Development 10,000 OSHA Required Tests (Hearing, Hep B, etc.)775 775 775 775 775 825 825 CCR Report Preparation 2,275 3,200 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,600 3,600 Cross Connection Study (add Mandate)4,500 4,500 - Arc Flash Hazard Survey - WTP 15,000 WTP dehumidifier to SCADA 8,800 359 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 65: WATER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5305 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES CONTINUTED RMP/PSM Plan Update 6,000 Risk & Resilience (VA) ER Plan Update 3,000 18,000 WHP Plan Update 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 Longridge Reservoir Plans & Inspection 25,000 25,000 60,000 60,000 Fiber Integration Towers, Wells to WTP 5,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Total 79,950 98,075 102,875 199,425 199,425 72,675 72,675 6237 TELEPHONE/PAGERS Gopher State w/ GSOC Ticket Mgmt.14,000 14,700 10,000 12,150 12,150 12,500 12,500 Telephones 4,600 4,700 5,400 5,700 5,700 6,000 6,000 Cellular Phone/Communications 3,160 3,200 2,600 2,700 2,700 3,000 3,000 Wireless Air Card 1,000 2,500 7,200 7,700 7,700 8,000 8,000 Total 22,760 25,100 25,200 28,250 28,250 29,500 29,500 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX Postage 30,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 120,000 120,000 Consumer Confidence Mailing 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 100 100 100 Meter Program Certified Letters $6.70-2018 rate 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Billing Inserts 100 100 100 100 100 100 Shipping (SSI/Other)500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 31,500 36,600 36,600 35,700 35,700 124,700 124,700 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Water Bills 5,550 15,000 50 100 100 100 100 Assessment Rolls 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,100 3,100 Educational Materials 540 550 550 550 550 575 575 F-T & P-T Want Ads 870 900 - - - - - Print Chip Books 2,500 2,700 2,700 3,000 3,000 Consumer Confidence Report 1,000 1,000 200 500 500 500 500 Water-Off and Restriction Notices 560 600 600 600 600 600 600 Total 11,020 20,750 7,100 4,750 4,750 7,875 7,875 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Water Break Material Disposal 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,250 1,250 1,350 1,350 Cleaning Services - WTP/CMF 12,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 6,000 6,000 Total 13,000 6,600 6,600 6,750 6,750 7,350 7,350 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Standard & Coliform Bacteria Testing 8,700 9,000 8,000 9,500 9,500 9,700 9,700 Coliform Bacteria Sample Collection 18,000 18,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 Lease Phone Lines 950 960 - - - - - Water Meter Reading 15,000 15,000 14,100 10,000 10,000 7,500 7,500 Hydrant Painting & Sandblasting 29,000 32,000 29,000 35,000 35,000 36,000 36,000 Printing/Mailing Water Bills 17,000 17,500 17,500 68,000 68,000 800 mHz Radio Fees 300 300 300 325 325 Leak Detection & Survey 9,600 10,000 10,300 10,250 10,250 10,300 10,300 Plumbing Repairs 1,250 1,425 1,425 1,500 1,500 1,575 1,575 Trans Alarm Monitoring (Wells 1, 2 )1,600 1,600 1,300 1,625 1,625 1,650 1,650 WTP Discharge Samples 1,050 1,100 1,100 1,125 1,125 1,150 1,150 Fire Extinguisher Testing 575 600 600 650 650 675 675 Overhead Hoist Inspection 550 600 600 625 625 635 635 Meter Testing 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 WTP Boiler Inspection 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 Dakota County Aerial Photos JPA 900 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,150 1,150 Fire System Monitoring - WTP 375 400 400 420 420 450 450 Fire System Annual Testing - WTP 575 650 850 675 675 700 700 CO System Annual Testing 350 400 400 420 420 425 425 Well 10 Generator Emissions Testing - 1,500 1,500 - - - - WTP Generator Emissions Testing 3,000 3,000 - - Well 3 Pest Control Services 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Trane Dehumidifier Maintenance Agreement 5,500 6,500 3,600 5,000 5,000 5,250 5,250 Longridge Reservoir Mowing 2,500 2,650 2,650 2,800 2,800 Total 77,370 102,135 113,375 121,740 121,740 168,685 168,685 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Wells and Water Treatment Plant 310,000 360,000 360,000 375,000 375,000 380,000 380,000 Total 310,000 360,000 360,000 375,000 375,000 380,000 380,000 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS WTP, Wells 4 & 5 32,000 33,000 33,000 35,000 35,000 37,000 37,000 Total 32,000 33,000 33,000 35,000 35,000 37,000 37,000 6257 UTILITIES - PROPANE General Use 1,000 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Total 1,000 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 360 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 65: WATER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5305 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Vehicle: Fleet 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,300 5,300 WTP: electrical, controls, dehumidifier, communication 38,395 38,395 38,600 38,600 39,000 39,000 Wells: electrical, controls - PLC, transdcuer 16,700 16,700 17,000 17,000 17,350 17,350 Distribution: Mains, meters, hydrants, p. station 13,000 13,000 13,200 13,200 13,400 13,400 Generator: Maintenance 16,300 16,300 16,500 16,500 16,700 16,700 General Equipment: locator, radio, UB, BF 25,000 25,000 25,240 25,240 25,500 25,500 MXU Replacements - early meter failure 15,000 Vehicle Maintenance 4,600 Flow Meters at Wells 1,150 WTP Controls - Booster Station, Wells 11,500 Test and Repair Backflow Preventers 4,000 Generator Maint. Contract 8,000 Generator Maintenance/Repairs 7,700 Elect. Maint. & Repairs (Wells, WTP)/TEGG 27,675 Commercial Water Meters 1,150 Check Encoder Maintenance (Utility Billing)490 General Repairs 5,700 SSI Handheld Repairs 1,150 Portable Radio Repair 925 Locator Repair 1,690 Hydrant Seat Machine Seal 560 Card Reader System Maintenance 2,250 Well PLC Replacement 2,850 Well Transducer Replacement 7,400 Radio Replacement for Wells 5,125 Security System Maintenance 2,100 WTP Generator - Upgrade Insulation Exhaust 3,000 Wells 1,2,3,5 add high temp alarm in CL Room 4,000 WTP Add Ext Camera front & generator doors 8,000 10,000 10,000 Wells 1, 2, 3 Install motion sensors 1,800 Dehumidifier Repairs 5,000 Total 132,815 114,395 114,395 125,540 125,540 117,250 117,250 6266 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS Garage add electrical outlets 1,500 - Heaters, Boilers, Air Cond, etc.4,900 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 WTP/Well Bldgs. (Trim, Doors, Roofs, Etc.)13,700 16,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Total 20,100 21,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6269 REPAIRS - OTHER Thawing Water Lines 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Water Main Breaks 71,000 75,000 75,000 77,000 77,000 80,000 80,000 Landscape Restoration 5,780 5,800 5,800 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Curb Stop Repairs 14,350 14,500 14,500 15,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 Misc. (Ex: Hyd. Damage, GV Repair)8,600 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 Total 100,730 106,300 106,300 109,000 109,000 115,000 115,000 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL School & Certifications/State AWWA 2,500 2,800 2,800 2,900 2,900 3,500 3,500 MPWA Spring/Fall Conferences - Director 300 315 280 320 320 430 430 MRWA School 575 700 700 700 700 725 725 ESRI GIS State Conference 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,150 1,150 Leadership Academy 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Electrical Safety/Specialty Training Classes 700 800 800 850 850 900 900 Total 5,575 6,115 5,680 7,370 7,370 8,205 8,205 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER AWWA National - 2,100 2,100 - - 2,200 2,200 Maint Employee Training 1,060 1,100 1,100 1,125 1,125 1,200 1,200 Total 1,060 3,200 3,200 1,125 1,125 3,400 3,400 6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE Superintendent - 50%1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 Billing/Training 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 Total 2,325 2,325 2,325 2,325 2,325 2,325 2,325 6278 SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE State AWWA Conference x2 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 MRWA School/Training 300 300 450 450 450 450 450 AWWA National - 250 250 - - 250 250 Total 700 950 1,100 850 850 1,100 1,100 361 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 65: WATER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5305 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Certification Renewal Fees 300 350 350 350 350 375 375 MRWA & APWA Memberships 250 275 500 525 525 540 540 Cartegraph Support & Hosting 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,200 7,200 7,300 7,300 Asset Management Citizen App (split PW/San/Storm)5,000 5,000 GSOC Annual Fee 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 MGWA Dues 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 SUSA Dues 125 250 250 250 250 250 250 AWWA Dues - Utility Membership 3,400 3,475 3,475 3,500 3,500 3,525 3,525 Korterra GSOC Ticket Mgmt Annual 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,250 1,250 Total 11,225 11,500 12,925 13,175 13,175 18,390 18,390 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Utility Employees 4,575 4,600 4,000 4,075 4,075 4,800 4,800 Add Employee(2020)- 650 650 Total 4,575 4,600 4,000 4,725 4,725 4,800 4,800 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE General Rental 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 Scaffolding 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Home and Garden Show (move from 6229)1,150 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,300 1,300 Total 2,200 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,350 2,350 6311 INSURANCE General, Auto, Property Liability 112,000 115,000 115,000 118,500 118,500 152,200 152,200 Total 112,000 115,000 115,000 118,500 118,500 152,200 152,200 6399 OTHER CHARGES LOGIS 87,550 90,960 90,960 94,250 94,250 98,600 98,600 Water Meter Customer Portal - Setup 10,500 - 10,500 10,500 - - Water Meter Customer Portal - Annual Fees 12,000 8,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 Invoice Cloud Imbedding in Portal 1,375 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 DNR Water Use Permit 41,000 35,000 30,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 Hazardous Chemical Inventory Fee 525 530 530 530 530 540 540 Generator Emission Fee 1,070 1,100 1,100 1,150 1,150 1,200 1,200 Discharge Permit/Strength Charge 6,500 7,000 8,700 9,000 9,000 9,200 9,200 Invensys Support 1,475 1,500 - - County Obstruction Permit 275 300 300 300 300 300 300 AMI Support 80,000 80,000 80,000 81,000 81,000 82,000 82,000 Total 218,395 238,890 220,965 252,480 252,480 247,590 247,590 6351 CREDIT CARD FEES Annual Fees 21,000 22,000 22,000 29,000 29,000 32,000 32,000 Total 21,000 22,000 22,000 29,000 29,000 32,000 32,000 6540 TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE Water Meters 36,000 45,000 45,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 Total 36,000 45,000 45,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 6610 DEPRECIATION Depreciation 1,800,000 1,900,000 1,900,000 1,957,000 1,957,000 2,147,000 2,147,000 Total 1,800,000 1,900,000 1,900,000 1,957,000 1,957,000 2,147,000 2,147,000 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES Replace 406 3/4 ton vehicle (toolbox, plow)35,700 Replace 2012 lawn mower 50/50 split w/fleet 11,000 11,000 11,000 Replace 419 3/4 ton vehicle change to 1-Ton Utility Truck 60,000 60,000 Replace 421 3/4 ton vehicle (toolbox, plow)39,000 39,000 Replace 408 - 3/4 ton vehicle (toolbox, plow)42,500 42,500 Replace Scissor Lift (split w/Fleet, Street, San)6,000 6,000 Add vehicle - new employee (3/4 ton w/plow & tool)- 42,500 42,500 Total 46,700 99,000 99,000 102,000 102,000 - - 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMP Palomino Tower Landscape/Gate/Curb/Pave 25,000 Well 8 Phone to Fiber Upgrade (Move to 2018)25,000 NaMnO4 Piping Modifications 13,000 WTP TEGG Repairs 11,000 Palomino Res. Emergency Electrical Connections 5,000 5,000 Longridge Reservoir Rehab (to 2020)- - 900,000 900,000 WTP Roof Install Deicing Cables 21,500 21,500 Booster Station Pump Inspection (2 - 1/YR)14,000 14,000 14,000 Nordic Booster Pump Rehab Well Rehabilitation, Nos. 6,11,20, LZP4 155,000 155,000 Well 5 - Replace AC 15,000 WTP Generator Room Heater/Modifications 20,000 - - Fiber Extension Project 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Gate Valve Replacement 25,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 362 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 65: WATER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5305 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMP CONTINUTED Replace Water Meter System 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 500,000 500,000 Water conservation grant program (irrigation sensors)10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Palomino Reservoir wash/insp 8,800 8,800 Utilities Garage Door Replacement 12,000 12,000 Nordic Booster Station Replace AC 15,000 15,000 Well 19 Replace AC 7,000 7,000 Well 10 Replace AC 10,000 10,000 GPS Unit/Software - Replace 15,000 15,000 Well 11 Driveway Replace (with JCRR project)10,000 10,000 Pressure Station R&R (with JCRR project)100,000 100,000 Water Break Street Patching 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Well Rehabilitation, Nos. 4, 13, HZP4 no well 16 121,000 121,000 Install valve 135th St @ Foliage Ave 20,000 20,000 Water Main Replace Diamond Path N of Evermoor 330,000 330,000 DNR Groundwater Monitoring Well - SCADA 30,000 30,000 Well 3 Driveway Replacement - Palomino Dr 11,000 11,000 Pressure Station R&R Garden View & 137th St 100,000 100,000 Fiber to Wells 8, 12, 13, Herald Way 75,000 75,000 Fiber to Well 20, Observation Well 40,000 40,000 Wells 1 & 3 Electrical Upgrade 65,000 65,000 Palomino Reservoir Int Maintenance move to '22 WTP HZP2 Maintenance 16,000 16,000 Well Rehabilitation Nos. 7, 9, 19 155,000 155,000 WTP security/motion sensor system repair 20,000 WTP - replace ladders pumping chamber 10,000 Quarry Point Fence Extension 25,000 Quarry Point Tower Int Rehab (move to '21 $226K)- 226,000 226,000 Storage Reservoir Tank Maint. (Nordic) wash/insp 8,500 Hydraulic Valve Operation Wrench Replacement 10,000 Well Rehabilitation, Nos. 1,2,18, LZP1 144,000 Water Main Lining/Replace Diamond Path 775,000 Longridge/Harwell Corrosion Mitigation 300,000 900,000 - 2018 Street & Utility Recon (Redwood, JCRR, 133r 1,085,000 2019 Street & Utility (JCRR)692,787 692,787 2019 Street & Utility Recon (AV 11th,12th)915,247 915,247 2020 Street & Utility Recon (Cimarron, Surrey, Gardenview)1,320,000 1,320,000 2021 Street & Utility Recon (Cim Phase 2;133rd Gal-Fstaff)844,000 844,000 Harwell/Havelock/160th St Watermain Loop (move 175,000 Total 4,720,500 4,958,534 4,078,534 4,928,800 4,928,800 2,122,000 2,122,000 6910 BOND PRINCIPAL 2013 WTP Bonds ($10.8M)385,000 395,000 395,000 400,000 400,000 410,000 410,000 Total 385,000 395,000 395,000 400,000 400,000 410,000 410,000 7015 BOND INTEREST 2013 WTP Bonds (add meters & street program)192,825 185,125 236,125 274,225 274,225 240,225 240,225 Total 192,825 185,125 236,125 274,225 274,225 240,225 240,225 7110 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS General Fund 344,000 350,000 350,000 360,000 360,000 370,000 370,000 Total 344,000 350,000 350,000 360,000 360,000 370,000 370,000 7125 ADMIN CHARGE TO GENERAL FUND 212,250 350,000 350,000 225,000 225,000 232,600 232,600 Total 212,250 350,000 350,000 225,000 225,000 232,600 232,600 Total Net of Personnel 9,150,525 9,796,474 8,937,994 9,980,315 9,980,315 7,320,830 7,320,830 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,072,535$ 10,900,794 10,001,834$ 11,166,480$ 11,166,480$ 8,603,305$ 8,603,305$ LESS Capital Outlay (4,767,200)$ (5,057,534) (4,177,534)$ (5,030,800)$ (5,030,800)$ (2,122,000)$ (2,122,000)$ TOTAL EXP WITHOUT CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,305,335 5,843,260 5,824,300 6,135,680 6,135,680 6,481,305 6,481,305 363 Notes: 364 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5300 66 5365 SEWER OPERATIONS Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Sanitary Sewer Utility Division is responsible for operating and maintaining the sanitary sewer conveyance system and piping portion of the storm sewer drainage system. The City’s sanitary sewer system includes of 203 miles of sewer pipe; 5,550 manhole structures; and 9 sanitary lift stations. This business unit also provides funding for wastewater treatment charges through the regional wastewater treatment plant system operated by Metropolitan Council Environmental Services. SERVICE CATEGORIES The Sanitary Sewer Utility Division provides wastewater service to 50,000 customers within the City of Apple Valley. The following services are provided within this division. 1.Wastewater Conveyance Services Safely convey an average annual volume of 1.2 billion gallons of wastewater for customer within the City of Apple Valley Coordinate disposal of wastewater into trunk and interceptor sewers located at the City borders, including the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services system, the City of Burnsville (northwestern portion of Apple Valley) and the City of Eagan (Minnesota Zoo, Lebanon Hills Regional Park and Briar Oaks Development) Wastewater is processed at the regional Empire and Seneca wastewater treatment plants owned and operated by Metropolitan Council Environmental Services 2.Maintenance, Inspection and Cleaning Services Conduct inspections of approximately 10 miles of sewers per year using remote control televising inspection equipment to assess pipe condition, detect locations of pipe failure and blockage within the collection system Perform manhole inspections and pipe system cleaning for approximately 65 miles of sanitary sewers per year using City jetting and vacuum equipment to maintain system conveyance capacity and minimize sewer backups Repair damaged or deteriorated segments of the pipe and manhole system using cured in place lining, high performance coatings or infrastructure replacement work 3.Lift Station Operation Services Maintain sanitary sewer lift stations, including inspection of station controls, testing of alarm systems and review of electrical components to ensure reliability Remove and repair damaged pumps and other station components Continuously monitor alarms and security status with SCADA System 365 MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 •Maintain compliance with Federal and State mandates •Adopt the updated Sanitary Sewer Master Plan completed as part of the Comprehensive Plan process with complete city-wide modeling •Implement web-based asset management software and deploy mobile devices for field staff •Sanitary Lift Station 7 control and landscape upgrade •Fiber extension to certain lift stations for better SCADA communications MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 •Maintain compliance with Federal and State mandates •Maintain sanitary sewer system with zero sewer backups •Install grinder pump at Sanitary Lift 2 •Fiber extension to certain lift stations for better SCADA communications •Upgrade Lift Station SCADA system hardware, software and repeaters •CIPP end to end lining 146th St Ct (7 lines) IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of Gallons Conveyed (in billions) 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Miles of Sewer Cleaned 65 47 60 68 68 68 Number of Sewer Backups within System per year 2 1 1 0 0 0 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Public Works Superintendent .5 .5 .5 Public Works Supervisor .5 .5 .5 .5 Department Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 1 Utilities Foreman 1 1 1 1 1 1 Technical Specialist 2 2 1 1 1 1 Maintenance II / I 2 2 3 3 3 3 GIS Tech FT position split with 1510, 5305,5505 0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Temporary Status Personnel Schedule - Hours Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Seasonal 1,950 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 366 Summary Budget Department 66 -Sewer Operations 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Utility Charges 4,847,599 5,152,407 5,451,120 5,212,000 5,603,000 5,967,000 6,146,000 Investment Earnings 30,357 20,891 105,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 45,000 Shared Rev w/ Water 87,879 95,832 74,245 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Met Council-Share of LS#3 277,450 - - - - - - Other Revenue - - - - - - - 5,243,285 5,269,130 5,630,366 5,372,000 5,763,000 6,127,000 6,251,000 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 436,957 421,846 506,234 679,215 571,760 597,745 617,030 Emp. Benefits 219,943 210,827 208,306 262,520 229,635 220,475 231,675 Supplies 81,356 51,113 70,808 81,195 72,155 81,960 89,450 Contractual Serv.20,522 38,667 50,507 46,425 38,000 89,140 133,155 Utilities 22,509 27,297 22,791 29,000 29,000 30,000 30,500 Repairs & Maint.22,438 62,404 63,417 86,455 73,800 74,800 74,800 Training/Travel/Dues 7,619 8,544 16,816 15,575 16,170 16,975 22,290 MCES Sewer Charges 2,760,605 2,901,394 2,839,740 2,839,000 3,042,500 3,262,000 3,490,000 Other Exp.167,770 259,096 264,958 265,425 290,760 309,950 271,200 VISA / MC charges 19,443 22,063 23,264 19,000 25,000 25,000 27,000 Depreciation 946,612 1,115,675 886,141 1,000,000 1,120,000 1,150,000 1,187,000 Capital Outlay not Capitalize - 8,964 1,268 1,502,600 1,461,385 1,566,000 1,582,000 Transfers/admin chg to GF 510,500 529,000 343,600 343,600 354,000 365,000 376,000 Transfers to other funds - 209,750 209,200 209,200 215,500 222,000 229,000 Total Exp 5,216,274 5,866,640 5,507,050 7,379,210 7,539,665 8,011,045 8,361,100 Net Income 27,011 (597,510) 123,316 (2,007,210) (1,776,665) (1,884,045) (2,110,100) Change in Cash: Less: Capital outlay - (8,964) (1,268) (1,502,600) (1,461,385) (1,566,000) (1,582,000) Add: Depreciation 946,612 1,115,675 886,141 1,000,000 1,120,000 1,150,000 1,187,000 Net Change in Cash 973,623 509,201 1,008,189 (2,509,810) (2,118,050) (2,300,045) (2,505,100) 2020 Capital Outlay Street & Utility Recon (Cimarron Ph. 1, Garden View) $1,392,000 Fiber Installation $ 40,000 Lift 10 Pump 2 Replacement $ 10,000 Lift 7 Control and Landscape Improvements $ 65,000 Lift 1 AC Replacement $ 10,500 Vehicle 418 Replacement $ 42,500 $1,560,000 2021 Capital Outlay Street & Utility Recon (Cimarron Ph. 2, 133rd St.) $ 891,000 Lift 2 Grinder Pump Install $ 60,000 Fiber Installation $ 40,000 Lift SCADA Upgrade $ 250,000 CIPP end to end lining 146th St Ct $ 200,000 Vehicles 412 & 414 Replacement $ 87,000 Changeable Message Board Replacement $ 19,000 Intercommunity Flow Meter JCRR w/ Eagan $ 35,000 $1,582,000 367 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) SEWER OPERATIONS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 390,427 390,885 460,164 483,840 218,193 514,390 514,390 531,970 531,970 6111 - SALARY PART-TIME 524 0 0 0 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 17,275 12,816 12,686 18,500 3,727 19,000 19,000 19,600 19,600 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 35,690 37,347 41,866 46,600 20,333 48,000 48,000 49,500 49,500 6118 - VACATION PAY 7,752 19 16,013 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 1,680 2,160 1,800 720 6122 - COMP REQUEST -16,390 -21,381 -26,295 -14,559 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 22,820 16,355 16,355 15,960 15,960 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 436,957 421,846 506,234 571,760 228,415 597,745 597,745 617,030 617,030 6138 - MEDICARE 6,018 6,008 6,776 8,290 3,122 8,665 8,665 8,945 8,945 6139 - FICA 25,733 25,690 28,972 35,450 13,345 37,060 37,060 38,255 38,255 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 30,768 30,514 35,673 40,480 16,757 43,405 43,405 44,805 44,805 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 15,342 15,259 15,990 21,080 397 17,055 17,055 18,455 18,455 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,144 937 989 1,395 455 1,645 1,645 1,645 1,645 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 93,627 111,487 140,527 122,940 56,277 112,645 112,645 119,570 119,570 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 8,374 8,154 8,642 4,038 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 42 46 48 22 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 924 1,186 1,186 556 6150 - PENSION EXPENSE-GASB 68 37,970 27,516 -1,994 0 6170 - EMPLOYEE PAID PREMIUMS -15,969 -28,501 -8,442 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 219,943 210,827 208,306 229,635 86,526 220,475 220,475 231,675 231,675 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 656,900 632,674 714,540 801,395 314,941 818,220 818,220 848,705 848,705 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 211 237 386 250 73 250 250 250 250 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 14,460 7,883 20,195 8,555 787 15,700 15,700 21,335 21,335 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 12,448 13,180 17,016 16,875 6,175 18,335 18,335 18,845 18,845 6214 - CHEMICALS 0 0 0 0 0 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 40,184 16,640 26,229 33,000 7,019 33,900 33,900 34,875 34,875 6216 - VEHICLES-TIRES/BATTERIES 5,765 3,531 2,568 3,810 1,439 4,025 4,025 4,125 4,125 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 8,289 9,641 4,414 9,665 1,516 9,750 9,750 10,020 10,020 6205 - SUPPLIES 81,356 51,113 70,808 72,155 17,009 81,960 81,960 89,450 89,450 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 15,030 26,758 11,505 16,000 9,809 23,600 23,600 24,025 24,025 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 360 305 1,335 1,350 637 3,040 3,040 3,080 3,080 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 648 1,262 14,106 4,000 5,759 17,000 17,000 68,000 68,000 6239 - PRINTING 0 1,307 1,266 500 792 1,800 1,800 1,850 1,850 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 1,351 2,845 2,357 4,500 4,014 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,133 6,191 19,937 11,650 10,396 41,200 41,200 33,700 33,700 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20,522 38,667 50,507 38,000 31,407 89,140 89,140 133,155 133,155 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 22,081 26,854 22,088 28,000 12,246 29,000 29,000 29,500 29,500 6256 - UTILITIES-NATURAL GAS 427 443 703 1,000 305 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6250 - UTILITIES 22,509 27,297 22,791 29,000 12,551 30,000 30,000 30,500 30,500 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 8,648 50,206 10,208 41,300 6,376 41,300 41,300 41,300 41,300 6266 - REPAIRS-BUILDING 0 0 0 0 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 13,789 12,198 53,209 32,500 2,893 33,500 33,500 33,500 33,500 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 22,438 62,404 63,417 73,800 9,268 74,800 74,800 74,800 74,800 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 2,453 2,515 5,464 3,800 1,423 3,850 3,850 3,950 3,950 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 450 1,329 416 0 876 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 1,276 1,293 1,291 1,850 744 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 6278 - SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 300 300 450 300 300 450 450 450 450 368 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) SEWER OPERATIONS Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 191 553 5,790 7,370 7,328 7,900 7,900 13,040 13,040 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,949 2,553 3,406 2,850 1,629 2,925 2,925 3,000 3,000 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 7,619 8,544 16,816 16,170 12,299 16,975 16,975 22,290 22,290 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 154,444 188,025 224,339 229,125 82,535 292,875 292,875 350,195 350,195 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 300 0 300 300 325 325 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 93,504 98,175 100,600 103,600 51,800 106,700 106,700 70,000 70,000 6317 - METRO WASTE CONTROL PAYMENT 2,760,605 2,901,394 2,839,740 3,042,500 1,774,761 3,262,000 3,262,000 3,490,000 3,490,000 6318 - BURNSVILLE/EAGAN SWR REIMBURSE 74,316 78,437 79,784 78,800 36,151 82,200 82,200 86,275 86,275 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -50 -51 -44 -7 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 19,443 22,063 23,264 19,600 8,449 25,000 25,000 27,000 27,000 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 82,536 84,619 113,460 47,128 120,750 120,750 114,600 114,600 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 2,947,818 3,182,553 3,127,962 3,358,260 1,918,283 3,596,950 3,596,950 3,788,200 3,788,200 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 2,947,818 3,182,553 3,127,962 3,358,260 1,918,283 3,596,950 3,596,950 3,788,200 3,788,200 6401 - EXPENDITURES 0 6400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 6610 - DEPRECIATION 946,612 1,115,675 886,141 1,120,000 110,306 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,187,000 1,187,000 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 946,612 1,115,675 886,141 1,120,000 110,306 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,187,000 1,187,000 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 946,612 1,115,675 886,141 1,120,000 110,306 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,187,000 1,187,000 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 215,000 0 48,500 48,500 106,000 106,000 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 8,964 1,718 1,246,385 49,468 1,517,500 1,517,500 1,476,000 1,476,000 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 0 0 26,420 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 8,964 1,718 1,461,385 75,888 1,566,000 1,566,000 1,582,000 1,582,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 8,964 1,718 1,461,385 75,888 1,566,000 1,566,000 1,582,000 1,582,000 6810 - CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 0 0 -450 13,800 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 -450 13,800 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 -450 13,800 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 325,500 535,250 343,600 354,000 177,000 365,000 365,000 376,000 376,000 7125 - ADMINI CHARGE TO OTHER FUNDS 185,000 203,500 209,200 215,500 107,750 222,000 222,000 229,000 229,000 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 510,500 738,750 552,800 569,500 284,750 587,000 587,000 605,000 605,000 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 510,500 738,750 552,800 569,500 284,750 587,000 587,000 605,000 605,000 5,216,274 5,866,640 5,507,050 7,539,665 2,800,503 8,011,045 8,011,045 8,361,100 8,361,100 369 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 66: SANITARY SEWER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5365 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND REVENUE 4914 Sewer Charges 5,212,000 5,603,000 5,603,000 5,967,000 5,967,000 6,146,000 6,146,000 4917 Other Sewer 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 5010 Investment Earnings 100,000 100,000 26,000 100,000 100,000 45,000 45,000 5499 Trans from Storm Drainage Utility Total 5,372,000 5,763,000 5,689,000 6,127,000 6,127,000 6,251,000 6,251,000 SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 588,560 483,840 465,000 514,390 514,390 531,970 531,970 6112 Salary-Seasonal Temp 18,000 18,500 18,500 19,000 19,000 19,600 19,600 6113 Overtime - Reg 31,000 32,000 32,000 33,000 33,000 34,000 34,000 6113 Overtime - On Call Program 14,150 14,600 14,600 15,000 15,000 15,500 15,500 6123 Salaries - Other 19,005 22,820 22,820 16,355 16,355 15,960 15,960 6138 Medicare 9,725 8,290 8,290 8,665 8,665 8,945 8,945 6139 FICA 41,585 35,450 35,450 37,060 37,060 38,255 38,255 6141 Pension - PERA 48,955 40,480 40,480 43,405 43,405 44,805 44,805 6142 Worker's Compensation 26,485 21,080 21,080 17,055 17,055 18,455 18,455 6144 Long-Term Disability Insurance 1,670 1,395 1,395 1,645 1,645 1,645 1,645 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 134,100 122,940 122,940 112,645 112,645 119,570 119,570 Reclasify Position - 50% Supervisor 8,500 Total 941,735 801,395 782,555 818,220 818,220 848,705 848,705 6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES General Office Supplies 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Total 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Small Tools 3,250 3,300 3,300 3,400 3,400 3,500 3,500 Electric/Air Power Tools 340 355 355 400 400 435 435 Oxygen Detector Replacement 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 Sewer Cleaning Nozzle/skid 1,100 Manhole Lifter 5,000 Portable Sewer Meter 4,500 3" Electric Pump Replacement 3,000 Wireless Head Set Sewer Cleaning 6,000 Chain Hoist, Sling and Strap Eqiup Replace - 1,000 1,000 Lift 11 Mixed Flush Valve Installation 3,000 3,000 Lift 4 Mixed Flush Valve 3,000 3,000 Lift 10 Mixed Flush Valve 3,500 3,500 Lift 7 Mixed Flush Valve 3,500 3,500 Arrow Board Replacement 4,000 4,000 4-Ton Iron Worker Fabrication Machine (50/50 W/S)2,500 2,500 Radar Replacement instead of Transducer 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Replace 50 Ton Press (Split Str/Water/Fleet/Parks)1,000 1,000 UPS Replacement 3,000 500 1,000 1,000 Total 24,090 8,555 6,055 15,700 15,700 21,335 21,335 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS Nolead Fuel 2726 gal.7,330 7,400 6,475 6,800 6,800 7,000 7,000 Diesel Fuel 3056 gal.7,175 7,250 6,900 7,300 7,300 7,520 7,520 Diesel Fuel Tax 910 925 825 935 935 950 950 Fluids, Coolant, misc.1,250 1,300 1,300 1,325 1,325 Oil 1,200 1,300 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 Total 16,615 16,875 17,450 18,335 18,335 18,845 18,845 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Vehicle: sewer truck/pump, hose 11,450 11,450 11,775 11,775 Lift Stations:Pump seals, impellers, valves, filters 18,450 18,450 19,000 19,000 Generators: standby & portable 2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 General / Other:2,000 2,000 2,050 2,050 Portable generator float charger small CAT 500 Pump Seals, Impellers, Valves, Filters,etc.13,000 17,000 17,000 High Pressure Hoses 3,400 4,500 4,500 Vehicles/Sewer Trucks/Parts/Pump 6,400 7,500 7,500 Sewer Camera Wheels & Accessories 1,000 1,000 1,000 Bolts and Fittings Inventory 500 500 500 Air Relief Valve Parts 2,500 2,500 2,500 Reduce to trend - Total 27,300 33,000 33,000 33,900 33,900 34,875 34,875 370 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 66: SANITARY SEWER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5365 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6216 EQUIPMENT - TIRES/BATTERIES Batteries - Vehicles 450 460 460 465 465 475 475 Batteries - RTUs, UPSs, Controls 425 450 450 460 460 475 475 Tires 2,400 2,900 2,900 3,100 3,100 3,175 3,175 Total 3,275 3,810 3,810 4,025 4,025 4,125 4,125 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Safety: PPE, cones, 1,515 1,515 1,550 1,550 1,590 1,590 Shop: Nut/bolts, cleaner, 900 900 950 950 980 980 Field: CPR, grout, paint, 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,575 2,575 Excavation: Fill, seed 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,275 1,275 General Division Supplies:3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,600 3,600 Flashers, Barricades 540 Safety Equipment/First Aid 675 Paint - Lift Stations 250 Fill Material 1,000 General Division Supplies 1,100 Flex-seal/Sealguard - Grout Material 1,500 Chimney Patch Repair 2,000 Grates, Covers, Castings, Rings 2,300 Internal Chimney Seals 300 Total 9,665 9,665 9,665 9,750 9,750 10,020 10,020 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Sanitary System Modeling Services 8,000 8,000 8,200 8,200 Engineering Costs Not Assessed 3,100 3,300 3,300 3,500 3,500 3,600 3,600 Audit 11,500 12,000 12,000 11,400 11,400 11,500 11,500 Cartegraph OMS Development 10,000 - - OSHA Required Tests 675 700 700 700 700 725 725 San Sewer Comp Plan Update -Shift '15 to '17 5,000 - - Total 30,275 16,000 16,000 23,600 23,600 24,025 24,025 6237 TELEPHONES/PAGERS Cellular Phone 450 500 1,524 1,600 1,600 1,640 1,640 Wireless Air Card 800 850 850 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 Total 1,250 1,350 2,374 3,040 3,040 3,080 3,080 6238 POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX Postage 1,000 4,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 68,000 68,000 Total 1,000 4,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 68,000 68,000 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Assessment Rolls 1,250 1,300 1,300 1,350 1,350 Educational Materials 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Total 500 500 1,750 1,800 1,800 1,850 1,850 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Dumpster Special Waste 4,000 4,500 8,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total 4,000 4,500 8,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Flow Monitor/Smoke Test - I/I Investigation 4,000 4,500 1,000 3,500 3,500 4,500 4,500 Print/Mail Sewer Bills 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,500 17,500 Meter Reading 14,000 14,000 14,000 5,000 5,000 Sewer Lateral Repairs 4,000 5,500 5,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Aerial Photography Dakota Co JPA 800 900 900 900 900 900 900 Traffic Control 600 750 750 800 800 800 800 Total 9,400 11,650 39,150 41,200 41,200 33,700 33,700 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Lift Stations-Sanitary 28,000 28,000 23,000 29,000 29,000 29,500 29,500 Total 28,000 28,000 23,000 29,000 29,000 29,500 29,500 6256 UTILITIES - NATURAL GAS Lift Station Generators 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Vehicle 7,000 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 Lift Stations: Electrical, Pumps, Controls, PLC, Radio 9,000 35,000 26,000 35,000 35,000 26,000 26,000 Generators: Inspect, Maintenace 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 General / Other 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Calibration of Gas Detectors, Sensor Replacement 1,075 Electric Repairs/TEGG Inspection 9,000 Pump Inspection 1,360 General Misc.3,500 Generator Maintenance 2,870 Pump Repair for San Lift Stations 9,000 371 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 66: SANITARY SEWER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5365 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT CONTINUED Trend Reduction (9,000) (9,000) (9,000) (9,000) - - Total 33,805 41,300 41,300 41,300 41,300 41,300 41,300 6269 REPAIRS - OTHER Lift 1 Rag Grinder Maintenance move to 6265 2,000 Repair Sewer Lines - (CIPP or spot repair)7,900 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Manholes - Protection I/I 10,500 9,000 9,000 9,750 9,750 9,750 9,750 Repair/Seal San Manhole Structures 17,250 15,500 15,500 15,750 15,750 15,750 15,750 Radio & Control Upgrades (PLCs) move to 6265 15,000 Total 52,650 32,500 32,500 33,500 33,500 33,500 33,500 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL School & Certifications 1,850 1,950 1,950 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 MWOA Annual 500 550 550 550 550 550 550 MPWA Spring/Fall Conferences – Director 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 Task Specific / Electrical Training 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 3,400 3,800 3,800 3,850 3,850 3,950 3,950 6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 50% Superintendent 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 Training 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Total 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 6278 SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE MWOA Annual/MWRA 300 300 300 450 450 450 450 Total 300 300 300 450 450 450 450 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MWOA & APWA Dues 110 110 325 325 325 340 340 Cartegraph Support & Hosting 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,300 7,300 7,400 7,400 Asset Management Citizen App (split PW/Wat/Storm)5,000 5,000 Certification Renewal Fee 215 260 260 275 275 300 300 Total 7,325 7,370 7,585 7,900 7,900 13,040 13,040 6281 UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Uniforms for 5 employees 2,700 2,850 2,850 2,925 2,925 3,000 3,000 Total 2,700 2,850 2,850 2,925 2,925 3,000 3,000 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE General Rental 275 300 300 300 300 325 325 Total 275 300 300 300 300 325 325 6311 INSURANCE General, Auto, Property Liability 100,600 103,600 103,600 106,700 106,700 70,000 70,000 Total 100,600 103,600 103,600 106,700 106,700 70,000 70,000 6317 METRO WASTE CONTROL Metropolitan Council-Environmental Services Waste Water Treatment Charges 2,839,000 3,042,500 3,042,500 3,262,000 3,262,000 3,490,000 3,490,000 Total 2,839,000 3,042,500 3,042,500 3,262,000 3,262,000 3,490,000 3,490,000 6318 BURNSVILLE/EAGAN SEWER CHRG Burnsville 24,000 24,900 24,900 26,700 26,700 28,000 28,000 Eagan 53,000 53,900 53,900 55,500 55,500 58,275 58,275 Total 77,000 78,800 78,800 82,200 82,200 86,275 86,275 6399 OTHER CHARGES LOGIS 87,550 90,960 90,960 94,250 94,250 98,600 98,600 Water Meter Customer Portal - Setup 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 Water Meter Customer Portal - Annual Fees 12,000 8,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 Invoice Cloud Imbedding in Portal 1,375 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 Infosense SL-DOG Portal 800 800 800 800 Total 87,550 113,460 109,460 120,750 120,750 114,600 114,600 6351 CREDIT CARD FEES Annual Fee 19,000 19,600 19,600 25,000 25,000 27,000 27,000 Total 19,000 19,600 19,600 25,000 25,000 27,000 27,000 6610 DEPRECIATION Sanitary 1,000,000 1,120,000 1,120,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,187,000 1,187,000 Total 1,000,000 1,120,000 1,120,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,187,000 1,187,000 372 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 66: SANITARY SEWER UTILITY OPERATIONS - 5365 Public Works Department COMPANY 5300: WATER & SEWER FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES Replace 418 3/4Ton vehicle (toolbox, plow)42,500 42,500 Replace 412 3/4 Ton Vehicle (toolbox, plow)43,500 43,500 Replace 414 3/4 Ton Vehicle (toolbox, plow)43,500 43,500 Replace 427 Changeable Message Board 19,000 19,000 Jetter Replacement 402 280,000 Replace Scissor Lift (split w/Fleet, Street, Water)6,000 6,000 Gap Vax Replacement 401 - split 5365/5505 - 215,000 236,670 Total 280,000 215,000 236,670 48,500 48,500 106,000 106,000 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMP Lift 10 pump 2 Replacement 10,000 10,000 Manhole Inspection Camera 18,000 Lift 10 driveway replacement 4,600 Lift 1 Pump Replacement (60 hp) 60,000 60,000 60,000 Fiber Installation Project 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Lift 7 Controls & Landscape Upgrade/Add Sidewalk 40,000 65,000 65,000 Inter-Community Flow Meter Eagan (Delay JPA und - - - 35,000 35,000 Lift 1 Replace AC 10,500 10,500 Lift 2 Grinder Pump Installation 60,000 60,000 Lift SCADA Upgrade Software Hardware Repeaters 250,000 250,000 CIPP End to End Line 146th St Ct (7 lines)200,000 200,000 2018 Street & Utility Recon (Redwood Dr and 133rd/1,060,000 2019 Street & Utility Recon (AV 11th/12th & JCRR) 1,146,385 1,146,385 2020 Street & Utility Proj (Cimarron, Surrey, Garden View)1,392,000 1,392,000 2021 Street & Utility (Cim Phase 2;133rd Gal-Fstaff))891,000 891,000 Total 1,222,600 1,246,385 1,246,385 1,517,500 1,517,500 1,476,000 1,476,000 7110 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS Annual Transfer to General Fund 343,600 354,000 354,000 365,000 365,000 376,000 376,000 Total 343,600 354,000 354,000 365,000 365,000 376,000 376,000 7125 ADMIN CHARGE TO OTHER FUNDS Annual Admin Charge to General Fund 209,200 215,500 215,500 222,000 222,000 229,000 229,000 Total 209,200 215,500 215,500 222,000 222,000 229,000 229,000 Total Net of Personnel 6,437,475 6,738,270 6,795,504 7,192,825 7,192,825 7,512,395 7,512,395 TOTAL EXPENSES 7,379,210$ 7,539,665$ 7,578,059$ 8,011,045$ 8,011,045$ 8,361,100$ 8,361,100$ LESS CAPITAL OUTLAY (1,502,600)$ (1,461,385)$ (1,483,055)$ (1,566,000)$ (1,566,000)$ (1,582,000)$ (1,582,000)$ Total Exp without Capital Outlay 5,876,610$ 6,078,280$ 6,095,004$ 6,445,045$ 6,445,045$ 6,779,100$ 6,779,100$ 373 Notes: 374 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5500 69 5505 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Storm Drainage Utility provides funding for the operation and maintenance of the City’s storm water drainage system and management of surface water bodies. A majority of expenses for this business unit relate to improvement projects to fulfill State and Federal mandates for pollutant load reductions to lakes, maintenance of the municipal drainage system, drainage costs related to the annual street improvement program, and acquisition of drainage easements. SERVICE CATEGORIES The Storm Drainage Utility Division provides for the operation and maintenance of the municipal storm drainage system within the City of Apple Valley. The City’s drainage system controls and conveys drainage from an estimated 8.1 billion gallons of precipitation each year. This utility service is provide by City Public Works Department staff using city-owned equipment and contract services for capital improvement projects and related services. The following services are provided within this division. 1.Drainage System Maintenance Services Provide repair and maintenance for 8,240 storm sewer manholes/catch basins and 170 miles of storm sewer pipe within the drainage network Inspect and remove accumulated sediment from 320 storm water management ponds and best management practices located throughout the drainage system within the City. Inspect and maintain 12 storm water pumping stations and associated force main 2.System Flood Control Services Monitor water levels in lakes and ponds in response to severe precipitation events Perform drainage analysis to determine solutions to flooding events Review building plans to ensure proper structure elevations above high water levels 3.System Management and Regulatory Services Prepare mandatory MS4 permit documents and respond to evolving requirements associated with the Federal Clean Water Act Perform water quality testing for surface water bodies Coordinate storm water management activities with Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization Coordinate surface water improvement projects in conjunction with the City of Burnsville. Provide funds for payment of annual dues for required membership to the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization 375 MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 AND 2021 Work plans are designed to meet Federal and State mandates for storm water quality which continue to increase at escalating rates. Similar to many other cities, the utility will be financially strained in future years to meet increased regulations and required capital investments for storm water management demands. Due to planned road reconstruction projects inside the Keller Lake Watershed area, additional grant funds for innovative stormwater improvements have been sought for new practices in neighborhoods for 2020 and 2021. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 •Maintain compliance with Federal and State mandates for storm water quality. •Obtain new permit coverage to meet the City’s MS4 requirements. •Seek additional grant funding for new stormwater practices in reconstruction areas to alleviate flooding and water quality issues. •Implement innovative stormwater improvements in the planned road reconstruction projects inside TMDL watersheds. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 •Maintain compliance with Federal and State mandates for storm water quality. •Implement innovative stormwater improvements in the planned road reconstruction projects inside the TMDL watersheds: Keller Lake, Alimagnet Lake, Long Lake, Farquar Lake, East Lake (McNamara Pond drainage). •The City will continue to seek additional grants to assist with funding water quality improvements in our TMDL areas, and to maximize cost savings by coordinating projects with other City capital improvement projects where feasible. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Staff hours to address State MS4 Permit Requirements 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,400 3,300 3,300 Number of lake water quality samples 240 240 240 200 240 240 Number of Mandated TMDL Studies Active in City* 5 5 5 5 5 5 *Long & Farquar TMDL Alimagnet Keller East Lake (Lakeville) Lower Miss Fecal Coliform 376 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Water Quality Tech 1 1 1 1 0 0 Water Resources Specialist 0 0 0 0 1 1 Public Works Natural Resources/GIS Tech 1 0 0 0 0 0 GIS Tech FTE split w/ 1510/5300/5365 0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Natural Resources Tech FTE split with 1500 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Maintenance I/II Exist Position from 1600 1 1 1 1 1 1 Summary Budget Department 69 Storm Drainage 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Revenue: Utility Charges 1,693,956 1,768,067 1,710,000 1,796,000 1,976,000 2,075,000 2,391,000 Grants - 96,257 - - 190,000 244,000 287,000 Other Revenue 24,396 60,326 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Contributed Rev. (trunk fees)446,890 1,775 - - - - - Investment Earnings 51,377 37,047 32,000 33,000 34,000 34,000 27,000 2,216,619 1,963,472 1,747,000 1,834,000 2,205,000 2,358,000 2,710,000 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 193,881 193,392 204,729 215,315 218,420 220,330 230,755 Emp. Benefits 73,748 64,952 49,574 69,050 58,830 60,085 63,480 Supplies 6,406 22,833 41,970 49,120 46,420 51,970 47,830 Contractual Serv.139,379 376,646 209,102 363,950 291,305 512,825 449,025 Utilities 79,452 70,494 76,141 62,800 64,800 72,800 75,800 Repairs & Maint.21,665 8,728 14,413 59,225 51,500 54,000 60,050 Training/Travel/Dues 2,474 2,433 8,711 11,905 12,400 13,115 18,850 Other Exp.6,829 7,770 8,077 9,515 19,425 19,950 23,550 Depreciation 575,256 995,490 1,024,023 575,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,107,000 Debt Service-Interest 80,981 62,142 29,902 46,280 42,650 38,700 29,370 Other not capitalized - 34,356 9,428 - - - - Admin fee to Gen. Fund 300,000 339,660 348,000 348,000 360,000 370,000 380,000 Construction - - 4,173 - - - - Total Exp 1,480,070 2,178,896 2,028,243 1,810,160 2,165,750 2,413,775 2,485,710 Net Income 736,549 (215,424) (281,243) 23,840 39,250 (55,775) 224,290 Net change in cash add: Depreciation 575,256 995,490 1,024,023 575,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,107,000 Debt Service - Principal - - - (165,000) (165,000) (170,000) (180,000) Capital Outlay - (34,356) (13,601) (1,326,800) (1,725,570) (2,717,000) (1,944,000) Debt Issued - - - - - - Net Change in Cash 1,311,805 745,710 729,179 (892,960) (851,320) (1,942,775) (792,710) 377 Debt Service Schedule: Bonds of 2011a Total Year Principal Interest Principal Interest 2015 150,000 55,582 150,000 55,582 2016 155,000 52,582 155,000 52,582 2017 160,000 49,482 160,000 49,482 2018 165,000 46,282 165,000 46,282 2019 165,000 42,652 165,000 42,652 2020 170,000 38,692 170,000 38,692 2021 175,000 34,272 175,000 34,272 2022 180,000 29,372 180,000 29,372 2023 185,000 24,062 185,000 24,062 2024 200,000 18,235 200,000 18,235 2025 210,000 11,535 210,000 11,535 2026 125,000 4,500 125,000 4,500 2020 Capital Outlay Redwood Pond Improvements $ 385,000 General Stormwater Improvements $ 100,000 Erickson Park Stormwater Improvements $ 260,000 Easement Acquisition $ 50,000 Sediment Removal $ 52,000 Alimagnet Weed/Leaf Device $ 30,000 Farquar Storm Lift Lining $ 790,000 Highwood Way Catch Basin Rebuild $ 50,000 Street & Utility Improvement $ 1,000,000 $ 2,717,000 2021 Capital Outlay Alimagnet Park/Edgewood & Reflection Rd Imprts $ 30,000 EVR-P7 & P55 Outlet Mods/Infiltration Bench Imprts $ 164,000 Easement Acquisition $ 50,000 Regatta, JCRP & City Hall Pond Improvements $ 300,000 Sediment Removal $ 90,000 Stormwater Monitoring Imprts (Whitney Pond Ongoing) $ 20,000 Pennock Park Improvements $ 203,000 General Stormwater Improvements $ 110,000 Pilot Knob Structural Bmp Device $ 160,000 Fawn Ridge Court Insulate Water Service Line $ 25,000 5527 133rd St Ct Pipe Separation $ 12,000 Hidden Ponds Storm Lift - Replace Pump $ 20,000 CMF Infiltration Basin Repair & Add Sump Catch Basin $ 25,000 Cobblestone StormCeptor Add Concrete Base $ 15,000 CMF Material Lot Storage Bin Canopies $ 10,000 Garland Ave & Garner Way Raise CB Structure $ 6,000 Street & Utility Improvement – Cimarron Rd phase 2 $ 704,000 $ 1,944,000 378 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 169,611 175,378 184,496 190,860 87,815 190,105 190,105 200,340 200,340 6112 - SALARY-SEASONAL TEMP 2,088 4,059 1,125 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 20,565 13,274 17,045 21,000 8,589 22,000 22,000 22,600 22,600 6118 - VACATION PAY 3,347 53 1,343 0 6121 - INSURANCE CASH BENEFIT 1,440 960 720 300 6122 - COMP REQUEST -3,170 -332 0 0 6123 - SALARY-OTHER 6,560 8,225 8,225 7,815 7,815 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 193,881 193,392 204,729 218,420 96,704 220,330 220,330 230,755 230,755 6138 - MEDICARE 2,740 2,776 2,900 3,165 1,385 3,195 3,195 3,345 3,345 6139 - FICA 11,716 11,868 12,402 13,540 5,920 13,660 13,660 14,305 14,305 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 14,026 14,118 15,093 16,380 6,278 16,525 16,525 17,305 17,305 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 5,134 7,622 8,696 11,520 556 8,760 8,760 9,530 9,530 6144 - LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 335 180 140 545 52 605 605 635 635 6145 - MEDICAL INSURANCE 21,738 14,975 11,776 13,680 2,899 17,340 17,340 18,360 18,360 6146 - DENTAL INSURANCE 1,207 813 602 232 6147 - LIFE INSURANCE-BASIC 12 8 6 2 6148 - LIFE INSURANCE-SUPP/DEPEND 308 243 199 77 6150 - PENSION EXPENSE-GASB 68 16,532 12,349 -2,240 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 73,748 64,952 49,574 58,830 17,401 60,085 60,085 63,480 63,480 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 267,629 258,344 254,303 277,250 114,105 280,415 280,415 294,235 294,235 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 2,249 2,770 3,355 3,890 0 3,300 3,300 6212 - MOTOR FUELS/OILS 3,350 4,087 5,700 5,700 5,820 5,820 6214 - CHEMICALS 0 0 0 450 230 500 500 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 1,624 16,768 29,753 31,900 20,422 32,420 32,420 33,610 33,610 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 2,533 3,295 5,512 10,180 1,495 10,050 10,050 8,400 8,400 6205 - SUPPLIES 6,406 22,833 41,970 46,420 26,234 51,970 51,970 47,830 47,830 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 0 1,784 46 0 0 0 0 6234 - CITY ENGINEER CONSULTANT SERV 2,911 1,817 6234 - CITY ENGINEER CONSULTANT SERV 0 5,439 2,730 1,537 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 37,048 241,775 103,590 39,695 40,847 60,000 60,000 72,900 72,900 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 1,184 17,867 13,848 3,660 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 0 0 0 1,285 160 1,125 1,125 1,125 1,125 6238 - POSTAGE/UPS/FEDEX 107 6239 - PRINTING 1,486 665 427 900 799 900 900 1,300 1,300 6239 - PRINTING 0 0 0 0 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 2,549 4,953 6,768 21,625 230 21,625 21,625 22,200 22,200 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 97,113 104,163 78,782 227,800 306 429,175 429,175 351,500 351,500 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 138,195 353,340 192,524 291,305 44,265 512,825 512,825 449,025 449,025 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,184 23,306 16,578 5,197 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 79,452 70,494 76,141 64,800 46,908 72,800 72,800 75,800 75,800 6250 - UTILITIES 79,452 70,494 76,141 64,800 46,908 72,800 72,800 75,800 75,800 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 20,533 5,277 337 24,500 13,574 26,000 26,000 27,550 27,550 6269 - REPAIRS-OTHER 1,132 3,450 14,076 27,000 19,588 28,000 28,000 32,500 32,500 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 21,665 8,728 14,413 51,500 33,162 54,000 54,000 60,050 60,050 6275 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP LOCAL 535 883 1,062 4,470 176 4,985 4,985 5,610 5,610 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 1,389 1,300 212 218 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 130 0 130 130 130 130 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 550 50 7,158 7,000 7,000 7,200 7,200 12,300 12,300 379 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 200 280 800 50 800 800 810 810 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 2,474 2,433 8,711 12,400 7,443 13,115 13,115 18,850 18,850 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 248,192 457,827 333,759 466,425 158,013 704,710 704,710 651,555 651,555 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 1,184 23,306 16,578 5,197 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 244 685 300 1,325 275 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 6,600 6,800 7,000 16,900 8,450 17,400 17,400 21,000 21,000 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -15 -4 -23 -2 6399 - OTHER CHARGES 0 289 800 1,200 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 6,829 7,770 8,077 19,425 8,723 19,950 19,950 23,550 23,550 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 6,829 7,770 8,077 19,425 8,723 19,950 19,950 23,550 23,550 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6610 - DEPRECIATION 575,256 995,490 1,024,023 1,000,000 25,802 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,107,000 1,107,000 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 575,256 995,490 1,024,023 1,000,000 25,802 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,107,000 1,107,000 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 575,256 995,490 1,024,023 1,000,000 25,802 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,107,000 1,107,000 6730 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 238,200 0 0 0 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 6,622 9,428 1,487,370 0 2,717,000 2,717,000 1,944,000 1,944,000 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 6,622 9,428 1,725,570 0 2,717,000 2,717,000 1,944,000 1,944,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 6,622 9,428 1,725,570 0 2,717,000 2,717,000 1,944,000 1,944,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 6810 - CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 0 0 4,173 3,546 6810 - CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 0 27,734 0 0 6815 - EASEMENT/CONDEMNATION 0 0 0 0 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 4,173 3,546 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 27,734 0 0 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 4,173 3,546 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 27,734 0 0 6910 - BOND PRINCIPAL 0 0 0 165,000 0 170,000 170,000 180,000 180,000 6901 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 165,000 0 170,000 170,000 180,000 180,000 6900 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 165,000 0 170,000 170,000 180,000 180,000 7015 - DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 80,981 62,142 29,902 42,650 26,144 38,700 38,700 29,370 29,370 7001 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 80,981 62,142 29,902 42,650 26,144 38,700 38,700 29,370 29,370 7000 - TOTAL INTEREST AND FISCAL FEES 80,981 62,142 29,902 42,650 26,144 38,700 38,700 29,370 29,370 7125 - ADMINI CHARGE TO OTHER FUNDS 300,000 339,660 348,000 360,000 180,000 370,000 370,000 380,000 380,000 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 300,000 339,660 348,000 360,000 180,000 370,000 370,000 380,000 380,000 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 300,000 339,660 348,000 360,000 180,000 370,000 370,000 380,000 380,000 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 1,480,070 2,178,896 2,028,243 4,056,320 521,528 5,300,775 5,300,775 4,609,710 4,609,710 380 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 69: STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY - 5505 Public Works Department COMPANY 5500: STORM DRAIN UTILITY JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND REVENUE 4150 Grants - Other Govt Units - 190,000 490,000 264,000 264,000 287,000 287,000 4918 Storm Drainage Charges 1,796,000 1,976,000 1,976,000 2,174,000 2,174,000 2,391,000 2,391,000 5010 Investment Interest 33,000 34,000 38,000 40,000 40,000 27,000 27,000 5399 Other Misc Revenue 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 1,834,000 2,205,000 2,504,000 2,483,000 2,483,000 2,710,000 2,710,000 SALARIES 6110 Regular Employees 187,720 190,860 160,000 190,105 190,105 200,340 200,340 Includes 25% GIS Tech & 50% NR Tech 6113 Overtime - Reg 20,000 21,000 15,000 22,000 22,000 22,600 22,600 6123 Salaries - Other 7,595 6,560 6,560 8,225 8,225 7,815 7,815 6138 Medicare 3,120 3,165 3,165 3,195 3,195 3,345 3,345 6139 FICA 13,350 13,540 13,540 13,660 13,660 14,305 14,305 6141 Pension - PERA 16,150 16,380 16,380 16,525 16,525 17,305 17,305 6142 Worker's Compensation 10,095 11,520 11,520 8,760 8,760 9,530 9,530 6144 Long-Term Disability Insurance 535 545 545 605 605 635 635 6145 Hospital & Life Insurance 25,800 13,680 13,680 17,340 17,340 18,360 18,360 Position Changes Total 284,365 277,250 240,390 280,415 280,415 294,235 294,235 6211 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT UPS Replacement 3,000 500 3,000 3,000 - - Small tools for water quality & Rain Barrels 300 890 800 300 300 iPads for field staff (2)2,400 - 1,400 Total 2,700 3,890 2,700 3,300 3,300 - - 6212 MOTOR FUELS/OILS No lead Fuel 630 800 800 820 820 Diesel Fuel 3,200 3,500 3,500 3,600 3,600 Diesel Fuel Tax 400 400 400 400 400 Fluids, Coolant, misc.500 500 500 500 500 Oil 500 500 500 500 500 Total 5,230 5,700 5,700 5,820 5,820 6214 CHEMICALS Alum 950 - - - Barley Straw 400 450 - 500 500 - - Total 1,350 450 - 500 500 - - 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Pumps Seals, Impellers, Valves, etc.8,700 9,000 9,000 9,500 9,500 10,000 10,000 Air Relief Valve Parts 880 900 900 920 920 950 950 Sweeper Parts - transfer from Streets 12,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,390 13,390 Sweeper Brooms - transfer from Streets 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,270 9,270 Total 30,580 31,900 31,900 32,420 32,420 33,610 33,610 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Catch Basin Castings, Mortar, Rings, Grates 8,232 4,000 4,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Safety Equip - PPE 178 180 180 200 200 200 200 Pond outlet debris fence 1,566 800 800 850 850 900 900 Chimney Patch, RipRap, Matting 3,718 2,200 2,200 2,500 2,500 2,800 2,800 Water Quality General Supplies 796 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Public Property/Easement Signs 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 Total 14,490 8,180 8,180 10,050 10,050 8,400 8,400 6231 LEGAL SERVICES Easement Acquisition - - - Total - - - - - - - 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Hearing Test, Respirator fit test, Drug, Hep B 90 95 - - - - - Drainage Modeling /TMDL Assistance 12,300 12,000 12,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 MN Stormwater Coalition 1,835 1,900 1,900 2,000 2,000 2,200 2,200 MS4/Surface Water Mgmt Plan Update (2 yrs)100,000 - - - - - - Blackdog WMO Annual Dues 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 Water Quality Analysis & Testing 9,700 9,800 9,800 10,000 10,000 10,500 10,500 Pond Debris Testing 850 900 900 1,200 1,200 Cedar Knolls Storm Lift Easement Acquisition 25,000 25,000 Survey Staking for Easement Signs 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Cartegraph OMS On-line Conversion 10,000 Total 174,775 39,695 64,600 60,000 60,000 72,900 72,900 6237 TELEPHONES/PAGERS Cell Phones 325 325 625 625 625 625 Wireless Air Card 960 300 500 500 500 500 - 1,285 625 1,125 1,125 1,125 1,125 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING Project Plans 260 Educational Mtls for MS4/Blue Thumb 700 400 400 400 400 600 600 Educational Mtls for TMDL Requirement 700 500 500 500 500 700 700 Total 1,400 900 1,160 900 900 1,300 1,300 381 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 69: STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY - 5505 Public Works Department COMPANY 5500: STORM DRAIN UTILITY JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6240 C. SERVICE/GARBAGE REMOVAL Landfill Dumping Fees (from Streets beginning in 2019)12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Sump Catch Basin Matl Disposal 6,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 6,000 6,000 Pond Debris Disposal 4,125 4,125 4,000 4,125 4,125 4,200 4,200 Total 10,125 21,625 21,500 21,625 21,625 22,200 22,200 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Lake WQ / TMDL Projects >Alimagnet Projects (Per JPA Burnsville)9,700 9,900 9,900 10,000 10,000 11,000 11,000 >Keller Lake Projects (Per JPA Burnsville)8,700 9,000 9,000 9,250 9,250 9,500 9,500 >LacLavon Projects (Per JPA Burnsville)5,600 5,700 5,700 5,900 5,900 6,000 6,000 >Water Quality CAMP Program 2,700 4,000 4,000 4,225 4,225 4,500 4,500 >Raingarden Workshop (w/SWCD)700 - - - - >Rain Garden/Shoreline Grant Program 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Watershed Partners Annual Dues 750 800 - 850 850 4,000 4,000 >Wetland Health Eval. Program 3,000 4,500 4,500 4,700 4,700 4,900 4,900 > BMP Maintenance 10,000 70,000 55,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 >Iron Enhanced Sand Filter Maintenance 3,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 50,000 50,000 Long/Farquar TMDL Implement - >Fish Stocking 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,100 >Fish Removal - 8,000 - 8,000 8,000 >Farquar Weed Management 16,400 5,800 5,800 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 >Long Lake Weed Management 3,000 4,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Lac Lavon & Scout Lakes - >WQ Monitoring 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,300 3,300 1,500 1,500 >Scout Lake Management Projects 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Storm System Operations >Alarm Storm L.S. Monitoring 800 - >Sump CB Cleaning Contract Work 82,000 90,000 124,000 150,000 150,000 160,000 160,000 >Aerial Photos/Pictometry Dakota County JPA 800 900 900 950 950 1,000 1,000 Storm Water Monitoring Station - Whitney Pond 69,000 69,000 >Monitoring Equipment Farquar Storm Lift Rehab Design & Inspect 20,000 - 60,000 60,000 Total 177,650 227,800 237,500 429,175 429,175 351,500 351,500 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Lift Stations-Storm 62,000 64,000 70,000 72,000 72,000 75,000 75,000 Birger Pond - Elect. & Maint. w/Rsmt 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 Total 62,800 64,800 70,800 72,800 72,800 75,800 75,800 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Lift Stations (Pumps, Impellers, Wear Rings)13,325 14,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 Electric Maintenance & Repair/TEGG 8,700 9,000 9,000 9,250 9,250 9,500 9,500 Pump Inspection 1,300 1,500 1,500 1,650 1,650 1,800 1,800 Lake Aeration Equipment - - 200 100 100 250 250 Total 23,325 24,500 30,700 26,000 26,000 27,550 27,550 6269 REPAIRS - OTHER Repair Storm Sewer Pipes and Structures 10,900 12,000 12,000 13,000 13,000 15,000 15,000 Catch Basin Casting Repairs 16,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Conduit replacement Cobblestone & Hannover 4,000 NPDES/BMP Maintenance Projects 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 7,500 7,500 Total 35,900 27,000 27,000 28,000 28,000 32,500 32,500 6275 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - LOCAL Wetland Training 300 450 450 900 900 900 900 GIS Education 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ESRI Confernce - Duluth 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,100 MPWA Spring Conference - Director 310 310 100 310 310 410 410 MECA Conference 400 860 400 900 900 900 900 Water Resources Conf 275 300 650 300 300 650 650 Erosion Control Training 500 550 550 575 575 650 650 Total 3,785 4,470 4,150 4,985 4,985 5,610 5,610 6277 MILEAGE / AUTO Mileage 120 130 130 130 130 130 130 Total 120 130 130 130 130 130 130 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Asset Management Citizen App (split PW/San/Water)5,000 5,000 Cartegraph Support & Hosting 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,200 7,200 7,300 7,300 Total 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,200 7,200 12,300 12,300 6281 UNIFORM /CLOTHNG ALLOWANCE Uniforms 1,000 800 800 800 800 810 810 Total 1,000 800 800 800 800 810 810 6310 RENTAL EXPENSE Rentals 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Home & Garden Expo Booth (split with Nat.Res.)315 325 325 350 350 350 350 Total 1,315 1,325 1,325 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 6311 INSURANCE Insurance 7,000 16,900 16,900 17,400 17,400 21,000 21,000 Total 7,000 16,900 16,900 17,400 17,400 21,000 21,000 382 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 69: STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY - 5505 Public Works Department COMPANY 5500: STORM DRAIN UTILITY JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6399 OTHER CHARGES Water Quality Permits (aquatic weed removal)1,200 1,200 500 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Total 1,200 1,200 500 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6610 DEPRECIATION Depreciation 575,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,107,000 1,107,000 Total 575,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,107,000 1,107,000 6730 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES Replace Elgin Street Sweeper 324 (Trade in - $15,000)235,000 Gap Vax Replacement 401 (Split 5365/5505)- 215,000 236,670 Replace Pick-up No. 603 23,800 - - - - - - Replace Vehicle No. 604 23,200 24,712 Total 258,800 238,200 261,382 - - - - 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMP Easement Acquisition 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Sediment Removal from Exist. Storm Ponds 85,000 90,000 90,000 52,000 52,000 90,000 90,000 Scout Lake Aerator (add electrical panel 2018)6,000 Briar Oaks Storm Lift Easements & Erosion Rpr 25,000 25,000 Alimagnet Install Weed/Leaf Device Split $ w/Burnsville - 30,000 30,000 Briar Oaks Improvements from Apartments, hill, water quaility 70,000 70,000 70,000 Hunters Wood add SCADA 30,000 Apple Valley High School storm main improvements 150,000 General Stormwater Improvements 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 110,000 110,000 Farquar Storm Lift #3 Lining (Temp repairs in '18, project in '20)20,000 - 790,000 790,000 Farquar Install 2 Sluice Gates 25,000 25,000 Hunters Wood Replace Check Valves 8,000 8,000 Highwood Way - Rebuild Catch Basin/Pipe 50,000 50,000 5527 133rd St Ct Pipe Separation 12,000 12,000 Hidden Ponds Storm Lift - Replace Pump (2-2021&22) 48 HP 20,000 20,000 CMF Infiltration Basin Repair & Add Sump Catch Basin 25,000 25,000 Cobblestone Storm Ceptor Add Concrete Taper At Base 15,000 15,000 Material Lot Storage Bin Canopies 10,000 10,000 Garland Ave & Garner Way Raise CB Structure to Grade 6,000 6,000 133rd St/Gossamer Storm Pipe Repairs 35,000 35,000 Cedar Knolls Pump Upgrade 45,000 45,000 Sunset Pond Improvements (AL-P8 Alimagnet Retrofits)40,000 260,000 Cobblestone Manor improvements (AL-P3 Alimagnet Retrofits)50,000 288,000 Redwood Pond improvements (KL-10)385,000 385,000 Erickson Park improvements (EVR-P27)260,000 260,000 2018 Street & Utliity Recon (Redwood, 133rd & 134th)525,000 2018 Street U Utility Recon (AV 12th)32,000 2019 Street & Utility Recon (JCRR )311,450 311,450 2019 Street & Utility Recon (AV 11th, 12th)637,920 637,920 2020 Street & Utility Recon (Cimarron Ph.1, Garden View)1,000,000 1,000,000 Regatta, JCRP & City Hall Pond Improvements 300,000 300,000 EVR-P7 & P55 Outlet Mods/Infiltration Bench Improvements 164,000 164,000 Stormwater Monitoring Improvements (Whitney Pond Ongoing)20,000 20,000 Pennock Park Improvements (KL-003-031) 203,000 203,000 Pilot Knob Structural Bmp Device for Farquar 160,000 160,000 Fawn Ridge Court Insulate Water Service Line 25,000 25,000 Alimagnet Park/Edgewood & Reflection Rd Improvements 30,000 30,000 2021 Street & Utility Recon (Cimarron Ph. 2; 133rd St.)704,000 704,000 Total 1,068,000 1,487,370 1,945,370 2,717,000 2,717,000 1,944,000 1,944,000 6910 BOND PRINCIPAL Principal 165,000 165,000 165,000 170,000 170,000 180,000 180,000 Total 165,000 165,000 165,000 170,000 170,000 180,000 180,000 7015 BOND INTEREST Interest 46,280 42,650 42,650 38,700 38,700 29,370 29,370 Total 46,280 42,650 42,650 38,700 38,700 29,370 29,370 7125 ADMIN FEE TO OTHER FUNDS General Fund 348,000 360,000 360,000 370,000 370,000 380,000 380,000 Total 348,000 360,000 360,000 370,000 370,000 380,000 380,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,301,960$ 4,054,320$ 4,547,492$ 5,300,775$ 5,300,775$ 4,609,710$ 4,609,710$ LESS CAPITAL OUTLAY (1,326,800)$ (1,725,570)$ (2,206,752)$ (2,717,000)$ (2,717,000)$ (1,944,000)$ (1,944,000)$ Total Exp without Capital Outlay 1,975,160$ 2,328,750$ 2,340,740$ 2,583,775$ 2,583,775$ 2,665,710$ 2,665,710$ 383 Notes: 384 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5800 62 5805 STREET LIGHT UTILITY Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Street Light Utility provides funding for the operation and maintenance of the street lights located throughout the City of Apple Valley. Approximately 3,428 street lights are located within the City. Dakota Electric Association maintains approximately 3,116 lights under a fixed rate program and the City owns and maintains approximately 312 lights along Cedar Avenue, Founders/153rd Street and Gaslight Drive. The street light system will continue to expand with future construction of the City’s street system. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 The major objective for 2020 within this business unit includes replacement of old HPS (High Pressure Sodium) lights to newer, energy efficient LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights as part of the City’s annual street improvement projects. It is also expected that a plan for the aging lighting along CSAH 42 will be developed in conjunction with the County’s Corridor Study for 42. MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2021 The major objective for 2021 within this business unit includes continued replacement of old HPS (High Pressure Sodium) lights to newer, energy efficient LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights. This will be coordinated within the annual Street Improvement Program. IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of DEA Street Lights 3303 3330 3216 3116 3224 3224 Number of City Street Lights 302 305 308 312 312 312 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 None 385 Summary Budget Street Light Utility - 5800, Dept 62 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Approved Approved Proposed Proposed Revenue: Utility Charges 500,877 507,360 522,977 502,000 515,000 550,000 566,000 Grants - - - - - - Other Revenue - - - - - - Investment Earnings 1,076 995 2,345 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 501,953 508,355 525,322 503,000 516,000 551,000 567,000 Expenditures: Salaries and Wages 1,755 1,941 1,514 5,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 Emp. Benefits 269 359 304 - - - - Supplies 12,785 3,685 - 8,385 14,635 14,780 15,360 Contractual Serv.25,444 37,711 49,470 37,475 45,799 55,200 56,370 Utilities 674 1,278 1,403 2,000 2,100 2,153 2,340 Utilities for Resale 388,811 430,885 419,207 420,000 462,000 420,000 430,000 Repairs & Maint.- - - - - - - Training/Travel/Dues - - 5,368 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,210 Other Exp. / Insurance 7,704 7,893 8,090 8,090 20,500 21,500 21,500 Capital outlay - - - 14,000 113,687 80,000 45,000 Transfer to Sewer Fund - 15,000 - - - - - Total 437,440 498,751 485,356 501,950 671,721 603,633 580,780 2020 Capital Outlay Street Project Cimarron and Surrey Trail (Ph. 1) $ 50,000 Street Project Gardenview Drive $ 30,000 $ 80,000 Continue phased LED street light conversion with annual street projects. 2020 Capital Outlay Street Project Cimarron and Surrey Trail (Ph. 2) $ 25,000 Street Project 133rd St. $ 20,000 $ 45,000 Continue phased LED street light conversion with annual street projects. 386 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) STREET LIGHT UTILITY Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,755 1,941 1,514 6,000 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 1,755 1,941 1,514 6,000 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6138 - MEDICARE 26 27 21 0 6139 - FICA 111 118 91 0 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 132 146 113 0 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 68 78 0 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 269 359 304 0 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,024 2,300 1,819 6,000 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6215 - EQUIPMENT-PARTS 12,785 3,685 0 14,635 0 14,780 14,780 15,360 15,360 6205 - SUPPLIES 12,785 3,685 0 14,635 0 14,780 14,780 15,360 15,360 6237 - TELEPHONE/PAGERS 1,604 699 803 4,144 232 5,200 5,200 5,370 5,370 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23,840 37,012 48,666 41,655 7,054 50,000 50,000 51,000 51,000 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,444 37,711 49,470 45,799 7,286 55,200 55,200 56,370 56,370 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 674 1,278 1,403 2,100 796 2,153 2,153 2,340 2,340 6250 - UTILITIES 674 1,278 1,403 2,100 796 2,153 2,153 2,340 2,340 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 0 0 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5,368 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,210 7,210 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 5,368 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,210 7,210 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 38,902 42,673 56,241 69,534 15,083 79,133 79,133 81,280 81,280 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 7,704 7,893 8,090 20,500 10,250 21,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 7,704 7,893 8,090 20,500 10,250 21,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 7,704 7,893 8,090 20,500 10,250 21,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 6540 - TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 3,950 0 6545 - NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE 388,811 430,885 415,257 462,000 201,202 420,000 420,000 430,000 430,000 6501 - TAXABLE/NON-TAXABLE MISC RESAL 388,811 430,885 419,207 462,000 201,202 420,000 420,000 430,000 430,000 6500 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 388,811 430,885 419,207 462,000 201,202 420,000 420,000 430,000 430,000 6735 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-OTHER IMPROVEME 0 0 0 113,687 0 80,000 80,000 45,000 45,000 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 113,687 0 80,000 80,000 45,000 45,000 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 113,687 0 80,000 80,000 45,000 45,000 7110 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 15,000 0 0 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 15,000 0 0 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 15,000 0 0 437,440 498,751 485,356 671,721 226,534 603,633 603,633 580,780 580,780 387 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 62: STREET LIGHT UTILITY - 5805 (5801 Revenue, 5805 Expenses) Public Works Department COMPANY 5800: STREET LIGHT UTILITY JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 4919 REVENUE Street Light Utility Charges 502,000 515,000 515,000 550,000 550,000 566,000 566,000 Interest Revenue 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 503,000 516,000 516,000 551,000 551,000 567,000 567,000 6113 Overtime - Reg (Street Light Survey 3x Annually)5,000 6,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total 5,000 6,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6215 EQUIPMENT - PARTS Light Bollards Founders Ln-Damaged Equip 3,670 3,780 1,000 3,780 3,780 3,860 3,860 City Owned Street Lights - Damaged Equip 4,715 4,855 1,000 11,000 11,000 11,500 11,500 Elecsys Street Light Monitoring System 6,000 6,000 Total 8,385 14,635 8,000 14,780 14,780 15,360 15,360 6237 TELEPHONE / PAGERS Gopher State One Call Locates City-owned 2,625 2,704 2,300 3,700 3,700 3,820 3,820 Elecsys Light Monitoring Service (air time)1,440 800 1,500 1,500 1,550 1,550 Total 2,625 4,144 3,100 5,200 5,200 5,370 5,370 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Electric Locating Service 14,500 12,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Electrician - Repair Damaged City-owned Lights 3,550 6,650 9,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Cedar Ave Street Light Maint Contract 6,800 7,005 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Cartegraph Conversion to On-line 10,000 - - 0 0 Repaint Ring Route Lighting 14,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 17,000 17,000 Total 48,850 41,655 49,500 50,000 50,000 51,000 51,000 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Electric for Traffic Signals - City + County 2,000 2,100 1,700 2,153 2,153 2,340 2,340 Total 2,000 2,100 1,700 2,153 2,153 2,340 2,340 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Cartegraph On-line Licenses 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,210 7,210 Total 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,210 7,210 6311 INSURANCE Street Lights 8,090 20,500 20,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 Total 8,090 20,500 20,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 6545 NON-TAXABLE MISC FOR RESALE Street Light Electric Charges 420,000 462,000 430,000 420,000 420,000 430,000 430,000 Total 420,000 462,000 430,000 420,000 420,000 430,000 430,000 6735 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER IMP Street Project - AV 11th & 12th 25,000 26,000 Street Project - Johnny Cake Ridge Road 88,687 135,000 Street Project - Gardenview Drive 30,000 30,000 Street Project - Cimarron & Surrey Trail 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 Street Project - 133rd St.20,000 20,000 Total - 113,687 161,000 80,000 80,000 45,000 45,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 501,950$ 671,721$ 682,800$ 603,633$ 603,633$ 580,780$ 580,780$ REVENUE 503,000$ 516,000$ 516,000$ 551,000$ 551,000$ 567,000 567,000 388 COMPANY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS UNIT ACTIVITY 5600 60 5605 CEMETERY Public Works DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY The Cemetery Fund provides for the operation and maintenance of Lebanon Cemetery located at the intersection of Pilot Knob Road and 150th Street (County Road 42). The City of Apple Valley acquired the original 10 acre cemetery in 1998 to ensure the continued operation and general upkeep of the property. Lebanon Cemetery has space for an additional 8,000 burials based on the expansion of three acres along Embry Path. The development of the new area will allow the main entrance to be moved off the County Road system and to come from the east off Embry Path. SERVICE CATEGORIES Management and operations of the Lebanon Cemetery is provided by Public W orks Department staff using city-owned equipment and contractual services from private companies. The following services are provided within this division. 1.Cemetery Management and Lot Sales Provide sales of cemetery lots and cremation niches Assist customers with interment service arrangements Manage interment records in accordance with State requirements and industry standards 2.Interment Services Provide interments within columbarium structures and cremation boulders Excavate traditional graves through contract with a private excavation contractor Excavate cremation graves by City staff using city-owned equipment Restore lawn turf for interment sites 3.Maintenance of Grounds Provide turf mowing and trimming through contract with a commercial lawn maintenance company Repair and maintain lawn sod, trees and landscaping throughout the cemetery grounds Repair and maintain internal driveways, parking lots, boundary fence, entrance monuments, street lights, irrigation, and plow snow during the winter season 389 MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR 2020 and 2021 The acquisition of an additional three acres in 2013 established the final easterly boundary of the cemetery site. In 2018, the interior road from the east entrance was constructed, along with improvements to the existing roadway and construction of a maintenance pad area. A coated chain link fence was installed along the southern property line. In 2019, an extension of the existing decorative fence and brick pillars are planned along CSAH 42, Embry Path and Pilot Knob Road. The construction of a cemetery shelter for off site services is also planned. Trees which will border the new fence and interior roadway to enhance the visual aesthetics of the cemetery are planned to be installed. In 2020, development of another boulder cremation area and the addition of a fourth columbarium are planned to meet the growing need for cremation interments. As the cemetery expands, the addition of a paved walkway is planned from east to west through the center section of the cemetery leading to the shelter feature. In 2021, the installation of a grounds maintenance building is planned for storage of cemetery equipment and supplies needed to care for the cemetery and conduct interments. Fencing and screening of the maintenance area is planned for security of equipment and aesthetics of the cemetery. The addition of a Veterans Memorial honoring all branches of the armed forces is planned in cooperation with area military entities such as the American Legion and VFW . IMPACT MEASURES / PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Lot / Niche Sales – Resident 42 83 43 45 52 65 Lot / Niche Sales – Non Resident 33 25 19 25 23 25 Lot / Niche Sales Total 75 108 62 70 85 90 Number of Burials 46 58 35 45 55 65 Regular Status Personnel Schedule – FTE’s Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Position Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 None 390 Summary Budget Department 60 Cemetery 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed Revenue: Sales 160,491 187,229 150,393 130,030 170,400 180,600 191,700 Other Revenues 225 310 310 2,050 2,112 2,000 2,000 Investment Earnings 9,613 7,114 11,280 8,000 8,240 4,000 4,000 170,329 194,653 161,983 140,080 180,752 186,600 197,700 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 2,319 3,022 986 2,700 2,700 2,750 2,750 Emp. Benefits 449 591 195 615 625 625 625 Supplies 8,460 13,422 5,954 12,775 16,865 13,750 7,792 Contractual Serv.22,748 76,598 46,686 49,360 44,083 45,088 45,465 Utilities 1,284 1,588 1,397 2,345 2,410 2,800 2,852 Repairs & Maint.- - 1,280 1,321 410 410 Training/Travel/Dues 781 809 5,540 8,515 8,550 8,740 8,815 Other Exp.5,684 12,127 7,448 11,930 15,885 18,213 23,883 Depreciation 19,064 19,311 20,767 19,475 19,475 19,500 19,500 Other Not Capitalized - 102 - - - - Total Exp 60,789 127,468 89,074 108,995 111,914 111,876 112,092 Net Income 109,540 67,185 72,909 31,085 68,838 74,724 85,608 Change in Cash Less Capital Outlay (22,561) (132,079) (446,266) (400,500) (376,500) (255,000) (105,500) Add: Depreciation 19,064 19,311 20,767 19,475 19,475 19,500 19,500 Net Change in Cash 57,292 14,700 (336,425) (272,030) (245,111) (123,624) 26,092 2020 Capital Outlay: Columbarium $ 50,000 East Concrete Walkway $ 55,000 Boulder Area New Development $ 45,000 $ 150,000 2021 Capital Outlay: Grounds Maintenance Building $ 35,000 Pilot Knob Gate, Fence & Screen Maint. Pad, Landscape Design $ 15,000 Columbaria Planter & Benches $ 5,500 Veterans Memorial $ 50,000 $ 105,500 391 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CEMETERY Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6110 - SALARY-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 249 0 0 0 6113 - OVERTIME-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 2,070 3,022 986 2,700 848 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 6105 - SALARIES AND WAGES 2,319 3,022 986 2,700 848 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 6138 - MEDICARE 33 42 14 40 12 40 40 40 40 6139 - FICA 141 181 58 165 50 165 165 165 165 6141 - PENSIONS-PERA 174 227 74 205 64 205 205 205 205 6142 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 101 140 49 215 13 215 215 215 215 6125 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 449 591 195 625 138 625 625 625 625 6100 - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,768 3,613 1,181 3,325 986 3,375 3,375 3,375 3,375 6210 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 25 0 0 0 6211 - SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 2,521 5,449 3,791 2,281 40 8,855 8,855 1,750 1,750 6214 - CHEMICALS 19 0 6229 - GENERAL SUPPLIES 5,914 7,973 2,144 14,584 785 4,895 4,895 6,042 6,042 6205 - SUPPLIES 8,460 13,422 5,954 16,865 826 13,750 13,750 7,792 7,792 6205 - SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 6231 - LEGAL SERVICES 0 0 2,585 150 0 155 155 150 150 6234 - CITY ENGINEER CONSULTANT SERV 2,855 88 6234 - CITY ENGINEER CONSULTANT SERV 15,680 0 0 6235 - CONSULTANT SERVICES 211 27,888 15,296 4,223 13,070 4,330 4,330 4,460 4,460 6239 - PRINTING 0 0 0 210 151 215 215 215 215 6240 - CLEANING SERVICE/GARBAGE 0 154 0 0 6249 - OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 22,537 32,877 25,950 39,500 7,693 40,388 40,388 40,640 40,640 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 22,748 60,919 46,686 44,083 21,001 45,088 45,088 45,465 45,465 6230 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 15,680 0 0 6255 - UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 909 1,038 758 1,189 593 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 6257 - UTILITIES-PROPANE/WATER/SEWER 375 550 639 1,221 114 1,730 1,730 1,782 1,782 6250 - UTILITIES 1,284 1,588 1,397 2,410 707 2,800 2,800 2,852 2,852 6265 - REPAIRS-EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 1,321 0 410 410 410 410 6260 - REPAIRS AND MAINTENA 0 0 0 1,321 0 410 410 410 410 6276 - SCHOOLS/CONFERENCES/EXP OTHER 510 724 0 1,120 0 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 6277 - MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 260 0 240 240 240 240 6280 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 160 85 5,540 7,170 7,140 7,350 7,350 7,425 7,425 6281 - UNIFORM/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 112 0 0 0 6270 - TRNG/TRAVL/DUES/UNIF 781 809 5,540 8,550 7,140 8,740 8,740 8,815 8,815 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 33,273 76,738 59,576 73,229 29,674 70,788 70,788 65,334 65,334 6200 - TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 0 15,680 0 0 6310 - RENTAL EXPENSE 0 495 0 0 385 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6311 - INSURANCE-PROPERTY/LIABILITY 4,400 2,200 4,600 4,600 4,770 4,770 6312 - TAXES/SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 1,673 1,547 1,485 1,720 712 1,763 1,763 1,763 1,763 6324 - CREMATION VAULTS 1,744 2,588 0 1,800 0 2,000 2,000 1,200 1,200 6325 - COLUMBARIUM 2,270 4,851 3,856 4,870 2,615 3,800 3,800 5,200 5,200 6326 - CREMATION BOULDER 0 852 0 1,195 537 1,750 1,750 6,550 6,550 6333 - GENERAL-CASH DISCOUNTS -2 -39 0 0 6351 - VISA/BANK CHARGES 1,834 2,107 1,900 1,239 2,300 2,300 2,400 2,400 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 5,684 12,127 7,448 15,885 7,688 18,213 18,213 23,883 23,883 6301 - OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 392 City of Apple Valley Department Expense Summary Budget Years (2020-2021) CEMETERY Object Account 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Council Adopted Original 06/30/19 YTD Actual 2020 Dept Proposed 2020 Admin Recommend 2021 Dept Proposed 2021 Admin Recommend 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 5,684 12,127 7,448 15,885 7,688 18,213 18,213 23,883 23,883 6300 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 6610 - DEPRECIATION 19,064 19,311 20,767 19,475 11,178 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500 6601 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 19,064 19,311 20,767 19,475 11,178 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500 6600 - TOTAL DEPRECIATION 19,064 19,311 20,767 19,475 11,178 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500 6740 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACH/EQ/OTHER 0 0 102 376,500 0 255,000 255,000 105,500 105,500 6701 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 102 376,500 0 255,000 255,000 105,500 105,500 6700 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 102 376,500 0 255,000 255,000 105,500 105,500 6810 - CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 0 0 0 -20,446 6801 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 0 -20,446 6800 - TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 0 0 0 -20,446 7101 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 7100 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 60,789 127,468 89,074 488,414 29,080 366,876 366,876 217,592 217,592 393 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 60: CEMETERY - 5605 Public Works Department COMPANY 5600: CEMETERY FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND REVENUE 4610 Lot Sales 94,000 120,000 80,000 105,000 130,000 110,000 110,000 4612 Grave/urn Digging 30,000 40,000 65,000 65,000 40,000 70,000 70,000 4613 Monument/Marker Locating 2,600 4,000 3,250 4,000 4,000 4,500 4,500 4614 Cremation Vaults 1,280 2,400 2,430 2,400 2,400 2,700 2,700 4615 Holiday/Weekend Fee 2,150 4,000 6,000 4,200 4,200 4,500 4,500 5010 Investment Interest 8,000 8,240 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 5399 Other Misc Revenue 2,050 2,112 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total 140,080 180,752 156,680 186,600 186,600 197,700 197,700 SALARIES 6113 Overtime - Regular 2,700 2,700 2,000 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 6138 Medicare 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 6139 FICA 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 6141 Pension - PERA 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 6142 Worker's Compensation 205 215 215 215 215 215 215 Total 3,315 3,325 2,625 3,375 3,375 3,375 3,375 6211 SMALL TOOL & EQUIPMENT Hand Tools 335 346 346 355 355 Metal Detector - Monument Locator 1,150 1,185 1,000 1,200 1,200 Ground Thawing Equip - Replacement 6,150 - Cremation Vault Stand - Holland 3,000 3,000 Trimmer 200 200 250 250 Backpack Blower 250 250 300 300 Mantis Tiller 300 300 Auger Bits 2,500 2,500 Compactor 3,000 3,000 Tent - - - - Total 7,635 2,281 2,096 8,855 8,855 1,750 1,750 6229 GENERAL SUPPLIES Tree/Shrub/Annual Flower Replacement 1,955 2,013 2,013 2,065 2,065 2,127 2,127 Pulverized Dirt 495 509 509 520 520 536 536 Seed 545 563 563 575 575 592 592 Flags, Carpet, Wood, etc. 1,070 1,104 1,104 1,130 1,130 1,164 1,164 Hydroseed Supplies 575 595 595 605 605 623 623 Temporary Name Plates 500 500 Lot Markers 500 600 1,000 1,000 Signage 3,500 3,500 Concrete Storage Bins 4,800 4,800 Map Stand 1,000 1,000 Total 5,140 14,584 15,184 4,895 4,895 6,042 6,042 6231 LEGAL SERVICES Legal Services Fees 150 150 150 155 155 150 150 Total 150 150 150 155 155 150 150 6235 CONSULTANT SERVICES Engineering & Surveying (New area) 15,000 4,223 15,000 4,330 4,330 4,460 4,460 Total 15,000 4,223 15,000 4,330 4,330 4,460 4,460 6239 PRINTING/PUBLISHING News Ads, Brochures, Deeds, etc.210 210 210 215 215 215 215 Total 210 210 210 215 215 215 215 6249 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Grave Excavation 11,000 11,500 11,500 11,788 11,788 11,800 11,800 Cartegraph Conversion to On-line 10,000 - - - Lawn Service 13,000 27,500 27,500 28,000 28,000 28,840 28,840 Irrigation Service 500 500 600 600 1,200 1,200 Total 34,000 39,500 39,000 40,388 40,388 40,640 40,640 6255 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC Lighting 1,050 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 Irrigation 115 119 119 120 120 240 240 Total 1,165 1,189 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 6257 UTILITIES - OTHER LP for Thawing Ground 215 221 221 230 230 237 237 Water for Irrigation 965 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,545 1,545 Total 1,180 1,221 1,221 1,730 1,730 1,782 1,782 6265 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT Fencing, Misc.390 401 - 410 410 410 410 Parking Lot Lights 890 920 - 945 945 945 945 Total 1,280 1,321 - 410 410 410 410 394 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 2020 BUDGET ACCOUNT DETAIL DEPT 60: CEMETERY - 5605 Public Works Department COMPANY 5600: CEMETERY FUND JDE 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 ACC'T DESCRIPTION COUNCIL COUNCIL YEAR END DEPT ADMIN DEPT ADMIN ADOPTED ADOPTED PROJECTED PROP RECOMMEND PROP RECOMMEND 6276 SCHOOL/CONF/EXP - OTHER MAC Conference 1,100 1,120 600 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 Total 1,100 1,120 600 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 6277 MILEAGE/AUTO ALLOWANCE MAC Conference 210 215 25 200 200 200 200 Other 45 45 - 40 40 40 40 Total 255 260 25 240 240 240 240 6280 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MN Association of Cemeteries 160 170 170 175 175 175 175 Cartegraph On-line Licenses 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,175 7,175 7,250 7,250 Total 7,160 7,170 170 7,350 7,350 7,425 7,425 6310 Rental Expense Tree Sprayer, Excavator 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6311 INSURANCE 4,400 4,600 4,600 4,770 4,770 - 4,400 - 4,600 4,600 4,770 4,770 6312 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Assessments on the land purchased 1,670 1,720 1,500 1,763 1,763 1,763 1,763 Total 1,670 1,720 1,500 1,763 1,763 1,763 1,763 6324 CREMATION VAULTS Purchase vaults 2,600 1,800 1,800 2,000 2,000 1,200 1,200 Total 2,600 1,800 1,800 2,000 2,000 1,200 1,200 6325 COLUMBARIUM Niche Plaques 2,600 3,600 3,600 3,800 3,800 4,000 4,000 Vases 1,260 1,270 - - - 1,200 1,200 Total 3,860 4,870 3,600 3,800 3,800 5,200 5,200 6326 CREMATION BOULDERS Boulders 4,800 4,800 Scrolls 1,500 725 725 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Emblems 600 250 250 450 450 450 450 Portraits 500 220 220 300 300 300 300 Total 2,600 1,195 1,195 1,750 1,750 6,550 6,550 6351 VISA/BANK CHARGES 1,200 1,900 2,100 2,300 2,300 2,400 2,400 Total 1,200 1,900 2,100 2,300 2,300 2,400 2,400 6610 DEPRECIATION 19,475 19,475 19,475 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500 Total 19,475 19,475 19,475 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500 6740 CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER ITEMS Columbarium - - 50,000 50,000 Fence 200,000 250,000 305,000 Replat Cemetery 16,000 Funeral Off-site Burial Structure Feature 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 Concrete walk way - West curb to Center Section 55,000 - 55,000 55,000 Driveway from Embry - Internal Roads 175,000 Security Cameras 15,000 15,000 Trees (Moved to 2019)9,500 9,500 Concrete walk way - East curb to Center Section 55,000 55,000 Boulder area development 45,000 45,000 Irrigation - Extend into New Area 6,500 6,500 Grounds Maintenance Building 35,000 35,000 Master Plan Improvements-Gates @ Pilot Knob 15,000 15,000 Landscape Design - Shelter, Feature Area Columbarium Planter & Benches, Bench 5,500 5,500 Veterans Memorial 50,000 50,000 Total 400,500 376,500 329,500 255,000 255,000 105,500 105,500 Total Net of Personnel 506,180 485,089 433,896 363,501 363,501 214,217 214,217 TOTAL EXPENSES 509,495$ 488,415$ 436,521$ 366,876$ 366,876$ 217,592$ 217,592$ LESS CAPITAL OUTLAY (400,500)(376,500)(329,500)(255,000)(255,000)(105,500)(105,500) Total Exp without Capital Outlay 108,995 111,915 107,021 111,876 111,876 112,092 112,092 395 9/12/2019 1 2020 Budget and Tax Levy City Council Informal Meeting September 12, 2019 Tonight’s Schedule •Updates since August 22nd •Updated Tax Capacity numbers rec’d from County •Median Valued home dropped slightly to $277,700 •Net effect of both results in tax on Median Valued Home >$1073 •This will result in change to the TNT insert at Council meeting. •Updates to pages 4 & 5 showing tax calc •Update to comparisons •Council discussion & direction 9/12/2019 2 Police $333 Park & Recreation $159 Public Works $136 Street Maintenance Program $122 Fire $76 General Government $71 Debt Service $49 Community Development $35 Finance & IT $64 Unallocated $28 Share of Annual Property Tax Bill of $1,073 Apple Valley's Preliminary Total Tax Levy – Increase Favorable in Comparison to Comparable Cities (pay 2020 prelim) Source: Minnetonka Survey – Sept. 2019 7.9%7.5% 7.5% 6.1%6.0% 6.0%5.9%5.6%5.0%5.0% 3.9%3.5% 1.7% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 9/12/2019 3 $1,564 $1,334 $1,117 $1,086 $1,073 $1,072 $1,036 $992 27.90% 31.48% 34.83% 32.71% 38.71% 35.72% 32.42% 25.14%  $‐  $250  $500  $750  $1,000  $1,250  $1,500  $1,750 Edina Eden Prairie Lakeville Maple Grove Apple Valley Eagan Woodbury Plymouth (% in bar is Tax Capacity Extension Rate) $ AV Taxes on Median Valued Home Compares Favorably to Similar Communities (Pay 2020 Prelim) Using Median Value in each community means half of the homes pay more and half pay less than this in each community $1,564 $1,334 $1,117 $1,086 $1,073 $1,072 $1,036 $992 27.90% 31.48% 34.83% 32.71% 38.71% 35.72% 32.42% 25.14%  $‐  $250  $500  $750  $1,000  $1,250  $1,500  $1,750 Edina Eden Prairie Lakeville Maple Grove Apple Valley Eagan Woodbury Plymouth (% in bar is Tax Capacity Extension Rate) $ AV Taxes on Median Valued Home Compares Favorably to Similar Communities (Pay 2020 Prelim) Using Median Value in each community means half of the homes pay more and half pay less than this in each community Includes Road Reconstruction Levy 9/12/2019 4 POSITION JUSTIFICATIONS COUNCIL DISCUSSION & DIRECTION I T E M: 4. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:I nformal A genda I tem Description: Draft 2040 Comprehensive P lan Update (10 min.) S taff Contact: B ruce Nordquist, A I C P, Community Development Director Department / Division: Community Development Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: N/A S UM M ARY: At the C ity C ouncil informal meeting of September 12, staff will present a brief update on the status of the draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Staff met with Metropolitan C ouncil staff on J une 28, to address identified conflicts between the agency and the City. Most concerns have been addressed during the summer. A few remained in the Land Use and Housing C hapters related to: T he role of the 414 acre Mixed Business C ampus for housing production. T he City maintains this is solely a job creation district. Housing unit production that is not being counted by the Metropolitan C ouncil, even though significant in 2017, 2018 and 2019. "Guiding sufficient land for the production of housing to 2040" is the Metropolitan Council's requirement. Forecasts have been updated by staff and "opportunity areas" have been mapped to show the potential redevelopment locations that may become housing to 2040. T he C ity will not have to guide or rezone these parcels and Metropolitan Council staff currently concurs. Housing proposals this summer have reinforced C ity staff's approach to advance lower to medium density additions near single family areas as a good strategy to 2040. And, higher density development responses should remain in the downtown, along the C edar Redline BRT and along future County Road 42 transit services as they emerge. By mapping opportunity areas, the City remains in control of land use decisions matched to market opportunity to 2040. Staff plans to provide supporting maps and data as additional background by end of day Wednesday of this week. Staff will also share next steps towards the goal of having the C ity's 2040 Comprehensive Plan formally approved by the Metropolitan Council in the months ahead. B AC K G RO UND: N/A B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A I T E M: 4.A. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Minutes of A ugust 22, 2019, Regular Meeting S taff Contact: P amela J . Gackstetter, City Clerk Department / Division: City Clerk’s Office AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 22, 2019. S UM M ARY: T he minutes from the last regular C ity C ouncil meeting are attached for your review and approval. B AC K G RO UND: State statute requires the creation and preservation of meeting minutes which document the official actions and proceedings of public governing bodies. B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A AT TAC HM E NT S : Minutes CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota August 22, 2019 Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, held August 22, 2019, at 7:00 o’clock p.m., at Apple Valley Municipal Center. PRESENT: Mayor Hamann-Roland; Councilmembers Bergman, Goodwin, Grendahl, and Hooppaw. ABSENT: None. City staff members present were: City Administrator Lawell, City Clerk Gackstetter, City Attorney Dougherty, City Engineer Anderson, Parks and Recreation Director Bernstein, Police Captain Dahlstrom, Police Captain Francis, Assistant City Administrator Grawe, Human Resources Manager Haas, Finance Director Hedberg, Community Development Director Nordquist, Police Chief Rechtzigel, Fire Chief Russell, and Public Works Director Saam. Mayor Hamann-Roland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Everyone took part in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: of Goodwin, seconded by Hooppaw, approving the agenda for tonight’s meeting, as presented. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. AUDIENCE Mayor Hamann-Roland asked if anyone was present to address the Council, at this time, on any item not on this meeting’s agenda. No one requested to speak. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Hamann-Roland asked if the Council or anyone in the audience wished to pull any item from the consent agenda. There were no requests. Councilmember Hooppaw noted there is a donation coming up on the consent agenda and wanted to thank Mark Grendahl and Burnsville Electric for their donation of electrical materials and labor for the Valley Acres Police Range. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, approving all items on the consent agenda with no exceptions. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, approving the minutes of the regular meeting of August 8, 2019, as written. Ayes - 4 - Nays - 0 - Abstain - 1 (Grendahl). CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota August 22, 2019 Page 2 MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, adopting Resolution No. 2019-95 accepting, with thanks, the donation of electrical materials and labor to update electrical systems at the Valley Acres Police Range from Burnsville Electric. Ayes - 4 - Nays - 0 - Abstain - 1 (Grendahl). MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, adopting Resolution No. 2019-96 accepting DWI Officer Grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, in the amount of $141,116.42, and authorizing the Chief of Police, or designee, to execute the necessary documents. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, proclaiming an extension of Community Festival “Music in Kelley Park” to include August 24, 2019. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, adopting Resolution No. 2019-97 ordering installation of a stop sign on 148th Street W. and Everest Avenue. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, adopting Resolution No. 2019-98 ordering installation of a stop sign on Footbridge Way at Flagstone Trail. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, adopting Resolution No. 2019-99 amending the 2019 Operating Budget for specific items. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, approving the reduction of Natural Resources Management Permit (NRMP) financial guarantee for Cortland 6th Addition from $29,000.00 to $8,000.00, and the release of NRMP financial guarantees for Cortland 3rd Addition, Cub Foods Drive-Thru, Abdallah Candies, and Springs of Apple Valley, as listed in the Natural Resources Coordinator’s memo. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, approving the Agreement for Private Installation of Improvements for Menards at Hanson Concrete, with Menard, Inc., related to Projects 2019-107, Menards Street and Utility Improvements, and 2019- 110, 147th Street and Johnny Cake Ridge Road Intersection Improvements, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, approving the Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County for cost share related to Project 2019-150, Dakota County CSAH 23 and 140th Street Intersection Traffic Signal Improvements, subject to final approval by the City Administrator and City Attorney. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, approving the Agreement for City of Apple Valley Residential Fall Clean-Up Day (appliance, scrap metal, and mattress CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota August 22, 2019 Page 3 collection) with Certified Recycling, LLC, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, approving the Agreement for Refuse Collection Services for Fall Clean-up Day with Dick’s Sanitation, Inc., and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, approving the Agreement for Project 2019- 156, Quarry Point Park Field #4 Backstop and Fencing, with Midwest Fence & Mfg., in the amount of $59,720.00, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, accepting Project 2019-137, 2019 Sump Catch Basin Cleaning, as complete and authorizing final payment on the agreement with Sewer Septic Grease Services, LLC, in the amount of $74,340.00. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, approving the personnel actions as listed in the Personnel Report dated August 22, 2019. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, to pay the claims and bills, check registers dated July 31, 2019, in the amount of $818,213.29, and August 7, 2019, in the amount of $632,388.20. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. END OF CONSENT AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF FIREFIGHTERS ARANGO AND BOYD Fire Chief Russell introduced probationary Firefighters Tristan Arango and Will Boyd to the Council. The City Clerk administered the oaths of office. Individuals selected by each Firefighter then pinned their badge. The Council congratulated Firefighters Arango and Boyd and welcomed them to their new positions on the Fire Department. PROCLAIM WINGS FINANCIAL CREDIT UNION A BUSINESS LEADER Mr. Nordquist provided background on this item and introduced Mr. Frank Weidner, President and CEO of Wings Financial Credit Union. Mr. Nordquist read the proclamation recognizing Wings Financial Credit Union as a business leader. He then presented the proclamation to Mr. Weidner. MOTION: of Hooppaw, seconded by Grendahl, proclaiming Wings Financial Credit Union a business leader in connection with Apple Valley’s 50 Golden Year celebration. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota August 22, 2019 Page 4 Mr. Weidner thanked the Council for this great honor and the partnership that Wings has with the City. REVENUE OBLIGATIONS BY WOODBURY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTORITY Mr. Hedberg said the Woodbury Economic Development Authority is in the process of issuing revenue obligations in an amount not to exceed $7,300,000 for the benefit of Goodwill Industries, Inc., to finance the acquisition and renovation of a facility in Woodbury and refinance financial obligations on the 26,000 square foot facility in Apple Valley. The City of Apple Valley must authorize the issuance and conduct a public hearing prior to considering the request. He stated the revenue bonds are not an obligation of the City of Apple Valley and the City is not responsible for their repayment. Mayor Hamann-Roland called the public hearing to order at 7:21 p.m. to consider adopting a resolution consenting to and providing host approval for the issuance by the Woodbury Economic Development Authority of its revenue obligations for the benefit of Goodwill Industries, Inc. The Mayor asked for questions or comments from the Council and the audience. There were none and the hearing was declared closed at 7:22 p.m. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Goodwin, adopting Resolution No. 2019-100 consenting to and providing host approval for the issuance by the Woodbury Economic Development Authority of its revenue obligations for the benefit of Goodwill Industries, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $7,300,000; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the necessary documents. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. CHANGE ORDER TO WATER METER REPLACEMENT PROJECT Mr. Hedberg presented this item. The change order is for the implementation of a water meter data customer portal offered by WaterSmart through Mueller Systems, LLC. The portal will provide customers with easy access to information regarding their water usage, including water consumption history data and access to their utility bills. The system can help customers manage water use and allows customers to register to receive alerts on unusual patterns such as high or continuous usage. Mayor Hamann-Roland noted that Apple Valley has been a leader in sustainability and water conservation. MOTION: of Hooppaw, seconded by Goodwin, approving Change Order No. 4 to the agreement with Mueller Systems, LLC, for Project 2016-101, Water Meter Replacement, in the amount of an additional $70,875.00. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Dakota County, Minnesota August 22, 2019 Page 5 COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Lawell announced that there will be a dedication of the clock donated by the Rotary Club on August 24, 2019, at Kelley Park. A 50th anniversary community photo will be taken around 5:20 p.m. and a brief clock dedication ceremony is planned for 5:30 p.m. There will also be a bonus “Music in Kelley Park” concert on Saturday night starting at 6:00 p.m. The public is invited to both events. CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS MOTION: of Grendahl, seconded by Hooppaw, approving the calendar of upcoming events as included in the in the Deputy City Clerk’s memo, and noting that each event listed is hereby deemed a Special Meeting of the City Council. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. MOTION: of Bergman, seconded by Grendahl, to adjourn. Ayes - 5 - Nays - 0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 o’clock p.m. Respectfully Submitted, /s/ Pamela J. Gackstetter Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk Approved by the Apple Valley City Council on . Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor I T E M: 4.B. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove S tate Gambling Exempt P ermits for A pple Valley Sons of the American L egion, S quadron 1776, at Apple Valley American L egion S taff Contact: P amela J . Gackstetter, City Clerk Department / Division: City Clerk’s Office AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve issuance of lawful gambling exempt permits, by the State Gambling Control Board, to Apple Valley Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 1776, for use on N ovember 11, 2019, and December 14, 2019, at Apple Valley A merican Legion, 14521 G ranada Drive, and waiving any waiting period for State approval. S UM M ARY: Apple Valley Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 1776, submitted applications for gambling events to be held at Apple Valley American Legion, 14521 Granada Drive, on: 1. November 11, 2019 2. December 14, 2019 T he applications are on file should you wish to review them. B AC K G RO UND: Exempt permits to conduct lawful gambling activities, on five or fewer days in a calendar year, for qualified nonprofit organizations, are issued by the State Gambling Control Board. Issuance is subject to approval or denial by the city in which the gambling activity is to be conducted. B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A I T E M: 4.C. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Changes of B oard Members in Connection with Club On-S ale L iquor L icenses at Apple Valley A merican L egion, Post 1776, 14521 Granada Drive S taff Contact: P amela J . Gackstetter, City Clerk Department / Division: City Clerk’s Office AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve the changes in club board members for Apple Valley American Legion, Post 1776 , in connection with the On-Sale C lub License and Special License for Sunday Liquor Sales, at 14521 Granada Drive, naming J ames Harold T hompson as Sergeant at Arms, J oDene Strong as Gambling Manager, and Carla Tappainer as Membership Director. S UM M ARY: Apple Valley American Legion, Post 1776, has filed applications for a changes in club board members required in connection with its On-Sale C lub License and Special License for Sunday Liquor Sales at 14521 Granada Drive, naming J ames Harold T hompson as Sergeant at Arms, J oDene Strong as Gambling Manager, and Carla Tappainer as Membership Director. A personal information form has been filed for Mr. T hompson and the Police Department has conducted the necessary background investigation. Because Ms. Strong and Ms. Tappainer are already board members of record and their titles are being amended, no additional background investigations are needed. Following the above-mentioned changes, the complete list of members on record will show: Name Title Richard Alan Tollefson C ommander Carla Tappainer Past C ommander Timothy Leonard Liffrig 1st Vice C ommander Rodney Southwick 2nd Vice C ommander Gary Odegard Finance Officer; Adjutant J ames T hompson Sergeant at Arms J ohn Alf Hunter Operations Board Chairman J ohn Ohotto Operations Board David Alan Riha Operations Board Wayne Brinton Operations Board J oDene Strong Gambling Manager J oan Guse Office Manager Carla Tappainer Membership Director Lisa Ann Leitner General Manager B AC K G RO UND: City C ode Section 111.34 provides for C ity Council approval of such changes. B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A I T E M: 4.D. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A dopt Resolution Setting P ublic Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on October 10, 2019, for 2019 S pecial A ssessment Roll No. 661, $173,042.87 - Delinquent Utilities S taff Contact: Cathy B roughten, Assistant Finance Director Department / Division: Finance Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Motion to adopt the resolution approving 2019 Special Assessment Roll No. 661, for hearing purposes, in the total amount of $173,042.87 for delinquent utility charges, and setting the public hearing, at 7:00 p.m., on October 10, 2019. S UM M ARY: Attached are the public hearing documents for the 2019 Special Assessment Roll No. 661 for delinquent utility account charges. In addition to water and sewer charges, the utility account can also include charges for mowing and/or snow removal. T he Council is asked to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing to be held October 10, 2019. Attached to the resolution is a list of delinquent accounts that will receive a certification notice notifying them of the hearing date and of the proposed certification amount. T he proposed certification amount includes the $50 certification fee that is imposed. B AC K G RO UND: T he process followed is to complete a certification process of delinquent accounts twice per yea r. T his twice per year process is unusual for metro area cities, but protects the city by accelerating the process of establishing the unpaid amounts as a lien on the property and avoiding issues that may arise by property owners filing bankruptcy. T he certification process also serves as the city’s “collection agency” and collection process. T he Fall certification process started with 1,049 letters being sent August 5, 2019, to all customers who had a delinquent balance, notifying them that if the account was not paid by August 22, 2019, the delinquent amounts would be certified for collection. Once this payment deadline passed, a list of remaining unpaid delinquent accounts was prepared and is included for the certification process. Following the Council calling for a public hearing, a certification letter will be sent to the delinquent accounts notifying them of the public hearing and the proposed certification amount. Following the public hearing on October 10, 2019 and Council adoption of an assessment roll, property owners will have 30 days to pay at City offices prior to the list being certified to the county for collection. Currently, the total amount of the proposed assessment is $173,042.87 and represents 523 accounts. T his amount is up from the Spring 2019 certification total of $162,902.71 which included 505 accounts. It is higher than the Fall 2018 amount of $167,021.21 which included 553 accounts. History of Certifications Amount Certified # of Accounts Average Amount Spring 2019 $162,903 505 $323 Fall 2018 $167,021 553 $302 Spring 2018 $153,361 488 $314 Fall 2017 $151,540 536 $283 Spring 2017 $155,626 489 $318 B UD G E T I M PAC T: T he ultimate adoption of the assessment roll and the collection of the certified amounts will result in avoiding the writing off of $173,042.87 of previously billed utility revenues. AT TAC HM E NT S : Resolution Exhibit Exhibit EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at the Municipal Center in said municipality on the 12th day of September, 2019 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. The following members were present: and the following were absent: * * * * * * * * * * * * The Finance Director presented proposed assessment roll 661 with a copy being attached here to as Exhibit B. The Finance Director stated that the foregoing assessment roll was prepared by finance department staff, in accordance with the instructions of the Council. The Council reviewed the assessment roll and ordered that it be placed on file and open to public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. Member XXX introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 2 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The assessment roll, as set forth in Exhibit B of this Resolution and as now on file in the office of the Clerk, are hereby approved as proposed assessments for said delinquent utility account charges. The Council shall meet at the Apple Valley Municipal Center on the 10th day of October, 2019, starting at 7:00 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of passing upon said assessments and hearing all objections thereto. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notices of said meeting to be mailed, as provided by law, and to be published once in the City’s official newspaper, no less than two (2) weeks before the date of said meeting, which notices shall be in substantially the following form: SEE FORM ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT A 3. Each and all of the terms and provisions of said form of notice are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions by which this Council shall be governed in hearing and passing upon objections to said assessments, as fully as though the same were separately set forth and resolved herein. ADOPTED this 12th day of September, 2019. ____________________________________ Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk * * * * * * * * * * * * The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member XXX and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Exhibit A RESOLUTION NUMBER 2019- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSSSMENT ROLLS IN THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Apple Valley will meet at the Municipal Center, 7100 147th Street W., on the 12th of September, 2019, at 7:00 o’clock p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for delinquent water/sewer charges as hereinafter described. The proposed assessment roll is on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection by all persons interested therein. The assessments against each piece of property will be payable, unless prepaid, in one installment as hereinafter described. The installment is to be payable with the general taxes collectible during the year 2020. Interest shall be added at the per annum rate specified on the entire assessment from the date of the resolution levying the assessment until December 31, 2020. The assessment may be prepaid to the Apple Valley City Clerk, without interest within thirty (30) days following the date of adoption. Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 02200 50 020 UNPLATTED $ 451.59 01 10350 02 070 ACADEMY VILLAGE $ 213.31 01 10350 02 080 ACADEMY VILLAGE $ 220.44 01 10350 02 090 ACADEMY VILLAGE $ 414.20 01 10350 04 002 ACADEMY VILLAGE $ 166.40 01 10350 20 001 ACADEMY VILLAGE $ 180.50 01 10350 20 004 ACADEMY VILLAGE $ 423.22 01 10350 40 002 ACADEMY VILLAGE $ 381.19 01 10350 40 004 ACADEMY VILLAGE $ 219.89 01 10350 40 005 ACADEMY VILLAGE $ 184.04 01 11650 03 210 APPLE PONDS $ 287.06 01 11650 04 070 APPLE PONDS $ 260.42 01 11650 04 120 APPLE PONDS $ 241.40 01 11651 01 010 APPLE PONDS 2ND $ 233.72 01 11651 01 030 APPLE PONDS 2ND $ 260.42 01 11652 01 050 APPLE PONDS 3RD $1,511.36 01 11652 03 010 APPLE PONDS 3RD $ 288.02 01 11652 05 030 APPLE PONDS 3RD $ 137.05 01 11652 05 140 APPLE PONDS 3RD $ 180.36 01 11653 02 160 APPLE PONDS 4TH $ 421.68 01 11653 02 180 APPLE PONDS 4TH $ 236.83 01 11700 02 090 APPLE VALLEY $ 415.89 01 11701 02 040 APPLE VALLEY 2ND $ 327.65 01 11701 04 060 APPLE VALLEY 2ND $ 201.87 01 11701 04 220 APPLE VALLEY 2ND $ 319.34 01 11701 04 330 APPLE VALLEY 2ND $ 385.20 01 11702 07 010 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $ 103.38 01 11702 07 320 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $ 282.61 01 11702 09 080 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $ 289.23 01 11702 10 030 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $ 251.41 01 11702 10 100 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $ 179.63 01 11702 11 080 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $ 166.40 2 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 11702 11 110 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $ 201.87 01 11702 11 140 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $ 251.97 01 11702 12 120 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $ 289.91 01 11703 02 140 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $ 319.78 01 11703 02 201 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $ 320.36 01 11703 03 070 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $ 363.50 01 11703 04 130 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $ 975.81 01 11703 07 090 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $ 223.54 01 11703 07 100 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $ 253.48 01 11703 09 040 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $ 115.62 01 11703 10 170 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $ 302.06 01 11703 10 190 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $ 312.32 01 11705 02 120 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $ 416.35 01 11705 06 050 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $ 315.16 01 11705 06 080 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $ 363.67 01 11706 01 030 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $ 365.95 01 11706 04 050 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $ 154.43 01 11706 05 240 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $ 192.86 01 11706 08 040 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $ 256.82 01 11706 08 130 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $ 398.58 01 11707 02 010 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $ 472.40 01 11707 06 090 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $ 351.43 01 11707 07 010 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $ 274.36 01 11707 09 070 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $ 308.99 01 11707 12 010 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $ 355.48 01 11707 12 050 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $ 265.57 01 11707 12 100 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $ 369.57 01 11708 00 020 APPLE VALLEY 9TH $ 677.64 01 11708 02 070 APPLE VALLEY 9TH $ 488.75 01 11709 01 020 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $ 336.92 01 11709 01 040 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $ 364.59 01 11709 01 080 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $ 150.47 01 11709 01 140 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $ 391.38 01 11709 04 080 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $ 312.84 01 11709 04 170 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $ 385.28 01 11710 01 190 APPLE VALLEY 11TH $ 353.52 01 11710 01 350 APPLE VALLEY 11TH $ 394.16 01 11710 03 100 APPLE VALLEY 11TH $ 426.77 01 11750 03 030 APPLE VALLEY EAST $ 484.78 01 11750 04 060 APPLE VALLEY EAST $ 351.52 01 11750 04 110 APPLE VALLEY EAST $ 349.15 01 11750 04 120 APPLE VALLEY EAST $ 338.97 01 11751 05 060 APPLE VALLEY EAST 2ND $ 317.93 01 11753 04 020 APPLE VALLEY EAST 4TH $ 409.17 01 11755 01 020 APPLE VALLEY EAST 6TH $ 204.13 01 11755 01 080 APPLE VALLEY EAST 6TH $ 237.41 01 11755 01 160 APPLE VALLEY EAST 6TH $ 298.63 01 11785 01 030 APPLE VALLEY EAST FAMILY 2ND $ 174.65 01 14700 02 120 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW $ 339.56 01 14701 01 020 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $ 278.41 3 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 14701 01 040 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $ 157.58 01 14701 02 030 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $ 265.64 01 14701 03 010 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $ 273.32 01 14701 03 060 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $ 346.45 01 14701 03 080 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $ 153.17 01 14701 03 100 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $ 368.08 01 14702 01 010 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 3RD $ 447.75 01 14702 03 050 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 3RD $ 335.48 01 14702 03 160 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 3RD $ 335.82 01 14703 03 050 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 4TH $ 378.57 01 15200 01 010 BRIAR OAKS OF AV $ 165.61 01 15200 01 060 BRIAR OAKS OF AV $ 245.19 01 15200 03 010 BRIAR OAKS OF AV $ 495.99 01 15201 01 070 BRIAR OAKS OF AV 2ND $ 653.07 01 15201 05 010 BRIAR OAKS OF AV 2ND $ 314.20 01 15201 05 030 BRIAR OAKS OF AV 2ND $ 327.31 01 16300 02 010 CARROLLTON ESTATES $ 227.33 01 16300 03 160 CARROLLTON ESTATES $ 273.46 01 16301 01 120 CARROLLTON ESTATES 2ND $ 135.53 01 16301 03 260 CARROLLTON ESTATES 2ND $ 175.81 01 16303 01 030 CARROLLTON ESTATES 4TH $ 356.92 01 16303 01 120 CARROLLTON ESTATES 4TH $ 237.90 01 16303 02 060 CARROLLTON ESTATES 4TH $ 150.03 01 16303 03 490 CARROLLTON ESTATES 4TH $ 216.16 01 16304 02 080 CARROLLTON ESTATES 5TH $ 210.98 01 16304 02 100 CARROLLTON ESTATES 5TH $ 317.34 01 16400 01 070 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE $ 719.90 01 16400 02 010 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE $ 372.34 01 16400 02 060 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE $ 317.02 01 16401 01 030 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 2ND $ 304.01 01 16401 02 040 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 2ND $ 224.39 01 16402 01 081 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 3RD $ 213.82 01 16403 01 070 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 3RD $ 215.38 01 16403 02 080 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 3RD $ 224.39 01 16403 02 140 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 3RD $ 153.17 01 16404 01 080 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 5TH $ 133.14 01 16404 01 250 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 5TH $ 340.10 01 16580 04 060 CEDAR ISLE ESTATES $ 276.82 01 16581 02 130 CEDAR ISLE ESTATES 2ND $ 434.33 01 16584 05 030 CEDAR ISLE ESTATES 5TH $ 157.72 01 16591 02 100 CEDAR ISLE VILLAGE HOMES 2ND $ 455.72 01 17002 01 090 CHATEAU ESTATES 2ND $ 390.98 01 17150 01 120 CHERRY OAKS ESTATES $ 533.51 01 17150 02 060 CHERRY OAKS ESTATES $ 186.71 01 17152 01 020 CHERRY OAKS ESTATES 3RD $ 516.67 01 17152 02 010 CHERRY OAKS ESTATES 3RD $ 178.27 01 18050 02 060 COBBLESTONE LAKE $ 376.99 01 18053 03 020 COBBLESTONE LAKE 4TH $ 201.87 01 18060 06 010 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE $ 341.80 01 18062 01 020 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $ 339.60 4 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 18062 04 010 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $ 503.29 01 18062 05 040 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $ 63.41 01 18062 06 020 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $ 493.26 01 18062 06 070 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $ 351.90 01 18062 07 090 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $ 309.14 01 18067 02 070 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 8TH $ 355.71 01 18075 01 030 COBBLESTONE MANOR $ 153.17 01 18075 01 130 COBBLESTONE MANOR $ 347.54 01 18077 01 020 COBBLESTONE MANOR 3RD $ 229.24 01 18077 02 020 COBBLESTONE MANOR 3RD $ 175.22 01 18077 02 110 COBBLESTONE MANOR 3RD $ 166.40 01 18100 01 040 COBBLESTONE LAKEVIEW $ 305.57 01 18100 01 190 COBBLESTONE LAKEVIEW $ 197.37 01 18150 01 100 COBBLESTONES I $ 385.60 01 18150 03 102 COBBLESTONES I $2,482.23 01 18151 01 010 COBBLESTONES I REPLAT $ 420.77 01 18151 01 020 COBBLESTONES I REPLAT $ 293.96 01 18300 03 010 CORTLAND $ 365.42 01 18301 03 020 CORTLAND 2ND $ 379.72 01 19900 02 020 DELANEY PARK $ 376.84 01 19902 01 040 DELANEY PARK 3RD $ 487.16 01 19902 01 050 DELANEY PARK 3RD $ 389.20 01 19903 02 160 DELANEY PARK 4TH $ 157.58 01 20500 02 140 DIAMOND PATH $ 304.25 01 20500 02 250 DIAMOND PATH $ 335.84 01 20500 03 320 DIAMOND PATH $ 293.50 01 20502 01 090 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $ 185.79 01 20502 01 200 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $ 298.81 01 20502 02 070 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $ 300.69 01 20502 02 190 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $ 431.78 01 20502 03 120 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $ 401.91 01 20502 06 010 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $ 341.82 01 20502 08 110 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $ 424.26 01 20502 08 180 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $ 329.93 01 20502 08 190 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $ 111.63 01 20503 01 020 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $1,418.31 01 20503 01 040 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $ 340.15 01 20503 01 060 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $ 317.31 01 20503 02 160 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $ 387.36 01 20503 02 210 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $ 437.37 01 20503 02 230 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $ 327.30 01 20504 01 020 DIAMOND PATH 5TH $ 233.10 01 20504 01 280 DIAMOND PATH 5TH $ 109.74 01 20504 02 170 DIAMOND PATH 5TH $ 600.80 01 20505 01 018 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 303.69 01 20505 01 037 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 289.14 01 20505 01 042 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 254.98 01 20505 01 049 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 269.64 01 20505 01 050 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 119.36 01 20505 01 052 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 219.58 5 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 20505 01 053 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 320.08 01 20505 01 109 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 465.62 01 20505 01 114 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 263.85 01 20505 01 131 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 298.86 01 20505 01 132 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 277.68 01 20505 01 133 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $ 304.66 01 20506 01 070 DIAMOND PATH 7TH $ 144.35 01 20508 02 200 DIAMOND PATH 9TH $ 307.79 01 20509 01 040 DIAMOND PATH 10TH $ 139.94 01 20510 01 270 DIAMOND PATH 11TH $ 281.64 01 20540 02 020 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES $ 278.56 01 22450 05 020 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES $ 315.06 01 22451 01 090 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES 2ND $ 339.47 01 22451 01 110 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES 2ND $ 250.00 01 22451 01 140 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES 2ND $ 221.19 01 22451 02 030 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES 2ND $ 348.34 01 23200 01 020 EASTWOOD RIDGE $ 399.54 01 23201 01 020 EASTWOOD RIDGE 2ND $ 365.82 01 23201 02 030 EASTWOOD RIDGE 2ND $ 157.17 01 23201 03 040 EASTWOOD RIDGE 2ND $ 508.82 01 23700 01 370 EMERALD POINT $ 347.59 01 23700 01 410 EMERALD POINT $ 305.06 01 23702 01 010 EMERALD POINT 3RD $ 126.58 01 23702 01 060 EMERALD POINT 3RD $ 346.91 01 23702 01 090 EMERALD POINT 3RD $ 169.83 01 23702 01 170 EMERALD POINT 3RD $ 229.81 01 25650 03 030 FARQUAR HILLS $ 169.83 01 25650 03 070 FARQUAR HILLS $ 299.46 01 25650 03 100 FARQUAR HILLS $ 307.68 01 25650 03 230 FARQUAR HILLS $ 404.76 01 25650 03 310 FARQUAR HILLS $ 336.92 01 27501 03 010 FOREST PARK ESTATES 2ND $ 166.40 01 27502 01 220 FOREST PARK ESTATES 3RD $ 179.49 01 27550 01 040 FOREST POINT $ 306.79 01 27651 02 100 FOXMOORE RIDGE TWO $ 110.26 01 28950 01 180 GARDENVIEW PLACE $ 278.95 01 28950 01 340 GARDENVIEW PLACE $ 270.20 01 28950 01 420 GARDENVIEW PLACE $ 170.81 01 28951 01 010 GARDENVIEW PLACE 2ND $ 223.64 01 28951 01 090 GARDENVIEW PLACE 2ND $ 349.37 01 30601 01 010 GOLFVIEW 2ND $ 201.87 01 30901 01 020 GARDENVIEW MANOR 2ND $ 211.48 01 31000 05 150 GREENLEAF $ 343.04 01 31000 05 280 GREENLEAF $ 347.81 01 31000 05 310 GREENLEAF $ 347.47 01 31000 06 050 GREENLEAF $ 251.90 01 31000 07 010 GREENLEAF $ 143.56 01 31000 08 010 GREENLEAF $ 144.51 01 31001 01 040 GREENLEAF 2ND $ 110.44 01 31001 02 050 GREENLEAF 2ND $ 305.35 6 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 31001 06 120 GREENLEAF 2ND $ 297.31 01 31001 10 130 GREENLEAF 2ND $ 335.84 01 31002 01 130 GREENLEAF 3RD $ 186.71 01 31002 02 120 GREENLEAF 3RD $ 168.41 01 31003 01 020 GREENLEAF 4TH $ 288.66 01 31003 02 030 GREENLEAF 4TH $ 171.23 01 31003 04 070 GREENLEAF 4TH $ 239.05 01 31003 07 130 GREENLEAF 4TH $ 137.82 01 31003 13 040 GREENLEAF 4TH $ 268.25 01 31003 14 150 GREENLEAF 4TH $ 171.23 01 31003 14 220 GREENLEAF 4TH $ 165.61 01 31004 03 090 GREENLEAF 5TH $ 422.38 01 31004 04 150 GREENLEAF 5TH $ 454.19 01 31004 04 180 GREENLEAF 5TH $ 202.54 01 31004 05 070 GREENLEAF 5TH $ 287.70 01 31004 05 130 GREENLEAF 5TH $ 158.24 01 31004 05 340 GREENLEAF 5TH $ 326.11 01 31005 04 030 GREENLEAF 6TH $ 194.02 01 31005 08 140 GREENLEAF 6TH $ 247.51 01 31006 06 100 GREENLEAF 7TH $ 328.64 01 31006 06 120 GREENLEAF 7TH $ 298.74 01 31006 06 130 GREENLEAF 7TH $ 174.05 01 31006 07 030 GREENLEAF 7TH $ 270.81 01 31007 05 140 GREENLEAF 8TH $ 378.43 01 31008 07 160 GREENLEAF 9TH $ 199.64 01 31008 07 250 GREENLEAF 9TH $ 195.33 01 31008 08 050 GREENLEAF 9TH $ 179.73 01 31008 10 060 GREENLEAF 9TH $ 371.06 01 31008 12 040 GREENLEAF 9TH $ 739.06 01 31009 02 100 GREENLEAF 10TH $ 395.66 01 31010 01 100 GREENLEAF 11TH $ 613.55 01 31010 01 300 GREENLEAF 11TH $ 206.85 01 31010 01 700 GREENLEAF 11TH $ 84.60 01 31010 01 740 GREENLEAF 11TH $ 243.49 01 31010 02 060 GREENLEAF 11TH $ 336.21 01 31011 05 170 GREENLEAF 12TH $ 375.06 01 31011 05 260 GREENLEAF 12TH $ 343.94 01 31100 04 050 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES $ 246.46 01 31101 02 030 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 2ND $ 132.13 01 31101 02 040 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 2ND $ 280.38 01 31101 02 070 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 2ND $ 316.08 01 31101 05 010 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 2ND $ 303.51 01 31102 02 010 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 3RD $ 310.02 01 31102 04 010 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 3RD $ 179.91 01 31102 09 020 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 3RD $ 275.34 01 31102 09 040 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 3RD $ 312.73 01 31105 01 020 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 6TH $ 254.96 01 31800 02 140 HALLWOOD HIGHLANDS $ 371.61 01 31901 02 030 HAMLET 2ND $ 390.48 01 32150 01 001 HAWTHORNE $ 197.37 7 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 32150 01 012 HAWTHORNE $ 332.11 01 32150 01 017 HAWTHORNE $ 283.88 01 32150 01 024 HAWTHORNE $ 298.04 01 32150 01 045 HAWTHORNE $ 316.31 01 32150 01 051 HAWTHORNE $ 415.56 01 32150 01 072 HAWTHORNE $ 376.29 01 32150 01 096 HAWTHORNE $ 350.07 01 32150 01 145 HAWTHORNE $ 117.51 01 32151 01 010 HAWTHORNE 2ND $ 255.04 01 32151 01 057 HAWTHORNE 2ND $ 141.40 01 32151 01 058 HAWTHORNE 2ND $ 175.22 01 32151 01 076 HAWTHORNE 2ND $ 335.02 01 32151 01 089 HAWTHORNE 2ND $ 126.71 01 32151 01 101 HAWTHORNE 2ND $ 433.41 01 32151 01 102 HAWTHORNE 2ND $ 437.69 01 32200 01 060 HAZELWOOD ESTATES $ 332.74 01 32250 01 030 HEARTSTONE $ 199.95 01 32401 03 110 HERITAGE HILLS 3RD $ 157.22 01 32403 01 070 HERITAGE HILLS 4TH $ 352.12 01 32405 01 030 HERITAGE HILLS 6TH $ 355.12 01 32801 01 070 HIDDEN PONDS 2ND $ 231.31 01 32801 01 080 HIDDEN PONDS 2ND $ 216.92 01 32801 02 030 HIDDEN PONDS 2ND $ 417.94 01 33902 01 020 HIDDEN PONDS 3RD $ 416.54 01 34000 01 060 HUNTERS WOOD TWNHMS $ 153.17 01 34150 01 190 HUNTINGTON $ 169.83 01 34152 02 110 HUNTINGTON 3RD $ 482.63 01 34153 01 050 HUNTINGTON 4TH $ 165.61 01 34154 01 130 HUNTINGTON 5TH $ 403.30 01 34500 01 260 HYLAND POINTE SHORES $ 374.70 01 38950 01 010 JOLENE ADDITION $ 360.36 01 40950 01 090 K & G 1ST ADDN $ 419.45 01 40950 01 100 K & G 1ST ADDN $ 382.30 01 44200 04 030 LAC LAVON SHORES $ 126.71 01 44201 01 020 LAC LAVON SHORES 2ND $ 370.73 01 45800 03 270 LONGRIDGE $ 316.79 01 45800 03 370 LONGRIDGE $ 267.62 01 45800 05 020 LONGRIDGE $ 343.63 01 45800 05 190 LONGRIDGE $ 351.32 01 45800 05 250 LONGRIDGE $ 326.45 01 45801 01 070 LONGRIDGE 2ND $ 147.95 01 45801 01 160 LONGRIDGE 2ND $ 242.79 01 45801 02 070 LONGRIDGE 2ND $ 470.34 01 45801 03 140 LONGRIDGE 2ND $ 298.57 01 45801 03 270 LONGRIDGE 2ND $ 334.98 01 45801 03 550 LONGRIDGE 2ND $ 135.88 01 45801 06 200 LONGRIDGE 2ND $ 315.77 01 45801 07 020 LONGRIDGE 2ND $ 309.97 01 45801 08 370 LONGRIDGE 2ND $ 403.69 01 47175 01 020 MAJESTIC RIDGE $ 391.90 8 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 48200 02 040 MEADOWLARK GLEN $ 368.07 01 48200 03 050 MEADOWLARK GLEN $ 195.33 01 48201 01 070 MEADOWLARK GLEN 2ND $ 152.95 01 48845 05 020 MISTWOOD $ 114.54 01 49100 01 020 MORNINGVIEW $ 136.51 01 49100 02 220 MORNINGVIEW $ 368.43 01 49100 03 080 MORNINGVIEW $ 426.01 01 49101 09 010 MORNINGVIEW 2ND $ 369.29 01 49101 12 040 MORNINGVIEW 2ND $ 386.82 01 49101 18 010 MORNINGVIEW 2ND $ 336.86 01 49102 05 030 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $ 274.19 01 49102 11 030 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $ 313.78 01 49102 16 040 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $ 320.87 01 49102 17 030 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $ 355.32 01 49102 21 040 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $ 331.38 01 49103 05 010 MORNINGVIEW 4TH $ 218.23 01 49104 04 030 MORNINGVIEW 5TH $ 170.81 01 49105 01 150 MORNINGVIEW 6TH $ 359.65 01 49106 01 240 MORNINGVIEW 7TH $ 196.62 01 49106 01 510 MORNINGVIEW 7TH $ 429.40 01 49106 02 080 MORNINGVIEW 7TH $ 344.80 01 49108 02 020 MORNINGVIEW 9TH $ 238.31 01 52000 02 060 NORDIC WOODS $ 277.25 01 52000 03 020 NORDIC WOODS $ 234.12 01 52001 01 010 NORDIC WOODS 2ND $ 596.70 01 52001 01 100 NORDIC WOODS 2ND $ 135.89 01 52001 01 160 NORDIC WOODS 2ND $ 437.34 01 52001 01 300 NORDIC WOODS 2ND $ 217.16 01 53500 01 030 OAK RIDGE PARK $ 103.73 01 53500 02 010 OAK RIDGE PARK $ 161.39 01 53500 02 080 OAK RIDGE PARK $ 383.76 01 53500 03 090 OAK RIDGE PARK $ 181.05 01 53500 04 060 OAK RIDGE PARK $ 152.95 01 53500 05 010 OAK RIDGE PARK $ 174.58 01 53500 05 080 OAK RIDGE PARK $ 157.17 01 56501 02 010 PALOMINO CLIFFS 2ND $ 352.08 01 56600 01 030 PALOMINO HILLS $ 362.05 01 56600 02 020 PALOMINO HILLS $ 377.28 01 56601 01 060 PALOMINO HILLS 2ND $ 135.53 01 56601 01 300 PALOMINO HILLS 2ND $ 376.55 01 56602 02 100 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $ 212.03 01 56602 02 140 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $ 486.35 01 56602 03 080 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $ 170.81 01 56602 03 120 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $ 419.06 01 56602 05 060 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $ 189.25 01 56603 01 170 PALOMINO HILLS 4TH $ 355.50 01 56603 03 240 PALOMINO HILLS 4TH $ 336.40 01 56603 06 160 PALOMINO HILLS 4TH $ 580.67 01 56603 07 040 PALOMINO HILLS 4TH $ 360.98 01 56606 01 010 PALOMINO HILLS 7TH $ 253.87 9 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 56650 05 080 PALOMINO HILLS LAKESHORE $ 318.17 01 56700 01 070 PALOMINO HILLS REPLAT $ 371.96 01 56722 01 030 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 3RD $ 242.83 01 56722 01 030 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 3RD $ 135.53 01 56722 02 020 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 3RD $ 354.95 01 56723 01 140 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 4TH $ 606.91 01 56723 01 180 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 4TH $ 184.04 01 56775 02 060 PALOMINO WOODS $ 197.37 01 56775 02 220 PALOMINO WOODS $ 403.48 01 56775 04 100 PALOMINO WOODS $ 419.40 01 56775 05 040 PALOMINO WOODS $ 197.37 01 56775 05 060 PALOMINO WOODS $ 569.48 01 56775 05 070 PALOMINO WOODS $ 432.85 01 56775 05 140 PALOMINO WOODS $ 263.25 01 56775 08 030 PALOMINO WOODS $ 258.06 01 56775 08 230 PALOMINO WOODS $ 116.79 01 56775 09 120 PALOMINO WOODS $ 274.08 01 56775 10 110 PALOMINO WOODS $ 282.20 01 56775 10 120 PALOMINO WOODS $ 523.67 01 56775 11 010 PALOMINO WOODS $ 215.38 01 56775 11 150 PALOMINO WOODS $ 323.50 01 57052 01 040 PENNOCK SHORES 3RD $ 301.27 01 57500 01 030 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $ 311.30 01 57500 01 050 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $ 364.08 01 57500 01 070 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $1,402.89 01 57500 03 080 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $ 157.58 01 57500 06 060 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $ 299.73 01 57503 02 050 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 4TH $ 442.21 01 57506 01 020 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $ 565.66 01 57506 01 220 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $ 571.68 01 57506 02 040 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $ 310.41 01 57506 02 110 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $1,184.55 01 57506 02 170 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $ 289.04 01 57507 01 090 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 8TH $ 142.41 01 57507 01 140 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 8TH $ 277.06 01 57508 01 430 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 9TH $ 129.15 01 57650 02 010 PINECREST $ 161.57 01 57651 01 110 PINECREST 2ND $ 393.40 01 57675 01 150 PINECREST TOWNHOMES $ 161.39 01 57675 01 170 PINECREST TOWNHOMES $ 388.04 01 57675 01 200 PINECREST TOWNHOMES $ 351.25 01 57675 01 320 PINECREST TOWNHOMES $ 242.87 01 61602 01 010 QUARRY PONDS 3RD $ 179.63 01 63400 03 360 REGATTA $ 332.15 01 63400 11 040 REGATTA $ 345.92 01 63400 20 120 REGATTA $2,149.78 01 63401 01 010 REGATTA 2ND $3,335.82 01 63401 01 030 REGATTA 2ND $3,009.95 01 63401 29 200 REGATTA 2ND $ 424.46 01 63402 12 010 REGATTA 3RD $ 157.58 10 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 63402 16 030 REGATTA 3RD $ 219.84 01 63402 19 020 REGATTA 3RD $ 112.83 01 63402 31 010 REGATTA 3RD $ 321.07 01 63441 01 040 REGENTS POINT 2ND $ 505.67 01 64600 01 020 ROLLING RIDGE $ 455.01 01 64600 02 060 ROLLING RIDGE $ 370.40 01 64600 02 070 ROLLING RIDGE $ 235.49 01 64600 04 070 ROLLING RIDGE $ 308.62 01 64700 01 150 ROYAL OAKS ESTATES $ 161.39 01 66200 01 070 SALEM WOODS $ 202.14 01 66500 03 070 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $ 386.52 01 66500 04 090 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $ 269.48 01 66500 04 120 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $ 280.94 01 66500 04 130 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $ 158.57 01 66500 04 230 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $ 454.85 01 66501 01 050 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 2ND $ 693.82 01 66501 02 290 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 2ND $ 251.36 01 66501 02 310 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 2ND $ 285.62 01 66501 05 020 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 2ND $ 349.02 01 66502 03 120 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $ 164.19 01 66502 06 010 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $ 275.83 01 66502 06 070 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $ 455.44 01 66502 06 080 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $ 335.90 01 66502 06 130 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $ 134.87 01 66502 07 040 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $ 172.63 01 66503 03 010 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 4TH $ 314.07 01 66503 03 200 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 4TH $ 433.48 01 66503 06 060 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 4TH $ 293.74 01 66503 06 090 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 4TH $ 157.17 01 66700 02 040 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 466.21 01 66700 04 140 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 487.32 01 66700 05 020 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 276.79 01 66700 05 070 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 290.83 01 66700 05 100 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 427.10 01 66700 06 010 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 182.49 01 66700 06 020 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 272.61 01 66700 06 070 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 195.33 01 66700 07 150 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 312.19 01 66700 08 020 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 176.85 01 66700 08 030 SCOTTSBRIAR $ 289.29 01 66701 01 090 SCOTTSBRIAR 2ND $ 388.73 01 66701 03 140 SCOTTSBRIAR 2ND $ 337.25 01 66900 01 100 SEASONS ON THE PARK $ 176.88 01 73101 05 090 SUMMERFIELD 2ND $ 123.41 01 75950 01 070 THE OAKS OF APPLE VALLEY $ 355.85 01 75952 04 030 THE OAKS OF APPLE VALLEY III $ 161.39 01 76204 01 030 THE WOODWINDS 5TH $ 402.28 01 76503 01 110 TIMBERWICK 4TH $ 318.61 01 76504 02 180 TIMBERWICK 5TH $ 367.63 01 76506 01 040 TIMBERWICK 7TH $ 191.91 11 Roll 661 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 76506 01 070 TIMBERWICK 7TH $ 285.51 01 76900 01 130 TOUSIGNANTS PRAIRIE CROSSING $ 337.37 01 76900 01 220 TOUSIGNANTS PRAIRIE CROSSING $ 308.09 01 76900 05 280 TOUSIGNANTS PRAIRIE CROSSING $ 414.07 01 76900 05 400 TOUSIGNANTS PRAIRIE CROSSING $ 430.07 01 77000 02 030 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $ 422.35 01 77000 04 060 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $ 515.13 01 77000 07 030 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $ 257.48 01 77000 08 060 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $ 285.53 01 77000 11 060 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $ 259.45 01 81301 02 080 VALLEY MEADOWS 2ND $ 154.99 01 81301 02 090 VALLEY MEADOWS 2ND $ 330.24 01 81320 02 100 VALLEY OAKS TOWNHOMES $ 310.94 01 81325 01 050 VALLEY PINES $ 340.81 01 81325 01 100 VALLEY PINES $ 293.04 01 81400 01 020 VALLEY SOUTH $ 430.42 01 81400 01 030 VALLEY SOUTH $ 297.12 01 81400 02 120 VALLEY SOUTH $ 385.88 01 81400 02 160 VALLEY SOUTH $ 579.17 01 81454 01 050 VALLEY WAY VILLAGE 5TH $ 302.76 01 81454 01 070 VALLEY WAY VILLAGE 5TH $ 364.29 01 81456 01 240 VALLEY WAY VILLAGE 7TH $ 277.12 01 81457 01 090 VALLEY WAY VILLAGE 8TH $ 376.65 01 83251 02 010 WATERFORD VILLAGE 2ND $ 361.37 01 83276 01 210 WATERFORD VILLAGE TWNHM 2ND $ 288.48 01 83276 01 290 WATERFORD VILLAGE TWNHM 2ND $ 182.49 01 83276 01 370 WATERFORD VILLAGE TWNHM 2ND $ 290.83 01 84190 01 030 WILDWOOD $ 379.40 01 84190 02 010 WILDWOOD $ 282.58 01 84190 05 010 WILDWOOD $ 277.95 01 84191 01 030 WILDWOOD 2ND $ 162.30 01 84193 03 020 WILDWOOD 4TH $ 294.14 01 84194 01 010 WILDWOOD 5TH $ 126.71 01 84194 02 050 WILDWOOD 5TH $ 323.23 01 84195 02 010 WILDWOOD 6TH $ 317.05 01 84351 01 110 WILLIAMSBURG 2ND $ 237.89 01 84700 01 050 THE WOODS $2,627.31 01 84725 01 010 WOODSIDE ESTATES $ 292.86 01 85280 01 020 WYNDEMERE ADDITION $ 339.38 01 85282 01 040 WYNDEMERE ADDITION 3RD $ 191.02 01 85283 03 010 WYNDEMERE ADDITION TH $ 174.05 TOTAL ASSESSMENT $173,042.87 12 Written or oral objections will be considered. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of any assessment unless written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. An owner may appeal an assessment to the district court pursuant to M.S.A. 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City of Apple Valley within thirty (30) days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court of Dakota County within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. DATED this 12th day of September, 2019. Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk City of Apple Valley 7100 147th Street W. Apple Valley, MN 55124 PID Name Address CityStateZip Account #Plat_Name Amount 01-02200-50-020 MILLICENT WARRINGTON 13421 CEDAR AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0630134215 UNPLATTED $451.59 01-10350-02-070 MONIQUE GUILLECK 14376 HEYWOOD AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0366143762 ACADEMY VILLAGE $213.31 01-10350-02-080 KATIE PETTEE 14349 HEMLOCK CT S APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0363143492 ACADEMY VILLAGE $220.44 01-10350-02-090 JEFFREY SULLIVAN 8357 144TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0588083572 ACADEMY VILLAGE $414.20 01-10350-04-002 JON ERICKSON 8296 144TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0588082962 ACADEMY VILLAGE $166.40 01-10350-20-001 ISAAC AGUILAR 14251 HAYES RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0360142513 ACADEMY VILLAGE $180.50 01-10350-20-004 LAMONT JACOBS 14255 HAYES RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0360142554 ACADEMY VILLAGE $423.22 01-10350-40-002 DEAQUA EID 14327 HEMLOCK CT S APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0363143278 ACADEMY VILLAGE $381.19 01-10350-40-004 NICOLE CARLSON 14331 HEMLOCK CT S APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0363143310 ACADEMY VILLAGE $219.89 01-10350-40-005 FATHI SHEIKH MOHAMUD 14337 HEMLOCK CT S APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0363143377 ACADEMY VILLAGE $184.04 01-11650-03-210 ERIC ASLESON 7361 UPPER 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0209073616 APPLE PONDS $287.06 01-11650-04-070 SHEMELS HAILE 7210 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208072106 APPLE PONDS $260.42 01-11650-04-120 FLORINE WILLIAMS 7138 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208071389 APPLE PONDS $241.40 01-11651-01-010 THERESA WINTER 15940 GARRETT PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0060159405 APPLE PONDS 2ND $233.72 01-11651-01-030 BRIAN CARVER 15910 GARRETT PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0060159108 APPLE PONDS 2ND $260.42 01-11652-01-050 JOSE GOMEZ 15852 GALVESTON AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0107158527 APPLE PONDS 3RD $1,511.36 01-11652-03-010 LEE HEGGEN 7198 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210071989 APPLE PONDS 3RD $288.02 01-11652-05-030 ROBBIE RUDEBUSCH 15894 GALVESTON AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0107158949 APPLE PONDS 3RD $137.05 01-11652-05-140 WENDY SCHILLING 15977 GALLANT CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0063159774 APPLE PONDS 3RD $180.36 01-11653-02-160 ROXANNE BORCHARDT 7194 159TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0215071943 APPLE PONDS 4TH $421.68 01-11653-02-180 SPENCER SAGSTETTER 7258 159TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0215072586 APPLE PONDS 4TH $236.83 01-11700-02-090 PAULA WICKLUM 184 LINDEN CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0375001845 APPLE VALLEY $415.89 01-11701-02-040 LESLY KEATON 277 ELM DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0351002775 APPLE VALLEY 2ND $327.65 01-11701-04-060 RYAN BORNER 276 WALNUT LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0414002762 APPLE VALLEY 2ND $201.87 01-11701-04-220 SUE PETERSON 221 COUNTY ROAD 42 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0345002212 APPLE VALLEY 2ND $319.34 01-11701-04-330 KATHERINE STEELE 265 COUNTY ROAD 42 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0345002659 APPLE VALLEY 2ND $385.20 01-11702-07-010 BROOKE PLAN 305 PINEWOOD DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0393003054 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $103.38 01-11702-07-320 TYLER ZEHRING 357 WALNUT LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0414003570 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $282.61 01-11702-09-080 DONALD KRESSIN 284 WALNUT LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0414002846 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $289.23 01-11702-10-030 CYNDI LEMASTER 116 REDWOOD DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0396001162 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $251.41 01-11702-10-100 DAVID HOFRICHTER 146 JUNIPER LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0372001467 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $179.63 01-11702-11-080 DONDREA BROWN 176 REDWOOD DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0396001766 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $166.40 01-11702-11-110 JACOB R GOODERUM 175 JUNIPER LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0372001756 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $201.87 01-11702-11-140 BRIAN CROFT 167 JUNIPER LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0372001673 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $251.97 01-11702-12-120 HAYMANOT ZEWDU 145 REDWOOD DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0396001451 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $289.91 01-11703-02-140 JEFFREY GINTZ 908 MCINTOSH DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0061009088 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $319.78 01-11703-02-201 TRISHA TAYLOR 913 ORIOLE DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0070009137 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $320.36 01-11703-03-070 PETRA MONTEREY 953 CORTLAND DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0013009533 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $363.50 01-11703-04-130 THOMAS MCKENNA 884 ORIOLE DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0070008840 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $975.81 01-11703-07-090 MICHELLE FREEMAN 909 MINJON DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0058009091 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $223.54 01-11703-07-100 KRIS AUGDAHL 913 MINJON DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0058009133 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $253.48 01-11703-09-040 ROBB SANDEY 952 BEACON LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0007009523 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $115.62 01-11703-10-170 JAMES BERGEN 921 DUCHESS LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0022009219 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $302.06 01-11703-10-190 JOSHUA SCHMITT 929 DUCHESS LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0022009292 APPLE VALLEY 4TH $312.32 01-11705-02-120 MARTIN STEWART 857 GREENING DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0040008573 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $416.35 01-11705-06-050 JIM VOGEL 933 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100009339 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $315.16 01-11705-06-080 LERRENA EVERETT 893 COOPER LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0010008934 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $363.67 01-11706-01-030 ROBERT KNOUREK 192 COUNTY ROAD 42 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0019001922 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $365.95 01-11706-04-050 CARRIE TESSMAN 991 CORTLAND DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0013009913 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $154.43 01-11706-05-240 JEREMY BELLAND 925 REDWELL LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0082009257 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $192.86 01-11706-08-040 ROBERT G SMALE 984 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100009842 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $256.82 01-11706-08-130 ADAM REED 948 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100009487 APPLE VALLEY 6TH $398.58 01-11707-02-010 RICHARD HANOUSEK 869 MCINTOSH DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0061008692 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $472.40 01-11707-06-090 VALERIE L SAUL-TAYLOR 816 MCINTOSH DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0061008163 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $351.43 01-11707-07-010 MARSHA ABDULLAH 892 MCINTOSH DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0061008924 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $274.36 01-11707-09-070 HUGH O'DONNELL 825 ORIOLE DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0070008253 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $308.99 01-11707-12-010 BRIAN TIMM 864 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100008646 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $355.48 01-11707-12-050 HECTOR D VERDUN 848 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100008489 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $265.57 01-11707-12-100 ADAM SWARTS 771 NEWELL DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0067007714 APPLE VALLEY 8TH $369.57 01-11708-00-020 CHAD PIERCE 989 GARDEN VIEW DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0034009892 APPLE VALLEY 9TH $677.64 01-11708-02-070 OSIEL GARCIA 911 GARDEN VIEW DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0034009116 APPLE VALLEY 9TH $488.75 01-11709-01-020 JAMIE A EVERETTS 72 COUNTY ROAD 42 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0019000726 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $336.92 01-11709-01-040 CASSANDRA VOELLER 62 COUNTY ROAD 42 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0019000643 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $364.59 01-11709-01-080 D K CUSTOM HOMES L.L.C. 839 HARALSON DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0043008398 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $150.47 01-11709-01-140 DAVID REGENSCHEID 863 HARALSON DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0043008638 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $391.38 01-11709-04-080 MICHAEL CROSS 830 JONATHAN DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0049008301 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $312.84 01-11709-04-170 DAVID ROBERTS 831 FIRESIDE DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0031008319 APPLE VALLEY 10TH $385.28 01-11710-01-190 JEFF CARPENTER 1067 LOWELL DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0055010670 APPLE VALLEY 11TH $353.52 01-11710-01-350 CHRISTINE KONAKOWITZ 1005 BALDWIN DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0004010052 APPLE VALLEY 11TH $394.16 01-11710-03-100 DENA TORKELSON 1070 LOWELL DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0055010704 APPLE VALLEY 11TH $426.77 01-11750-03-030 CHARLES HAYSLETT III 15126 DUNBAR BLVD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0025151265 APPLE VALLEY EAST $484.78 01-11750-04-060 GETAHUN TESFAYE 15344 DUNBAR AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0024153445 APPLE VALLEY EAST $351.52 01-11750-04-110 RESIDENT 15144 DUNBAR BLVD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0025151448 APPLE VALLEY EAST $349.15 01-11750-04-120 MARK N LIDKE 15142 DUNBAR BLVD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0025151422 APPLE VALLEY EAST $338.97 01-11751-05-060 JOHN MARKGRAF 15355 DRESDEN WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0018153559 APPLE VALLEY EAST 2ND $317.93 01-11753-04-020 BRAD RUTH 15472 DREXEL WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0657154724 APPLE VALLEY EAST 4TH $409.17 01-11755-01-020 RESIDENT 15117 DUNBAR CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0026151173 APPLE VALLEY EAST 6TH $204.13 01-11755-01-080 DIANNE MORITZ 15105 DUNBAR CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0026151058 APPLE VALLEY EAST 6TH $237.41 01-11755-01-160 RYAN GILSON 15114 DUNBAR CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0026151140 APPLE VALLEY EAST 6TH $298.63 01-11785-01-030 NICHOLAS MILLESON 15303 EMORY AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877265078 APPLE VALLEY EAST FAMILY 2ND $174.65 01-14700-02-120 PATRICIA PUTNAM 140 STRESE LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0408001408 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW $339.56 01-14701-01-020 DAVID VIGEN 124 HAYES RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0360001248 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $278.41 01-14701-01-040 L L ENGEL 116 HAYES RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0360001164 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $157.58 01-14701-02-030 MICHELE SPEECE 169 COUNTY ROAD 42 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0345001693 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $265.64 01-14701-03-010 SCOTT BERG 128 STRESE LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0408001283 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $273.32 Exhibit B Resolution Number 2019- Delinquent Utility Accounts Assessment #661 Page 1 of 7 PID Name Address CityStateZip Account #Plat_Name Amount Exhibit B Resolution Number 2019- Delinquent Utility Accounts Assessment #661 01-14701-03-060 KELLY VEZNER 121 WALNUT CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0411001213 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $346.45 01-14701-03-080 NATASHIA THURIK 129 WALNUT CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0411001296 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $153.17 01-14701-03-100 JAMES ROBERTS 137 WALNUT CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0411001379 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 2ND $368.08 01-14702-01-010 THOMAS STANDAFER 129 GARDEN VIEW DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0354001295 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 3RD $447.75 01-14702-03-050 JEREK DAIN 188 WALNUT LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0414001889 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 3RD $335.48 01-14702-03-160 JENNIFER ROSA 193 COUNTY ROAD 42 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0345001933 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 3RD $335.82 01-14703-03-050 JUDY WENNBERG 144 OAKWOOD RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0381001441 BOB'S GARDEN VIEW 4TH $378.57 01-15200-01-010 MIKE GEORGEN 12011 SAFARI PASS APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0873120116 BRIAR OAKS OF AV $165.61 01-15200-01-060 SCOTT FISHER 7025 121ST ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0774070253 BRIAR OAKS OF AV $245.19 01-15200-03-010 PAUL DORNBACH 7022 121ST ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0774070220 BRIAR OAKS OF AV $495.99 01-15201-01-070 RORY BERNSTEIN 12067 GANTRY CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0744120675 BRIAR OAKS OF AV 2ND $653.07 01-15201-05-010 JULIE LONDGREN 7138 121ST ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0774071384 BRIAR OAKS OF AV 2ND $314.20 01-15201-05-030 LYNN KOSLOSKE 7162 121ST ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0774071624 BRIAR OAKS OF AV 2ND $327.31 01-16300-02-010 THIENNHIEN BUI 14571 GUTHRIE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0358145718 CARROLLTON ESTATES $227.33 01-16300-03-160 LENAE SANCHEZ 8059 UPPER 145TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0318080591 CARROLLTON ESTATES $273.46 01-16301-01-120 FAITH CRUMP 14639 HARRINGTON PL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0418146391 CARROLLTON ESTATES 2ND $135.53 01-16301-03-260 SOPHIA ALI 14656 HANOVER LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0388146561 CARROLLTON ESTATES 2ND $175.81 01-16303-01-030 JEFF ZIMMERMAN 14850 HAYES RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0360148502 CARROLLTON ESTATES 4TH $356.92 01-16303-01-120 JONATHAN WHITING 14825 HAVEN DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0419148255 CARROLLTON ESTATES 4TH $237.90 01-16303-02-060 MICAH CEDERGREN 14803 HALLMARK DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0389148038 CARROLLTON ESTATES 4TH $150.03 01-16303-03-490 RESIDENT 7935 147TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0333079354 CARROLLTON ESTATES 4TH $216.16 01-16304-02-080 TOSHA YOUNG 14853 HAVEN DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0419148537 CARROLLTON ESTATES 5TH $210.98 01-16304-02-100 TYLER SEVERSON 14861 HAVEN DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0419148610 CARROLLTON ESTATES 5TH $317.34 01-16400-01-070 MEE KYUNG AHN 14424 LOWER GUTHRIE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0355144243 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE $719.90 01-16400-02-010 RONALD LIDBECK 14458 UPPER GUTHRIE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0359144587 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE $372.34 01-16400-02-060 PAMELA TRUMP 14478 UPPER GUTHRIE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0359144785 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE $317.02 01-16401-01-030 PERRY LYNUM 14409 GUTHRIE WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0356144093 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 2ND $304.01 01-16401-02-040 STEVEN HILL 14455 GUTHRIE WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0356144556 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 2ND $224.39 01-16402-01-081 RICHARD ROLLE-WATER OFF 14275 GUTHRIE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0358142756 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 3RD $213.82 01-16403-01-070 CHRISTOPHER DANIELS 14141 GUTHRIE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0358141410 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 3RD $215.38 01-16403-02-080 OGBAREBI ABRAHAM 14060 GUTHRIE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0358140602 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 3RD $224.39 01-16403-02-140 FARAEH AWALE 14025 140TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0587140258 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 3RD $153.17 01-16404-01-080 ANNJANETTE PETERSON 7786 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0576077867 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 5TH $133.14 01-16404-01-250 MATTHEW BARTELS 7853 GLENDA CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0353078534 CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE 5TH $340.10 01-16580-04-060 BOBBI WATTS 14222 FREEPORT TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0708142223 CEDAR ISLE ESTATES $276.82 01-16581-02-130 JUDITH ESCAMILA 14015 FREEPORT CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0738140155 CEDAR ISLE ESTATES 2ND $434.33 01-16584-05-030 JOHN LOESCH 14046 FLAGSTONE TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0713140469 CEDAR ISLE ESTATES 5TH $157.72 01-16591-02-100 BRIAN BALLINGER 14354 FLORA CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0741143543 CEDAR ISLE VILLAGE HOMES 2ND $455.72 01-17002-01-090 MAHA SAADEH 8230 HAVELOCK CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0533082307 CHATEAU ESTATES 2ND $390.98 01-17150-01-120 YVONNE NGANDO 13413 GEORGIA CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0761134133 CHERRY OAKS ESTATES $533.51 01-17150-02-060 ANTHONY GOZE 13488 GEORGIA CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0761134885 CHERRY OAKS ESTATES $186.71 01-17152-01-020 ISAAK GEEDI 13417 GENEVA WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0756134171 CHERRY OAKS ESTATES 3RD $516.67 01-17152-02-010 BOUP FOSS 13392 GENEVA WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0756133926 CHERRY OAKS ESTATES 3RD $178.27 01-18050-02-060 BRIAN KOHORST 15715 DIAMOND WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0154157158 COBBLESTONE LAKE $376.99 01-18053-03-020 JEANNA CRIPPEN 15604 DUNBERRY CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877260818 COBBLESTONE LAKE 4TH $201.87 01-18060-06-010 DEBRA LEE WENSMANN 4796 159TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877261333 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE $341.80 01-18062-01-020 CHRISTOPHER KEYES 15852 COBBLESTONE LAKE PKWY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877261148 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $339.60 01-18062-04-010 JEFFREY HAMMILL 15889 EASTBEND WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877261748 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $503.29 01-18062-05-040 BRUCE HSU 15887 EASTCHESTER RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877261803 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $63.41 01-18062-06-020 ABDI DHINBIL 15872 EASTCHESTER RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877261398 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $493.26 01-18062-06-070 ERIC S ALLEN 15877 DUXBURY LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877261813 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $351.90 01-18062-07-090 SHARIFF RASOUL 4930 159TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877261443 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 3RD $309.14 01-18067-02-070 NASRIN CHOWDHURY 15942 ELMWOOD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877263918 COBBLESTONE LAKE SOUTH SHORE 8TH $355.71 01-18075-01-030 BERTA SURNIAK 13395 HUGHES CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0254133954 COBBLESTONE MANOR $153.17 01-18075-01-130 BOBBI WARNKE 13348 HUGHES CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0254133483 COBBLESTONE MANOR $347.54 01-18077-01-020 KENT TROYER 8681 134TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0583086810 COBBLESTONE MANOR 3RD $229.24 01-18077-02-020 JEREMY SCHROEDER 8660 134TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0583086604 COBBLESTONE MANOR 3RD $175.22 01-18077-02-110 BRUCE W THOMPSON 8594 134TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0583085945 COBBLESTONE MANOR 3RD $166.40 01-18100-01-040 JILLIAN MUSSELMAN 13677 HOLYOKE LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0365136775 COBBLESTONE LAKEVIEW $305.57 01-18100-01-190 JASON BROWN 13771 HOLYOKE LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0365137716 COBBLESTONE LAKEVIEW $197.37 01-18150-01-100 JUDY VAN VOORHIS 8520 135TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0584085209 COBBLESTONES I $385.60 01-18150-03-102 HOSSAM AFIFI 8657 135TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0584086579 COBBLESTONES I $2,482.23 01-18151-01-010 DAVID C ANDERSON 8637 135TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0584086371 COBBLESTONES I REPLAT $420.77 01-18151-01-020 WENDY ROGERS 8635 135TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0584086355 COBBLESTONES I REPLAT $293.96 01-18300-03-010 ROBERT MARSH 15430 EAGLE BAY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877262573 CORTLAND $365.42 01-18301-03-020 CHRIS JONES 15315 EAGLE BAY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877263143 CORTLAND 2ND $379.72 01-19900-02-020 ERLAND FLAMING 5262 144TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0170052623 DELANEY PARK $376.84 01-19902-01-040 MARK SAUER 14593 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032145938 DELANEY PARK 3RD $487.16 01-19902-01-050 TOM BISHOP 14607 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032146076 DELANEY PARK 3RD $389.20 01-19903-02-160 LANCE STENLUND 14561 ELYSIUM PL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0644145611 DELANEY PARK 4TH $157.58 01-20500-02-140 DENNIS NEPSUND 14687 DOMINICA CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0654146871 DIAMOND PATH $304.25 01-20500-02-250 JASON LINDNER 14685 DENMARK CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0645146857 DIAMOND PATH $335.84 01-20500-03-320 CORLIN FRANZMEIER 14700 DORY CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0663147001 DIAMOND PATH $293.50 01-20502-01-090 NICOLE BOHLIG 5077 148TH PATH W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0192050779 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $185.79 01-20502-01-200 PAUL BROWN 5178 148TH PATH W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0192051785 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $298.81 01-20502-02-070 JOSEPH BETLEY 14898 EASTER AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0660148986 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $300.69 01-20502-02-190 ERIC WIEDL 4913 UPPER 148TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0193049135 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $431.78 01-20502-03-120 KIMBERLY TURNER 4919 149TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0195049190 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $401.91 01-20502-06-010 JERRY IVERSON 14838 DUNDEE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0029148382 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $341.82 01-20502-08-110 JARED PERO 4985 148TH PATH W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0192049854 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $424.26 01-20502-08-180 NATHAN GOIHL 14720 DURHAM CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0027147204 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $329.93 01-20502-08-190 PAUL WADE 14732 DURHAM CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0027147329 DIAMOND PATH 3RD $111.63 01-20503-01-020 DONALD PERSON 14934 ECHO WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0033149343 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $1,418.31 01-20503-01-040 JAMES ARNOLD 14940 ECHO WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0033149400 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $340.15 01-20503-01-060 TYRONE PRIMOLI 14946 ECHO WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0033149467 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $317.31 Page 2 of 7 PID Name Address CityStateZip Account #Plat_Name Amount Exhibit B Resolution Number 2019- Delinquent Utility Accounts Assessment #661 01-20503-02-160 MOHMUD HAGUF 14850 ECHO WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0033148501 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $387.36 01-20503-02-210 SAMANTHA SUCHY 14910 ECHO WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0033149103 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $437.37 01-20503-02-230 ROBERT B MASK JR 14918 ECHO WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0033149186 DIAMOND PATH 4TH $327.30 01-20504-01-020 DORCA NYAUMA 5451 UPPER 147TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0869054514 DIAMOND PATH 5TH $233.10 01-20504-01-280 JULIE SCHROEDER 5399 UPPER 147TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0869053995 DIAMOND PATH 5TH $109.74 01-20504-02-170 ALLEN HALCOMB 5367 UPPER 147TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0869053672 DIAMOND PATH 5TH $600.80 01-20505-01-018 ANDREW LEECH 14722 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032147223 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $303.69 01-20505-01-037 RANDI HANSEN 14692 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032146928 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $289.14 01-20505-01-042 PEGGY BROCKMAN 14684 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032146845 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $254.98 01-20505-01-049 THOMAS J WALKER 5098 147TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0184050985 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $269.64 01-20505-01-050 PATRICIA BOULEY 14678 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032146787 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $119.36 01-20505-01-052 DARRIN CHANCE-WATER OFF 5090 147TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0184050902 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $219.58 01-20505-01-053 DARRIN BERGSTROM 14676 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032146761 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $320.08 01-20505-01-109 JOSEPH TORFEN 5119 148TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0191051190 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $465.62 01-20505-01-114 MAXWELL HIRACHETA 5161 148TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0191051612 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $263.85 01-20505-01-131 JOANNE MERTZ 14794 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032147942 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $298.86 01-20505-01-132 SUSAN ANDERSON 14792 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032147926 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $277.68 01-20505-01-133 JULIE LUNDSTROM 5175 148TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0191051752 DIAMOND PATH 6TH $304.66 01-20506-01-070 MICHELE DAY 5011 147TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0184050118 DIAMOND PATH 7TH $144.35 01-20508-02-200 MEHDI A. CHOUMAN 5148 148TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0191051489 DIAMOND PATH 9TH $307.79 01-20509-01-040 JASON HAFICS 14935 ECHO WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0033149350 DIAMOND PATH 10TH $139.94 01-20510-01-270 TROY A PALMER 5236 149TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0196052367 DIAMOND PATH 11TH $281.64 01-20540-02-020 PATRICK SAGER 12977 ECHO LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0629129770 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES $278.56 01-22450-05-020 DWIGHT NEAL 13720 GEORGIA DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0761137201 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES $315.06 01-22451-01-090 ELIZABETH GOBINA 13629 GLASGOW LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0767136298 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES 2ND $339.47 01-22451-01-110 JAMAL AWOW 13605 GLASGOW LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0767136058 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES 2ND $250.00 01-22451-01-140 JOY KAMANO 13569 GLASGOW LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0767135696 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES 2ND $221.19 01-22451-02-030 ANGELA JOHNSON 13594 GLASGOW LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0767135944 EAGLE RIDGE ESTATES 2ND $348.34 01-23200-01-020 BALDWIN SAWYER 13320 CEDAR AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0630133209 EASTWOOD RIDGE $399.54 01-23201-01-020 MONIQUE HARRIS 12859 GARRETT CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877261518 EASTWOOD RIDGE 2ND $365.82 01-23201-02-030 COURTNEY BULL 7019 128TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877262108 EASTWOOD RIDGE 2ND $157.17 01-23201-03-040 CRAIG SADLAK 7008 128TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877262153 EASTWOOD RIDGE 2ND $508.82 01-23700-01-370 HASSAN HASSAN 5322 EMERALD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0632053223 EMERALD POINT $347.59 01-23700-01-410 MICHELLE J O'DONNELL 5330 EMERALD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0632053306 EMERALD POINT $305.06 01-23702-01-010 LORI JENSEN 5388 EMERALD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0632053884 EMERALD POINT 3RD $126.58 01-23702-01-060 GREGORY BELL 5378 EMERALD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0632053785 EMERALD POINT 3RD $346.91 01-23702-01-090 JEFF HUNTER 5372 EMERALD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0632053728 EMERALD POINT 3RD $169.83 01-23702-01-170 KRISHNA SRINIVAS 5356 EMERALD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0632053561 EMERALD POINT 3RD $229.81 01-25650-03-030 JESSE HARALDSON 4902 DOMINICA WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0655049025 FARQUAR HILLS $169.83 01-25650-03-070 CHARLES NORKUNAS 13470 ELKWOOD DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0664134107 FARQUAR HILLS $299.46 01-25650-03-100 ROBERT REISCHAUER 13416 ELKWOOD CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0662134166 FARQUAR HILLS $307.68 01-25650-03-230 JARROD M BEACH 13532 LOWER ELKWOOD CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0662135320 FARQUAR HILLS $404.76 01-25650-03-310 CHAD PAIKO 13636 UPPER ELKWOOD CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0662136369 FARQUAR HILLS $336.92 01-27501-03-010 JONATHAN BOTHUM 8548 HOLLAND AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0535085480 FOREST PARK ESTATES 2ND $166.40 01-27502-01-220 CALVIN ELMORE 14478 HOLLAND CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0535144782 FOREST PARK ESTATES 3RD $179.49 01-27550-01-040 MIKE SOVIS 13101 HERITAGE WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0343131013 FOREST POINT $306.79 01-27651-02-100 SHANNON PETERSON LOVEJOY 14120 141ST ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0842141206 FOXMOORE RIDGE TWO $110.26 01-28950-01-180 DONALD MERCHANT 14327 HICKORY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0424143275 GARDENVIEW PLACE $278.95 01-28950-01-340 JARED HOAGLAND 14363 HICKORY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0424143630 GARDENVIEW PLACE $270.20 01-28950-01-420 BRIAN TRIPP 14358 HICKORY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0424143580 GARDENVIEW PLACE $170.81 01-28951-01-010 DEAN HEWES 14201 HIBISCUS CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0420142016 GARDENVIEW PLACE 2ND $223.64 01-28951-01-090 LUIGI GUY CASTIN 14216 HIBISCUS CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0420142164 GARDENVIEW PLACE 2ND $349.37 01-30601-01-010 DESIRAE CHRISTENSEN 8677 135TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0584086777 GOLFVIEW 2ND $201.87 01-30901-01-020 TIM HASSE 12128 GRANDVIEW TER APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0349121281 GARDENVIEW MANOR 2ND $211.48 01-31000-05-150 HEATHER KAUCHMAN 6945 137TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0820069452 GREENLEAF $343.04 01-31000-05-280 KEVIN KRAUS 6972 137TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0820069726 GREENLEAF $347.81 01-31000-05-310 BRYAN R SCHROEDER 13722 FAIRLAWN AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0685137220 GREENLEAF $347.47 01-31000-06-050 SCOTT OLSETH 13606 FORDHAM AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0724136068 GREENLEAF $251.90 01-31000-07-010 MEGAN MCMACKEN 13714 FORDHAM CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0727137147 GREENLEAF $143.56 01-31000-08-010 MEGAN MALM 13774 FORDHAM AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0724137744 GREENLEAF $144.51 01-31001-01-040 GREGORY GOEDERS 13260 FLAGSTAFF AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0715132605 GREENLEAF 2ND $110.44 01-31001-02-050 CHRIS AYMOND 13422 FLAGSTAFF AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0715134221 GREENLEAF 2ND $305.35 01-31001-06-120 DAMIEN ROSSI 6925 133RD CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0796069254 GREENLEAF 2ND $297.31 01-31001-10-130 STEVE ODEGARD 13325 FORDHAM AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0724133255 GREENLEAF 2ND $335.84 01-31002-01-130 MIKE SCHAAF 13283 FINDLAY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0712132830 GREENLEAF 3RD $186.71 01-31002-02-120 AMY GALLAGAN 13305 FINDLAY AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0706133059 GREENLEAF 3RD $168.41 01-31003-01-020 DARRELL LINDQUIST 13501 FINDLAY AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0706135013 GREENLEAF 4TH $288.66 01-31003-02-030 ROBERT MELLO 13709 FINDLAY AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0706137092 GREENLEAF 4TH $171.23 01-31003-04-070 TODD COUNTERS 13660 FINDLAY AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0706136607 GREENLEAF 4TH $239.05 01-31003-07-130 BOBBI LUNDQUIST 6317 137TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0823063171 GREENLEAF 4TH $137.82 01-31003-13-040 TYLER HALVORSON 13235 FERRIS AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0697132359 GREENLEAF 4TH $268.25 01-31003-14-150 DALLAS ENGEL 13236 FERRIS AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0697132367 GREENLEAF 4TH $171.23 01-31003-14-220 JENNIFER ROWLAND 13364 FERRIS AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0697133647 GREENLEAF 4TH $165.61 01-31004-03-090 CARRIE KUNTZ 13053 FINDLAY AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0706130535 GREENLEAF 5TH $422.38 01-31004-04-150 MELLICENT WARINGTON 6401 132ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0790064012 GREENLEAF 5TH $454.19 01-31004-04-180 JOSEPH MILLER 6451 132ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0790064517 GREENLEAF 5TH $202.54 01-31004-05-070 TERRY SEEHUSEN 13108 FINDLAY AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0706131087 GREENLEAF 5TH $287.70 01-31004-05-130 TANESHA FORD 13159 FERRIS CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0700131596 GREENLEAF 5TH $158.24 01-31004-05-340 RONALD E HART 13041 FINCH WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0703130413 GREENLEAF 5TH $326.11 01-31005-04-030 NEAL R HANSEN 5760 138TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0829057607 GREENLEAF 6TH $194.02 01-31005-08-140 LAURA SANDEN 13471 EVELETH WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0672134719 GREENLEAF 6TH $247.51 01-31006-06-100 MICHAEL D KERN 5668 139TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0832056687 GREENLEAF 7TH $328.64 01-31006-06-120 JAMES A DILLY 5648 139TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0832056489 GREENLEAF 7TH $298.74 01-31006-06-130 MICHAEL JONES 5642 139TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0832056422 GREENLEAF 7TH $174.05 01-31006-07-030 LEO BUCKVOLD 5595 138TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0826055950 GREENLEAF 7TH $270.81 Page 3 of 7 PID Name Address CityStateZip Account #Plat_Name Amount Exhibit B Resolution Number 2019- Delinquent Utility Accounts Assessment #661 01-31007-05-140 GARY L STECKMAN 5536 133RD STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0797055369 GREENLEAF 8TH $378.43 01-31008-07-160 DONAE STURDIVANT 13025 EVELETH AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0671130254 GREENLEAF 9TH $199.64 01-31008-07-250 BRIAN M GRACEK 12845 EVELETH AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0671128456 GREENLEAF 9TH $195.33 01-31008-08-050 RICHARD MCKEEVER 12883 EVEREST AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0673128835 GREENLEAF 9TH $179.73 01-31008-10-060 KELLY ROOT 5810 130TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0780058107 GREENLEAF 9TH $371.06 01-31008-12-040 MICHAEL FIEDLER 5920 131ST ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0784059200 GREENLEAF 9TH $739.06 01-31009-02-100 BRIAHNA MERRITT 13045 FERNANDO AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0691130458 GREENLEAF 10TH $395.66 01-31010-01-100 STEVEN FRANKE 14100 ENSLEY CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0656141003 GREENLEAF 11TH $613.55 01-31010-01-300 KAREN K BIWERSI 14108 ELMIRA CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0658141084 GREENLEAF 11TH $206.85 01-31010-01-700 CHRISTOPHER UNZEN 5001 142ND PATH W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0840050011 GREENLEAF 11TH $84.60 01-31010-01-740 GEORGE OSTROUSHKO 14039 DUNBAR CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0861140394 GREENLEAF 11TH $243.49 01-31010-02-060 RICHARD C SMITH 5276 142ND PATH W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0840052769 GREENLEAF 11TH $336.21 01-31011-05-170 LUCAS THILL 14087 DOMINICA AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0653140875 GREENLEAF 12TH $375.06 01-31011-05-260 BRUCE HANSON 4707 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0844047070 GREENLEAF 12TH $343.94 01-31100-04-050 THOMAS BACKUS 7013 146TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0865070134 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES $246.46 01-31101-02-030 ALEXANDER VOYTIKHOV 7429 142ND STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0841074291 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 2ND $132.13 01-31101-02-040 KENNETH ZAFFKE JR 7427 142ND STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0841074275 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 2ND $280.38 01-31101-02-070 RESIDENT 7421 142ND STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0841074218 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 2ND $316.08 01-31101-05-010 DOUGLAS MILLER 7481 142ND STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0841074812 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 2ND $303.51 01-31102-02-010 KUMAR IMRIT 7429 143RD STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0853074296 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 3RD $310.02 01-31102-04-010 ALISON ZIELSKE 7411 143RD STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0853074114 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 3RD $179.91 01-31102-09-020 MAN FUNG LAU 7368 143RD STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0853073686 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 3RD $275.34 01-31102-09-040 LING ZHOU 7364 143RD STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0853073645 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 3RD $312.73 01-31105-01-020 STEVEN GENRICH 13503 EVELETH WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0672135039 GREENLEAF TOWNHOUSES 6TH $254.96 01-31800-02-140 GAYLE JOHNSON 13453 GRANADA AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0357134531 HALLWOOD HIGHLANDS $371.61 01-31901-02-030 LOGAN BURWELL-WATER OFF 7591 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0576075911 HAMLET 2ND $390.48 01-32150-01-001 JAMEL RASPBERRY 15717 FOLIAGE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0143157178 HAWTHORNE $197.37 01-32150-01-012 JERRY H DAYE JR 15739 FOLIAGE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0143157392 HAWTHORNE $332.11 01-32150-01-017 HALIMA ABDULAHI 15746 FOX CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0187157464 HAWTHORNE $283.88 01-32150-01-024 RANY DAJANI 15730 FOX CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0187157308 HAWTHORNE $298.04 01-32150-01-045 SABINDRA SHRESTHA 15738 FRANCE WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0212157380 HAWTHORNE $316.31 01-32150-01-051 KRYSTAL KARLS 15722 FRANCE WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0212157224 HAWTHORNE $415.56 01-32150-01-072 DENNIS MONGOVEN 6717 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210067177 HAWTHORNE $376.29 01-32150-01-096 VANDY HARPER 6748 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210067482 HAWTHORNE $350.07 01-32150-01-145 TORONDA SWEENEY 6886 FOLKESTONE RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0180068866 HAWTHORNE $117.51 01-32151-01-010 SUSAN RICE 6889 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210068894 HAWTHORNE 2ND $255.04 01-32151-01-057 LISA ELLENBERG 6844 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210068449 HAWTHORNE 2ND $141.40 01-32151-01-058 JOANNA WENTZLAFF 6846 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210068464 HAWTHORNE 2ND $175.22 01-32151-01-076 YOLANDA DOSS 15823 FREEDOM LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0157158237 HAWTHORNE 2ND $335.02 01-32151-01-089 CHANDA JOYNER - WATER OFF 15870 FRISIAN LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0159158706 HAWTHORNE 2ND $126.71 01-32151-01-101 HIBAT SHARIF 15822 FRISIAN LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0159158227 HAWTHORNE 2ND $433.41 01-32151-01-102 IDMAN OMAR 15818 FRISIAN LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0159158185 HAWTHORNE 2ND $437.69 01-32200-01-060 DAVID SCHWARZ 13961 DULUTH CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0639139611 HAZELWOOD ESTATES $332.74 01-32250-01-030 RICHARD YING JI 12817 DOVER DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0640128173 HEARTSTONE $199.95 01-32401-03-110 ROSARIO MOLINA 7949 LOWER HAMLET CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0530079496 HERITAGE HILLS 3RD $157.22 01-32403-01-070 LAWRENCE ANDERSON 13140 HALLMARK CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0527131409 HERITAGE HILLS 4TH $352.12 01-32405-01-030 RANDY LOEBRICK 13220 HANNOVER AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0523132203 HERITAGE HILLS 6TH $355.12 01-32801-01-070 FELONISE PITCHFORD 12815 GERMANE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0757128156 HIDDEN PONDS 2ND $231.31 01-32801-01-080 FELONISE PITCHFORD 12817 GERMANE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0757128172 HIDDEN PONDS 2ND $216.92 01-32801-02-030 JENNIFER FELT 12905 GERMANE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0757129055 HIDDEN PONDS 2ND $417.94 01-33902-01-020 JAMES FRANKS 8767 HIGHWOOD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0542087677 HIDDEN PONDS 3RD $416.54 01-34000-01-060 FELICIA BANNERJEE 8835 HUNTERS WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0541088353 HUNTERS WOOD TWNHMS $153.17 01-34150-01-190 GRETCHEN STRAMEL 12561 DRIFTWOOD LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0642125607 HUNTINGTON $169.83 01-34152-02-110 VICTOR JORDAN 12780 EDINBROOK PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0620127807 HUNTINGTON 3RD $482.63 01-34153-01-050 KEVIN BRANDT 12698 EDGEMONT CURVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0618126985 HUNTINGTON 4TH $165.61 01-34154-01-130 JEREMY WEESTRAND 12779 EMMER PL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0623127796 HUNTINGTON 5TH $403.30 01-34500-01-260 MARFAM PROPERTIES 15859 HYLAND POINTE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0059158590 HYLAND POINTE SHORES $374.70 01-38950-01-010 AMY MULLENBACH 13205 FLAGSTAFF AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877262448 JOLENE ADDITION $360.36 01-40950-01-090 RESIDENT 14250 GARDEN VIEW DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0354142503 K & G 1ST ADDN $419.45 01-40950-01-100 DAVID DODD 8497 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0576084970 K & G 1ST ADDN $382.30 01-44200-04-030 RESIDENT 15745 GARDEN VIEW DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0034157451 LAC LAVON SHORES $126.71 01-44201-01-020 KEN CARLSON 15813 GARDEN VIEW DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0034158137 LAC LAVON SHORES 2ND $370.73 01-45800-03-270 KIM K ANDERSON 15697 HAYES TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0042156974 LONGRIDGE $316.79 01-45800-03-370 DANIEL JAY BROMENSCHENKEL 8353 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208083533 LONGRIDGE $267.62 01-45800-05-020 DIRK WALTON 8461 156TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0205084617 LONGRIDGE $343.63 01-45800-05-190 TIMOTHY HAUSER 15669 HEYWOOD CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0044156691 LONGRIDGE $351.32 01-45800-05-250 MARK NELSON 15645 HEYWOOD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0045156450 LONGRIDGE $326.45 01-45801-01-070 CLAYTON BAER 15721 HEYWOOD CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0044157210 LONGRIDGE 2ND $147.95 01-45801-01-160 YVONNE ZAHN 15775 HEYWOOD CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0044157756 LONGRIDGE 2ND $242.79 01-45801-02-070 ERIC C ROE 15872 HAYES TR CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0042158723 LONGRIDGE 2ND $470.34 01-45801-03-140 GLENN SPRINGER 15757 HAYES TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0042157576 LONGRIDGE 2ND $298.57 01-45801-03-270 KRISTIN GARDNER 15705 HAYES TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0042157055 LONGRIDGE 2ND $334.98 01-45801-03-550 JUANITA A REASAT 15792 HERSHEY CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0048157927 LONGRIDGE 2ND $135.88 01-45801-06-200 DANA OLSON 15839 HARMONY WAY CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0039158397 LONGRIDGE 2ND $315.77 01-45801-07-020 JEANINE JOHNSON 15890 HARMONY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0039158900 LONGRIDGE 2ND $309.97 01-45801-08-370 ANDREW CAMPBELL 15947 HARMONY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0039159478 LONGRIDGE 2ND $403.69 01-47175-01-020 ROBERT TYLER 13872 GLENDALE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0630138729 MAJESTIC RIDGE $391.90 01-48200-02-040 LANCE ANDREWS 12755 DIAMOND CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0650127552 MEADOWLARK GLEN $368.07 01-48200-03-050 GREGORY BROOKS 12788 ETHELTON WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0678127881 MEADOWLARK GLEN $195.33 01-48201-01-070 DAVID CHRISTENSEN 12737 ETHELTON WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0678127378 MEADOWLARK GLEN 2ND $152.95 01-48845-05-020 RESIDENT - OFF 14506 EUREKA CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0692145067 MISTWOOD $114.54 01-49100-01-020 AARON JESMER 7983 HALLMARK WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0023079831 MORNINGVIEW $136.51 01-49100-02-220 PHILLIP RENGEL 15615 HALLMARK PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0015156159 MORNINGVIEW $368.43 01-49100-03-080 JENNIFER SWEENY 7875 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208078756 MORNINGVIEW $426.01 01-49101-09-010 THEA JOHNSON 7737 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208077378 MORNINGVIEW 2ND $369.29 Page 4 of 7 PID Name Address CityStateZip Account #Plat_Name Amount Exhibit B Resolution Number 2019- Delinquent Utility Accounts Assessment #661 01-49101-12-040 JESSICA FRIENDSHUH 7713 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208077139 MORNINGVIEW 2ND $386.82 01-49101-18-010 AMY RODELIUS 7702 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208077022 MORNINGVIEW 2ND $336.86 01-49102-05-030 ANDREW SCHANEN 15704 GRIFFON CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0053157044 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $274.19 01-49102-11-030 CHARLES KULBETH 15785 HANNOVER PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0012157853 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $313.78 01-49102-16-040 JONATHAN BLOCKER 15839 GRIFFON PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0054158397 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $320.87 01-49102-17-030 ANNE M KNOWLES 15861 GRIFFON PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0054158611 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $355.32 01-49102-21-040 JENNIFER MILLER 15895 GRIFFON PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0054158959 MORNINGVIEW 3RD $331.38 01-49103-05-010 PAUL OAKES 15840 GRIFFON PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0054158405 MORNINGVIEW 4TH $218.23 01-49104-04-030 JOSHUA ARKULARY 15936 GRANADA AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0011159363 MORNINGVIEW 5TH $170.81 01-49105-01-150 MICHAEL WALTERS 15775 HANNOVER PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0012157754 MORNINGVIEW 6TH $359.65 01-49106-01-240 HERMINIA E CASTRO 15841 GOOSEBERRY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0111158414 MORNINGVIEW 7TH $196.62 01-49106-01-510 ANTHONY WELIN 15899 GOOSEBERRY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0111158992 MORNINGVIEW 7TH $429.40 01-49106-02-080 DION P WIGGINS 15824 GOOSEBERRY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0111158240 MORNINGVIEW 7TH $344.80 01-49108-02-020 ALEXANDRA EKNESS 7612 157TH ST W APT C APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208076024 MORNINGVIEW 9TH $238.31 01-52000-02-060 MIKE PRESLEY 6580 132ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0790065803 NORDIC WOODS $277.25 01-52000-03-020 IZAAK DEWALD 6710 132ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0790067106 NORDIC WOODS $234.12 01-52001-01-010 AHMIR IRELAND 13130 FOLIAGE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0721131302 NORDIC WOODS 2ND $596.70 01-52001-01-100 VICTOR ARIAS 13178 FLORAL CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0680131780 NORDIC WOODS 2ND $135.89 01-52001-01-160 DONALD J WEEK 13150 FLAMINGO CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0717131506 NORDIC WOODS 2ND $437.34 01-52001-01-300 DIANE G WEBER-OFF,NDS NW MTR 6620 131ST ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0784066205 NORDIC WOODS 2ND $217.16 01-53500-01-030 DWAYNE K SMITH 7406 GERMANE TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0760074066 OAK RIDGE PARK $103.73 01-53500-02-010 SAM MATASI 7426 GERMANE TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0760074264 OAK RIDGE PARK $161.39 01-53500-02-080 TRISHA GREENE 7440 GERMANE TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0760074405 OAK RIDGE PARK $383.76 01-53500-03-090 OLGA ALIKIM 7464 GERMANE TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0760074645 OAK RIDGE PARK $181.05 01-53500-04-060 MEGAN WANDAG 7482 GERMANE TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0760074827 OAK RIDGE PARK $152.95 01-53500-05-010 LEE LYN BLAKE 7492 GERMANE TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0760074926 OAK RIDGE PARK $174.58 01-53500-05-080 CONNIE SIMONSON 7506 GERMANE TR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0760075063 OAK RIDGE PARK $157.17 01-56501-02-010 COLEEN E CARLSON 13372 HUMMINGBIRD DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0440133722 PALOMINO CLIFFS 2ND $352.08 01-56600-01-030 SEAN WALKER 366 CIMARRON RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0528003664 PALOMINO HILLS $362.05 01-56600-02-020 PAUL ANOZIE 403 CIMARRON RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0528004035 PALOMINO HILLS $377.28 01-56601-01-060 NANCY MOODY 135 SABRA CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0546001351 PALOMINO HILLS 2ND $135.53 01-56601-01-300 MARY VANNELLI 143 SHASTA CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0549001432 PALOMINO HILLS 2ND $376.55 01-56602-02-100 JUSTIN DAHL 109 PONY LN E APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0540001092 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $212.03 01-56602-02-140 MARY JANE RODRIGUEZ 110 PONY LN E APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0540001100 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $486.35 01-56602-03-080 KATHERINE FISHER 118 SHOSHONI TR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0552001188 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $170.81 01-56602-03-120 ED ALMOUWALLAD 108 SHOSHONI TR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0552001089 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $419.06 01-56602-05-060 MOSES NGILLA 113 SHOSHONI TR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0552001139 PALOMINO HILLS 3RD $189.25 01-56603-01-170 AIDA RABELO 121 CHAPARRAL DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0519001214 PALOMINO HILLS 4TH $355.50 01-56603-03-240 BISHOP WILLY 101 HIDDEN MEADOW CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0531001010 PALOMINO HILLS 4TH $336.40 01-56603-06-160 NATHAN MACHO 106 CIMARRON CIR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0522001060 PALOMINO HILLS 4TH $580.67 01-56603-07-040 JACKY WILSON 104 CHAPARRAL DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0519001040 PALOMINO HILLS 4TH $360.98 01-56606-01-010 DANA SMITH 8481 134TH STREET CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0582084816 PALOMINO HILLS 7TH $253.87 01-56650-05-080 JAY HANSEN 413 REFLECTION RD APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0567004136 PALOMINO HILLS LAKESHORE $318.17 01-56700-01-070 KEVIN DEE 109 CIMARRON CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0525001091 PALOMINO HILLS REPLAT $371.96 01-56722-01-030 TERRY HUNTER 13964 HOLYOKE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0370139640 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 3RD $242.83 01-56722-01-030 PAT MEACHHAM 13962 HOLYOKE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0370139624 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 3RD $135.53 01-56722-02-020 ANTONIO TAYLOR 13943 HOLYOKE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0370139434 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 3RD $354.95 01-56723-01-140 RESIDENT 13820 HOLYOKE LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0365138201 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 4TH $606.91 01-56723-01-180 NATHAN BRAUN 13812 HOLYOKE LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0365138128 PALOMINO LAKESIDE MEADOWS 4TH $184.04 01-56775-02-060 THOMAS COAKLEY 13585 HERSHEY CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0526135856 PALOMINO WOODS $197.37 01-56775-02-220 MEGAN HENDERSON 13585 HENNA AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0547135851 PALOMINO WOODS $403.48 01-56775-04-100 ALFRED SESAY 13620 HAVELOCK TRL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0533136202 PALOMINO WOODS $419.40 01-56775-05-040 JEREMY FROST 13649 HARMONY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0361136498 PALOMINO WOODS $197.37 01-56775-05-060 GONZALO DAVILA 13657 HARMONY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0361136571 PALOMINO WOODS $569.48 01-56775-05-070 SCOTT CAMPBELL 13669 HARMONY WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0361136696 PALOMINO WOODS $432.85 01-56775-05-140 MICHAEL FLOYD 13670 HARWELL PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0520136702 PALOMINO WOODS $263.25 01-56775-08-030 JUDITH A LINDROTH 8150 137TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0581081508 PALOMINO WOODS $258.06 01-56775-08-230 MARGARITA VARELA MURTIA 8102 137TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0581081029 PALOMINO WOODS $116.79 01-56775-09-120 PATRICIA J RIEDELL 13946 HERALD WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0362139467 PALOMINO WOODS $274.08 01-56775-10-110 KATHERINE HEALD 8354 140TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0570083549 PALOMINO WOODS $282.20 01-56775-10-120 WILLIAM GRANGER 8356 140TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0570083564 PALOMINO WOODS $523.67 01-56775-11-010 NHU DIHN TRAN 14030 HEYWOOD PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0366140305 PALOMINO WOODS $215.38 01-56775-11-150 DARREN J LIETZAU 14096 HEYWOOD PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0366140966 PALOMINO WOODS $323.50 01-57052-01-040 ANNE JOYCE 14439 GLENDA DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0352144394 PENNOCK SHORES 3RD $301.27 01-57500-01-030 JANIE JACKSON 14315 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032143156 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $311.30 01-57500-01-050 AHMED SOHIL 14323 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032143230 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $364.08 01-57500-01-070 YED NEKA CHEW TEGEGN 14331 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032143313 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $1,402.89 01-57500-03-080 CLAY KNOKE 14368 EMBRY PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0032143685 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $157.58 01-57500-06-060 PETER BARRINGTON 14391 EBONY LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0625143916 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 1ST $299.73 01-57503-02-050 TIM ABBOTT 14342 EBONY LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0625143429 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 4TH $442.21 01-57506-01-020 RESIDENT 14392 EMPIRE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0104143928 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $565.66 01-57506-01-220 JAMES HOLMES 14334 EMPIRE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0104143340 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $571.68 01-57506-02-040 TRAVIS HAVERLAND 14314 EMPIRE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0104143142 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $310.41 01-57506-02-110 MARY GLOVER 14300 EMPIRE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0104143001 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $1,184.55 01-57506-02-170 PAULA WILLIAMS 14272 EMPIRE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0104142722 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 7TH $289.04 01-57507-01-090 SAMANTHA HURD 14259 EMPIRE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0105142598 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 8TH $142.41 01-57507-01-140 ABIGAIL REISER 14282 ESTATES AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0112142821 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 8TH $277.06 01-57508-01-430 DINA O'SULLIVAN 14368 ESTATES AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0112143688 PILOT KNOB ESTATES 9TH $129.15 01-57650-02-010 LAURA HENRY 5809 126TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0777058094 PINECREST $161.57 01-57651-01-110 LAMPHONE SAENGSOURIYA 12713 EVELETH PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0671127136 PINECREST 2ND $393.40 01-57675-01-150 REBECCA A PINT 5549 126TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0777055496 PINECREST TOWNHOMES $161.39 01-57675-01-170 KARINA ACOSTA 5557 126TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0777055579 PINECREST TOWNHOMES $388.04 01-57675-01-200 JONATHAN GUTIERREZ 5569 126TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0777055694 PINECREST TOWNHOMES $351.25 01-57675-01-320 SHARON MITCHELL 5665 126TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0777056650 PINECREST TOWNHOMES $242.87 01-61602-01-010 RACHAEL MATSCH 6110 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877265093 QUARRY PONDS 3RD $179.63 Page 5 of 7 PID Name Address CityStateZip Account #Plat_Name Amount Exhibit B Resolution Number 2019- Delinquent Utility Accounts Assessment #661 01-63400-03-360 BRADLEY SOLEM 15694 FINEWOOD CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0132156942 REGATTA $332.15 01-63400-11-040 LYNNE BECK 6263 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210062632 REGATTA $345.92 01-63400-20-120 REGATTA COURTHOME RENTALS 15899 FJORD AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0138158991 REGATTA $2,149.78 01-63401-01-010 REGATTA COURTHOME RENTALS 6374 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210063747 REGATTA 2ND $3,335.82 01-63401-01-030 REGATTA COURTHOME RENTALS 6390 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210063903 REGATTA 2ND $3,009.95 01-63401-29-200 CHERYL COOPER 15578 FINCH AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0127155784 REGATTA 2ND $424.46 01-63402-12-010 CHRISTOPHER PECORE 6451 158TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0210064513 REGATTA 3RD $157.58 01-63402-16-030 JOHN BORDONE-WATER OFF 6407 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208064079 REGATTA 3RD $219.84 01-63402-19-020 KELLIE KEGLEY 6438 157TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0208064384 REGATTA 3RD $112.83 01-63402-31-010 DARINA KATARGIN 15636 FLOAT CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0167156361 REGATTA 3RD $321.07 01-63441-01-040 NDRI DIBY 15711 FAIR HILL WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0877265473 REGENTS POINT 2ND $505.67 01-64600-01-020 RONALD VOSS 14259 DRAKE PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0610142592 ROLLING RIDGE $455.01 01-64600-02-060 KENNETH BOEHM 14295 DRAKE PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0610142956 ROLLING RIDGE $370.40 01-64600-02-070 GUENET ALEMAYEHU 4815 143RD ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0850048152 ROLLING RIDGE $235.49 01-64600-04-070 ERIC W ANDERSON 14405 DRUMLIN CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0611144050 ROLLING RIDGE $308.62 01-64700-01-150 RENEE OGREN 7301 132ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0790073013 ROYAL OAKS ESTATES $161.39 01-66200-01-070 DAVID BRUNI 7197 131ST CIR W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0788071979 SALEM WOODS $202.14 01-66500-03-070 RICHARD TENGWALL 13826 GLADIOLA WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0766138261 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $386.52 01-66500-04-090 ANDREW EVERT 7220 UPPER 139TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0838072209 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $269.48 01-66500-04-120 ELISHA VEESENMEYER 7274 UPPER 139TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0838072746 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $280.94 01-66500-04-130 MARYANNE DOVOLOS 7298 UPPER 139TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0838072985 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $158.57 01-66500-04-230 STEWART GOODMAN 13968 GLAZIER CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0772139683 SCOTT HIGHLANDS $454.85 01-66501-01-050 GLENN HAZZARD 14160 GARRETT AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0748141607 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 2ND $693.82 01-66501-02-290 MAXIMO SANCHEZ 14089 GLAZIER AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0769140892 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 2ND $251.36 01-66501-02-310 CHRISTOPHER MCCARGAR 14113 GLAZIER AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0769141130 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 2ND $285.62 01-66501-05-020 JEFFREY C SCHNEIDER 7220 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0844072201 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 2ND $349.02 01-66502-03-120 JACOB BANASZEWSKI 14408 GLADIOLA CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0763144080 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $164.19 01-66502-06-010 CHRIS ELLICKSON 7016 GALAXIE CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0736070164 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $275.83 01-66502-06-070 DANNIA EDWARDS 7040 UPPER 143RD CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0847070400 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $455.44 01-66502-06-080 GEORGE BAKALOV 7036 UPPER 143RD CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0847070368 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $335.90 01-66502-06-130 JASON RYLANDER 14236 GARLAND AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0745142368 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $134.87 01-66502-07-040 SAMUEL SCHOLLER 7069 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0844070692 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 3RD $172.63 01-66503-03-010 CHAD ZUELOW 14347 GARLAND AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0745143473 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 4TH $314.07 01-66503-03-200 MIKE J MCCORMICK 14400 GARRETT AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0748144007 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 4TH $433.48 01-66503-06-060 ZOE VEDETTE GARRISON 7118 145TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0859071189 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 4TH $293.74 01-66503-06-090 KRISTY CERONSKY 7172 145TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0859071726 SCOTT HIGHLANDS 4TH $157.17 01-66700-02-040 SCOTT A FRIEDLAND 5900 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0844059000 SCOTTSBRIAR $466.21 01-66700-04-140 EDWIN SANCHEZ CAASTILLO 14393 EUROPA AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0634143931 SCOTTSBRIAR $487.32 01-66700-05-020 NEIL ERICKSON 5650 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0844056501 SCOTTSBRIAR $276.79 01-66700-05-070 RICHARD CONOVER 5716 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0844057160 SCOTTSBRIAR $290.83 01-66700-05-100 DOMINIQUE SHEPHERD 5754 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0844057541 SCOTTSBRIAR $427.10 01-66700-06-010 JONAS MARFORI 14306 EUCLID AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0665143065 SCOTTSBRIAR $182.49 01-66700-06-020 JASON CRESS 14314 EUCLID AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0665143149 SCOTTSBRIAR $272.61 01-66700-06-070 AMANDA MOBERG 14356 EUCLID AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0665143560 SCOTTSBRIAR $195.33 01-66700-07-150 PATRICK SAMUELSON 5647 144TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0857056471 SCOTTSBRIAR $312.19 01-66700-08-020 LYNN HANSEN 5732 144TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0857057321 SCOTTSBRIAR $176.85 01-66700-08-030 RESIDENT 5718 144TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0857057180 SCOTTSBRIAR $289.29 01-66701-01-090 WILLIE LUMSON 14431 EXLEY LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0626144319 SCOTTSBRIAR 2ND $388.73 01-66701-03-140 ROSIE MUNZ 14449 EVEREST AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0673144493 SCOTTSBRIAR 2ND $337.25 01-66900-01-100 THOMAS SMITH 12504 EMPRESS CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0819125042 SEASONS ON THE PARK $176.88 01-73101-05-090 OMER QUREISHY 13955 DULUTH CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0639139553 SUMMERFIELD 2ND $123.41 01-75950-01-070 JEANIE LOMBARDI 7880 133RD ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0580078802 THE OAKS OF APPLE VALLEY $355.85 01-75952-04-030 TODD FARRINGTON 4574 137TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0823045749 THE OAKS OF APPLE VALLEY III $161.39 01-76204-01-030 NANCY TSCHIDA 13986 EMBER WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0699139865 THE WOODWINDS 5TH $402.28 01-76503-01-110 PATRICK MCKENZIE 8410 141ST CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0574084105 TIMBERWICK 4TH $318.61 01-76504-02-180 DAVID A JOHNSON 7755 139TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0369077553 TIMBERWICK 5TH $367.63 01-76506-01-040 HOUSES FOR RENT L.L.C. 13789 GUILD AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0509137895 TIMBERWICK 7TH $191.91 01-76506-01-070 JOHN GRANLUND 13795 GUILD AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0509137952 TIMBERWICK 7TH $285.51 01-76900-01-130 DAVE BELL 15263 DUNDEE AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0029152632 TOUSIGNANTS PRAIRIE CROSSING $337.37 01-76900-01-220 CHRISTINA A DAVIES 15111 DUTCHESS CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0068151115 TOUSIGNANTS PRAIRIE CROSSING $308.09 01-76900-05-280 MILLICENT WARRINGTON 15278 DUPONT PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0120152788 TOUSIGNANTS PRAIRIE CROSSING $414.07 01-76900-05-400 BUNGKYU JUNG 15182 DUPONT PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0120151822 TOUSIGNANTS PRAIRIE CROSSING $430.07 01-77000-02-030 EMMANUEL KOJO 7509 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100075090 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $422.35 01-77000-04-060 DAVID HERNANDEZ 7585 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100075850 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $515.13 01-77000-07-030 JESSICA CROWLEY 7691 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100076916 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $257.48 01-77000-08-060 ANTHONY BAHNER 7685 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100076858 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $285.53 01-77000-11-060 DAVE MITTELSTAEDT 7797 WHITNEY DR APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0100077971 TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDN $259.45 01-81301-02-080 SUSAN KNUTSON 14128 HEYWOOD PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0366141287 VALLEY MEADOWS 2ND $154.99 01-81301-02-090 JOHN ZENDER 14132 HEYWOOD PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0366141329 VALLEY MEADOWS 2ND $330.24 01-81320-02-100 JOSHUA THORSTAD 12853 PENNOCK AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0386128538 VALLEY OAKS TOWNHOMES $310.94 01-81325-01-050 SHANNON JOHNSON 14973 EMBER CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0122149733 VALLEY PINES $340.81 01-81325-01-100 MATT ROEHRICK 14983 EMBER CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0122149832 VALLEY PINES $293.04 01-81400-01-020 ANGELA FULLER 7391 146TH WAY W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0867073912 VALLEY SOUTH $430.42 01-81400-01-030 DELMOND HUCK 7381 146TH WAY W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0867073813 VALLEY SOUTH $297.12 01-81400-02-120 ZELALEM KINDE 7335 UPPER 146TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0864073352 VALLEY SOUTH $385.88 01-81400-02-160 CLARIE GRANT 14650 GLAZIER AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0769146501 VALLEY SOUTH $579.17 01-81454-01-050 ALI SUFI DHEERE 14772 LOWER ENDICOTT WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0197147729 VALLEY WAY VILLAGE 5TH $302.76 01-81454-01-070 AMINA OSMAN 14784 LOWER ENDICOTT WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0197147844 VALLEY WAY VILLAGE 5TH $364.29 01-81456-01-240 SARAH HOWE 14701 ENDICOTT WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0194147011 VALLEY WAY VILLAGE 7TH $277.12 01-81457-01-090 SCOTT LARSON 14809 ENDICOTT WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0194148092 VALLEY WAY VILLAGE 8TH $376.65 01-83251-02-010 MUSYOKA KALIO 13954 FALLBROOK WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0825139540 WATERFORD VILLAGE 2ND $361.37 01-83276-01-210 IRENE EIDE 13943 FARMINGTON WAY APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0831139435 WATERFORD VILLAGE TWNHM 2ND $288.48 01-83276-01-290 MARK GRUBB 13952 FALCON AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0705139529 WATERFORD VILLAGE TWNHM 2ND $182.49 01-83276-01-370 JOHN KURIMAY 13939 FALCON AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0705139396 WATERFORD VILLAGE TWNHM 2ND $290.83 01-84190-01-030 STEVE HAAS 13758 HEYWOOD CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0366137582 WILDWOOD $379.40 Page 6 of 7 PID Name Address CityStateZip Account #Plat_Name Amount Exhibit B Resolution Number 2019- Delinquent Utility Accounts Assessment #661 01-84190-02-010 MICHAEL P LARKIN 13745 HEYWOOD CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0366137459 WILDWOOD $282.58 01-84190-05-010 BARBARA GEORGE 13806 HEYWOOD CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0366138069 WILDWOOD $277.95 01-84191-01-030 MICHELLE PELLAND-SCHUENKE 8335 139TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0369083353 WILDWOOD 2ND $162.30 01-84193-03-020 LEE SACHS 8368 LOWER 138TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0371083680 WILDWOOD 4TH $294.14 01-84194-01-010 ANNA LEE 8331 UPPER 138TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0374083315 WILDWOOD 5TH $126.71 01-84194-02-050 DARIO JESUS NOCHEZ-WATER OFF 8336 UPPER 138TH CT W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0374083364 WILDWOOD 5TH $323.23 01-84195-02-010 TIBABU TENNA 13720 HEMLOCK CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0363137205 WILDWOOD 6TH $317.05 01-84351-01-110 HUBERT BORRMANN 13017 GARRETT LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0752130173 WILLIAMSBURG 2ND $237.89 01-84700-01-050 PATRICK GALLOWAY 12816 DENMARK AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0628128161 THE WOODS $2,627.31 01-84725-01-010 DUSTIN YEAGER-OFF-NDS METER 12994 GARNER LN APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0746129943 WOODSIDE ESTATES $292.86 01-85280-01-020 TARA NELSON 13935 FLEETWOOD AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0719139358 WYNDEMERE ADDITION $339.38 01-85282-01-040 JESSICA PETERSON 13974 FINDLAY CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0709139749 WYNDEMERE ADDITION 3RD $191.02 01-85283-03-010 SHELBY DANFORTH-HERUTH 6512 137TH ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 0823065127 WYNDEMERE ADDITION TH $174.05 TOTAL $173,042.87 Page 7 of 7 I T E M: 4.E. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A dopt Resolution Setting P ublic Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on October 10, 2019, for 2019 S pecial A ssessment Roll No. 662, $1,784.00 - Delinquent False A larm Charges S taff Contact: Cathy B roughten, Assistant Finance Director Department / Division: Finance Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Motion to adopt the resolution approving 2019 Special Assessment Roll No. 662, for hearing purposes, in the total amount of $1,784.00 for delinquent false alarm charges, and setting the public hearing at 7:00 p.m., on October 10, 2019. S UM M ARY: Attached please find the public hearing documents for the 2019 Special Assessment Roll No. 662 for delinquent false alarm charges. T he total amount of the assessment is $1,784.00 and represents false alarm charges billed by the C ity, which includes a $50.00 administrative fee. T he number of properties involved and the amounts of the charges are not consistent from year to year. T he amount is up from the Spring 2019 assessment of $1,388.00. It is also higher than the Fall 2018 assessment of $1,124.00. Certification History Spring 2019 $1,388.00 Fall 2018 $1,124.00 Spring 2016 $1,438.00 Fall 2015 $1,570.00 Spring 2015 $1,752.00 B AC K G RO UND: N/A B UD G E T I M PAC T: T he ultimate adoption of the assessment roll and the collection of the certified amounts will avoid having to write-off $1,784.00 of previously billed revenues. AT TAC HM E NT S : Resolution Exhibit Exhibit EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at the Municipal Center in said municipality on the 10th day of October, 2019, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. The following members were present: and the following were absent: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Finance Director presented proposed assessment roll 662, a copy being attached hereto as Exhibit B. The Finance Director stated that the foregoing assessment roll was prepared by finance department staff, and in accordance with the instructions of the Council. The Council reviewed the assessment roll and ordered that it be placed on file and open to public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. Member XXX introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 2 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The assessment roll, as set forth in Exhibit B of this Resolution and as now on file in the office of the Clerk, is hereby approved as proposed assessment for said improvement. The Council shall meet at the Apple Valley Municipal Center on the 10th day of October, 2019, starting at 7:00 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of passing upon said assessments and hearing all objections thereto. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notices of said meeting to be mailed, as provided by law, and to be published once in the City’s official newspaper, no less than two (2) weeks before the date of said meeting, which notices shall be in substantially the following form: SEE FORM ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT A 3. Each and all of the terms and provisions of said form of notice are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions by which this Council shall be governed in hearing and passing upon objections to said assessments, as fully as though the same were separately set forth and resolved herein. ADOPTED this 12th day of September, 2019. ____________________________________ Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk * * * * * * * * * * * * The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member XXX and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Exhibit A RESOLUTION NUMBER 2019- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLLS IN THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Apple Valley will meet at the Municipal Center, 7100 W. 147th Street, on the 10th of October, 2019, at 7:00 o’clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for delinquent false alarm charges as hereinafter described. The proposed assessment roll is on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection by all persons interested therein. The assessments against each piece of property will be payable, unless prepaid, in one installment as hereinafter described. The installment is to be payable with the general taxes collectible during the year 2020. Interest shall be added at the per annum rate specified on the entire assessment from the date of the resolution levying the assessment until December 31, 2020. The assessment may be prepaid to the Apple Valley City Clerk, without interest within thirty (30) days following the date of adoption. Roll 662 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 11783 01 020 APPLE VALLEY SQUARE 4TH $ 182.00 01 11784 01 020 APPLE VALLEY SQUARE 5TH $ 182.00 01 18390 01 030 CUB FOODS ADDITION $ 1,238.00 01 71051 01 030 SOUTHPORT CENTRE 2ND $ 182.00 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS $ 1,784.00 Written or oral objections will be considered. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of any assessment unless written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. An owner may appeal an assessment to the district court pursuant to M.S.A. 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City of Apple Valley within thirty (30) days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court of Dakota County within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. DATED this 12th day of September, 2019. Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk City of Apple Valley 7100 147th Street W. Apple Valley, MN 55124 Exhibit B Resolution Number 2019- Delinquent False Alarm Charges Assessment #662 PID#/Plat Name/Description Owner Name/Address Billing Name/Address Amount 01 11783 01 020 APPLE VALLEY MN REALTY LLC ALDI FOODS $ 182.00 APPLE VALLEY SQUARE 4TH 295 MADISON AVE FL 37TH 7589 153RD ST W DELINQ FALSE ALARMS NEW YORK, NY 10017 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 01 11784 01 020 CAR APPLE VALLEY SQUARE LLC SAVERS $ 182.00 APPLE VALLEY SQUARE 5TH P.O. BOX 790830 7608 150TH ST W DELINQ FALSE ALARMS SAN ANTONIO, TX 78279-0830 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 01 18390 01 030 MRR LLC SMASHBURGER $1,238.00 CUB FOODS ADDITION P.O. BOX 202068 7391 153RD ST W #100 DELINQ FALSE ALARMS BLOOMINGTON, MN 55420 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 01 71051 01 030 WAYNE & CAROL WIEBER OFFICE MAX $ 182.00 SOUTHPORT CENTRE 2ND P.O. BOX 1356 7361 153RD ST W DELINQ FALSE ALARMS ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1356 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS $1,784.00 I T E M: 4.F. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A dopt Resolution Setting P ublic Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on October 10, 2019, for 2019 S pecial A ssessment Roll No. 663, $3,075.74 - Delinquent Tree Removal Charges S taff Contact: Cathy B roughten, Assistant Finance Director Department / Division: Finance Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Motion to adopt the resolution approving 2019 Special Assessment Roll No. 663, for hearing purposes, in the total amount of $3,075.74 for delinquent tree removal charges, and setting the public hearing, at 7:00 p.m., on October 10, 2019. S UM M ARY: Attached please find the public hearing documents for the 2019 Special Assessment Roll No. 663 for delinquent tree removal charges. T he total amount of the assessment is $3,075.74 and represents tree removal charges incurred by the C ity, which includes a $50.00 administrative fee. T he number of properties involved and the amounts of charges are not consistent from year to year. Certification History Spring 2019 $4,675.12 Fall 2018 $1,098.92 Spring 2016 $2,417.84 Spring 2015 $3,614.79 Fall 2014 $1,399.25 B AC K G RO UND: N/A B UD G E T I M PAC T: T he ultimate adoption of the assessment roll and collection of the levied assessments will result in the recovery of $3,075.74 to offset costs. AT TAC HM E NT S : Resolution Exhibit Exhibit EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at the Municipal Center in said municipality on the 12th day of September, 2019, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. The following members were present: and the following were absent: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Finance Director presented proposed assessment roll 663, a copy being attached hereto as Exhibit B. The Finance Director stated that the foregoing assessment roll was prepared by finance department staff, and in accordance with the instructions of the Council. The Council reviewed the assessment roll and ordered that it be placed on file and open to public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. Member XXX introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 2 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The assessment roll, as set forth in Exhibit B of this Resolution and as now on file in the office of the Clerk, is hereby approved as proposed assessment for said improvement. The Council shall meet at the Apple Valley Municipal Center on the 10th day of October, 2019, starting at 7:00 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of passing upon said assessments and hearing all objections thereto. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notices of said meeting to be mailed, as provided by law, and to be published once in the City’s official newspaper, no less than two (2) weeks before the date of said meeting, which notices shall be in substantially the following form: SEE FORM ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT A 3. Each and all of the terms and provisions of said form of notice are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions by which this Council shall be governed in hearing and passing upon objections to said assessments, as fully as though the same were separately set forth and resolved herein. ADOPTED this 12th day of September, 2019. ____________________________________ Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk * * * * * * * * * * * * The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member XXX and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Exhibit A RESOLUTION NUMBER 2019- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLLS IN THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Apple Valley will meet at the Municipal Center, 7100 147th Street W., on the 10th of October, 2019, at 7:00 o’clock p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for delinquent tree removal charges as hereinafter described. The proposed assessment roll is on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection by all persons interested therein. The assessments against each piece of property will be payable, unless prepaid, in one installment as hereinafter described. The installment is to be payable with the general taxes collectible during the year 2020. Interest shall be added at the per annum rate specified on the entire assessment from the date of the resolution levying the assessment until December 31, 2020. The assessment may be prepaid to the Apple Valley City Clerk, without interest within thirty (30) days following the date of adoption. Roll 663 – One (1) Installment at 8.0% 01 11702 06 210 APPLE VALLEY 3RD $2,171.42 01 56600 02 020 PALOMINO HILLS $ 904.33 TOTAL ASSESSMENT $ 3,075.74 Written or oral objections will be considered. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of any assessment unless written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. An owner may appeal an assessment to the district court pursuant to M.S.A. 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City of Apple Valley within thirty (30) days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court of Dakota County within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. DATED this 12th day of September, 2019. Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk City of Apple Valley 7100 147th Street W. Apple Valley, MN 55124 Exhibit B Resolution Number 2019- Delinquent Tree Removal Assessment #663 PID#/Plat Name/Descrip Owner Name/Address Billing Name/Address Amount 01 11702 06 210 ALLEN & JANET CONWAY ALLEN & JANET CONWAY $2,171.42 APPLE VALLEY 3RD 241 PINEWOOD DR 241 PINEWOOD DR DISEASED TREE REMOVAL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 01 56600 02 020 PAUL & IMMACULETA ANOZIE PAUL & IMMACULETA ANOZIE $ 904.33 PALOMINO HILLS 403 CIMARRON RD 403 CIMARRON RD DISEASED TREE REMOVAL APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 TOTAL ASSESSMENT $3,075.74 I T E M: 4.G. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Truth-in-Taxation I nsert S taff Contact: Ronald Hedberg, F inance Director Department / Division: Finance Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Motion to approve the attached Truth in Taxation Insert. S UM M ARY: T he C ity of Apple Valley has the option to include a 1/3 page insert along with the Truth in Taxation Notice that will be mailed to property owners in N ovember. T he insert provides the opportunity to include additional information on the budget. Staff recommends that an insert be included with the notice and attached is a draft of the proposed insert. We propose to have it printed in color on plain paper. T he focus of this year’s insert is on the budget impacts of the annual street maintenance program, water meter replacement program and Emerald Ash Borer treatment. B AC K G RO UND: N/A B UD G E T I M PAC T: T he printing and inserting costs of the insert are the responsibility of the C ity. T he printing cost for 18,600 color inserts will be approximately $700. T he C ity’s share of the C ounty’s cost for sending out the 2019 Truth in Taxation Notices was $3,204. AT TAC HM E NT S : Exhibit Apple Valley’s Budget Preserves the Public’s Investment in our Infrastructure The City’s 2020 property tax levy reflects the City Council’s focus on protecting and maintaining the condition of the City’s infrastructure by addressing upcoming street and utility reconstruction needs. The 2020 budget provides for the Street Maintenance Program in addition to the replacement of the utility meters. Some of Apple Valley’s oldest streets have reached the point of requiring reconstruction. The City Council’s policy avoids levying special assessments for street maintenance costs against benefiting properties. Instead, the City Council chose to apply a significant portion of the annual property tax levy towards the Street Maintenance Program thereby avoiding the need to levy additional special assessments. Since the discovery of the Emerald Ash Borer in City Ash trees in 2016, the City will see a 2020 levy increase of $147,000 for responding to the infestation. Also in 2020, the City will complete the replacement of water meters throughout the City and there will not be a separate charge to the utility customer for the replacement. The City Council approved the preliminary budget for 2020 on September 12, 2019. The result of the proposed budget on the median-valued home is an increase of approximately $55 in City taxes, or approximately 5.5%, for a total of $1,073. See the back for the breakdown on how your tax dollars are used by the City. The levy to support the proposed 2020 budget shows an increase of 3.9%, for a total of $27,381,000. The total tax levy includes the annual Street Maintenance Program funding which increases to $3,540,000. Breakdown of Property Tax Levy 2019 2020 Change % Change General Fund $21,214,055 $22,097,895 $ 883,840 4.2% Street Maintenance Program 3,437,000 3,540,000 103,000 3.0% Municipal Building Fund 186,000 192,000 6,000 3.2% Ice Arena Support 121,000 121,000 -0- 0.0% Debt Service 1,391,945 1,430,105 38,160 2.7% Total $ 26,350,000 $ 27,381,000 $ 1,031,000 3.9% For additional information on the City’s budget, look for information in the City’s newsletter the CityNews, call Finance Director Ron Hedberg, at 952-953-2540, attend the Truth in Taxation Meeting on December 12, 2019, or visit the City’s website at www.ci.apple-valley.mn.us. Street Maintenance Program Addresses Over 66 Miles of Street in First Seven Years The Street Maintenance Program preserves the condition of the streets throughout the community. Residents and property owners are not specially assessed for this work, as the costs of the program are incorporated into the property tax levy. Approximately $122 of the 2020 property tax bill for the median-valued home of $277,700 will go to support the annual Street Maintenance Program. Since inception, the City of Apple Valley has completed maintenance on approximately 66 miles of streets consisting of one of the following three methods: • Micro-surfacing/fog sealing - sealing the pavement surface • Overlay - placement of a new 1-inch to 2-inch thick asphalt surface on the street • Full-depth pavement replacement For more information on the annual Street Maintenance Program visit the City of Apple Valley’s website at www.ci.apple-valley.mn.us. I T E M: 4.H. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Reduction of Various Financial Guarantees S taff Contact: J oan Murphy, Department A ssistant Department / Division: Community Development Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve reduction of various financial guarantees. S UM M ARY: T he C ity holds numerous financial guarantees to ensure the installation of certain improvements in new developments, as well as to assure protection of natural resources. Staff review of the status of these developments indicates that the following actions are in order: 1.Quarry Ponds Fourth Addition (PC15-47-ZS) Project 2016-164 LO C #1110151 Original Deposit on 5/5/17 $487,925.00 Reduced 7/27/17 to $311,161.80 Reduced 8/23/18 to $100,000.00 Reduced 9/13/18 to $15,000.00 Reduce now to $5,000 2.Quarry Ponds Fifth Addition (PC18-04-F) Project 2017-136 LO C #20007624675 Original Deposit on 6/14/18 $1,001,405.00 Reduced 8/23/18 to $719,816.18 Reduced 9/13/18 to $299,924.00 Reduced 12/27/18 to $122,414.00 Reduced 2/14/19 to $76,714.00 Reduced 7/11/19 to $25,000.00 Reduce now to $20,000.00 3.Regent’s Point Second Addition (PC16-05-F) LO C #69607460 Original Deposit on 6/23/16 $751,750.00 Reduced 7/13/17 to $58,000.00 Reduced 2/8/18 to $7,200.00 Reduced 8/23/18 to $3,200.00 Reduce now to $0.00 B AC K G RO UND: N/A B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A I T E M: 4.I . C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove S treet Closure for L e Tour de A pple Valley Bike Ride on S eptember 14, 2019 S taff Contact: Matt Saam, Public Works Director Department / Division: P ublic Works Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve closure of Fontana Trail from 152nd Street to Fortino Street from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the Le Tour de Apple Valley bike ride on September 14, 2019. S UM M ARY: As part of this year’s Le Tour de Apple Valley bike ride, the Fire Department has requested to use the street and associated on-street parking of Fontana Trail, located just to the east of Kelly Park. T heir use includes a proposal to temporarily close the public street of Fontana Trail from 152nd Street to Fortino Street for a short period from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on the day of the bike ride, September 14, 2019. Staff sees no issue with this request and is therefore recommending approval. Attached is a map showing the road closure area. B AC K G RO UND: Le Tour de Apple Valley has been held in the C ity since 2014. T his year's ride will be the 6th annual. B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A AT TAC HM E NT S : Map 152ND ST W FOLIAGE AVEFORTINO ST GABELLA ST FRESCO TERFRESCO TER153RD ST W FLOUNDERS LANE 153RD ST W 151ST ST W KELLEY PARK FOLIAGE AVEFONTANA TRAIL CLOSED FROM 152ND TO FORTINO ST FONTANA TRAIL ROAD CLOSURE City of Apple Valley FEETSCALE 0 200100 N I T E M: 4.J . C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: Direct S taff and City Attorney to Develop Code Amendments to A ddress Temporary Refuse Receptacles S taff Contact: A lex Sharpe, Planner and Economic Development Spec. Department / Division: Community Development Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Direct staff and the City Attorney to develop code amendments to address temporary refuse receptacles. S UM M ARY: In J une 2019 the C ity C ouncil directed the Urban Affairs Advisory C ommittee (UA A C) to research and develop recommendations for a new product called "Bagsters" that have become a nuisance and a code enforcement issue within the community. Due to the "Bagster" being an actual product name staff has developed a definition for products like these. T he current definition is: temporary refuse receptacles. With direction from the C ity Council, staff will work with the C ity Attorney to ensure this definition will allow for clear enforcement and not conflict with other parts of the code. T he UA A C met and discussed temporary refuse receptacles in J uly and August 2019 and were presented the information attached to this report. Based on the materials provided, photos and the number of active and new temporary refuse receptacles reported, the UA A C made the following recommendations to guide C ity Code work by the Attorney: A definition, such as temporary refuse receptacle shall be developed to ensure there is differentiation between this product, trash bins, and roll-off dumpsters. Temporary refuse receptacles shall not be stored in the right-of-way. T he vehicle that picks them up is able to reach up to 16' from the curb, and can drive on driveways. Temporary refuse receptacles shall be permitted for up to two weeks while owners fill the product, after this time they must be removed within 5 days or the C ity will begin enforcement procedures. Temporary refuse receptacles are allowed on any surface, including the driveway or grass. T he collection of the temporary refuse receptacle can occur outside of established daily residential hauling zones mentioned in C hapter 50 of C ity Code. B AC K G RO UND: City C ouncil has further discussed this item and received and commented on the UA A C's recommendations. T he requested action initiates the next step for staff to work with the City Attorney. B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A AT TAC HM E NT S : Presentation I T E M: 4.K. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove I ssuance of F ooting and F oundation Permit with Menard, I nc., for Menard's B uildings L ocated at 6055 150th Street W. S taff Contact: Thomas L ovelace, City Planner Department / Division: Community Development Department Applicant: Menard, I nc. P roject Number: P C18-17-Z S B Applicant Date: 60 Days: 120 Days: AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve the issuance of building permit to Menard, Inc. for the construction of footings and foundations for a 171,606-sq. ft. building and materials store, 34,603-sq. ft. unheated garden center and 48,970-sq. ft. warehouse, located at 6055 150th Street West. S UM M ARY: On November 15, 2018, the Apple Valley City Council approved a preliminary planned development agreement, public improvements design agreement, C omprehensive Plan Land Use Map re-designation, rezoning, planned development ordinance, preliminary plat and site plan/building permit authorization to allow for the redevelopment of the former Hanson Pipe Manufacturing property. C ity staff and Menard, Inc. are in the process of completing the final plat and development agreement for this project. Staff anticipates that the final plat and development agreement will be placed on the City C ouncil agenda for consideration in October. Menard, Inc. would like to get started on their project and issuance of a building permit to allow for the construction of the footings and foundations for a 171,606-sq. ft. building and materials store, 34,603-sq. ft. unheated garden center and 48,970-sq. ft. warehouse, provides a way to proceed in advance of the C ity approving the final plat and development agreement. It should be noted that construction of the footings and foundation prior to approval of the final plat and development does carry a risk for the developer and they have acknowledged that they will assume that risk. Authorization by the C ity C ouncil does not carry any obligation that the developer pull the permits, it just provides the opportunity to do so. B AC K G RO UND: N/A B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A AT TAC HM E NT S : Applicant L etter Site P lan m September 4,2019 Mayor Mary Hamann-Roland City of Apple Valley 7100 1147ú Street West Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 Re Menards at Hanson Concrete Apple Valley, MÍnnesota Mayor, On behalf of Menard, Inc., I am formally requesting the City of Apple Valley approve a building permit for footings and foundations associated with the proposed Menards replãcement store at the former Hanson Concrete Plant property. The plans are currently undergoing commercial Building Plan Review by Building Inspector Don Harmsen. Menard, Inc. is aware of the absence of a signed Development Agreement and an approved Final Plat. City Staffand the City Attorney are also aware of our desire to receive a draft of the Development Agreement and get both items finalized as soon as possible. Menard, Inc. is willing to assume all risks associated with proceeding with footings and foundations despite the absence of the signed Development Agreernent and approved Final Plat. Your approval would be appreciated. Best regards, Thomas O'Neil Real Estate Acquisitions Menard, Inc. 5101 MENARD DRIVE EAU CLAIRE, Wt 54703-9625 PHONE (715) 876-5911 FAX (715) 876-2868 I T E M: 4.L . C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A dopt Resolution Directing P reparation of Plans and S pecifications for Project 2020-103, 2020 Micro S urfacing S taff Contact: B randon A nderson, City Engineer Department / Division: E ngineering Division AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Adopt resolution directing preparation of plans and specifications for Project 2020-103, 2020 Micro Surfacing. S UM M ARY: T he C ity of Apple Valley 2020 C apital Improvement Program identifies $499,500 for street preservation in the form of micro surfacing and crack sealing. A ttached for consideration is a resolution ordering plans and specifications for Project 2020-103, 2020 Micro Surfacing. It’s anticipated that approximately 118,825 square yards of street will be micro surfaced including portions of the following neighborhoods and streets: Huntington Additions Briar Oak Knoll 1st Addition Diamond Path Townhome Additions Walnut Hills Addition White Oak Ridge Addition Dominica Way and Dominica Way West Hunters Woods Additions Huron C ourt Cobblestone Lakeview Addition Other miscellaneous cul-de-sacs T he project development tasks for the proposed improvements would involve the following scope of work: Conduct a topographical field survey to collect ground elevation, utility locations, and surface features within the proposed work zone. Conduct a geotechnical investigation and soil borings within the work zone. Prepare plans, specifications, and a project cost estimate and schedule for construction. Review project plans and cost estimate with the C ity Council prior to bid process. T he locations of the proposed improvements are identified on the attached map (Figure: 1). B AC K G RO UND: T he work consists of applying a thin wear-resistant layer of oil and rock mixture that helps prevent pavement oxidation and seepage of moisture into the pavement surface. B UD G E T I M PAC T: Following is a summary of anticipated project costs and funding sources: Estimated Project C osts: C onstruction Cost $ 449,500 C onstruction Contingency 20,000 Engineering Design 15,000 Inspection 15,000 Total Estimated C ost $ 499,500 Project Funding: Municipal State Aid $ 499,500 Total Estimated Funding $ 499,500 AT TAC HM E NT S : Map Resolution Figure 1 2020 Micro Surfacing City of Apple Valley 2020 Capital Improvement Program Areas TYPE O 1500 3000 SCALE FEET ••• ·=·=·=·=··••· Awle 11 Va ey CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 2020-103, 2020 MICRO SURFACING WHEREAS, the City’s Capital Improvements Program identifies streets for proposed maintenance in 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the scope of proposed maintenance associated with the 2020 Micro Surfacing project; and WHEREAS, the City Council considers it to be in the best interest of the City to begin the process of information gathering and have plans and specifications prepared for said improvements scheduled for construction in the year 2020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, that: 1. Improvement Project 2020-103, 2020 Micro Surfacing is hereby established. 2. Staff is directed to conduct preliminary field work and prepare plans and specifications. ADOPTED this 12th day of September 2019. __________________________________ Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk I T E M: 4.M. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A dopt Resolution Directing P reparation of Plans and S pecifications for Project 2020-104, Garden View Drive Street and Utility I mprovements S taff Contact: B randon A nderson, City Engineer Department / Division: E ngineering Division AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Adopt resolution directing preparation of plans and specifications for Project 2020-104, Garden View Drive Street and Utility Improvements. S UM M ARY: T he C ity of Apple Valley 2020 C apital Improvement Program identifies utility replacement, street reconstruction work and mill and overlay Improvements at the following locations: Garden View Drive between Walnut Lane and 150th Street W (C R 42) – Mill & Overlay Garden View Drive between 150th Street W (C R 42) and Whitney D rive – Street Reconstruction Garden View Drive between Whitney Drive and 160th Street W (C R 46) – Mill & Overlay Scope of work includes total replacement of approximately 2,590 linear feet of sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewer and street and sidewalk reconstruction along Garden View from C R 42 to Whitney Drive and approximately 6,175 linear feet of full depth mill and overlay. T he project development tasks for the proposed improvements would involve the following scope of work. Conduct a topographical field survey to collect ground elevation, utility locations, and surface features within the proposed work zone. Conduct a geotechnical investigation and soil borings within the work zone. Conduct a neighborhood informational meeting to discuss the project with residents. Prepare plans, specifications, and a project cost estimate and schedule for construction. Review project plans and cost estimate with the C ity Council prior to bid process. A map of the proposed project area is attached (Figure: 1). B AC K G RO UND: T his project is tentatively scheduled for utility and street reconstruction in 2020 due to age and deterioration of existing infrastructure. T he proposed project area regularly experiences water main breaks; the sanitary sewer requires regular root cutting; and the street Overall Condition Index (O C I) rating less than 40, which is considered failing and is well below the City goal of 74. C ity staff recommends that the design process begin this fall to allow field surveying work to be completed prior to the winter snow season. B UD G E T I M PAC T: Project costs and funding included in the 2020 operating budget are summarized as follows: Estimated Project C osts: C onstruction Cost $ 2,490,000 Engineering, C ontract Admin, Inspection, Testing, Survey 830,000 Total Estimated C ost $ 3,320,000 Estimated Project Funding Municipal State Aid $ 2,417,000 Street Light Utility Fund Sanitary Sewer Utility Water Utility 15,000 456,000 432,000 Total Estimated Funding $ 3,320,000 AT TAC HM E NT S : Map Resolution 2.. 2020-104 GARDEN VIEW STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS City of Apple Valley 2020 Capital Improvement Program Areas FEETSCALE 0 30001500 HORZ.Flagstaff AvenueN Johnny Cake Ridge RoadDiamond PathCITY HALL BID SITE 160th Street (Co. Rd 46)Pilot Knob Rd140th Street McAndrews Rd Garden View DrCedar Ave150th Street (Co. Rd 42)Interstate 35EGARDEN VIEW MILL & OVERLAY GARDEN VIEW MILL & OVERLAY GARDEN VIEW STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 2020-104, GARDEN VIEW DRIVE STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the City’s Capital Improvements Program identifies streets for proposed infrastructure improvements in 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the scope of proposed improvements associated with the Garden View Drive Street and Utility Improvements project; and WHEREAS, the City Council considers it to be in the best interest of the City to begin the process of information gathering and have plans and specifications prepared for said improvements scheduled for construction in the year 2020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, that: 1. Improvement Project 2020-104, Garden View Drive Street and Utility Improvements is hereby established. 2. Staff is directed to conduct preliminary field work and prepare plans and specifications. ADOPTED this 12th day of September 2019. __________________________________ Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk I T E M: 4.N. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A dopt Resolution Directing P reparation of Plans and S pecifications for Project 2020-105, 2020 S treet I mprovements S taff Contact: B randon A nderson, City Engineer Department / Division: E ngineering Division AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Adopt resolution directing preparation of Plans and Specifications for Project 2020-105, 2020 Street Improvements. S UM M ARY: T he C ity of Apple Valley 2020 Capital Improvement Program identifies potential street reconstruction and maintenance work. T he scope of the project consists of the following: Lac Lavon Shores Additions, Garden View C ourt Mill & Overlay 134th Street W & Hughes Court Mill & Overlay J C RP West Pickleball Courts - Pickleball Court Lighting (Bid Alternative) Trail Resurfacing Annual Ring Route Repairs Water Main Break Street Patching Cedar Avenue Pedestrian Connections (with Dakota County) Evermore Parkway Driveway Apron A map of the proposed project area is attached (Figure 1). T his project is tentatively scheduled for construction in 2020. T he project development tasks for the proposed improvements would involve the following scope of work. Conduct a topographical field survey to collect ground elevation, utility locations, and surface features within the proposed work zone. Conduct a geotechnical investigation and soil borings within the work zone. Conduct any stakeholder meetings to discuss the project with business and residents impacted by construction. Prepare plans, specifications, and a project cost estimate. Review project plans and cost estimate with the C ity Council prior to bid process. B AC K G RO UND: N/A B UD G E T I M PAC T: Project costs and funding included in the preliminary 2020 operating budget are summarized as follows: Estimated Project C osts: C onstruction Cost $949,000 C onstruction Contingency (10%)94,900 Engineering, C ontract Admin, Inspection, Testing, Surveying (20%)265,100 Total Estimated C ost $ 1,309,000 Estimated Project Funding: Road Improvement Fund $ 729,000 General Fund (Dakota County Pedestrian C onnections)20,000 Water Utility Fund 50,000 Dakota County (Trail Surfacing)80,000 Road Improvement Fund (Dakota County Pedestrian C onnections) Future C apital Projects Fund Street Light Fund (Pickleball Bid Alternate) 80,000 250,000 100,000 Total Estimated Funding $ 1,309,000 AT TAC HM E NT S : Map Resolution 2.. 2020 Street Improvements Figure 1 City of Apple Valley 2020 Capital Improvement Program Areas FEETSCALE 0 30001500 HORZ.Flagstaff AvenueN Johnny Cake Ridge RoadDiamond Path160th Street (Co. Rd 46)Pilot Knob Rd140th Street McAndrews Rd Garden View DrCedar Ave150th Street (Co. Rd 42)Interstate 35ELAC LAVON SHORES ADDITIONS MILL & OVERLAY 134TH ST W MILL & OVERLAY CEDAR AVE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIONS CEDAR AVE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIONS JCRP WEST PICKLEBALL COURTS GARDEN VIEW COURT MILL & OVERLAY 160TH ST TRAIL RESURFACING EVERMOOR PKWY DRIVEWAY APRON CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 2020-105, 2020 STREET IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the City’s Capital Improvements Program identifies streets for proposed infrastructure improvements in 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the scope of proposed improvements associated with the 2020 Street Improvements project; and WHEREAS, the City Council considers it to be in the best interest of the City to begin the process of information gathering and have plans and specifications prepared for said improvements scheduled for construction in the year 2020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, that: 1. Improvement Project 2020-105, 2020 Street Improvements is hereby established. 2. Staff is directed to conduct preliminary field work and prepare plans and specifications. ADOPTED this 12th day of September 2019. __________________________________ Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk I T E M: 4.O. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: P roject 2019-114, Family A quatic Center P ool Shell Repair S taff Contact: B arry B ernstein, Parks and Recreation Director Department / Division: Parks and Recreation Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Adopt the resolutions: 1. Rejecting US A Construction, LLC , as responsible bidder, for Project 2019-114, Family Aquatic C enter Pool Shell Repair, 2. Approving Plans and Specifications for Project 2019-114, Family Aquatic Center Pool Shell Repair and authorizing advertisement for receipt of bids, at 10:00 a.m. on October 11, 2019. S UM M ARY: USA Construction, LLC , has been unable to meet Project 2019-114 agreement requirements. T herefore, staff is requesting rejection of USA C onstruction, LLC, as a responsible bidder and approval to advertise for receipt of bids on a Spring 2020 project. B AC K G RO UND: T he Parks & Recreation Department solicited bids for Project 2019-114, Family Aquatic Center Pool Shell Repair. T his project would have covered the removal and reapplication of the pool shell material in a 13,500 square foot area in the main body of the pool. USA Construction, LLC was awarded an agreement for the project March 28, 2019. T he agreement stipulated a start date of August 27, 2019, and completion date of September 20, 2019. Staff consistently followed up with USA Construction to confirm that the project was still moving forward. T he vendor assured staff that everything was ready. T hey secured crews but were unable to get bonding to finalize the agreement paperwork. Unfortunately, with the requirement to cure the final product in water for 28 days, staff believes that prolonging the project is not in the best interest of the C ity. B UD G E T I M PAC T: Funds have been allocated within the 2019 Budget for this project. T he project is dependent on weather conditions and seasonal operations. Staff will be requesting carry-over of these funds into 2020 with intent of coordinating a spring project completion. AT TAC HM E NT S : Resolution Resolution Advertisement for Bid Exhibit CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- RESOLUTION REJECTING USA CONSTRUCTION, LLC, AS RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR PROJECT 2019-114; FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER POOL SHELL REPAIR WHEREAS, sealed bids were received for Project 2019-114; Family Aquatic Center Pool Shell Repair; and WHEREAS, USA Construction, LLC, was awarded an agreement March 28, 2019, for Project 2019-114; Family Aquatic Center Pool Shell Repair; and WHEREAS, the agreement required USA Construction, LLC to start construction on August 27, 2019; and WHEREAS, the agreement required USA Construction, LLC to provide bonding for the performance and payment of the work performed under the agreement; and WHEREAS, USA Construction, LLC, has been unable to meet the agreement requirements; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the interest of the City would be best served by rejecting USA Construction, LLC, as responsible bidder, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. USA Construction, LLC is hereby rejected as a responsible bidder for Project 2019- 114; Family Aquatic Center Pool Shell Repair; and 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to retain the 5% bid bond of USA Construction, LLC, as specified in the bidding documents, for failure to execute the prescribed contract for Project 2019-114; Family Aquatic Center Pool Shell Repair. ADOPTED this 12th day of September, 2019. Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS AND DIRECTING RECEIPT OF SEALED BIDS FOR PROJECT 2019-114; FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER POOL SHELL REPAIR WHEREAS, The Apple Valley City Council has reviewed specifications for Project 2019-114; Family Aquatic Center Pool Shell Repair; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the interest of the City would be best served by issuing the call for sealed proposals based on said specifications; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to receive sealed bids at the time and place specified in the form of notice attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. The City Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause an advertisement for said bids to be posted on the City’s website and on the online Quest Construction Data Network, not less than ten (10) days prior to the opening of said bids. ADOPTED this 12th day of September, 2019. Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk Exhibit A ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Sealed bids will be received until 10:00 a.m., Friday, October 11, 2019, at the office of the City Clerk, City of Apple Valley, 7100 147th Street W., Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the purpose of securing a contractor to provide: PROJECT NUMBER 2019-114; FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER POOL SHELL REPAIR Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or a bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the gross bid, made payable to the City of Apple Valley, which shall be forfeited to the City in the event the bidder fails to deliver the services. The City Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the bidders for a period not to exceed 60 days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of 30 days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Specifications and proposal forms may be obtained from the Parks and Recreation Department at 14603 Hayes Road, Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and further reserves the right to award the contract to the best interests of the City. Dated this 12th day of September, 2019. Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk Project 2019-114; Family Aquatic Center Pool Shell Repair - Specifications CITY OF APPLE VALLEY SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 2019 - 114; FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER POOL SHELL REPAIR September 4, 2019 GENERAL: It is the intent of these specifications, to detail the requirements for the removal and re- application of pool shell material. The focus of the project will be in the main body of the Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center’s pool, which consists of lap lanes and zero depth entry. The area of the floor and wall section is approximately 13,500 square feet. Vendors are encouraged to verify measurements. Highlighted aerial photos are included referencing the details. PROJECT SCOPE: Remove all rough and spalling plaster, cut and chip under existing tile and fittings creating a flush area for new plaster. Acid wash and or sand blast surface. Neutralize acid with baking soda or soda ash then thoroughly rinse with water. Apply bonding coat per manufacturer’s requirement in preparation for new plaster. Apply Diamond Brite, Sunstone or equivalent exposed aggregate pool finish to the pool interior. Color shall be white with blue quartz to match existing finish. The plaster will be troweled to an impervious surface not to exceed 3/8” to 1/2” thick. The tile for the racing lanes (4 lanes and 8 targets) will also be grouted as part of this project as well as the caulking of all control joints. If Diamond Brite is used it must be modified with T-K bonding agent and white Portland cement for added strength. Products will be used with the manufacturer’s requirements. AGREEMENT PARAMETERS: 1. Payment and performance bonds will be required for this project. Examples of these are included in the bid proposal package. 2. Project must be completed by May 22, 2020. Damages in the amount of $500.00 per day will be assessed thereafter until completion. 3. Proposals will be accepted until 10:00 a.m. October 11, 2019. The project is scheduled to be awarded at the October 24, 2019, City Council meeting. 4. Questions and/or to arrange a site visit please contact Parks Superintendent Mike Endres at 952-953-2420. 5. A onetime in-full payment will be made upon completion and acceptance of the project. An application for final payment and all other necessary paperwork must be delivered to City Clerk Pamela Gackstetter prior to final payment. 6. Standard manufacturer’s warranty on all products shall apply and a one year guarantee on all workmanship associated with this project shall be in effect 7. The City of Apple Valley reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and make a decision in the best interest of the City of Apple Valley. I T E M: 4.P. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: P roject 2019-158, A pple Valley F amily Aquatic Center Wet Play A rea I mprovements S taff Contact: B arry B ernstein, Director of P arks and Recreation Department / Division: Parks and Recreation Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: See actions on updated memo attached. S UM M ARY: Staff is seeking authorization to enter into an agreement with Miracle Recreation Equipment Company c/o Webber Recreational Design, Inc., for Project 2019-158, Apple Valley Family Aquatic C enter Wet Play Area Improvements, as the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $339,000.00., subject to minor modifications acceptable to the City Administrator and City A ttorney. A s a Sourcewell cooperative purchasing vendor they have already met the statutory requirements of the bid process. T heir vendor number is 030117-LT S. Staff anticipates use of the C ity's standard agreement for this project. B AC K G RO UND: T he Family Aquatic Center has one significant deficiency in facilities. C hildren under 42 inches in height cannot ride the slides, per manufacturer guidelines. Families with young children frequently complain that more play options should be available for these younger users. T he installation of a new wet play area within the Aquatic Center addresses that need. T he installation is specifically designed to attract young children and provide them with wet play activities appropriate for their age. Shade will be integrated into the design both to protect these young children from too much exposure to the sun and to provide shade to adults watching their youngsters. Additional lifeguard staff will not be required for this addition, since the wet play area will not have any standing water, so drowning is not a hazard in this area. T he water will be recirculated, filtered and disinfected to limit loss of water. If approved, installation is slated for Fall 2019 with completion of the project in Spring 2020, for use during the summer pool season. B UD G E T I M PAC T: Attached is a concept plan for the project. T he vendor estimate of $339,000.00, plus the additional costs related to soil conditions and needed permits, will bring the project to $350,000.00. Staff will work with the vendor to create a design that fits within the resource allocations. Funding to complete the project is available from the Municipal Building Fund and the Apple Valley Family Aquatic C enter division within the 2019 General Fund. AT TAC HM E NT S : Background Material Quotation Quotation Quotation Quotation Exhibit City of ITEM: 4.P ADDITIONAL COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 12, 2019 SECTION: Consent Agenda ITEM DESCRIPTION: Project 2019-158, Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center Wet Play Area Improvements STAFF CONTACT: DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Barry Bernstein, Director Parks & Recreation Action Requested Project 2019-158 Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center Wet Play Area Improvements: 1. Approve agreement with Webber Recreational Design, Inc., for design and engineering services, subject to approval of the agreement by the City Attorney. 2. Authorize purchase of equipment from Miracle Recreation Equipment Co. through Webber Recreational Design, Inc., subject to modifications of the terms and conditions of the quote as deemed necessary by the City Attorney. 3. Approve agreement Lemmie Jones, LLC, for installation of equipment, subject to approval of the agreement by the City Attorney. Summary This memo is being provided as an update to the memo that was included in the September 12, 2019, agenda packet. City Attorney Mike Dougherty has further reviewed the design and construction submittals related to this project and suggests that three separate approval actions be taken by the City Council in recognition of the three separate companies involved in completing the project. Background See original memorandum for background information on the project. Budget Impact The anticipated cost of the project is $331,600, which is slightly less than the prior cost estimate of $339,000. Attachment(s) N/A Webber Recreational Design, Inc. 1442 Brooke Ct Hastings, MN 55033 US (651) 438-3630 webberrec@gmail.com www.webberrec.com ADDRESS City of Apple Valley 7100 W 147th St Apple Valley 55124-6562 Estimate 1328 DATE 09/13/2019 P.O. NUMBER Wet Play Area ACTIVITY QTY RATE AMOUNT Aquatic Design Services Aquatic Design Services 1 3,625.00 3,625.00 MN Engineered Stamped Drawings MN Engineered Stamped Drawings 1 12,660.00 12,660.00 USA Shade:Sealed Engineered Drawings Shade Sealed Engineered Drawings 1 1,300.00 1,300.00 TOTAL $17,585.00 Accepted By Accepted Date 9/12/2019 Page 1 of 3 QUOTE: R0013193207 Miracle Recreation Equip. Co. 878 E. US Hwy 60 Monett, MO 65708 1-888-458-2752 QUOTE: R0013193207 CUSTOMER: 5512A01 Prepared For: Project Name & Location: Prepared by: Accounts Payable Webber Recreational Design, Inc. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 7100 147th Street West- APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 (952) 953-2500 (phone) bbernstein@ci.apple-valley.mn.us Apple Valley Aquatic Center (Sourcewell Member # 33405) 1442 Brooke Court Hastings, MN 55033 (651) 438-3630 (phone) (651) 438-3939 (fax) jwebber@webberrec.com Ship To Address: End User: Nick Olson Accounts Payable Family Aquatics Center & Pool 14421 Johnny Cake Road Apple Valley, MN 55124 763-478-2157 (phone) bbernstein@ci.apple-valley.mn.us CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 7100 147th Street West- APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 (952) 953-2500 (phone) bbernstein@ci.apple-valley.mn.us Quote Number: R0013193207 Quote Date: 9/12/2019 Valid For: 10 Days From Quote Date Shade Equipment Product line: Freestanding Age group: 13+ Components Part Number Description Qty Weight Unit Price Total 2020109 20'x20, Single Post Pyramid Cantilever Shade 2 0.00 4,360.00 8,720.00 3012 Shade Anchor Bolts 1 0.00 1,120.00 1,120.00 40401013 40'x40'- 4Point Hypar Sial 1 0.00 15,370.00 15,370.00 Wet Play Equipment Product line: Freestanding Age group: 2-12 Components Part Number Description Qty Weight Unit Price Total 1 Recirculation System- Including Holding Tank 1 0.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 2 Spray Features- (As Shown on Concept Design) 1 0.00 87,090.00 87,090.00 3 Mounting Hardware for Spray Feature 1 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 9/12/2019 Page 2 of 3 QUOTE: R0013193207 Totals: Equipment Weight: 0.00 lbs Equipment Price: $183,800.00 Freight: $8,810.00 SubTotal: $192,610.00 Grand Total: $192,610.00 Notes: 50% Payment upon award of contract and 50% at shipment. This Quote shall not become a binding contract until signed and delivered by both Customer and Miracle Recreation Equipment Company (“Miracle”). Sales Representative is not authorized to sign this Quote on behalf of Miracle or Customer, and signed Quotes cannot be accepted from Sales Representative. To submit this offer, please sign below and forward a complete signed copy of this Quote directly to "Miracle Sales Administration" via fax (417) 235-3551 or email: orders@miraclerec.com. Upon acceptance, Miracle will return a fully-signed copy of the Quote to Customer (with copy to Sales Representative) via fax or email. THIS QUOTE IS LIMITED TO AND GOVERNED BY THE TERMS CONTAINED HEREIN. Miracle objects to any other terms proposed by Customer, in writing or otherwise, as material alterations, and all such proposed terms shall be void. Customer authorizes Miracle to ship the Equipment and agrees to pay Miracle the total amount specified. Shipping terms are FOB the place of shipment via common carrier designated by Miracle. Customer agrees to pay all additional service charges for past due invoices. Customer must provide proper tax exemption certificates to Miracle, and shall promptly pay and discharge all otherwise applicable taxes, license fees, levies and other impositions on the Equipment at its own expense. Purchase orders and payments should be made to the order of Miracle Recreation Equipment Company. Quote Number: R0013193207 Quote Date: 9/12/2019 Equipment: $183,800.00 Grand Total: $192,610.00 CUSTOMER HEREBY SUBMITS ITS OFFER TO PURCHASE THE EQUIPMENT ACCORDING TO THE TERMS STATED IN THIS QUOTE AND SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL BY MIRACLE. Submitted By Printed Name and Title Date THE FOREGOING QUOTE AND OFFER ARE HEREBY APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT By: Date: ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Use & Maintenance. Customer agrees to regularly inspect and maintain the Equipment, and to provide, inspect and maintain appropriate safety surfacing under and around the Equipment, in accordance with Miracle's product literature and the most current Consumer Product Safety Commission Handbook for Public Playground Safety. 2. Default, Remedies & Delinquency Charges. Customer's failure to pay any invoice when due, or its failure to otherwise comply with the terms of this Quote, shall constitute a default under all unsatisfied invoices ("Event of Default"). Upon an Event of Default, Miracle shall have all remedies available to it at law or equity, including, without limitation, all remedies afforded a secured creditor under the Uniform Commercial Code. Customer agrees to assist and cooperate with Miracle to accomplish its filing and enforcement of mechanic's or other liens with respect to the Equipment or its location or its repossession of the Equipment, and Customer expressly waives all rights to possess the Equipment after an Event of Default. All remedies are cumulative and not alternative, and no exercise by Miracle of a remedy will prohibit or waive the exercise of any other remedy. Customer shall pay all reasonable attorneys fees plus any costs of collection incurred by Miracle in enforcing its rights hereunder. Subject to any limitations under law, Customer shall pay to Miracle as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, an amount equal to 1.5% per month of any payment that is delinquent in such month and is not received by Miracle within ten (10) days after the date on which due. 3. Limitation of Warranty/ Indemnity. MIRACLE MAKES NO EQUIPMENT WARRANTIES EXCEPT FOR THOSE STANDARD 9/12/2019 Page 3 of 3 QUOTE: R0013193207 WARRANTIES ISSUED WITH THE EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. MIRACLE SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. CUSTOMER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND SAVE MIRACLE HARMLESS FROM ALL CLAIMS OF ANY KIND FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF CUSTOMERS ALTERATION OF THE EQUIPMENT, ITS FAILURE TO MAINTAIN THE EQUIPMENT, ITS FAILURE TO PROPERLY SUPERVISE EQUIPMENT USE, OR ITS FAILURE TO PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE TYPES AND DEPTHS OF SAFETY SURFACING BENEATH AND AROUND THE EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MIRACLES INSTALLATION AND OWNERS MANUALS AND THE MOST CURRENT CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION HANDBOOK FOR PUBLIC PLAYGROUND SAFETY. 4. Restrictions. Until all amounts due hereunder are paid in full, Customer shall not: (i) permit the Equipment to be levied upon or attached under any legal process; (ii) transfer title to the Equipment or any of Customer's rights therein; or (iii) remove or permit the removal of the Equipment to any location not specified in this Quote. 5. Purchase Money Security Interest. Customer hereby grants, pledges and assigns to Miracle, and Miracle hereby reserves a purchase money security interest in, the Equipment in order to secure the payment and performance in full of all of Customer's obligations hereunder. Customer agrees that Miracle may file one or more financing statements, in order to allow it to perfect, acquire and maintain a superior security interest in the Equipment. 6. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction. All agreements between Customer and Miracle shall be interpreted, and the parties' obligations shall be governed, by the laws of the State of Missouri without reference to its choice of law provisions. Customer hereby consents to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the city and county of St. Louis, Missouri. 7. Title; Risk of Loss; Insurance. Miracle Retains full title to all Equipment until full payment is received by Miracle. Customer assumes all risk of loss or destruction of or damage to the Equipment by reason of theft, fire, water, or any other cause, and the occurrence of any such casualty shall not relieve the Customer from its obligations hereunder and under any invoices. Until all amounts due hereunder are paid in full, Customer shall insure the Equipment against all such losses and casualties. 8. Waiver; Invalidity. Miracle may waive a default hereunder, or under any invoice or other agreement between Customer and Miracle, or cure such a default at Customer's expense, but shall have no obligation to do either. No waiver shall be deemed to have taken place unless it is in writing, signed by Miracle. Any one waiver shall not constitute a waiver of other defaults or the same kind of default at another time, or a forfeiture of any rights provided to Miracle hereunder or under any invoice. The invalidity of any portion of this Quote shall not affect the force and effect of the remaining valid portions hereof. 9. Entire Agreement; Amendment; Binding Nature. This fully-executed Quote, as supplemented by Change Orders and invoices containing exact amounts of estimates provided herein, constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties. A Change Order is a written instrument signed by the Customer and Miracle stating their agreement as to any amendment in the terms of this Quote. Customer acknowledges that Change Orders may result in delays and additional costs. The parties agree that all Change Orders shall include appropriate adjustments in price and time frames relating to any requested amendments. Upon full execution, this Quote shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and assigns. 10. Counterparts; Electronic Transmission. This Quote, any invoice, and any other agreement between the parties, may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. The facsimile or other electronic transmission of any signed original document and retransmission of any signed facsimile or other electronic transmission shall be the same as the transmission of an original. At the request of either party, the parties will confirm facsimile or other electronically transmitted signatures by signing an original document. Rev E 021815 PROJECT QUOTE (Installation & Permits) Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center - Apple Valley, MN Wet Play Area 9/12/2019 (Quote Valid 10 Days from this Date.) DESCRIPTION (Installation & Permits)COST Description: Wet Play Area 1,850 Sq Ft +/- with a 5' Exterior Concrete Skirt On-Grade Concrete Slab (Mechanical Equipment Room)$2,700.00 Installation (Labor & Equipment Rental)$72,000.00 Quality Certification / Test & Tune / Manufacturer's Warranty / O&M Manual $2,700.00 Bid Bond & Performance Bond (Installation)$10,600.00 Water / Sewer / Electrical Hookups to the Mechanical Equipment Room [*Includes City Permit Required for the Licensed Electrician. Includes the City Permit for the Licensed Plumber to Connect Into the Sewer and the Water Supply. State Inspector (Steve Klemm) has been consulted regarding the connection to the sewer. The Plumbing Permit can take up to 6 weeks.] ***Planned Completion Date is Winter 2019. $33,405.00 Unloading of Equipment at the Job-Site Included Temporary Construction Barrier - Separating Construction Area Included Dumpster & Haul-Off Included State Application Fee - Minnesota Included Soil Test to Determine Condition Included ***Note: In the event of unstable soil conditions, a change order would need to be approved and paid in full immediately (In addition to the Total Quoted Price below) allowing for the removal of 36" of soil then replacing with compactible fill up to 20 loads. The estimated cost ranges between $9,500.00 and $14,500.00 Pending Soil Test Results *** Mechanical Building - Design / Installation / Permit By Others TOTAL ($USD)$121,405.00 By signing below you agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement. (Owner) Signature & Printed Name Date (Recreation by Lemmie Jones, LLC) Signature & Printed Name Date Remit To: Recreation by Lemmie Jones, LLC 2112 Carrie Street Carthage, MO 64836 TEL: +1-417-793-1613 E-mail: lemmie@recreationbylemmiejones.com www.recreationbylemmiejones.com Not Included: Sales Tax, Prevailing Wage, Recirculation System, Holding Tank, Spray Features, Shade Structures, Mounting Hardware, Design Services, Engineering Stamped Drawings (State of Minnesota), Freight to the Job-Site, VFD - Variable Frequency Drive for Pumps and Recirc System, Push-Button, Actiator & Control Box, Landscaping and Restoration of Sod / Irrigation System, Signage, Fencing, Mechanical Building Design, Mechanical Building Construction or Permit for Mechanical Building. Payment Terms: 50% Upon Award of Contract, 45% Upon Significant Completion of Manufacturing and Prior to Shipment of Materials & 5% Upon Completion of Installation. Payment Due Upon Receipt of Invoice. Color selections to be received prior to beginning of fabrication. No warranties are valid until final payment is received. All payment terms are subject to credit approval from Recreation by Lemmie Jones, LLC. Lead-Time is 8-10 weeks and is based on receipt date of initial payment, approved stamped submittals & color selections. Note: If Sales Tax / Prevailing Wage / Union Installation are required, then the additional amounts will be added to the Total Quoted Price. City to provide Ingress / Egress to the Job-Site Work Area and Mechanical Room Area. Adequate site access to be provided & accessability to accommodate Installation Equipment required. On/Off activation for splash pad will be in the Mechanical Room. Facility shutdown during installation process is required. It is agreed that Recreation by Lemmie Jones, LLC or Subcontractor thereof shall be permitted to process our work without interruption or delay. The purchaser hereby agrees that Recreation by Lemmie Jones, LLC will be reimbursed in full for all costs associated with any delays. These reimbursable costs include, but not limited to, re- mobilization costs and equipment rental/delivery fees. Temporary restroom facilities will be made available to the installer. Planned completion date for this project is Winter 2019. Test & Tune / State Inspection will occur in Spring 2020. _____________________________________ ________ ____________________________________ ________ Included (Scope of Work): Items listed above. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT QUOTE (Revision # 3 Date: 9-5-2019) Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center - Apple Valley, MN CITY OF APPLE VALLEY - SOURCEWELL CONTRACT# 33405 September 5, 2019 Wet Play Area DESCRIPTION (Equipment Package)COST Wet Play Area 1,850 Sq Ft +/- with a 5' Exterior Concrete Skirt Recirculation System - Sand Filtration with U.V. - Liquid Feed Chemical System $70,000.00 Norwesco Holding Tank for Recirculation (2,000 - 2,500 Gallon) / Pumps Included Spray Features (As shown on Concept Design)$87,090.00 Shade Structures (As shown on Concept Design) *Other designs available.$30,420.00 On-Grade Concrete Slab for Splash Pad and Mechanical Equipment Room $2,700.00 Installation (Labor & Equipment Rental)$72,000.00 Mounting Hardware $1,500.00 Design Services $3,625.00 Engineering Stamped Drawings (State of Minnesota)$12,660.00 Freight to Job Site $4,900.00 Quality Certification / Test & Tune / Manufacturer's Warranty / O&M Manual $2,700.00 Bid Bond & Performance Bond $18,000.00 Water / Sewer / Electrical Hookups to the Mechanical Equipment Room [*Includes City Permit Required for the Licensed Electrician. Includes the City Permit for the Licensed Plumber to Connect Into the Sewer and the Water Supply. State Inspector (Steve Klemm) has been consulted regarding the connection to the sewer. The Plumbing Permit can take up to 6 weeks. Original planned Completion Date was to be November 15, 2019 which may have to be extended to Spring 2020.] $33,405.00 Unloading of Equipment at the Job-Site Included Temporary Construction Barrier - Separating Construction Area Included Dumpster & Haul-Off Included State Application Fee - Minnesota Included Soil Test to Determine Condition Included [***Note: In the event of unstable soil conditions, a change order would need to be approved and paid in full immediately (In addition to the Total Quoted Price below) allowing for the removal of 36" of soil then replacing with compactible fill up to 20 loads. The estimated cost ranges between $9,500.00 and $14,500.00 ] Pending Soil Test Results Variable Frequency Drive for Pumps and Recirculation System (Not Included) Push-Button Activator and Control Box (Not Included) Landscaping and Restoration of Sod / Irrigation System (By Others) Signage (By Others) Mechanical Building & Design & Construction [*Permit for the Construction of this building will be supplied by the city.](Not Included) TOTAL ($USD)$339,000.00 Included (Scope of Work): Wet Play Area, Recirculation System - Sand Filter with U.V. - Liquid Feed Chemical System (No V.F.D.), Pumps, Holding Tank, Features as displayed, Shade Structures as displayed, Design, Installation and Equipment Rental, Mounting Hardware, Design Services, Stamped Engineering Drawings (State of Minnesota), Freight to the Job-Site, Unloading of Equipment at the Job-Site, Temporary Construction Barrier, Dumpster & Haul-Off, State Inspection Fee, Soil Test to Determine Condition , Quality Certification, Test & Tune of Features, 1-Year Limited Warranty, O&M Manual, Water Sewer Electrical Hookups to the Mechanical Equipment Room, Permit for Electrical, Permit for Plumber, Bid Bond & Performance Bond. Page 1 of 2 By signing below you agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement. (Owner) Signature & Printed Name Date (Webber Recreational Design, Inc.) Signature & Printed Name Date Remit To: Webber Recreational Design, Inc. 1442 Brooke Court Hastings, MN 55033 TE +1.612.581.4704 jwebber@webberrec.com www.webberrec.com Not Included: Sales Tax, Prevailing Wage, VFD - Variable Frequency Drive for Pumps and Recirc System, Landscaping and Restoration of Sod / Irrigation System, Signage, Fencing, Push-Button Activator, Control Box, Mechanical Building Design, Mechanical Building Construction or Permit for Mechanical Building. [[ *Other Shade Structure Design Layouts available which may increase the pricing quoted.]] Payment Terms: 50% Upon Award of Contract, 45% Upon Significant Completion of Manufacturing and Prior to Shipment of Materials & 5% Upon Completion of Installation. Payment Due Upon Receipt of Invoice. Color selections to be received prior to beginning of fabrication. No warranties are valid until final payment is received. All payment terms are subject to credit approval from Webber Recreational Desgin, Inc. Lead-Time for Materials is 8-10 weeks and is based on receipt date of initial payment, approved stamped submittals & color selections. Note: If Sales Tax / Prevailing Wage / Union Installation are required, then the additional amounts will be added to the Total Quoted Price. City to provide Ingress / Egress to the Job-Site Work Area and Mechanical Room Area. Adequate site access to be provided & accessability to accommodate Installation Equipment required. On/Off activation for splash pad will be in the Mechanical Room. Facility shutdown during installation process is required. It is agreed that Webber Recreational Design, Inc. shall be permitted to process our work without interruption or delay. The purchaser hereby agrees that Webber Recreational Design, Inc. will be reimbursed in full for all costs associated with any delays. These reimbursable costs include, but not limited to, re-mobilization costs and equipment rental/delivery fees. Temporary restroom facilities will be made available to the installer. Planned completion for this project was originally planned for November 15, 2019 but in the event of inclement weather or other unexpected delays, the Final Completion date may need to be extended to Spring 2020. _____________________________________ ________ ____________________________________ ________ Page 2 of 2 I T E M: 4.Q. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Agreement with L ightning Disposal, I nc., for Residential F all Clean-up Day (Furniture and Remodeling Debris Collection) S taff Contact: Charles Grawe, A ssistant City A dministrator Department / Division: Administration / I nformation Technologies AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve the agreement with Lightning Disposal, Inc., for Residential Fall C lean-up Day (Furniture and Remodeling Debris Collection). S UM M ARY: T he C ity conducts an annual Fall Clean-up Day, offering residents to dispose of larger refuse and recyclable items at a centralized location for a reasonable fee. T he City contracts for haulers to take the refuse and recyclables. Earlier this year, the C ity approved an agreement with Dick's Sanitation for this service. However, Dick's experienced a personnel change and informed the C ity they would no longer be able to provide the service. Lightning Disposal (doing business as Nitti Sanitation) is the second lowest quote. B AC K G RO UND: T he City holds the Clean-up Day to encourage residents to keep their property maintained and orderly, providing a convenient means for residents to properly dispose of larger refuse items and collect recyclable items for recycling. T he C ity contracts for haulers to accept these materials. T he Agreement uses the C ity's standard agreement form with an exhibit of the rates for the refuse containers, disposal, and hauling. T his year's Fall C lean-up Day will take place on Saturday, Sept. 28th from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Apple Valley Family Aquatic C enter parking lot. B UD G E T I M PAC T: T he City collects disposal fees from the residents who participate in the C lean-up Day event. It is our intent to have these fees cover the expenses related to the event. T he C ity received two estimated quotes for the work. T he revised quote from Lightning Disposal (Nitti Sanitation) was $3,325 plus applicable tax. T he quote from Dick's was $3,125 plus applicable tax. Staff recommends the C ouncil approve the agreement with Lightning Disposal, Inc., for refuse collection services. I T E M: 4.R. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Agreement with L ightning Disposal, I nc., for Solid Waste and Recycling Collection and Disposal S taff Contact: Charles Grawe, A ssistant City A dministrator Department / Division: Administration / I nformation Technologies AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve the agreement with Lightning Disposal, Inc., for Solid Waste and Recycling Collection and Disposal. S UM M ARY: T he C ity requested quotations for collection of waste and recycling from C ity facilities. Lightning Disposal, Inc. provided the lowest quoted price. B AC K G RO UND: T he C ity requires waste and recyclable collection from numerous facilities. It is the C ity's desire to have all the collection services provided by a single vendor. T he C ity released an Request for Proposals (RFP) and received three responses. T he combined total annual cost for collection of solid waste, recycling, and organics is shown below: Nitti Sanitation (Lightning Disposal, Inc.) $40,445.52 Aspen Waste Systems $49,929.00 Dick's Sanitation $59,975.94 Staff recommends the Council approve the attached agreement or an agreement substantially similar with Lightning D isposal, Inc., for Solid Waste and Recycling Collection and Disposal, subject to final approval by the City Attorney and C ity Administrator. B UD G E T I M PAC T: T he waste disposal fees are paid for and budgeted in various department budgets. AT TAC HM E NT S : Agreement SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 12th day of September, 2019, by and between the City of Apple Valley, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as “City”) and Lightning Disposal, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”). The City and Contractor shall hereinafter be collectively referred to as the “Parties.” WHEREAS, the City desires to contract for and Contractor desires to provide mixed solid waste collection, transportation and disposal for seventeen (17) City buildings, parks and public space facility locations (“City Property”) in accordance with the City’s Request for Proposal (“RFP”) and Contractor’s Financial Proposal (“Proposal”); and WHEREAS, the City desires to contract for and Contractor desires to provide single-stream recycling collection, transportation and recycling for every City Property in accordance with the RFP and Proposal; and WHEREAS, the City desires to contract for and Contractor desires to provide organic material collection, transportation and recycling for every City Property in accordance with the RFP and Proposal; and WHEREAS, the City desires to contract for and Contractor desires to provide construction debris collection, transportation and disposal for specified City Property in accordance with the RFP and Proposal; and WHEREAS, the City desires to contract for and Contractor desires to provide compostable waste collection, transportation and disposal of material removed and collected from the City’s sanitary sewer system at specified City Property in accordance with the RFP and Proposal; and WHEREAS, the City desires to contract for and Contractor desires to provide on- call mixed solid waste, recycling and/or organic material collection, transportation and disposal/recycling for Special Events within the City limits and Bulky Item and Special Waste collection, transportation and disposal in accordance with the RFP and Proposal; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the City’s public health and safety will be promoted and preserved through a written contract with Contractor describing the Parties’ arrangement for the collection, transportation and disposal/recycling of mixed solid waste, organic material, recyclable material, and when necessary Bulky Items and Special Waste from the City Property to an applicable materials recovery facility, commercial compost facility, resource recovery facility, or other applicable location; and - 2 - WHEREAS, the Apple Valley City Council has determined that Contractor is qualified to carry out the terms of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants, promises, undertakings and obligations herein created and assumed by the Parties hereto, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 Definitions Bulky Item: “Bulky Item” shall mean large items that should not be put in carts including, but not limited to: furniture, mattresses and similar over-sized items, except for Special Waste and Construction Debris, which are specifically excluded from the definition of “Bulky Item”. City Property: “City Property” shall mean the seventeen (17) City buildings, parks and public space facility locations identified on Attachment A. Construction Debris: “Construction Debris” shall mean all waste building materials, packaging and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of buildings or roads. Compostable Waste: “Compostable Waste” shall mean roots, sand and silt type materials removed by the City from the City’s sanitary sewer system. Garbage: “Garbage” shall mean every accumulation of animal, vegetable or other matter that attends preparation, consumption, display, dealing in a storage of meat, fish, fowl, birds, fruit or vegetables, including cans, containers or wrappers wasted along with the materials. Mixed solid waste: "Mixed solid waste" shall mean Garbage, refuse, and other solid waste from activities occurring at City Property that the City aggregates for collection, but does not include Bulky Items, Special Waste, auto hulks, street sweepings, ash, Construction Debris, mining waste, sludges, Yard Waste, agricultural waste, tires, lead acid batteries, used oil, and other materials, collected processed and disposed of as separate waste streams. Organic Material: “Organic material” shall mean food waste and other targeted compostable household organic materials that are source separated for recovery. Recyclable Materials: "Recyclable materials" shall mean materials that can be separated from mixed solid waste for the purpose of recycling. Special Events: “Special Events” shall mean events that occur within the City limits from time-to-time. - 3 - Special Waste: “Special Waste” shall mean items such as Construction Debris, stoves, refrigerators, water heaters, washing machines, bicycles, lawn mowers and lawn chairs. Yard Waste: “Yard Waste” shall include garden wastes, leaves, lawn cuttings, weeds, shrub and tree waste and pruning waste, but excluding bushes, fibrous brush, woody materials or other materials that are not readily compostable within a calendar year. ARTICLE 2 Term of Contract 2.1 The City hereby grants Contractor an exclusive permit for providing the City with the following services: collection, transportation and disposal/recycling of mixed solid waste, recyclables, and organic material from the City Property on a weekly basis, and on-call collection, transportation and disposal/recycling of mixed solid waste, recyclables, and organic material at Special Events, and on-call collection, transportation and disposal of Bulky Items, Special Waste, Construction Debris, Compostable Waste, and Yard Waste in accordance with the City’s Request for Proposal (“RFP”) and Contractor’s Financial Proposal (“Proposal”) from June 1, 2019 for a period of three (3) years, ending May 31, 2022 (“Term”), unless earlier terminated by law, or according to the provisions of this Agreement. 2.2 The City and Contractor may agree in writing to extend the terms of this Agreement beyond the Original Term, upon such terms and conditions, as the Parties shall mutually agree. ARTICLE 3 Services and Fees 3.1 Mixed Solid Waste. Contractor shall provide the labor, materials, and equipment necessary for removal, transportation and disposal of mixed solid waste from the City Property at the rates set forth in the Proposal, which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. The estimated number of carts/service level needed at each City Property is identified in Tables A1, A2 and A3 of the RFP, Attachment A. 3.2 Recycling. Contractor shall provide the labor, materials, and equipment necessary for removal, transportation and recycling of recyclable materials from the City Property at the rates set forth in Contractor’s Financial Proposal, which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. The estimated number of carts/service level needed at each City Property is identified in Tables A1, A2 and A3 of the RFP, Attachment A. 3.3 Organic Materials. Contractor shall provide the labor, materials, and equipment necessary for removal, transportation and composting of organic materials from the City Property at the rates set forth in Contractor’s Financial Proposal, which is - 4 - hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. The estimated number of carts/service level needed at each City Property is identified in Tables A1, A2 and A3 of the RFP, Attachment A. 3.4 Additional Services. In addition to providing mixed solid waste services, recycling services, and organic materials services, Contractor shall offer the following services to the City: 3.4.1 Special Events. Contractor shall provide mixed solid waste, recycling and organic material collection and disposal services at Special Events on an on-call basis. Contractor and City shall work together to identify cart and dumpster drop- off and removal dates and locations for the events. The price of the on-call Special Event mixed solid waste, recycling and organic material collection and disposal services shall be quoted at the time of the call. 3.4.2 Bulky Items and Special Waste. Contractor shall remove and dispose of the City’s Bulky Items and Special Waste from time-to-time on an on-call basis. The price of the on-call Bulky Item and Special Waste removal and disposal services shall be quoted at the time of the call. 3.4.3 Construction Debris. Contractor shall provide the labor, materials, and equipment, including a 30 yard roll-off, for Construction Debris collection at a location determined by the City, which Contractor shall transport and dispose of on an on-call basis. 3.4.4 Compostable Waste. Contractor shall provide the labor, materials, and equipment, including a 10 yard roll-off, for Compostable Waste collection from April 1st through November 30th each year at a location determined by the City, which Contractor shall transport and dispose of on an on-call basis. 3.4.5 Yard Waste. Contractor shall provide the labor, materials, and equipment, including a 20 yard roll-off, for Yard Waste collection at a location determined by the City, which Contractor shall transport and dispose of on an on-call basis. 3.5 Fuel Surcharges and Environmental Fees. No fuel surcharge or environmental fee shall be charged to the City for the services provided hereunder. Contractor has incorporated such charges and fees in the rates charged herein. ARTICLE 4 Removal Dates and Times 4.1 Mixed Solid Waste. Mixed solid waste collection shall occur between _____ a.m. and ______ p.m. on _________ and __________ of each week. 4.2 Recycling. Recycling collection shall occur between _____ a.m. and ______ p.m. on ___________ and ___________ of each week. - 5 - 4.3 Organic Material. Organic material collection shall occur between _____ a.m. and ______ p.m. on _____________ and ___________ of each week. 4.4 Special Events. The City and Contractor shall work together to plan, and schedule mixed solid waste, recycling, and organic material collection and disposal associated with Special Events. 4.5 Bulky Items, Special Waste, Construction Debris and Compostable Waste. Bulky Item, Special Waste, Construction Debris and Compostable Waste removal shall occur on an “on-call” basis at the City Property. 4.6 Missed Collections. All missed collections will be performed within 24 hours of Contractor receiving notification of the missed removal. 4.7 Route Review. Contractor shall continually address routing on a daily basis to make sure routes are completed in a safe and timely manner. ARTICLE 5 Equipment 5.1 Collection Vehicles. Contractor shall use collection vehicles that are in compliance with City, county and state road weight restrictions. 5.2 Carts and Roll-Offs. Contractor shall be responsible and pay for all aspects of cart and roll-off management and operations including, but not limited to, transportation from the manufacturer, ordering, receiving, assembly, distribution, excess cart inventory, spare part inventory, warranty maintenance and other repairs. Contractor shall provide the City with the type of wheeled carts and roll- offs described herein that are associated with the types of services provided to the City, except for those locations where the City has existing receptacles (e.g. barrels). The wheeled carts shall always remain the property of Contractor. 5.2.1 Contractor will deliver to each City Property location the type of wheeled carts and/or roll-offs selected by City prior to services commencing at the City Property. The initial delivery to all City Property locations that will be receiving services hereunder on June 1, 2019 shall occur during the last two weeks of May 2019. 5.2.2 The mixed solid waste wheeled carts will be a green color with green colored lid. The recycling wheeled carts will be a green color with a green colored lid. The organic material wheeled carts will be a green color with a green colored lid. All wheeled carts will be labeled appropriately. The dimensions of the mixed solid waste, recycling, and yard waste/organic material carts are approximately: - 6 - 32 Gallon Universal 65 Gallon Universal 95 Gallon Universal 1 cy 2 cy 3 cy 4 cy 6 cy 8 cy Width 20.2 26.7 28.7 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 Depth 22.9 28.1 34.2 32.5 37.6 40.6 47 70.6 82 Height – Lid to Ground 39.1 41.3 45.1 37.5 40.5 50 55.6 68 75.5 Height – Cart Only 39.1 41.3 45.1 5.2.3 Contractor shall exchange carts and roll-offs with the City as needed when the carts become in disrepair. 5.2.4 Roll-offs (10, 20 and/or 30 yard) shall be provided at City Property locations identified by the City. ARTICLE 6 Transfer Station & Processing Location 6.1 Mixed Solid Waste. Mixed solid waste shall be transported from the City Property to a mixed solid waste resource recovery facility in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area for processing. Contractor shall deliver the mixed solid waste to a landfill, or transfer station that redirects the mixed solid waste to a landfill, only in compliance with Minnesota Statute 473.848. 6.2 Recycling. Recycling material shall be transported from the City Property to a licensed recycling facility in Minnesota for processing. 6.3 Organic Materials. Organic material shall be transported from the City Property to a licensed compost facility in Minnesota for processing. 6.4 Special Waste, Bulky Items, Compostable Waste and Yard Waste. Special Waste, Bulky Items, Compostable Waste and Yard Waste shall be transported from the City Property to the appropriate facility or landfill based on the waste/item removed in compliance with Minnesota Statutes. ARTICLE 7 Weight Tickets 7.1 Mixed Solid Waste. Contractor shall keep mixed solid waste removed pursuant to this Agreement separate from other materials. Mixed solid waste removed pursuant to this Agreement shall be weighed on designated truck scales and weights reported to the City. Contractor shall retain truck scale weight tickets - 7 - until 6 months after the expiration of the Term of this Agreement. The City may inspect the tickets upon request. 7.2 Recycling. Contractor shall keep recycling removed pursuant to this Agreement separate from other materials. Recycling removed pursuant to this Agreement shall be weighed on designated truck scales and weights reported to the City. Contractor shall retain truck scale weight tickets until 6 months after the expiration of the Term of this Agreement. The City may inspect the tickets upon request. 7.3 Organic Materials. Contractor shall keep organic material removed pursuant to this Agreement separate from other materials. Organic material removed pursuant to this Agreement shall be weighed on designated truck scales and weights/yardage totals reported to the City. Contractor shall retain truck scale weight tickets until 6 months after the expiration of the Term of this Agreement. The City may inspect the tickets upon request. 7.4 Bulky Items, Special Waste, Compostable Waste and Yard Waste. Bulky Items, Special Waste, Compostable Waste and Yard Waste removed pursuant to this Agreement shall be weighed on designated truck scales and weights/yardage totals reported to the City. Contractor shall retain truck scale weight tickets until 6 months after the expiration of the Term of this Agreement. The City may inspect the tickets upon request. ARTICLE 8 Billing and Collection Contractor shall be solely responsible for billing the City for services provided in accordance with this Agreement the rate schedule identified in the Proposal. The billings shall occur monthly. ARTICLE 9 License Fee Contractor hereby agrees to obtain a license pursuant to Section 50.04 of the City Code. The license fee is subject to change annually during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE 10 Reporting Contractor shall submit an annual report to the City by February 1st of each year of the term of this Agreement. The annual report shall include: 10.1 Performance statistics including: - 8 - 10.1.1 Bulky Item, Special Waste and Yard Waste tonnage from “on- call” removals during the previous calendar year; 10.1.2 Mixed solid waste tonnage from City Property, including Special Events, during the previous calendar year; 10.1.3 Recycling tonnage from City Property, including Special Events, during the previous calendar year; and 10.1.4 Organic materials tonnage from City Property, including Special Events, during the previous calendar year. 10.2 Any notable issues over the past year. ARTICLE 11 Contractor’s Best Effort Contractor hereby covenants to furnish all labor and equipment necessary to insure satisfactory collection, transportation and disposal of mixed solid waste, recyclables, organic material, Bulky Items and Special Waste. Upon collection, such items shall be promptly and in a workmanlike manner transported to the site required by Contractor for disposal and/or processing. Contractor shall immediately clean-up and dispose of any contents spilled or dropped. ARTICLE 12 Non-Discrimination Contractor agrees that it shall not discriminate in its employment practices and will furnish statement(s) of commitment upon request by the City. ARTICLE 13 Compliance with Laws and Regulations 13.1 Contractor agrees to comply with applicable State of Minnesota and federal employment laws. 13.2 Contractor agrees to abide by all Federal, State or local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, in effect or hereinafter adopted pertaining to the services or to the facilities, programs and staff for which Contractor is responsible. Contractor must comply with the Dakota County Solid Waste Plan, for waste originating in municipal facilities. 13.3 Any violation of laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, or regulations, as well as loss of any applicable license or certification by the Contractor shall constitute a material breach of contract and shall entitle the City to terminate this Agreement upon delivery of written notice of termination. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, such termination shall be effective as of the date of such violation or loss. - 9 - ARTICLE 14 Contractor Insurance 14.1 Contractor shall provide the City proof of, and maintain at its cost, insurance for auto and general liability and workers’ compensation. 14.1.1 General Liability Insurance. The Contractor will maintain general liability insurance with at least the following limits: $1,000,000 combined single limit, $2,000,000 aggregate. Certificates of Insurance shall be provided to the City by the Contractor. 1. The policies must be standard form policies provided for by a carrier approved by the State of Minnesota and shall not contain any exclusions that will restrict coverage on any operations performed by the Contractor or any subcontractors thereof. 2. The policies must fully provide insurance to cover all of Contractor’s operating exposures including the picking up of the Recyclables and the operation of vehicles. 3. Approval of the insurance by the City will not in any way relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor hereunder, and it is expressly understood that the City does not in any way represent that the above specified insurance or limits of liability are sufficient or adequate to protect the Contractor’s interest or liabilities. 4. The City must be named as an additional insured in these policies for coverage needed only for work as specified in this Agreement and the policies must provide that the coverage may not be terminated or changed by the insurer except upon 30 days written notice to the City. 14.1.2 Auto Liability Insurance. The Contractor will keep all trucks and motor vehicles, including coverage for non-owned and hired vehicles, used in the performance of this Agreement insured with a minimum public liability insurance of $1,000,000 for any one person; $1,000,000 for any one accident; and $500,000 for property damage, together with the Contractor’s public liability insurance of $1,000,000 for any one person; $1,000,000 for any one accident; and property damage of $300,000. Certificates of Insurance shall be provided to the City by the Contractor. 1. The policies must be standard form policies provided for by a carrier approved by the State of Minnesota and shall not contain any exclusions that will restrict coverage on any operations performed by the Contractor or any subcontractors thereof. - 10 - 2. The policies must fully provide insurance to cover all of Contractor’s operating exposures including the picking up of the materials contemplated by this Agreement and the operation of vehicles. 3. Approval of the insurance by the City will not in any way relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor hereunder, and it is expressly understood that the City does not in any way represent that the above specified insurance or limits of liability are sufficient or adequate to protect the Contractor’s interest or liabilities. 4. The City must be named as an additional insured in these policies for coverage needed only for work as specified in this Agreement, and the policies must provide that the coverage may not be terminated or changed by the insurer except upon 30 days written notice to the City. . 14.1.3 Workers’ Compensation Insurance. The Contractor will at all times keep fully insured, at its own expense, all persons employed by it in connection with the performance of this Agreement as required by the laws of the State of Minnesota relating to Workers’ Compensation Insurance and will hold the City free and harmless from all liability from any cause that may arise by reason of injuries to any employee of the Contractor or its agents who may be injured while performing work or labor necessary to carry out the provisions of this Contract. The Contractor will supply to the City proof of coverage 14.1.4 Umbrella. In addition to all the listed coverages, the Contractor shall procure and maintain an Umbrella liability policy in a minimum limit of $2,000,000. Certificates of Insurance shall be provided to the City by the Contractor. The City must be named as an additional insured in this policy, and the policy must provide that the coverage may not be terminated or changed by the insurer except upon 30 days written notice to the City. 14.1.5 Property Insurance. All responsibility for maintaining property insurance on any premises or structures owned or operated by the Contractor remains solely with the Contractor, which may at its option insure against any other perils, and such responsibility will remain with the Contractor until such time as this Agreement is terminated. 14.2 Any lapse of required insurance coverage shall entitle the City to terminate this Agreement upon delivery of written notice of termination. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, such termination shall be effective as of the date of such violation or loss. 14.3 All policies evidencing insurance required by this Article shall insure the City and Contractor for any act or omission, including negligence, of Contractor or Contractor’s employees or agents in connection with performance of collection - 11 - services, including claims arising out of operation of any vehicles used by Contractor for Contractor’s employees or agents in performing collection services. Such policies shall be in form and content satisfactory to the City Attorney and filed with the City Administrator. ARTICLE 15 Indemnification Contractor, its assigns and heirs, hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers and employees from any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, expenses, claims or actions, including reasonable attorney’s fees that the City, its officers or employees may hereinafter sustain, incur or be required to pay, arising out of or by reason of any act or omission of Contractor, its agents, servants or employees, in the execution, performance, or failure to adequately perform Contractor’s obligations pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor agrees to defend any action brought against the City, its officers and employees on any such matters, to pay and to satisfy any judgment entered thereon together with all costs of the City, its officers and employees on any such matter, and to pay and to satisfy any judgment entered thereon together with all costs and expenses incurred in collection. ARTICLE 16 Performance and Payment Bonds For the entire term of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide a performance bond and payment bond to the City in the amount of $________________ in accordance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 574.26. Under the terms and conditions of the bonds, the City must be able to redeem the performance bond amount within 14 days or less upon default of this Agreement by Contractor. The payment bond shall be for the use and benefit of all persons furnishing labor and materials to provide the services and equipment under this Agreement. ARTICLE 17 Assignment and Subcontractors Contractor shall not assign or sell this Agreement, any interest or duty herein, or any privilege or right granted herein without the written consent of the Apple Valley City Council which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Contractor shall provide written notice of any potential assignment or sale of this Agreement, in part or in whole, to the Apple Valley City Council. Any attempt to assign or sell this Agreement, any interest or duty herein, or any privilege or right granted herein without first obtaining the written consent of the Apple Valley City Council shall cause this Agreement to be null and void, unless the Apple Valley City Council consents to the assignment or sale of this Agreement by resolution. Upon assignment or sale of this Agreement, Contractor’s assigns shall be subject to all terms and conditions under this Agreement. The City’s consent to one assignment shall not be deemed to be consent to any subsequent assignment. - 12 - Contractor shall not subcontract all or any portion of the work to be performed hereunder without the written consent of the Apple Valley City Council. Contractor shall require its subcontractor(s) to provide proof of insurance meeting the same requirements set forth in Article 14 herein to the City prior to providing any labor, material or equipment contemplated by this Agreement. Contractor shall also require its subcontractors to agree in writing to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the City, its officials and employees from any and all liability arising out of the subcontractor’s actions or failure to act. When a subcontractor is used, the Contractor shall remain responsible for complying with all terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE 18 Relationship to Parties The Parties agree that Contractor is an independent contractor and not either an employee or agent of the City of Apple Valley. ARTICLE 19 Waiver Any waiver by the City of any breach or violation of any term, covenant or condition of this Agreement shall not be a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of the same or any other term, covenants or condition hereto. ARTICLE 20 Venue Any legal proceeding regarding this Agreement shall be brought in the State of Minnesota. Venue shall be in Dakota County, Minnesota. ARTICLE 21 Complete Agreement and Modifications This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the matters contained herein and supersedes all other written and oral agreements between the Parties with respect to such matters. Any proposed modifications to this Agreement must be submitted to the Apple Valley City Council in writing. Any modifications or amendments agreed to by the Apple Valley City Council must be in writing and signed by both Parties. ARTICLE 22 Default Contractor shall be deemed in default if it fails to perform or comply with any of its obligations under this Agreement. In the event of Contractor’s default, the City shall give - 13 - the Contractor written notice of the nature of the default. Contractor shall have 14 calendar days from the date of the notice to cure the default. ARTICLE 23 Termination 23.1 If Contractor fails to cure the default within the time prescribed by Article 22 to the City’s satisfaction, the City may suspend or terminate this Agreement and/or initiate a court action to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible for the City’s costs and attorney fees to either terminate this Agreement or enforce the terms of this Agreement due to Contractor’s default. 23.2 Termination or penalties can result from failure by the Contractor to collect recyclable items in a manner by mixing source-separated materials with mixed solid waste or handling the source-separated materials in any way that reduces the reusability or marketability of the source-separated material. 23.3 Either Contractor or City may terminate this Agreement for cause by giving forty- five (45) days written notice of its intent to terminate to the other party. Said notice shall specify the circumstances warranting termination of this Agreement. The terminating party has the option, but is not required, to provide the other party an opportunity to cure the specified default. If an opportunity to cure is provided, it shall be specifically described in the notice of termination. 23.4 Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, the City may immediately terminate this Agreement if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, Minnesota Agencies or other funding source, or if its funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow payment of the amounts due under this Agreement. The City is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after written notice of termination for lack of funding. The City will not be assessed any penalty or damages if the Agreement is terminated due to lack of funding. ARTICLE 24 Notice All notices, requests, demands, and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or by overnight carrier to the following addresses: If to City, to: City of Apple Valley 7100 147th Street West Apple Valley MN.55124 Attn: Pamela Gackstetter With a copy to: Dougherty, Molenda, Solfest, Hills & Bauer P.A. 14985 Glazier Avenue, Suite 525 - 14 - Apple Valley, MN 55124 Attn: Apple Valley City Attorney If to Contractor, to: ARTICLE 25 Survival of Obligations Contractor’s obligations under Articles 15, 27 and 28 of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 26 Governing Law This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the substantive and procedural laws of the State of Minnesota, without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws. ARTICLE 27 Data Practices Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13.05, subd. 11, all the data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by Contractor in performing a City function under this Agreement is subject to the requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, and Contractor must comply with those requirements as if it were a government entity. ARTICLE 28 Audit Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §§ 6.551 and 16C.05, subd. 5, Contractor’s books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the City, and either the Legislative Auditor or State Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and approved this Agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY LIGHTNING DISPOSAL, INC. By: _______________________ By: __________________________ Mary Hamann-Roland Mayor Its: __________________________ - 15 - ATTEST: By: _______________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter City Clerk I T E M: 4.S. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Change Order No. 1 to A greement with Standard Contracting, I nc., for P roject 2018- 133, Cobblestone Manor (A L -P 3) S tormwater I mprovements for Alimagnet L ake S taff Contact: B randon A nderson, City Engineer Department / Division: E ngineering Division AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve C hange Order No. 1 to the agreement with Standard C ontracting, Inc., for Project 2018-133, C obblestone Manor (A L-P3) Stormwater Improvements for A limagnet Lake, by adding the amount of $133,594.75. S UM M ARY: Attached for consideration is C hange Order No. 1 that addresses Owner requested changes to the construction documents. A brief description of the change order is as follows: T he change order addresses the additional work and material cost associated with: 1. T he original soil borings and contamination testing reports completed by Braun Intertec Corporation indicated refusal (muck) depths to approximately 3-4 feet in the bottom of the existing storm water basin. During excavation of the basin, it was found that refusal (muck) depths were actually 8-9 feet in some locations. Also, due to the nature of the material (Management Level 3) which is required to be hauled to a landfill, the additional removal of excess contaminated material was deemed to be necessary at this time as part of the project scope. T he total is $133,594.75. T he cost associated with this change reflects fair market value for the work and materials. *As denoted in the Budget Impact and Funding sources, the grant money for A L-P3 from BWSR and VRWJ PO was adjusted from the original work plan which included shifting funding from this project to C ity Project 2018-134 due to the overall project scope of work. Additional Storm Sewer Utility Funds are required for this project due to grant funding shift and change order amount. As part of the 2019-102 Utility Improvement project, Staff has modified the scope of storm sewer work to decrease impacts to the storm sewer fund by $200,000 in 2019. T his decrease will free up additional funds to be utilized as part of the 2018-133 project. B AC K G RO UND: City C ouncil adopted Resolution 2018-57 on May 10, 2018, directing the preparation of plans and specifications for Project 2018-133, C obblestone Manor (A L-P3) Stormwater Improvements for Alimagnet Lake. On March 28, 2019, the City C ouncil adopted Resolution 2019-42, approving plans and specifications and directing receipt of sealed bids for Project 2018-133, C obblestone Manor (A L-P3) Stormwater Improvements for Alimagnet Lake. On May 9, 2019, the C ity C ouncil adopted Resolution 2019-65, awarding agreement for Project 2018-133, C obblestone Manor (A L-P3) Stormwater Improvements for Alimagnet Lake, to Standard Contracting Incorporated, in the amount of $204,019.72. B UD G E T I M PAC T: Project costs and funding included in the adopted 2019 operating budget are summarized as follows: Estimated Project C osts: Estimated Awarded Costs C onstruction Cost $ 225,000.00 $ 204,019.72 C ontingency 22,500.00 C hange Order #1 133,594.75 Engineering, C ontract Admin, Inspection, Testing, & Survey 40,000.00 40,000.00 Total Estimated C ost $ 287,500.00 $ 377,614.50 Estimated Project Funding C lean Water Fund Grant*$ 74,500.00 Storm Sewer Utility (Sediment Removal)90,000.00 $ 90,000.00 Storm Sewer Utility*123,000.00 287,614.50 Total Estimated Funding $ 287,500.00 $ 377,614.50 AT TAC HM E NT S : Change Order Document(s) ••• •••• ••••• •••• ••• Ap~lell Va e Owner: City of A ppl e Va ll ey, 7100 W. 147th St., Apple Vall ey , MN 55124 Co ntractor: Standard Contracti ng , Inc. P.O. Box 250 Hampton , MN 55031 }' Bond Co mpany : Granite Re, Inc . CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Cobblestone Manor (AL-P3) Stormwater Imp rovement s for Ali magnet Lake CITY PROJECT NO . 2018-133 Date Au gu st 27, 2019 Bond No : GRMN42829A T he following items are deemed to be necessary to complete the project according to the intended design . In accordance with the terms of this Contrac t, the Con trac tor is hereby a uthor ized and ins tructed to perform the work as alt ered by th e following provisions . Description of Work Th is change order wi ll add quantities to item 9 : Muck Excavation Management Level 3, whi ch has been deemed insufficient to complete th e project. Addit ionally, the change orde r will ad d necessary soi l co ntaminat ion testi ng needed to prove that the common excavation on site is not contaminated . Finally , the change order will cover quantities of topsoil and compost necessary to ensure good coverage and growth within the cons tru ction lim its . No. Item Unit CHANGE ORDER NO . I 9 MUCK EXCAVATIO N (L V) -MANAGEMENT LEVEL 3 CY 38 SANDY CLAY LOAM TOPSOIL BORROW (L V) CY 39 COMPOST GRADE 2 CY 46 SOIL CONTAMINATION TESTING LS TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO. I 2018 -13 3 Change Order No I Co ntract Quantity 2868 59 29 Unit Price $44 .00 $58.50 $41 .25 $2,755 .00 Total Amount $126 ,192 .09 $3 ,451.50 $1 ,196 .25 $2 ,755 .00 $133,594.75 Original Contract Amount $212 ,484.00 Previous Change Orders $0 .00 This Change Order $ I 33,594 .75 Revised Contract Amount (including this change order) $346,078 .75 CHANGE IN CONTR ACT TIMES Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion (days or date): Ready for final Payment (days or date): Increase of this Change Order: Substantial Completion (days or date): Ready for final Payment (days or date): Contract Time with all approved Change Orders : Substantial Completion (days or date): Ready for final Payment (days or date): Approved by Contractor: S 111212221 C i lia 1h10 , Jue _ $1°,Wb..\C.C::. Cc.tJl"l.~ "\} '-, 'J-,1.J C- (Jt,~~ 6 i?, r /'29 l °\ • D ate Approved By Public Works ~PLEVALLEY D ate cc: Contractor Bonding Company 2018 -133 Change Order No I 28 11 /1/2019 0 11 /1/2019 28 11/1/2019 Approved by Owner: CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor Date Attest: Pamela J . Gackstetter, City Clerk Date Days Days Days I T E M: 4.T. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Change Order No. 1 to A greement with Sunram Construction, I nc., for Project 2018- 134, Sunset P ond (A L -P8) Stormwater I mprovements for A limagnet L ake S taff Contact: B randon A nderson, City Engineer Department / Division: E ngineering Division AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve C hange Order No. 1 to the agreement with Sunram C onstruction, Inc., for Project 2018-134, Sunset Pond (A L-P8) Stormwater Improvements for Alimagnet Lake, by adding the amount of $20,900.00. S UM M ARY: Attached for consideration is C hange Order No. 1 that addresses owner requested changes to the construction documents due to unit quantity discrepancies in the contract documents in relation to required field conditions. T he additional quantities are deemed to be necessary to complete the project per the intended design. A brief description of the change order is as follows: T he change order addresses the additional work and material cost associated with T he Iron Enhanced Sand Filter Bench Detail: 1. Additional 140 Ton of Medium Filter Aggregate Material paid at bid unit pricing for a subtotal of $7,700.00. 2. A dditional 330 Ton of Select Granular Borrow Material paid at bid unit pricing for a subtotal of $13,200.00. T he total is $20,900.00. T he cost associated with this change reflects fair market value for the work and materials. *As denoted in the Budget Impact and Funding sources, the grant money for A L-P8 from BWSR and VRWJ PO was adjusted from the original work plan to provide additional funding to this project. T he impact to the Storm Sewer Utility Funds has been decreased due to the additional grant funding. B AC K G RO UND: On May 10, 2018, the C ity C ouncil adopted Resolution 2018-58, directing the preparation of plans and specifications for Project 2018-134, Sunset Pond (A L-P8) Stormwater Improvements for Alimagnet Lake. On March 28, 2019, the City C ouncil adopted Resolution 2019-43, approving plans and specifications and directing receipt of sealed bids for Project 2018-134, Sunset Pond (A L- P8) Stormwater Improvements for Alimagnet Lake. On May 9, 2019, the C ity C ouncil adopted Resolution 2019-66, awarding agreement for Project 2018-134, Sunset Pond (A L-P8) Stormwater Improvements for Alimagnet Lake, to Sunram C onstruction, Inc., in the amount of $213,642.00. B UD G E T I M PAC T: Project costs and funding included in the adopted 2019 operating budget are summarized as follows: Estimated Project C osts: Estimated Awarded Costs C onstruction Cost $ 200,000.00 $ 213,642.00 C ontingency 20,000.00 C hange Order No. 1 20,900.00 Engineering, C ontract Admin, Inspection, Testing, Survey 40,000.00 40,000.00 Total Estimated C ost $ 260,000.00 $ 274,542.00 Estimated Project Funding C lean Water Fund Grant*$ 75,000.00 $ 154,804.16 Storm Sewer Utility*185,000.00 119,737.84 Total Estimated Funding $ 260,000.00 $ 274,542.00 AT TAC HM E NT S : Change Order Document(s) ••• •••• ••••• •••• ·••· Own er: City uf App le Valley, 7100 W. l 47U1 St., App le Val ley, MN 55124 Contractor: Sumam Construction , lnc . 200 IO 75th Ave N, Corcoran , MN 55340 ApP.lell Va e Y Bond Company : United Fire & Cas ualty Compan y C HANGE O IWE R NO. 1 Sunset Pond (AL-P8) Stonmvater Improvements for Ali.magnet Lake CLTY PROJECT NO . 2018-134 Date Aug ust I, 2019 Bond No: 54224944 The following items are deemed to be nece ssary to co mplete the proje ct according to U1e intended design . In accordance with the tem1s of this Contract, the Contrac tor is hereby auth orized and in st ructed to perfonn the work as alteml by the following provi sions . Descriptio n of Work This change order will revise or igina l quanti ties deemed insufficient to comple te the project. It includes addi tiona l materia ls and labor related to the lron Enhanced Filler al the Su nset Po nd Stormwater lmprovement Project. Contract Un it Total No. Item Unit Quantity Price Amount CIIANGE ORDER NO. I 32 MEDIUM FLL TER AGGREGATE TON 140 $55.00 $7 ,700 .00 33 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW TON 330 $40 .00 ___ $_13~,2_0_0_.0_0 TOTAL CHANGF, ORDF,R NO.I S20,900 .00 20 I 8-134 Change Order No I Original Co ntract Amount $2 [3,642 .00 Previous C hange Orders $0 .0 0 This C hange Order $20,9 00 .00 Revis ed Contract Amount (inc ludin g thi s change order) $234,542 .00 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES Original Co ntra ct Times: Su bstantia l Comp letion (days o r date): Ready for fi nal Payment (days o r date): Increase of thi s C han ge O rder: Su bstantia l Comp letion (days o r date): Ready for fin a l Paym e nt (day s o r date): Contract Time w ith a ll approved C han ge Orders: S ub stantia l Com pl etion (days o r date): Ready for final Payment (days or date): Approved by Contractor: S~am Construction , Inc . r r ~ ,,{!/ f I . ) v½r\ L ._J \.vv-vt.A'V'\ I ' Date Approved By Pub li c Works C F PLE VALLEY Date cc: Con tracto r Bonding Company 20 I 8-134 Change Order No I 2 8 11/1/2019 7 11/1/20 19 35 ll/1/20 19 Approved by Owne r : CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Mary Haman n-Roland , Mayor Date Attest: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City C lerk Date Days Days Days I T E M: 4.U. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Change Order No. 1 to A greement with B&B Commercial Coatings, L L C, for P roject 2019-136, 2019 Hydrant Reconditioning and P ainting, and Approve A cceptance and F inal P ayment S taff Contact: Carol Blommel J ohnson, Public Works Superintendent - Utilities Department / Division: Utilities Division AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve C hange Order No. 1 to the agreement with B&B C ommercial Coatings, LLC, with a reduction of $1,520.00 and accept Project 2019-136, 2019 Hydrant Reconditioning and Painting, as complete and authorize final payment in the amount of $26,980.00. S UM M ARY: B&B C ommercial C oatings has completed the hydrant reconditioning and painting as outlined in the project specifications. T he contract estimated work on 300 hydrants, the final number of hydrants reconditioned and painted was 284, 16 fewer hydrants than estimated. B AC K G RO UND: T his project was authorized at the April 25, 2019, C ouncil meeting. Hydrant reconditioning is typically scheduled on up to 300 hydrants per year. B UD G E T I M PAC T: Funding for this project is included in the Public Works Utilities Division operating budget, Water Fund, 5305-6249. AT TAC HM E NT S : F inal Pay Documents Change Order Document(s) Bill To City of Apple Valley Carol Blommel Johnson 7100 147th Street West Apple Valley, MN 55124-9016 Invoice Item Description Quantity Rate Amount 4110 - Hydrant (non-enclosed) Sand/Vapor blast and Recoat Fire Hydrants- Sherwin Williams Envirolastic International Red 284 95.00 26,980.00 $26,980.00 Date 07/31/19 B & B Commercial Coating LLC PO Box 663 Maple Lake MN 55358 Invoice No. 951 P.O. Number Terms Project Hydrants 2019 Total Subtotal $26,980.00 Sales Tax $0.00 $26,980.00 I T E M: 4.V. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Acceptance and Final P ayment on Agreement with Minnesota Native L andscapes for P roject 2017-180, 2017 Garrett Avenue Raingardens S taff Contact: J essica Schaum, Natural Resources Coordinator Department / Division: Natural Resources Division AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve accepting Project 2017-180, 2017 Garrett Avenue Raingardens, as complete and authorizing final payment on agreement with Minnesota Native Landscapes in the amount of $1,062.50, for a contract total of $15,310. S UM M ARY: Minnesota Native Landscapes has requested final payment of $1,062.50 for the Garrett Avenue Raingardens project. T his is the fourth and final payment request for Project 2017- 180. T he contractor has met all obligations and performed services in a professional and satisfactory manner. B AC K G RO UND: On September 14, 2017, the C ity C ouncil approved a three year agreement with Minnesota Native Landscapes to maintain and enhance two large raingardens in the City. B UD G E T I M PAC T: Funds for this project were included in the 2017-2019 Stormwater Utility Fund. AT TAC HM E NT S : F inal Pay Documents I T E M: 4.W. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Memorandum of Agreement with L E L S L ocal No. 243 E stablishing the 2019 City Maximum Monthly Contribution toward E mployee Group Health B enefits S taff Contact: Melissa Haas, Human Resources Manager Department / Division: Human Resources Division AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve Memorandum of Agreement with LELS Local No. 243 establishing the 2019 City maximum monthly contribution toward employee group health benefits. S UM M ARY: Staff and LELS Local N o. 243 representatives have reached a tentative agreement establishing the following maximum monthly contribution for Police Sergeants in 2019. $940 per month for employees enrolled in a copay health plan $1,285 per month for employees enrolled in a deductible health plan Additional $80 per month contribution to the HRA or HSA of participants in a deductible health plan B AC K G RO UND: In December 2017, the C ity of Apple Valley and LELS Local No. 243 reached a labor contract agreement for 2018-2019. T he C ity contribution toward employee insurance for 2019 was left as a re-opener in that agreement. Staff has met with LELS Local No. 243 representatives in collective bargaining and reached a tentative agreement for the City to provide the maximum monthly contribution summarized above. T he agreement provides for the same 2019 contribution as has been approved by the City C ouncil for non-bargained employees and elected officials, A FS C ME, and LELS Local No. 71. Staff recommends approving the Memorandum of Agreement with LELS Local No. 243 for 2019 City insurance contribution. B UD G E T I M PAC T: T his amount is consistent with the 2019 adopted budget. AT TAC HM E NT S : Agreement MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 2019 Insurance Contribution This Memorandum of Agreement is made by and between the City of Apple Valley (“the Employer”) and LELS Local No. 243, (“the Union”). WHEREAS, the Employer and the Union have entered into a collective bargaining agreement effective 1/1/18 through 12/31/19; and WHEREAS, the 2018-2019 collective bargaining agreement between the Employer and the Union contained a contract re-opener relative to the City's contribution toward group insurance; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The Employer will contribute up to a maximum of $940 per month per Employee in 2019 toward the cost of Employer selected group health, life, and dental insurance for full-time Employees enrolled in a Copay Health Plan. The Employer will contribute up to a maximum of $1285 per month per Employee in 2019 toward the cost of Employer selected group health, life, and dental insurance for full-time Employees enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan. Employees enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan in 2019 will receive an additional $80 per month contribution to the Employee’s HRA or HSA. This incentive is above and in addition to the regular Employer Contribution amount. The additional $80 per month contribution to the HRA or HSA shall expire on December 31, 2019. 2. All other provisions related to insurance shall continue pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement and applicable Memorandum of Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the 12th of September, 2019. FOR LELS: FOR THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY: Peter Matos Mary Hamann-Roland Representative, LELS Local No. 243 Mayor Jason Weishaar Pamela J. Gackstetter Representative, LELS Local No. 243 City Clerk Adam Burnside M. Thomas Lawell Business Agent, LELS Local No. 243 City Administrator Melissa Haas Human Resources Manager I T E M: 4.X. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove P ersonnel Report S taff Contact: Melissa Haas, Human Resources Manager Department / Division: Human Resources Division AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve the personnel report. S UM M ARY: T he employment actions attached to this memo are recommended for City C ouncil Approval. B AC K G RO UND: T he City Council's approval of the Personnel Report includes the ratification of the City Administrator's actions in carrying out the terms and conditions of the employment of the City personnel. B UD G E T I M PAC T: Budgeted positions. AT TAC HM E NT S : Personnel Report PERSONNEL REPORT September 12, 2019 City of Apple Valley Human Resources EMPLOYMENT ACTIONS The following employment actions are recommended for City Council approval: First Name Last Name Action Position Status Dept. Base Pay Rate Pay Type Pay Scale Date (on or about) Joshua Cox Hire Maintenance I Casual, Seasonal 1710 $ 12.52 Hourly SM1 9/9/2019 Christopher Curtis Accept Resignation Police Officer Full-Time, Regular 1200 10/1/2019 Ely Henrickson Hire Golf Outside Service Attendant Casual, Seasonal 5105 $ 10.30 Hourly C-01 8/17/2019 Sydney Hooppaw Hire Skating Instructor Casual, Variable Hour 5205 $ 10.30 Hourly C-10 9/7/2019 Andrew Krisher Hire Sales Clerk Casual, Variable Hour 5020 $ 12.00 Hourly L-1 9/7/2019 Sean McKnight Accept Retirement Police Officer Full-Time, Regular 1200 8/27/2019 Heather Menzies Hire Sales Clerk Casual, Variable Hour 5060 $ 12.00 Hourly L-1 9/10/2019 Jeremy Shimetz Hire Code Compliance Inspector Full-Time, Regular 1013 $ 30.17 Hourly 160 9/16/2019 Jacob Sweitzer Rehire Maintenance II Casual, Seasonal 1710 $ 14.30 Hourly SM1 9/9/2019 Alex Witkowski Hire Police Officer Full-Time, Regular 1200 $ 5,027.00 Monthly U-P 9/28/2019 The Council’s approval of the Personnel Report includes the ratification of the City Administrator’s actions in carrying out the terms and conditions of the employment of the City personnel. Page 1 of 1 I T E M: 4.Y. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Consent A genda Description: A pprove Claims and B ills S taff Contact: Ron Hedberg, Finance Director Department / Division: Finance Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve claims and bills. S UM M ARY: Attached for C ity C ouncil review and approval are check registers for recent claims and bills. B AC K G RO UND: N/A B UD G E T I M PAC T: Check registers dated August 14, 2019, August 21, 2019, and August 28, 2019, in the amounts of $2,609,875.77, $1,497,617.65, and $1,129,588.57, respectively. AT TAC HM E NT S : Claims and Bills Claims and Bills Claims and Bills I T E M: 5.A. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Regular A genda Description: P roclaim B usiness L eaders in Connection with Apple Valley's 50th Golden Year Celebration S taff Contact: B ruce Nordquist, A I C P Community Development Director Department / Division: Community Development Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: 1. Proclaim Vivo Kitchen a business leader in connection with Apple Valley's 50th golden year celebration. 2. Proclaim T hink Mutual Bank a business leader in connection with Apple Valley's 50th golden year celebration. S UM M ARY: In the months ahead, as part of our 50th Golden Year A nniversary C elebration, staff is planning to invite notable Apple Valley businesses to come before the C ity C ouncil to be recognized for their long-standing contributions to the community. T hese are businesses that have contributed to the economic well-being of the C ity and have demonstrated a long-term commitment to the vitality of the community and its residents. T he C ity is very fortunate to have many such businesses which help to strengthen the fabric of our community and contribute to our collective prosperity. While we will not be able to honor all such businesses during the year, it is our hope that highlighting some will emphasize the important role our businesses play in providing economic stability and community vibrancy for us all. Viv o K itchen: Vivo Kitchen is a September recipient. Owner Mark T hompson and key senior staff, J eff Mould and David Peterson will be present to receive the proclamation. T his proclamation recognizes both the business success today by Vivo Kitchen and the pioneering efforts so important to the launch of the C entral Village 15 years ago. Kay Shimek has been invited to attend and receive a matching copy of the prepared proclamation in acknowledgement of this important initial leadership, business success and investment. Think Mutual B ank: T hink Mutual Bank a September recipient. C had DeC ook, Senior Vice-President of Business Banking and Chief C redit Officer, C hrist Barnick, Senior Vice-President of Consumer Banking, Kirk Muhlenbruck, Vice President of Business Banking, Sonya Busch, Business Advisor and Kiersten Lawson, Branch Manager, will be present to receive the proclamation. T he proclamation follows their business growth and development, as a place to work, and as a community partner. B AC K G RO UND: N/A B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A AT TAC HM E NT S : Proclamation Proclamation Presentation CITY OF APPLE VALLEY WHEREAS, a City is forever and is made all the better with that sought-after special dining experience, a destination tablecloth and pioneering restaurant investment in our Central Village Plan; and WHEREAS, in 2003, “Water’s Edge” evolved into “Enjoy!” by the time of final approval, a place for the food, friends, life envisioned by Dan and Kay Shimek and a business recognized by the Apple Valley Chamber as a Business of the Year in 2005 and Legacy Award recipient in 2013; and WHEREAS, there were a few restaurants that opened in 2004 that would be a springboard to the earned national attention now given our region’s expertise in quality food service. At that time, Enjoy! is mentioned with La Belle Vie, A Rebour, and more recently with the transformation that has become Meritage and Vivo Kitchen; and WHEREAS, what stands out for Vivo Kitchen, since a 2014 beginning, is their ability to deliver guest seating for 450 when combining the dining, bar, private dining and patio spaces. And, let it be stated that the patio offers the best in suburban patio dining “on a patio so roomy it could double as a smallish park” according to the Star Tribune last week; and WHEREAS, Vivo Kitchen employs 85 dining specialists led by owner Mark Thompson and senior managers Jeff Mould, Dan Wesener and David Peterson that have advanced the latest spark of possibility thinking, catering services and the largest mobile scratch kitchen in Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the pioneering investment of the past has brought us Vivo Kitchen, now celebrating five years with the attributes of service, cultivating relationships, offering something special around a table, building community both within and beyond their walls and setting that table for possibilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, hereby recognizes: “VIVO KITCHEN” as a well-established business leader demonstrating on-going excellence in business and restaurant management during Apple Valley’s celebration of its 50 Golden Years. PROCLAIMED this 12th day of September, 2019. Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk CITY OF APPLE VALLEY WHEREAS, pioneering business efforts are demonstrated in many ways, sometimes by years of service, other times by how customers are served It is the timing of just the right location, products and services over eight years in Apple Valley that has made a difference in growing Think Mutual Bank a strong and visible community partner; and WHEREAS, in 1961 a group of IBM employees launched the IBM Rochester Employee Credit Union which grew into Think Federal Credit Union in 2003. “Think” was a motto for the IBM employees, paying homage to the past ties with IBM, and also as a strategy for growth; and WHEREAS, in 2007, moving away from being a credit union to become a mutual savings association, Think Mutual Bank offered products and services to a wider range of people and businesses. Apple Valley became one of 10 branch locations when constructed in 2011 and part of a company that has grown to 299 employees, including Sonya Busch, Kirk Muhlenbruck and Kiersten Lawson as the bank’s face to the community at business events throughout the years; and WHEREAS, their business success was recognized by the Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce when Think Mutual Bank was named the Business of the Year in 2016; and WHEREAS, Sonya Busch deserves a special mention for guiding good business and music while wearing the Think Mutual Bank hat; serving as Chamber Chair in 2016, and serving as Apple Valley Arts Foundation President and Chair since 2014; and WHEREAS, Think Mutual Bank is a visible and special partner with the Apple Valley Arts Foundation for the Music in Kelley Park Concert Series and with the Minnesota Zoo, by sponsoring the “summer trek” whether it be kangaroos or llamas; and WHEREAS, adjacent to Apple Valley Liquor Store #3, we applaud Think Mutual Bank’s role in the economic development of the Cobblestone Lake commercial area, and the placement of their signage which helps to deliver the message to thousands of customers per day, “Think Apple Valley Liquor”. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, hereby recognizes: “THINK MUTUAL BANK” as a well-established business leader demonstrating on-going excellence in financial products and services during Apple Valley’s celebration of its 50 Golden Years. PROCLAIMED this 12th day of September, 2019. Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk 9/13/2019 1 City of Apple Valley 50th Golden Year Proclamation VIVO KITCHEN September 12, 2019 9/13/2019 2 9/13/2019 3 City of Apple Valley 50th Golden Year Proclamation VIVO KITCHEN City of Apple Valley 50th Golden Year Proclamation Think Mutual Bank September 12, 2019 9/13/2019 4 Music  in  Kelley Park Series 9/13/2019 5 Community  &  Employee  Involvement  9/13/2019 6 City of Apple Valley 50th Golden Year Proclamation Think Mutual Bank I T E M: 5.B. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Regular A genda Description: P resentation on Completed Ameresco Energy Efficiency P rojects S taff Contact: Charles Grawe, A ssistant City A dministrator Department / Division: Administration / I nformation Technologies AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Presentation on completed Ameresco energy efficiency projects. S UM M ARY: In 2018, the City engaged in a number of building energy efficiency and capital projects using a tool known as an Energy Savings Performance C ontract (ESPC). T he final total amount of the contract was $1,967,437.61. T his presentation reviews the energy efficiency improvements that were accomplished. B AC K G RO UND: T he project included lighting, water conservation, and mechanical insulation in numerous City buildings; LED street lighting along C edar Avenue; end-of-life boiler replacements in the Municipal C enter, Aquatic C enter, C ommunity C enter, and Water Treatment Plant; a replacement rooftop unit at Fire Station 1; and replacement building control software for the Municipal Center and Central Maintenance Facility. B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A AT TAC HM E NT S : Presentation CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS -UPDATE SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 ©2019 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 UTILITY ANNUAL SPEND (FROM 2018) Total Utility Cost is $1.1 M CITY-WIDE ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS PHASE 1 & 2 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 GUARANTEED ENERGY SAVINGS Maintenance Cost Energy CostSavings Repayment Increased Energy Budget Future (Post-Project) MaintenanceCost Energy Cost Energy Budget Pre-Project (Now) Ameresco guarantees cost avoidance (utility & operations expenses) will meet or exceed annual payments to cover all project costs, over an agreed upon debt service period, or we will pay the difference. Enabling Legislation: Minnesota State Statute §471.345 -Energy Efficiency Projects ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 APPLE VALLEY –PHASE I (2013) Project Total……............................$899,651 Year One Savings (guaranteed)…..$43,768 Savings Actual (107%)……………$47,000 Energy Efficiency Measure Location Building Automation Controls Teen Center, Liquor stores 1 & 2, and Community Center Air Infiltration Reduction Most City Buildings Low-e Window film Municipal Center Roof Replacement Municipal Center and Community Center Lighting Upgrades Various City Buildings ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 APPLE VALLEY –PHASE II (2018) Project Total……............................$1,917,828 Year One Savings (guaranteed)…..$86,084 Savings Actual ……….……………$TBD Energy Efficiency Measure Location LED Facility Lighting Upgrades Aquatic Center, Central Maintenance Facility, Community Center, Fire Stations 1,2,3, Liquor Stores 1,2,3, Hayes Arena, Johnny Cake Park, Municipal Center, Senior Center, Water Treatment Plant LED Street Lighting Upgrades Cedar Avenue between 138th and 160th intersections Boiler Replacements –High Efficiency Municipal Center, WTP, Community Center and Aquatic Center Roof Top HVAC Replacement Fire Station #1 HVAC Controls Upgrades Central Maintenance Building and Municipal Center Mechanical Insulation Improvements Municipal Center, Community Center and Service Center Water Conservation Hayes Ice Arena, Senior Center and Aquatic Center ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. Date of Presentation PH 1 & PH 2 FACILITY SUMMARY Building Description Lighting Improvements Building Envelope Window Film low-e HVAC Controls Roofing Upgrades Facility LED Lighting Upgrades Boiler Replacement Rooftop Unit Replacement Mechanical Insulation Water Conservation Municipal Center  Central Maintenance Facility  Fire Station 1  Fire Station 2  Fire Station 3  Liquor Store 1  Liquor Store 2  Liquor Store 3  Teen Center  Redwood Community Pool  Community Center  Senior Center  Sports Arena at AV HS  Aquatic Swim Center  Hayes Ice Arena  Johnny Cake Park  Water Treatment Plant  Street Lights Street Lighting LED Retrofit on Cedar Avenue 7 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 Project 1 & 2 -Summary Project Cost $ 2,807,479 Annual Energy and O&M Savings (Year 1) Guaranteed $133,084 Capital Contribution $ 0 25 Year = Cumulative Energy Savings after self-funding ~$ 620,333 PROJECT 1 & 2: SELF-FUNDING ENERGY PROJECTS Project combines Energy & Operation & Maintenance Savings for a Self-Funding Project CITY PROJECT PICTURES / VIDEO BEFORE VS. AFTER ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 10 FACILITY LIGHTING UPGRADES Hayes Ice Arena LED Lighting Photo ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 11 FACILITY LIGHTING UPGRADES Fire Station #1 LED Lighting Photo ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 12 FACILITY LIGHTING UPGRADES Liquor Store 1 Cooler Lighting Retrofit (Left side retrofitted to LED) ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 13 LED STREETLIGHT UPGRADE Benefits Energy cost saving Maintenance cost savings, service life expectancy > 20 years Improved light distribution/uniformity Standardization of lighting type Security –improves exterior lighting and security camera clarity Cedar Avenue138th St 160th St ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. LIGHTING REVIEW –IMPACT TO CITY Retrofit (142) 250w HPS Street lights Installed = 140w retrofit kits LED 44% decrease Retrofit (32) 100w HPS Street lights Installed = 77w LED retrofit kits LED 23% decrease Replacement of (26) 250w HPS Cobraheads Installed = 126w Cobrahead Street light LED 50% decrease 14 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 15 CEDAR & 147TH Pre-Photo Post Photo LED STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. LED STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES CEDAR & 147TH Post Photo 16 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. LED STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES Post Photo CEDAR & 147TH 17 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 18 CEDAR & 150TH Pre-Photo Post Photo LED STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. Post Photo CEDAR & 150TH LED STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES 19 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. CEDAR & 150TH LED STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES Post Photo 20 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. CEDAR & 150TH LED STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES Post Photo 21 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. CEDAR & 153RD Post Photo LED STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES 22 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. CEDAR & 153RD Post Photo LED STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES 23 ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 26 BOILER REPLACEMENTS Riverfront Drive and Cherry Street looking North Municipal Center Boiler Replacements Pre and Post Photo ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 27 BOILER REPLACEMENTS Riverfront Drive and Cherry Street looking North Aquatic Center Boiler Replacements Pre and Post Photo ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 28 BOILER REPLACEMENTS Riverfront Drive and Cherry Street looking North Community Center Boiler Replacements Pre and Post Photo ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 29 BOILER REPLACEMENTS Riverfront Drive and Cherry Street looking North Water Treatment Plant Boiler Replacement Pre and Post Photo ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 30 ROOFTOP UNIT REPLACEMENT 2nd Street and Mulberry Street looking South West Fire Station #1 –Rooftop Unit Replacement Pre and Post Photo ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 31 BUILDING CONTROLS UPGRADES Standardize city wide control set points Upgrade graphical display for easy operation, monitoring and reports Energy consumption/costs reduction Enhanced operator control 24/7 system wide troubleshooting and monitoring Demand Control Ventilation Improved comfort / work environment Historical trending for operational costs analysis ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 32 MECHANICAL INSULATION Municipal Center –Mechanical Insulation Improvements Air Separator –Post Photo Air Separator –Pre Photos including Infrared Thermal Image ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 33 WATER CONSERVATION Water Conservation Improvements –low flow aerators and shower heads ENERGY EFFICIENCY SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY ACHIEVEMENTS ©2019 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 35 UTILITY ANNUAL SPEND (FROM 2018) Total Utility Cost is $1.1 M * * Only includes Cedar Ave. Street lighting $133,084 in Energy Savings = ~12% reduction for the City ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 36 EPA GREENHOUSE GAS SAVINGS PROJECT Totals: Metric Tons of CO2 = 630 Total and 91 cars off the roads PROJECT 2: Metric Tons CO2 = 427 Total and 91 cars off the roads for one year * The sum of the greenhouse gas emissions is equivalent to the above based on the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator found at www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator . PROJECT 1: Metric Tons CO2 = 213 Total and 45 cars off the roads for one year ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. 37 APPLE VALLEY SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT Totals: Metric Tons of CO2 = 630 Total and 91 cars off the roads $133,084 in Energy Savings = ~12% reduction for the City ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. MINNESOTA GREENSTEP PROGRAM GreenStep Best Practices Advancement Looking for Block 4 for the City And future blocks 38 SUMMARY ©2018 Ameresco, Inc. All rights reserved. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 40 PROJECT Cost of Project: $2.8M LED Lighting upgrades Facility and Streetlighting Building Envelope improvements HVAC and Control Upgrades Roofing Upgrades Water Conservation BENEFITS Guaranteed Energy Savings Self-funding –no taxpayer impact LED Lighting Improves security & camera clarity City-Wide Equipment Replacements/Upgrades Sustainability Recognition by the City RESULTS 12% reduction in annual energy consumption Combined $133k in annual energy and maintenance savings Improved occupant comfort, quality of living, and sense of community stewardship GreenStep City Level 3+ -Achievement Annual City Utility Cost = $1.1M QUESTIONS ? THANK YOU Your Trusted Sustainability Partner ameresco.com John Neville Regional Director 612-315-6941 jneville@amereco.com 9855 West 78th Street , Suite 310 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 I T E M: 5.C. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Regular A genda Description: P roposed 2020 City Budget and P roperty Tax L evy S taff Contact: Ron Hedberg, Finance Director Department / Division: Finance Department AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: 1. Adopt resolution approving the 2020 proposed budget and property tax levy 2. Motion to set the 2020 public budget meeting (formerly the Truth in Taxation hearing) for T hursday, December 12, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. S UM M ARY: T he 2020 budget process began on March 1, 2019, when the C ity C ouncil held a goal setting session with staff and provided specific direction on the 2020 budget to minimize the impacts to the property taxes paid by property owners. T his meeting was followed up with a budget discussion at the Informal C ity C ouncil meeting on August 22, 2019 and September 12, 2019. T he budget process requires that the C ity of Apple Valley adopt a preliminary budget and property tax levy for 2020 and certify it to the Dakota C ounty Auditor by September 30, 2019. B AC K G RO UND: T he current budget calendar calls for the C ity Council to adopt the preliminary levy (which will become the maximum levy for 2020) and budget at the September 12th City C ouncil meeting. If additional time is needed, the adoption of the preliminary levy and budget could be conducted at the September 26th C ity Council meeting. T he total levy for 2020 is proposed to be $27,381,000 up 3.91% or $1,031,000 over 2019. At this levy amount, the median valued home in Apple Valley of $278,000, that experienced an increase of 7.1% in value, will see the C ity’s share of their property tax bill increase approximately $57 or 5.50% for 2020. Staff believes that the preliminary budget accomplishes a number of important objectives: Retains a focus on the provision of basic C ity services and funds their provision at adequate levels. Demonstrates a strong stewardship of existing infrastructure and plans for its repair/replacement in a proactive manner. T he proposed budget maintains the stated goal of the C ity C ouncil to not Specially Assess for the annual street and infrastructure maintenance program by providing property tax levy support of the program in the form of a transfer from the General Fund. T he property tax levy support of the City’s annual street maintenance program was increased for the coming year to $3,540,000. T he 2020 C ity property taxes will show an increase of 5.50% ($57 per year or $4.75 per month) in the City’s portion of the property taxes on the median valued home. T he 2020/2021 budget provides funding for the following items over the next two years: New Positions in the following areas are included in the two year budget: Communications Specialist Police Officer position Utility Maintenance Operator Street Maintenace Operator Continuation of the Water Meter replacement program. Continued support of the A nnual Street and Infrastructure Replacement Program, including property tax levy support of $3,540,000. Conducting the upcoming general election at an increased cost of $194,000. Cost to respond to the Emerald Ash Borer infection of $280,000. T he proposed 2020 budget was presented to the C ity C ouncil August 22, 2019. T he direction received at the informal session was to go forward with the preliminary levy as presented and that an additional meeting would be held on September 12 at the C ouncil Informal Meeting along with other meetings that may be held in the future. Adoption of this proposed budget and property tax levy establishes the maximum levy for 2020. In the coming months the amount of the total levy may decrease, but not increase. Breakdown of the 2020 Tax Levy: Levy Component 2019 2020 Difference % Change General Fund $21,164,055 $22,047,895 $883,840 4.18% S treet Maintenance P rogram 3,437,000 3,540,000 103,000 3.00% Municipal Building Fund 186,000 192,000 6,000 3.23% Property Tax Delinquencies Allowance 50,000 50,000 -0.00% Ice Arena S upport 121,000 121,000 -0.00% Debt Service - Voter Approved 993,800 1,016,230 22,430 2.26% Debt Service - All Other Levy Supported 398,145 413,875 15,730 3.95% Total $26,350,000 $27,381,000 $1,031,000 3.91% Additional information can be obtained in the attached 2020 Proposed Operating Budget. B UD G E T I M PAC T: T he resolution will establish the preliminary operating budget for 2020 and the proposed tax levy for 2020. AT TAC HM E NT S : Resolution Exhibit Presentation CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 2019- RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2020 PROPOSED BUDGETS AND TAX LEVY WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the proposed 2020 operating budget on August 22nd and September 12th as set forth in Exhibit A of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to adopt the operating budgets for management purposes; and thereby establishing a maximum tax levy for 2020; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Statutes require the certification of the Proposed Budget and Tax Levy for taxes payable in 2020 by September 30, 2019, to the County Auditor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley that revenue and expenditure budgets for 2020 shall be as noted in Exhibit A of this Resolution and as supported by the detailed document, as revised. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council that the 2020 scheduled levy for the 2013A GO Refunding Bonds is hereby reduced by $580,350 to reflect available resources and current needs to meet the payable 2020 debt service requirements on 2013A GO Refunding Bonds; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council that the following proposed sums of money be levied for the current year, collectible in 2020, upon the taxable property in the City of Apple Valley for the following purposes: General Purposes: $22,289,895 Annual Street Maintenance Program 3,540,000 Ice Arena support 121,000 Debt Levy: Market Value Based Debt Levy: GO. Refunding Bonds 2013A 344,650 GO Refunding Bonds 2015B 671,580 1,016,230 Tax Capacity Based Debt Levy: GO Equipment Certificates 2015 133,875 GO Equipment Certificates 2012 128,000 GO. Equipment Certificates 2014 152,000 413,875 $ 27,381,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor of Dakota County, Minnesota. ADOPTED this 12th day of September, 2019. Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk CERTIFICATE I, Pamela Gackstetter, City Clerk, hereby certify that the above resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota, on the date above indicated. ________________________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 2020 Operating Budget Summary Exhibit A Total Other Total Budgeted Budgeted General Funds Enterprise Funds Revenues: Fund 2020 Funds 2020 General property taxes - Current $25,779,895 $ - 121,000 $25,900,895 General property taxes - Mobile home 36,000 - - 36,000 General property tax- Delinq Net 50,000 - 50,000 Property tax- Current & Delq Net 25,865,895$ -$ 121,000$ 25,986,895$ Franchise & other taxes 661,600 221,000 - 882,600 Special assessments 14,000 250,000 - 264,000 Licenses 195,175 - - 195,175 Permits 1,559,700 - - 1,559,700 Intergovernmental 956,250 3,071,500 444,000 4,471,750 Charges for services 2,402,910 162,168 25,963,100 28,528,178 Fines and penalties 299,500 - - 299,500 Investment earnings 200,000 190,001 279,000 669,001 Other Revenues 128,230 76,007 205,500 409,737 Rentals 707,245 246,600 - 953,845 Admin Charges to other funds 1,010,200 1,202,820 - 2,213,020 Subtotal before transfers & debt 34,000,705 5,420,096 27,012,600 66,433,401 Debt Issued - - - - Transfers In 1,385,000 10,688,168 - 12,073,168 Total revenues 35,385,705 16,108,264 27,012,600 78,506,569 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 16,749,325 216,895 3,454,140 20,420,360 Social Security (FICA & Medicare)852,900 16,595 261,180 1,130,675 PERA 1,741,260 16,225 232,900 1,990,385 Provided Insurance 2,332,535 48,200 488,130 2,868,865 Other Benefits (Work Comp,etc)621,630 1,000 107,845 730,475 Total Personal Service 22,297,650 298,915 4,544,195 27,140,760 Supplies 1,379,518 5,245 529,995 1,914,758 Contractural Services 3,503,266 114,190 1,225,883 4,843,339 Utilities 582,259 33,050 777,633 1,392,942 Repairs & Maintenance 414,157 37,250 487,918 939,325 Travel, Training, Dues 616,560 21,450 103,930 741,940 Other Expenditures 1,473,975 8,920 4,344,518 5,827,413 Miscellaneous - - 226,500 226,500 Items for Resale 68,500 - 7,618,890 7,687,390 Capital Outlay 1,317,820 15,893,450 10,067,050 27,278,320 Depreciation - 1,029,250 4,600,400 5,629,650 Admin Fees - - 817,000 817,000 Debt Service - - 891,875 891,875 Subtotal before transfers 31,653,705 17,441,720 36,235,787 85,331,212 Transfers Out 3,732,000 285,250 1,385,000 5,402,250 Total expenditures 35,385,705 17,726,970 37,620,787 90,733,462 Revenues over (under) expenditures - (1,618,706) (10,608,187) (12,226,893) CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 2020 Operating Budget Summary - Other Governmental Funds Exhibit A Other Funds Other Funds Total Other Cable TV Cable TV Cable TV Cable TV Future Road EDA Education Municipal Vehicle Budgeted Joint Powers Special Rev. Special Rev. Capital Projects Capital Improvement Operations Building Building Replacement Funds Revenues: Fund PEG Fund Non-PEG Fund Fund Projects Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 2020 General property taxes - Current $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - General property taxes - Mobile home - - - - - - - - - - General property tax- Delinq Net - Property tax- Current & Delq Net -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Franchise & other taxes - 71,000 150,000 - - - - - - - 221,000 Special assessments - - - - - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 Licenses - - - - - - - - - - - Permits - - - - - - - - - - - Intergovernmental - - - - - 3,071,500 - - - - 3,071,500 Charges for services 162,168 - - - - - - - - - 162,168 Fines and penalties - - - - - - - - - - - Investment earnings 1,500 1,500 500 - 163,000 - 400 3,732 8,300 11,069 190,001 Other Revenues - - - - 7,007 - - - - 69,000 76,007 Rentals - - - - - - - 246,600 - - 246,600 Admin Charges to other funds - - - - - - 50,000 - - 1,152,820 1,202,820 Subtotal before transfers & debt 163,668 72,500 150,500 - 170,007 3,321,500 50,400 250,332 8,300 1,232,889 5,420,096 Debt Issued - - - - - - - - - - - Transfers In 162,168 - - - 500,000 9,622,000 - - 404,000 - 10,688,168 Total revenues 325,836 72,500 150,500 0 670,007 12,943,500 50,400 250,332 412,300 1,232,889 16,108,264 Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 216,360 - - - 535 216,895 Social Security (FICA & Medicare)16,550 - - - 45 16,595 PERA 16,225 - - - 16,225 Provided Insurance 48,200 - - - 48,200 Other Benefits (Work Comp,etc)1,000 - - - 1,000 Total Personal Service 298,335 - - - - - 580 - - - 298,915 Supplies 4,000 - 1,195 - - - - 50 - - 5,245 Contractural Services 4,700 - 12,500 - - - 8,000 88,990 - - 114,190 Utilities - - - - - - - 33,050 - - 33,050 Repairs & Maintenance 6,000 - 1,800 - - - - 29,450 - - 37,250 Travel, Training, Dues 8,800 - - - - - 12,650 - - - 21,450 Other Expenditures 2,500 - - - - - - 6,420 - - 8,920 Miscellaneous - - - - - - - - - - - Items for Resale - - - - - - - - - - - Capital Outlay - 58,750 - 30,000 1,550,000 12,943,500 - 100,000 378,500 832,700 15,893,450 Depreciation - - - - - - - - - 1,029,250 1,029,250 Admin Fees - - - - - - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - - - - - - Subtotal before transfers 324,335 58,750 15,495 30,000 1,550,000 12,943,500 21,230 257,960 378,500 1,861,950 17,441,720 Transfers Out - 5,250 78,000 - 202,000 - - - - - 285,250 324,335 64,000 93,495 30,000 1,752,000 12,943,500 21,230 257,960 378,500 1,861,950 17,726,970 1,501 8,500 57,005 (30,000) (1,081,993) - 29,170 (7,628) 33,800 (629,061) (1,618,706) CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 2020 Operating Budget Summary - Enterprise Funds Exhibit A Enterprise Funds Total Valleywood Water Sports Storm Street Enterprise Liquor Golf Course & Sewer Arena Drainage Light Cemetery Funds Revenues: Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Utility Fund 2020 General property taxes - Current $ - $ - $ - $121,000 $ - $ - $121,000 General property taxes - Mobile home $ - - General property tax- Delinq Net - - - - - - - Property tax- Current & Delq Net -$ -$ -$ 121,000$ -$ -$ -$ 121,000$ Franchise & other taxes - - - - - - - - Special assessments - - - - - - - - Licenses - . - - - - - - Permits - - - - - - - - Intergovernmental - - - 200,000 244,000 - - 444,000 Charges for services 9,959,000 1,204,000 11,413,000 581,500 2,075,000 550,000 180,600 25,963,100 Fines and penalties - - - - - - - - Investment earnings 40,000 - 200,000 - 34,000 1,000 4,000 279,000 Other Revenues - - 180,000 18,500 5,000 - 2,000 205,500 Rentals - - - - - - - - Admin Charges to other funds - - - - - - - - Subtotal before transfers & debt 9,999,000 1,204,000 11,793,000 921,000 2,358,000 551,000 186,600 27,012,600 Debt Issued - - - - - - - - Transfers In - - - - - - - - Total revenues 9,999,000 1,204,000 11,793,000 921,000 2,358,000 551,000 186,600 27,012,600 Expenditures: Wages & Salaries 866,665 585,980 1,469,460 305,955 220,330 3,000 2,750 3,454,140 Social Security (FICA & Medicare)66,305 44,830 109,580 23,405 16,855 - 205 261,180 PERA 65,000 30,325 104,355 16,490 16,525 - 205 232,900 Provided Insurance 92,330 65,790 276,885 35,180 17,945 - - 488,130 Other Benefits (Work Comp,etc)33,920 14,600 44,105 6,245 8,760 - 215 107,845 1,124,220 741,525 2,004,385 387,275 280,415 3,000 3,375 4,544,195 - - - - - - Supplies 21,650 133,500 265,445 28,900 51,970 14,780 13,750 529,995 Contractural Services 41,065 52,200 485,755 33,750 512,825 55,200 45,088 1,225,883 Utilities 56,480 54,500 441,800 147,100 72,800 2,153 2,800 777,633 Repairs & Maintenance 40,168 21,500 329,340 42,500 54,000 - 410 487,918 Travel, Training, Dues 13,530 7,250 46,545 7,750 13,115 7,000 8,740 103,930 Other Expenditures 270,540 31,850 3,945,230 37,235 19,950 21,500 18,213 4,344,518 Miscellaneous 151,500 20,000 54,000 1,000 - - - 226,500 Items for Resale 7,070,890 57,000 55,000 16,000 - 420,000 - 7,618,890 Capital Outlay 22,500 107,000 6,596,800 288,750 2,717,000 80,000 255,000 10,067,050 Depreciation 142,800 179,000 3,107,000 152,100 1,000,000 - 19,500 4,600,400 Admin Fees - - 447,000 - 370,000 - - 817,000 Debt Service - 8,950 674,225 - 208,700 - - 891,875 Subtotal before transfers 8,955,343 1,414,275 18,452,525 1,142,360 5,300,775 603,633 366,876 36,235,787 Transfers Out 660,000 - 725,000 - - - - 1,385,000 Total expenditures 9,615,343 1,414,275 19,177,525 1,142,360 5,300,775 603,633 366,876 37,620,787 Revenues over (under) expenditures 383,657 (210,275) (7,384,525) (221,360) (2,942,775) (52,633) (180,276) (10,608,187) Addback: Principal Portion Debt Service inc above - 400,000 - 170,000 - 570,000 Capital outlay above - not an expense 22,500 107,000 6,596,800 288,750 2,717,000 80,000 255,000 10,067,050 Net Income 406,157 (103,275) (387,725)67,390 (55,775)27,367 74,724 28,863 9/12/2019 1 2020 Budget and Tax Levy Preliminary Budget & Levy Adoption September 12, 2019 Actions Tonight •Adopt Preliminary Budget and Levy •Sets maximum levy •Can be lowered but not increased •Set Date to discuss the budget and levy where the public meeting is invited to attend •Recommend Dec. 12, 2019 (regular scheduled Council meeting) 9/12/2019 2 VALUATION INCREASES AND TAX IMPACTS Median Value Home Increases 7.0% to $277,700 for 2020, all time high $241,400 $186,000 $259,500 $277,700 $170,000 $190,000 $210,000 $230,000 $250,000 $270,000 $290,000 2008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020PrelimTax Payable Year Assessors Estimated Market Value Median Value Homesteaded Residential 9/12/2019 3 2019 to 2020 EMV Change Residential Taxable Market Value – Median Incr. 7.54% for ’20 (EMV 6.55%) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 < ‐10.01%‐9.01 to ‐10%‐8.01 to ‐9%‐7.01 to ‐8%‐6.01 to ‐7%‐5.01 to ‐6%‐4.01 to ‐5%‐3.01 to ‐4%‐2.01 to ‐3%‐1.01 to ‐2%‐0.01 to ‐1%0%0.01% to 1%1.01% to 2%2.01% to 3%3.01% to 4%4.01% to 5%5.01% to 6%6.01% to 7%7.01% to 8%8.01% to 9%9.01% to 10%10.01% to 11%11.01% to 12%12.01% to 13%13.01% to 14%14.01% to 15%15.01% to 16%16.01% to 17%17.01% to 18%18.01% to 19%19.01% to 20%>20%% Change TMV Pay 2019‐Homesteaded Pay 2020‐Homesteaded 9/12/2019 4 Residential Taxable Market Value – Median Incr. 7.54% for ’20 (EMV 6.55%) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 < ‐10.01%‐9.01 to ‐10%‐8.01 to ‐9%‐7.01 to ‐8%‐6.01 to ‐7%‐5.01 to ‐6%‐4.01 to ‐5%‐3.01 to ‐4%‐2.01 to ‐3%‐1.01 to ‐2%‐0.01 to ‐1%0%0.01% to 1%1.01% to 2%2.01% to 3%3.01% to 4%4.01% to 5%5.01% to 6%6.01% to 7%7.01% to 8%8.01% to 9%9.01% to 10%10.01% to 11%11.01% to 12%12.01% to 13%13.01% to 14%14.01% to 15%15.01% to 16%16.01% to 17%17.01% to 18%18.01% to 19%19.01% to 20%>20%% Change TMV Pay 2019‐Homesteaded Pay 2020‐Homesteaded 76% Increased 10% or less TAX IMPACTS TO MEDIAN VALUED HOME 9/12/2019 5 Sample Calculation (City portion only) Property Value 277,700   Less Homestead MV Exclusion (12,247)    = Taxable Market Value 265,453   State Class Rate  1.0% = Tax Capacity 2,655        Property Tax rate 38.72% = Gross taxes paid 1,028$      Plus Referendum 45             Property Tax Dollars Paid ‐ City 1,073$      Police $333 Park & Recreation $159 Public Works $136 Street Maintenance Program $122 Fire $76 General Government $71 Debt Service $49 Community Development $35 Finance & IT $64 Unallocated $28 Share of Annual Property Tax Bill of $1,073 9/12/2019 6 PROPERTY TAX LEVY Property Tax Levy Components Levy Component 2019 2020 Difference %Increase General Fund $21,214,055 $22,093,895 879,840 4.1% Street Maintenance (Levy Support)3,437,000 3,540,000 103,000 3.0% Muni Bldg Fund 186,000 196,000 10,000 5.4% Ice Arena Support 121,000 121,000 - 0.0% Debt Service – Voter Approved 993,800 1,016,230 22,430 2.3% Debt Service– all Other Levy 398,145 413,875 15,730 4.0% Total $26,350,000 $27,381,000 $1,031,000 3.9% 9/12/2019 7 Apple Valley's Preliminary Total Tax Levy – Increase Favorable in Comparison to Comparable Cities (pay 2020 prelim) Source: Minnetonka Survey – Sept. 2019 7.9%7.5% 7.5% 6.1%6.0% 6.0%5.9%5.6%5.0%5.0% 3.9%3.5% 1.7% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% $1,564 $1,334 $1,117 $1,086 $1,073 $1,072 $1,036 $992 27.90% 31.48% 34.83% 32.71% 38.71% 35.72% 32.42% 25.14%  $‐  $250  $500  $750  $1,000  $1,250  $1,500  $1,750 Edina Eden Prairie Lakeville Maple Grove Apple Valley Eagan Woodbury Plymouth (% in bar is Tax Capacity Extension Rate) $ AV Taxes on Median Valued Home Compares Favorably to Similar Communities (Pay 2020 Prelim) Using Median Value in each community means half of the homes pay more and half pay less than this in each community 9/12/2019 8 $1,564 $1,334 $1,117 $1,086 $1,073 $1,072 $1,036 $992 27.90% 31.48% 34.83% 32.71% 38.71% 35.72% 32.42% 25.14%  $‐  $250  $500  $750  $1,000  $1,250  $1,500  $1,750 Edina Eden Prairie Lakeville Maple Grove Apple Valley Eagan Woodbury Plymouth (% in bar is Tax Capacity Extension Rate) $ AV Taxes on Median Valued Home Compares Favorably to Similar Communities (Pay 2020 Prelim) Using Median Value in each community means half of the homes pay more and half pay less than this in each community Includes Road Reconstruction Levy Prelim Budget Includes •Residential property taxes will rise 5.5% •($55 per year or $4.58 per month) for Median Valued home ($1,018 to $1,073) •Continues goal of the City Council to not specially assess for the Annual Street Maintenance Program. •Includes additional transfer to Road Improvement Fund 2020 levy support = $3,540,000, avg. increase 4% since inception •Additional Fiscal Disparities not incorporated •Full time positions included: •Police Officer Communication / Media Specialist •Utility Operator Streets Maintenance Operator 9/12/2019 9 Budget Items of note: •Street Maintenance Program @ $12.9M: •Cimarron Ct. •Garden View: •Whitney to CR 46 •Redwood to CR42 •Equipment: •7 police cars •Snow plow •Park & Streets Pickups •Park Mowers •Emerald Ash Borer Incr.Response •Pickleball Courts •Fire Station #1,#3 -roofs •AVCC – Gym Curtains •AV Updates (AVCC & Senior Center) •JCRP East Restroom Impr. •Park- Path Overlays •Senior Center – Boiler Update •Meter replacement program $2M Budget Timeline Remaining •Action includes setting budget meeting date for December 12, 2019 •County to send parcel specific notices during 2nd and 3rd weeks of November •Council to hold budget discussion (TNT meeting), December 12th •Adopt final budget and tax levy at December 12th council meeting (backup date December 26th) 9/12/2019 10 Action Required •Adopt Resolution Adopting 2020 Proposed Budget and Property Tax Levy •Motion to set 12/12/2019 as “Truth in Taxation “ meeting I T E M: 5.D. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Regular A genda Description: P ass Ordinance Amending Sections 155.075 and 155.076 of Chapter 155 of the City Code, Regulating Uses in Multiple-Family Residential Z oning Districts (Recommend waiving the second reading) S taff Contact: Thomas L ovelace, City Planner Department / Division: Community Development Department Applicant: City of Apple Valley P roject Number: P C19-14-Z Applicant Date: 60 Days: 120 Days: AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Waive the second reading and pass an ordinance amending Section 155.075 (G) read as follows: 1. Pass an ordinance amending Section 155.075 (G) read as follows: T he M-7 districts are intended for those areas, which are designated for “high density” in the comprehensive guide plan, where a high density of townhouse and apartment dwelling units is expected. Property within these districts is characterized by relatively level topography, relative absence of significant mature vegetation and close proximity to arterial or community collector roads. 2. Pass an ordinance amending Section 155.076 (B) to read as follows: Townhouse dwellings, M-1, M-2, M-3, M 4, M-5, M-6 and M-7 only, provided they are serviced by public sanitary sewer and water systems and provided that no single structure contains in excess of six dwelling units in M-1 and M-2 zones or 12 dwelling units in M-3, M-4, M-5, M-6 or M-7 zones. S UM M ARY: For consideration are two proposed zoning amendments to Sections 155.075 (Purpose) and 155.076 (Permitted Uses) to allow townhouse dwelling units as a permitted use in the "M-7" (Multi-Family Residential/12-20 units per acre) zoning district. T he zoning ordinance currently allows apartment dwellings only in the "M-7" zoning district. T he proposed amendments would allow townhomes to be constructed at a density of greater than 12 units per acre. T he area requirements, height regulations, building coverage and setback requirements for the "M-7" zoning district will not change with these amendments. Any townhome development in the zoning district will be required to meet all minimum area and setback requirements, and will not be allowed to exceed the maximum height and building coverage requirements. T he Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed ordinance amendments on September 4. 2019. T he public hearing was opened, no comments were received and the public hearing was closed. T he C ommission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendments as presented by staff. B AC K G RO UND: T here is 131.2 acres (1.2%) in the city currently zoned "M-7". Property within this zoning district include the Apple Valley Estates and Cedar Knolls manufactured home parks, which encompass 105.4 acres; Hidden Ponds Apartments (5.69 acres), Boulder Ridge Apartments (6.39 acres), and the Huntington Run Villa condominiums (13.72 acres). T hese proposed amendments are being proposed for a couple of reasons. T he first is that it allows for an additional housing type in the zoning district. T he second reason is to allow the Pulte Group, Inc. to construct the first phase of their Shores townhome development. T his proposed development is generally located north of 157th Street West and east of J ohnny Cake Ridge Road. T he developer has proposed the construction of 101 townhomes on approximately 9.86 acres for a density of just over 10 units per acre. T he property is currently guided a mix of "LD" (Low Density Residential/2-6 units per acre) and "HD" (High Density Residential/12+ units per acre) and is zoned "SG" (Sand and Gravel). T he developer submitted an application requesting that the property be re-designated "MD" (Medium Density Residential/6-12 units per acre), rezoning from "SG" to "M-6C " (Medium Density Residential/6-12 units per acre), subdivision, conditional use permit for exterior finish materials and site plan/building permit authorization. On J anuary 16, 2019, the Planning C ommission reviewed the proposed development and recommended approval of the five items. T he C ity C ouncil authorized the submittal of Comprehensive Plan amendments to the Metropolitan C ouncil at their February 14, 2019, meeting. Staff submitted the amendment request to the Metropolitan C ouncil on February 19, 2019, who subsequently sent a letter back to the C ity informing that any amendments submitted after December 31, 2018, would not be considered until the C ity's 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update has been approved. Staff is close to completing identified concerns with the Plan with Metropolitan Council staff and in the meantime Pulte has not been able to begin their development project. A revised development plan has been submitted that shows the development of 45 townhomes on 3.7 acres which will have a density of 12+ units per acre making it compatible to the current "HD" C omprehensive Plan designation. However, construction of the townhomes cannot commence without the proposed zoning code amendments because the zoning ordinance does not currently allow townhomes in the "M-7" zoning district and rezoning the property, as requested, to "M-6" would not be compatible to the existing "HD" designation. B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A AT TAC HM E NT S : Ordinance Ordinance Map Site P lan Preliminary P lat Presentation CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ORDINANCE NO. _____ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CHAPTER 155 OF THE CITY CODE REGULATING ZONING BY AMENDING SECTIONS 155.075 (PURPOSE) AND 155.076 (PERMITTED USES) IN THE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT The City Council of Apple Valley ordains: Section 1. Section 155.075 of Chapter 155 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by changing Section 155.075 (G) to read as follows: (G) The M-7 districts are intended for those areas, which are designated for “high density” in the comprehensive guide plan, where a high density of townhouse and apartment dwelling units is expected. Property within these districts is characterized by relatively level topography, relative absence of significant mature vegetation and close proximity to arterial or community collector roads. * * * * Section 2. Section 155.076 of Chapter 155 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by changing Section 155.076 (B) to read as follows: (B) Townhouse dwellings, M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4, M-5, M-6 and M-7 only, provided they are serviced by public sanitary sewer and water systems and provided that no single structure contains in excess of six dwelling units in M-1 and M-2 zones or 12 dwelling units in M-3, M-4, M-5, M-6 or M-7 zones; * * * * Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. PASSED this --th day of -------, 2019. _______________________________ Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk APPENDIX B: REQUIREMENTS FOR MULTIPLE-FAMILY DISTRICTS (A) Units per acre. In the multiple-family residential districts, all improvements and lands shall be subject to the following minimum area and dimensional requirements. One or Two Story Three Story District Square Feet of Land Per Unit Maximum Units Per Acre Minimum Units Per Acre Square Feet of Land Per Unit Maximum Units Per Acre Minimum Units Per Acre M-1 A, B or C 14,530 3 3 — — — (With bonus) (10,890) (4) (3) — — — M-2 A, B or C 12,445 3.5 3 — — — (With bonus) (8,710) (5) (3) — — — M-3 A, B or C 10,890 4 3 — — — (With bonus) (7,260) (6) (3) — — — M-4 A, B or C 7,260 6 6 — — — (With bonus) (5,455) (8) (6) — — — M-5 A, B or C 7,260 6 6 5,445 8 6 (With bonus) (5,445) (8) (6) (4,335) (10) (8) M-6 A, B or C 5,810 7.5 6 4,335 10 8 (With bonus) (4,335) (10) (6) (3,630) (12) (10) M-7 A, B or C 3,630 12 12 2,720 16 12 (With bonus) (3,110) (14) (12) (2,180) (20) (12) M-8 A, B or C 3,630 12 12 2,180 20 15 (With bonus) (2,970) (15) (12) (1,815) (24) (15) NOTES TO TABLE * - Additional density allowed as a conditional use. See § 155.078. (‘81 Code, § A1-33) (Ord. 291, passed 4-21-83; Am. Ord. 436, passed 2-23-89; Am. Ord. 465, passed 10-26-89) (B) Height regulations and coverage percentage. In the multiple-family residential districts, all improvements and buildings shall be subject to the following height requirements and building site coverage. Zoning District Maximum Number of Stories Maximum Feet Above Ground Maximum Building Coverage (in percentage) M-1 A, B or C 2 30 15 M-2 A, B or C 2 30 20 M-3 A, B or C 2 35 25 M-4 A, B or C 2 35 25 M-5 A, B or C 3 45 25 M-6 A, B or C 3 45 25 M-7 A, B or C 3 45 30 M-8 A, B or C 5 65 35 (‘81 Code, § A1-33) (Ord. 291, passed 4-21-83; Am. Ord. 436, passed 2-23-89; Am. Ord. 465, passed 10-26-89) (C) Setback requirements. The minimum setbacks from adjacent property and public streets shall be as follows, measured in feet. Multiple Residential Buildings Parking Lots Garages; Accessory Buildings A B C A B C A B C Along principal or minor arterial 100 75 50 25 20 20 75 50 50 Along community or neighborhood collector 75 50 40 25 20 20 50 50 40 Along any other public street 50 40 35 20 20 15 40 35 35 Along any side or rear yard 40 30 25 15 10 5 25 15 10 Abutting an R district 75 50 40 25 15 10 50 20 10 From multiple- residential buildings on the same lot See § 155.080 20 20 10 25 25 15 (‘81 Code, § A1-33) (Ord. 291, passed 4-21-83; Am. Ord. 436, passed 2-23-89; Am. Ord. 465, passed 10-26-89) 157TH STREET WESTJOHNNY CAKERIDGE ROAD EVERGLADE AVE JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE ROAD (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) 2BLOCK 6 BLOC K 715BLOCK 912336421123521BLOCK 2434BLOCK 13 2 BLOCK 4 41 2 BLOCK 3 4 31 1 BLOCK 543 2 1 31422643BLOCK 8345BLOCK 104OUTLOT AOUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT DOUTLOT DOUTLOT EOUTLOT DREGENTS POINT SECOND ADDITIONREGENTS POINTQUARRY PONDS FOURTH ADDITION STORM PONDPRE-TREATMENTWVR-P54.4STORMWATERPONDWVR-P54.1 (SEE KIMLEY-HORN PLANS)OUTLOT EN26°59'54"E 88.0 5 'S49°56'08"W 20.01'S0°00'00"E 256.00'=L=28.64' R=71.00'Δ=23°06'51"S33°05'38"W 20.01'=N48°29'28"E 28.00'N89°59'38"E 256.20'N71°37'29"W 91.37'N89°59'39"E 477.08'S90°00'00"E 116.00'N0°00'00"E 11.08'N22 ° 1 7 ' 3 4 " E 7 1 . 7 0 'N90°00'00"E 88.00'L=21.45' R=91.00'Δ=13°30'28"==S0°00'21"E 23.01'S0°00'00"W 277.77' S19° 1 8 ' 0 7 " W 1 1 4 . 5 7 'N78°50'35"W60.88'L =9 6 .6 7 'R =1 5 5 .0 0 'Δ =3 5 °4 3 '5 9 "S0°00'21"E20.66'S0°00'22"E 62.53'L=10 1 . 8 3'R=91 . 4 2'Δ=63° 4 9 '06"N90°00'00"W58.68'PARCEL AREA TABLEPARCELB1-1B1-2B1-3B1-4B1-5B2-1B2-2B2-3B2-4AREA SF1,4251,2541,2541,2541,4251,4251,2541,2541,425AREA AC0. AREA TABLEPARCELB3-1B3-2B3-3B3-4B4-1B4-2B4-3B4-4B5-1AREA SF1,4251,2541,2541,4251,4251,2541,2541,4251,425AREA AC0. AREA TABLEPARCELB5-2B5-3B5-4B6-1B6-2B6-3B6-4B7-1B7-2AREA SF1,2541,2541,4251,4251,2541,2541,4251,4251,254AREA AC0. AREA TABLEPARCELB7-3B7-4B8-1B8-2B8-3B8-4B8-5B8-6B9-1AREA SF1,2541,4251,4251,2541,2541,2541,2541,4251,425AREA AC0. AREA TABLEPARCELB9-2B9-3B9-4B9-5B9-6B10-1B10-2B10-3B10-4AREA SF1,2541,2541,2541,2541,4251,4251,2541,2541,425AREA AC0. AREA TABLEPARCELOUTLOT AOUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT DOUTLOT ETOTALAREA SF21,3829,83728,86824,53818,859163,335AREA AC0.490.230.660.560.433.75THE SHORES PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITAL PRELIMINARY PLAT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700LEGEND: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: TOTAL HOUSING UNITS = 45 9/9/2019 1 MULTI‐FAMILY ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS APPLE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 MEETING MULTI‐FAMILY ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Amend Section 155.075 (G) to read as follows: (G) The M‐7 districts are intended for those areas, which are  designated for “high density” in the comprehensive guide plan, where a  high density of townhouse and apartment dwelling units is expected.   Property within these districts is characterized by relatively level  topography, relative absence of significant mature vegetation and close  proximity to arterial or community collector roads. Amend Section 155.076 (B) to read as follows: (B) Townhouse dwellings, M‐1, M‐2, M‐3, M‐4, M‐5, M‐6  and M‐7 only, provided they are serviced by public sanitary sewer and  water systems and provided that no single structure contains in excess of  six dwelling units in M‐1 and M‐2 zones or 12 dwelling units in M‐3, M‐4,  M‐5, M‐6 or M‐7 zones; 9/9/2019 2 ZONING MAP CURRENT “M‐7” ZONING DISTRICTS Boulder  Ridge Cedar Knolls Hidden PondsApple Valley  Estates The Shores Huntington Run Villa Condominiums THE SHORES Proposed  Development  Area LD HD 9/9/2019 3 THE SHORES PRELIMINARY PLAT MULTI‐FAMILY ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RECOMMENDATION 1. Pass ordinance amendment to Section 155.075 (G) to read as follows: •The M‐7 districts are intended for those areas, which are designated  for “high density” in the comprehensive guide plan, where a high  density of townhouse and apartment dwelling units is expected.  Property within these districts is characterized by relatively level  topography, relative absence of significant mature vegetation and  close proximity to arterial or community collector roads. 2. Pass ordinance amendment to Section 155.076 (B) to read as follows: •Townhouse dwellings, M‐1, M‐2, M‐3, M 4, M‐5, M‐6 and M‐7 only,  provided they are serviced by public sanitary sewer and water  systems and provided that no single structure contains in excess of  six dwelling units in M‐1 and M‐2 zones or 12 dwelling units in M‐3,  M‐4, M‐5, M‐6 or M‐7 zones. I T E M: 5.E. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Regular A genda Description: P ass Ordinance Amending Chapter 123 of the City Code, Regulating Massage Therapy E stablishments and T herapists (Recommend waiving second reading) S taff Contact: P amela J . Gackstetter, City Clerk Department / Division: City Clerk’s Office AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Waive the procedure for a second reading and pass the ordinance amending C hapter 123 of the City C ode, regulating massage therapy establishments and therapists. S UM M ARY: Attached for your consideration is an ordinance amending C hapter 123 of the C ity C ode entitled “Massage T herapy Business and Massage T herapist Licenses”, regulating massage therapy establishments and therapists. T he proposed ordinance was prepared by the City Attorney’s office. T he ordinance amendment includes the addition of application information re quired by state law, clarifies the definition of a licensee and who is accountable for a licensed premise, as well as other minor modifications. A copy of the draft ordinance was posted on the C ity's website for public review. No comments from the public have been received to date. Due to the minor nature of the amendments, staff is recommending waiving the procedure for a second reading. B AC K G RO UND: As recommended by the Police Department in 2011, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 912, amending Title XI of the C ity C ode entitled "Business Regulations" by adding Chapter 123, regulating Massage T herapy Business and Massage T herapist Licenses. T he City C lerk's Office and the Police Department have worked collaboratively to process applications for said licenses since that time. B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A AT TAC HM E NT S : Ordinance Ordinance CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CHAPTER 123 OF THE CITY CODE REGULATING BUSINESS AND MASSAGE THERAPIST LICENSES The City Council of Apple Valley ordains: Section 1. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by adding Section 123.04(A)(1)(l) to read as follows: § 123.04 LICENSE APPLICATION. (A) Massage therapy business license application. An application for a license to operate a massage therapy business shall be filed, along with all required fees, with the City Clerk. The application fee is applied to the city's costs of the background investigation of the massage therapy business and all persons or entities that have a 5% financial interest in the massage therapy business. An investigation by the building inspector may be required of all premises proposed to be licensed before consideration by the city. The Police Department shall conduct the background investigation before consideration by the city. All applications shall thereafter be considered and approved or denied by the City Clerk. The application shall provide: (1) All applicants: * * * (l) Minnesota Business Tax Identification and Social Security number as required by M.S. § 270C.72. Section 2. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by revising Section 123.04(B) to read as follows: * * * (B) Massage therapist license application. An application for a massage therapist license shall be filed, along with all required fees, with the City Clerk. The Police Department shall conduct the background investigation before consideration by the city. All applications shall thereafter be considered and granted approved or denied by the City Clerk. The application for a license under this division shall be made on a form supplied by the City Clerk and shall request the following information: (1) The applicant's full name, address, date and place of birth, telephone number, weight, height, eye color; (2) The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant's current employer; (3) The applicant's employers for the previous ten years, including the employer's name and address and dates of employment; (4) The applicant's addresses for the previous ten years; (5) Whether the applicant is a United States citizen or is legally permitted to be in the United States and providing proof thereof; (6) Whether the applicant has ever used or has been known by a name other than his or her name, and if so, the name or names used and information concerning dates and the county and state where used; (7) Proof of general liability insurance coverage in effect as required in this chapter (proof of insurance coverage may not be available to the applicant at time of application, but proof of insurance coverage shall be submitted to the City Clerk before a license is issued); (8) The applicant shall produce at time of filing application the applicant's proof of identification which may be established only by one of the following: (a) A valid driver's license or identification card issued by Minnesota, another state, or a province of Canada, and including the photograph and date of birth of the licensed person; (b) A valid military identification card issued by the United States Department of Defense; (c) A valid passport issued by the United States; or (d) In the case of a foreign national, by a valid passport. (9) Information as to any and all criminal conviction(s) of any state, county, or local law or regulation; (10) One of the following: (a) Proof of successful completion of a minimum of 500 credit hours of certified therapeutic massage training/course work that includes subjects of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, ethics, massage theory and research, and massage practice from an accredited institution or program; (b) A diploma or certificate of graduation for a comprehensive massage therapy program consisting of the course work stated above in division (B)(10)(a) issued to the applicant from an accredited institution or an accredited program; or (c) Proof of passing the National Certification Exam offered by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork and a minimum of seven years of full-time work experience as a massage therapist within the United States; and (11) Such other information as the city shall require or as required by state law. (12) Minnesota Business Tax Identification and Social Security number as required by M.S. § 270C.72. Section 3. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by revising Sections 123.05(A)(2) and (3) to read as follows: § 123.05 LICENSE ELIGIBILITY. (A) A massage therapy business shall not be issued a massage therapy business license upon the following grounds: * * * (2) The owner, operator, or any person who has a 5% financial interest in the proposed licensed massage therapy business or the appointed on-site manager or agent of the applicant has a conviction for, or was charged with, but convicted of a lesser charge of, a crime involving a violation of any massage therapy-related regulation in any other jurisdiction, any prostitution-related offense, criminal sexual conduct, indecent exposure, surreptitious intrusion, disorderly house as defined by Minnesota Statutes, theft, felony drug offense, any crime of violence as defined by Minnesota Statutes, or any other similar crime or offense within ten years of the date of application; (3) The owner, operator, or any person who has a 5% financial interest in the proposed licensed massage therapy business had a massage therapist- or massage therapy business-related license in another any jurisdiction that was suspended or revoked within ten years preceding the date of application; Section 4. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by revising Sections 123.05(B)(1) and (2) to read as follows: * * * (B) A massage therapist shall not be issued a massage therapist license upon the following grounds: (1) The applicant has a conviction for or was charged with, but convicted of a lesser charge, a crime involving a violation of any massage therapy-related regulation in any other jurisdiction, any prostitution-related offense, criminal sexual conduct, indecent exposure, surreptitious intrusion, disorderly house as defined by Minnesota Statutes, theft, felony drug offense, any crime of violence as defined by Minnesota Statutes, or any other similar crime or offense within ten years of the date of application; (2) The applicant had a massage therapist- or massage therapy business-related license in another any jurisdiction that was suspended or revoked within ten years preceding the date of application; Section 5. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by revising Sections 123.06(B) to read as follows: § 123.06 RESTRICTIONS AND REGULATIONS. * * * (B) The act of any employee of the licensee is deemed to be the act of the licensee. The licensee shall be responsible for all acts and conduct attributable to and in connection with massage therapy services provided by the licensee or occurring on the premises of the massage therapy business. For purposes of this provision, a licensee shall mean a licensed massage therapy business and a licensed massage therapist who is the owner/operator of the licensed massage therapy business. A licensed massage therapist who is the owner/operator of a licensed massage therapy business and provides massage services at the licensed massage therapy business is jointly responsible and accountable with the licensed massage therapy business for all acts and conduct occurring at the licensed premises. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. PASSED by the City Council this 12th day of September, 2019. Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CHAPTER 123 OF THE CITY CODE REGULATING BUSINESS AND MASSAGE THERAPIST LICENSES The City Council of Apple Valley ordains: Section 1. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by adding Section 123.04(A)(1)(l) to read as follows: § 123.04 LICENSE APPLICATION. (A) Massage therapy business license application. An application for a license to operate a massage therapy business shall be filed, along with all required fees, with the City Clerk. The application fee is applied to the city's costs of the background investigation of the massage therapy business and all persons or entities that have a 5% financial interest in the massage therapy business. An investigation by the building inspector may be required of all premises proposed to be licensed before consideration by the city. The Police Department shall conduct the background investigation before consideration by the city. All applications shall thereafter be considered and approved or denied by the City Clerk. The application shall provide: (1) All applicants: * * * (l) Minnesota Business Tax Identification and Social Security number as required by M.S. § 270C.72. Section 2. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by revising Section 123.04(B) to read as follows: * * * (B) Massage therapist license application. An application for a massage therapist license shall be filed, along with all required fees, with the City Clerk. The Police Department shall conduct the background investigation before consideration by the city. All applications shall thereafter be considered and approved or denied by the City Clerk. The application for a license under this division shall be made on a form supplied by the City Clerk and shall request the following information: (1) The applicant's full name, address, date and place of birth, telephone number, weight, height, eye color; 2 (2) The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant's current employer; (3) The applicant's employers for the previous ten years, including the employer's name and address and dates of employment; (4) The applicant's addresses for the previous ten years; (5) Whether the applicant is a United States citizen or is legally permitted to be in the United States and providing proof thereof; (6) Whether the applicant has ever used or has been known by a name other than his or her name, and if so, the name or names used and information concerning dates and the county and state where used; (7) Proof of general liability insurance coverage in effect as required in this chapter (proof of insurance coverage may not be available to the applicant at time of application, but proof of insurance coverage shall be submitted to the City Clerk before a license is issued); (8) The applicant shall produce at time of filing application the applicant's proof of identification which may be established only by one of the following: (a) A valid driver's license or identification card issued by Minnesota, another state, or a province of Canada, and including the photograph and date of birth of the licensed person; (b) A valid military identification card issued by the United States Department of Defense; (c) A valid passport issued by the United States; or (d) In the case of a foreign national, by a valid passport. (9) Information as to any and all criminal conviction(s) of any state, county, or local law or regulation; (10) One of the following: (a) Proof of successful completion of a minimum of 500 credit hours of certified therapeutic massage training/course work that includes subjects of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, ethics, massage theory and research, and massage practice from an accredited institution or program; (b) A diploma or certificate of graduation for a comprehensive massage therapy program consisting of the course work stated above in division (B)(10)(a) issued to the applicant from an accredited institution or an accredited program; or 3 (c) Proof of passing the National Certification Exam offered by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork and a minimum of seven years of full-time work experience as a massage therapist within the United States; and (11) Such other information as the city shall require or as required by state law. (12) Minnesota Business Tax Identification and Social Security number as required by M.S. § 270C.72. Section 3. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by revising Sections 123.05(A)(2) and (3) to read as follows: § 123.05 LICENSE ELIGIBILITY. (A) A massage therapy business shall not be issued a massage therapy business license upon the following grounds: * * * (2) The owner, operator, or any person who has a 5% financial interest in the proposed licensed massage therapy business or the appointed on-site manager or agent of the applicant has a conviction for, or was charged with, but convicted of a lesser charge of, a crime involving a violation of any massage therapy-related regulation in any jurisdiction, any prostitution-related offense, criminal sexual conduct, indecent exposure, surreptitious intrusion, disorderly house as defined by Minnesota Statutes, theft, felony drug offense, any crime of violence as defined by Minnesota Statutes, or any other similar crime or offense within ten years of the date of application; (3) The owner, operator, or any person who has a 5% financial interest in the proposed licensed massage therapy business had a massage therapist- or massage therapy business-related license in any jurisdiction that was suspended or revoked within ten years preceding the date of application; Section 4. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by revising Sections 123.05(B)(1) and (2) to read as follows: * * * (B) A massage therapist shall not be issued a massage therapist license upon the following grounds: (1) The applicant has a conviction for or was charged with, but convicted of a lesser charge, a crime involving a violation of any massage therapy-related regulation in any jurisdiction, any prostitution-related offense, criminal sexual conduct, indecent exposure, surreptitious intrusion, disorderly house as defined by Minnesota Statutes, theft, felony drug 4 offense, any crime of violence as defined by Minnesota Statutes, or any other similar crime or offense within ten years of the date of application; (2) The applicant had a massage therapist- or massage therapy business-related license in any jurisdiction that was suspended or revoked within ten years preceding the date of application; Section 5. Chapter 123 of the Apple Valley City Code is hereby amended by revising Sections 123.06(B) to read as follows: § 123.06 RESTRICTIONS AND REGULATIONS. * * * (B) The act of any employee of the licensee is deemed to be the act of the licensee. The licensee shall be responsible for all acts and conduct attributable to and in connection with massage therapy services provided by the licensee or occurring on the premises of the massage therapy business. For purposes of this provision, a licensee shall mean a licensed massage therapy business and a licensed massage therapist who is the owner/operator of the licensed massage therapy business. A licensed massage therapist who is the owner/operator of a licensed massage therapy business and provides massage services at the licensed massage therapy business is jointly responsible and accountable with the licensed massage therapy business for all acts and conduct occurring at the licensed premises. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. PASSED by the City Council this 12th day of September, 2019. Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela J. Gackstetter, City Clerk I T E M: 7. C O UNC I L ME E T I NG D AT E:September 12, 2019 S E C T I O N:Calendar of Upcoming Events Description: A pprove Calendar of Upcoming E vents S taff Contact: S tephanie Marschall, Deputy City Clerk Department / Division: City Clerk’s Office AC T I O N RE Q UE S T E D: Approve the calendar of upcoming events as listed in the summary below, and noting each event listed is hereby deemed a Special Meeting of the C ity Council. S UM M ARY: Day/Date Time Location Ev ent Mon./Sep. 9 7:00 p.m.Municipal Center Telecommunications Advisory Committee Meeting C A N C ELED Wed./Sep. 11 7:00 p.m.Municipal Center Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting T hur./Sep. 12 5:30 p.m.Municipal Center Informal City C ouncil Meeting T hur./Sep. 12 7:00 p.m.Municipal Center Regular C ity Council Meeting Sat./Sep. 14 10:00 a.m.Kelley Park Le Tour de Apple Valley Community Bike Ride Tue./Sep. 17 11:00 a.m.Foliage Medical Building Ribbon Cutting C eremony Wed./Sep.18 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.GrandStay Chamber Luncheon Wed./Sep. 18 7:00 p.m.Municipal Center Planning C ommission Meeting T hur./Sep. 19 4:00-8:00 p.m.Valleywood C N H Architects 50 th Anniversary Open House T hur./Sep. 19 4:30-6:30 p.m.Dog Day Getaway Chamber Business After Hours Tue./Sep. 24 6:00 p.m.Municipal Center Urban Affairs Advisory Committee Meeting Wed./Sep. 25 9:00 a.m.Municipal Center Firefighters Relief Association Meeting T hur./Sep.26 3:00-4:30 p.m.Municipal Center Sean McKnight Retirement Celebration T hur./Sep. 26 6:00 p.m.Municipal Center ED A Meeting T hur./Sep. 26 7:00 p.m.Municipal Center Regular C ity Council Meeting Tue./Oct. 1 7:30-9:00 a.m.Dunn Brothers Chamber Coffee C onnection Wed./Oct. 2 7:00 p.m.Municipal Center Planning C ommission Meeting T hur./Oct. 10 5:30 p.m.Municipal Center Informal City C ouncil Meeting T hur./Oct. 10 7:00 p.m.Municipal Center Regular C ity Council Meeting Tue./Oct. 15 2:00 p.m.Municipal Center Cemetery Advisory Committee Meeting B AC K G RO UND: Each event is hereby deemed a Special Meeting of the C ity Council, the purpose being informational or social gathering. Only events marked with an asterisk (*) will any action of the Council take place. B UD G E T I M PAC T: N/A