HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1979 • i CITY OF APPLE VAI,LEY URBAN AFFAIRS CONtMITTEE MINUTES JU1VE 21, 1979 �RESE�9T:e Chairman Dorothy Regis, Bill Smith, Hank Myers, Dick Edwards, John McKay; Councilmember Holton, Staff Members K�;11ey and Gretz. ABSENT: Clint Dixon a,r�d Joan Goering. 1 . Chairperson Regis ealled �he meeting to order. 2. Minutes of the Ma.y 3 and June 7 meetings were approved as written. 3. Discussion �n Snow Shovelin� Ordinance. John Gretz review�d the history of the snow shoveling ordinance. He feels that the feelings of the residents are about equally divided for and against the ordinance. Everyone agrees that if we do hav� a,n ordinance it needs ta be �nforced. It is the intention of the City Couneil to make a decision on the ordinance before the snow fa11s and they are looking for a recammendation from the Committee. If there is a snow shoveling ordinance, the wording needs �o be changed frc�m what it is at the present time. He refered tca the "retnoval of snow and ice"� phrase. Basically, the City Council would like a recommendation from the Committee to either abolish the ordinance or keep it and if we intend to keep i�, then ehange the wording. Cauncilmember Holton stated that the Council will be aonsidering the entire sidewalk issue in the Mext few months. The whole �iidewalk qu�stion is getting to be a big burden on the prospective hom�owner because of the eosts. Bi11 Smith qu�stioned the City pl.owing the sidewalks vn the collectar streets. John Gretz explained �hat sidewalks and trails are plowed by the City that lead to the schools or eommercial area, and tY�e park property sidewalks. *, Bill Holton explain�d the �wo short streets where he lives and a neighbor that has 125' in front and 214' along the side and aecording the the ordinance he needs to keep the entire sidewalk shoveled. John M�Kay suggested using as criteria the shoveling of sidewalks to schools within one mile. John Gretx explained that the argument from the rest of the community wouid b� that children have to wall� to �he �chool bus stops. He e�lained what the City plows. Bill Holton stated that he was surprised at the reaction of the community when the ordinance �ras repenled and the reason tha� it was repealed. Dorothy Regis stated tl�t she has heard people complain �bout the existence of the ordinance. She also stated tha t she can understand people wi�Gh small children wanting to have the sidewalks cleared. Ca►uncilmember Holton stated that if we have an ordinanee it should be enforced and the Ci.ty would want an ordinance that is enforceable. Dorothy Regis suggested that �he ordinanee be lef t repeal�d and the City make some `provision to plow the sidewalks along the collector streets. John Gre�z explained that a collector street is is 80' in width or more. The Committee di�cussed a�king for citizen input and asked if they should mke it widely known that tY�ey will be discussing the ordinance. Page #2 Urban Affairs Committee �utes • 6/21/79 Councilmember Holton stated that he feels the ordinance should be put back in force, how�ver, the cul de sacs anc3 loop streets and stub streets of less than 1,040' should be exempt. Rick Kelley* stated that Mr. Asleson has sent out a que�tionnaire to the surrounding communities. Tt needs to be determined if there is a justifiable need and how to go about it in a good way. Bill Hal�Qn e�lained that the calls that he received after the ordinanee was repeaTed were from people that had children that walk to school on the �idewalks. MOTTON: of Smith, seconded by Edwards �o table the "Snow Shove3ing Ordinance discussion" and further discuss it at the neut meeting. Y�s - 5 - No - 0. �. Street Namin,�„& Numbering S,ystem. John Gret� explained the street naming and numberin� system that is used in Apple Valleys it is the Dakota County System. Unfortunately it is designed for a grid type street s�rstem and Apple Valley has a curvilinear system. D�rothy Regis explained compla�nts that she has heard. Bill Smith questioned if the system is a problem or the c�urvili.near streets. Mr. Gret� stated that it is difficult to come up w3.th a system with a].1 of the curvilinear �treets. Co�ancilmember Holton stat�d that in 19�4 he tried tn come up v�ith a system so South Apple, Yalley, I�orth Apple Va11ey� Palomino Hil1s v�ould be on the County system. He had a lot of complaints. Bill Smith suggested changing everything to the County System. Bill Holton stat�d that that will be a prob],em, however, you could either change all of App1e Yalley to :the County System or come up �ri�h an Apple Valley �ystem. Dorothy Regis stated that she does not feel a good reason to change i� because sam�, individuals do not like the name o�' the street they live on. However, she does recognize that a problem exists. Bill Smith stated that the Committe� has tgo alternatives� either da nothing or change the entire Cit� to the County System. The Committ�e diseussed publishing of a City Map in the phone book or at particular locatit�ns in the Ci�y. Rick Kelley stated that some Citys have large maps located in the shopping centers, etc. Bill Holton stated that he has a problem with the entire mile of one letter of the �2phabet that is used in the County System. Tom Ingram, Apple Valley Police Sgt. �ame to th� mecting and stated tha� there are �ame real problem area� and ref�red to some af the problems= the courts with the same name is a problem. He stated that if you ar� �horoughly familiary with �he City and have a map it isn•t a real big problem. Councilmember Hol�an suggested that the Committee review th� situation and disauss it with the P�nning Commission so they keep it in mind when looking at plats. Rick Kelley stated that he feels it is important to keep additional problems from occuring. MeKay suggested tha t the Commi��ee look at both sides of the issue. MOTION: of Smith� seconded by Myers to further discuss and re�er back to th� Council.. Yes - S - No - 0. The Committee will ask for citizen input and also review the County system with someone from the County. The Committee will further diseuss the Snow Shoveling Ordinance at their next ��:eting. Meet3.ng ad journed.