HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/1982 � • CS'7.'Y OF �PP:C�E V,AI�LEY U'I�AN AFF.AZRS �4MM�TTEE MINU�� �ptember 16, 1982 P12ESFAt�: A�ting �haa:�per�an aloria �eters� Fred. Metr�, �har�sn �chwart�, P�mela Sc�hlberg�, �hirl.ey'Up�ri�g„ C3ty Plar�ne� Rick Ke21eY, Pol�.cs Off�.cer �im Boyer. AB�:���': �"ohn McKa�. Th� mee�iz�� �as sal3:ed �a flrder at 7t�S p.m. by P��. I3eters. Ma.n�.te� af 'the �.u�ust �, 1�82 meetin� were carr�ct�d as �'o11.c�w�. Fa�e 4, li�.e 34 (Mn�inn to �it;� C�un,c�.l r�g�zrd�.n� Re�'c��� ��11ect�.o�} 'rn,a char��e in th� pre��nt curbside col�.ectian c��rs�em���»-»curbs�.d.e should be hame��.de. � , MaTIt7Ai� by 1�. Me��y, sECOxtded by A�s. Sohl.bsrg te� approve t�i� mi���es as �arrected. �'pTE;; Yes� UAI.ANIMC3U�, F Yi��d'.J �3.I�.L�P3 W��.1JfV7 f Q�'ficer Boyer 3n�o�med t�� C€�mm�.ttee that �he numb�:r ��' �'�,],,�e a�.arm� the pc�l�.ce �epartr��nt receive� i� b�camin� a �rc►w�.n� prab�.em,� T� 19?5 there wer� 3,� k�.c�wn types of sys�erns; up tc� the end of Au�us�€! 1982x there are 59 �icatam. �y�terns. The Pala.�e �epartmen� rece3ves caver �n.e alarm call per da�; �� o�' th�se calls are �`al�e alarm�. Tw€� prob3.ems which can��rn the Pe���.ce m�part�aen� the mast are ('i� The chance �c�1�.ce off�.cers may become com��.acent whe� ans^�e��.n� ', the�e cal�.s�, thus je�por85�zing th��.r safety� and (2� Wasted m�n power l�ec�ause c►f twd �ezs being c�n the ca11. far 95-3C3 mi�autes �.t 'a ta.me. The m�.�ority c��' the 9� �a1s�e �1�.rm� are the res�zlt c�f human e�rar� The Pc�1ic� 13epartmeat does �c�t �a:vcar establ.ishi�.� th� type of alarm tha� c�.n. b� useci. �he best system that is knawn af how to hand�� false a3arms 3.s tha� u�ecl b;� the �3,ty �� �di.n�� a f�e �.s cha�rged after �, certain number c�f false a�.a�ffi� are ��c�aeed. �he f�.rst 2 al�rms (�a1se) a�e �'��e fc�r one �ear; 3rd al.arm�, ��4.4t3 fee �har�ed �th�.� fee 3.s b�sed e+n, °�h� �'act �hat th.e Ca.ty charges fQes for services rendered.«� M�as� alarm� are �''bu�c�3.aa�'��pe and the ea11s are rec�ived a�ter hours; the ma�c�r�.ty are fram cam�tercial es��'�lishs�c•�ts with resider��ial ca13.� repres�nt�.�,g 'IQ9� c�r I.ess. The �ommftte� Pelt a.t would be interestin� �c� compa�e the calls r�cexved in �pple V'a1.1ey w�.�h the numb�rs in Ea�an and Burnsv�.l.le. Zn 1984� Edi�a r�ec�iv�d 1�,411 ca1�.s caut of 96'1 a�yst�m�. App1e �tal�.ey 3.s av�erag�.�g a�.mos� � ca3.�.s per s�stem. Chargin� a fee sh�uld be an �.neent�.v� " fQr busine�s c�wners�'resident� to train people in the prpper use of �he alarms and fc�r keepin� their s��tem updat�d.. Ms. �chwart� quest�aned whether t�ae Fc�3.iee I3epartmer�t wc�uld �n�'Qrce an ardinagce if it were written and wou1�. 1a,ke recar�.s kept �t least a year once the a�dinanee is wr�.�ten tc� s�e if at is be�.n� enfe►rced. �t �ras s�u�gested that a fee scale enuld be imple�er��ed and �ha.� a public relation� ca.mp�,�.�n be canducted in connecta.on with a new c�rdinancejenfcaareem�nt. Mr. Bo�er �'elt that �h� Pol,ic� �epart�nent woulcl ca�ac�uct a pubZic rel.at�.ans campaign. � The ab�e�tive�, a� Mr« M�tr� pc�in�ed out, is �tha� �he c�ffic�r�' time be utili�€:d a� effa.�ient3g� a� pass#.ble. Al�n, Mr. BQyer poa.�ted c�u�, �.� the saf��y factar. The Committee f�3t an flRD�NANCE �HOUL� BE �'RITTE2� �0 AT�DRE�S �HE �R4�TATC NUMB�R OF FAI��E AL.�RMS. � ` gRBAN A,�`�',A.ZR� CC7MI�S'��'� �TNUTES �eptemi��� 16, 1q$2 Page � �ommi�tee members wa�.ld 131�e �cs see fi�ures rel.atsn� to th� number of �'alse alarm� received in Ea��.�,�, Burn�v�.11e� and Lakevi.�.le. I�r�. K�3.3.ey w3.11 fa.nd ou� the fee for direct eanr�cctic�n to the offace. Mr. Metry �elt consid.eratians far an ordin�nc� �shoul.d. be learned--fo� examp3.e� a.n EdEina dr� they iriform the p�rscan after th� secand a1�rm {false} that the nex� �n,e t�311 cns�, e�c. �he 4rd.inance SH�ULT3 BE A� BRZEFi,Y �RI�'T�.N A� ��S��B:I;�;. Mr. Ke�.�.ey said that an c�rc�inance �.s a�'ten w�i�ten �o �hat f��s are s�t up by re��lu�t3.on ra�h�r than bei.ng written� �.�ta th� c�r��.�,ance. Ms. �ahlberg �'elt �hat the Gommit�ee should reccsmmend� a �ee written 3.�.to the ard�.na�.ce; the ordittanc� shoul.d be "neat and clean.�' Fee �tr�cture ,�u��ested r First 2 fa3,se al.arm ca1.1.s �r�.11, be free (with a war�in� letter sen� after �he ��.rst c�.11« "�hird false alarm ca1.� i3.�. co�t $20,�C�« Fc�ur�h c�11 and �here��ter� #S�.QCJ each. Public Rel.ata.ons �ampa3.�-»_article� cou.ld be ru�. in ��e �rea new�papers and 3.n "The Gounca.l Tab1e." I3irect rna�.l�.�� ta the �� owner� ai" the kr�awn �systerns. ���3,e�r Boy�r wi1.1 acquare the request�d ian�c�rma�ion and return tQ the Comm�ttee �tith h�.s finda.n�s. MtJ�IONs by �Ir. �etr�r, seconded by Ms. Sch�r�rtz tc� ad�c�urn. The meeting ad�c��rned at 8s�� p.m.