HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1981 • � CZT'Y OF APPL� YALLE�' URBAN AFF'A.I12S COMM�TTEE MINtTTE� November 5, 1981 PRE�E1�iT: Cha�.rma�, Hank �yer�, Glc�r3.a �etsr�, Jah� M�Kay, Fred. Metr�, �haro� �chwart�, Pa�ela �Sahlberg, I,t. Bruc� Er3.cks�on; af the Pc�l3.c�. �7epartmez�t, �ta�f Memlaer R�.ck ��11ey. ABS�1�I�.': �h�.rl.ey �er3.ng. Chai.rman lia�k M�ers ca3,led the meetiz�� ta c►rder at ?:3,� p•m« M�T�4Na af M�. St�hlb�rg, secor�d.ed b�r Mr. McKay� ta a�pro�e� the m�.autes of the ac�aber 15, 1981 meetin�, mix��.tes appraveds �i�cussi€�n crf G�mblin� Ord�.na�.ce: Lt. Erick�o� addressed the Co�mittee regardin� the propr��ed Camblin� 4rdi�ance. A�'ter numeraus meetan�s wi�h the Ci�y A�torney, it is felt th.e City shc�ul.d tak� the posi�ic�� that the State Z,aw must be fa3.lr�ro�ed in re�ards �o g�a�nbl�.��. State c►f Mina��sota I,a.w is restrictive and the City Gambling E�rd�.aanc� ro�ould be r�o more restrictive than Stat� Iaw a�.d 3.t �►ould b� �lear» The �'oiice D�partmeffit shoul.d be abl� �a moni�or any type of �ambling activities in :�pp].e Va2].e�. �tate I,aw has to be enfc►raed; �he propc�sed Gamblir�� Ordiz�an.ce 3.s almc+st �erbatim �tate T,a�r« The �ammit�ee agaxn �tudied the prapac�ed ordinance ar�d addressed qu�stio��/com�ents tc� I,t. Erick,�c�r�. �ection 2. The final ardinanee wi11 list the provis�.o�s af M3.nnes€�ta �tat�tes €�nd T�aws of Mi.nnesata �a be adopted. Thi� wa�uld be a pasi��.v� approach �cr what type� af ���nbla.n� act3.�itie� wauld be allowecl. Sec�io� 4. A� part af th� ].icensing pracedurey the Po�.ice Uepartmers� w+��ld have ta ma.ke 3n�testi�ationss. Sectiox� �. The �9flawQ0 l�ic�ns� �ee woul.d nat even cav�r �taff tim�*; the same invest�.�a�ians and �ame �taff time hav� to be i�votned na m�tter the nurnbea� c�f gambli�g event� �.n a year. The C3.ty could �.ssue a shar�er term 13�en�e. �BCtion 6. Frof3.t� �.nd ths dfstrib�tia� c�f prafits w4uld be repe�rted tc� the Fm3.ice �}epartment. ,�"'',r�C'�30ri 9, Subd3vis3.mn 3. The Ca�mitt�e wauld ].ike tm have this �ec�io�. deleted. (Thi.� i� �to be cha�ged by �tate La�r; the City At�arn��r is redraf�ing t�e Orda.nance to iradacate any e�an�es s.n the �tate La�.) �ectic�� 12. Pr,�es--Total prizes from the operatic�n tif paddle �rheel.s and tipbcards awarded iaa an� sin�le day 3.n whi�h the�r are operated shall rs�t exce�d �1,�3aC�.4E? (rath�r than #5b4.4fl�. Te►�a1 prizes resultin� frr�rn any sin.�le spiz� a�' a padd.].e wheel c�r Fram an� �in�1e tipbaard shall not e�cceed �1�O.t3C� (r�ther than �1QtJ.t��)« �e].ete--Tota1 prizes fram the operatian �f a raff�.� shall nr�t exceed �50C3.04. Tota:l .pri�es awarded in any cale�dar year b�* ar�y or�an�.�atic>n sh�:�.l nc�� eac�eed �35,C?��«�0 (rather thar� �15,U��,UO�. The Comm3.tte� felt the ordinance is too restrictiv�, but t�xat it 3.s imperative ta operate in the spirit of coaperat3.on. M4�I4N: by Mr. Metr�r� se�axided by Mr. McKay, to accept the proposed Qambl.�,ng Qrdin,ar�ce as writtea� �ri�h the chang�s tca be affected by �gw �tate Law to be i.neluded. Vate. Y'ES y Unana.mc�us. M4�IpN: by Mr. McKay, secand�d by M�. Soh�berg to adjourn. i�eeting adjaurn�d at 8:�fl p.m.