HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1981 � • • CITY OF APPLE V'�LLEY IIRBAN AFFAIRS �CII�MIT�EE MTNUTES �ctQber 1 , 1981 FRESENT: Chairman Flanis A��rers, aloria ��ters, Shirley Da�r3.ng; ��ed Metry, Sharon Schwartz, C3.ty Administrator Richard A+�le�oa�, Staff Me�ber Rick Ke1S�y, ABSFNT: John McKa�r and Pamela Sahlber�. Chair�an Hank M�ers called the meetir�� to arder at 7:�8 p.m. M4T24Ns o£ Fred Metry, �eea�aded by Gloria Deter,s� tt� ap�rove the �iautes af September 3� 1981; minutes apgroved. Mr. A�lesc�� �relcomed five �epre�sentatives of �arba,ge carr3.ers and one salesman (of �ara garb�.ge ccrntaitters} to the areeting. He ins�ructed com�ittee members to cheak i�ems 8, 14, 1't� �,�, a�a �3 of the mi�utes o� �eptember 3--the�e are admi��.�s�rative proc�dures which were not covered in the draft ardinan�e related tc� refuse collectioa he wQU�.d review later in the meets.n�. Uemon�tratis�n bf 2arn Cdnt�iner: A r�pres�ntat3.�e of_Kautson Rubbi�h shawed the comm�.ttee the $2-�alZon capacit�+ �arn cnn.t�i�er, stressed i�t,� durability, demor�strated its ���e i� handl�.ng, and point�d out how �.t i� l�.fted e�p b�r the hand3.e vi� the meeh�na.ca�, deviee an the back af the garba�e truek �nd then dumped. �i�scussian caf �raft �rdinance Rel.atin to Refu�e Coll:�act�.n�; I�r. ksle�an lae�an pre�enti�� the draft ordia�ane� �rhich r�f�.ects the� C�.ty Coua�c3.l�s directive to experiment w�.th curbside garbage p�ck-up s�rvice. Charsge� were made to clar�.fy the present ordinance and to provsde� fvr the e�cperi�enta3. pra�ess af u�in� cr�nt�.iners like the �a.rn. If the Git� were to decide tc� make ccantainers like the Zarn (or some�hi�g similar) permanent f3xtures, then the entire ordinance wauld ha�e to be re�riewed. The ]h�a�'t t?rdinanee wa� r�v3.ewed and di$e��sed as f411ows: Section '#. As wri�ten, Pa�e 1. � Section 11-4. Placing for callection of �Qnte�.t�. � written� Pa�e 2 (A� relates �o single f�tmily dwellin�si wa,s nece��aril,y included in the dr$ft ordinanc�.} sect3.on 2. �mendee� by adda.n� Section 11-12�a�As written� F�ege ,�. (b� Pag� 4--chaa��e to readz �oll�etion: T�esday of` each week. Tn �he event �any rrf the �3.x majdr holida�rs �hould o��ur a� � �Ianday or a Tu�sday, the coll.eetion day should be �tedne�day. The�e six lsc�lidays are s ' C�ristmas� New Year's �ay, Labor T1ay, Memor3.al T3ay� �'ourth of July� a�,d Thanksgiving. (c� a�;d (d} Pa.�e 5--as written. (The carrier felt that s3.x weeks lead �ime wou].d be �dequate i�a� impleme�tin� the e�rperiment after the Gi�y Council adopts the orclinance.) w � • IIRBAN AFFASR� t'AMMZTTEE MTNIITES C?ctober 1 � 1q$1 P�;�e 2 (e 3 Pa�e 6--change to i�clude Part (�)�, pa�e �'7 a�ter the secc�n�d s�nte�ce: ' �1.1 otlner cc,n�tainers� bags� boxes� etc., plaeed a� the +eurb�.ine on collectivr� day shall be considerecl a viola�tion c�f this section. (�.nsert �) At the cor�e3.�s�.or�� add a phrase tha� the collect4r, in additian �o €z�ixi�a� a tag�, r�auld �a ahead a�d pick up the e�rce�ss �arb�ge. {f) Pa�e 6--Haur limit�tior�: chan�e �:t�p p.m. oa �he preceda.ng day ta 3 a.m, and char�ge 9z(7d p.m« a� the cc�Ilectian da�r to 1t3:04 p»m. (These ho�rs are 4n the d�g af collect3.on.) (;g� Pa�e 6--Gantainer ow3ner�hip: as �rit�ea,. {h� Page 6--C1�.rif�r this s�ct�.on to make eerta3:n that r�.tes wi1.1. be frcazen o�].y far �hose customer� participating in the e�rperiment a�d us�.ng the �pecial ccantainer. (i� Page 6--Tr�anr�ition periodz as writte�t. (k) Pa�e '�--Cnn.�'lict: as wra.tten. The Qrdinanee w�.l�. be written up to ref3.eGt the�e chan�e� a�.d �ri21. �a �+� a recom�end�.ta.c,r� �o the City Council. A draft of the cus�o�ner notiPic�ti�� l��tes w�.11 be prepar�d far �he r�e�ct Urbar� Affaxrs Camm�tte� �eeti�ttg on �ctcab�r" 'i'�� 1981. This tog�ther with t�h� adm�.r�i.�trative pracedures will be �ubm3.tted to the City Counc3.�. �dea�/Cancerns �i�acussed,: ....:.��_...._..�...�.f ..�_.. Grass Clipping�--a ma�or conc�rn; Knu�son 3.s willin� ta p�.�k up gra�s bags at curbs�d� dur3n� the experim��ta1 period. Tag�--tc� be pra�id�d by hau�.er with the City apprav�.ug wha� i� �rr3.tt�r� e�n th�m. A la� wa.11 be lsept just to see how man�r t��s are beir�g is�ue�--tn determine �.f there 3s a prc�blem with extr� �arbag+� be��g 1��'t at the eurbside, Th�re aould be a �.eed to know the effe�tiveness a�' the ta��i.ng system. t3ther Hau.lers--�n+�t�an R�bbi�h 3s the cr�1� h�.uler that wa],1 p�rticip�.�e during the e�per3:menta.l peri.ad. The cther hau2ers d� no� �i�d. �pecial. �i�i1�,�.g--ta i�aform �11 r�sidents in th� te�t area c�f the �xgerimsnt wa.1l be made wi,th t2�e sale�m�.n at Zarn conta3�er� payfa�� the postage. �x�r� garbage at ce�rbside--al1 wi�.l be al].owee� duri�g the e�cperimenta�. peris�d ta determine if it wo�1d "be a real prablem. The special, ��iliag �r€��.ld emphasize th� six-mc��th experimental period. Ratas--�htise ps��ticipat%ng i�. �th.e exp�ra,mer��t wil.l be �ive�t us� af' the ca�tair�er �ree� �or the +�i�-mc�nth trial p�rsad. �'�.ircha�e--a custamer eould. purchase the cQ�.tai.ner ae�tright far $$9.b4. Ccamm3.tte� Members wer� urged td moaftcr the enllectia� area, during t'�e experimen�. Mf�TZflN:. by Fred Metr�r, secanded b� Gloria Deters, t�a ad,�ourn. Mee�tir�g ad�aur�ed at g:�0 p«m.