HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/21/1981 � i CITY �F APPLE VALLEY UFtB.lk�T AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MTNffTE� May ,�1� 1q$1 PRES'�NTs Cha�.rrrr�an Haak M�er�! Joha McKay, Fred Metry, Sharo� �ehwartz, Pame�.a Sahlber�, Staff Member Rick Kelle��, Ci�y Adn�i�3,�tr��or Richard A�lesor�. ABS�3'�l': G41.ot3.a Deters and S�iirley �4ering. �,airman Myers called the meeting to order a� '7:3� P•�• M�T�4N: of Metr�*, seconded tay 5chwart�� to �pprov� the Apr�.3 16f 19$1 miautes; minute� apprc��ved, �7iscussian of Draft Nniae �rd�.nance::. Cit�r Admin�stra�or Asleson began by earplainit�g why he had reeoss�nd�d that the c�rdinance be r��erred back to the IIrban. Af.fairs Committee« He �tated that the recammendation was made becaus� many of' the items wi�thin the ord�nanee are �,lread;� contained withi�a the City� Code while items not cont�ined are cr�nr,pi��causly absent in relatioa �o either th� model lo�� form or shart farm ordi�.�.ac� sug�e�tians ava3,1�.b1e �rom the Lea�ue a� Cities. He felt no�,se shauld be addr��sed in four dif�eren� areas: naise that can b� mea�ured by r�ce�.virag standards, noise relating tc� traffic� nmise fror� dc►�s and other animal�� and. �enerai r�oi�ses. He asked the comm3ttee 3.�" they wi�hed to beco�e a t�o3.se su�p�essa.�►�► lea.der. Wha� is alr�ady ar� th� books (Cit�t Cc�d�) and what is rec4�mended in the proposed na�se ordinanC� �n �Qme instar�ces wauld direc�l�r or fn other in�tances i�directly car��33ct with �he Code. Cou1d tF�i� be writtea/consolidated into one Cade so a� to make int��pretation and enforcement easier. I�r. A�1.esan wondered if the Committee wi�hed to have eomethaxx�g a�ore on the boc►ks in terms of 3.n�ent tha�. �ow have. Ri�ht aow thc�re �.s so much cross-referenci�s� �hat 3.t is dift3c�aZt �o knQw what i� iliegal. A �aa�dr exapnple c�f a conf'lic� that the draft ordinance h�s w3.th �he City Code is in r�ceiv3�ng ].�nd uz�e standard�. The Git� has alread.y adopted �tat� noise �tandard.s for automobi3es. Mr. Metr� queetioned why the po3.3.ce were not enforc- ��g these regu3.a�ions i.f they are alread� on the baoks. Mr, Asleson re�poaded by saying that the City r3,ow has apprc►priate noi�e moni�oring equipment a�.d �.s enforcing PCA r��Zations. Mr. Asle�on �tated that �ie felt neighborhood no3.se prablem� are those r�latin� to loud part�.e� and barks.ng dc��s--�oi.ses not measurabl.e bg equip�aent. Mr. McKay expressed concern over th� fact �hat in the case of 1,8uti rock music bein� played a�t a partye Polic� were cal3.ed and came c►nly to say that th�re was ao ordinance �he�r could enf�rce. He wondered what could be done to solve this �gpe o�' problem. Mr. Asleso� re�sponded that the po].ice cax� �ic�€�t and have �ince bee� tOld '�fl do so. AB wr�,tten 3.n Sectfon 14.1� di the C�.ty Cade, these� t�pes tsf si�uat3�ans represent pure 3udgm�at ca11s on the part nf the polie�a. In ma�y i.nstances wh�n the police a�.ct ticketed party h�ave appeared ia court, th� �udge has �ua�t 1a�ghed and n+�t fined th� guilty p�.rt�r. A much more eFfe�ct3.ve �ray for this type of situation to be enf4rced 3s far the anr�o�ed party tc, make their owti ca�e--�ign a co�p].aint �nd go to court to testif;�. Mr. Asleson referr�cl ta th.e League of Minn�sot�. Gities Mode1 Nei�e �rdinagce and ta].d the Ccrmmattea if we are serious abor�t noi�e then an ordinance must be more than �►�io�►��i� 1��,��.��.» Tn rev3erring the 3oa� farm af the �finne�ota C�.ti.es Mndel NQ3.se Ordinance, an example af beimg explscit i� S�actic�n 2, page 3, l�di�ses Proh3.bited. This states �,� a mor� definitiv� wa�r those noises pro�3.b3.t�d � � URB�N AF'FATRS CC?MMI�'�EE MZ�U�.'ES May �1! 19$1 Pa�e 2 than dn�s the Code in Apple Valley. Subdivi�ior� '�. Radias, phenc►graph�, pa�ing systems, etc. is clearl.y statedy and this is aa� exar�ple of h�ving �omethin� �'canerete�' to work wa.th. Subda�risiou 1�« Animals is w�a.k as written. Ia Chap�er 5."11-� of the City �c�de� AV, dogs are nat suppa�sed tca b� heard betwee� '!Q p.m. and f a.m. Tf we want to get xnto the r�o�.s� area, we must chan�e the Code ta make it erystal clear. Mr. i�I.e$Qn ques�ir�ned. wh�ther we �ranted �to becQme a �o3se enf�rc�ment leader and tr�r to make 1.aws c�.ear on �he baoks. Perhaps a total e€�mpr�hensive approach �shauld be taken--nois� abatemertt i� a cc�mprehens3.ve way. � Ms� Schwar�z war�ted �a k�ow v�hat the Cit� Couneil felt abc�ut t�.e draf� nmi�e ordi.nance� did it need tc� b� mcare de�a�.led? �Ir. As1�*sc�n st�.ted that he really did not know. �4s. Se}�wart� said th�:re cauld be a bi� pub2ic outcry if a tota3, comprehens3.ve noi.se abatement is ad�pted« Mr. Asle�o� felt that perhaps a few �eo�sle ca�zld be disturbed about thi� approach, but that r�ost �rauld not. The lan�u��e in th� �ea�ue ca£ Minnesota Citie� Mode1 Nc��.se fJrdinanee would be a real help ta th� Police Depa�tment in Apple V�11,ey. Tf �.t cauld be enforced c�n the basis of camplaint mnly� 3.t would aid the pol.ice in helpi,n� people �rher� a problem does arise« Thc� key thin� mos� pec�ple �hould kn€aw is if �hey do �o� receive satisfaction fr�m tk�e poliee officer, then they can sign their bwn camp2aint. �r. Aslesan stated that one police officer waul.d prcabably be ��signed to ru� the noi�e eq,u�pm�r��, a� �+2. Mr« Metr� s�ated that he does not feel the long form is necesc�ara.ly aPPropria.te, that it do�s �.4t add to ane's u�derstand�.ng. If enfarcement aba.l.ities are k�awn� then we equl.d rr�..a a �ocrd jab. Ae felt that enforcemer�t is the keq tes any ordinance and would 2ike �o retur� the draft to City Caux�.cil. Mr. Aslesc�n s�ated that he felt �he Cammittee sti11 shauld wark Qn do�s and noisy partp definition� i�. same way. PC�t recei��.n� �tandards have been adopted and thi� is clearly stated, �Ir. McKay mo�red to table this discuassion. Mr. Asle�sar� answered that the City Cou�aCil referred the d.raft ordinance back b�cause it dses not clearly cover what we da��� already hav�; �after flne thorc►ughl� examines the lan�ua�e, such annoyances a� ne,isy parti�s� do�s, e�c. cauld be more clearly sta�ed with minor wc►r�3 chan�es� the ord�.�.ance cauld be k�pt simpi�. Chairman Myers felt the Committee could have somethi�:� drafted at the r�ext m�:�tin�. Mr. Metry recammend.ed the next meetin� to be Au�ust 6, 9g81, eas�celling meetings scheds�led for Jt�ne �.nd Ju1y. M0�'�4Ns by Mr. �Ic1�ay, secor�ded by l�r. Metr�r to adjourn the r�eeti�g. Meetir�;� ad�o�ar�ea at 8«58 p«m. (��. �ohlber� had to lave at 7;5� p.m.)