HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/1981 � , CZTY' OF APPLE VAT,ZEY IIRBAN AFFAIRS CON�MITTEE T�INUTES MARCA 19, 1981 PRESEN`.P: Glc�ria Deters, Fred Metry, Sharon Schwartz, Pamela Sohlberg, Staff Member Rick I�e11ey, Folice Chief L1oyd R�.vers. ABSENT: Chairman Aank M�ers, Shirle�r �c�ering, and John McKay. In the absence of Chairman Myers, Glaria Deters called the mee�ing ta order a� 7;40 p.m. �IDTION: by Fred Metry, secon.ded by a3oria Deters to accept mine�tes of Mar.ch 5 meeting. FURTHER �ISCUSSION �F GAMBZII�G �RDTNANCE--POI,ICE CHIEF LL�YD RIVERS Chief Rivers distributed copies of the proposed. �ambling ordinanee as compiled by City A��orney Bernie M. Dusich. The proposed draft ineludes pro�visions from Minnesota ��ate statutes and the model ordinance af the League of Cities. , Ghief Riv�rs reported the American Le�ion Glub�s Casim.c� ATight neia in February had perea.pitated this need for an ordinance. Metr�r cal2�d the attention of the camraittee to Sta�e Law, Ghapter 34g.26 Gambling Deeiees, Subdi.visic�ns 2 and 7 and �hapter 349.3a Definitions. These items are explicit as to the, types of gamblin� that eould or could r�ot be included. A License, according to �hief �ieers, should stat� what �ames could be conducted, and he dae� not feel this propersed ardinanee eovers that. A list should be compiled of �ames that eould be rur� sa that the interested �ra�p could chose from that list. If the City had an ordinance, an organi�ation wouia n�.�e to apply for a license and be bonded. To secure a license, the co�t wauld be $1��. 2'he ordi.nance could contain a clause to waive the lieense fee. The $9��00� bondi.ng requiremer�t does not appear to be waivable. Section 1'1 of the proposed ardinance, El�.�ible Premises� requires that an organization own or have leased far 1 �rear the premises where it e�ects to conduct gamblin� activities. Concern was expressed over organizations who do not have premises of their own. �here is an entire separate State Statute and City Ordinance �overnin� :the play- ing of Bin�€�. The committee decided to table further discussion of the praposed gambling ordinance until City Attorney Bernie Dusich and Chief L1oyd Rivers could be present. Rick K�lley will arrange the meet�.ng. DISCUSSIOi� OF FAWTN SHOP ORDINANCE The City Council would like for the IIrban Affairs Committee to proceed with draftin� an ordinance far the lieensin� of Pawn Shops. Becaus� of a strict bill pending in the State Legisl.ature, there would be no need to deal with preeious �etals. Mr. Kelley pointed out that ri�ht no�r a Pawn Shop does not ne�:d a Iicense to aperate. The current Cit�r Zonin� Ordinance do�s not ! r IIRBAN AFFATRS C�MMITTEE MINUTES March 19, 't9$1 Page 2 specifically list pawn shops as a permitted use in any district; however, there is a provisio� for the City Council to examine "a�erlook�d'f uses such as a Pawn Shop in order to determ�.ne whether or not it should be allowed as a "�im�.lar" use in� certain district€,. Misconduct on the part of a pawn broker would result in his bein� char�ed with a misdemeanor. License to operate could be renewed yearly. The I,ieense Fee to operate a Pawn Shop shc�u.3.d be representative af the actual eosts incurred by the Ci�y to in5pect on a re�ular basis. Mr. Ke].ley felt aequiring cap�.es of the St. Paul and Minneapolis Pawn Shop Ordinances and taking the best information from those and the applieable items from the atate Statutes would help the eommittee to write an ord3nance eontaining the requirements Sergeant/Investigator Thomas Legaee indicated should be included. �wo pc,ssibilities to keep in mind are to require that pictures be taken of per�ons selling �oods and to require pawn shop operators to pay for goods by check. In the even� Qf sto2en property, the police have a County Bulletin in which al1 police depar�ments within Dakota County list all items which have been repnrted a� stolea. The Co�►mittee r�i11 cont�.nue to study the criteria for a Pawn Shop 4rdina�:ce. OTHER TTEMS: Garbage Ordinance--reviewed and found it is �til1 appZicable. Containers should not be placed next to street or curb Qn garbage pick up days. Cop3es of this req�.irement should be plac�d in �h� ne�t mailing of water bi11s for residents to review and in particular for newcomers to the City. , �'Council Table'i--a helpful publica�ion but the format might be ehanged to make it mare readable. Th� brochure from the Parks �epartrnent is eas� to read, so perhaps that type of format could be used. Attentioa� should be given to chan�in� the style of "Cauncil �'able" so the public is more apt to read �.t. r'Know Your City�''--a helpful publication printed in 19?8 which included key ordinance�. The P€�lice �epart�en� send€� out information from various ordinances inter�ded to inform or remind resident� of some of the regulatians, requirements, and restrictians frequently onerloaked. �rdinanee i�Keys ir� Ignition"--resulted in six tickets. Thus far this year, no �ar thefts have been reported. MfJTI�Ns by I�etry, seconded by Schwartz, to adjourn meeting. Unanimous. �teeting ad journed at 8:30 p.�n.